Dormition of the Virgin Mary - the history of the holiday. Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary: history and meaning of the holiday

Great church holiday - Dormition Holy Mother of God, celebrated by all Catholics, Christians and believers. When is the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 2017? As in those years, Dormition falls on August 28th. On this significant day, all people honor the memory great woman- The Most Holy Theotokos or, as she is also called, the Virgin Mary. Despite the fact that the word "dormition" means "death", it is customary to celebrate with a smile on your face and with good mood. After all, according to old beliefs, the Most Holy Theotokos did not die, but was reunited with the Lord in heaven.

About the church holiday

The Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 2017 is no different from the celebration of those years. It is considered the twelfth, especially important, church holiday. This is the last big holiday after Easter. On this day, the great fast ends, and people celebrate it with numerous delicious dishes on the tables, thereby honoring and thanking the Most Holy Theotokos for everything.

You should definitely go to church or temple in the morning and bow before the icon of the Mother of God. Thank you for everything, light a candle for the repose of her soul, and then you can ask her for help. Someone asks for the recovery of children, someone for a fruitful harvest, or happiness in family life. Many believe that the Most Holy Theotokos will undoubtedly hear all prayers and will definitely help everyone who has repented of their sins and allowed bright intentions into their souls.

A major church holiday has a certain meaning. He tells people that people should not be afraid of death, but should meet it calmly and with dignity. After all, when dying, a person’s soul is reunited with the Lord and moves to a wonderful place where there is no lie and enmity. God protects everyone and gives the souls of the dead a second life in heaven.

On the eve of the celebration of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, all clergy dress in light blue robes, thereby showing their reunion with heaven. They bow before the Queen of Heaven and the Lord, showing their faith and obedience. On this day, it is believed that the Virgin Mary covers everyone with an invisible veil, giving her blessing.

History of the origin of the Virgin Mary

Her life on Earth was amazing from the very beginning. early age. She became God's chosen one for the birth of the great Savior - Jesus Christ. The Lord saw in her a pure soul, not defiled by selfishness and evil intent, believing that it was she who should give Jesus life.

As a little girl, with the blessing of the Lord she entered the Jerusalem Temple. She was received with honors, and she began to enter many of the secret rooms of the temple, where ancient relics were kept. Only one person could enter such rooms - the priest. It was allowed to enter the rooms only after the rite of purification and after praying for all the people.

At her young age, the Virgin Mary was accustomed to hard work, doing handicrafts and joyfully teaching prayers. She considered the temple best place on Earth, where you could unite with God and share your thoughts. She grew up as an unspoiled child with a pure and bright soul. She was always kind and merciful to people. She learned not to break the laws of God and praised him.
According to the laws of those times, she was married, while still a young girl, to the widower Joseph, who had two children left from his first marriage. Joseph treated his new wife with respect, so he fulfilled her desire to live in celibacy. For her, he became the guardian and patron of her innocence and purity. The Most Holy Theotokos entered the family of a poor carpenter.

Birth of son Jesus

The most joyful and significant moment in Mary's life was the birth of Jesus Christ. She became the mother of the Savior incarnate.

The Blessed Virgin Mary always supported Jesus in all his affairs. She helped him, accompanied him wherever he went, protected and loved him. Jesus performed his first miracle at a feast of the poor, turning water into delicious wine. The Virgin Mary carefully hid her son's abilities and kept a vow of silence. But one day, she begged in front of her son, asking him to help poor people. Christ gave people his mercy.

Good and pure soul the woman had to go through many more tests. The earthly rulers began to persecute the mother and child in order to assert their rule. They were afraid that Jesus would take away their power. The Virgin Mary and her son had no choice but to flee. They went to Egypt, wandering in poverty and hunger.

But there is no comparison of these troubles worse than the pain that she still had to endure - the day of the execution of Jesus Christ. He was crucified on a cross in the middle of a crowd who, with all their anger and hatred, demanded his execution. Maria, with pain in her heart, vowed that she would devote the rest of her life to the Lord, prayers and helping people.

After the execution of Christ, she becomes the Mother of God for the apostles and preaches with them in different places. He shares with them the dangers that await them, shares meals, and goes on difficult hikes. Churches all over the world knew about her and blessed her with admiration for all her good deeds. The Virgin Mary was modest and radiated love and mercy towards all people.

Death of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Mother of God in last years The Apostle John protected her life. She often asked the Lord to take her to heaven to be reunited with her son. One fine day, the Lord heard her prayers and sent Archangel Gabriel to her earth. He informed her that her suffering would end in three days and she would go to heaven. Maria was happy that she would soon meet her family. She realized that there was no need to be afraid of death, because she would go to the Kingdom of Heaven, where she would immortal life. While waiting for her departure, she asked to gather all 12 apostles in order to say goodbye to them.

Before her death, the Most Holy Theotokos promised not to leave anyone, to hear people’s prayers and to help everyone who needs it. She asked that her body be transferred to Gethsemane, where last hours Jesus lived his life. Three days after the funeral, the apostles looked into the cave and were stunned by what they saw. The body of the Virgin Mary was gone, only the tissues in which she was buried remained. At the evening meal, a miracle happened: the Virgin Mary appeared surrounded by angels, saying that she would always be with everyone.
Since then, the Dormition has been celebrated with joy and sadness, because on the one hand, the Virgin Mary died, and on the other hand, she found life in the Kingdom of Heaven.

When does the Assumption Fast begin?

To cleanse your soul and heart before the Feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2017, you should pay special attention to. What number does it start from? In 2017, the fast falls on August 14 and ends on August 27. These days you should not eat livestock, but give preference to vegetables, fruits, and grains. By fasting, a person cleanses his soul from evil intentions and anger.

What date should you go to church? The church service takes place on the night of August 27 and ends on the morning of August 28. At this time, prayers are read, sins are absolved, and icons are worshiped. After the service, they ask the Mother of God for help and beg forgiveness for their sins.

The Dormition of the Mother of God has great value in the life of every person. You should not start quarrels on this day, do cleaning, or be in a bad mood. You need to let goodness into your heart, smile and rejoice. After all, the Virgin Mary has always been kind woman and, no matter what, she went to heaven with a smile on her face and kindness in her heart for every person.

Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary- This is the great twelfth impermanent holiday.
Christians have been celebrating the Feast of the Dormition of Our Blessed Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary since the 4th century. Installed in memory of her repose (ascension). Before the Feast of the Assumption, Christians fast; the Assumption Fast runs from August 1 to August 15, according to the old style, and, accordingly, from August 14 to according to the new style.

On the Feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Holy Church remembers the righteous death Mother of God- an event colored at the same time by sadness about the end life path Representatives for the human race and joy at the union of the Most Pure Mother of the Lord with Her Son.
We know about the earthly life of the Most Holy Theotokos after the Death on the Cross and the Resurrection of the Savior from Holy Tradition. Until the persecution brought by Herod against the Church, the Most Pure Virgin remained in Jerusalem, then she moved with the Apostle John the Theologian to Ephesus. While living here, She visited the righteous Lazarus in Cyprus and Mount Athos, which she blessed as Her destiny. Shortly before her death, the Mother of God returned to Jerusalem.
Here the Ever-Virgin often stayed in those places with which they are associated major events in the life of Her Divine Son: Bethlehem, Calvary, Holy Sepulcher, Gethsemane, Olivet. There She prayed earnestly. According to legend, the Jews attempted to kill Her, for which purpose, by order of the high priests, a guard was placed at the Holy Sepulcher, but at the right moment the soldiers’ vision was taken away, and they could not see the Mother of God.
Once, during a prayer on Olivet, Archangel Gabriel announced to the Mother of God about Her impending death in three days and presented a luminous branch of paradise - a symbol of victory over death and decay. The Most Holy Theotokos told the Apostle John the Theologian about what had happened, and he informed the Apostle James, the brother of the Lord, and through him the entire Church of Jerusalem, in which the tradition of the Dormition of the Mother of God was preserved. Before her death, the Mother of God bequeathed Her meager property to the widows who served Her and ordered Her to be buried in Gethsemane, next to the graves of Her righteous parents and righteous Joseph Betrothed.
On the day of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary miraculously in Jerusalem, almost all the apostles who had previously dispersed were gathered to bid farewell to Her. different countries with the mission of preaching the Word of God. The Apostle Paul arrived later than everyone else. Only Apostle Thomas was absent.
Suddenly an unspeakable light shone, darkening the lamps; The roof of the upper room opened, and Christ Himself descended with many angels. The Most Holy Theotokos turned to the Lord with thanksgiving prayer and asked to bless all those who honor Her memory. She also prayed to Her Son to protect Her from the dark satanic power, from airy ordeals. Then the Mother of God joyfully surrendered Her soul into the hands of the Lord, and immediately angelic singing was heard.
From Her fragrant body the sick immediately began to receive healing. The solemn transfer of the Most Pure Body from Jerusalem to Gethsemane began. Peter, Paul and James, together with the other apostles, carried the bed of the Mother of God on their shoulders. The Apostle Peter began singing the psalm “In the exodus of Israel from Egypt,” and solemn hymns began to sound. A cloudy circle in the form of a crown appeared above the bed, illuminated with radiance. This crown floated over the procession all the way to the burial place. The procession was also followed by Jews who did not believe in Christ.
The high priests sent their servants to disperse the procession, kill the apostles and burn the body of the Mother of God, but the angels struck the blasphemers with blindness. The Jewish priest Afonia (according to other legends, Jephonios or Zephaniah), who tried to overturn the bed of the Mother of God, was punished by an angel who cut off his hands, and received healing only after sincere repentance. Those who were blind also repented and received their sight.
For three days the apostles remained at the tomb of the Mother of God, chanting psalms. Angelic singing was constantly heard in the air. As St. Philaret of Moscow says, the apostles received complete and complete consolation “when, on the third day after Her Dormition, for the sake of Thomas, who was late for Her burial, opening Her tomb, they did not find Her most pure body, and after that they saw Her in the glory of the resurrection and from Her she heard a word of consolation: “Rejoice, for I am with you all the days.” The body of the Mother of God was raptured into heaven.
The Church calls the death of the Mother of God the Dormition, and not death, because death, as the return of its dust to the earth, and the spirit to God, “Who gave him,” did not touch our Gracious Intercessor. “The laws of nature are defeated in You, Pure Virgin,” the Holy Church sings in the troparion of the holiday, “virginity is preserved at birth, and life is combined with death: remaining a Virgin at birth and living at death, You always save, Mother of God, Your inheritance.” She only fell asleep, only to awaken at the same moment to an ever-blessed life and, after three days, with an incorruptible body, to move into a heavenly, incorruptible dwelling. She fell into a sweet sleep after the heavy wakefulness of Her many-sorrowful life and “resigned to the Belly,” that is, the Source of Life, as the Mother of Life, delivering with Her prayers the souls of earth-born from death, instilling in them with Her Dormition a foretaste of eternal life.
In the 5th century, a temple was erected at the burial site. There is a legend that earlier St. Equal to the Apostles Helen a basilica was built here. In 614, the temple was destroyed, but the tomb of the Mother of God was preserved. It is here, according to tradition, before the Feast of the Dormition from Little Gethsemane near the Church of the Holy Sepulcher procession Orthodox Christians carry the Shroud of the Most Holy Theotokos along the same path as the apostles once carried the body of the Mother of God to burial.
In Gethsemane (the sacred place where the event of the Assumption took place), the rite of Burial is served on August 14 according to the old style, on the eve of the Assumption, but preparations for it begin long before that.

People call the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary the Second Most Pure, and the feast of the Assumption is called the First Most Pure; these names come from the translation from the Church Slavonic language of the expression Holy Virgin, which means “the Most Pure”.
Proverbs have been preserved that certainly used to help the peasant both in the field and in everyday life: “Look at the days until Peter, harrow until Ilyin, sow until the Savior”, “To plow until the Assumption - to press an extra hay”, “From the Assumption the sun falls asleep”, “ On the Assumption, pickle the cucumbers, chop the cabbage on Sergius”, “Winter this three days before the Assumption and three after the Assumption”, “Plow before the Assumption - press the extra hay”, “The Most Pure Mother sows, and the Veil collects.”

On August 15 (28), the “young Indian summer” began, which lasted until the day of Ivan Lent (August 29 / September 8). Dormition was the last day of the swallows' departure; and also, according to popular beliefs, from Assumption Day the mouths of frogs become overgrown and they stop croaking.

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The Feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary is bright and joyful for every Christian. On the day of the blessed death of the Mother of God, all humanity found a Prayer Book and Heavenly Intercessor, an Intercessor before the Lord. This feast of the Mother of God has not four ordinary day after-feasts, but eight, the same as one of the Lord's greatest holidays - Epiphany. The event being celebrated is preceded by strict fasting, which ranks first after Lent in terms of the degree of abstinence.

The mention of this holiday takes believers far back in time, to the 5th century. It was then that the Assumption of the Virgin Mary began to be celebrated, but the name was slightly different - “Memory of the Blessed”, and only the inhabitants of Syria celebrated this day.

The Feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary is also called the First Most Pure Mother of God or Easter of the Theotokos. In churches on this day, flowers are presented and applied to the icon depicting the deceased Mother of God.

According to the Holy Scriptures, the Mother of God was in Jerusalem after the death, Resurrection and Ascension of the Savior. Then She, accompanied by John the Theologian, moved to Ephesus. She often visited the righteous Lazarus, who lived in Cyprus; during one of her visits to Lazarus, the Mother of God gave him a bishop's omophorion and armbands made with her own hands. She also visited Mount Athos, which she later blessed, saying: “Let this place be My lot, given to Me by My Son and My God! May His grace rest in this place and on those who live here with faith and reverence and keep the commandments of My Son and God! They will have everything they need for earthly life in abundance and with little difficulty, and heavenly life will be prepared for them, and the mercy of My Son will not fail for them until the end of the age. I will be the Intercessor of this place and a warm Intercessor for it before God!” (Acts of the Apostles)

Shortly before Her death, the Mother of God again arrived in Jerusalem, which She had previously abandoned. Here She was constantly in prayer and most often visited places associated with the most important life events of Her Divine Son.

On one of the days of Her stay on Olivet, Archangel Gabriel appeared before her. He informed Her that in three days, according to the will of God, Her Dormition would come and She would leave the earth, ascending to heaven to Her Son.

“Your Son and our God,” said the heavenly messenger, “is waiting for You with the archangels and angels, Cherubim and Seraphim, with all heavenly spirits and the souls of the righteous, to take You, His Mother, to the Heavenly Kingdom, where You will live and reign with Him forever!”

As a sign that death has no power over the Mother of God and that Her death will resemble a dream through which She will enter eternal glory, The Archangel handed Her a branch from the heavenly abodes, she took on the appearance of an earthly one date palm, but continued to shine with the light of heavenly grace. According to the word of Archangel Gabriel, this branch had to be carried in front of the bed with the body of the Mother of God on the day of Her burial. (Acts of the Apostles).

The Most Holy Theotokos shared what happened with the Apostle John, who hastily notified the brother of the Lord, the Apostle James, about the upcoming death of the Mother of God. He, in turn, is the entire Jerusalem Church, which subsequently preserved the tradition of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary.

Before Her death, the Mother of God ordered after death to bury Herself next to Her righteous parents in Gethsemane.

On the day of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, almost all the apostles, traveling around the world preaching about the Word of God, gathered in Jerusalem to bid farewell to Her. Her departure was accompanied by an unspeakable light, with the appearance of which Christ Himself appeared before Her, surrounded by numerous angels. The Mother of God turned to Him with prayer and a heartfelt request for the blessing of all those who honor Her memory. She also called in prayer for Her Son to surround Her with God’s protection from the power of Satan and the ordeals of the air, and then, in joy and grace, she gave Her soul into the Lord’s hands.

The apostles stayed at the tomb of the Mother of God for three days and three nights, chanting psalms. And only on the third day did they receive perfect and complete consolation from the Great Image of the Mother of God and Her words, calling them to rejoice and rejoice, to sing in spirit, since from that moment She will be next to everyone, forever protecting and patronizing. After the resurrection, the body of the Mother of God left this world, going to the Lord in heaven.

The Feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary makes us understand that the Virgin Mary left this world in joy and with peace in her soul. That life is just a difficult but forced path to gain eternal and true life. Therefore, the Dormition of the Virgin Mary is a blessed holiday for Christians, because only through death do we know true happiness.

Icon of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The icon of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is considered very powerful and one of the most miraculous. Praying in front of this icon, the Virgin Mary is asked to protect children and adults from diseases, for help in accepting the right decision in complex problematic issues.

It is the icon of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary that helps us to pass our journey with dignity. earthly path and overcome the fear of death.

Assumption Cathedral

The Assumption Cathedral, located on Cathedral Square of the Moscow Kremlin, is part of the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Moscow Kremlin".

The first stone building of the cathedral was founded in 1326 by the first Moscow Metropolitan Peter and Prince Ivan Kalita. At the end of the 15th century. Grand Duke Ivan III, who united all the Russian principalities under the rule of Moscow, began the creation of a new residence with the reconstruction of the Assumption Cathedral. It was erected in 1479 by a specially invited Italian architect. The ceremonial appointment determined special attention to the decoration of the temple. The modern appearance of the cathedral is determined by monuments from the mid-17th century. - these are the paintings of 1642-1643, and the grandiose iconostasis of 1653.

In front of the iconostasis are the prayer places of the Tsar, Queen and Patriarch. The Assumption Cathedral was the tomb of the heads of the Russian Church - metropolitans and patriarchs. After the revolution of 1917, the Assumption Cathedral was turned into a museum. When creating its exhibition, the staff tried to preserve its interior as much as possible. Thanks to constant restoration work Almost all icons and paintings were revealed from later records. Since 1990, services have resumed in the cathedral.

For six centuries, the Assumption Cathedral was the state and cult center of Russia: here they crowned emperors and crowned emperors; elevated bishops, metropolitans and patriarchs to the rank of bishops; announced state acts; prayers were served before military campaigns and in honor of victories. The cathedral's murals, numerous icons and various utensils are works of art of world significance.

The Nail of the Lord and the staff of St. Peter, Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Rus' are preserved in the cathedral.

Since 1395 the cathedral housed Vladimir icon Mother of God (since 1930 in Tretyakov Gallery, in the Church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi).

The cathedral was the burial place of most Moscow saints before the establishment of the Holy Synod.

Moscow Prince Yuri Danilovich (his grave was lost in antiquity) and St. were buried here. Metropolitan Peter. The tomb was conceived as a burial place for both secular and spiritual rulers of the Moscow principality, but with the construction of the Archangel Cathedral in 1333, the necropolis was divided. Only the heads of the Russian Church began to be buried in the Assumption Cathedral. The most revered burials of the Assumption Cathedral: St. Peter, St. Theognostos, St. Jonah, St. Philip II (Kolychev) and svmch. Patriarch Hermogenes.

Traditions of the Feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary

On the feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, Orthodox Christians should think about their mother and help her. It is customary to celebrate the holiday with family and friends, certainly with parents, at a rich table and delicious treats.

All believers on this day pray and ask for help and intercession from the Most Holy Theotokos.

After the Assumption, pickle the cucumbers well. It was believed that then they would not become moldy until spring. By the Assumption, the entire harvest was harvested.

After the Assumption, “Indian Summer” begins. And if it rains on the holiday, then “Indian Summer” will be warm.

On August 28, the day of the Dormition, they baked bread from the flour of the new harvest, consecrated it in the church, and upon returning home from church, they all broke off pieces, and the remains were put away under the icon and taken care of. It was believed that such bread had powerful healing powers and could heal the sick.

On this day you should not handle piercing or cutting objects, or cook food. Believers break bread with their hands, since they cannot use a knife. It is also forbidden to stick knives, shovels or other sharp objects into the ground at the Assumption.

You cannot go barefoot to the Assumption. It was believed that in this way all diseases could be collected. Dew on this day is the tears of nature that the Mother of God has left this world and cannot be with people and help them.

Also, all those who fasted before the Dormition were delivered from the “attempt of the evil one on the soul.” You should also not wear old or uncomfortable shoes on this day to avoid problems in life. If you rub your foot on this day, a difficult life awaits you, full of problems and failures.

But you were allowed to work on this day, especially if you did not finish some work you started or need to help someone.

The publication was prepared by Leonid Bulanov, Chairman of the Cyprus Branch of the IOPS

The Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary is included in the list of the twelve most significant holidays for Orthodox believers. This day glorifies the memory of the Mother of God. In the Orthodox calendar, the Day of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary falls on August 28 according to the new style.

Those believers who celebrate this day are commanded by the church to fast for 2 weeks. This is done following the example of the Mother of God herself, who adhered to strict fasting and spent her days in unceasing prayer in last days before His Assumption.

Earthly life and Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The life of the Mother of God is described in Holy Scripture. After the death and miraculous Resurrection of the Savior, she remained in the city of Jerusalem until the very beginning of the great persecution of Christians. When the persecution began, Mary moved to Ephesus, who accompanied her John the Theologian. Blessed Virgin Maria often visited Mount Athos, and blessed her in the future for preaching the Gospel word. Several times the Mother of God visited righteous Lazarus in Cyprus.

Shortly before her death, the Most Holy Theotokos returned back to Jerusalem. Here she visited all the places that had a direct connection and significance for the life of Her Son. All this time the Mother of God spent in constant prayer.

One day when She was staying on the Mount of Olives, appeared to her and told her that Her death would occur in three days. She will leave this earth and will be ascended to heaven to her Son. The Mother of God conveyed this news to the Apostle John, who passed it on to the Apostle James. In turn, Jacob notified the entire Church of Jerusalem about the imminent death of the Mother of God. Subsequently, this legend about the Dormition of the Holy Mother of God was preserved and transmitted by the Jerusalem Church.

The Most Holy Theotokos bequeathed all her modest property to the widows who served her. Her desire was to be buried in Gethsemane next to her parents after her death - Righteous Joachim and Anna.

On the day when the death of the Mother of God occurred, all the apostles gathered in Jerusalem to say goodbye to her. They came from different parts of the world, so they wandered the earth, bringing the Word of God to people.

The departure of the Mother of God from earthly life was accompanied by a bright, unspeakably wonderful light. At that moment, Christ himself appeared before Mary, surrounded by numerous angels. She turned to her Son with a prayer and a request to bless those people who honored Her memory. In addition, she asked her Son to protect by Her Power from the temptations of Satan and various ordeals. After this, Mary gave her soul into the hands of the Lord in peace and grace.

For three days and all nights all the apostles remained at the tomb of the Mother of God and offered psalms. Three days later a sign and consolation came to them - they saw the image of the Mother of God and they heard Her words calling to rejoice and rejoice. From this day on, the Mother of God will be with everyone in all sorrows and joys all days.

After these comforting words, the body of the Mother of God was transferred to heaven.

Dormition of the Virgin Mary - history

Christians began to celebrate the Dormition of the Mother of God in ancient times.

  1. The first mentions of the establishment of this memorable day were found in the writings of Blessed Jerome, Augustine, and Gregory. In addition, indications of this fact are found in the works of the Bishop of Tours.
  2. In the 6th century AD, the Byzantine emperor Mauritius defeated the Persians. This happened on August 15, 595. The celebration of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary was timed to coincide with this day. Soon this event turned into one of the leading and significant church holidays.
  3. It should be noted that in different places this holiday was celebrated on different dates - from January to August. The Roman Church celebrated the day of the death of the Virgin Mary on January 18, and in August the date of the “Assumption of Our Lady into the heavens of God” was celebrated.
  4. The final date for the celebration of the Assumption was determined on August 15 only in the 9th century.

The main purpose of this solemn date was to preserve and glorify of blessed memory The Mother of God and her reunion in heaven with Her Son.

The meaning and purpose of the Feast of the Assumption

The Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the twelve feasts Orthodox calendar.

  1. To celebrate this day with dignity, Christians on the eve spend 2 weeks in strict prayers. This fast is usually called the Assumption Fast or the Fast of the Most Holy Theotokos. This fast continues from August 1 to August 14. In terms of its severity, fasting ranks first after Lent. At this time, it is forbidden to eat fish, but boiled food without adding vegetable oil is allowed. On Saturdays and Sundays it is allowed to add to food and vegetable oil.
  2. The Dormition Fast was established in imitation of the Mother of God, who spent her entire life in fasting and prayer. This post, according to available historical documents, has been observed since the 5th century.
  3. In the 12th century, the observance of this fast was prescribed by the Council of Constantinople. On the Feast of the Transfiguration, eating fish was allowed.
  4. For some people it may not be clear that the day of the death of the Mother of God is celebrated as a holiday. Indeed, in human consciousness, death is always associated with grief, loss, longing and sorrow for the departed. Any person since ancient times has seen in death something great and incomprehensible, one of greatest mysteries earthly human existence. At all times, this phenomenon caused involuntary awe and confusion.

From a believer's point of view Orthodox Christian, everything that exists has life basis. AND You need to be afraid not of death itself, but of unseemly and wrong actions, which can fill our earthly life. Based on this conviction, a true Christian believer understands death not as the complete completion of a person’s life path, but only as a difficult and serious challenge, which is necessary for the transition to eternal true existence. It was through death that the Mother of God gained the opportunity to be close to Her Son. And this brings joy to the hearts of all Orthodox Christians.

If a person is deprived of faith, he can spend his entire earthly life in painful anticipation of his own end as a symbol of the complete collapse of his essence. A believer prepares for death as the beginning of a new stage in the life of his soul.

However, it would be a big mistake to believe that death in the eyes of Christians is joyful and a blessed phenomenon. She appeared in this world as a result of the fall of the first people and the violation of the Will and Law of God.

Initially, according to the teachings of the Christian Church, God did not want people to die, but they deliberately doomed themselves to such an end because of the weakness of their spirit and flesh. However, even here the Creator showed untold mercy and made the death of man only a stage on the path to the Almighty.

In the 5th century, stichera dedicated to the Dormition of the Virgin Mary appeared. They were written by the Patriarch of Constantinople. In the 8th century, 2 canons were written, created by Saints John of Damascus and Cosima the Mayan.

  1. Usually in the icon the Mother of God is depicted in the very center on her deathbed. Weeping apostles stand around her. A little further from the funeral bed stands Christ with the soul of the Mother of God. Icon painters often depict her as a swaddled baby.
  2. In the 11th century, this image was somewhat expanded and supplemented, as a result the so-called “cloud type of Assumption iconography” was created. This option can be seen in Macedonia in the Church of Hagia Sophia on frescoes.
  3. The apostles were depicted at the top of the “cloud” composition. They all fly on the clouds to the deathbed of the Mother of God.
  4. In Russia, the most ancient “cloud” icon is considered to be an image painted at the beginning of the 13th century. This icon was created in the Desyatinny Monastery in Novgorod. At the top of this image is a blue sky with golden stars. Against the background of the sky, angels carrying away the soul of the Mother of God. Today this ancient icon located in the Tretyakov Gallery.
  5. As a symbol of prayer offering to the Creator, many icon painters depict lit candles at the deathbed of the Mother of God.

Today, pictures dedicated to the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary can be found in large quantities on various Christian sites and on the Wikipedia portal.

One of the oldest shrines is located in Jerusalem - Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. Inside this temple there is an ancient Jewish tomb where, according to legend, the body of Mary was located before she was ascended to heaven.

Today - Holy holiday Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. People call the holiday the First Most Pure One.

The full name of this holiday, which is revered all over the world, is the Dormition of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary.

The holiday is one of the Twelve Feasts, i.e. intolerable. Thus, the Dormition of the Virgin Mary is always celebrated on August 28th. Throughout the world, the Church honors the Most Holy Theotokos as “the most honorable of the Cherubim and the most glorious without comparison of the Seraphim.”
On this day, the Holy Church remembers the righteous death of the Mother of God - an event colored at the same time by sadness about the end of the life path of the Representative for the human race and joy about the union of the Most Pure Mother of the Lord with Her Son.

It is with the feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary that the first (young) “Indian summer” begins and it lasts until September 11. And based on what the weather was like these days, they determined what the second “Indian summer” would be like - from September 14 to 28.
The Nativity of the Virgin Mary also falls during Indian Summer - September 21st.

History of the Feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary

According to legend, the mother of Jesus Christ, Mary, lived 72 years.

We know about earthly life after the Death on the Cross and the Resurrection of the Savior from Holy Tradition. Until the persecution brought by Herod against the Church, the Most Pure Virgin remained in Jerusalem, then she moved with the Apostle John the Theologian to Ephesus. While living here, She visited the righteous Lazarus in Cyprus and Mount Athos, which she blessed as Her destiny. Shortly before her death, the Mother of God returned to Jerusalem.

Here, the Ever-Virgin often stayed in those places with which the most important events in the life of Her Divine Son were connected: Bethlehem, Golgotha, the Holy Sepulcher, Gethsemane, Olivet. There She prayed earnestly. According to legend, the Jews attempted to kill Her, for which purpose, by order of the high priests, a guard was placed at the Holy Sepulcher, but at the right moment the soldiers’ vision was taken away, and they could not see the Mother of God.

Once, during a prayer on Olivet, Archangel Gabriel announced to the Mother of God about Her impending death in three days and presented a luminous branch of paradise - a symbol of victory over death and corruption: “Your Son and our God with the archangels and angels, cherubim and seraphim, with all the heavenly spirits and with the souls of the righteous he will accept you, his mother, into the heavenly kingdom, so that you may live and reign with him for an infinite time.”
The Most Holy Theotokos told the Apostle John the Theologian about what had happened, and he informed the Apostle James, the brother of the Lord, and through him the entire Church of Jerusalem, in which the tradition of the Dormition of the Mother of God was preserved. Before her death, the Mother of God bequeathed Her meager property to the widows who served Her and ordered to bury Herself in Gethsemane, next to the graves of Her righteous parents and righteous husband Joseph the Betrothed.

Here are some photos taken at the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Tomb of the Mother of God). Don’t judge strictly, I’m a terrible photographer, and the church itself is essentially a grotto, a tomb: it’s a little dark there and the photos aren’t very clear...

Just before her death, at her bed she saw all the apostles and disciples of her Divine Son, who were miraculously gathered by the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem, who had previously dispersed to different countries with the mission of preaching the Word of God. The Apostle Paul arrived later than everyone else. Only Apostle Thomas was absent.
Thus, the Virgin Mary was able to say goodbye to them. She asked them to rejoice and not to grieve. After all, “Her death is only short nap, and she goes to her Divine Son"

Suddenly an unspeakable light shone, darkening the lamps; The roof of the upper room opened, and Christ Himself descended with many angels. The Most Holy Theotokos turned to the Lord with a prayer of gratitude and asked to bless all those who honor Her memory. She also prayed to Her Son to protect Her from the dark satanic power, from airy ordeals. Then the Mother of God joyfully surrendered Her soul into the hands of the Lord, and immediately angelic singing was heard.

After her death, Mary was buried in the Garden of Gethsemane in the cave where the ashes of her parents once lay. During the burial of the mother of Christ there was a large number of miracles. In particular, the crippled were able to get back on their feet, and the possessed miraculously got rid of their possession.

For three days the apostles remained at the tomb of the Mother of God, chanting psalms. Angelic singing was constantly heard in the air. As St. Philaret of Moscow says, the apostles received complete and complete consolation “when, on the third day after Her Dormition, for the sake of Thomas, who was late for Her burial, opening Her tomb, they did not find Her most pure body, and after that they saw Her in the glory of the resurrection and from Her she heard a word of consolation: “Rejoice, for I am with you all the days.” The body of the Mother of God was raptured into heaven.
Jesus' disciples took Thomas to the cave where the Virgin was buried. They moved the stone that blocked the entrance, but Mary’s body was no longer in the cave - only her funeral vestments lay there. Orthodox Church explains it this way - Jesus Christ resurrected the Most Pure Mother of God and took her body to heaven.

The Church calls the death of the Mother of God the Dormition, and not death, because death, as the return of its dust to the earth, and the spirit to God, “Who gave him,” did not touch our Gracious Intercessor.
“The laws of nature are defeated in You, Pure Virgin, - the Holy Church sings in the troparion of the holiday, - in Virginity is preserved at birth, and life is combined with death: remaining a Virgin after birth and Living after death, You always save, Mother of God, Your inheritance.”
She only fell asleep, only to awaken at the same moment to eternal life and, after three days, with an incorruptible body, move into the heavenly incorruptible dwelling.

The Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary is also called the “Easter of the Virgin Mary.” On this day in Orthodox churches they place an icon with the image of the deceased Virgin (shroud), and also decorate it with flowers.

Traditions of the feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary

As a rule, on the feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, Orthodox Christians should think about their mother and help her. It is customary to celebrate the holiday among family and friends, certainly with parents, at a rich table and delicious dishes.

All believers on this day pray and ask for help and intercession from the Most Holy Theotokos.

Signs and customs for the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary on August 28

Engagements start from this day. After all, according to the ancestors - “The Most Pure One has come - the unclean one is carrying the matchmakers.” unmarried girls looked forward to this day with great impatience - if they were not wooed after the big church holiday, sit them in girls all winter.

On this holiday, the Slavs went to the forest to collect viburnum. Competitions were held - whoever runs to the bush with the berries first will definitely get married this year.
The guys didn’t go to pick viburnum. They waited while the girls sang and danced in circles, and then escorted them home. Parents and daughters decorated their houses with viburnum, because this berry was considered a talisman.

What not to do on this day

On this day you should not handle piercing or cutting objects, or cook food. Believers break bread with their hands, since they cannot use a knife. Moreover, You cannot stick knives, shovels or other sharp objects into the ground during the Assumption.

You cannot go barefoot to the Assumption. It was believed that in this way all diseases could be collected. Dew on this day is the tears of nature that the Mother of God has left this world and cannot be with people and help them.

Also, all those who fasted before the Dormition were delivered from the “attempt of the evil one on the soul.”

Also, you should not wear old or uncomfortable shoes on this day - to avoid problems in life. If you rub your foot on this day, you will have a difficult life full of problems and failures.

But you were allowed to work on this day, especially if you did not finish some work you started or need to help someone.

The Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a truly bright and joyful holiday.

“We magnify Thee,
Immaculate Mother of Christ our God,
and we glorify Your Dormition all-gloriously.”