Famous musical groups. The most famous rock bands

A genre of music like Rock is very broad concept, since there are subgenres and directions in it - a carriage and a small cart. And many people have long moved away from the classic sound, inventing new features, effects and introducing new instruments: from heavy guitar hooks and hysterical singing, to recitatives and samples.

A lot of time has passed since the first bands began to rock and roll, and a lot of styles have appeared with their own sound, attributes and fan base. Such as: Metal, Punk rock, SKA, Grunge, Alternative rock, Industrial, etc.

I decided to make my TOP about the most prominent representatives of each style, compile list of the best rock bands without comparing them with each other and without assigning numbers to them. Since each group is cool and unique in its own way.

So, let's begin!

Black Sabbath

And my top band opens with the great Ozzy Osbourne “Black Sabbath”, they are considered the pioneers of heavy metal, especially their debut studio album “Black Sabbath” with a new sound at that time and the inimitable style of playing guitarist Tony Iommi.

In his riffs for the band's song of the same name, Tony was the first to use "Triton". The so-called “devil's interval” is an interval of three tones, for which in the Middle Ages you could get burned at the stake if you played it on a lute.

Osbourne wrapped up the theme with dark lyrics, and the band's direction was set. And Ozzy’s shocking performance on stage played a huge role in the formation of the group’s image. “Black Sabbath” were considered a very scandalous rock group; they were credited with Satanism and devil worship. In the USSR they were banned.


Metallica is a metal band that has metal in its music, in its name and in its blood. Metallica had a great influence on the development of metal and rock music in general. "Broom" is considered the best metal band of the last thirty years according to Kerrang magazine. The number of albums sold totals more than 110 million copies worldwide.

They are one of the “Big Four of Thrash Metal” along with Slayer, Anthrax and Megadeth, and yet “Broom” surpassed them all in popularity. And the album “Master of Puppets” is considered the “standard of thrash”; at one time it reached both the underground and critics.

Hetfield and the guys can even throw together a slow ballad in the style of Nothing Else Matters, which will later become a hit. And drive away some action movie like Sanitarium. In honor of the 15th anniversary of the band Metallica, MTV aired a sour tribute in 2003, which included (Korn, Limp Bizkit, Avril Lavinge, Snoop Dog).


A cult grunge band based in Seattle, it was Nirvana who made this style so popular. Nirvana became part of the underground in 1989 music scene Seattle, after recording their first album, Bleach, on the independent Sub Pop label.

When creating his second album, Kurt Cobain wanted to go beyond the Seattle grunge scene and bring something new to his music. Thanks to the Pixies, which he really liked, he brought their dynamics into the band's sound. And in 1991, they recorded their second studio album, Nevermind, on the DGC Records label, and it became commercially successful.

Largely thanks to the first single “Smells Like Teen Spirit”, which became an anthem “ next generation" and one of the . Cobain's soulful vocals and driving delivery did their job. Nirvana entered the mainstream and became the “voice of Generation X,” thereby popularizing the Seattle grunge sound.


KoYan is an American rock band that founded the nu metal or alternative metal style. Joel McIver called them the pioneers of nu metal in his book. “Korn” absorbed elements of many styles from hardcore punk with groove metal to funk with hip-hop and created a new huge layer of music.

After the death of Nirvana leader Kurt Cobain, the popularity of grunge began to decline and something new was needed, equally powerful and youthful. Nu-metal came at the right time, and KoYan made a real breakthrough. Moving away from the old canons of rock music, not only in terms of sound, but also in image: tracksuits, wide pants, dreadlocks and the unforgettable “kick” that they set on stage.

The group is the best in its style with the unique voice of Jonathan Davis, with its own atmosphere and style, recognizable from the first strokes of the strings, has gathered millions of fans around the world among young people and old school. They constantly experiment with sound from album to album.

After the release of their debut album in 1994, Korn became the best-selling heavy band of the decade with sales of 3 million copies. They deservedly go to my list of the best foreign rock groups.

Limp Bizkit

Here are another favorite of young people, an American rap-core, nu-metal group formed in 1994 by frontman Fred Durst and debuted in 1997 with the album “Tree Dollar Bill, Y'all$”. Although they are not the founders of rap core, they are rightfully considered the best in this direction.

They collected the best moments from alternative styles, seasoned it with Durst's aggressive delivery, cool arrangements and Wes Borland riffs. And by the beginning of the millennium they became the top alternative group that most teenagers looked up to.

Their third studio album, “Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water,” takes them to the peak of fame and LB fills all the charts, music channels and counters with discs. Fred's charisma, shocking image of the guitarist, competent Dj Lethal on samples and experiments with sound bore fruit.

List of the best foreign rock bands

Part of my list of the best rock bands is behind us, so you can take a short break and continue to remember the top rock bands of the world scale.


The brightest band on Nu-metal, and indeed on the rock scene all over the world. It was formed in 1992 in the capital of Iowa by drummer Sean Crahan, which means Noose. The composition changed periodically and settled down to the recording of the debut album in 1999, as a result it turned out to be a gang of nine people.

One of important points The formation of the group was the arrival of Corey Taylor as the lead singer of the group. Which made Slipknot sound right. The band's success is a hellish mixture of powerful metal sound with various cool bells and whistles: percussion, samples, scratches. And also the unimaginable performance, the frantic shocking, trash and frenzy that they create on stage.

“Slips” perform in overalls of the same color and in different masks, plus installations that raise drums and percussion, in short, it turns out to be a cool show and a unique atmosphere. They have gathered a huge crowd of Maggot fans around the world and are among the list of the best rock bands.

Green Day

Next on my list is Green Day, a punk rock band from sunny California founded by Billie Joe Armstrong and Mike Dirnt in 1986. After the first concert tour The drummer leaves them, the same Tre Cool comes to replace him and a legendary trio is formed.

Together with other groups of the Californian punk rock wave (Rancid and The Offspring), they raised big excitement and people's interest in punk rock music not only in America, but also abroad. Green Day were the model and inspiration for many famous bands: Simple Plan, Good Charlotte, FOB.

GD won a Grammy in 1995 after releasing their hit singles "Basket case" and "When l come around." As a result of numerous Internet polls conducted by Rolling Stone magazine, Green Day were awarded the title of the best punk band in history.

Linkin Park

Another cult alternative rock band that started with melodic nu metal, on (Hybrid Theory and Meteora). But then she changed her style and direction, experimenting with sound. At first the team gathered under the name Xero, but with the arrival of Chester Bennington, the guys renamed themselves Linkin Park.

According to numerous Internet polls, LP is the most famous and easily recognizable rock band in the whole world. With the release of their debut album Hybrid Theory, the guys immediately grabbed fame and applause; Chester’s unique voice, electronic inserts, and great riffs immediately won the hearts of listeners. The second full-length album Meteora was recorded in the same style, to the delight of fans, and significantly increased the popularity of the group.

In Minutes to Midnight and subsequent albums, the band began to experiment with sound and direction, which caused dissatisfaction among fans of hybrid-style records. The group was nominated for a Grammy 6 times, two of which they received. By the standards of many famous world publications, LP is included in the list of the best rock bands, and Chester Bennington is included in the list of the best rock vocalists.


And here is the pride of Germany - Rammstein group. The industrial metal band comes from Berlin and there is no doubt about the cult status of these Germans. Brutal, healthy men playing driving industrial music in their own specific rhythm, shocking lyrics and grandiose stage performances using pyrotechnics.

The group was assembled by guitarist Richard Kruspe, who noticed that his friend Till Lindemann, who was a drummer in the band First Arsch, had good vocal abilities. Richard persuaded Till to try himself as the lead singer of Rammstein and hit the mark. Next, they win a competition for young bands and record their debut long play “Herzeleid” and it becomes popular.

Rammstein is noticed by Trent Reznor (frontman of N I N) and advises David Lynch to include a couple of Ramm songs in the soundtrack for his Lost Highway project, and things go uphill. They then went on tour in Europe opening for Clawfinger, then performed on MTV in 1996. A world fame They brought their third studio album “Mutter” with such famous singles as “Feuer frei”, “Ich Will”, “Mutter”.

System of a Down

System of a Down is a rock band from Los Angeles with Armenian roots, founded by Serj Tankian along with Daran Malakian. The main direction of the group is nu metal, alternative rock with an admixture of Armenian folklore, which can be seen in Serge’s lyrics and gives the group an original flavor.

Rock music(eng. Rock music) is a general name for a number of directions popular music. This trend emerged in the mid-1950s. Characteristic signs rock music, such as the use of electric guitars, creative self-sufficiency. It is believed that rock is associated with the blues, from which the first rock genres emerged - rock and roll and rockabilly. Rock music has a large number of directions: from fairly “light” genres to brutal and aggressive genres. During the existence of rock, there have been many attempts to combine it with almost all possible types of music - with academic music (art rock, appears in the late 60s), jazz (jazz rock, appears in the late 60s - early 70s) , Latin music (Latin rock, appears in the late 60s), Indian music (raga rock, appears in the mid 60s).

We want to introduce you best rock groups starting today and go back in time to 1950.

L best rock bands

3 0 Seconds to Mars

American rock is an alternative rock band from Los Angeles, California. Founded in 1998 by brothers Jared and Shannon Leto. The name of the group was taken by the participants from an article by a former Harvard professor, which discussed technological progress, as a result of which humanity will literally soon be “thirty seconds from Mars.” The group performs in various genres of rock, such as neo-progressive, hard rock, space rock, alternative.


American rock band founded in 1995 by vocalist Amy Lee and guitarist Ben Moody. The group achieved great popularity in early 2003 with the release of the album Fallen, which sold approximately 15 million copies and brought the group two Grammy Awards.

I n Flames

Swedish musical group, playing melodic death metal. As of 2012, the group has sold over 13 million records worldwide. Band style: melodic death metal, alternative metal. In 1993, guitarist Jesper Strömblad left Ceremonial Oath to focus on In Flames. He will soon be joined by bassist Johan Larssen and guitarist Glenn Lyngström. This is how the group begins to form.

L inkin Park

American alternative rock band founded in 1996 under the name Xero. Since 2000, the group has become known as Linkin Park. Then the group gained success thanks to their debut album entitled Hybrid Theory . This album sold 27 million copies. The group received the award twice Grammy ».

Bring Me The Horizon

British rock band from Sheffield, formed in 2004. The guys play in the genres of deathcore, metalcore, post-hardcore. The group has already released 5 full-length albums.

M use

British rock band, which was founded in 1994 in Teignmouth. The group consists of three members: Matthew Bellamy, Chris Wolstenholme and Dominic Howard. The group is known for the song from the Coca-Cola commercial " Can't take my eyes off you ».

5 Diez

Belarusian alternative group formed in 2001 in the city of Vitebsk. The guys moved to Moscow in 2003 and, to date, have released five studio albums. Their debut album entitled “In this life kindness and decency fails me” received Russian Alternative Music Prize in the Album of the Year category. In 2012, the group's founder and guitarist Alexey "Valosh" Fedyaev left the group. But the group continues to move forward.

D isturbed

An American rock band performing music in the style of alternative metal with elements of other styles, such as nu metal and hard rock. Its founders are musicians Steve Kmak, Dan Donigan, Mike Wengren and David Draiman. Since the formation of the group, the guys have sold about thirty million copies of albums worldwide.

Guano Apes

Alternative rock quartet from Göttingen, Germany, formed in 1994. Members and founders of the group: Stefan Uhde, Henning Rümenapp and Dennis Poschwatta. In 2005, the group suspended its activities as each of the members began to pursue solo projects, and it was only in 2009 that the group reunited to play at a series of summer festivals. After the reunion, the group began to play light rock.

T he Beatles

British rock band from Liverpool, founded in 1960, featuring John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. They created a new stage in rock history. Starting with imitation of the classics of American rock and roll of the 1950s, The Beatles came to their own style and sound. Today they are recognized as one of the most successful groups of the 20th century, both creatively and commercially.

T he Rolling Stones

British rock band formed on July 12, 1962 and for many years rivaled The Beatles in popularity. The Rolling Stones, who became an important part of the British Invasion, are considered one of the most influential and successful bands in rock history.

Pink Floyd

A British rock band that was founded in 1965, famous for its philosophical lyrics, acoustic experiments, innovations in album design and grandiose shows. They are one of the most influential and most successful groups in rock music - 74.5 million albums sold in the United States, and about 300 million were sold worldwide.

Q ueen

A British rock band that achieved widespread fame in the mid-1970s, and is one of the most successful bands in the history of rock music. The media call the group “cult” and write that it still has hundreds of millions to this day fans. Critics consider the group's songs as rock classics: "Bohemian Rhapsody", "We Will Rock You", "We Are the Champions", "Innuendo", "The Show Must Go On", "Radio Ga Ga", "I Want to Break Free", "A Kind of Magic". Band members - Freddie Mercury, Roger Taylor, Brian May?, John Deacon.

Led Zeppelin

British rock band formed in September 1968 in London, England, and are recognized as one of the most successful, innovative and influential in modern history. Having created their own sound, Led Zeppelin became one of the leading hard rock bands and played a fundamental role in the development of heavy metal, freely interpreting folk and blues classics and enriching the style with elements of other musical genres. It was Led Zeppelin who laid the foundation for the concept of “album rock” by refusing to release singles. Band members: Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, John Paul Jones, John Bonham.

Guns N' Roses

American hard rock band formed in Los Angeles, California in 1985. The group gained worldwide popularity after the release of its first full-length album, Appetite for Destruction, by Geffen Records in 1987. Band members: Axl Rose, Duff McKagan, Slash, Dizzy Reed, Richard Fortus, Chris Pitman, Frank Ferrer.


German English-language rock band founded in 1965 in Hannover. The group's style is characterized by both classic hard rock and lyrical guitar ballads. Scorpions are Germany's most popular rock band and one of the most famous bands on the world rock scene, having sold over 100 million albums. The group members are Klaus Meine, Rudolf Schenker, Matthias Jabs, James Kottak, Pavel Monchivoda.

Roman Litvinov, better known as Mujuice, is perhaps the most notable performer electronic music in Russia of the last decade. The artist has more than a dozen full-length releases, a minority of which were recorded with live vocals.

The last such album was Amore e morte, released last year. The release got lost in the flow new music and was not as successful as, for example, Cool Cool Death!, released ten years ago. Despite this, Mujuice is still popular today; musicians such as Zemfira Ramazanova do not hesitate to collaborate with him, and the performer himself is a welcome participant in major Russian and foreign festivals.

2. Antokha MC

"Antokha MC" is a musician from Moscow who started by studying in music school in the “Trumpet” class, and now one of the most promising Russian hip-hop artists.

In Anton’s work you can find echoes of 5’nizza and Mikhey, but in general it is quite original - this is not hip-hop in the classical sense of the term. The music is influenced by funk and reggae, and an additional highlight is the accompaniment, which in some songs is played by a trumpet.

3. Medjikul

The absence of the St. Petersburg group “Medzhikul” in radio and TV rotation is quite possibly a temporary phenomenon. Their debut album “Everything about Marfa” has everything to please almost any listener: you can dance both fiery and slow dances to the songs of “Medzhikul”, they want to sing along, while the music itself is very far from the tired pop music .

“Medzhikul” is perhaps the first group in Russia that performs music in the genre of rhythm and blues of the 70s - the so-called Motown Sound. St. Petersburgers skillfully combine the features of this genre with modern musical techniques and funny lyrics in Russian, as a result their compositions sound fresh and familiar at the same time.

4. Harajiev Smokes Virginia!

A group from Kazan, which started in 2009 with killer math-rock, now performing indie rock with elements of pop music. The group has six full-fledged releases, each of which will probably remain forever in the memory of my smartphone.

There are only three people in the group, the main instrumental core consists of drums, bass, guitar and vocals. HSV records also use other instruments, but this minimum set is enough to perform songs at concerts. If you love playful and romantic guitar music, do not understand English lyrics and have no prejudices about high-pitched male vocals, then Harajiev Smokes Virginia! you'll like it.


Rostov-on-Don gave fans of hip-hop “Casta”, and fans of modern independent music - the couple Vlad and Irina Parshin, who were at the origins of the projects Motorama, “Morning” and “Bergen Kremer” (“Summer in the City”). Motorama is considered to be the main project of the musicians: the band’s discography includes four full-length and two mini-albums, and the tour map extends far beyond Russia.

Motorama's work is usually classified as post-punk and twee-pop. Unpretentious progressions and melodies, a 4/4 time signature and minimalistic accompaniment make Motorama's music simple and enjoyable.

6. Thank you

“Musical group from Moscow” is the full text of the annotation in the “Thank you” community “VKontakte”. The participants do not try to show off the variety of style tags and do not compare themselves with the hegemons of the genres. The band's style is truly difficult to describe without resorting to boring musical terms. In simple words, “Spasibo” is a playful and sometimes experimental guitar rock with intelligent lyrics in the native language.

7. BCH

BCH is a project of Moscow musician Viktor Isaev. It all started with the album “Minion,” released in 2014, unusual both in form and content. Quality R&B and soul are not very common in Russian music, and BCH not only became a good alternative to James Blake, but also released an original experimental release. “Minion” is the album where very non-Russian music is combined with the most Russian lyrics - poems by poets of the Silver Age.

The latest release of the BCH “Hellenic Secret” was recorded with original lyrics. The music itself has also undergone changes: the songs are different from each other and combine echoes of many directions - from trip-hop to retrowave.

8. Pinkshinyultrablast

Pinkshinyultrablast is a shoegaze band from St. Petersburg and the only Russian band that Pitchfork likes to write about. Shoegaze is an alternative rock genre that originated in England in the late 80s. Music of this style is characterized by specific work with guitar effects and the detached behavior of musicians on stage, absorbed in this work.

In Russia, the boom of shoegaze music of the 80s and 90s went unnoticed, which is why this genre is still not popular among wide audience. Pinkshinyultrablast do not count on success with Russian listeners: they give concerts abroad much more often than in Russia.

9. On-The-Go

A group from Togliatti, which started in hometown from killer dance-rock and later changed both genre and place of residence. After moving to the capital, the Togliatti residents were taken under the wing of the Xuman Records label, and the very first release, In The Wind, marked the beginning of the group’s creativity in a new style. Now On-The-Go is a Moscow band working in the indie-pop genre and sounding completely un-Russian.

10. Sirotkin

Moscow bard Sergei Sirotkin proves year after year that in Russia you can become popular performer just playing beautiful music. The pursuit of fashion, the desire to turn creativity into bold experiments - this is not about Sirotkin. Here there is only a guitar and a young man with a beautiful voice.

Although rock is not popular in the world, there are a huge number of rock bands. Some of them are popular, others not so much. Today we will find out what most popular rock bands exist. Let's look at those groups that no longer exist, as well as those that still exist today.

Here is a list of the most popular rock bands in the world. This is not a top rating, because it is impossible to say which group is better or more popular than the other. Let's just see who left the biggest mark on the history of rock music.

  1. Nirvana(). American rock band. Was founded in 1987. Founders - Kurt Cobain, who became truly a legend among rock musicians, as well as Chris Novoselic.

    For all time group " Nirvana"released only 3 albums, which sold millions of copies. The group's most hit composition is " smells like Teen Spirit".
    Unfortunately, the group's activities ceased due to the death of Kurt Cobain in 1994. But still Nirvana remains one of my favorite muses. groups among fans of rock music.

  2. Queen. One of the rock bands that also left a big mark in the history of rock music.

    The guys achieved success in the 1970s. It is worth noting that interest in the group continues to this day. Vocalist of the group - Freddie Mercury. After his death, the group practically ceased to exist, however, after some time, it continued its activities, but under a different name.

  3. Pink Floyd (Pink Floyd). A British group that started in 1965.

    Known for her songs with deep subtext, grandiose shows and acoustic experiments.

  4. The Rolling Stones ( Rolling Stones) . Rock band from Britain, which was founded in 1962. They can rightfully be considered one of the most influential and popular rock bands.

    For a long time, the Rolling Stones competed with the group in popularity.

  5. Led Zeppelin (Led Zeppelin). The group was born in 1968 in England.

    The guys created their own unique sound. The group is recognized as one of the most influential rock bands in the world.

  6. The Beatles () . One of most popular rock bands world, which was able to bring changes to music.

    "Fantastic Four", as the guys were also called, was born in 1960.

  7. Linkin Park (). American rock band playing alternative music.

    The group began in 1996 under the name Xero. The group received the name "Linkin Park" only in 2000. Album entitled " Hybrid Theory", which sold more than 27 million copies, brought success to the boys. This was their debut album. The group also received a Grammy Award 2 times.

  8. U2 (Yu Tu). Rock band from Ireland, which was founded in 1976. They are one of the most popular bands in rock culture.

    U2 has received 22 Grammy Awards during its existence, which is more than any other rock group. And the albums sold more than 180 million copies.

  9. Metallica(). American metal band. "Born" in 1981.

    There are more than 100 million copies of albums sold. This automatically makes Metallica one of the most successful commercial bands.

  10. Rammstein (Ramstein). Metal band from Germany (Berlin). Was founded in 1994.

    "Ramstein" is famous for its brightest performances and grandiose shows, often using pyrotechnics.
    The group's albums sold 35 million copies.


This list could go on and on, but I wanted to highlight only the brightest and most memorable rock bands. Other guys are also worthy of attention, but it is impossible to describe them all in one article, so we limited ourselves to ten.

It is impossible to single out just one musical group: they are all truly talented.

Which group do you think is the best among them? Write in the comments :)

Music accompanies people throughout their lives. One of my favorite genres is rock. There are many representatives of musicians in this direction, but truly popular groups have existed for decades. Some created masterpieces continue to live even after the collapse of the group itself or the death of its members.

Our article presents the most popular rock bands in the history of rock. When compiling the list, data on the number of discs sold over the entire period of the group’s existence was used.

Bon Jovi

In 1983, a guy named Jon Bon Jovi formed the band Bon Jovi. The composition of the group has remained unchanged to this day, with the exception that in 1994, Alex John Such left the band, and Hugh MacDonald was taken in his place.

For three years the guys made their way to fame, and in 1986 it overtook the guys. Thanks to the released album “Slippery When Wet” they gained worldwide popularity. And over the next four years, the guys were busy with concerts, which they also gave in other countries. They released hit after hit. By that time, crowds of fans and just rock lovers were already gathering to listen to live music from the legendary Bon Jovi.

It would seem that after 10 years it would be difficult to attract young fans to their music, but Bon Jovi released another album, the hit of which was the song “It’s My Life”. The ranks of the group's fans have swelled. And to this day there is not a person who is unfamiliar with the work of this group.

Since the group's creation, more than 130 million albums by the rock group Bon Jovi have been sold. Thanks to this figure, they took 10th place in our rating.

Since the band's creation, they have played more than 2,000 concerts in 50 countries. Have been inducted into the UK Music Hall of Fame, and Jon Bon Jovi and Richie Sambora's personal achievements include being inducted into the Composers Hall of Fame.

The world famous rock band Eagles was formed in 1971. Its composition included musicians who had previously worked with various genres, so each Eagles album was unique and each time had its own musical flavor.

The first album released by the rock band in 1972 had blues motifs. And already in 1973 it came out new album Desperado, which is dominated by cowboy themes.

A real breakthrough in rock music was their third album, On the Border, released in 1984. They gained more fans, and concert ticket sales increased significantly. Each subsequent Eagles album had its own own style.

In 1976, the Eagles released a new album, Hotel California, which included the hit of the same name, which captivated the entire planet. Later the song became business card group and even after the collapse of the Eagles to this day, Hotel California remains a hit for the group.

During the entire existence of the group and after its collapse, more than 150 million albums were sold. This brings the Eagles to number 9 on our list.

After the group's breakup, the team met twice more to record new songs, but they did not remain a team forever.

The rock band Aerosmith began its existence in 1970. Talented musicians Stephen Tallarico (Tyler), Brad Whitford, Joe Perry, Joy Kramer and Tom Hamilton, having gathered their band, decided to start in Boston. Apparently, this is the reason why they are nicknamed "The Bad Boys of Boston", although none of them have anything to do with this city.

Since the release of the debut album of a rock band called Aerosmith, the guys have been lucky all the time. Tours, million-dollar concerts, release of hits and, accordingly, albums.

But as happens in life, the group did not pass by a dark streak. Under the pressure of alcohol and drugs, the friendly team almost completely disintegrated. And yet, two left Aerosmith. In 1979, Perry and Whitford left the group for five long years. Manager Tim Colens decided to restore the former team at any cost, and he succeeded.

Starting in 1984, the rock band began touring with the same lineup, and their popularity only increased. Aerosmith's existing fans were joined by more and more new ones, and the group was gaining momentum. They topped the charts, received 4 Grammys, and were included in the “100 Greatest Musicians of All Time” list.

Each album release created queues in record stores. Fans of Aerosmith sold more than 150 million discs.

On June 25, 2016, the disbandment of Aerosmith was officially announced.


When talking about popular rock bands, one cannot fail to mention the legendary U2. Their music collection is replenished almost every year with more and more new masterpieces, which only increase the number of fans. As of 2016, the group has earned 22 Grammy awards with its creativity, which is an absolute record for the number of this award for one musical group.

But all this might not have happened if one day, back in 1976, Larry Millen had not posted an advertisement for talented musicians to join the group. This is how the famous rock band U2 appeared.

Just 4 years later, U2 toured not only home country, but also abroad. Fans gathered at the concerts to listen to hits accompanied by the Edge's virtuoso guitar playing and Bono's inimitable solo. And after the release of the album The Joshua Tree in 1987, they became rock stars.

Since the creation of the group to this day, fans have purchased more than 180 copies of the released albums of the rock group U2.

For many years, the rock band U2 has been delighting its fans and creating hits, thanks to which in 2004 they took 22nd place on the list of “ Top Artists of all times"


AC/DC is in 6th place in our “Most Popular Rock Bands” rating. It was formed in 1973, but finally strengthened and became a real team 2 years later, when their first album High Voltage was released.

The next changes in the group's composition took place in 1977. Mark Evans left the team and was replaced by Cliff Williams. A year later, lead singer Bon Scott dies of severe alcohol poisoning. It would seem that the group is about to break up, but Brian Johnson comes to his place, and AC/DC is reborn. Releases a new album, Back in Black, which becomes a real hit.

In total, more than 200 million AC/DC albums were sold, 68 million of them in the United States.

Each of the group's released albums was a success with fans, but Back in Black was the best-selling


Who doesn't know legendary rock band Queen or haven't heard their hits at least once? There is probably no such person in the world. Even the media called the group cult, and critics consider about eight songs of the group to be classics of the rock genre.

The group was formed in 1970, and while studying at college, its members made their way in the world of rock music. Within two years they recorded their first studio album. But after its release they went on a UK tour supporting Mott the Hoople. And there was no stopping the guys.

Throughout its existence Queen 18 hits occupied the first lines of the charts in various countries.

Concert performances amazed not only fans of their work. They were recognized as the best among the best in organizing and conducting shows at concert venues where they played rock.

Each member of the team wrote at least one song, which later became a hit and rose to the top of the British charts.

Queen were the first not only in music and holding bright concert programs, but also amazed fans with their video clips. It was they who first used special effects when filming the video for the song “Bohemian Rhapsody”. The famous group conquered every country, and the number of fans of their work increased every year.

In 1991, Freddie Mercury died, and with his death the group ceased to exist in the form that everyone knew. In general, Queen has been presenting their creativity to fans for 21 years.

During the entire existence of the Queen group and after, approximately 200 million albums were sold.

Queen's singles have topped the charts for 40 years without losing ground.

In 1962, at one of the concerts the release of the unknown group The Rolling Stones was announced, but after this performance the guys began a dizzying career.

When creating the group, manager Andrew Loog Oldham decided to create some kind of alternative to the legendary The Beatles. He succeeded.

The Rolling Stones, or "the bad boys" as they were often called, became the greatest rock band. At their concerts, sometimes it was necessary to interrupt the performance in order for fans of their work to calm down a little. Since just the appearance of the band on stage drove the fans of the group crazy.

Over the entire period, more than 200 million albums by The Rolling Stones have been sold

Rock band, which took third place on our list, was formed in 1963. Guys from one faculty decided to try themselves in a new role and organized the group Sigma 6. Subsequently, its name, like the group members, changed several times until the guys settled on the Pink Floyd version.

The classic lineup of the group was: Richard Wright, Roger Waters, Nick Mason, David Gilmour. During most of Pink Floyd's existence, their leader was Roger Waters. He also wrote the vast majority of the songs.

Pink Floyd was famous for its musical compositions, as well as philosophical lyrics. Each performance of the group was accompanied great show. Another distinctive feature of Pink Floyd is acoustic experimentation. The concerts remained in the memory of everyone who attended them and personally saw all the performances for a long time.

From the very formation of the group until its dissolution, 74.5 million albums were sold in America, and more than 300 million copies were sold around the world by Pink Floyd fans and admirers.

In 2005, the classic lineup gathered at the Live 8 concert groups Pink Floyd and pleased fans with his creativity

The rock band Led Zeppelin takes second place on our list, and deservedly so. Over the 12 years of their existence, the number of their achievements has been amazing.

The group itself was formed in 1968. Initially it was called The New Yardbirds, but after the first 8 concert tour the band decided to change the name to Led Zeppelin. That's when they started recording their first album. After its release and series of concerts, Led Zeppelin became popular. The team began to tour neighboring countries and also planned a trip to the USA. This is exactly how the dizzying career of the young guys who once became part of Led Zeppelin began.

Over the entire existence of the Led Zeppelin group, more than 300 million albums were sold, in the list of “100 The greatest artists hard rock" they took first place, in 2005 they were awarded a Grammy Award for outstanding contribution to musical development. And this is not all the merits of the legendary band Led Zeppelin.

26 years after the breakup of Led Zeppelin, they were awarded the Polar Music Prize, which is similar to Nobel Prize in the world of music

In first place are the legendary The Beatles. They were the first British group to gain recognition in the USA and around the world.

The Beatles were formed in 1960 and existed for a relatively short period of time. Already in 1970, the Fab Four broke up. But in this short time they were able to leave a big mark on the history of rock and music in general.

As many members of various famous musical groups admitted, they became who they are only thanks to The Beatles. The guys were not only able to create a name for themselves and win the love of millions of fans, but also showed by their example what can be achieved unprecedented heights, if you really want it.

The Beatles have won 10 Grammy Awards, were ranked number one on the list of "Greatest Artists of All Time", and each member of the group was awarded the Order of the British Empire for services to their country. And this is only a small fraction of the awards and prizes of the musical group.
Copy sales volumes albums The The Beatles are amazing. It is known that over a billion copies have already been purchased by fans, and this figure is still growing.

The Beatles are the most famous foreign band that won the hearts of millions for many years

In the world of music, many famous groups give their creativity to their fans, but not everyone manages to become truly popular. To do this you need to not only be talented musician, but also work very hard. Only in this case can you become famous throughout the world and be included in the list of the best of the best.