Aliana and Alexander Gobozov sorted things out on the air of Dmitry Shepelev’s program. Aliana Ustinenko and Sasha Gobozov: latest news, high-profile scandals Actually broadcast on August 2

IN next issue The program “Actually” featured Aliana and Alexander Gobozov. This family has long gained fame as the most scandalous television family in the history of the popular reality show “Dom-2”.

A confrontation between people who were once close helped reveal the cards and showed where the truth is and where the lies are... As it turned out, fights, mutual insults and betrayals are just the tip of the iceberg of the problems of the Gobozov family.

At the very beginning of the program, presenter Dmitry Shepelev drew attention to the fact that Alexander Gobozov was calm and confident. This was also evidenced by his steady pulse, which was transmitted to the screen by sensors. The same could not be said about Aliana, whose pulse was off the charts and showed 148 beats per minute... But the girl laughed it off, saying that this was not excitement at all, but that she was just always like that.

Aliana started with complaints against Alexander.

– For 4 years, while we were together, I forgave, endured and tried to save the family. I loved this man very much, but, unfortunately, with betrayal, lies and mocking attitude, he killed all the love in me.

When asked by the presenter whether there was at least a small chance to save the marriage, Aliana replied: “I think not.”

In response to this, Sasha, on the contrary, confessed his love for his wife.

“I can’t help but love my wife.” We have a child, we have a son. I look at him and in every cell I see his wife, the mother of my child. To say that I don’t love my wife is to give up part of my love for my son... I look at her and madly desire her, excuse my frankness, like a man does a woman.

However, Alexander admitted his fear that sooner or later another man might be next to his son.

The first question he asked his wife was “Are you leaving me because you found someone richer and more successful?” Aliana answered negatively, which turned out to be true. But Shepelev noted that such a question could arise due to lack of self-confidence.

The most expected question and quite a pressing one. Aliana asked about cheating. And as it turned out, while Aliana and Alexander were together, he did not cheat on her! This shocked the girl; she did not believe the broadcast experts...

However, she herself, as it turned out, was cheating on her husband. This was confirmed by a lie detector. And the girl’s pulse jumped again.

After the break, the heroes were joined by Alexandra’s mother Olga Vasilyevna, who is also known from the Dom-2 project for her scandals and squabbles.

Is it possible for a family to make peace at the negotiating table?..

Relations with my mother-in-law were not just strained, but scandalous, with fights and insults. But Aliana admitted that while participating in the project she was young and made many mistakes. Now she is an adequate adult.

As it turned out in a lie detector test, both women hated each other, but now these terrible feelings are gone.

Next, Aliana decided to find out whether the grandmother offended her grandson Robert when he was visiting her. And the mother-in-law asked if the girl was ashamed that after the divorce she left Sasha without a penny. In the end, it became clear that the grandmother did not harm her grandson, and Aliana does not feel shame. In addition, the entire studio supported Alexander’s masculine act. And he himself made it clear that he made this gesture (he left everything to his wife) with complete confidence, knowing that he was doing everything for his son.

However, as it turned out, Olga Vasilievna is more interested in the opinion of fans on social networks than Aliana herself.

Aliana still wanted to find out whether her mother-in-law wished harm to her mother. The girl suspected that the woman turned to black magicians and cast a spell on her mother!

It turned out that Aliana cursed her mother-in-law and herself turned to magicians and sorcerers to help improve relationships in the family.

This truth scared the girl herself. She could not stand it and shouted: “This is a setup!” I tore off the sensors and left the studio.

Olga Vasilyevna herself has a bitter truth. When asked about a suicide attempt at the project, the woman admitted that it was staged in order to attract her son’s attention. Dmitry Shepelev called this act cruel and monstrous manipulation. And the audience was once again convinced that the mother-in-law deliberately got into the family and tried to introduce her own rules there.

Aliana returned to the studio, and was immediately asked whether she would let Robert go to visit his grandmother. The girl truthfully answered that she would let him go, but had previously refused such a request only because Sasha had not signed her consent to take her son abroad.

Aliana Gobozova is back on television, but now it’s not the Dom-2 project, but Channel One and new transmission Dmitry Shepelev "Actually". It is impossible to lie here, because the heroes answer the lie detector.

Aliana and Alexander were not alone on the set. Other participants in the reality show “Dom-2” came to support their friends. Andrey Chuev even posted a post on his Instagram.

“Sasha left everything to Aliana, and they are finally divorcing... He and his son constantly and even moved to Volgograd for his sake. Aliana, as always, tried to lie, but the detector put everything in its place!” Andrey Chuev wrote on the microblog.

After recording the broadcast, Aliana made a post on the social network, where she shared her experiences with subscribers.

“Finally this story is over. I breathed a sigh of relief. IN new life!” - said the TV personality.

“It was emotionally very difficult to discuss all this in the studio today. There were a lot of people who had dirt coming out of their mouths, I don't hold it against them. They still have a long way to go to change themselves. Thanks to everyone who supported me. Now I really need this... I know and believe that good people more! We will light up this world with you and light up others with our energy,” the girl said.

While Aliana was flying to Moscow for filming, she read the revelation book “Zhanna”, written by Dmitry Shepelev.

“I don’t know why now, but on the advice of a friend, I came across Dmitry Shepelev’s book “Zhanna”. My overnight flight Simferopol-Moscow was delayed another hour. “I sat in the waiting room and, buried in a book, could neither raise my head nor take my eyes off,” Aliana admitted to her subscribers. - My emotions on my face changed very sharply and frighteningly for those sitting next to me, waiting for their flights. Breathing was difficult, the heartbeat was becoming faster, and a lump formed in the throat. Reading phrase by phrase, chapter by chapter, I was so morally devastated... It was as if I had returned to that terrible time, to those more than two years of helpless struggle. I felt what was written in the book inside and out. I recognized myself in every line. It was so painful and lonely. How scary and unbearable it was. Yes, for me this is a sore subject, for me it is a trauma for life and a wound that has not yet healed... Every person who fought, is fighting or is helping a loved one fight a terrible disease will recognize himself in the book... Will remember the terrible path that he had to pass the. He will understand what mistakes were made, what he was never able to do to win this fight called “life”. Even for those who are far from this topic, the book will help them learn to feel other people’s pain.”

“I just want to say thank you to a strong man With kind hearted And pure soul, because in his time, Dmitry helped my mother and me when we needed advice and help in finding doctors and clinics, treatment and just human support. Read a book. Perhaps this is what you need now,” Aliana concluded.

Very soon we will be able to see and hear the revelations of Aliana and Alexander on air. They have something else to say to each other. The program will reveal something that they themselves did not suspect. And life will never be the same. And now Aliana has returned to the sea coast to her son and now devotes her life to him.

The broadcast of “Actually” with the participation of Aliana Gobozova will be shown next week.

The Dom-2 project is famous scandalous show. TV viewers are particularly interested in the loud scandals of the participants. Fans continue to follow some of the “House” members even after leaving the project. In this article, readers will learn last news Aliana Ustinenko and Sasha Gobozova.

Photo: Aliana Ustinenko and Sasha Gobozov with their son

The reason for the divorce of Ustinenko and Gobozov

In June, information about a divorce appeared in the press. former stars TV project "Dom-2". The couple was remembered for the scandalous relationship between each other and Alexander’s mother, Olga Vasilievna. The couple recently got married for the second time. Their divorce is like a bolt from the blue for fans.

Aliana told the press that she had no time to deal with a divorce. She entrusted the process to a lawyer. According to Sasha, the reason for their divorce and high-profile scandals in their personal lives is the incompatibility of characters. Fans did not believe the stars; in their opinion, the reason sounded too implausible.

Ustinenko decided to tell the truth. According to the girl, the situation in the family changed after the death of her mother. It is worth recalling that Aliana’s mother died last year from cancer. After death loved one former member“Doma-2” got into religion. She began to attend church often. Ustinenko took her son Robert with her.

Aliana went to communion several times - she decided to renounce her sins. Her husband did not understand why his wife was so restricting herself from the joys of life that were previously familiar to them. The girl realized that she was losing interest in her lover, and Sasha stopped giving his wife compliments and kind words. He showed her a minimum of tenderness. The star said that she and her husband stopped sleeping in the same room, they lived like neighbors.

The latest news in the lives of Aliana Ustinenko and Sasha Gobozov - the reason for their divorce has been revealed. Love killed everyday life. Young people are often at home together, they work from home. There was no separation between work and home in their lives; everyday life killed relationships.

Sasha and his wife decided to talk calmly. They came to the conclusion that they could not be together. Each told the other how they saw their future. The stars of “House 2” decided that they would not be able to maintain a warm relationship as before.

Photos of the wedding of Aliana Ustinenko and Sasha Gobozov

Sasha decided that he would make his ex-wife a “mentor” in network business. So she can receive more money. Sasha will not pay child support.

Aliana says that she has fans. Neither man made the right impression. The girl hopes to meet a life partner in the future.

Photo 2018: Aliana Ustinenko and Sasha Gobozov with their son

What happened next?

The former participants of the show were unable to part in a civilized manner - the latest news about them was full of loud scandals and fights. The same thing happened to them as happened to other couples in “House-2”. They decided to make a show out of the divorce to interest fans. Sasha and Aliana had no choice but to share their son Robert.

Alexander’s mother, Olga Vasilyevna, stated that she and her son did not want to leave the child with his mother. According to Olga, ex-fiancee Doesn't raise the boy well enough. Olga Vasilievna in clear text stated that Aliana is a bad mother.

Aliana with her son

Alexander went to court to be able to take custody of the child. Initially these were rumors. The man denied them. But after a while he really began to quarrel with ex-wife because of Robert.

Ustinenko wanted to fly to Turkey on vacation, and Robert was supposed to fly with her. Alexander forbade the woman to take the child out. Fans say that Sasha's behavior has an excuse. Gobozov could not leave with Robert for Lermontov. Ustinenko forbade doing this. After being banned from flying to Turkey, Robert's mother forbade the boy to see his father.

Old photos of Aliana Ustinenko and Sasha Gobozov

However, Robert's dad is against the trip purely out of good intentions. He became acquainted with the statistics of child abductions in the country. The man came to the conclusion that holidays in Turkey are not safe. He advised his ex-wife to stay at home. The woman herself categorically refused to listen to him. Among the latest news about Aliana Ustinenko and Sasha Gobozov were accusations of attempting to illegally take their son out of the country.

Fans star couple They didn’t believe Sasha. They decided that the guy was doing this to harm Aliana. They believe that in fact Gobozov does not care at all about the fate of his son.

Photo: Aliana and her mother-in-law on the “Actually” program

What did your ex-mother-in-law do to annoy you?

Ustinenko told how ex-mother-in-law did not give her a personal life. Olga Vasilyevna often did laundry, which is why the couple had to shell out a decent amount for electricity. The old woman constantly demanded to buy her expensive household products - they stood idle. Olga Vasilievna did not use them.

Sasha's mother was responsible for cooking in the family. But other than porridge, the young people saw nothing on the table.

In addition, Aliana accuses her mother-in-law and Sasha of indirect involvement in the death of her mother, saying that they did not mourn her.

Misunderstandings, everyday life, betrayals are the reason for divorce and high-profile scandals among the latest news of Aliana Ustinenko and Sasha Gobozov.

Video of the program “Actually”, where the “House 2” couple tells the truth about each other:

02 August 2017

In June of this year, a participant in “House 2” announced a divorce from her husband. Today the Gobozovs met on the talk show “Actually”.

Alexander and Aliana Gobozov met on the air of Dmitry Shepelev/Photo: social networks

At the beginning of summer, Aliana Gobozova announced her separation from her husband Alexander. The spouses called incompatibility of character one of the main reasons for the breakup. Today they met to sort things out and dot the i's.

The TV presenter tried to reconcile Aliana and Alexander, but when asked whether they could get back together, Gobozova replied: “I can forgive and forget too, but I will no longer live with this person,” concluded the former participant in “House 2.” In turn, Alexander said that family conflict could have started due to the fact that Aliana considered her husband’s mother to be to blame for the death of her own mother, Svetlana Ustinenko (the woman died this summer due to a brain tumor - editor’s note).

Aliana and Alexander Gobozov met in Dmitry Shepelev’s program “Actually” / Photo: frame from the program

“I don’t know what your polygraph says, but I don’t think anyone is to blame for my mother’s death. Everything happened the way it happened, and there is no point in starting groundless conflicts,” Aliana said. Unfortunately, experts in the studio admitted that the girl was lying. In the next episode, Alexander Gobozov’s chair was taken by his mother Olga Vasilievna in order to once and for all sort out her relationship with her former daughter-in-law.

“After leaving the project, I tried to improve the relationship, but it didn’t work out. At some point, these people became strangers to me,” said Gobozov’s ex-wife. A friend of the family, Irina Agibalova, intervened in the situation. She admitted that Aliana’s mother, Svetlana Ustinenko, believed that Olga Vasilyevna went to magicians and sorcerers to cause damage. Former member“At Home 2” Andrei Chuev, on the contrary, stated that it was Aliana who cursed Alexander’s mother. After these words, the girl left the studio with tears in her eyes.

Olga Mikhailovna sorted out the relationship with her daughter-in-law/Photo: frame from the program

At the end of the broadcast, Alexander Gobozov turned to his mother and ex-wife, saying that they are both imperfect. “Everyone said nasty things to each other, everyone is to blame,” noted the ex-participant of the reality show. The program participants left the studio holding hands, but Dmitry Shepelev said that he did not believe in family reconciliation.

Aliana Ustinenko
I am happy when my child is happy 😍
Robik was glad to visit the sea for the second time))) sun, sand, children's entertainment, friends 👼🏽
He asks: Mom, are we still going to go to the sea???😋
Robert and I wanted to go on vacation to Antalya in August, but unfortunately dad once again did not give permission to Robik 😞
My son and I will have to vacation together until we are 18 years old only in Russia 😕
Well, nothing))))) There are also many beautiful places in Russia where you can fly))) Let’s not despair ✊🏾


The day before, in the “Actually” program, a meeting between Alexander and Aliana Gobozov took place. Scandalous famous participants TV project "Dom-2" came to the studio to Dmitry Shepelev, who tried to reconcile them. During the program, the former spouses admitted that they had cheated on each other, and also clarified other controversial issues.

“StarHit” decided to find out whether after filming the show, all family members really managed to make peace and set a schedule for meetings with the child.

“She pretended not to be seen on the bad side. They never resolved the conflict with their mother. Aliana immediately got ready and left,” Alexander told StarHit.

The man also commented on the situation with permission for the child to travel abroad. In the program ex-wife Gobozova claimed that he did not allow her to fly abroad with Robert.

“Everything she said was a lie. I wanted to go with my child to my parents. She said: “No. Let them come themselves." And there are mountains Fresh air"- said the ex-participant of the TV show.

According to Alexander, she is very jealous of the boy for him, so she rarely allows her son to spend time with his father. The man tried to remain silent about this, but the situation escalated even more after the broadcast.

“I’m tired of Aliana’s lies and shielding, that she is so all saintly and good. The lie detector showed everything who is lying and who is not. She hides behind an army of subscribers. Aliana – evil person, and Robert feels it,” Gobozov explained.

A former participant in the television project claims that in last days During the life of Svetlana Ustinenko, his mother, Olga Vasilyevna, took all the care of her: she helped her wash, cleaned the apartment.

“Aliana has a strong grudge against her, her anger eats her from the inside. After everything my mom did for her, she kicked her out onto the street. I then told Aliana that she was ungrateful. We haven’t fixed anything,” Alexander noted.

In turn, Aliana’s fans are actively discussing the program that was broadcast on television on her page on social network. Some believe that the young woman’s words were distorted, which is why they made her out to be guilty. According to others, Gobozova behaved incorrectly, taking all the funds from Sasha.

“I went there to publicly put an end to it. So that they no longer ask me the eternal questions: “Where is my husband? Where is Robik's dad? - Aliana replied to subscribers.