Generals of the Russian-Turkish war 1828 1829. Russian-Turkish wars - briefly

1 War statistics
2 Background and reason
3 Military actions in 1828
3.1 In the Balkans
3.2 In Transcaucasia

4 Military actions in 1829
4.1 On the European theater
4.2 In Asia

5 The most striking episodes of the war
6 War Heroes
7 Results of the war
Russo-Turkish War (1828-1829)


The Russian-Turkish War of 1828-1829 was a military conflict between the Russian and Ottoman Empires that began in April 1828 due to the fact that the Porte closed the Bosporus Strait after the Battle of Navarino (October 1827) in violation of the Ackerman Convention.

In a broader context, this war was a consequence of the struggle between the great powers caused by the Greek War of Independence (1821-1830) from the Ottoman Empire. During the war, Russian troops made a series of campaigns in Bulgaria, the Caucasus and northeast Anatolia, after which the Porte sued for peace.

1. War statistics

2. Background and reason

The Greeks of the Peloponnese, who rebelled against Ottoman rule in the spring of 1821, were helped by France and England; Russia under Alexander I took a position of non-intervention, but was in an alliance with the former under the agreements of the Aachen Congress ( see also Holy Alliance).

With the accession of Nicholas I, St. Petersburg's position on the Greek issue began to change; but strife began between the former allies over the division of the possessions of the Ottoman Empire; Taking advantage of this, the Porte declared itself free from agreements with Russia and expelled Russian subjects from its possessions. The Porte invited Persia to continue the war with Russia and prohibited Russian ships from entering the Bosphorus.

Sultan Mahmud II tried to give the war a religious character; Wanting to lead an army to defend Islam, he moved his capital to Adrianople and ordered the strengthening of the Danube fortresses. In view of such actions of the Porte, Emperor Nicholas I declared war on the Porte on April 14 (26), 1828 and ordered his troops, who had until then been stationed in Bessarabia, to enter the Ottoman possessions.

3. Military actions in 1828

3.1. In the Balkans

Russia had a 95,000-strong Danube Army under the command of P. H. Wittgenstein and a 25,000-strong Separate Caucasian Corps under the command of General I. F. Paskevich.

They were opposed by Turkish armies totaling up to 200 thousand people. (150 thousand on the Danube and 50 thousand in the Caucasus); Of the fleet, only 10 ships stationed in the Bosporus survived.

The Danube Army was tasked with occupying Moldova, Wallachia and Dobruja, as well as capturing Shumla and Varna.

Bessarabia was chosen as the basis for Wittgenstein's actions; the principalities (severely depleted by Turkish rule and the drought of 1827) were supposed to be occupied only to restore order in them and protect them from enemy invasion, as well as to protect the right wing of the army in case of Austrian intervention. Wittgenstein, having crossed the Lower Danube, was supposed to move to Varna and Shumla, cross the Balkans and advance to Constantinople; a special detachment was supposed to land at Anapa and, upon capturing it, join the main forces.

On April 25, the 6th Infantry Corps entered the principalities, and its vanguard under the command of General Fedor Geismar headed for Lesser Wallachia; On May 1, the 7th Infantry Corps besieged the Brailov fortress; The 3rd Infantry Corps was supposed to cross the Danube between Izmail and Reni, near the village of Satunovo, but the construction of a road through a lowland flooded with water required about a month of time, during which the Turks strengthened the right bank opposite the crossing point, placing up to 10 thousand people in their position. troops.

On the morning of May 27, the crossing of Russian troops on ships and boats began in the presence of the sovereign. Despite the fierce fire, they reached the right bank, and when the advanced Turkish trenches were taken, the enemy fled from the rest. On May 30, the Isakcha fortress surrendered. Having separated detachments to besiege Machin, Girsov and Tulcha, the main forces of the 3rd Corps reached Karasu on June 6, and their vanguard, under the command of General Fedor Ridiger, besieged Kyustendzhi.

The siege of Brailov quickly moved forward, and the head of the siege troops, Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich, hastening to finish this matter so that the 7th Corps could join the 3rd, decided to storm the fortress on June 3; the assault was repulsed, but when Machin’s surrender followed 3 days later, commandant Brailov, seeing himself cut off and having lost hope of help, also surrendered (June 7).

At the same time, a sea expedition to Anapa took place. At Karasu, the 3rd Corps stood for 17 whole days, since after the allocation of garrisons to the occupied fortresses, as well as other detachments, no more than 20 thousand remained in it. Only with the addition of some parts of the 7th Corps and the arrival of the 4th Reserve. the cavalry corps, the main forces of the army would reach 60 thousand; but even this was not considered sufficient for decisive action, and at the beginning of June the 2nd Infantry was ordered to move from Little Russia to the Danube. corps (about 30 thousand); in addition, guards regiments (up to 25 thousand) were already on their way to the theater of war.

After the fall of Brailov, the 7th Corps was sent to join the 3rd; General Roth with two infantry and one cavalry brigades was ordered to besiege Silistria, and General Borozdin with six infantry and four cavalry regiments was ordered to guard Wallachia. Even before all these orders were carried out, the 3rd Corps moved to Bazardzhik, where, according to information received, significant Turkish forces were gathering.

Between June 24 and 26, Bazardzhik was occupied, after which two vanguards were advanced: Ridiger to Kozludzha and Admiral General Count Pavel Sukhtelen to Varna, to which a detachment of Lieutenant General Alexander Ushakov from Tulcha was also sent. In early July, the 7th Corps joined the 3rd Corps; but their combined forces did not exceed 40 thousand; it was still impossible to count on the assistance of the fleet stationed at Anapa; The siege parks were partly located near the named fortress, and partly stretched from Brailov.

Meanwhile, the garrisons of Shumla and Varna gradually strengthened; Riediger's vanguard was constantly harassed by the Turks, who tried to interrupt his communications with the main forces. Considering the state of affairs, Wittgenstein decided to limit himself to one observation regarding Varna (for which Ushakov’s detachment was appointed), with the main forces to move to Shumla, try to lure the seraskir from the fortified camp and, having defeated him, turn to the siege of Varna.

On July 8, the main forces approached Shumla and besieged it from the eastern side, strongly strengthening their positions in order to interrupt the possibility of communications with Varna. Decisive action against Shumla was supposed to be postponed until the arrival of the guards. However, our main forces soon found themselves in a kind of blockade, since in their rear and on the flanks the enemy developed guerrilla operations, which greatly hampered the arrival of transports and foraging. Meanwhile, Ushakov’s detachment also could not hold out against the superior garrison of Varna and retreated to Derventkoy.

In mid-July, the Russian fleet arrived from near Anapa to Kovarna and, having landed the troops on board the ships, headed for Varna, against which it stopped. The head of the landing forces, Prince Alexander Menshikov, having joined Ushakov’s detachment, on July 22 also approached the said fortress, besieged it from the north, and on August 6 began siege work. General Roth's detachment, stationed at Silistria, could not do anything due to insufficient strength and lack of siege artillery. Things also did not progress near Shumla, and although the Turkish attacks launched on August 14 and 25 were repelled, this did not lead to any results. Count Wittgenstein wanted to retreat to Yeni Bazar, but Emperor Nicholas I, who was with the army, opposed this.

In general, by the end of August, the circumstances in the European theater of war were very unfavorable for the Russians: the siege of Varna, due to the weakness of our forces there, did not promise success; Diseases were raging among the troops stationed near Shumla, and horses were dying from lack of food; Meanwhile, the insolence of the Turkish partisans was increasing.

At the same time, upon the arrival of new reinforcements in Shumla, the Turks attacked the town of Pravody, occupied by the detachment of Admiral General Benckendorf, however, they were repulsed. General Loggin Roth barely held his position at Silistria, whose garrison also received reinforcements. Gene. Kornilov, observing Zhurzha, had to fight off attacks from there and from Rushchuk, where enemy forces also increased. The weak detachment of General Geismar (about 6 thousand), although it held its position between Calafat and Craiova, could not prevent the Turkish parties from invading the northwestern part of Lesser Wallachia.

The enemy, having concentrated more than 25 thousand at Viddin and Kalafat, strengthened the garrisons of Rakhov and Nikopol. Thus, the Turks had superior forces everywhere, but, fortunately, did not take advantage of this. Meanwhile, in mid-August, the Guards Corps began to approach the Lower Danube, followed by the 2nd Infantry. The latter was ordered to relieve Roth's detachment at Silistria, which would then be drawn near Shumla; The guard is sent to Varna. To recover this fortress, 30 thousand Turkish corps of Omer-Vrione arrived from the Kamchik River. Several ineffective attacks followed from both sides, and when Varna surrendered on September 29, Omer began a hasty retreat, pursued by the detachment of Prince Eugene of Württemberg, and headed towards Aidos, where the vizier’s troops had retreated earlier.

Meanwhile, gr. Wittgenstein continued to stand under Shumla; His troops, after allocating reinforcements to Varna and other detachments, remained only about 15 thousand; but on the 20th of September. The 6th Corps approached him. Silistria continued to hold out, since the 2nd Corps, lacking siege artillery, could not take decisive action.

Meanwhile, the Turks continued to threaten Lesser Wallachia; but the brilliant victory won by Geismar near the village of Boelesti put an end to their attempts. After the fall of Varna, the final goal of the 1828 campaign was the conquest of Silistria, and the 3rd Corps was sent to it. The other troops located near Shumla had to winter in the occupied part of the country; the guard returned to Russia. However, the enterprise against Silistria due to the lack of shells in the siege artillery did not materialize, and the fortress was subjected to only a 2-day bombardment.

After the Russian troops retreated from Shumla, the vizier decided to take possession of Varna again and on November 8 moved to Pravody, but, having met resistance from the detachment occupying the city, he returned to Shumla. In January 1829, a strong Turkish detachment raided the rear of the 6th Corps, captured Kozludzha and attacked Bazardzhik, but failed there; and after that, Russian troops drove the enemy out of Kozludzha; in the same month the fortress of Turno was taken. The rest of the winter passed quietly.

3.2. In Transcaucasia

The separate Caucasian Corps began operations a little later; he was ordered to invade Asian Turkey.

In Asian Turkey in 1828, things were going well for Russia: on June 23, Kars was taken, and after a temporary suspension of hostilities due to the appearance of the plague, Paskevich conquered the Akhalkalaki fortress on July 23, and in early August approached Akhaltsikhe, which surrendered on the 16th of the same month. Then the fortresses of Atskhur and Ardahan surrendered without resistance. At the same time, separate Russian detachments took Poti and Bayazet.

4. Military actions in 1829

During the winter, both sides actively prepared for the resumption of hostilities. By the end of April 1829, the Porte managed to increase its forces in the European theater of war to 150 thousand and, in addition, could count on the 40 thousand Albanian militia collected by the Scutari Pasha Mustafa. The Russians could oppose these forces with no more than 100 thousand. In Asia, the Turks had up to 100 thousand troops against Paskevich’s 20 thousand. Only the Russian Black Sea fleet (about 60 ships of various ranks) had a decisive superiority over the Turkish one; Yes, Count Heyden’s squadron (35 ships) also cruised in the Archipelago.

4.1. At the European theater

Appointed commander-in-chief in Wittgenstein's place, Count Diebitsch actively set about replenishing the army and organizing its economic part. Having set himself the goal of crossing the Balkans, in order to provide food for the troops on the other side of the mountains, he turned to the assistance of the fleet and asked Admiral Greig to take possession of any harbor convenient for the delivery of supplies. The choice fell on Sizopol, which, after its capture, was occupied by a 3,000-strong Russian garrison. The attempt made by the Turks at the end of March to recapture this city was unsuccessful, and then they limited themselves to blockading it from the dry route. As for the Ottoman fleet, it left the Bosphorus at the beginning of May, however, it stayed closer to its shores; at the same time, two Russian military ships were accidentally surrounded by it; one of them (the 36-gun frigate "Raphael") surrendered, and the other, the brig "Mercury" under the command of Kazarsky, managed to fight off the enemy ships pursuing it and escape.

At the end of May, the squadrons of Greig and Heyden began to blockade the straits and interrupted all supplies by sea to Constantinople. Meanwhile, Dibich, in order to secure his rear before the movement for the Balkans, decided first of all to take possession of Silistria; but the late onset of spring delayed him, so that only at the end of April he could cross the Danube with the forces required for this purpose. On May 7, siege work began, and on May 9, new troops crossed to the right bank, bringing the forces of the siege corps to 30 thousand.

Around the same time, the vizier Reshid Pasha opened offensive operations with the goal of returning Varna; however, after persistent dealings with the troops, Gen. The company at Eski-Arnautlar and Pravod again retreated to Shumla. In mid-May, the vizier with his main forces again moved towards Varna. Having received news of this, Dibich, leaving one part of his troops at Silistria, with the other went to the rear of the vizier. This maneuver led to the defeat (May 30) of the Ottoman army near the village of Kulevchi.

Although after such a decisive victory one could count on capturing Shumla, however, it was preferred to confine oneself to just observing it. Meanwhile, the siege of Silistria was successful, and on June 18 this fortress surrendered. Following this, the 3rd Corps was sent to Shumla, the rest of the Russian troops intended for the Trans-Balkan campaign began to secretly gather towards Devno and Pravody.

Meanwhile, the vizier, convinced that Diebitsch would besiege Shumla, gathered troops there from wherever possible - even from the Balkan passes and from coastal points on the Black Sea. The Russian army, meanwhile, was advancing towards Kamchik and after a series of battles both on this river and during further movement in the mountains of the 6th and 7th corps, around mid-July, they crossed the Balkan ridge, simultaneously capturing two fortresses, Misevria and Ahiolo , and the important harbor of Burgas.

This success, however, was overshadowed by the strong development of diseases, from which the troops were noticeably melting. The vizier finally found out where the main forces of the Russian army were heading and sent reinforcements to the pashas Abdurahman and Yusuf acting against them; but it was already too late: the Russians moved forward uncontrollably; On July 13, they occupied the city of Aidos, 14 Karnabat, and 31 Dibich attacked the 20 thousand Turkish corps concentrated near the city of Slivno, defeated it and interrupted communication between Shumla and Adrianople.

Although the commander-in-chief now had no more than 25 thousand at hand, but in view of the friendly disposition of the local population and the complete demoralization of the Turkish troops, he decided to move to Adrianople, counting on his appearance alone in the second capital Ottoman Empire force the Sultan to peace.

After intensive marches, the Russian army approached Adrianople on August 7, and the surprise of its arrival so embarrassed the commander of the garrison there that he offered to surrender. The next day, part of the Russian troops was brought into the city, where large reserves of weapons and other things were found.

The occupation of Adrianople and Erzurum, the close blockade of the straits and internal troubles in Turkey finally shook the Sultan’s stubbornness; Commissioners arrived at Diebitsch's main apartment to negotiate peace. However, these negotiations were deliberately delayed by the Turks, counting on the help of England and Austria; and meanwhile the Russian army was melting more and more, and danger threatened it from all sides. The difficulty of the situation further increased when the Scutari Pasha Mustafa, who had until then avoided participating in hostilities, now led a 40,000-strong Albanian army to the theater of war.

In mid-August he occupied Sofia and advanced the vanguard to Philippopolis. Diebitsch, however, was not embarrassed by the difficulty of his position: he announced to the Turkish commissioners that he was giving them until September 1 to receive final instructions, and if after that peace was not concluded, then hostilities on our part would resume. To reinforce these demands, several detachments were sent to Constantinople and contact was established between them and the squadrons of Greig and Heyden.

An order was sent to Adjutant General Kiselyov, who commanded the Russian troops in the principalities: leaving part of his forces to guard Wallachia, cross the Danube with the rest and move against Mustafa. The advance of Russian troops towards Constantinople had its effect: the alarmed Sultan begged the Prussian envoy to go as a mediator to Dibitsch. His arguments, supported by letters from other ambassadors, prompted the commander-in-chief to stop the movement of troops towards the Turkish capital. Then the Porte's representatives agreed to all the conditions proposed to them, and on September 2 the Peace of Adrianople was signed.

Despite this, Mustafa of Scutaria continued his offensive, and at the beginning of September his vanguard approached Haskioy, and from there moved to Demotika. The 7th Corps was sent to meet him. Meanwhile, Adjutant General Kiselev, having crossed the Danube at Rakhov, went to Gabrov to act on the flank of the Albanians, and Geismar’s detachment was sent through Orhanie to threaten their rear. Having defeated the side detachment of the Albanians, Geismar occupied Sofia in mid-September, and Mustafa, having learned about this, returned to Philippopolis. Here he remained for part of the winter, but after the complete devastation of the city and its environs he returned to Albania. The detachments of Kiselev and Geismar already at the end of September retreated to Vratsa, and at the beginning of November the last troops of the Russian main army set out from Adrianople.

4.2. In Asia

In the Asian theater of war, the 1829 campaign opened in difficult conditions: residents of the occupied areas were every minute ready to revolt; already at the end of February, a strong Turkish corps besieged Akhaltsikhe, and the Trebizond Pasha with an eight-thousand-strong detachment moved to Guria to facilitate the uprising that broke out there. The detachments sent by Paskevich, however, managed to drive the Turks away from Akhaltsikhe and Guria.

But in mid-May, the enemy took offensive actions on a more extensive scale: the Erzurum seraskir Haji-Saleh, having gathered up to 70 thousand, decided to go to Kars; The Trebizond Pasha with 30 thousand was supposed to invade Guria again, and the Van Pasha was to take Bayazet. Paskevich, notified of this, decided to warn the enemy. Gathering about 18 thousand with 70 guns, he crossed the Saganlug mountain range, on June 19 and 20 won victories over the troops of Hakki Pasha and Haji Saleh at the Kainly and Millidyut tracts, and then approached Erzurum, which surrendered on June 27. At the same time, the Pasha of Van, after 2 days of desperate attacks on Bayazet, was repulsed, retreated, and his hordes scattered. The actions of the Trebizond Pasha were also unsuccessful; Russian troops were already on the way to Trebizond and captured the Bayburt fortress.

5. The most striking episodes of the war

· Feat of the brig "Mercury"

· Transition of the Transdanubian Cossacks to the side Russian Empire

6. War heroes

· Alexander Kazarsky - captain of the brig "Mercury"

7. Results of the war

· Most of the eastern coast of the Black Sea (including the cities of Anapa, Sudzhuk-Kale, Sukhum) and the Danube Delta passed to Russia.

· The Ottoman Empire recognized Russian supremacy over Georgia and parts modern territory Armenia.

· Türkiye reaffirmed its obligations under the Akkerman Convention of 1826 to respect the autonomy of Serbia.

· Moldavia and Wallachia were granted autonomy, and Russian troops remained in the Danube principalities during the reforms.

· Türkiye also agreed to the terms of the 1827 Treaty of London granting autonomy to Greece.

· Türkiye was obliged to pay Russia an indemnity in the amount of 1.5 million Dutch chervonets within 18 months.


1. Urlanis B. Ts. Wars and population of Europe. - Moscow., 1960.

2. The population is indicated within the boundaries of the corresponding registration year (Russia: encyclopedic Dictionary. L., 1991).

3. Of these, 80,000 are regular army, 100,000 are cavalry and 100,000 are sepoys or vassal horsemen

The next Russian-Turkish war (1828-1829) was caused by several key reasons. The main one was the dispute over the straits, which opened the route from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean Sea.

The problem of the straits

Istanbul, the capital of the Ottoman Empire, stood on the Bosphorus. Previously, it was Constantinople (the Slavs called it Constantinople). Before this was the capital of Byzantium. It was this country that became the conductor of Orthodoxy in Russia. Therefore, the Moscow (and then St. Petersburg) rulers believed that they had the legal right to own the city, which was the main stronghold of Christianity for a millennium.

Of course, in addition to ideological reasons, there were also pragmatic motives. Free access to the Mediterranean could facilitate trade for our country. In addition, this would be another reason to confirm the status of one of the main European powers.

Conflict in the Caucasus

At the beginning of the 19th century, Türkiye was already noticeably lagging behind its neighbors in its development. Russia won several wars with this country and gained access to the Black Sea.

However, any peace concluded with Turkey was only a truce. Conflicts of interest echoed even in years when there was no war between the rivals. We are talking about the Caucasus.

In 1818, Russian troops began a war against the highlanders, the indigenous inhabitants of this region. The head of the campaign was Alexey Ermolov. However, our army had difficulty fighting the mountaineers due to the fact that it was not adapted to war in the mountains. In addition, the residents of the Caucasus were helped by Türkiye itself, which sold them weapons. The flow of rifles, cannons and money through the Ottoman Empire allowed the mountaineers to successfully repel Russian attacks for several decades. Of course, in St. Petersburg they knew about Muslims helping Muslims. Therefore, the Russian-Turkish War (1828-1829) was supposed to stop this cooperation between rivals, which was detrimental to the Russian Empire.

Greek question

Finally, the third reason for the conflict between the two countries was the Greek revolution. This is what is called in historiography national movement of this Balkan people. For several centuries the Greeks were under the rule of the Turks. Ethnic contradictions were complemented by religious ones. Muslims often oppressed Christians.

In 1821, the Greek uprising began, which turned into a many-year war for independence. Christians were supported by numerous European countries: Great Britain, France and Russia. The Turkish Sultan responded with massive repressions against the Greeks. For example, on the island of Crete, the metropolitan and several archbishops were killed during a church service.

The war inside Turkey has hit the Russian economy hard. Shortly before this, the rapid growth of Odessa began. This new Black Sea port became a free economic zone where there were no duties. In peacetime, hundreds of ships sailed here. Most of them were Greek and belonged to Christian subjects of the Ottoman Empire.

Because of this, the Russian-Turkish War (1828-1829) was inevitable. Only with the help of force could it be possible to help the Greeks and stop the crisis in the economy of the southern regions of the country. When greek war had just begun, Russia was ruled by Alexander I. He was not in the mood to fight. In this endeavor he was supported by Austrian diplomacy. Therefore, until his death, Russia limited itself to only symbolic actions towards the Turks.

Nicholas I's decision

However, in 1825, Alexander’s younger brother, Nikolai, came to power. In his youth, he received a military education, since no one expected him to become an heir. Another brother, Constantine, was supposed to rule after Alexander, but he refused the throne. By the way, this great prince was named after the great Roman emperor who founded Byzantium. This was a symbolic gesture of Catherine II - she wanted to place her grandson on the throne in

Nikolai's military education and habits immediately made themselves felt. The country began to prepare for an escalation of the conflict. In addition, Nicholas wanted to conduct an independent foreign policy, and not look back at the European allies, who often stopped Alexander. The Western powers did not want Russia to become too strong at all. As a rule, they tried to maintain a balance of power in the region, which, of course, Nikolai did not like. The Russian-Turkish War (1828-1829) was supposed to destroy it. It should also be considered a separate episode of the Greek revolution and the struggle for independence (1821-1830).

Battle of Navarino

In 1827, they began preparing a squadron in the Baltic that was supposed to sail to the southern seas. Emperor Nicholas himself held a solemn review of the departing ships in Kronstadt.

In the area of ​​the Ionian Islands, the Russian squadron united with allied ships from France and England. All together they went to Navarino Bay, where the Turkish and Egyptian fleets were located. This was done in order to force the Ottoman Empire to stop its repressive policies against the Greeks and give them autonomy. The head of the Russian squadron was Rear Admiral Login Heyden. He invited the allies to take the most decisive measures. General leadership was transferred to British Admiral Edward Codrington.

The Turkish commander was given an ultimatum: to stop military operations against the Greeks. He (Ibrahim Pasha) left this message unanswered. Then the Russian admiral persuaded the allies to enter the bay and begin battle against the Turks if they opened fire. The combined flotilla included dozens of battleships, frigates, and brigs (about 1,300 guns in total). The enemy had slightly more ships (in total they carried 22 thousand sailors).

At this time, the Turkish ships were anchored. They were well protected, since the Navarino fortress was nearby, which could open artillery fire on the enemy fleet. The bay itself was on west coast Peloponnese Peninsula.

Codrington hoped to avoid battle and persuade Ibrahim Pasha without the use of weapons. However, when the Russian ship "Azov" entered the bay, fire was opened on it from the Turkish battery located on the island of Sfakteria. In addition, at the same time, the Turks killed two envoys from England. Despite open fire, the Allied ships did not respond until they had taken the positions that were prescribed to them, according to the Allied plan. The admirals wanted to completely close the Turkish fleet in the bay. This was made easier by the fact that the bay was closed by land on three sides (the mainland and the island of Sfactoria). All that remained was to close the narrow strait, where the European ships went.

Only when the allied squadron anchored was return fire opened. The battle lasted more than four hours. The biggest contribution to the victory was made by the Russians and the British (the French admiral lost control of his ships during the battle).

In our fleet, “Azov” especially distinguished itself. Lieutenant Nakhimov and midshipman Kornilov, future heroes and symbols of the Crimean War, served on it. As night fell, the bay was illuminated by numerous fires. The Turks destroyed the damaged ships so that they would not fall to the enemy. The Allies did not lose a single ship, although, for example, the Russian Gangut received fifty holes.

It is the battle in Navarino Bay that is considered the prologue that marked the Russian-Turkish war of 1828-1829. (although it started several months later). After news of the defeat was learned in Istanbul, Sultan Mahmud II addressed an appeal to his subjects. He gave the order to all Muslims to prepare for jihad against Europeans, including Russians. Thus began the Russian-Turkish war of 1828-1829.

War at sea

Our government remained silent for some time. This was due to the fact that at the same time the war with Persia was continuing, and in St. Petersburg no one wanted a war on two fronts. Finally, in February, a peace treaty was signed with the Iranians. On April 14, 1828, he signed a manifesto on war with Turkey.

At this time, the Russian squadron that took part in the Battle of Navarino was undergoing repairs in the port of Malta. This island was the property of Great Britain. The British did not support Russia in its war against Turkey (again, the peculiarities of European diplomacy had an impact). Great Britain declared its neutrality. At the same time, its government favored Turkey more, not wanting the strengthening of Russia. Therefore, our squadron left Malta to avoid unnecessary conflicts. She relocated to the island of Paros in the Aegean Sea, which in Russian sources was called the Archipelago until the 20th century.

It was her ships that took the first blow from the Turks in open war. April 21 happened sea ​​battle between the Egyptian corvette and the Russian battleship Ezekiel. Victory was for the latter. With the outbreak of war in the Baltic, several more fresh ships were urgently prepared, which went to the rescue in the Mediterranean Sea (the straits from the Black Sea, of course, were closed). This complicated the Russian-Turkish War (1828-1829). The reasons for the need for reinforcements were the lack of ships to blockade

Siege of the Dardanelles

This task was set before the fleet in the first year of the war. This was necessary in order to cut off Istanbul from supplies of food and other important resources. If the blockade had been established, the Russian-Turkish war (1828-1829), the main events of which were still ahead, would move to a completely different level. Our country could take the strategic initiative into its own hands.

The Russian-Turkish War (1828-1829), the table shows this well, was fought in approximately equal conditions. Therefore, it was urgently necessary to acquire such a blockade advantage. Frigates and other ships headed towards the strait. The Dardanelles were blocked on November 2. The Russian ships participating in the operation were based on the three closest islands (Mavri, Tasso and Tenedos).

The blockade was complicated by persistent winter weather (by local standards). Storms began and a strong wind blew. Despite this, the Russian sailors brilliantly completed all the tasks that were assigned to them. Istanbul was cut off from supplies coming from the Mediterranean.

In Smyrna alone there were about 150 ships of merchants, whose bread spoiled as unnecessary. Until the end of hostilities, not a single Turkish ship was able to pass through the Dardanelles. Until August 1829, the blockade was led by Admiral Heyden. When Russian soldiers entered Adrianople, the squadron was subordinate to Johann Diebitsch, a commander with Prussian origin. The fleet was preparing to break through the Dardanelles. All that was needed for this was an order from St. Petersburg. Russian troops won victory after victory on land, which guaranteed the success of the operation. However, the order never came. Soon peace was signed and the Russian-Turkish War (1828-1829) ended. The reasons for this delay were hidden in the fact that the European powers, as always, did not want the final victory of Russia. The capture of Istanbul could lead to a war with the entire West (primarily with England).

In 1830, all the ships that fought in the Mediterranean returned to the Baltic. The exception was "Emmanuel", which was given as a gift to the Greeks who became independent.


The main force of Russia in the region was the Danube Army (95 thousand people). Türkiye had a contingent that was approximately one and a half times larger.

The Danube army was supposed to occupy the principalities located in the basin of this river: Moldavia, Dobruja and Wallachia. The troops were commanded by Peter Wittgenstein. He headed to Bessarabia. This is how the Russian-Turkish War (1828-1829) began on the mainland. The table shows the aspect ratio in this region.

The important fortress of Brailov was the first to fall. The siege of Varna and Shumla began. While the Turkish garrisons were waiting for support, an important battle took place in Wallachia, in which Russian units won. Because of this, the besieged enemy army was left without hope of help from its compatriots. Then the city was surrendered.

Campaign of 1829

In the new year of 1829, Johann Diebitsch was appointed to replace Wittgenstein. He was given the task of crossing the Balkans and reaching the Turkish capital. Despite the outbreak of disease in the army, the soldiers completed their task. Adrianople was the first to besieged (it was approached on August 7). The reasons for the Russian-Turkish war of 1828-1829 were control over the straits, and they were already very close.

The garrison never expected that Diebitsch's army would go so far into the Ottoman Empire. Due to unpreparedness for confrontation, the commandant agreed to surrender the city. In Adrianople, the Russian army discovered a huge amount of weapons and other important resources in order to gain a foothold in the region.

This rapid success stunned everyone. Türkiye agreed to negotiations, but deliberately delayed them, hoping that England or Austria would help it.

Meanwhile, the Albanian Pasha headed to Bulgaria with 40,000 troops. With his maneuver he could cut off Diebitsch's army stationed in Adrianople. General Kiselev, who at that time was guarding the Danube principalities, moved towards the enemy. He was the first to occupy Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. Because of this, Mustafa was left with nothing and had to fight with significant forces to gain a foothold in Bulgaria. He did not dare to do this and retreated back to Albania. The Russian-Turkish War of 1828-1829, in short, became increasingly successful for Russia.

Caucasian Front

In parallel with the events at sea and the Balkans, the war unfolded in the Caucasus. The Russian corps in this region was supposed to invade Turkey from the rear. In June 1828 he managed to take the Kars fortress. The course of the Russian-Turkish war of 1828-1829. here, too, the situation was in favor of Russia.

The further march of Ivan Paskevich’s army was complicated by numerous mountain paths and inaccessible crossings. Finally, on July 22, she found herself at the walls of the Akhalkalaki fortress. The detachment that defended her consisted of only a thousand people. In addition, the walls and fortifications of the fort were in a state of disrepair. Despite all this, the garrison refused to surrender.

In response to this, Russian guns began an intense artillery bombardment. The fortress fell in just three hours. The infantry, under the cover of artillery, quickly captured all the fortifications and the main citadel. This was another success for which the Russian-Turkish War (1828-1829) will be remembered. The main battles at this time took place in the Balkans. In the Caucasus, the Russian army was still fighting with small detachments, overcoming natural obstacles.

On August 5, she crossed the Kura River. On its tributary stood the important fortress of Akhaltsykh. On the 8th, artillery fire was opened on it. This was done in order to deceive the 30,000-strong enemy army stationed nearby. And so it happened. The Turks decided that Paskevich was preparing to storm the fortress.

Meanwhile, the Russian army quietly approached the enemy and unexpectedly attacked. Paskevich lost 80 people killed, while the Turks left two thousand corpses on the battlefield. The remainder fled. Subsequently there was no noticeable resistance in Georgia.

In Transcaucasia, the Russian-Turkish War (1828-1829), in short, ended in a complete fiasco for the Ottoman Empire. Paskevich occupied all of modern Georgia.

An interesting fact is that the great poet Alexander Pushkin was traveling around this country at that time. He witnessed the fall of Erzurum. This episode was described by the writer in the work “Journey to Arzerum”.

A few years earlier, Paskevich successfully led a campaign against Persia, for which he became a count. After victories over the Turks, he received the Order of St. George, first degree.

Peace and results

When negotiations were already underway with the Turks, there was a heated debate in St. Petersburg about whether to end the war or still reach Istanbul. Nicholas, who had recently taken the throne, hesitated. He did not want to come into conflict with Austria, which opposed the strengthening of Russia.

In order to resolve this problem, the emperor established a special committee. It included numerous bureaucrats who were incompetent in the issues that faced them. It was they who adopted the resolution, according to which it was decided to forget about Constantinople.

The parties to the conflict made peace on September 2, 1829. The signing of the document took place in Adrianople. Russia received many cities on the eastern coast of the Black Sea. In addition, the Danube Delta passed to her. Results of the Russian-Turkish war of 1828-1829. also consisted in the fact that the Porte recognized the transition to Russia of several states in the Caucasus. These were Georgian kingdoms and principalities. The Ottoman Empire also confirmed that it would respect autonomy for Serbia.

The same fate awaited the Danube principalities - Moldavia and Wallachia. Russian troops remained on their territory. This was necessary to carry out reforms in them. These were important results of the Russian-Turkish war of 1828-1829. Greece received autonomy (and a year later - independence). Finally, the Porte had to pay a significant indemnity.

The straits became free for Russian merchant ships. However, the agreement did not stipulate their status during hostilities. This has caused uncertainty in the future.

The Russian-Turkish War (1828-1829), the causes, results and main events of which are described in this material, did not reach its main goal. The Empire still wanted to take control of Constantinople, which was opposed in Europe. Despite this, our country continued its expansion in the south.

Russian-Turkish wars 1806-1812, 1828-1829. confirmed this trend. Everything turned upside down a few decades later. Shortly before the death of Nicholas I, the Crimean War began, in which European countries openly supported Turkey and attacked Russia. After it, Alexander II had to make concessions in this region and engage in reforms within the state.

Russo-Turkish War 1828–1829 was caused by Turkey's desire to preserve the disintegrating Ottoman Empire. Russia, supporting the uprising of the Greek people against Turkish rule, sent a squadron of L.P. to the shores of Greece. Heyden for military operations together with the Anglo-French fleet (see Archipelago Expedition of 1827). In December 1827, Turkey declared a “holy war” on Russia. Russian troops successfully operated in both, the Caucasian and Balkan, theaters of war. In the Caucasus, troops of I.F. Paskevich took Kars by storm, occupied Akhaltsikhe, Poti, Bayazit (1828), captured Erzurum and reached Trebizond (1829). At the Balkan theater, Russian troops P.Kh. Wittgenstein crossed the Danube and took Varna (1828), under the leadership of I.I. Dibich defeated the Turks at Kulevcha, captured Silistria, made a bold and unexpected transition through the Balkans, directly threatening Istanbul (1829). Under the peace treaty, Russia acquired the mouth of the Danube, the Black Sea coast from Kuban to Adjara and other territories.

Archipelago Expedition (1827)

Archipelago expedition of 1827 - campaign of the Russian squadron L.P. Heyden to the shores of Greece to support the Greek anti-Turkish uprising. In September 1827, the squadron joined the Anglo-French fleet in the Mediterranean for joint action against the Turks. After Turkey rejected the Allied ultimatum to cease hostilities against Greece, the Allied fleet completely destroyed the Turkish fleet at the Battle of Navarino. Heyden's squadron distinguished itself in the battle, destroying the center and right flank of the enemy fleet. During the subsequent Russian-Turkish war of 1828–1829. The Russian squadron blocked the Bosphorus and Dardanelles.

Naval battle of Navarino (1827)

The battle in Navarino Bay (the southwestern coast of the Peloponnese Peninsula) between the united squadrons of Russia, England and France, on the one hand, and the Turkish-Egyptian fleet, on the other, took place during the Greek national liberation revolution of 1821–1829.

The united squadrons included: from Russia - 4 battleships, 4 frigates; from England - 3 battleships, 5 corvettes; from France - 3 battleships, 2 frigates, 2 corvettes. Commander - English Vice Admiral E. Codrington. The Turkish-Egyptian squadron under the command of Muharrem Bey consisted of 3 battleships, 23 frigates, 40 corvettes and brigs.

Before the start of the battle, Codrington sent an envoy to the Turks, then a second one. Both envoys were killed. In response, the united squadrons attacked the enemy on October 8 (20), 1827. The Battle of Navarino lasted about 4 hours and ended with the destruction of the Turkish-Egyptian fleet. His losses amounted to about 60 ships and up to 7 thousand people. The Allies did not lose a single ship, with only about 800 men killed or wounded.

During the battle, the following distinguished themselves: the flagship of the Russian squadron "Azov" under the command of Captain 1st Rank M.P. Lazarev, who destroyed 5 enemy ships. Lieutenant P.S. acted skillfully on this ship. Nakhimov, midshipman V.A. Kornilov and midshipman V.I. Istomin - future heroes Battle of Sinop and defense of Sevastopol in Crimean War 1853–1856

The feat of the brig "Mercury"

The brig "Mercury" was laid down in January 1819 at the shipyard in Sevastopol, launched on May 19, 1820. Tactical and technical characteristics: length - 29.5 m, width - 9.4 m, draft - 2.95 m. Armament: 18 24-pounder guns.

There was a Russian-Turkish war of 1828–1829. In May 1829, "Mercury" as part of a small detachment under the flag of Lieutenant Commander P.Ya. Sakhnovsky, together with the frigate "Standard" and the brig "Orpheus", carried out patrol duty in the Bosphorus area. On the morning of May 26, a Turkish squadron consisting of 18 ships was discovered, including 6 battleships, 2 frigates and 2 corvettes. The overwhelming superiority of the enemy was undeniable, and therefore Sakhnovsky gave the signal not to accept the battle. Having raised all sails, "Standard" and "Orpheus" escaped the pursuit. "Mercury", built from heavy Crimean oak, and therefore significantly inferior in speed, lagged behind. The high-speed ships of the Turkish fleet, the 110-gun battleship Selimiye and the 74-gun Real Bay, rushed in pursuit and soon overtook the Russian brig.

Seeing the inevitability of a battle with the enemy, the brig commander, Lieutenant Commander A.I. Kazarsky gathered the officers. Traditionally, the first to speak was the youngest lieutenant in the corps of naval navigators I.P. Prokofiev expressed the general opinion - to accept the battle, and if there is a threat of capture of the ship - to blow it up, for which purpose leave a loaded pistol near the cruise chamber.

The brig was the first to fire a salvo at the enemy. Kazarsky skillfully maneuvered, preventing the Turks from conducting aimed fire. Somewhat later, Real Bay was still able to take up a firing position on the left side and Mercury came under crossfire. The Turks showered the brig with cannonballs and cannonballs. Fire started in many places. Part of the team began to extinguish it, but the well-aimed fire from the Turkish ships did not weaken. The Russian gunners managed to inflict such significant damage to the Selimiye that the Turkish ship was forced to drift. But Real Bay continued to fire at the Russian brig. Finally, he also received a cannonball hit in the front mast and began to fall behind. This unprecedented battle lasted for about 4 hours. "Mercury", despite the fact that it received 22 hits in the hull and about 300 in the rigging and masts, emerged victorious and the next day joined the Black Sea squadron. For the feat, captain-lieutenant A.I. Kazarsky was awarded the Order of St. George, IV degree and promoted to captain of the 2nd rank, and the ship was awarded the stern St. George flag and pennant. In addition, the imperial rescript stated that “when this brig becomes unusable, build according to the same drawing and in perfect similarity with it the same ship, named “Mercury”, assigning it to the same crew, to which it will be transferred and St. George's flag with a pennant."

This tradition, which has developed in the Russian fleet, continues to this day. In the wide expanses of seas and oceans they carry Russian flag sea ​​minesweeper "Kazarsky" and hydrographic vessel "Memory of Mercury".

The commander of the legendary brig A.I. Kazarsky was appointed to the retinue of Nicholas I in April 1831 and soon received the rank of captain 1st rank. On June 28, 1833, he died suddenly in Nikolaev. In Sevastopol according to the project of A.P. Bryullov, a monument to the brave sailor was laid. On the stone truncated pyramid there is a stylized model of an antique warship and a short inscription: “To the Kazars - as an example to posterity.”

Russo-Turkish War 1828–1829

Beginning of the war

Despite the fact that the naval forces of three countries opposed Turkey in the Battle of Navarino, the hardened hatred of the Porte fell upon Russia alone. After the battle, the Turkish government sent a circular to the heads of the Pashalyks, in which they declared Russia an irreconcilable enemy of the caliphate and the sultanate. Subjects of the Russian Empire were expelled from Turkish possessions.

On October 8 (20), 1827, Sultan Mahmud II announced the abandonment of the Akkerman Convention of 1826 and called for a holy war of Muslims against Russia. The Gatti Sherif (Khatt-i-Sherif, the Sultan's decree) on a complete militia for the faith was promulgated. Russian ships were prohibited from entering the Bosphorus. Western specialists began to strengthen the Danube fortresses.

Despite the fact that the cancellation of the Akkerman agreements actually meant that Turkey was starting a war, formally the declaration of war was made by Russia - on April 14, 1828, with the manifesto of Emperor Nicholas I.

The Emperor announced that he was not thinking about destroying the Ottoman Empire, but demanded that the Porte fulfill previous agreements and the London Treaty on the Greek issue. Russian troops stationed in Bessarabia were ordered to enter Ottoman borders.

In a special declaration, Nicholas I told the Porte that he was always ready to stop hostilities and begin negotiations. Türkiye did not take advantage of this invitation, apparently hoping for help from England and other European powers.

Here’s another quote from the multi-volume “World History”, written by a friendly team of post-Soviet (and maybe post-Russian) historians: “On May 7, 1828, Russia began aggressive war with Turkey. The international situation really favored Russian aggressors».

One English military leader once wrote: “Right or wrong, this is my homeland.” Russian historians should, in theory, present their credo like this: “I’m wrong, because my homeland.” Only historians from the Looking Glass can call a war against a country that shortly before exterminated many tens of thousands of civilians, committed multiple acts of genocide and mass slavery of people, aggressive and aggressive. But, alas, a huge number of our humanities scholars have been and remain in this Looking Glass. They receive academic degrees and good salaries from the state, and are respected by their fellow intellectuals. Students listen to these werewolves with advanced degrees. Alas, as long as our country has such historians, nothing good awaits us. A country that sullies its past has no future. A people with a polluted and robbed historical memory will always be only an object of humiliation and robbery.

From the book The Truth about Nicholas I. The Slandered Emperor author Tyurin Alexander

Russian-Persian War of 1826–1828 According to the agreement signed on October 24 (November 5), 1813 in the Karabakh village of Polistan (Gulistan), Persia recognized the transfer of Georgian lands to Russia (which, however, it had not owned for a long time), and also renounced the Baku ,

From the book The Truth about Nicholas I. The Slandered Emperor author Tyurin Alexander

Russian-Turkish War of 1828–1829 Beginning of the war Despite the fact that the naval forces of three countries acted against Turkey in the Battle of Navarino, the hardened hatred of the Porte fell on Russia alone. After the battle, the Turkish government sent pashalyks to the heads of

From book The World History. Volume 4. Recent history by Yeager Oscar

CHAPTER THREE The Eastern Question. Revolt in Greece 1821–1830 Russian-Turkish War of 1828 and Peace in Adrianople 1829 Eastern Question. The situation in Turkey We have repeatedly pointed out that the so-called “Eastern Question” in newspaper language continues, with various changes,

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Russian-Turkish War In the 13th century, the first Mongols appeared on Crimean soil, and soon the peninsula was conquered by the Golden Horde. In 1441, with the creation of the Crimean Khanate, a short period of independence began. But literally a few decades later, in 1478, the Crimean

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Russo-Turkish War 1828–1829 Pavel Markovich Andrianov, Lieutenant Colonel of the General

From the book Bylina. Historical songs. Ballads author author unknown

Songs about the Russian-Turkish war of 1828–1829 The Turkish Sultan writes a letter The Turkish Sultan writes, writes To our white king: “I will ruin you from ruin, I will go up to Moscow to stand, I will post my soldiers All over stone Moscow, Staff officers in merchant houses, Myself I will become Sultan

From the book Textbook of Russian History author Platonov Sergey Fedorovich

§ 136. Russian-Turkish War of 1787–1791 and Russian-Swedish War of 1788-1790 The annexation of Crimea and major military preparations on the Black Sea coast were directly dependent on the “Greek project” that Empress Catherine and her collaborator were keen on in those years

From the book Great Battles of the Russian Sailing Fleet author Chernyshev Alexander

War with Turkey 1828–1829 Russia's assistance to the Greek people, who rebelled against Turkish rule, led to a worsening of relations between Russia and Turkey. After the defeat of the Turkish fleet in the Battle of Navarino on October 8, 1827, the Turkish Sultan announced the termination

From the book St. George's Knights under the St. Andrew's Flag. Russian admirals - holders of the Order of St. George, I and II degrees author Skritsky Nikolay Vladimirovich

Russo-Turkish War of 1828–1829 The war broke out as a consequence of the Battle of Navarino in 1827, during which the Anglo-Franco-Russian squadron defeated the Turkish fleet to stop the extermination of Greeks who opposed Turkish rule. October 8, 1827

From the book History of Georgia (from ancient times to the present day) by Vachnadze Merab

§2. The Russian-Turkish War of 1828–1829 and the annexation of Southern Georgia (Samtskhe-Javakheti) to Russia. Unlike the Russian-Iranian War, the Russian-Turkish War was not only a consequence of the intense confrontation in Transcaucasia. The interests of Russia and Turkey also collided in the Balkans

author Kopylov N. A.

Russian-Turkish War of 1828–1823 The most successful period in Dibich’s career was the Russian-Turkish War of 1828–1829, which elevated him to the pinnacle of military glory. In 1828, Russia decided to assist the Orthodox Greeks in their war for national independence and 2

From the book Generals of the Empire author Kopylov N. A.

Russian-Turkish War of 1828–1829 During the reign of Emperor Nicholas I, one of the main directions of Russian diplomacy was the eastern issue - relations with the Ottoman Empire and the solution of international problems associated with its increasing weakening. As part of this

From the book Stories author Trenev Vitaly Konstantinovich

BRIG "MERCURY" (Russian-Turkish War of 1829) The frigate "Standart", the brig "Orpheus" and the eighteen-gun brig "Mercury" were sent to the Bosphorus from the squadron of battleships of Admiral Greig, located near Sizopol. The task of these patrol vessels was to monitor the movements

author Vorobiev M N

4. 1st Russian-Turkish War The war began, but it was not necessary to fight immediately, because the troops were far away. Then there were no trains or vehicles, the troops had to go on foot, they had to be collected from different points of the huge country, and the Turks also swayed

From the book Russian History. Part II author Vorobiev M N

2. 2nd Russian-Turkish War Preparing for war with Turkey, Catherine managed to negotiate a military alliance with Austria. This was a major foreign policy success because the problems that had to be solved became much simpler. Austria could put up quite a

From the book Russia and the formation of Serbian statehood. 1812–1856 author Kudryavtseva Elena Petrovna

4. Serbia and the Russo-Turkish War of 1828–1829. Treaty of Adrianople 1829 In April 1828 Russian government The Manifesto on the War with Turkey was adopted, in which the Porte was accused of non-compliance with the Ackerman Convention. At the same time, European governments were

Russian-Turkish War of 1828-1829

During the first half of the 19th century. The urban population also increased significantly in Crimea. So, in 1850 it reached 85 thousand people. Specific gravity The urban population compared to the entire population of Crimea increased to 27%.

The development of the country required free labor. In order to meet the needs of trade and the developing merchant fleet in the Black and Azov Seas, the government is taking measures to create a cadre of sailors free from serfdom. The Decree on Merchant Shipping of 1830 allowed the establishment of guilds of free sailors at the ports of these seas. Since 1834, societies of free sailors were founded in the coastal cities and villages of the Taurida, Ekaterinoslav and Kherson provinces, including Sevastopol. The decree of the tsarist government explained that such societies should be created from villagers, burghers released into freedom, and commoners “with those who entered the sailors being granted the right to be exempt from all monetary and personal obligations; Moreover, people who signed up for this rank were required to serve in the Black Sea (merchant - Ed.) Fleet for five years to acquire the necessary knowledge.”5

Since 1840, the number of people wishing to become sailors has been increasing. Over ten years, the number of free sailors in the Ekaterinoslav province increased to 7422, in the Kherson province - 4675, in the Tauride province - up to 659 people6.

Skippers, navigators and builders of merchant ships were trained by the merchant shipping school, founded in 1834 in Kherson. The tsarist government contributed in every possible way to the development of the bourgeois class in the cities. Thus, merchants and artisans of Sevastopol were given benefits for ten years, starting from January 1, 1838. “From merchants of all three guilds7 registered in Sevastopol and having permanent residence there,” the decree said, “to collect only half of the established amount for 5 years.” guild duty"8. The decree prescribed that merchants from other provinces who were newly enrolling as merchants of the city, if they built their own houses, should not pay the guilds for three years from the completion of construction. For the next seven years, taxes were to be paid at half the rate. A preferential procedure for assigning guild rights was established; depending on the cost of the house, the corresponding category was awarded, namely: “for a house worth at least 8 thousand rubles - the rights of a third, at least 20 thousand rubles. - second and not less than 50 thousand rubles. - the first guild"9. Merchants who built plants or factories in Sevastopol were given the right not to pay guilds for ten years after the completion of construction. Regarding the artisans settling in the city, it was prescribed that during grace years, from 1838 to 1848, they were given relief in personal and monetary city duties. Just like merchants, artisans building their own houses, after the completion of construction, they were given a benefit for ten years10. In 1831 there were 20 merchants in the city, in 1833 there were already 73, and in 1848 there were 83 merchants11. The merchants led retail trade grocery, manufacturing and other goods. A significant part of them were engaged in commissary deliveries of various goods to the military department (flour, meat, cereals, firewood, etc.). Sevastopol merchants traded salt, fish and other goods12.

The development of the economy of southern Russia, including Crimea, required the establishment of regular communications between the ports of the Black Sea. The shipping company on the Black Sea was founded back in 1828. The first commercial steamship “Odessa” made raids between Odessa and Yalta via Sevastopol. Soon a constant steamship service was established between Sevastopol and other cities of the Black Sea region.

In 1825, under the leadership of engineer Shepilov, a road was built from Simferopol to Alushta, a distance of 45 miles. In the 40s, Colonel Slavich built the Alushta-Yalta-Sevastopol road, 170 versts in length13.

In the mid-40s, a postal road was built to Sevastopol from the Belbek bridge near the station. Duvankoy (now Verkhne Sadovoe) through the Mekenzi Mountains and Inkerman. Previously, the road approached the northern shore of the Big Bay, from where boats crossed to the city. The construction of roads in Crimea, especially in its mountainous part, cost a lot of work and expense. They were built by soldiers, serfs and state peasants.

The southern regions of Russia, in particular the northern Black Sea region and Crimea, were still in the first quarter of the XIX V. were sparsely populated. After the annexation of Crimea to Russia, the issue of settling Crimea with Russian and Ukrainian populations became extremely important. The government, obliging landowners to settle Crimean estates, simultaneously took measures to resettle state peasants and people of other classes here from the central and Ukrainian provinces.

The shortage of workers in the south of Ukraine and Crimea led to the fact that, long before the reform, civilian labor was widely used here, not only in industrial, but also in landowner farms. Already in the 50s, on most estates, the harvesting of grain and herbs was carried out by civilian workers who came here every summer from the central provinces of Russia and Ukraine in search of seasonal work. In the spring and summer, many city residents, including residents of Sevastopol, went to work on the landowners' estates. In Crimean agriculture, in connection with the development of capitalism, a very rapid process of specialization took place. In the 30-40s, specialized farms appeared.

In 1828 and 1830 special decrees were issued on benefits for persons engaged in planting gardens. Gardening also developed in the vicinity of Sevastopol. On May 22, 1831, the Naval Ministry ordered the commander of the Black Sea Fleet to give over to gardening all the lands belonging to the Admiralty, for which “there can be no need”14. By decree of the tsarist government of July 19, 1832, it was allowed to distribute surplus land from the Sevastopol Admiralty to merchants for gardening, viticulture and gardening15. In the same year, a joint-stock wine company was established in Crimea16.

In the second quarter of the 19th century. The development of light industry in Crimea has advanced significantly compared to the end of the 18th century. And beginning of the 19th century V.

In the Tauride province there were 203 factories and factories, of which in 1843 there were three factories (two cloth factories and one headwear) and 166 factories (soap and candle factories, brick, tile, leather, etc.). They employed 1,273 workers17. The number of workers indicates that most industrial enterprises were small and differed little from handicraft workshops. Industry was also poorly developed in Sevastopol. Military ships were built here, a bread factory and several small enterprises operated here: leather, candle, soap, brewing, brick and tile, etc.

Due to the lack work force in Crimea in the second quarter of the 19th century. Prisoners were often involved in working on many construction projects and especially important enterprises. They built fortifications, government buildings, port facilities, laid roads, delivered timber from Ukraine, etc.

The living conditions of civilian workers and soldiers were extremely difficult. The Russian scientist Demidov, who traveled around Crimea in 1837, wrote that 30 thousand people were working on the construction of Sevastopol port facilities.

Sevastopol was ruled by a military governor. In March 1826, by decree of the tsarist government, it was decided to henceforth name the city not Akhtiar, but Sevastopol18. Sevastopol was the largest Crimean city, whose population at the beginning of the second quarter of the 19th century. together with the military, there were about 30 thousand people19. According to official data, in 1844 there were 41,155 inhabitants and 2,057 houses20. The bulk of the population were military: officers, sailors and soldiers. The civilian population consisted mainly of officials, artisans and military families. A relatively large part of the civilian population of Sevastopol was the petty trading bourgeoisie and artisans (shoemakers, furriers, tailors, hatmakers, barbers, tinkers, etc.).

According to the testimony of contemporaries and from the drawings of that time, one can imagine the appearance of Sevastopol in the 30s of the 19th century. The city was located along the shores of the Yuzhnaya, Artillery and Korabelnaya bays, on three hills separated by deep gullies. The city center was located around the southern hill (now Lenin and Bolshaya Morskaya streets). The main street was Ekaterininskaya, starting from Ekaterininskaya Square (now Lenin Square). Here were the houses of Governor General Stolypin, mayor Nosov and merchants, a women's school, a cathedral church, barracks for naval and working crews and a school for naval cabin boys. On the Bolshoi. Morskaya Street housed the houses of army and naval quartermasters, naval officers and officials.

The entire city was built from white Inkerman stone. The houses were small mansions surrounded by gardens, fenced off from the street by front gardens. The sharp difference between the comfortable center and the poor settlements where working people lived was striking. Slobodkas began not only immediately behind the main streets (in the area of ​​the current Historical Boulevard), but directly in the center, on the southern hill.

Disarmed ships were located on both banks of the Southern Bay, and merchant ships bringing provisions were located in the Artillery Bay. Yuzhnaya and Korabelnaya bays were the military harbor of Sevastopol.

On the southwestern side of the South Bay, the Admiralty was located, where ships were repaired and brigs, corvettes and other small vessels were built from Crimean oak. At the end of it were placed spare artillery pieces, shells and warehouses. Dismantling of ships that had fallen into disrepair was also carried out here. On two old ships, the Poltava and the Lesnoy, prisoners were kept, most of whom were sent from various provinces to work in the Sevastopol port.

On the shores of other bays - Streletskaya, Kamysheva and Cossack - there were no buildings except small batteries and customs cordons.

Most of the sailors lived in dilapidated barracks, built under Admiral Ushakov, and only a small part of the sailors were housed in two stone two-story barracks (about 2,500 people).

Admirals, ship captains and commanders of military units lived in old government houses. The bulk of naval officers, as well as officials, lived in private apartments.

The city did not have enough fresh water: residents took it from a well in Admiralty Bay, while the fleet was supplied with water from wells located along the shores of the bay.

The authorities cared little about the development of culture in the city. At the beginning of the second quarter of the 19th century. in Sevastopol there were only two state-owned educational institutions; in addition, the city bourgeoisie maintained several private classes and boarding houses. In 1833, a boarding house for noble maidens was opened in the city21. In the 40s, district and parish schools and a naval school for the children of sailors (school for cabin boys)22 were opened in the city.

The leading people of Sevastopol and, in particular, some officers of the Black Sea Fleet made a significant contribution to the development of the culture of Crimea. In 1825-1836 Hydrographic work was carried out in the Black and Azov Seas. From the inventories compiled during these works, an atlas of Cherny and Azov seas, published in 1842 by the Black Sea Hydrographic Department23.

In the first decades of the 19th century. the study of the historical past of Crimea and its archaeological monuments began. Research and excavations were carried out at the sites of ancient Chersonesos (Korsun), Panticapaeum, and Scythian Naples. Navy officers took part in the excavations of Chersonesus. These excavations have their own history. Even before the annexation of Crimea to Russia, the officers of the first Russian ships sailing the Black Sea were ordered to pay attention to antiquities and describe them. The military-historical archives contain several maps and plans of Chersonesos, compiled by officers of the Black Sea Fleet.

The first excavations were made in 1821, and systematic archaeological research in Chersonesos began with the founding of the Odessa Society of History and Antiquities (1839). The society turned to the commander of the Black Sea Fleet M.P. Lazarev with a request to assist in removing the plan from the surviving remnants of Chersonesos and its environs. The admiral instructed Captain Arkas to do this, who a few years later presented the society with a “Description of the Irakli Peninsula and its Antiquities” (with maps and plans)24. Somewhat later, excavations were carried out by Lieutenant Shemyakin. His finds were transferred to the Odessa Museum. After him, the research was carried out by Lieutenant Baryatinsky and others.25 The results of these excavations were a valuable contribution to science.

In the second quarter of the 19th century. construction of the Sevastopol fortress and port facilities resumed. However, before the entry of M.P. Lazarev to the post of chief of staff of the Black Sea Fleet, and then commander, the construction of fortifications was carried out slowly. Although the city was classified as a first-class fortress in November 1826,26 due to poor engineering work it was destroyed by the beginning of the Russian-Turkish War of 1828-1829. was insufficiently protected from the sea and almost completely unfortified from the land.

The serfdom system hampered the development and introduction of new technology and had a detrimental effect on the combat training of the army. The Prussian training system dominated the army at that time. The army and navy were prepared more for parades than for combat operations. The backwardness of military tactics and troop training had a serious impact on the wars that Russia had to fight in the second quarter of the 19th century.

The international situation at the beginning of the Russian-Turkish war was characterized by the fact that in the center foreign policy both Russia and countries Western Europe became the "Eastern Question". “Of the two main goals that the diplomacy of Nicholas I set for itself, one, namely the fight against revolutionary movements in Europe, seemed more or less achieved at the end of the 20s. Therefore, it became possible to put forward another major task of Russian diplomacy: the struggle for mastery of the straits - “the keys to one’s own home”27. Russia's desire to take possession of Constantinople and the straits was, in the words of Marx and Engels, the basis of the “traditional policy of Russia”, associated with its historical past, its geographical conditions and the need to have open harbors in the Archipelago and the Baltic Sea28.

England, France and Austria each tried to resolve for themselves the question of the fate of Turkey's European possessions, especially the straits. Russia had an advantage in this competition for new markets and trade routes: it relied on the sympathetic attitude of the Slavic peoples towards it Balkan Peninsula(Serbs, Montenegrins and Bulgarians), who languished under the centuries-old oppression of Turkey and hoped to win state independence with the help of Russia. Tsarism thought least of all about the freedom of oppressed nationalities, but it skillfully took advantage of the situation in the Balkans, putting forward the task of patronizing Orthodox co-religionists.

The peoples of the Balkan Peninsula waged a stubborn struggle for their independence. The military actions of the Russian army contributed to the liberation of the Balkan peoples from under the Turkish yoke.

The Russian-Turkish War began in April 1828. The Tsarist command assumed that the campaign would be completed by the onset of winter with decisive operations near Constantinople. But the poorly equipped, incompetently controlled Russian army, despite all the bravery of the soldiers, could not overcome the resistance of the Turks for a long time.

On the Balkan Peninsula, by the end of 1828, the Russians managed to take possession of a narrow strip along the Black Sea. Military operations developed successfully on the eastern coast of the Black Sea, where Sukhum-Kale and Poti were occupied.

On April 11, 1828, ships of the Black Sea Fleet entered the Sevastopol roadstead consisting of eight battleships, five frigates, 20 sailing ships and three steamships29. All these ships had about 12 thousand personnel and an airborne corps (up to 5 thousand people).

On April 29, the fleet left Sevastopol and on May 2 approached the Turkish fortress of Anapa. The fortress, attacked by Russian troops from land and the fleet from the sea, capitulated on June 12. 4 thousand Turks surrendered, 80 guns and several ships with landing forces sent from Trebizond to help the Anapa garrison were taken. The capture of Anapa, an important Turkish stronghold on the Caucasian coast, was a major victory for the Russian fleet.

The military operations of the Russian army in European Turkey were designed to support the fleet, which was supposed to cover transport ships assigned to transport ammunition and products from Odessa and other ports. The fleet was tasked with occupying a number of coastal fortifications in order to create storage points necessary for the army during the offensive to the south. For this purpose, in May 1828, a squadron of three ships and two frigates was allocated, heading to the southwestern shores of the Black Sea. After the capture of Anapa, the Russian fleet, together with the landing corps, was sent to the Turkish fortress in Varna, Bulgaria.

In July 1828, Russian troops surrounded it from land and sea. During the siege of the fortress, rowing ships under the command of captain 2nd rank V.I. distinguished themselves. Melikhova30, who captured 14 Turkish ships on the night of July 27. The fleet carried out successful bombardments of the fortress. A significant number of naval teams took part in the construction of the trenches. On September 29, after a stubborn defense, the fortress capitulated.

During the siege of Varna in August, a cruising detachment under the command of Captain 1st Rank Kritsky stormed the coastal fortification of Inada, located 127 kilometers from Constantinople. The fortress guns were loaded onto ships and the fortifications were blown up. The capture of Inada caused alarm in Constantinople.

In October, the ships returned to wintering in Sevastopol, and in November a detachment of two ships and two vessels was sent to monitor the Bosphorus. Military operations of the fleet continued in 1829.

A bright page in the combat operations of the Black Sea Fleet was the feat of the military sailors of the Russian brig31 "Mercury" under the command of Lieutenant Commander Kazarsky.

On May 14, 1829, at dawn, the 18-gun brig Mercury, cruising near the Bosphorus, came within close range of the Turkish fleet. Two Turkish ships - one 110-gun and the other 74-gun - set off in pursuit of the mime, hoping to capture the ship. Soon they caught up with the brig "Mercury" and, approaching it, opened fire. The Russian brig was poorly armed compared to the Turkish ships. Unable to avoid an unequal battle, Lieutenant-Commander Kazarsky assembled a military council. Lieutenant of the corps of naval navigators I. Prokofiev spoke in favor of a decisive battle in order to blow it up in case of a threat of capture of the ship. All the officers supported him. The team welcomed this decision. After delivering a short inspiring speech, Kazarsky ordered to prepare for a decisive battle. His last words were covered with a unanimous exclamation: “Hurray! We are ready for anything, we won’t fall to the Turks alive!”32. A loaded pistol was placed in front of the entrance to the powder magazine, so that at a critical moment the last surviving officer of the brig would blow up the ship along with the enemy by shooting into a barrel of gunpowder.

It was 13 o'clock. 30 minutes when an alarm sounded on the brig. The only rescue skiff was thrown into the sea, which interfered with the action of the stern guns. Firing the brig from both sides, the enemy intended to force it to surrender, initially hitting it with longitudinal shots from the bow guns. The brig responded to the demand of one of the Turkish ships to surrender with cannon and rifle fire.

The skillful maneuvering of Kazarsky, who used both sails and oars to prevent the enemy from using his tenfold superiority in artillery, prevented the Turks from conducting aimed fire. The fierce resistance of the Russians was a surprise to the Turks and led them into confusion. Random and continuous firing began from both Turkish ships.

This unequal battle lasted almost four hours. Well-aimed volleys managed to damage the rigging33 and spars of the Turkish ships. The enemy ships, having been damaged, were afraid of meeting with the Russian squadron, which could arrive in time to help the brig. All this forced the Turks to stop the battle. One of the enemy ships was forced to drift to repair the damage. The other ship began to lag behind and soon gave up the chase.

Having repaired the damage, the Mercury joined the Russian fleet the next day. The small 18-gun brig defeated two Turkish battleships thanks to the stamina and courage of the Russian sailors. The brig received 22 holes in the hull and 297 damage to the spars, sails and rigging34.

For the valor shown in battle, all personnel received military awards, and the brig received the stern St. George's flag. According to the order, the Black Sea Fleet was to constantly have a ship with the name “Mercury” or “Memory of Mercury”, continuously bearing the St. George’s flag, associated with the memory of the feat of the brig “Mercury”.

In 1834, a monument to the commander of the heroic brig, Captain-Lieutenant Kazarsky, was erected on Michmansky (now Matrossky) Boulevard in Sevastopol. On a high pedestal with the inscription “To posterity as an example” on it stands a cast-iron sculpture depicting a trireme - an ancient Greek rowing vessel.

In August 1829, the Russian army entered Adrianople and came within sight of Constantinople. Turkish Sultan Mahmud II began peace negotiations.

The ruling circles of England did not want to allow Russia to take possession of the straits and strengthen Russian influence in Greece and among Slavic peoples Balkan Peninsula. England was supported by France and Prussia. That is why, when there was an immediate threat of the capture of Constantinople by Russian troops, the ambassadors of England, France and Prussia persistently began to advise the Sultan to accept peace terms in order to prevent Russia from capturing Constantinople and the straits.

On September 2, 1829, in Adrianople, Türkiye agreed to the conditions presented to it by Russia. A peace was signed, according to which the coast of the Caucasus from the mouth of the Kuban to the pier of St. Nicholas (between Poti and Batumi) was transferred to Russia. On the Danube, islands in the Danube delta went to Russia, and the southern branch of the river mouth became the Russian border. Russia received the right of passage of its ships through the Dardanelles and Bosphorus and free navigation of merchant ships along the Danube.

The significance of the Adrianople Peace Treaty for the Balkan peoples was great. The treaty ensured autonomy for the Danube principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia. Russia assumed the guarantee of the rights of Moldavia and Wallachia, which further increased its influence in these principalities. Serbia, Moldavia and Wallachia, having received de facto autonomy under the Treaty of Adrianople, took a major step towards achieving complete independence. Thus, the Treaty of Adrianople, concluded as a result of the successes of the Russian army and navy, objectively played an important role in the liberation of the Balkan peoples from the yoke of Sultan Turkey.

In 1830, the ships of the Black Sea Fleet were busy transporting ground troops, sick and wounded from Sizopol, Varna and other Turkish fortresses, bringing shells, military property and equipment to their ports. Some of the ships were being repaired.

Plague appeared in Crimea and Sevastopol after the war. It spread from the Turkish camp and from ships chartered for the army. Strict quarantine measures were taken in Black Sea ports, especially in Sevastopol. The establishment of quarantine led to abuses by officials and merchants who delivered food to residents of cordoned off areas. This was one of the reasons for the uprising in Sevastopol in the summer of 1830.


1. A.I. Herzen, Selected Works, M., 1937, p. 399.

2. V.I. Lenin, Soch., vol. 3, p. 158.

3. “Novorossiysk calendar for 1845”, Odessa, 1844, pp. 315-316.

4. “Novorossiysk calendar for 1840”, Odessa, 1839, pp. 115-119.

5. N. Murzakevich, Essay on the successes of the Novorossiysk region and Bessarabia from 1820 to 1846, Odessa, 1846, pp. 58-59.

6. Ibid., pp. 59-60.

7. Guild - ranks of merchants in pre-revolutionary Russia(division into categories was made according to the size of turnover and tax).

8. “Urban settlements in the Russian Empire,” vol. IV, St. Petersburg, 1864, pp. 767-768.

9. Ibid., p. 768.

10. “Second Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire,” vol. XIII, No. 10864.

11. “Review of the state of the cities of the Russian Empire in 1833”, St. Petersburg, 1834, p. 47.

13. N. Murzakevich, Essay on the successes of the Novorossiysk region and Bessarabia from 1820 to 1864, p. 52.

14. GAKO, f. 26, no. 6904, l. 8.

15. “Second Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire,” vol. VII, No. 5507.

16. Central State Military Historical Archive, Leningrad branch (hereinafter - TsGVIAL), f. 7, d. 13, l. 1-2.

17. “Information on the convenience of apartment accommodation of all types of troops in the Tauride province,” St. Petersburg, 1844, p. 30.

18. TsGVIAL, f. 3, op. 5, d. 485, l. 1. Akhtiar is the official name of Sevastopol, assigned to it under Paul I.

19. TsGAVMF, f. 315, d. 567, l. 24.

20. “Information on the convenience of apartment accommodation for all types of troops in the Tauride province,” p. 3.

21. GAKO, f. 100, no. 352, pp. 2, 9, 10.

22. TsGAVMF, f. 315, d. 567, l. 24.

23. P. Keppen, On the ethnographic map of European Russia, St. Petersburg, 1852, p. 9.

24. “One Hundred Years of Excavations of Chersonesos”, compiled by K.E. Grinevich, Sevastopol. 1927.

25. Ibid.

26. “Second Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire,” vol. I, no. 659.

27. "History of Diplomacy", vol. I, p. 403.

28. K. Marx, F. Engels, Works, vol. IX, p. 439.

29. V.F. Golovachev, History of Sevastopol as a Russian port, p. 239.

30. V.I. Melikhov, Description of the actions of the Black Sea Fleet during the continuation of the war with Turkey in 1828 and 1829, “Sea Collection”, 1850, No. 1-9.

31. Brig - a small two-masted sailing warship of the 18th-19th centuries.

32. “Description of the famous and unheard of battle between the Russian brig “Mercury” and two Turkish battleships on May 14, 1829,” M., 1829, p. 9.

33. Rigging (German) - the totality of a ship’s gear.

34. “Combat chronicle of the Russian fleet”, M., 1948, pp. 206-207.

A.I. Nedelin

Photo beautiful places Crimea