Family of Nikolai Tsiskaridze. Nikolai Tsiskaridze revealed the secret of his birth: he never knew his own father

Nikolai Maksimovich Tsiskaridze was born in the Georgian city of Tbilisi in New Year's Eve 1973. Father Maxim Nikolaevich was a violinist and did not take part in raising his son. Nikolai was raised by his stepfather, a teacher by profession. Mom Lamara Nikolaevna also taught, her subjects were physics and mathematics. But the greatest influence on the development of the child’s personality was exerted by the nanny, a Ukrainian by nationality. Exactly with her little Kolya spent the lion's share of free time.

In order for a young man to develop comprehensively, he is early years took us to a wide variety of exhibitions and theatrical performances. Thus, the boy joined the world very early high art. Nikolai’s first “love” was the ballet “Giselle”. At first, mother and stepfather did not approve of their child’s such hobby, because they expected Kolya to follow in their pedagogical footsteps. Nikolai categorically disagreed with this and decided to revolt: in 1984, he independently wrote an application for admission to the Tbilisi Choreographic School and was enrolled in the course. After enrolling, the young man spoke about the step he had taken at home and again came across a wall of misunderstanding on the part of his mother. Tsiskaridze's teachers convinced his parents that the boy had an exceptional talent that could not be ignored.

Very soon it became clear that the Tbilisi Choreographic School was too small a springboard for such a great talent as Tsiskaridze. This happened in 1987, and almost immediately Nikolai joined P.A.’s class. Pestov Moscow Academic Choreographic School. Five years later, Nikolai graduates with the rank best student class. Tsiskaridze’s choreographic education did not end there, and he went to study at the Moscow State Choreographic Institute, which he graduated from in 1996.


After completing his studies at the Moscow school, Nikolai auditioned for participation in the Bolshoi Theater troupe. There he attracted the attention of Yuri Grigorovich, who influenced the young talent to become a member of the troupe. Tsiskaridze’s first mentors at the Bolshoi were Nikolai Simachev and Galina Ulanova, who later handed him over to Nikolai Fadeechev and Marina Semenova.

According to the established ballet tradition, Nikolai Tsiskaridze launched his dance career with performances in the corps de ballet. The premiere role in 1992 was the part of the Entertainer in the production of “The Golden Age”. In 1993, he received the role of Don Juan in a ballet called “Love for Love.” Then there were parts in the productions of “The Nutcracker” (French Doll), “Sleeping Beauty” (Prince Fortune), “Romeo and Juliet” (Mercutio).

The year 1995 was noted in the biography of the dancer first leading role, which became the part in The Nutcracker. The next central works for Nikolai were the role of James in the ballet “Silifide” and Paganini in the production of the same name “Paganini”.

In 2001, Nikolai scored two main roles in one production. Around the same time, Nikolai Tsiskaridze’s creative collaboration with Roland Petit, a choreographer from France, began. Petit gave Tsiskaridze the central role in his production of “ Queen of Spades"on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater. After the enormous success of Nicholas, Roland invited him to choose his own next production, and the dancer chose the part of Quasimodo in Notre Dame.

Later, Tsiskaridze had the opportunity to perform on the stage of La Scala. This happened at a gala concert in memory of Rudolf Nureyev. Nikolai shared participation in this project with Svetlana Zakharova. Then the dancer had the opportunity to dance on very respectable stages: at the Moscow Operetta Theater, at the State Kremlin Palace and others.

Together with such famous dancers, like Angel Korea, Ethan Stiefel and Johan Kobborg, Nikolai Tsiskaridze became part of the first troupe that presented the “Kings of Dance” project in America in 2006. In 2008, he visited America again on tour, but this time in the “Stars of the 21st Century” project. In addition to theatrical and concert activities, Nikolai Tsiskaridze was also the subject of the documentary “Nikolai Tsiskaridze. To be a star..." and became a participant in one issue of the TV magazine "Yeralash".

For his activities, the dancer was awarded by many state, international awards and various awards. Also awarded the title People's Artist Russian Federation and People's Artist of the Republic of North Ossetia.


In the fall of 2011, Tsiskaridze expressed his controversial opinion regarding the six-year restoration of the Bolshoi Theater. The dancer was extremely dissatisfied with the interior decoration of both the stage and the rest of the interior design.

In November 2013, President of the Russian Federation V.V. A collective letter from cultural figures was sent to Putin, in which they asked for the resignation of the current head of the Bolshoi Theater, A. Iksanov, and the appointment of N. Tsiskaridze to this position. And already in January 2013, the prime minister became involved in a scandal around artistic director"Big" Sergei Filin. The essence of the scandal was the assassination attempt on Filin, who had acid thrown in his face. These and other nuances led to the fact that Grand Theatre refused to renew the contract with Tsiskaridze, and on July 1, 2013, the dancer left the theater.

In the same year, in October, Nikolai became involved in another conflict, but now at the Academy of Russian Ballet named after A.Ya. Vaganova. Violating the rules of the charter, the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky introduced Nikolai Tsiskaridze to the Academy staff as the new acting rector. Happened whole line personnel changes, and in November 2013 the teaching staff educational institution together with ballet troupe Mariinsky Theater appealed to the Ministry of Culture with a request to reconsider the appointment of Tsiskaridze and the personnel changes that followed this event. And yet, a year later, Nikolai Tsiskaridze was confirmed as rector of the Academy of Russian Ballet and became the first director who did not graduate from this educational institution.

Personal life

The dancer himself notes that, due to the complexity and severity of his character, he does not envy his loved ones. But in the harsh ballet environment there is nothing to do with a different character.

The dancer’s personal life is very little covered, and yet he does not deny that he, like everyone else, normal person, there are loves and attachments. But they all pass, and the dancer does not imagine himself either in the role of a husband or in the role of a father. His entire personal life today is work, productions and his students.

He has been included in scandalous news more than once due to his integrity and confidence in the rightness. His personal life is not known, since Nikolai Tsiskaridze states that one cannot talk about plans, his lovers and family. These topics are forbidden for everyone, which is why a lot of gossip about him is generated in the press, which is not confirmed or refuted by him.

Height, weight, age. How old is Nikolai Tsiskaridze

IN Lately There is a lot of gossip and idle, in his opinion, speculation about Nikolai Tsiskaridze, so residents of the vast Russian Federation are interested in everything related to this popular person, including such data as: height, weight, age, how old is Nikolai Tsiskaridze. The ballet dancer looks incredibly impressive on stage. He is fit and slender. His weight is only 58 kg with a height of 183 cm. Nikolai Tsiskaridze noted that his slimness is not a merit of nature, but thanks to his constant restrictions on food and ballet classes.

Nikolai Tsiskaridze under New Year celebrated my 43rd birthday. He believes that now everything is just beginning in his destiny. All ballet lovers completely agree with him, who wish the ballet dancer and excellent teacher health and for long years life and creativity.

Biography of Nikolai Tsiskaridze. Is he blue? Gay orientation is life

The biography of Nikolai Tsiskaridze began in Tbilisi in 1973. The boy became very interested in dolls as a child, using them to show performances for his family and neighbors. This was facilitated by visiting the performance puppet theater them. Obraztsov, who arrived on tour in the capital of the Georgian SSR, where Nikolai lived. By the way, this hobby continues to this day. Nikolai collects dolls from different countries, which are on this moment there are more than three hundred in his collection.

But special place My favorite dances have always occupied Nikolai Tsiskaridze’s life. He decides to become a ballet dancer, entering the choreographic school of Tbilisi at the age of 11. Many said that his height was an obstacle to dancing, but Nikolai managed to convince everyone of his outstanding talent. Afterwards he continued his studies at the Moscow Academic School, studying with P.A. Pestov himself. Nikolai showed his extraordinary talent back in student years, dancing the most difficult parts. For example, pas de deux from the ballet “Flower Festival in Genzano”.

The young ballet dancer became a scholarship recipient of the International Charity Program “New Names”. Since 1992, he began working at the Bolshoi Theater, where he was invited by Yu.N. Grigorovich. Creative path at this time was not easy, but Nikolai remembers his mentors with gratitude, especially noting Galina Sergeevna Ulanova and Nikolai Romanovich Simachev. In parallel with his work, Nikolai Tsiskaridze received a higher education, studying at the ballet department of the Moscow State Choreographic Institute. Afterwards there was participation in a number of prestigious international competitions. The artist becomes famous not only for admirers of ballet art in the Russian Federation, but throughout the world.

In 2001 and 2003, he was awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation, and the winner of the prestigious award “ Golden mask» he became three times. In 2011, our hero became an adviser to the President of the Russian Federation on issues of culture and art.

Due to a conflict with the management of the Bolshoi Theater, Nikolai Tsiskaridze left his troupe in March 2013, since they refused to renew his contract.

Later he was appointed rector of the St. Petersburg Academy of Russian Ballet, although initially the staff of this educational institution was against it. But Nikolai proved that he is talented even in managerial activities.

The famous baller participates in a number of projects on television, showing that he is strict but fair.

Personal life of Nikolai Tsiskaridze

Nikolai Tsiskaridze, according to rumors, has a negative attitude towards the feeling of love, believing that it interferes with real art. Therefore, this gave rise to a whole series of gossip. In the media you can sometimes read Nikolai Tsiskaridze: personal life, gay or not. This is how the newspaper and magazine press tries to attract attention. He is a homosexual, it was stated in yellow press, indicating that his orientation is different from that of most men. It was attributed that he was in connection with Nikolai Baskov, but this information was not confirmed.

The personal life of Nikolai Tsiskaridze is a subject of controversy.

Wife of Nikolai Tseskaridze

The artist himself declares that everything is good and harmonious in it. Some journalists saw him happy in his relationship with Anastasia Volochkova, but this also turned out to be gossip.

Therefore, if someone thinks that Nikolai Tseskaridze’s wife is Anastasia Volochkova, this is not true.

Nikolai Tsiskaridze says that a real man should get married after 40 years, which is what he plans to do. True, he is very demanding about the choice of his future chosen one.

Family of Nikolai Tsiskaridze

That's it now free time The artist is dedicated to creativity and training of young ballet artists. He states that someday Nikolai Tsiskaridze’s family will exist, but for now he is alone. Although myself popular artist and the teacher does not consider it, considering his many students as his family, whom he helps in their difficult work with advice. True, many say that Tsiskaridze is a very demanding teacher for his students. But he makes the same demands on himself, even to an even greater extent.

Nikolai Tsiskaridze does not like to remember his parents. His mother passed away very early, having lost the fight with serious illness. The development of the disease was facilitated by work at the Obninsk nuclear enterprise. Nikolai worries that she was not happy for her son. He is sure that she is in heaven worried about him and protects him from various troubles.

Little is known about Nikolai Tsiskaridze’s father. He is a violinist and removed himself from his son’s life when he was little. Nikolai believes that he does not need to communicate with a loved one and his family, and they do not make any attempts in this direction.

Children of Nikolai Tsiskaridze

The popular dancer is not at all worried about the issue of children. He believes that his children may appear in the very near future, but for now he is busy looking for a wife. The artist makes demands on each applicant, which none of the young ladies meet. He believes that if he has children, he will be just a crazy father. His child will be able to fully appreciate love and care.

Children of Nikolai Tsiskaridze are participants in a competition for creative children " Blue bird" The famous dancer has been a member of the competition jury for three seasons, evaluating participants honestly and fairly. After the project, he helps many participants realize their dream of becoming real artists.

Instagram and Wikipedia Nikolai Tsiskaridze

A popular artist in the field of ballet art has recently begun to conduct vigorous activity in in social networks, that’s why Nikolai Tsiskaridze has pages on Instagram and Wikipedia. They have a small number of users subscribed to them, but their number is constantly growing.

It mainly presents various episodes from the ballet creative activity Tsiskaridze. There are very few pictures. Almost the entire content of the site is video materials telling about the ballet fate of the artist.

Many photos and videos cause heated discussions among users. In addition, you can read the comments left by account subscribers. The Instagram page is of interest to everyone who is a fan of ballet and the dancer himself. Beginning dancers will be able to see fragments rehearsal process showing a variety of steps and movements that will help them improve their talent.

Many ballet lovers associate the name Nikolai Tsiskaridze with certain roles and roles, but now the public’s favorite no longer risks going on stage. While in the position of rector of the Academy of Russian Ballet, he manages to do a lot of work, passing on his knowledge and experience to his students.

Is in it creative biography and participation in television projects where the dancer occupies the judge's chair.

Early manifestation of creativity

Nikolay was born in 1973 in Tbilisi. His father, Maxim Nikolaevich, was engaged musical activity. Mom, Lamara Nikolaevna, was a physicist by profession and was a school teacher. Future artist Ballet was born when his mother was 42 years old. He has a cousin, Veronika Itskovich, who, after graduating from the choreographic school and institute performing arts took up an acting career.

In the photo Nikolai Tsiskaridze as a child with his mother Lamara Nikolaevna

When his parents divorced, his stepfather took over raising the boy. As a child, he dreamed of becoming a zoo director, as he loved animals very much. There was always a friendly atmosphere in the family, and Kolya’s relatives tried to instill in him a good upbringing. He often went to performances with his mother, loved to read, sing and act out skits in front of friends and guests. IN school years the young man studied at a choreographic school, and soon left for Moscow, where he studied classical dances with teacher P. A. Pestov.

Development of a ballet career

After graduating from college, Tsiskaridze was taken to the Bolshoi Theater, where first the young artist danced in the corps de ballet, and then he was given the role of Entertainer in “The Golden Age.” This was followed by a number of solo parts, and in 1995 the dancer was entrusted with performing main party in The Nutcracker, thanks to which his main childhood dream came true. Simultaneously with his career, Nikolai studied at the choreographic institute, and in 1996 received the long-awaited diploma. Since 1997, he has appeared in ballets such as Count Albert in Giselle, the Evil Genius and Prince Siegfried in Swan Lake, Quasimodo in Notre Dame, Conrad in The Corsair and others.

Young ballet dancer

During his creative career, Tsiskaridze danced on many stages: at the Moscow Operetta Theater, the State Kremlin Palace, and also at the world-famous La Scala Theatre. Many art critics and ballet experts considered his dance technically flawless and perfect, also noting his high growth(183 cm), slim figure and attractive appearance. The artist’s work has been recognized with many prizes and awards. Being a permanent soloist of the Bolshoi Theater ballet, in 2013 he was forced to leave the company due to many years of infighting with the management. For several years, Nikolai expressed his dissatisfaction with the restoration of the building, considering it not done well enough. In 2014, he was approved for the position of rector of the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet.


The dancer has been collaborating with television for many years, being a long-time presenter on the Culture channel, as well as a member of the jury of the show “Dancing with the Stars” on the Russia channel. In 2017, he took the judge's chair at the Blue Bird competition, and perhaps some of the young talents will study at his academy.

Personal life

Tsiskaridze is in no hurry to say goodbye to the life of a bachelor and have a wife and children. He does not try to cover his personal life, although he does not hide the fact that he has hobbies and crushes. Unable to imagine himself without creative activity, the artist believes that it is unlikely that anyone will withstand his difficult character, which has been tempered over the years of his ballet career. Now the ballet star devotes all his time to students and the creative process.

When he manages to be at home, Nikolai will happily lie on the couch and watch his favorite TV series. After his dancing career came to an end, the rector of the Academy of Russian Ballet found it difficult to maintain his weight. One doctor advised him to sleep as much as possible, and now the dancer follows the specialist’s recommendations. Being a homebody, Tsiskaridze instead social events It’s better to enjoy a cozy and comfortable environment in your own home.

Georgian men don’t just love to dance - they do it phenomenally, it’s not for nothing that Georgian dancers are considered one of the best in the world. Georgians love to watch ballet, but they reluctantly send boys to study in ballet school. It is considered, to put it mildly, “strange” if a Georgian young man wants to devote himself to ballet.

An “abnormal” child who dreamed of pointe shoes, he turned into a “special” dancer. Conflicting rumors are spread about Nikolai Tsiskaridze, people admire him and look for vile details of his biography, prying into his personal life. And he, who flew in the clouds in childhood places, is now soaring above all the dirt, and the only goal of life, in his words: “Even if they kill, move until the last role is over.”

Official data

  • Place and date of birth – Georgia (former GSSR), Tbilisi, 1973, December 31;
  • Parents: Maxim Nikolaevich and Lamara Nikolaevna Tsiskaridze;
  • Height and weight – 183 cm, about 58 kg;
  • Education – higher: Moscow State Academy of Choreography (formerly MGHI); Moscow State Law Academy;
  • State awards - title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation; Order of Friendship;
  • Marital status: single, no children.

About Niki Tsiskaridze’s childhood and youth

The boy fell just a little short, future star Russian ballet, before the New Year's chimes, was born almost at midnight on December 31, 1973. Nika's father, Maxim Nikolaevich (according to some sources Iosifovich), was a musician who played the violin. With mother Nikoloz ( full name Niki) he did not maintain a relationship since the birth of his son; Lamara Nikolaevna and his grandmother raised the child. Then Nika’s mother got married, and her Armenian stepfather joined in raising the boy.

Lamara Nikolaevna was at work at school all day (teaching physics and mathematics), her grandmother died, and a Ukrainian nanny was invited. Nika is with her early childhood spent almost all his time walking, going to exhibitions, they read fairy tales together. The boy was also taken to the ballet, but to send him to a ballet studio - no, no! According to the Georgian mentality, a man in a white tight leotard is, to put it mildly, “wrong.”

“Giselle” was the first thing Nika saw from the ballet repertoire; he then realized that ballet was his destiny. The kid was already imagining himself jumping high, pushing off the stage gracefully with his feet. No one in the family even wanted to hear about the ballet studio - the boy was being trained to become a teacher or translator.

About legs - another story, Nika’s were long and slender, like a girl’s. He was once sent to a bakery to buy Georgian bread. He was walking home and carrying a whole stack of “tonis puri” (bread in Georgian): his face is not visible, only a pile of black curly hair rises above the bread. The woman walking towards me admired:

“What wonderful slender legs and beautiful hair! What kind of woman gave birth to this beauty? Nika lowered the bread a little, and admiration gave way to horror: “What a freak...”

And he didn’t care who they thought he was, he wanted to dance! How much willpower do you need to have in order to go to a choreography school on your own at the age of 11 and enroll in courses? There was a scandal at home - no ballet, what will people say? The teachers convinced Lamara Tsiskaridze that the child was a true genius. He was accepted into the first year despite the fact that he was not suitable in age.

His hometown was already too small for Tsiskaridze, and in 1987 he went to Moscow (on his own again) and entered the Moscow Choreographic School, ending up in the class of Pestov, a talented ballet teacher. Five years later, Nika graduates from college at the top of her class and immediately enters MGHI. Not yet received higher education, Nikolai comes to the Bolshoi Theater to audition, and Yuri Grigorovich immediately notices him.

The beginning of a creative career, first successes

Even very talented newcomers, having come to the Bolshoi, can vegetate for a long time on the “outskirts” of the corps de ballet, but this story is not about Tsiskaridze. Already in 1992, he was approved for the role of entertainer in the ballet “The Golden Age”. A year later he dances Don Juan in the production of “Love for Love.” Then there were three parts in “The Nutcracker”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “Romeo and Juliet”. At first he danced a French doll in The Nutcracker, but in 1995 he was entrusted with the main role. Almost immediately they offer to dance in “Silifida” (the role of James) and “Paganini” (the main role of the same name).

In 2001, Roland Petit, a French choreographer, came to the Bolshoi Theater. Petit immediately draws attention to the young dancer and gives him the main role of Herman in The Queen of Spades. The success of the production, thanks to Tsiskaridze, was so stunning that Petit invites Nikolai to choose the next part himself. This becomes Quasimodo, according to Tsiskaridze’s decision, in “Cathedral Notre Dame of Paris" Oh, it was no coincidence that the hunchback was chosen: at home they still did not understand his choice and condemned him. The “wrong freak” wanted to prove to all his Tbilisi acquaintances and relatives: he is not a freak, but a dancer from God!

There were also roles in ballets " Swan Lake"(Evil Genius), "A Midsummer Night's Dream" (Theseus), many roles in small productions. In 2000, Tsiskaridze was accepted into the Union of Theater Workers of Russia. A year later, as a bright and popular personality, he was invited to host “Vzglyad” on Channel One, but this did not happen due to an unfortunate event - Tsiskaridze had an accident and was seriously injured.

Worldwide recognition and real success

After recovery, foreign tours begin. "La Scala" National Theater Tokyo, the Champs Elysees theater in France - everywhere Tsiskaridze created a sensation with his dances and caused a storm of delight. Already having a diploma of higher artistic education, Nikolai began teaching at the Moscow Choreographic Academy in 2004.

Along with major ballets, he also dances in one-act ballets, and each performance brings admiration from the audience and excellent reviews in the media. In 2006, as part of a Russian troupe, he traveled to the USA, where the “Kings of Dance” project opened. Two years later - a new visit to America, the “Stars of the 21st Century” program.

In ballet it is not enough to be flexible and musical - you must have many other qualities in order to turn into a “star”. Tsiskaridze as a dancer is unique in that he masters all the technical subtleties classical ballet, while at the same time putting extraordinary emotionality into the dance. Plus - a unique bright appearance, perfect proportions figures. At school, by the way, the biology teacher put the boy on a chair, measured his body parts and said: “Look, this is the ideal that Michelangelo praised!”

The collaboration with Petit continues: in 2009, the result of the joint work of Petit and Nikolai was the production of “Carmen. Solo". In the same year, Boris Eifman staged " fallen angel", and it’s not hard to guess who he’s giving the first batch to. Tsiskaridze no longer looks back at Tbilisi, from where he fled to Moscow. The parents didn’t understand – it’s not scary. The family is embarrassed to remember about the “wrong” relative - they don’t care! He changed his name a long time ago, changing the plebeian “Nikoloz” into the Russian version “Nikolai”.

In 2011, the reconstruction of the Bolshoi Theater was coming to an end, and Tsiskaridze openly expressed what many members of the team were embarrassed (or afraid) to voice - the interior design and decoration of the stage was not suitable! “They removed the old stucco and replaced it with cheap papier-mâché - why? The theater inside is now like a Turkish hotel, not even worthy of five stars,” his words.

The conflict with the management flared up, and in 2013 the head of Bolshoi Iksanov announced that the contract with the dancer and teacher Tsiskaridze would not be renewed. Having learned about this, Russian cultural figures sent Putin a letter in which they demanded that Iksanov be removed from his post and Nikolai Tsiskaridze appointed head of the theater. In fear for his position, Iksanov gave the dancer two “strict marks”: violation of labor discipline.

I didn’t manage to become the head of the Bolshoi (the contract expired, Nikolai is leaving the theater) - no problem! In 2014, Tsiskaridze was almost unanimously elected rector of the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet. He became the first (and so far the only) person to become rector of the academy without graduating from it. In the same year, Nikolai graduated from the State Law Academy and received the title of master.

Tsiskaridze is a frequent guest on TV, he participates in both talk-shows and targeted musical projects. He was repeatedly invited to the jury of “Dancing with the Stars,” and he is the permanent presenter of the “Masterpieces of World Musical Theater” project.

Due to phantom pain (consequences of an accident and a sprained leg), Nikolai has not performed since 2013, but he runs the academy and teaches; he is still considered an unfading “star” of Russian ballet. He never tires of repeating (and he’s right!): “The Bolshoi Theater is about me. They will write the first, second or third history of the theater, and they will always write about Tsiskaridze in it.”

Scandals associated with the name Tsiskaridze, interesting facts about him

Simultaneously with the attacks of the head of the Bolshoi Theater in 2013, another disaster happened. Apart from Iksanov, Nikolai did not get along very well with artistic director Filin at that time. Tsiskaridze was also accused of what happened to Filin (they threw acid in his face): supposedly Dmitrichenko was a simple performer, and the idea of ​​​​the “acid attack” was the work of Nikolai.

Even under the threat of non-renewal of the contract, he stood his ground and did not change his opinion about the inferiority of the new type of Bolshoi. And he has had this since childhood, such stubbornness:

“They put porridge in front of me, and I hated porridge. They said: you won’t get up from the table until you eat. I sat for a day, left hungry, and the porridge remained. This stubbornness has stayed with me forever.”

They whispered that he was appointed rector of the academy undeservedly; allegedly, the wife of one of the co-owners of the Rostec corporation insisted on this. But firstly, 227 people voted for him (out of 241), and secondly, he somehow let it slip that, on the contrary, “higher structures” persuaded him to agree to this position.

He is a fierce opponent of the draft new laws, according to which children will be admitted to art schools without competition from the age of 15. “A future pianist’s hands should be placed at 5, a dancer’s legs at 9, and these arms and legs must be chosen like grains!”

Everywhere Tsiskaridze appears: on TV, on stage, in the Academy buildings - they know that he hates empty buckets. He constantly “chases” the cleaning ladies if he sees someone with an empty bucket. Tsiskaridze can even come up and check that there is at least a rag in the bucket - the main thing is that it is not empty.

He can’t stand it when people “get into bed” for the sake of a career. He loudly “sent” one actress (now quite famous) in public for annoying advances. The “high” official jokingly asked him:

“Well, Kolya, why so harshly, was it really difficult even once... ahem...” Nikolai (again loudly and in front of people) replied: “Talent is not transmitted sexually.”

What do we know about the dancer’s personal life and his hobbies?

Tall, handsome, athletic, he is the dream of many women as a husband or at least a lover. Nikolai admits that yes, “quick” romances happen, but there are no real candidates for a wife yet. When asked about plans to start a family and have children, he replies that a man “ripes” for this completely after forty. Tsiskaridze says that in the future he may have many children, but now nothing will dare distract him from the theater.

Rumors that Tsiskaridze is a “player for another team” (to put it simply, blue) have never been confirmed even by a hint. It was rumored that he had whirlwind romance with actress Natalya Gromushkina. There were also rumors about a close relationship with Anastasia Volochkova and stage partner Ilsa Liepa. Both “divas” neither confirmed nor denied the gossip.

Photo by

The artist simply does not have time for serious hobbies outside the theater. He doesn't boast sporting achievements or extreme hobbies. I listen to my colleagues say:

“I walk in the mountains, skate, ride a motorcycle, and I know they’re lying. I don’t do or invent anything like that.”

But he has one hobby, which he shares with Olga Golodets, Deputy Prime Minister Russian government– They both collect dolls. They meet at meetings of the Council of Culture, and once Olga Yuryevna promised to give the dancer a birthday present in the form of an original doll.

“And you will give him a theater,” joked Karen Shakhnazarov, who was standing nearby at the time. Is he not worthy of this? They fear him at the academy because of his difficult character and sharp reaction to falsehood, but it is precisely such a tyrant teacher who can raise “stars” like him.

Name: Nikolay Tsiskaridze

Zodiac sign: Capricorn

Age: 45 years

Place of Birth: Tbilisi, Georgia

Height: 183

Activity: ballet dancer, teacher, People's Artist of the Russian Federation

Tags: artist, teacher

Family status: not married

Nikolai Maksimovich Tsiskaridze was born in the Georgian city of Tbilisi on New Year's Eve 1973. Father Maxim Nikolaevich was a violinist and did not take part in raising his son. Nikolai was raised by his stepfather, a teacher by profession. Mom Lamara Nikolaevna was also involved in teaching, her subjects were physics and mathematics. However, the greatest influence on the development of the child’s personality was exerted by the nanny, who was Ukrainian by nationality. It was with her that little Kolya spent most free time.

In order for the boy to develop comprehensively, he is early age took us to a wide variety of exhibitions and theatrical performances. Thus, the guy joined the world of high art quite early. Nikolai's first “love” was the ballet “Giselle”. Initially, his mother and stepfather did not approve of their son’s hobby, because they expected Kolya to follow in their pedagogical footsteps. Nikolai completely disagreed with this and decided to revolt: in 1984, he independently wrote an application for admission to the Tbilisi Choreographic School and was accepted into the course. After enrolling, the young man spoke about the step taken at home and again came across a wall of misunderstanding on the part of his mother. Tsiskaridze's teachers convinced his parents that the guy had an exceptional talent that could not be ignored.

Very soon it became clear that the Tbilisi Choreographic School was a very small springboard for such a great talent as Tsiskaridze. This happened in 1987, and almost immediately Nikolai joined P.A.’s class. Pestov Moscow Academic Choreographic School. After 5 years, Nikolai graduates with the title of best student in the class. Tsiskaridze’s choreographic education did not end there, and he went to study at the Moscow State Choreographic Institute, which he graduated from in 1996.

After completing his studies at the Moscow school, Nikolai auditioned for participation in the Bolshoi Theater troupe. There he attracted the attention of Yuri Grigorovich, who influenced the young talent to become a member of the troupe. Tsiskaridze’s first mentors at the Bolshoi were Nikolai Simachev and Galina Ulanova, who later handed him over to Nikolai Fadeechev and Marina Semenova.

According to the established ballet tradition, Nikolai Tsiskaridze began his dance career with performances in the corps de ballet. The premiere role in 1992 was the part of the Entertainer in the production of “The Golden Age”. In 1993, he got the role of Don Juan in the ballet called “Love for Love.” Then there were parts in the productions of “The Nutcracker” (French Doll), “Sleeping Beauty” (Prince Fortune), “Romeo and Juliet” (Mercutio).

The year 1995 was marked in the dancer’s biography by his first leading role, which turned out to be the part in “The Nutcracker.” The next central works for Nikolai were the role of James in the ballet “Silifida” and Paganini in the production of the same name “Paganini”.

In 2001, Nikolai had 2 main roles in one production. Around the same period, Nikolai Tsiskaridze’s creative collaboration with Roland Petit, a French choreographer, began. Petit commissioned Tsiskaridze to perform the central role in his production of “The Queen of Spades” on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater. After the incredible success of Nicholas, Roland invited him to personally choose the next production, and the dancer chose the part of Quasimodo in Notre Dame.

Later, Tsiskaridze was lucky enough to perform on the stage of La Scala. This happened at a gala concert in memory of Rudolf Nureyev. Nikolai shared participation in this project with Svetlana Zakharova. Then the dancer had the opportunity to dance on very respectable stages: at the Moscow Operetta Theater, at the State Kremlin Palace and others.

Together with such famous dancers, like Angel Korea, Ethan Stiefel and Johan Kobborg, Nikolai Tsiskaridze became part of the first troupe that presented the “Kings of Dance” project in the USA in 2006. In 2008, he again visited the States on tour, but this time in the “Stars of the 21st Century” project. In addition to theatrical and concert activities, Nikolai Tsiskaridze was also the hero of the documentary film “Nikolai Tsiskaridze. To be a star..." and became a participant in one issue of the TV magazine "Yeralash".

The dancer was awarded for his work big amount state, international prizes and various awards. Also awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia and People's Artist of the Republic of North Ossetia.

In the fall of 2011, Tsiskaridze expressed his controversial opinion regarding the 6-year restoration of the Bolshoi Theater. The dancer really didn't like the interior decoration of both the stage and the rest of the interior design.

In November 2013, a collective letter from cultural figures was sent to Russian President Vladimir Putin, in which they insisted on the resignation of the current head of the Bolshoi Theater A. Iksanov and asked to appoint N. Tsiskaridze to this post. And already in January, the prime minister became involved in a scandal surrounding the artistic director of the Bolshoi, Sergei Filin. The essence of the scandal was the assassination attempt on Filin, who had acid poured on his face. These and other nuances led to the fact that the Bolshoi Theater refused to renew the contract with Tsiskaridze, and on July 1, 2013, the dancer left the theater.

In the same year, in October, Nikolai became involved in another conflict, but this time at the Academy of Russian Ballet named after A.Ya. Vaganova. Violating the rules of the charter, Russian Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky introduced Nikolai Tsiskaridze to the Academy staff as the new acting rector. A number of personnel changes occurred, and in November the teaching staff of the educational institution, together with the ballet troupe of the Mariinsky Theater, turned to the Ministry of Culture with a request to reconsider the appointment of Tsiskaridze and the personnel changes that followed this event. And yet, after 1 year, Nikolai Tsiskaridze was approved for the post of rector of the Academy of Russian Ballet and became the first director who did not graduate from this educational institution.

The dancer himself says that, due to the complexity and severity of his character, he does not envy his family. However, in the harsh environment of ballet, there is nothing to do with a softer character.

Little is known about the dancer’s personal life, and yet he does not deny that, like any normal person, he has loves and attachments. However, they all pass, and the dancer does not imagine himself either in the role of a spouse or in the role of a father. His entire personal life today is work, productions and his students.


  • Giselle
  • Nutcracker
  • Notre Dame Cathedral
  • Kings of Dance
  • Stars of the 21st century
  • Benefit performance of Nikolai Tsiskaridze
  • Chopiniana