30 g citric acid. How much does granulated sugar weigh? How to measure with spoons and glass

Different people have their own vision of the amount of ingredients needed to prepare all kinds of dishes. Some rely on their eye and sense of proportion and measure “by eye”, others - in grams, using kitchen scales, which are always at hand, and others - in spoons. However, those who do not have a scale, but need relative accuracy in weighing foods, medicines and herbs, ask the question: “How many grams are in a teaspoon?” This article will outline how much and what product is contained in a teaspoon.

Measurement in grams of the amount of product in a teaspoon

When asking “how many grams are in a teaspoon,” they always mean that the product is heaped up. It is also necessary to take into account that this measurement may have an error of several grams. It depends on how big the “hill” is, on the moisture content of the dry product, on the volume of the spoon, etc. This information will be very useful for young housewives who are faced with the fact that recipes give the amount of food in glasses, then in teaspoons and tablespoons, or in grams. Below you will find correspondences that will help answer the question: “1 teaspoon - how many grams?”

Measuring liquid foods in teaspoons

A teaspoon contains:

  • water - 5 g;
  • condensed milk - 12 g;
  • vegetable oil - 5 g;
  • butter - 5 g;
  • cream - 5 g;
  • sour cream of medium consistency - 10 g;
  • tomato puree - 5 g;
  • liqueur - 7 g;
  • table vinegar - 5 g;
  • jam - 16 g.

How many grams are in a teaspoon of bulk products?

Below are the correspondences for dry bulk products. A teaspoon contains:

How many grams are in a teaspoon? Medicine

Many in their lives have encountered the fact that when a doctor writes a prescription, the dosage of medications is often measured in spoons. In medicine, it is generally believed that a teaspoon contains 5 ml of liquid. The solvent of the drug is mainly water. Thanks to this, it becomes easier to answer the question: “How many grams are in a teaspoon?” In this situation, 5 ml equals 5 grams. However, these data give reason to doubt their accuracy, which is so important in taking medications. During a special experiment it was proven that this correspondence is not entirely correct. First, different standard teaspoons have different volumes. So, the difference is significant - from 2.5 to 7.3 ml. Secondly, all people take different amounts of liquid into a spoon. Thus, in the experimental group, the values ​​gained ranged from 3.9 to 4.9 ml.


As for cooking, there is no need for absolute accuracy in measuring food. Therefore, this method is quite suitable for this. However, it is better to use a syringe for dosing medications.

To accurately determine how many grams are in a tablespoon of bulk, solid, or liquid food ingredients, you should have on hand a special table that indicates the weight values ​​of the most popular products that are most often used in cooking.

To prepare tasty and healthy dishes, you need not only to use high-quality products, but also to accurately observe the ratio of ingredients. But not every home kitchen has special scales. It is faster and easier to use ordinary tableware, such as a tablespoon, as measuring utensils.

All recipes that are published in cookbooks or on websites dedicated to cooking contain information about the weight ratio of the ingredients used. Different foods can be quickly measured with ordinary tablespoons or teaspoons, knowing how much of a particular food product such a cutlery can hold.

Such a useful reminder should hang in every housewife’s kitchen, helping her quickly measure the exact amount of certain products. This will speed up the preparation of breakfasts, lunches and dinners and improve their taste. Knowing exactly how much a particular type of food weighs in a tablespoon, even a novice cook will never make a mistake in dosage.

Different products have different densities and different filling levels, which is reflected in their weight. A tablespoon has long been a universal measure for determining weight volume, which is not inferior to scales in measurement accuracy. All bulk ingredients are calculated taking into account the natural slide that accumulates when the spoon is normally filled.

Table of weight ratio for a tablespoon

Products nameWeight with mound in gWeight without top in g
Wheat flour30 20
Sugar25 20
Powdered sugar28 22
Extra salt28 22
Rock salt30 25
Baking soda28 22
Dry yeast11 8
Cocoa25 20
Ground coffee20 15
Cinnamon powder20 15
Crystalline citric acid16 12
Rice18 15
Honey30 25
Granulated15 10
Table vinegar13
Whole milk13
Vegetable oil12
Melted margarine12

Based on this measure of the volume of different products, you can quickly weigh the required amount of ingredients for preparing a recipe dish. Precise adherence to proportions always has a positive effect on the taste and nutritional quality of any dish.

How many grams are in one tablespoon

A tablespoon will help not only young, but also experienced housewives to weigh. How many grams or ml it holds depends not on the volume of the tablespoon, which remains the same even with its different forms, but on the type of bulk or liquid products.

They can have different grain sizes and densities, which affects their “fitting” in a tablespoon. Some food components, such as wheat flour or powdered sugar, are very finely ground, so more of them can fit in a spoon. However, the density of such products is not very high, so they will have little weight in such a measuring device.

Liquid foods also have different densities and viscosities, which affects their weight when using a cutlery as a measuring tool. The housewife just needs to know about this and take with her a summary measuring chart using a tablespoon as a measure of weight for different food ingredients, including the most popular products or those that are often used for preparing homemade lunches and dinners.

Without flour, it is impossible to prepare baked goods that require a large amount of this bulk product. In this case, you can use a special measuring cup or cup as a measuring container.

A tablespoon will help you measure a small amount of flour when you need to cook:

  • sauce;
  • breading for cutlets or cheesecakes;
  • cream soup;
  • or other dish to which flour is added to thicken.

To quickly prepare such dishes and obtain the desired degree of viscosity, you need to know exactly how many grams fit in a spoon without a large slide. The volume of flour or potato starch in a tablespoon will be 25-30 g. Using such a dispenser, available in every kitchen, will help you accurately and quickly measure the flour in the right amount.


Healthy and tasty semolina porridge can be cooked correctly only if you maintain the exact ratio of milk and semolina. While liquid can be measured using a glass, it is not always possible to accurately determine the amount of semolina. Semolina swells greatly in hot milk, and if there is an error in the ratio of ingredients, the porridge turns out to be too thick and not tasty.

If you know how many grams of semolina fits in a tablespoon, you can always prepare a tasty and satisfying breakfast. It’s enough to remember that one tablespoon of semolina contains 20-25 g.

If you use butter by weight, then preparing dishes using it will be significantly simplified if you know that in solid form a tablespoon holds 20 g, and in melted form - 17. Knowing how many grams of butter are in a tablespoon, you can quickly calculate it weight for a specific dish.

Sunflower oil

When weighing vegetable oil in this way, remember that it must be without sediment, otherwise its weight will increase and the ratio of ingredients will be disrupted. You also need to remember that when cooled, its weight decreases, so you should weigh such a product only when it reaches room temperature.

If the recipe specifies ml, then you can make a calculation by calculating the ratio of the number of spoons to a faceted glass. A tablespoon holds 12 g of oily product.


This product is used as often as salt. Sugar is placed in baked goods, and is also added in small quantities to add piquancy and emphasize the brightness of taste in various dishes:

  • salads;
  • gas stations;
  • fills;
  • pickles and preparations;
  • second courses;
  • fruit drinks and other drinks.

A table from a cookbook or thematic Internet resources will help you always remember how many grams of sugar are in a tablespoon. It should be remembered that sugar absorbs water well and increases its density, which leads to a decrease in its volume for the same weight.


Almost all dishes have to be salted during the cooking process. The exact ratio of salt to the volume of the dish will allow you to create a bright flavor range, avoiding under-salting and over-salting of food. When weighing such a product, remember that it has a heavy specific gravity.

One tablespoon in dry form contains 25-30 g. The weight of salt may vary depending on the grinding, which is of the 1st or 2nd type. If the spoon scoops it up with a large heap, then the weight of the salt then reaches 30-35 g.


Unlike other viscous products, honey is heavy. In a tablespoon, its weight is 40 g. To accurately determine the weight, the candied honey should be melted in a water bath. This will simplify the calculation of its weight when preparing confectionery and other dishes that require its use.

Honey is one of the few products that is always measured only with spoons, since when weighed on scales it remains on the walls of the dishes that are placed on the weighing platform.


Vinegar is used in sauces and salad dressings, in the preparation of marinades and canned vegetables, and also for slaking soda when preparing dough. One tablespoon contains 10 g. When taking measurements, you need to pay attention to the concentration of this product, which can range from 6 to 9%.

Other products

Measuring the weight of ingredients when cooking with a tablespoon will allow beginners and experienced housewives to create not only tasty, but also healthy dishes. You can also measure other products using such cutlery, knowing what is included in it:

  • cocoa – 30 g;
  • in granules – 15 g;
  • water – 12 g;
  • rice – 17 g;
  • dried yeast - 11 g;
  • medium ground coffee – 20 g;
  • cow's milk – 13 g;
  • cinnamon powder – 20 g;
  • ground nuts - 12 g;
  • dry herbs, tea - 6 g;
  • raw grass - 10 g.

Housewives can create their own table of the volume of different food ingredients using the ratio of glasses and spoons, writing how many of the latter fit in a glass. Knowing the volume of a large glass container and the number of spoons included in it, you can accurately calculate the ratio of certain food components of a particular recipe.

Secrets of weighing food without scales

It will be easier to prepare delicious food without using a kitchen scale if you know the average weight of a number of foods. The indicators are as follows:

  • small chicken egg – 50-55 g;
  • yolk – 15 g;
  • protein – 35 g;
  • regular chicken egg – 55-65 g;
  • large chicken egg – 65-70 g;
  • medium potato tuber – 150-200 g;
  • medium onion – 150 g;
  • small garlic clove – 5 g.

All this useful information can be beautifully designed and hung in your kitchen for easy use during cooking.


When using cutlery to calculate the weight of ingredients specified in a recipe, it is worth considering that the volume of glasses and spoons may vary slightly depending on their shape and size, so they can hold different amounts of food. If you need to make accurate calculations, you can purchase culinary measuring cups and scales in specialized stores.

Mother of two children. I have been running a house for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try different means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, more fulfilling. I love my family.

Surely many housewives are interested in how many grams are in a teaspoon of a particular product, since in recipes you can often find a recommendation to put 7, 12, 23 grams of ingredients. This weight is difficult to estimate by eye, and not everyone has accurate electronic scales. And even if they are, 2-3 grams may not show up. What to do in this case? It is most convenient to keep in the kitchen a comparative plate of the weight and volume of some types of products that you use most often. Of course, those housewives who are used to doing everything by eye and can easily pour 17 grams into the pie instead of the recommended one. If you add a tablespoon of ground cinnamon powder, you will easily end up with a completely different result than you originally expected.

You should not make a dish by eye when you are preparing it for the first time, so as not to inadvertently spoil it. It is also very important to maintain the exact dosage when canning. If you do not add salt to a regular soup, you can end up with an unsalted dish. And if you don’t add the same salt to the brine that will be poured into cucumbers or tomatoes, the rolled up jars may swell in a couple of days.

In addition to taste, the calorie content of the dish will depend on the exact weight of certain products. Which is important for people on diets and carefully calculating their diet. For example, knowing, a person can calculate the calorie content of tea or coffee with one, two, three or more spoons of sugar. And, based on the data received, balance your diet.

How many grams are in a teaspoon of cereal?

A teaspoon of oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina, pearl barley, millet will weigh 8 grams. Oatmeal and lentils weigh 4 grams. Corn ones are even lighter, only 2 grams.

How many grams are in a teaspoon of flour?

Corn, potato and wheat flour that fits in a teaspoon will weigh 10 grams.

Often when baking confectionery products, for example, a variety of cakes, buns or pies, it is important to know the weight of spices and various additives.

So, how many grams are in a teaspoon:

  1. Gelatin - 5 gr.
  2. Cocoa powder - 9 gr.
  3. Raisins - 7 gr.
  4. Citric acid - 8 gr.
  5. Ground cinnamon - 8 gr.
  6. Ground coffee - 7 gr.
  7. Maca - 5 gr.
  8. Liqueur - 7 gr.
  9. Powdered milk - 5 gr.
  10. Condensed milk - 12 gr.
  11. Granulated sugar and powdered sugar - 10 gr.
  12. Egg powder - 10 gr.
  13. Baking soda - 12 gr.
  14. Cream - 5 gr.
  15. Sour cream - 10 gr.
  16. Berry and fruit puree - 17 gr.
  17. Melted margarine - 4 gr.
  18. Vegetable oil - 5 gr.
  19. Melted butter - 5 gr.
  20. Jam - 17 gr.
  21. Water - 5 gr.
  22. Liquid honey - 9 gr.
  23. Kefir, fermented baked milk or milk - 5 gr.
  24. Hazelnuts (kernels) - 10 gr.

However, how many grams are in a teaspoon of spices is important to know not only for baking. This information may be useful when preparing main courses and soups.

1 teaspoon - how many grams:

  1. Vinegar - 5 gr.
  2. Tomato paste - 10 gr.
  3. Salts - 10 gr.
  4. Breadcrumbs - 5 gr.
  5. Ground pepper - 5 gr.
  6. Beans or peas - 10 gr.

Of course, this is not the entire list of products used in cooking. However, the ingredients mentioned here are the ones that are most common.

In addition to cooking, the exact weight of the measured products can be useful in treatment. For example, the weight of a dry herb or collection that fits in a teaspoon will be 2-3 grams.

This table will help housewives navigate recipes that indicate weight from 2 to 50 grams. If you are asked to put 60, 80, or more grams of any product, it is easier to use another measuring tool (a tablespoon or a glass), instead of measuring 10-15 small teaspoons. And vice versa, approximately you can remember that one contains the same amount of products as three teapots.

You should also remember that we are talking about a small heaped spoon. True, if this applies to cereals and bulk products. The same flour can be taken in such a way that the volume of the slide exceeds the volume of the dishes by three times. Naturally, it will be impossible to take vinegar, milk or water with a slide.

The recipe for many dishes requires an indication of the amount of ingredients in grams, but not every housewife has time to acquire measuring scales. The most common way to add spices, sugar, and salt to dishes is teaspoons, since they are small and allow you not to overdo it with such savory ingredients. Let's consider how many grams are in a teaspoon of sugar, salt, etc.: table weights and measures, which will be an excellent assistant for every housewife.

Of course, when preparing various dishes, it is easiest to change the ingredients using modern scales, then all proportions will be respected, and the pie or cake will turn out to be moderately sweet. But what to do if you don’t have a much-needed device at hand? Do not refuse to prepare your favorite dish for this reason. Knowledge will come to the rescue, allowing you to measure grams with teaspoons. The amount of sugar is usually measured in glasses, but if we are making a filling for a cake or other dessert, it is quite possible that a change using small teaspoons will be required. That is, if the ingredients in the recipe are indicated in grams, you can measure it with a spoon or a glass.

It is important to know!

If a recipe says “1 teaspoon,” it is assumed to be a medium-sized spoon, suggesting a small mound.

If a slide is not needed, this should be strictly stated in the recipe.

Sugar in cooking can be used in several types - refined sugar, granulated sugar, powder. The amount of granulated sugar without a slide is 5 g and 7 g with a slide. The average amount of powdered sugar is 10 g. Differences in weight values ​​are associated with the density of the sugar consistency: powder is usually denser and, accordingly, heavier. Knowing these subtleties of measurement, you can count on the fact that the dish will turn out 100% consistent with the recipe and will be delicious.

Usually, like sugar, a small heaping spoonful of yeast is meant. Therefore, tables usually contain values ​​with and without slide. Dry yeast is often used in cooking, and today it is superior to fresh yeast in some recipes due to its characteristics and properties. But due to the low density of this product, its weight indicators are on average less, so it is necessary to understand how the weight criterion is measured so that the amount of yeast is appropriate.

On average, one teaspoon contains about 3-5 grams of dry yeast. The difference in mass can be expressed by the following equation:

40 grams dry = 14 gr. fresh

Knowing this identity, you will be able to prepare dishes according to delicious recipes and not make mistakes in the basic proportions.

Citric acid in dry form is often used today for baking, preparing salads and even for many hot dishes. But adding even one extra gram of this “spice” can ruin the dish, making it overly sour and disgusting in taste. In this regard, there is a need for accurate and detailed measurement of the amount of dry citric acid in one teaspoon. It is about 5 grams with an average slide. If there is no slide, then it is 3-4 grams, depending on the size of the spoon (although they are all identical).

How many grams of honey are in a teaspoon?

Today honey is not only a healing and tasty product, but also the No. 1 ingredient for preparing many sweet dishes. Due to its wide scope of application, it is necessary to understand how to measure its weight parameters in teaspoons, so as not to make a mistake in the dosage and not to overdo it or not add too much honey. It turns out that one small teaspoon with a medium slide can fit about 9 grams of honey happiness.

It is important to know!

Often, if the housewife does not have one product, it needs to be replaced with another. For example, honey sometimes has to be replaced with sugar (or vice versa), citric acid with zest, etc. To do this, it is important not only to put the required amount of products, but also to maintain the proportions between them, so it is important to evaluate not just the amount of the ingredient, but look at it weight ratio with analogue. This can be done using a special table presented in the article. There is also a table for replacing products, which will be an excellent lifesaver for many housewives.

Salt is one of the main ingredients used to prepare numerous dishes, so it is important not to overdo it when adding it. Most often, ordinary table salt is offered in modern stores, but there are also other types.


The data presented in the table summary is relevant only for table salt. If you buy sea salt or another, the indicators will be different! This is due to the fact that sea salt is saltier and denser.

Salt can be coarse or fine. Fine salt is usually lighter and requires less salt to achieve the desired flavor of a dish than coarse salt. On average, one teaspoon contains 7 grams without a slide and 10 grams with a slide. Coarse salt has slightly different indicators - 6 and 8 g, respectively. Knowing these tricks, you will certainly never over-salt your dishes and will delight your family and friends with delicious delicacies.

This drink is consumed by most modern people; it has gained fame due to its refined taste and ease of preparation, so for competent cooking you will need to know how much it is contained in one teaspoon. Unlike the ground product, whose density is higher and weighs more, the instant product has a small mass, so one spoon is enough to achieve a rich taste. By the way, 1 tsp. contains only 2-2.5 g of instant coffee, while the amount of ground drink is 8 grams.

In addition to the above products, there is a list of other ingredients often used in the culinary field, so housewives should arm themselves with information about their content in a teaspoon to improve their culinary skills and improve their skills.

  • A spoon contains 12 grams of baking soda with a slide and 10 g without it;
  • the average amount of wheat flour is 4 g and 5 g, respectively;
  • the indicator for milk powder in one tea spoon is 5 grams;
  • the amount of the main drinking liquid - water - is only 5 grams per spoon;
  • the indicator of ground cinnamon for one spoon is only 8 g;
  • amount of melted butter of animal origin – 5 g;
  • ordinary powdered gelatin has a similar weight criterion;
  • sour cream is much lighter than bulk liquids, so 10 g will fit in the container.

In the table you will find the basic values ​​​​of the most commonly used products for a teaspoon and you will always be able to cook correctly, observing the required proportions. Possession of these skills will improve your “economic eye” and allow you to prepare dishes with the addition of the optimal amount of spices and other additives.

Have you yourself estimated how many grams are in a teaspoon of sugar, salt and other bulk products? Did our table help you? Leave your opinion or feedback for everyone on the forum.

When preparing new dishes, each of you has definitely encountered a situation where you need to accurately measure the amount of certain ingredients. Very often in recipes, and indeed in any cooking instructions, they give only general information, using terms like “a tablespoon of flour” or “a glass of buckwheat.”

That is, measurements in grams, kilograms or milliliters are omitted. But if you think about it, can you immediately tell how much a couple of drops of lemon juice, a teaspoon of mustard or vanillin weighs on the tip of a knife? After all, depending on the correct ingredients, your dish can turn out to be either very tasty or completely unsuitable for food. How many grams of salt are there? Any housewife or cook should know the answer to this question without hesitation, because the taste of your soup or main course greatly depends on the lack or excess of this ingredient.

Salt is not a component that can be added by eye, that is, as much as you think is necessary. You need to add exactly as much as indicated in the recipe. So, today in our article we will once and for all answer the question of how many grams of salt are in a tablespoon. You will also be offered a table for converting products from volume measures (tablespoons and teaspoons) to weight measures (grams) and vice versa. You can print it out and keep it in the kitchen so that if you have any doubts, you can immediately find out the exact answer. After all, not everyone and not always have kitchen scales at hand, which also take up enough space. The proposed table is a good alternative to this

We answer the question about how many grams of salt are in a tablespoon

So, remember once and for all: one tablespoon holds 25 grams of white small crystals. Therefore, for example, if when preparing pickles you need to put 50 grams of salt, then feel free to put 2 tbsp. no slide. These measurements are correct when the length of the spoon is 7 cm and the width is 4 cm, because the utensils may be different in each kitchen, so also take into account a slight error when introducing the ingredient into the dish. Taste the dish several times during the cooking process. But keep in mind that if we answer the question of how many grams are in a tablespoon of coarse salt, then there will already be a different value - 20 grams. And if you take a heaped spoonful of regular salt, its contents will already weigh 30 grams. It's that simple. This will help in the future to add exactly the amount of seasoning required by the recipe, because what could be worse for the housewife than an over-salted dish, the taste of which is sometimes very difficult to correct?

Conversion table (spoons - teaspoons and tablespoons) into weight measures (grams)

When you already know how many grams of salt are in 1 tablespoon, it is very useful to keep in mind the measurements of other foods often used in the cooking process.

We hope that our article was useful to you, and the question of how many grams of salt are in a tablespoon will no longer arise. We remind you: 25 grams of regular salt are in 1 tablespoon; 20 grams, if you take large crystals, and if you like to pour in heaps, then the weight of the ingredient will amount to all 30 grams. Take this into account and do not over-salt your dishes.