Algorithm for filling out a work book. A record of an employee's transfer to a new position. Reinstatement

Sample of filling out a work book: characteristics of the document + basic requirements for filling out + 12 main mistakes and ways to avoid them.

A work record book is perhaps the only document in a person’s life that he rereads from time to time with a nagging sense of nostalgia.

How else?

On the first page is the name of the company, where you first learned what a real corporate holiday and team spirit are, and then there’s more...

But how can you make it so that it not only gives you the opportunity to immerse yourself in memories of places of “military glory”, but also defeats you with its impeccability?

We will consider more than one Sample of filling out a work book and find out all the details.

Sample of filling out a work book: what is it and what do you eat it with?

A work book is a document that will tell you everything about your glorious career path.

It includes data on the level of education and qualifications, professional path and diligence in the performance of your work duties.

You shouldn’t reproach HR officers with a piece of bread, because the preparation, storage and maintenance of this document is a responsible job that is strictly regulated by law.

Filling out a sample work book is carried out for:

    recording any events in your career(reception, transfer to another position, awards, advanced training, additional education, etc.).

    So watch your reputation if you don’t want to be fired “for ethical reasons and for 1 million views of a drunken brawl on YouTube” after kissing a colleague at a New Year’s corporate party;

    recording the reasons for awards and dismissals.

    But receiving a bonus after brilliantly conducted negotiations is a more pleasant thing, isn’t it?

    confirmation of insurance and work experience.

    It may not seem so significant now, but when in 30-40 years you will not have enough for validol due to a meager pension, you will see how important it is that your documents are prepared properly, as they say, without a hitch .

Where can I get information about correctly filling out a sample work book?

“You don’t need to know everything, you just need to know where to look for the necessary information!” - say “advanced” teachers, and we completely agree with them.

The following regulations will help you avoid mistakes when filling out a sample work book::

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation will tell you what this document is from the point of view of the legislator, how to correctly draw it up, maintain and store it (;
  • Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation will indicate the responsibility of the employer in case of improper maintenance, completion, or storage of personal document forms.

    So it’s definitely not possible to be “freeloader” (;

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 225 of April 16, 2003 “On work books.”

    It is here that a sample is contained on how to correctly fill out a work book and insert, as well as standards for its storage are established (;

  • Resolution No. 69 of October 10, 2003 “On approval of instructions for filling out work books” focuses the attention of officials on how to correctly correct errors made when filling out this document (

Sample of filling out a work book: main rules and common mistakes

Basic requirements for a work book and a sample of how to fill it out correctly: how not to get lost in three pines?

Down with errors when filling out!

Even the most diligent and diligent employee of all Rus' and a true professional in his field can have annoying mistakes creep into the official papers, so a sample of filling out a work book will never be superfluous.

If the company does not keep such documents, then this is a serious violation of the law.

It will be impossible to prove the existence of work experience for this period of work, which means it will not be taken into account when calculating the pension. Therefore, it is necessary for all workers to know how to fill out a work book.

The article provides instructions on the procedure for filling out work books.

Labor Code is a document relating to a person’s work activity.

All issues regarding the procedure for its maintenance are specified in the Labor Code and the relevant government Decrees (No. 225 of April 16, 2003), the Resolution and Letter of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation (No. 69 of October 10, 2003, Art. 5.27; No. 656-6- 0 dated March 18, 2008).

Responsible persons

Responsibility for the availability of work books issued to each employee of the enterprise falls on the shoulders of the head of the enterprise.

The manager issues an order appointing an employee responsible for the correct completion, recording and storage of these documents.

He also appoints another employee who can replace the main person in charge during his absence. Usually these are personnel department (HR) employees.

Requirements for maintaining a work record book

General information

A labor code is created for each employee who has worked for the company for at least 5 days. For them this work should be their main one.

These are also seasonal, temporary and freelance workers, who are also covered by social insurance.

Entries in the TC are made in full, without abbreviations (to avoid misreading), in blue, purple or black font.

  • Each entry begins on a separate line and is provided with its own serial number. The dates are displayed like this:
  • day and month – 2 digits;

year – 4 digits. The TC is conducted in the state language of the Russian Federation.

And in the territories of the autonomous republics it can be conducted in two languages ​​- Russian and national.

  • The TC consists of three sections:
  • The first - on the title page - reflects information about the employee - his last name, first name and patronymic in the nominative case without abbreviations. It also indicates his education, profession or specialty. The organization issuing the TC puts a stamp on this sheet.
  • The second is data about the employee’s work.

The third contains information about his awards.

The last two sections must indicate the documents on the basis of which each entry is made. Usually these are the numbers of the corresponding orders with their dates.

Rules and procedure for filling out a work book

In the “job information” section, all data on admission, movement, study during work related to advanced training, service in the army or other special structures, etc. is entered.

Also displayed here is information about the renaming of an enterprise or its individual structure, information about the dismissal of an employee, and others.

Moreover, the latest information is certified not only by the signature of the person in charge, but also by the employee himself.

The name of the enterprise, its structural unit and the position of the employee are entered in the recording column.

The last section of the Labor Code includes those awards that are stipulated in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or the collective agreement of the organization. Providing such incentives is not mandatory or continuous. The name of the company, the position of the employee and the type of incentive are entered in the appropriate field. Nearby, in the next column, a link to the corresponding basis is given. Awards are not reflected here.

  1. If during an employee’s work in a company there is a change in its name, or structural changes affecting a specific division, then this is necessarily reflected in the Labor Code and is certified by a new seal of this organization.
  2. When changing an employee's last name, his old last name is crossed out and the new one is written on top. Nearby, on the cover, the basis for replacing the entry with the seal and signature of the responsible person is deciphered. This is the only acceptable crossing out in the TC.
  3. If, after the unlawful dismissal of an employee, the court obliges the employer to reinstate him at work, then an entry is made canceling previous information about his dismissal with reference to the document justifying this decision.
  4. In the event of the death of an employee, information about the termination of the employment contract is reflected, indicating the date of death from the relevant certificate.
  5. If there are not enough pages for all entries in the TC, then an insert for it is issued. The rules for filling it out do not differ from the general rules, and it is filed in the Labor Code.

Carefully and correctly filling out the Labor Code at each stage of your working life will greatly facilitate the process of applying for a pension.

Storage and accounting of work books

Work books, their inserts and forms are documents of strict accountability. The HR department, where the technical documentation is stored, keeps a book of their records.

It reflects complete information about the movement of all these documents, regardless of whether they are new or were issued by another organization.

In other words, information about the Labor Code of all employees of a given institution (former and current).

This book is numbered, laced and certified with the seal of the head of the organization. Accounting for TC forms is maintained by the enterprise’s accounting department in a similar manner.

TCs are permanently stored in the HR department. In exceptional cases, they can be issued at the request of the employee against receipt and for a strictly specified time.

When an employee is dismissed, it is given to him, which he signs in the registration book. If, for unknown reasons, the employee did not pick up the TC, then it remains in OK for another 2 years, stored separately from all other documents. After this, it is transferred to the archive of the enterprise, where it is stored for the next 75 years.

Errors when filling out: what to do?

Since all information in the work book is entered manually, there is no guarantee that there will be no errors when keeping records.

Correction of errors made when filling out this document is carried out only according to the following rules:

  1. Incorrect information is considered invalid. A corresponding entry is made about this. Below, under the next number, the correct entry is made.
  2. If the information numbering is violated, corrections are made in the same way as above. All entries with an incorrect number are considered invalid. And then it is repeated under a new number.
  3. In the event of a minor error in the personal information about an employee (a letter in the first name, last name, etc.) discovered upon his hiring to a new place of work during the reconciliation of documents, it is corrected by the previous employer or where this inaccuracy was made.
  4. Incorrect entries on the title page are not corrected. In this case, the TC form is considered damaged and is destroyed, about which a corresponding report is drawn up. And in return, the employee is given a new Labor Code with the correct information.

Crossing out an incorrect entry is prohibited. Such a document is considered invalid.

Filling out a duplicate TC

In cases of loss of the technical documentation, its damage, if it contains records canceled by court decisions, in the event of a natural disaster, an emergency at an enterprise, etc. there is a need to issue a duplicate TC.

In normal situations, the employee submits an application to the personnel service for the issuance of a duplicate Labor Code and indicates the reason for this.

The document is issued within 15 working days. “Duplicate” must be indicated on its title page.

If some entries in a damaged document cannot be restored, documentary evidence of the length of service for the corresponding time is required. Only then can the document be restored.

When issuing a duplicate of the Labor Code, the personnel employee makes a corresponding entry in the Labor Code logbook.

In emergency situations, the length of service required to register a Labor Code is determined by a special commission, which is provided with all the necessary papers. If it is not possible to restore the fact that a person worked at one time or another, the missing information can be filled in with the help of 2-3 witness statements. The commission draws up a corresponding act on this.

Every organization absolutely needs to have work books for everyone who works there on a permanent basis and for longer than five days. Personnel officers note here all the important information about the professional activities of its owner - this is a requirement of the Labor Code and we will look at the sample and rules for filling out a work book in today’s article.

It is allowed to make marks on the pages of the book with a blue (optionally purple) or black pen; the use of various kinds of abbreviations is considered an error.

Information on the title page:

  1. Name. It must be written in full form, as in the passport, without using abbreviated forms or initials. Data can be found in a passport, driving license, military ID and similar documents.
  2. Date of Birth. Arabic numerals are used to write it. When indicating the day and month, two-order numbers are used, and the year is written in four-order numbers.
  3. Education. This line indicates the level of education available, which can be secondary vocational, higher or other. Here you can also enter information about your currently unfinished education. The data necessary to correctly fill out this item should be taken from the documents provided by the employee.
  4. Speciality. This includes the main working specialty of the owner of the book, received by him in an educational institution. This information is also verified based on the educational documents provided.
  5. Date of completion. As a rule, an important date is recorded here - the day the first entry in the book was made. A characteristic feature of indicating the date in this line is that the month can be written in words, and this will not be considered an error.
  6. Signature of the owner of the book. Everything is clear here, the person seeking employment signs it himself.
  7. Signature of the employee who deals with all issues related to the preparation of such documents. There are possible options here. Ideally, the HR department should be in charge of such things; accordingly, the signatures in the books are made by its boss. However, not every company has its own personnel department, so often such responsibility is assigned to an accountant, or even to a manager.
  8. Seal. She confirms everything that was stated earlier. This may be the official seal of the company or its personnel department, if any.

Entering data about the main job

  1. Company name. It is written in the third column of the table, first in full, without abbreviations such as LLC, CJSC, etc., and then the abbreviated form of the name is additionally signed in brackets.
  2. Record number. The serial number of absolutely any job record is entered into the required column of the table, i.e., for example, upon first employment it will be number “1”, upon transfer – “2”, and so on. It is noteworthy that this figure is placed on the line following the company name, and the name itself forms a kind of “cap” above all subsequent marks.
  3. Date of. The date of official registration for work is entered in the table columns specially designated for this purpose in Arabic numerals. As for the line, the information is located on the same line as the serial number of this record.
  4. Record of registration for work. It is written in the third column and begins on the same line on which the date of employment is written. The name of the division of the company where the employee was hired and his position are indicated.
  5. Indication of the document that became the basis for the employment of the owner of the book. Usually they receive an order to hire a new employee. This information is entered in the last column on the same line as the previous entry.

Entering information about part-time work

Sometimes it happens that an employee performs certain duties, combining them with his main job. Information about such a labor initiative is recorded only at the request of the employee. If he has a desire and he asked to make a note in the book, then the procedure for entering data will be similar to that described earlier, only the name of the organization does not need to be written a second time.

Transfer to another department or change of position

It happens that an employee is transferred for further work to another department or changes position. Naturally, such changes in his career path must be recorded in the labor report.

  1. Record number. A new milestone in labor is marked, of course, with a new number.
  2. Date of. The date of the official translation is written in Arabic numerals.
  3. A record of transfer or taking up a new position. In the third column, write the name of the unit to which the owner of the work was transferred and his new position.
  4. Basis of translation. The last column of the table records the transfer order data.

Entering information about dismissal

The dismissal of an employee is the reason for another entry into the employment record, and it must be done on time, since it must be returned to the owner on the final working day. Delay in such a matter may result in a fine and payment of compensation to an employee who has stopped working in this organization.

  1. Serial number. Dismissal is another entry, and it must have its own number in the column provided for this.
  2. Date of. The date of the final working day is indicated here - it is considered the date of final dismissal. Naturally, the numbers must be Arabic.
  3. Causes. In the third column, where the position and place of work are recorded, you need to make a note about the reason for dismissal, not forgetting to refer to the required article of the Labor Code. For example, if the dismissal was preceded by the immediate desire of the employee, one must refer to Article 77, paragraph 3.
  4. Base. The last column contains the data of the document (usually an order of dismissal) on the basis of which the dismissal occurred.
  5. Seal. After completing all the records, you need to seal them, as well as the signature of the head of the company or another authorized person. The resigned employee also signs, and the dismissal can be considered valid.

Making corrections

Sometimes mistakes happen when recording various information in the work report, for example, instead of “senior engineer” it is simply written “engineer”. The error, of course, needs to be corrected; we have already written a more detailed article about. It is prohibited to cross out or cover up anything, and there is only one way to correct it - to invalidate the erroneously specified data:

  1. Number . The number of the next entry is entered.
  2. Date of. The date from which the erroneous entry will be considered invalid is recorded.
  3. In the third column the following text is written: “Record No. _ is invalid.”
  4. A new entry is made with up-to-date and correct information, for which its own serial number and date are also indicated.

The employer must provide a correctly completed work book for each employee who has worked for him for more than 5 days, including seasonal, temporary or freelance employees. The exception is those with whom the organization has a civil contract. For such employees, nothing is written down in the labor record, since the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation do not apply to contracts of the mentioned form.

If an employee is just starting his career and does not yet have a work permit, you need to take a blank form and fill it out in the presence of the employee within a week from the date of hiring.

It happens that an employee brings several books at the time of employment. In this case, there is no need to get lost. Data about the current place of work should be entered into any work record of the employee’s choice, and other books should be placed in a safe along with the main one, because they can be useful for calculating work experience.

Rules for filling out work books

It doesn’t matter what type of information is entered into work books, you must follow the basic rules for maintaining them:

  • all data must be in Russian, and if the employer operates on the territory of a republic within the Russian Federation that has its own official language, then data in Russian can be duplicated by records in this language;
  • information must be entered into the book using a black, blue or purple gel, ballpoint or fountain pen;
  • the information entered must be without abbreviations (even generally accepted ones, like “st.” instead of “article”), numbers must be Arabic, and dates must be in the format DD.MM.YYYY, without the abbreviation “g.” after specifying the year;
  • At the moment, changes are being prepared to the rules for filling out work books, one of which will allow the employer not to put a stamp in the work book if he does not have a seal in principle (since 2015, organizations have been allowed not to have a round seal).

Important! Despite this rule, dates are often given in mixed alphanumeric form. This is due to the peculiarities of the typographical printing of forms, in which the place for the number is highlighted in quotation marks, and the year is indicated in abbreviation. Since this contradiction is not regulated by law, the employer does not bear any risks when filling out the employment form in this way.

  • Entries in the book must be numbered consecutively, with the exception of those whose numbering is not provided for by the rules (for example, information about the employer).

Important! The same procedure applies to the design of the insert for the book as to filling out the work report itself.

Information about the employee in the work book

In most cases, the person filling out the employment forms is not required to enter information about the employee. It is contained on the title page and must completely coincide with the contents of the documents that the employee provides when applying for a job. The information is a list of the following information:

  • last name, first name, patronymic (as in the passport, including the accuracy of the letter “Y”);
  • date of birth (in the format DD.MM.YYYY in Arabic numerals);
  • education (as in a diploma or certificate);
  • specialty (from the education document, in the nominative case).

When concluding an employment contract with an employee, you must check the correctness of his personal data, as well as the mandatory presence of:

  • the employee’s signature, which certifies his personal verification of the authenticity of information about himself;
  • signatures of the person in charge with the transcript;
  • date of completion corresponding to a five-day period from the date of hiring;
  • seal of the organization.

Important! Rostrud in its letters reports that the instructions on filling out work books (regarding the need for an official stamp of the organization) can be interpreted less literally and expresses the opinion that the internal seal of the personnel service or a branch of the campaign is sufficient if they contain complete information about the employer.

Filling out the title page may be required only if an insert is created in the book or a new work record - for the first time for a specific employee, after the loss of the previous one, or in the form of a duplicate.

If an employee’s personal data changes (for example, last name after marriage), then the changes are recorded by entering new data above the old data, crossed out with one thin line. The details of the supporting document are written on the inside cover of the book and are confirmed by the signature and seal of the employer.

Employer information

According to the rules, information about the employer is entered in the form of a heading before the main records of the employee’s work without assigning a serial number and contains the full and abbreviated name of the organization.

If the employer changes its name or undergoes reorganization, this fact must be entered into the workers’ work books so that the records of hiring and dismissal correspond to each other. The information is entered on a separate line indicating the document on the basis of which the changes occurred and the date of the event.

Important! The date of change in the name of the employer is indicated not in column 2, but directly in the text of the entry in column 3 of the “Work Information” section. The record of renaming the employer, as well as entering primary information about him, does not need to be numbered.

Making an entry in the work book

The work book must reflect all important events that occur with the employee during his work activity, which are provided for by the Rules for maintaining and storing work books and the Instructions for filling out work books. The most common cases include:

  • recruitment;
  • military service record;
  • changes in work activity;
  • rewards and penalties;
  • dismissal;
  • reinstatement and cancellation of the court decision on reinstatement;
  • the occurrence of a period not included in the continuous work experience.

The entry line in the work book is a list of data entered immediately after the line with information about the employer or seal with all his data (for an employment record) or on the next line below the last entry made (for all other events) according to the following unified columns forms:

  • Column 1 “Record number”– a number assigned to the current record, end-to-end, in order, starting from the first record of the block to the last. Must be completed for any type of entry other than an employer information line entered in subheading form without a serial number.
  • Column 2 “Date”– consists of three columns: day, month, year. It is filled in with Arabic numerals, the first two columns have two digits, the third column has four digits. The date of the event that occurred is entered here, not the date the book was filled out. In most cases, it coincides with the date of the document confirming the entry. When filling out information about dismissal, it contains the date of the employee's last working day.
  • Column 3 “Information about hiring, about transfers to another job and about dismissal” - the main part of the record, which contains a description of the event and its reasons (hired to a position, transferred, fired). It is entered without abbreviations, includes wording that exactly matches the text of the manager’s order (or other document confirming the event), and contains a link to legislation (most often, an article of the Labor Code). When registering the dismissal of an employee, in the same column after the text there is a signature of the person in charge and a seal imprint.
  • Column 4 “Name, date and number of document, on the basis of which the entry was made” - exact details in the specified order of the document confirming the event that occurred (order, shareholder resolution, act, protocol, etc.)

Record of employment in labor

Information about hiring is entered at the time of registration of the employee at the main place of work on the basis of a written employer. The entry must contain the name of the structural unit, position and order details.

IMPORTANT: When entering information about hiring a manager, the basis for the entry can be either an order or another document on the basis of which the manager was elected to this position.

Conditions regarding the probationary period and the nature of the work are not mentioned. However, when hiring on a rotational basis, a separate indication of the rotation work schedule is required.

IMPORTANT: Before entering information about an employee’s hiring, make sure that the work book contains a record of dismissal from the previous place of work. Otherwise, there can be no certainty about the fact of termination of the employee’s previous work and a certified copy of the dismissal order from the previous employer is required to enter the relevant information into the book.

Information about part-time work are not required to be recorded and are entered into the labor record at the request and application of the employee and only at the place of main work. The basis may be a duly certified copy of the order or a certificate from another place of work. In the text of the entry, instead of “accepted,” it is written “appointed as part-time worker.”

When registering an employee for remote work the entry is made in the usual manner, although this nature of cooperation allows not to include information about such work in the work book. Then the employment contract includes the text of an agreement on not making an entry in the employment record. In this case, the employer is officially released from the obligation to make an entry, and the employee in the future will be able to confirm the period of his work experience at this place of work with copies of the contract and employment order.

Military service record

Entering information about completed military service is done to correctly record work time, because this period is included in the employee’s continuous work experience. The entry is made on the basis of a military ID and contains in the text an indication of the exact period of stay in the ranks of the Russian Army.

Changes in work activity

This broad formulation implies many possible situations, which are drawn up in a standard manner indicating the serial number and date of recording, the text of the event, a link to the Labor Code and details of the justification document:

  • the employee may be transferred to another position or to another department;
  • the staffing table may rename the employee's position;
  • During training, an employee may be assigned a new rank or other qualification.

Important! Training in courses and advanced training schools is recorded in the labor report in the usual manner, indicating the place and period of training. However, records about the time of obtaining higher education are no longer made in the books since December 2013.

If there are changes in the terms of the employment contract with the employee, and they do not directly relate to his labor function (for example, the work schedule or salary changes), then such data is not entered into the labor report. Combination of positions, expansion of the service area or increase in the volume of work in the current position, temporary transfers or temporary performance of the duties of another employee are also not recorded, except for cases for which a fixed-term employment contract is drawn up.

Record of awards and penalties in labor

Information about rewarding or encouraging an employee is entered into the work book within a week from the moment the corresponding order is issued, drawn up or in the form provided for by the organization’s accounting policy. The entry refers to the date and number of the order and, fully consistent with the text of the document, contains information:

  • about awarding a state award;
  • on the assignment of various titles;
  • on receiving certificates of honor and badges;
  • on other awards provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the employer’s charter or a collective agreement.

Important! Receipt of bonuses, which are provided for by the remuneration system or are paid on a regular basis, is not recorded in the work book.

Disciplinary sanctions are not reflected in employee work books, with the exception of measures in the form of termination of the employment contract with the employee.

Record of dismissal in the work book

Information about dismissal is entered into the work book after the execution of the manager’s order, issued in Form No. T-8 or other form required by the organization’s accounting policy.

The text of the entry must fully comply with the data of the order and the information entered in the employee’s personal card, and also quote as accurately as possible the clause of the Labor Code, according to which the employment contract with the employee is terminated. At the same time, the dismissal of a manager provides for the possibility of indicating in column 4 both the dismissal order and another document containing information about the termination of the employee’s employment as a manager.

Important! In the case when an employee is granted leave before dismissal, the day of termination of his work is considered the last day of leave, however, the work book, like the paycheck, must be issued to him on the last day of appearance at work before the start of the leave.

Established practice suggests the use of several formulations: “dismissed”, “employment contract terminated”, “employment contract terminated”. None of them contradict the rules and can be used without risk to the employer.

Upon dismissal, all entries that were made in the employee’s work book for the entire period of his work must be confirmed by his personal signature, the signature of an authorized person or manager, and certified by the seal of the organization.


It happens that a dismissed employee goes to court and proves that the employer terminated the employment contract with him illegally. The issued court order or court decision must be immediately put into effect, and the employee reinstated in his previous position.

At the time of reinstatement, the work book already contains an entry about dismissal from this employer, which means that by default it is assumed that the next entry will be made by the new employer. To indicate who is entering the data, information about the employer is again entered into the employee’s book - in the form of a heading, without a serial number of the entry. But the next entry, numbered in the usual manner, cancels the dismissal entry (“The entry for No. __ is invalid, reinstated to the previous position”)

However, after the employee is reinstated, there are often cases when the employer is able to appeal the court decision and fire the employee again. In this case, a dismissal entry is made in the work book in the usual manner, referring to clause 11, part 1, art. 83 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The occurrence of a period not included in continuous work experience

In a number of cases - for example, when an employee is assigned corrective labor through a judicial procedure - information about the period must be entered into the work book, which will not be taken into account when calculating the length of service. The information entered in the book is confirmed by an order issued by the manager on the basis of a court decision, and contains an indication of the exact period not included in the length of service.

How to correct an entry in the work book?

No matter how carefully and carefully the documents are filled out, no one is immune from errors and blunders during the work process. The method for correcting data depends on the type of error and the location where it is contained:

In the block of personal information about the employee on the title page, the following may be incorrectly indicated:

  • Full Name- erroneous information is crossed out with a thin line, correct information is written next to it, and the details of the document confirming the new information - for example, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation - are entered on the inside cover with the data certified by the seal of the organization and the signature of the head. In this case, any deviation from the information contained in the employee’s personal documents (for example, “b” instead of “I” in the name “Natalia” or the letter “E” in the name “Artem”) is considered an error.

IMPORTANT: If an error is made when initially entering data on the title page, including information about education, instead of correcting the form, it must be destroyed and the corresponding act must be drawn up.

  • Date of Birth– if the error is factual (in the date itself), then it is corrected in the same way as the error in the full name. If the question is that the date contains the letter name of the month instead of numbers, then this is not considered an error and cannot be corrected. A similar contradiction, found on books issued earlier than 2003, is caused by the fact that in the typographic form of the old-style work book, the place to indicate the month was highlighted in quotation marks and assumed an alphabetic entry. This discrepancy is not regulated by law, and this type of recording will not entail risks for both parties to the employment contract.
  • Information about educational level– if the first page of the book does not contain information about the employee’s education or specialty, then this information can simply be carefully entered into the required lines. If there is data about a new level of education or acquired qualifications, then they are entered into the labor record as an addition to existing information and do not cancel the previous information, i.e. There is no need to cross out old data.
  • Certification details authenticity of information - if there are no signatures of responsible persons, an employee or a seal imprint, then such a work book is invalid. The easiest way is for the employee to contact the employer who opened the employment record with a request to retroactively fill in the missing details.

In the blocks “Information about work” or “Information about awards” may contain the following errors:

  • incorrect numbering of records;
  • indication of the event in wording that does not correspond to the content of the supporting document;
  • incorrect order of specifying the details of the basis document;
  • after information about dismissal, the absence of the employee’s signature confirming familiarization with the record;
  • entering data in the wrong section of the book (for example, about an award - in the work information block).

Incorrect information in all blocks except the title page cannot be crossed out. Corrections and edits are made by invalidating erroneous information.

A reversal entry can be made either by the employer who made the inaccuracy or by another, later employer who discovered the inconsistencies. In the latter case, the organization that made the mistake is required to provide a document containing correct information, and it will be the basis for the entry in the work book and indicated in column 4.

In this way, not only factual inaccuracies can be corrected, but also errors in the numbering of records. The entire entry made under the wrong number is considered invalid, and then this information is duplicated under the correct number.

Issuance of an insert and a duplicate of the work book

An insert for a work book is issued when there is no space left in the book itself to enter information. Without the main book, the insert is considered invalid, so it is sewn into the last spread of the work document, must be certified on the title page with the seal of the organization and recorded with the stamp “Insert No. __ issued.”

The law provides for cases when an employer can issue a duplicate to an employee. Regardless of the reasons for issuing a duplicate, the information that is included in it must exactly correspond to the documents on the basis of which it is filled out. In cases where the old work book has been preserved, it will be a supporting document for transferring information to a duplicate. In cases of loss of an old document, a duplicate is issued on the basis of certificates or acts indicating the loss.

Important! Only the information contained in the supporting documents can be transferred to a duplicate. The person responsible for filling out the work book does not have the right to enter any other, even verified, information.

An indication that the book is a duplicate is located in the upper right corner of the first page of the work record. Personal information about the employee is also recorded there.

  1. If an employee loses his job, then he needs to apply for a duplicate at his last place of work. Within 15 days after accepting the application, the organization must issue a duplicate work book for the former employee. In the “Work Information” section, without specifying information about the employers, information about the total total length of service of the employee before working for this employer is entered, and then all records that were made at the last place of work, up to dismissal, are restored.
  1. A duplicate work permit can be issued instead of canceling entries when information about dismissal or transfer to another job is invalid. This is also done at the request of the employee. The employer filling out the book must transfer all entries relating to the employee’s work for him to the duplicate, with the exception of the last invalid one.
  1. If the work book is unsuitable for further use, for example, it is burnt or torn, then the employer can issue a duplicate to replace the damaged book. In this case, after completing the title page and marking “Duplicate,” you just need to carefully rewrite all the information from the book that has become unusable.
  1. If work books have disappeared en masse the employer due to an emergency situation, then all employees are issued duplicates. This is done on the basis of an act of a commission of executive authorities, drawn up with the participation of all interested parties.

An organization issuing a duplicate or insert for a work record must necessarily record the fact of issuing work books and inserts for them in the Accounting Book.

The preparation of work books is based on a number of legislative documents that provide detailed instructions for their maintenance and storage. Compliance with all labor regulations must be closely monitored by both the employer and the employee.

In case of violations, the organization faces prosecution under the Code of Administrative Offences, in the form of fines or suspension of activities.

And an employee who does not notice the absence of any details in the texts of the records may not confirm the length of his work experience and may not receive the due amount of temporary disability benefits, and subsequently a pension.

Registration of a work book: basic rules

The procedure for filling out a work book is regulated by:

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation (LC RF);
  • Rules for maintaining and storing work books, producing work book forms and providing them to employers, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On work books” dated April 16, 2003 No. 225 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules, Resolution No. 225);
  • Instructions for filling out work books, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Social Development dated October 10, 2003 No. 69 (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions).

Unfortunately, one often encounters contradictions between the mentioned documents. Thus, a record of voluntary dismissal according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation must be entered into the document in strict accordance with the wording of the code (Part 5 of Article 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). At the same time, the Rules say that it is necessary to write down the wording in accordance with the dismissal order.

Responsible employees should focus on the hierarchy of regulations. If other acts contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, they should not be applied. In the case described above, it is necessary to formulate an order (and then an entry in the labor record) in accordance with the code.

We list the basic rules that will tell the personnel officer how to fill out a work book:

  • a work permit is issued for everyone who works at the enterprise for more than 5 days;
  • the period for which an entry must be made is 7 days;
  • Arabic numerals must be used in entries;
  • You can write with a black, blue, or purple pen;
  • Abbreviations and corrections are prohibited (corrections are allowed only in the manner prescribed by clause 27 of the Rules, and only in the sections “Information about work” and “Information about awards”);
  • Each entry must have a serial number.

How to fill out sections of a work book: an example of filling out in 2018-2019

The document form was approved by Resolution No. 225 - where to get the form is described in the article The procedure for acquiring, storing and filling out a work book form (nuances). Thus, the labor report consists of several sections that help to identify the employee, learn about his profession, qualifications, length of work experience and awards received. These sections contain:

  • personal data;
  • information about work activity;
  • information about incentives (except bonuses).

Along with the above general rules, for each section the legislator has developed specific rules for filling out, which we will consider below.

How to fill out the title page of an employment contract

Information about the employee is indicated on the title page of the document. Guided by paragraph 2 of the Instructions, the personnel officer must enter:

  • personal data of the employee as they are indicated in the passport, without abbreviation;
  • information about education, if the employee has the appropriate document;
  • the name of the profession in which the person will work at the enterprise;
  • date of completion of the document.

All records must be certified by the signatures of the employee and the personnel officer, as well as the seal of the organization (if any). The title page is filled out at the person’s first place of work.

If an employee’s personal data has changed, HR staff can cross out this data with one line and indicate new ones. To do this, the employee must submit official documents confirming the change in personal data, and the personnel officer must copy the information from these documents onto the inside cover of the work book. For more information about correcting the surname in the work book, see the article Record of changing the surname in the work book - sample.

If desired, the employer can place a hologram on the title page - what a holographic sticker is used for is described in the article Where to properly place a hologram in a work book - sample?

How to format the “Job Information” section correctly

Personnel department employees must know how to correctly draw up a work book, including the section where information about the work is indicated.

Need to hire someone? In this case, the personnel service employee must be guided by paragraph 3 of the Instructions and write down in the work book under the serial number:

  • name of the organization in full and abbreviated form;
  • the name of the structural unit where the person gets a job;
  • the name of the profession in which the employee will work;
  • the date the employee started working.

If a person works successfully, acquires a new rank or class, this must be recorded in his work book.

Under the serial number, the HR department employee writes:

  • information about assignment to an employee of a higher rank or class;
  • information about additional professions or qualifications of the employee.

If the employment relationship has exhausted itself and the time has come to part with the employee, the employer must correctly record his dismissal in accordance with the requirements of clause 5 of the Instructions.

To do this, in the “Work Information” section, under the appropriate serial number, you need to indicate:

  • reason for dismissal;
  • end date of the employment relationship;
  • name, number and date of the employer’s decision on the basis of which the dismissal occurs.

IMPORTANT! The information in the document must be specified accurately, and the wording must comply with labor legislation. All entries must be confirmed with the seal of the organization (if any) and the signature of its head.

The procedure for filling out the section “Information about awards”

Another important section of the work book contains information about the awards that the employee has earned in the process of work. In accordance with clause 4 of the Instructions, information is indicated in the following format:

  • record number;
  • Name of the organization;
  • information about the award;
  • information about who awarded the employee;
  • information about the merits for which the person was awarded;
  • link to the document on the basis of which the award was made.

The HR employee must fill out this section carefully and correctly, since data on awards affects the employee’s career and provides more opportunities for his further employment.

How to document special cases in a work book

Some cases in labor relations are documented in the work book in a special way. Such cases include part-time work. In accordance with clause 3.1 of the Instructions, the work book must be kept at the place of main work. But a part-time worker may ask the personnel service to add additional information to the work book. To do this, it is enough to confirm the fact of additional work. You can, for example, present as evidence an employment contract with another organization.

Transferring to another job is a fairly common occurrence. Such changes in labor relations must also be recorded in the work book. In this case the following are indicated:

  • record number;
  • date of transfer;
  • transfer information;
  • the name of the new department or position;
  • information about the order on the basis of which the employee is transferred.

Responsibility of personnel workers

Correctly filling out a work book is an important component of labor relations. If the document is filled out incorrectly, it will be difficult for the employee to prove his or her work experience. In addition, he will suffer material losses, since he will not be able to get a job with a work book filled out with errors.

The following may be held liable for violations in this area:

  • enterprises (administrative under Articles 5.27 and 13.20 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, hereinafter referred to as the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, for example, for failure to make the necessary entries in work books, or civil law, if the violation resulted in losses for the employee);
  • officials of the personnel service (administrative under the above-mentioned articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for similar violations, as well as material, if the violation of the personnel officer caused damage to the enterprise, and disciplinary).

HR department employees must fill out work books carefully and carefully, using samples of filling out work books drawn up in accordance with strict formalized rules that are binding on everyone. Errors and violations in this area entail administrative, civil, financial and disciplinary liability.