Agricultural Workers' Day is funny. Congratulations on Agricultural Workers' Day in prose

Workers Day agriculture and processing industry - a professional holiday of all those who work in the field of agriculture and processing industry. Celebrated annually on the second Sunday of October. On this day, congratulations are given not only to workers in agriculture and the processing industry, but also to all those who work on the earth from dawn to dusk, without days off or holidays.

Today I want to congratulate you on the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers. I wish you stability, success, prosperity and prosperity in your activities. Let your work bring you pleasure. Let life delight you with happiness every day, let your loved ones and loyal friendly support be nearby.

Congratulations on the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers. I wish you great happiness for your broad soul, great success for your broad ideas, great achievements in the wide expanses of your activities. I also wish you health and vigor, inspiration and strength!

Our dear employees of agriculture and processing industry, we congratulate you on your professional holiday and we wish you good health, career growth and passion, interest and love for your work, success in all your endeavors, future prospects and, of course, being in demand. Thank you very much for your work and the soul that you put into your hard work.

Congratulations to the real workers who work tirelessly for the benefit of their country, all workers in agriculture and the processing industry. I always wish harvest year, good milk yield and stable growth. I wish you prosperity and great wealth. Health and always good mood so that your products are always charged with positivity and a piece of your good soul.

I cordially congratulate you on the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers. I wish you great success and remarkable achievements in activity, successful and hard work, high prosperity and amazing opportunities, good health and confident strength, respect and true luck, bright happiness and goodness.

Congratulations on the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers. May your life be fertile soil for generous harvests of prosperity, joy, and love. I wish you good work and successful implementation of all your goals, as well as the rapid transformation of any idea into success!

On the day of the agricultural and processing industry worker, I would like to wish him great recognition and respect for his work and efforts, high prosperity in life and promising ideas, loyal comrades nearby and loving loved ones, confident positions and perfectly executed plans.

Congratulations on the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers. I sincerely wish to manage not only the vastness of rural fields, but also the perimeters of my life, to earn a living not only in processing, but also in glorious deeds. Health and prosperity, success and love!

Congratulations on the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers. I wish you to be a leader in your field, a winner in life and a constant favorite of great luck. I wish you not to feel tired, I wish you to successfully implement your plans and maintain a high level of quality.

We heartily congratulate those who feed the country with their own hands! Thanks to whom bread on the table is familiar to us! Thank you for your work, all the effort you put in, and may good health help you out!

I Block - congratulatory.

– Good afternoon, workers of the agricultural sector and honored guests!
Today is your day, your holiday! You rightfully, after righteous labors, deserve this long-awaited rest. We cordially congratulate you on your professional holiday - Agricultural and Processing Industry Worker's Day.
We wish you this holiday with special excitement
Finding true happiness
Inspiration and daring
On the peasant's difficult path.
May health remain with you,
So as not to borrow from doctors
And nature with its gifts
Will life path decorate!
Happy holiday to you, dear friends!


- Bow to you, farm worker
Who grows bread, is a cattleman on a farm,
Raises sheep, pigs, calves...
They talk about you with hope,
The country is counting on you
After all, village, you feed us.
And a piece of fresh butter.
A sip of fresh milk,
A piece of bread that's like honey
The village gives us all this.
Agricultural worker
With soul, without any arrogance
Works hard all day
Feeding us is his concern!
– And on their professional holiday they deserve praise and well-deserved awards.
– We invite to the stage a person who has devoted many years to agriculture and knows all the intricacies of this industry - this is the head of the district _______________________________________________________

We join all the congratulations addressed to you and also want to say: Dear workers of the agro-industrial complex!
- We wish you success,
Win a victory over bad weather.
May everything in your work be successful
And the land will give a rich harvest!
And on holiday the table is overflowing with food
Shine all your smiles happily.
To you, agricultural workers
We say our heartfelt thanks!
– And accept a song from us as a gift

– Working in agriculture means giving the earth the warmth of your hands, care, putting your soul and talent into your favorite business, which has become the meaning of your life. There are many such people in our area. They are the pride of our region. On the eve and today they are presented with awards.
– We congratulate you and dedicate the song


– Dear heads of agricultural enterprises! You, like grass, have grown with your heart into the nurse - the earth, and have become attached to your native places forever. You have great patience and perseverance, a wise approach and an inexhaustible love for the earth. Your faith and hope for a better future for the agricultural sector will grow stronger.
– Let smile, light and love
Your hearts are always full
I wish you strong strength, energy, health,
Good luck and joy for many years to come.
The following musical composition plays for you.


– Today we sincerely congratulate the leaders farms and the heads of subsidiary farms, happy holiday, because they also make their invaluable contribution to the development of the agricultural sector and the region.
So let the worries and anxieties of everyday life
On your way they meet less often
And let it be with a good, good song
Every day begins for you!

– There are such places in vast Russia
Sometimes you can’t find them on the map -
In a special way, the sky there seems blue,
The cherries there have a special smell.
Yes, the aroma of orchards and vineyards beckons on a summer day, and in the golden autumn they reward you with a generous harvest.
To receive it without damage and in large quantities, you need a lot of knowledge and hard work, and our winegrowers and gardeners fully possess these qualities. Happy holiday to you!


– Russia is not Russia without peasants! You are not only our breadwinners, but also our guardians. folk spirit. Thank you for continuing with pride and dignity not only the labor, but also the moral traditions of the Russian peasantry.
There is no better song in the world
She's good for everyone!
The song flies like a free wind,
And your soul sings.


– Dear heroes of the occasion!
Let me once again express my heartfelt gratitude for your daily work, enthusiasm, inexhaustible love for native land.
And may every day of yours
It will be the most cherished
Let it be filled
He is a scattering of stars.
And life is only happiness,
Warmed by love
Full of sun and light
Warmth and generosity.
– We wish that work on earth will always be a joy for you, and good song became a faithful companion in fate.


Dear friends! Have fun, sing, dance, and we, the workers of the Municipal Institution “MPCD MO”, share the joy of today with you.
The following people took part in the concert program “Bow to you, farm worker”: ____________________________________________________________


II Block - Disco

Prepared by: Deputy Director for MR Protasenko L.V.

You deserve this holiday
The whole country is proud of you,
They put in a lot of work,
So that we are always full.
Thank you for your worthy work
Immeasurable warmth of hearts,
We wish you many years of happiness
And to be lucky in life.
Greet the sunrises with joy,
May it be a fruitful year
May you be the happiest in the world,
They did not know the bitterness of adversity.

Short SMS congratulations on Agriculture Day

Agro-industry is an important thing!
This is a very serious science.
Congratulations on your professional day
And I wish you success in your work!
You are our role model.
May love and adoration await you!

Original short congratulations on Agricultural Workers' Day

Wheat is heading in the field,
Let nothing bad happen.
The rye is ripe, filled with juice,
May all your dreams come true.
The grain is dried in the sun,
Let everything work out in life!

Short beautiful congratulations on Agricultural Worker's Day

You are raising agriculture,
You supply us with fresh products.
For this we express our gratitude,
We wish you to work without difficulties,
So that there is time left for rest,
May you receive glory and honor!

Day of the village, land, harvest!
We meet with you today.
Congratulations to our dear workers!
May positivity accompany you through life,
May there not be collapse and ruin,
And only happiness, joy and luck await!

Beautiful congratulations to an agricultural worker

Agricultural worker
You are destined to be a breadwinner.
For great work, wealth of the soul, -
Take a grateful bow!
As soon as the morning turns red,
You are all in worries, all in labor,
And everything grows, blooms and ripens,
In your weary hands!
And this is the essence of great happiness -
I wish only the best for all people,
For them, try tirelessly,
So that the table is rich - plow!
Let the heart not know bitterness
Your ardor and passion lead you forward,
The economy is growing, prospering,
Peace and harmony reign in the family!
May all your dreams and plans
Fate will fulfill, with joy,
And all the worries and flaws,
They will disappear forever!
Wonderful weather for work -
May you have many glorious years
And carry love through the years,
To your native land, there is nothing better!

A funny poem for Agricultural Workers Day

In the village, today is a holiday,
Everyone is dressed up, cheerful,
Gratefully praise
The generosity of Mother Earth!
A notable harvest was collected,
Amuses a lush loaf,
It’s nice to celebrate when you’re well-fed,
Joy overflows!
The earth gives back a hundredfold,
For peasant honest work,
Why not have fun
Let all sorrows go away!
Happiness and laughter are a gift to you,
Let love warm your heart,
The century welcomes prosperity!
Well, tomorrow, in the field again...

Short congratulations on Agricultural Workers Day

Agricultural worker
Please accept my sincere greetings!
I wish you consistency in life:
Health, money and victories!
Wonderful weather for the earth,
So that hard work is glorious
And let at any time of the year,
Success awaits you in your work!

Original congratulations on Agriculture Day

There is no more wonderful October
Everyone knows this:
blessed land,
Happy harvest!
Abundant fields
They give back a hundredfold
To whom is the generous land,
Like a sister!
You cherish her
Store with care
And by my calling,
Treasure it!
Strength to you, joy, friends,
Happiness and wealth,
Thrive so that it always

Short congratulations on Agriculture Day

Hello days and lots of laughter,
Health, joy, success,
We wish you with all our hearts,
For worthy and difficult work!
Let the fields bloom generously,
So that you are cheerful, happy,
Had everything they wanted
But they didn’t know troubles and bitterness!

Happy Agricultural Workers Day,
Congratulations today, dear ones.
And I will tell you without flattery or conceit:
Your hands and soul are golden.
I wish you for many years to come,
Strength, health, prosperity and happiness.
Let all adversity pass by,
And they avoid bad weather!

Let's celebrate workers' day
Agriculture we
In our friendly team
Only the best minds.
May our business prosper
Raising our income
We will continue to use
Just an innovative approach.
I wish you colleagues
Everyone should be more patient
So that your health is strong
We need to wash off the holiday
I propose a toast to your hands,
That everything is being done
After all, without them it would come quickly
All our plans are ruined.

We wish you happiness, milkmaid,
In your difficult work,
So that the sun shines brightly
And the house was full!
Happy Agriculture Day to you
Congratulations today,
We wish you joy, love,
And we wish you happiness!

What we eat is your fault
You try, you help each other
Is agriculture a joke?
But now a moment to rest!
After all, today we want to congratulate you
The whole country, the whole planet, the whole world
And while your harvest is growing here
Be joyful, healthy and happy!

Cities are growing, multiplying countlessly,
But you can’t live without rural labor
Not a day for either factory workers or miners,
Neither deputies, nor big actors.
All people on Earth need food.
Where can I get it without rural labor?
And people work in villages, hamlets
In the vast expanses of the field.
And for your diligent approach to yourself
The earth gratefully gives them
All better harvest from year to year -
And all the people will be full and satisfied.
All workers...

Autumn is a generous time,
There is a full harvest:
Both grains and vegetables
Enough for a hundred winter days.
So let's congratulate you, friends,
Hardworking agricultural workers.
Let's wish you to live to a hundred,
May the house always be full.

Work in the countryside is hard!
You're in the field all day, until sunset!
Well, in the evening, tipsy,
Guys celebrate this day!
This holiday is rightfully yours!
You are an agricultural worker!
Let your homeland be proud of you!
Let your superiors congratulate you with the bonus!

For agricultural workers,
We wish you kind and generous management.
And to workers in various industries,
We wish everyone a varied life!
May good luck accompany you everywhere,
We wish a miracle to happen for everyone.

Dear friend, you are working in agriculture, and for this I congratulate you. The wind brought the grain spirit from the fields.. Soon we will dig potatoes with you, And then scatter the manure, Carry the apples in the garden into a basket. And the harvest has already been harvested from the fields, and we congratulate you on this. What is forgotten in the earth is not a pity. Every year we plant potatoes. Congratulations on your holiday, After all, chickens are counted in the fall. You are a farmer, and they love you here, They appreciate and respect you for your work. Happy holiday, be happy and healthy.

Rural work is hard, thankless,
In order for bread to become a loaf,
How much effort you need to put into it!
Is it possible to live without bread?

You received few thanks,
We haven’t been bored without work for a long time,
We will honor you today
For hard work your noble.

Open a company that
aimed at rural needs -
the step is not trivial these days,
but you calculated everything correctly,
anticipating, my friend, they gave.
You create a system filter
for milking machines
and you don't find a problem
implementation... Darling
mission, you have a friend,
to give every day
everyone a glass of milk
pure, magnificent!

Congratulations to those who know for sure
About how millet ripens in the field!
For you, who knows how to work,
Yes, he doesn’t spare his strength at all!
Easier work for you and more rain,
And since it’s winter, take a longer rest.
Always success in everything!
Let the house be great and huge.
Beautiful life, bright in it!
Work is not a wolf, they say here and there.
Don’t even let your wolves run into the forest!

Agriculture is Russia's strong point!
Agriculture is Russian strength.
In the field you are not a warrior, in the field you are the master,
In the field you will meet the holiday with the wind on your date!
Well, after the wind we congratulate you!
Bowing low, we wish you:
Joy from the sun, happiness from the rain,
And may failures bypass (you) the fields!

Poems for Agricultural Worker's Day, congratulations on Agricultural Worker's Day

You, workers of arable land and fields,
Gardens and farms and delicious cheese dairies,
We congratulate you with all our souls,
And we give fresh bouquets on holiday.
Thank you for the bread and milk,
For butter, meat, fruits and pickles,
Which don't come easy
And they require a lot of patience.
May your life be bright in everything,
So that no misfortune happens,
And the earth pleases like a warm home,
Granting you only grace every year...

Dear agricultural workers! Congratulations on your professional holiday. Agriculture is one of the most important areas of development of our state and our entire life. You can even say that our health is completely in your hands, because health directly depends on what products we use for cooking. And your products meet all quality indicators and have won prizes at exhibitions more than once - this is an indicator of your hard and painstaking work, in which you invest not only physical strength, but also your soul.
I would like to wish you endurance, success in hard work, patience, and may our nature be at one with you.

Congratulations on Agriculture Day! I sincerely want to wish you good, abundant harvests, so that weather conditions will always contribute to this! Let agriculture develop at a rapid pace, and let your field of activity bring you pleasure and prosperity! Good luck, health and success in business!

Thanks for the bread and milk!

Fly your banner high!

Every year there is great suffering.

Joy and happiness forever!

Livestock breeders, farmers!
Today is your holiday, friends.
You love the earth with all your heart
And on this day I wish:
Health and happiness to you for years to come,
May smiles always bloom,
And let the weather forecast be
Favorable for work.

Eh, you are our breadwinner, you are our friend, we bow low to you, we hit you with our foreheads, we congratulate you on Agricultural Worker’s Day and wish you extraordinary health, red love and bountiful harvests. When we look at you, how you get up before dawn, how you bend your back in the field, how you give pigs and pigs something to eat, your heart rejoices and bursts into a smile. You are our farmer - you have no equal either in strength or intelligence! Always be like this, and we will come to visit you and drink vodka. Set the table, let's go for a walk!

Agriculture feeds the whole country,
Thanks for the bread and milk!
Happy holiday, Agriculture Day!
Fly your banner high!
Hard work, not everyone can do it,
Every year there is great suffering.
I wish you health, vigor and strength,
Joy and happiness forever!

Poems for Agricultural Worker's Day, congratulations on Agricultural Worker's Day

Happy workers day
With joy and pleasure
We want to wish you a lot
Various wealth:
Tractors, combines, money
And a big KAMAZ.
And we also wish you,
To be healthy
Be happy and cheerful
And live with love.

Congratulations on the Day of Worker of Agriculture and Processing Industry

Life would have boring prospects,
If only we knew, chewing bread for breakfast,
What is thorough, diligent, patient
A worker does his work in the village.
He does not strive for honors and glory, -
He is very modest and unpretentious in everyday life, -
His work simply brings benefit to the state,
Worshiping work to the ground.
He earns his hard bread later, -
Plow, sow, harrow, mow...
Like life, like a song for him work, -
This is how it is done in Rus'...
And the holiday is rare, but it will come if -
He will take out the accordion and pour a glass...
Happy holiday to you! And let the songs sound!
And may rewards and luck find you!

ceremonial event dedicated
Day of Agricultural Workers and
processing industry

With ringing gardens, ripe bread,
We are proud of our land.
You glorify your Motherland with brave deeds,
Ust-Pristansky district is dear!
Native region, breadwinner land,
I miss you when I'm apart.
Here are golden fields of bread
And workers have golden hands!

On the back are slides. Against the background of the slides is a choreographic composition, at the end of which children carry out auditorium bread loaves for the guests of honor of the holiday. At the end of the composition, the announcer's text sounds:

Field... Russian field... It is like the palm of the mother earth. And we are all on it in front of each other in full view. Everything is visible here: who you are, what you are like, what your skill is and how you relate to bread. A loaf of bread is a purely Russian image. And it has many meanings. Here is work, health, and hospitality. And there is nothing higher and nobler in life than growing bread on the ground.

TOGETHER: Hello good people!
LEADING: Your hard-working hands have brought you well-deserved glory!
LEADING: You worked honestly good results achieved.
LEADING: For this we welcome you, we invite you to our holiday.
LEADING: Today everything is here for you, and everything is simply top class!
LEADING: You will hear laudatory speeches - so don’t be arrogant!
LEADING: And if you receive a well-deserved reward, don’t be surprised!
LEADING: The melodies of songs will sound - sing along!
LEADING: Praise for your work - accept it!
LEADING: Day after day summer time Russian village toil.
LEADING: From dawn to dusk, tractors hum. You set them up, take them out into the fields, plow the land - you,
TOGETHER: village workers.
LEADING: From dawn to dusk, herds of cows graze. You cherish and pamper them,
TOGETHER: village workers.
LEADING: From dawn to dusk, a grain of grain falls into the ground, germinates, then gains strength, ripens, and heads - and all this thanks to your cares,
TOGETHER: village workers.
LEADING: And today we speak from the bottom of our hearts for your daily work...
TOGETHER: Thank you!

- musical number

LEADING: Dear workers of agriculture and processing industry! On this significant day, let me sincerely thank you for the hard work that you have shouldered. LEADING: Without you we are nothing, without you we would not live a day. We may rarely talk about our gratitude, but this does not mean that we do not experience it.

LEADING: Your work, your dedication are worthy of admiration and admiration. Not every person is able to work in the countryside; this work is specific and requires a special attitude towards it.

LEADING: Let me once again congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish happiness, prosperity and prosperity to your families. May your life be full of health and joy!

LEADING: You are invited to the stage to greet and congratulate Head of the Ust-Pristansky District Administration Ivan Vasilyevich Maskaev!

- congratulations

- musical number

LEADING: Every autumn, grain growers place a large loaf of bread on the table of their homeland. It contains the labor and valor of workers and specialists of agricultural enterprises and farms in our region.
LEADING: The hard-working hands of grain growers, agronomists, machine operators, and livestock breeders create something that a person cannot live without. The earth pays for the labor of human hands with the gold of the harvest.
LEADING: If we want someone
Meet with honor and honor,
Greet generously from the heart
With great respect,
LEADING: Then we meet our guests
A lush round loaf,
Wishes of love,
And bow to the ground.

LEADING: To greet you on stage you are invited Chairman of the Committee on the Agro-Industrial Complex Svyatoslav Vasilyevich Agulov.

- congratulations

- musical number

LEADING: Working on earth is not easy. And how good it is that there is such a holiday - Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers. On this day we honor those who work in the fields and farms.
LEADING: From edge to edge, from sea to sea
The earth is proud of you, our working people.
Let the lands of our native dawns burn brighter,
And your feat has been famous for centuries.
LEADING: To calf workers and drivers,
Mechanics and combine operators,
LEADING: Milkmaids and drivers,
Cattlemen and tractor drivers,
LEADING: Electricians and adjusters,
Locksmiths and machine operators,
LEADING: Glory to the innovators
And innovators
LEADING: To all the heroes of everyday work,
LEADING: To read the Resolution ___________________________

You are invited to the stage Deputy Head of the District Administration for Social Issues Svetlana Aleksandrovna Shipulina!

LEADING: To award Certificates of Honor _______ Altai Territory is invited to the stage

- rewarding

- musical number

LEADING: Agricultural Workers' Day is one of the most significant holidays celebrated in the fall, after the completion of the entire range of field work. This is the day of summing up.
LEADING: Today we can safely talk about your labor victories. And it becomes clear that worthy people work in our villages!

LEADING: here today special holiday,
We sing praises to the villagers.
To all of you, friends, for your peasant work
We pay tribute to you!
LEADING: Please accept our heartfelt greetings, friends.
Who meets the dawn in the field with the brigade,
LEADING: Who works gloriously to save grain,
Who is busy working without knowing peace.
LEADING: To everyone who gained in peasant labor
Happiness and joy- TOGETHER: bow to the ground!

LEADING: To present Certificates of Honor from the District Administration, you are invited to the stage Head of the Ust-Pristansky District Administration Ivan Vasilyevich Maskaev!

- awards (business entities)

- musical number

LEADING: Harvest. It used to be called the battle for the harvest. It may be pathos, but the tension in the harvest is high. Timing and climate dictate their conditions. People work without regard for time and effort.

LEADING: New technologies used at agricultural enterprises in the region help achieve good results. The area under grain crops is increasing. This means that our fellow countrymen will have both fresh bread and crumbly porridge on their table.
LEADING: The harvest is harvested in the field, the spikelets are harvested.
Pour a glass full from an oak barrel.
Place the loaf on the table from the oven hot.
Guests are in the house, which means you have completed the task!

LEADING: You worked hard, sparing no effort!
May happiness in your home warm all your loved ones!
Let prosperity not pass your door!
There will be no loss of yield every year!

- rewarding (grain threshing)

- musical number

LEADING: We sincerely congratulate you
Those who honestly, sparing no effort
Our wonderful country
Today's harvest has grown.
LEADING: It's their hands and minds
Rye, oats, wheat are grown,
Millet and peas, buckwheat, flax.
It is to them that we must bow.
LEADING: We couldn't live without them,
Just as a fish cannot live without water.
Dear parents of the earth,
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you forever!

- rewarding (grain mowing)

- musical number

LEADING: It's good to be a tractor driver

Driving around in the open air.
You are driving and driving in a clean field -
The edge of the field cannot be seen.

LEADING: I am striking in the field
All with their own skills.
Respected in the team
And I am loved by my friends.

LEADING: You sow, you plow too -
Smart guy, think so!

What is more important in our world,
What makes a good harvest?!
LEADING: Offer me to be an artist
I will refuse - and don’t ask.
Whether it’s a matter of being a tractor driver,
The first guy in Rus'!

- rewarding (soil cultivation)

- musical number

LEADING: Happy tires rustle along the roads,
Cars and cars are rushing along the roads...
Without rest, the day almost flies by,

Grain removal from combines is underway.
The work of drivers is difficult and complex,
But how people everywhere need it!..

We wish you roads without traffic jams. And only green light!
And so that they slow down at the post, just to say “Hello!”
And let all the roads be broken, and let there be trouble with fools,
But so that you never meet fools on the roads!

- rewarding (grain transportation)

- musical number

LEADING: I'll tell you guys
A farmer is who he is.
Not in medals, not rich,

He's busy working every day!
The birds sing loudly,
On the branches of native birches,
The farmer sows rye, wheat,
And buckwheat and oats.
Fertilizes and plants - After all, the earth loves sweat!
Farmers supply bread
We are with you all year round.

LEADING: Farmers, grain farmers,
I'll tell you straight away:
You are the most important in the world,
More important and necessary than everyone else!
Let nothing disturb you
May God help you in everything,
There will be a glorious harvest
And a fragrant loaf!

- awarding (peasant farm)

- musical number

LEADING: Who understands the animal world better?
Livestock breeder - they will answer you willingly.
He protects animals from all misfortunes,
He finds his happiness in his work.
That work has become irreplaceable for the village,
Livestock breeding is a good profession.
LEADING: You are simple rural workers, -
Milkmaids, calfmaids, cattlemen -
The profession goes from generation to generation -
You are proud of your title - livestock breeder!

LEADING: May your cup of health be full!
To true friends visited more often!
Let your family live without knowing poverty!
Celebrate the Harvest Festival throughout the country!

- awards (livestock)

- musical number

LEADING: Congratulations to all the chief mechanics,
To the main motors of all systems, -
Let your morning start early
No worries and no big problems.
LEADING: Let everything spin and spin for you,
Every mechanism will be precise,
May you be loved and believed in light,
And the body will be healthy.

- awards (equipment repair)

- musical number

Farms, teams, milkmaid girls,
Rural life - you are sometimes beautiful,
You only have to go to work in the morning,
He grew up together, gained weight and milk yield.

Your rural work is always noble,
Cheese, milk - anyone can buy it,
There is a crowd of people in the city,
If at fairs there is field honey.

Who will feed you folk artists,
Secular politicians, star glamor,
If the village is smooth and clean,
Instead of manure and hay - openwork?

Eat, Russia, while the village feeds,
There is still work, which is not always easy.
Let the village live and don’t demand more than the norm,
Let the star shine over the village!

- musical number

Fragrant bread with a golden crust,
A hearty lunch for the family on the table...
What is tastier than all the overseas delicacies?
Only products that are in our village.

Delicious, fresh, the best -
Benefits for the body, joy for the soul!
We live sweetly, we eat only the best -
We will bloom, grow younger, and become prettier.

For those who work diligently in agriculture,
Let's say "thank you." Bow to you, friends!
May all the cherished and good things come true,
May the sun shine on you forever.

Happiness will come to you and stay in the house,
Joy will warm you, dream and love.
Sad, bitter - let it be forgotten,
Peace, health to you, kind words!

- musical number

Today we congratulate great people.
You won’t find any more difficult work in the world:
And keep the livestock and harvest the crops,
And recycle it so that the region is well-fed.

Congratulations to the industry workers
Which has long become the main one
For human life. And let this work
Always respected, appreciated and honored.

You are in agriculture like a fish in water,
So let it be in everything to you, always and everywhere
Luck accompanies, just luck.
And may happiness certainly find you!

LEADING: There is a crown to the whole thing, and that’s the end of the holiday
LEADING: Skotnik and the economist gathered in one place,
LEADING: Engineer, driver, pig farmer, mechanic, agronomist, milkmaid.
LEADING: There was enough space for everyone in the hall. We say congratulations together:
LEADING:- for the sun to shine
LEADING:- so that there is enough rain
LEADING:- so that your hands don’t get bored
LEADING: So that we can live without sadness
LEADING: So that the field grows ears
LEADING: Milk flowed like a river
LEADING: So that from year to year the earth becomes rich and blooms!
LEADING: And may all honest people live in abundance all year round!
LEADING: We want to wish everyone: Happiness, peace and love!

LEADING: To everyone sitting in this room...
LEADING: With whom we sang and danced...