Concert tickets for children. Musical subscriptions for children. Folklore Center of L. Ryumina

Why buy season tickets at all? Well, firstly, the rule “cheaper in bulk” works even in the Philharmonic. Compare the subscription price with regular tickets for the same concerts - you will notice. It’s nice, especially if you love music (or want to love it) and dream that the person closest to you will share your passion with you. Or - oh happiness! - if this has already happened, and the child cannot live without symphony concerts. In short, if you often go to listen to music, a subscription will save you from ruin.

Secondly, the subscription disciplines. At our pace of life, it’s no secret that we are tempted to “exhale” and relax. Don’t forget to track when tickets appear at the box office, buy them quickly before they run out, and all in order to leave your cozy home on your legal day off in search of cultural entertainment... Maybe not this time? There are still plenty of concerts ahead. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? In the end, by an inexplicable coincidence, May comes, there are practically no concerts left on the bill, and you still haven’t made it out this year. A subscription reduces the likelihood of such falling away from the culture. What to hide: paid! But even if you suddenly miss a concert, you won’t lose much money compared to the regular ticket price.

These arguments, however, work under one condition. Going to the Philharmonic should really bring you joy and not torment your child. Otherwise, pay attention to the forum thread “Extra ticket”. It is there, among the sufferers, painfully refilling missing season tickets and bitterly regretting money spent unwisely, that you risk finding yourself.

Where to begin?

There is no universal recipe here. When choosing, it is best not to focus on fashion, classmates or friends from the playground/kindergarten. Based on your child's preferences. You can read descriptions of concerts and reviews about them, see what kind of orchestra is playing, what they write about the performers. Or you can - and this is the most win-win option - buy a trial ticket and go to the concert of the subscriber you like. Buy it next season if you like it.

How to choose a suitable subscription?

Is your child ready to listen to reading aloud all day long, and does he practically not care what is read to him? In this case, it seems preferable to start with programs that combine music and artistic expression. This could, of course, be any version of the “Fairy Tales with Orchestra” subscription that has firmly held the palm of popularity in recent years. Here famous artists read aloud famous children's texts in dialogue with the Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Moscow Philharmonic.

Subscription No. 51A "Fairy Tales with Orchestra" season 2013-2014

Subscription No. 51 "Fairy Tales with Orchestra" season 2013-2014

Subscription No. 52 "Tales with an orchestra. Favorites" season 2013-2014

Subscription No. 52-A "Tales with an orchestra. Favorites" season 2013-2014

You can choose “There Were and Fables,” also known as “The Funny Professor,” to listen to a masterly reading by the wonderful Pavel Lyubimtsev.

All these concerts are held annually in the Tchaikovsky Hall (it’s very beautiful there, and this is also important), and not only are tickets for them in great demand, but even individual tickets are not easy to buy.

But no need to get hung up! Try choosing a similar program on a less “promoted” site. For example, for the little ones - any of the fabulous subscriptions to the Chamber Hall, the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music, the Gnessin Concert Hall on Povarskaya, the Orchestrion or even. Not as grandiose as the Great Hall of the Philharmonic, these halls can be more comfortable for children, and season tickets are cheaper. And the concerts here are excellent. Let's say, "Fairy tales for the little ones" in Gnesinka. Or, for example, Svetlana Vinogradova, who told fairy tales to us parents, conducts concerts at the Orchestrion. It’s better, however, to first make sure that these “Fairy Tales for Everyone” are suitable for you too. Especially if your choice is not driven by childhood nostalgia.

The Philharmonic annually prepares programs combining music and words for older children. The list varies slightly from year to year, but the selection rule described above also applies here. Try, for example, like “In the Land of Unlearned Lessons” on Povarskaya. “Fairytale” subscriptions, here or in any other hall, are also often interesting for older children - choose according to your taste. Excellent music performed virtuoso is practically guaranteed.

Some happy people love to learn - to learn new things, to listen to stories. The Philharmonic also has concerts aimed at such audiences of different ages. First of all, I remember, again from childhood, “Big Music for Little Ones,” familiar to many parents, with its permanent presenter Natalya Panasyuk. Older children, “as well as their parents,” will be interested in listening to the already mentioned Svetlana Vinogradova, the legendary Zhanna Dozortseva - she conducts programs in the Tchaikovsky Hall (“Music, Painting, Life”) and in the Great Hall of the Conservatory (“Across Countries and Continents”). The best performers and orchestras always play here. Prefer a more youthful style? Go see Artem Vargaftik and see how modern classical music is.

Now about the most important and most target audience of any philharmonic concerts. About children who do not want to listen to any words, because words bother them. About those who want to hear only music. This is a gift, and age does not play a role here. If you notice that this is exactly the case with your child, do not torture him. These halls are a unique place where he has such an opportunity. And he will still get words - well, at least in the theater. There are not too many children's subscriptions with a minimum of words, but they exist. Here again it makes sense, for example, to pay attention to the programs of Zhanna Dozortseva. While the child is still too small to withstand the introductory text, you can come to its end. And just listen to music. If you haven’t found a suitable subscription from the children’s repertoire, take a closer look at adult symphony concerts. After all, you can leave early if your child is tired. True, if we are dealing with the type described above, you are more likely to get tired.

The proposed division is, of course, very arbitrary. How pointless it is to try to get a clear recommendation when choosing any concert, play or book. Until you listen, see, read, understand. So, forward to good music. Just don't be late! Every year, the sale of season tickets opens earlier and earlier, and the queues for them at the box office are longer and longer. And this cannot but rejoice: you are creating a generation of music lovers!

Be the first to know

About the concert

On January 20, 2019, the Moscow Regional Philharmonic invites young guests and their parents to the Lyudmila Ryumina Folklore Center. A daytime concert “Children's Philharmonic” will take place here. The organizers of the event have prepared a musical and educational program for children, which will not only entertain young spectators, but also complement their knowledge of art.

Organizational details
The event will take place in the small hall of the center. To buy tickets for the Children's Philharmonic concert in Moscow, you need to choose a seat in the stalls of the hall and place an order. The program is recommended for children aged six years and older. The performance will begin at 14:00.

For guests of the Lyudmila Ryumina Center there is a cafeteria where you can have a snack. The wardrobe is open to spectators. There are seating areas in the foyer. Unique photographs related to the history of the center, national stage costumes and other exhibits are also exhibited here.

about the project
“Children’s Philharmonic” is one of the branches of the Moscow Regional Philharmonic. The project was organized with the goal of introducing children and youth to classical music, theater and other forms of art.

Within the framework of the project, several programs of different directions have been created: musical performances, educational concerts, interactive events, master classes, season tickets.

Various Philharmonic groups participate in the programs: “Russian Patterns”, “Instrumental Chapel”, “Sadko”. At the project’s concerts you can see outstanding actors and musicians: Svetlana Stepchenko, Sergei Druzyak, Anastasia Zykova and other famous artists.

Over several seasons, the audience was presented with children's musicals based on the works of Korney Chukovsky, fairy-tale performances based on Russian fairy tales and other programs.

Full description

Why Ponominalu?

The entire hall is available

Don't delay your purchase

Why Ponominalu?

Ponominalu sells tickets to the Children's Philharmonic concert under an agreement with the organizer. All ticket prices are official and do not differ from the prices at the venue’s box office.

The entire hall is available

We are connected to the organizer's ticket database and offer all officially available tickets for the concert.

Don't delay your purchase

Ticket prices may rise closer to the concert date, and the most popular seats may run out.

Site address: Filevsky Park metro station, Moscow, Bagrationovskaya metro station, Barclay street, building 9

  • Filevsky Park
  • Bagrationovskaya

Folklore Center of L. Ryumina

“Moscow Cultural Folklore Center of Lyudmila Ryumina” is a place where the Russian soul is revealed in all its glory. This place is unique and inimitable in its atmosphere, in the mood that reigns here. Anyone who appreciates, loves and wants to know and understand Russian culture as best as possible is simply obliged to visit here. The center regularly hosts unforgettable theatrical performances, in which a variety of creative groups from the capital are involved.

Through the efforts of the groups of the Folklore Center, the vocal and choreographic ensemble “Rusy” and the folk instrument orchestra “Masters of Russia”, performances and theatrical programs, creative evenings, festivals, and competitions are created and shown. The vocal and choreographic ensemble "Rusy" includes: vocal, choreographic groups and an orchestra of folk instruments, which together perform theatrical performances on stage. Festive events are often held here, in which every resident or guest of Moscow can participate.

The folklore center has a rich and developed infrastructure; there is everything for inspiration, rehearsals and performances. Both the audience and the performers themselves will appreciate the large stage and hall, equipped with the most modern high-quality light and sound. Interestingly, the center has its own studio complex, which is ideally equipped for comfortable and high-quality recording of audio tracks and entire performances. Two halls, Large and Small, for holding various events are designed for 518 seats and 123 seats. The doors of the folklore center are always open for cooperation with creative groups and artists.

The Moscow Cultural Folklore Center under the leadership of Lyudmila Ryumina is located very conveniently, it is located near the city center at the address: Moscow, Bagrationovskaya metro station (2 minutes on foot), st. Barclay, 9 (next to the Gorbushkin Dvor shopping center).

Today it will be purely useful, in the format of “where to go with your child on the weekend” and “concerts with children” and the like. Professionals of music subscriptions may not read the text for beginners about children's subscriptions to the Moscow Philharmonic and Conservatory.

So here it is. Why now. Because it’s been a week since the season for selling season tickets, adults and children, opened. You can choose. Two main directions of the “children + classical music” format (and not only).

Classics of the genre - children's subscription No. 4, Moscow Conservatory. Conductor and narrator - Vyacheslav Valeev. Concerts on Sundays (4 in total per season), lasting about an hour. Valeev copes well with children's audiences, K. loves him very much. It is important to understand that children's passes do not mean that your child will sit in one place, stretched out. It's not like that at all. For example, at one of the subscription concerts, the children sang songs together with the orchestra in the entire audience, K. was very inspired, then for two days he told how he liked it, singing like that at the conservatory. The cost of a subscription for the next season is 1200-8000 rubles.

In addition to the classic fourth season ticket, there is also “Journey Around the World” - each concert is dedicated to a country, for example, France. We listen to Debussy, Ravel, Poulenc. And so on. There is a subscription dedicated to great composers, and there is a “fairytale subscription”.

The Moscow Philharmonic offers an even larger selection of different subscriptions for children. This season we went to listen to “The Funny Professor.” Each concert is thematic, Pavel Lyubimtsev wonderfully talks about a wide variety of things, Osipov’s orchestra supports him, slides are displayed on the screens, in a word, everything is done perfectly for children so that no one gets bored. For example, yesterday K. went to the concert “From Moscow to the Pacific Ocean. Great Russian travelers and discoverers of the Far Eastern lands." He came out absolutely delighted, talking about Bering, Kamchatka, geysers, Yakut music. In a word, this is not just an introduction to music, but also a conditionally “educational program”, and Pavel Lyubimtsev talks about everything so excitingly, without coddling or flirting with the children’s audience, but with a lot of interesting facts, wonderful intonations, that both adults and children listen to. For example, yesterday I arrived early to pick up K., I decided to go in, sit in the lobby for a while, listen a little, and then run some errands. But in the end I watched the entire concert on the screen - I just couldn’t tear myself away.

In fact, the Philharmonic offers dozens of children's subscriptions, ranging in theme. If you love fairy tales and music, there are plenty of “fairytale subscriptions”. For example, “Tales with an orchestra. Saturday afternoon symphony concerts for children" with the participation of the wonderful Yulia Peresild and Chulpan Khamatova, a wonderful subscription of "country music" hosted by Artem Vargaftik, there is a subscription "How the forest boy taught the musical alphabet." Daytime concerts for children from 3 to 7 years old” for the very little ones, the only one that on the Philharmonic website is not 6+, but 0+. In general, for every taste.

By the way, regarding age. I doubted for a long time when to start going to concerts with my child, in the end I decided not to take him anywhere at three, we started going at four, in our case it was already the age. He goes with 6+ passes, no questions asked.

Finally, one more story that sometimes stops people - like we buy a subscription, then we get sick, we miss it, and so on. In fact, as usual, there is no spoon. In our practice, we missed only one concert out of eight due to illness. But, if you still have doubts, tickets for some subscriptions can be purchased right before the concert at the box office.

The most practical question. When to buy. It's better to buy right now. Because some passes sell out quickly and quickly disappear from sale. It is also important, when you choose a subscription, to pay attention to the location of the concert, so as not to come to the Tchaikovsky Hall when the concert is taking place at the Philharmonic-2 in the Olympic Village. And yes, the subscription is valid for one person, and not for a combination of adults + children.

This seems to be the end of musical lifehacks, I’ll go roast a duck for lunch.

The perception of fine arts requires preparation: the ability to listen to classical music and understand ballet comes if you systematically devote time and attention to it. We have selected for you the most interesting programs in Moscow that offer a harmonious trajectory of musical education for children.

We would also like to note that it is better to buy tickets in advance - seats sell out very quickly, and you often need luck to get to every concert on the program.

1. Title: “Four ways to learn and love music” (children’s subscription No. 4)

Venue: Moscow Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky

Starts at 14:00 / 17:00


"The joy of meeting music for the first time"

"Children's party"

Symphony Orchestra of Moscow Conservatory Students

Artistic director of the orchestra - Vyacheslav Valeev

"Music and Painting"

Symphony Orchestra of Moscow Conservatory Students

Artistic director of the orchestra - Anatoly Levin

"Music and Poetry"

Symphony Orchestra of the Opera Theater of the Moscow Conservatory

Artistic director of the orchestra - Alexander Petukhov

Cost: from 1200 to 6000 rubles for 4 concerts

2. Title: “The best songs for children” (children's subscription)

Starts at 13:00

The subscription will give you a great chance to hear melodies that are now rarely heard on radio and television, but, fortunately, have been preserved in the repertoire of wonderful groups - the legendary Big Children's Choir named after V.S. Popov, the titled Song and Dance Ensemble named after V.S. Lokteva and the choir of the Children's School "Spring". They will present the best examples of creativity of composers and songwriters of our country, popular melodies from famous cartoons and films for children.


Song and Dance Ensemble named after V.S. Lokteva

Artistic director – Leonid Fridkin

Children's choir school "Spring"

Artistic director and conductor – Nadezhda Averina

Big Children's Choir named after V.S. Popova

Russian state radio company "Voice of Russia"

Artistic director and conductor – Anatoly Kislyakov

Cost: from 300 to 2400 for 3 concerts

3. Title: “Favorite Tales” (children’s subscription for children 5-10 years old)

Venue: Moscow International House of Music, Theater Hall

Starts at 13.00


"The wolf and the seven Young goats"

Alexey Rybnikov Theater

"Golden Key"

Musical theater "Impromt"

"The Bremen Town Musicians"

Stas Namin Music and Drama Theater

"Aladdin's Magic Lamp"

Musical Theater "On Basmannaya"

"Fly Tsokotukha"

Vladimir Nazarov Theater

"Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves"

Musical theater "Impromt"

Cost: from 500 to 1000 rubles for 1 concert


Venue: Moscow International House of Music

Start: 13:00 / 17:00

Young viewers are greeted by their favorite fairy-tale characters, who, it turns out, can communicate without words and masterfully dance to classical or modern music. Knowing the plot of famous fairy tales performed on stage, little spectators easily learn to understand the expressive body language of the dancers, and bright costumes and masterful choreography turn visiting fabulous ballet performances into an unforgettable event.


"Mowgli" based on the book by R. Kipling

The performance “Mowgli” is a large-scale spectacle, designed for a large cast of artists, a serious symphony orchestra and choir, and a modern lighting score. In “Mowgli,” the innovation of choreography was manifested in the mastery of plasticity brought from the world of the jungle, characteristic “animal” gestures and movements


One of the best ballet companies in Moscow, “Russian Seasons,” offers children the colorful ballet “Cipollino” to the music of K. Khachaturian, staged by Nikolai Androsov, which turns into a fascinating comedy-detective story.

“Cinderella” based on the fairy tale by C. Perrault

One of the most favorite works of Sergei Prokofiev. In November 1945, he wrote: “The main thing that I wanted to convey in the music of “Cinderella” is the poetic love of Cinderella and the Prince, the origin and flowering of feelings, obstacles in its path, the fulfillment of a dream.” The interpretation of Kasatkina and Vasilyov is very close to the composer’s plan. In their production, the piercing expectation of a miracle and the miraculous transformation of the main character itself, which became a reality thanks to the magical help of the Fairy and the crystal slipper, comes to the fore.

"Coppelia" E.T.A. Hoffmann.

The ballet “Coppelia” will tell about the relationship between people and a robotic automaton. Many surprises await viewers here: fantastic mechanisms, “come to life” furniture, etc.

Cost: 400-1800 rubles for 4 concerts

5. Title: “Fairy tales with orchestra. Favorites" (children's subscription No. 59)

Venue: Concert Hall. P.I. Tchaikovsky

Starts at 15:00


A. Dumas "Snow White"

Conductor – Igor Manasherov

Ensemble of soloists "Madrigal" of the Moscow Philharmonic

Saturday afternoon symphony concerts for children

Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Moscow Philharmonic

Conductor – Dimitris Botinis

Avangard Leontiev (literary word)

V. Gauf. "Cold heart". Saturday afternoon symphony concerts for children

Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Moscow Philharmonic

Conductor – Vladimir Ponkin

Dmitry Nazarov (literary word)

“Cinderella” (based on the fairy tale by C. Perrault and the film script by E. Schwartz).

Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Moscow Philharmonic

Conductor – Yuri Simonov

Pavel Lyubimtsev (literary word)

Ticket price: from 500 to 2000 rubles for 1 concert

6.Name:« Meeting the Composers» (children's subscription)

Venue: Pavel Slobodkin Theater and Concert Center

Starts at 14:00

At meetings in this series, young spectators get acquainted with various orchestra groups and their instruments. Concert-lectures “Meet the Orchestra” take place somewhat differently than regular meetings. This is a real hands-on activity! The curious public will be able to touch the instruments if they wish and even try to play them. Conductor Ilya Gaisin will lead this entire process. It will turn the meeting of amateurs and professionals into a real joint performance.

When the musicians perform “live” works by composers, the children will have the opportunity to listen to how this or that instrument plays solo in the orchestra, will be able to distinguish it from the general sound mass, and, of course, will have time to enjoy the sound of an orchestral tutti.

The musicians will reveal the secrets of their craft, because there will still be meetings ahead where young spectators will continue to communicate with music.


Concert-lecture No. 1 “Baroque”

Moscow Chamber Orchestra

Conductor and presenter Ilya Gaisin

The program will feature works by I.S. Bach, G. Handel, A. Vivaldi.

Concert-lecture No. 2 “Viennese classics”

Moscow Chamber Orchestra

Conductor and presenter Arif Dadashev

The program includes works by J. Haydn, V.A. Mozart, L.V. Beethoven

Concert-lecture No. 3 “Early Romanticism”

Moscow Chamber Orchestra

Conductor and presenter Ilya GAYSIN

The program includes works by F. Schubert, F. Mendelssohn, R. Schumann, G. Rossini

Concert-lecture No. 4 “The Rise of Romanticism”

Moscow Chamber Orchestra

Conductor and presenter Ilya GAYSIN

The program includes works by J. Brahms, F. Liszt, A. Dvorak, G. Verdi

Cost: from 1200 to 1500 rubles for 1 concert

7. “In the land of unlearned lessons” (subscription No. 159)

Venue: Gnessin Concert Hall on Povarskaya

Starts at 13:00

Sunday afternoon concerts for children for children of primary and secondary school age. The illustrations are sand drawings by cartoonist Liliya Ravilova.

Ensemble of soloists “Russian Rhapsody”

In the program: Field “Clean Dor”. Musical and literary composition based on stories and stories by Yu. I. Koval

In the program: Nikolaev, Bartok, Grieg, Hondo. Musical and literary composition based on the stories of N. M. Gribachev

Program: Malyarov, Panin, Yashina

Musical and literary composition based on the stories of N. N. Nosov