Andrey Malakhov about the treatment of joints. What is the name of the medicine for joints Andrei Malakhov? Andrey Malakhov: “So everyone who has joint pain is in mortal danger?”

Multiple arthrosis or polyosteoarthrosis on the joints of the fingers usually occurs in women. In men, this disease is ten times less common. This is usually associated with hormonal changes in the female body during menopause.

Thus, polyosteoarthrosis develops in people after 40 years of age. The disease is extremely rare in younger people. The peak of the disease usually occurs between 50 and 60 years of age.

Why does the disease develop?

Today, modern medicine has not yet fully elucidated the causes of the development of multiple arthrosis. Doctors suggest that one of the main reasons is a hereditary predisposition, since this disease is often passed on from generation to generation.

In particular, at the genetic level, the transmission of unfavorable features of metabolism and the structure of cartilage tissue of joints occurs. Due to the weak condition of cartilage in people with a hereditary predisposition, joint cartilage deteriorates during menopause.

Due to degradation, cartilage gradually loses its natural lubrication, causing the tissue to dry out and crack. When dry cartilage rubs in the joint cavity, an inflammatory process is formed and abnormal inflammatory joint fluid begins to be produced.

Due to the large accumulation of this fluid, the joints burst from the inside, knots form, the joints become deformed, which leads to severe pain.

In addition to hereditary predisposition, there are other causes of the disease.

Multiple arthrosis is usually detected in people suffering from metabolic disorders, diabetes mellitus, and disease of the endocrine glands.

Signs of the disease

During polyosteoarthrosis, the so-called Heberden and Bouchard nodes can be found in the area of ​​the fingers.

Heberden's nodes are usually located on the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the finger joints, located closer to the base of the nails. They can develop symmetrically, that is, appear on both hands at the same time and in the same place.

Nodules form on any finger of the hand, and their sizes can vary - from a grain of rice to a pea.

  • When Heberden's nodes appear on the joints, swelling and redness of the skin often form. The patient may experience a burning sensation or pain in the joint area. Meanwhile, this phenomenon usually develops unnoticed, without the manifestation of any symptoms.
  • During an exacerbation of the disease, the patient may experience a greasy, throbbing pain, which usually decreases after the skin over the formed vesicle bursts and fluid flows out.
  • If the blister does not burst, the exacerbation may last for several weeks or months. After this, swelling in the joints disappears, pain and redness of the skin disappear. The nodes become denser and become painless.
  • Further, if polyosteoarthrosis progresses, the finger joints become more deformed and begin to move more slowly. Sometimes an exacerbation without any obvious reason can return and pain and a burning sensation reappear in the nodes. After some time, this phenomenon disappears again and the disease subsides.

Bouchard's nodes, in turn, have a slightly different manifestation. They usually develop slowly, without any obvious manifestations or exacerbations.

  1. These nodes are found in the area of ​​the finger joints, which are located between the nail plate and the base of the finger.
  2. Most often, such Bouchard nodes appear on the lateral surfaces of the joints of the hands, for this reason the fingers can take on the shape of a spindle.
  3. Despite the fact that such formations develop slowly and practically do not hurt, they cause joint stiffness.

Both types of nodules on the hands greatly deform the joints and noticeably change their appearance. As a result, the fingers become knotty. When compared with arthritis, a disease such as polyosteoarthrosis does not affect the general condition of the body and the functioning of internal organs.

When Bouchard's and Heberden's nodes appear, the doctor can sometimes diagnose the development of arthrosis of the joint of the thumbs or rhizarthrosis. This disease affects the joints located at the base of the thumbs and connecting the metacarpal bones of the thumbs to the wrist joints.

  • Typically, rhizarthrosis can be detected in people who, due to their professional activities, have a constant load on their thumbs.
  • Also, the disease often develops after injury or overstrain of the thumb.
  • When the disease appears, the patient feels pain and crunching at the base of the thumbs as they move. In this case, the joints become stiff.
  • During an examination of the hands, the doctor discovers deformation of the bones of the diseased joints. In particular, the violation can be identified in the photo after undergoing an x-ray examination.

It is important to understand that pain in the thumb area can be caused by an inflammatory process due to gout and psoriatic arthritis.

For this reason, if you notice redness of the skin, swelling and severe pain in your hands, you should immediately consult a doctor who will identify the exact cause of the disorder.

How is the disease diagnosed?

Typically, polyosteoarthritis is diagnosed by a doctor immediately upon examination of the patient. To obtain more accurate information, an x-ray examination of the hand is prescribed.

The patent must also pass a clinical blood test from a finger and a rheumatic test from a vein. If the disease is present, an x-ray can reveal a narrowing of the joint space of the affected joint, a characteristic deformation of the bone of the affected finger.

Polyosteoarthrosis does not affect the patient's blood flow, so blood tests should be normal. If abnormalities are detected in the blood in the form of detection of seromucoid, C-reactive protein, increased ROE, and so on, the doctor must conduct an additional examination to identify the true cause of the deviations.

As a rule, with elevated levels, the doctor can detect arthrosis, not arthritis. This disease is more serious and the patient requires complex treatment.

Treatment of the disease

Multiple arthrosis is not a dangerous disease. Even if not treated, polyosteoarthrosis only affects the condition of the fingers and their joints.

To avoid problems and the development of the disease, you need to start treatment in a timely manner. To improve cartilage tissue, the doctor may prescribe the use of chondroprotectors - glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate. Such medications will help restore defective cartilage joints and get rid of the disease.

  1. The effects of the above drugs are evaded with the help of vasodilators, which are Teonicol and Trental.
  2. In case of exacerbation, the patient's condition can be improved with the help of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Voltaren, Ibuprofen, Indomethacin. These medications help quickly relieve pain and burning in the area of ​​inflammation of arthrosis nodes.
  3. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments are widely used as local preparations - Voltaren-gel, Fastum-gel, Dolgit, Butadionic and Ipdomethacin ointments. These drugs are rubbed into arthrosis nodules during exacerbation of the disease. Treatment is carried out for 20-30 days.

Description: What is the conducting function of the spinal cord? Although almost every schoolchild knows the answer to the question, an ordinary person is unlikely to be able to answer right away. Its conducting function is simple - it is the transmission of a nerve signal. It is because of this feature of the NS that a person is a single system.

And to ensure control over organ functions, the ability to move, timely transmission or receipt of reflex, sympathetic impulses, pathways are needed. Failures in the transmission of impulses entail serious disruptions in the functioning of the body.

What is the conducting function?

Indeed, what is the conductive function of the spinal cord? The very concept of “pathways” implies a common thread of nerves that conduct signals to different areas of the gray matter. The descending and ascending pathways of the spinal cord are subordinated to one function - the transmission of impulses. As a rule, there are 3 types of fibers:

  • projection;
  • commissural connections;
  • associative pathways of nerves.

However, in addition to this classification, there is another one. It distinguishes motor and sensory pathways. The former provide a reflex reaction and organize the supply of impulses from the brain to the spinal cord, as well as to muscle tissue. They are also responsible for coordinating movements. In addition, these threads stretch to the optic nerve and to the plate of the roof of the midbrain, whose task is to ensure the functions of vision and hearing. Thanks to the nerve fibers that make up the sensory pathways, a person is endowed with the ability to recognize the following 4 types of impulses: pain, temperature, tactile feeling, joint-muscular feeling (movement, body position).

What are the pathways formed by?

The main pathways of the spinal cord are formed by bundles of cells - neurons. It is this structure that guarantees the required speed of impulse transmission. The division of the functions of the paths is associated with the peculiarities of their purpose. Ascending pathways perceive and transmit signals from the skin, mucous membranes, and human organs. In addition, they are responsible for the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

The descending pathways of the spinal cord transmit signals to human organs - tissues, glands. They connect to the cortical gray matter. The transmission of signals to organs is carried out due to the spinal neural connection.

The spinal cord is characterized by a double direction of such pathways, due to which rapid impulse transmission of information from systems under control occurs. The conductive spinal function becomes possible only due to the transmission of signals through nerve tissue. The following designations are often used for these pathways in medicine.

  1. Corticospinal tract. This is a collection of nerve threads that is responsible for movement functions. Based on its purpose and direction, it is divided into several parts: lateral, cortical-nuclear, anterior cortical-cerebral system.
  2. Tectospinal tract. It is represented by the descending projection NS, which originates in the midbrain cortex, passes through the trunk, cord of the hemispheres, and ends on the anterior horns of the ridge. Otherwise it is called the tectospinal tract.
  3. vestibulospinal tract. Manages the work of the vestibular apparatus. It begins from the lateral nucleus of the prespinal nerve.
  4. Reticular-spinal tract. Provides muscle tone, and the task of its fibers can be called the transmission of nerve impulses to the gray matter of the cerebral hemispheres.
  5. Pyramid path. Its components include the lateral and direct bundle of nerve fibers.

Localization of pathways

The entire set of nerve tissue is located in the white, gray matter, uniting the spinal horns and the cerebral cortex. Pathways are often understood as a set of threads and tissues of nerves located in certain areas of the gray, white matter of the brain. Impulses are transmitted through neural communication.

The morphofunctional characteristics of the descending pathways make it likely that impulses are transmitted in strictly one direction. Irritation of synapses occurs from the presynaptic to the postsynaptic membrane. Such possibilities and the location of ascending and descending pathways can be compared with the conductive function of both brains.

  1. Associative paths. They are called “bridges”, which unite the zones between the cortex and the nuclei of gray matter. They include long and short fibers. Thus, short fibers are located within one half or lobe of the hemisphere, but long fibers can transmit impulses through 2-3 segments of gray matter. Spinal neurons form intersegmental bundles.
  2. Commissural fibers. They make up the corpus callosum and unite the newly formed sections of the two brains. As a rule, they diverge in rays and are located in the white matter of the brain tissue.
  3. Projection fibers. They, located in the spinal cord, allow signals to reach the brain at maximum speed. By their nature and specific functions, fibers are divided into ascending (called afferent pathways) and descending. In turn, they are divided into interoceptive (provide communication with organs), proprioceptive (responsible for movements), exteroceptive (vision, hearing). Such receptors are located between the ridge and the hypothalamus.

The descending pathways of the brain of the back, as a rule, include the pyramidal and central motor neurons, as well as the spinal-cerebellar filaments of nerves. The pyramidal neuron originates in the cerebral cortex and descends through the entire trunk. Each of its bundles ends on the horn of the spinal substance. The central motor neuron connects the cerebral cortex with the anterior horns of the brain by axons - nerve roots.

If we talk about the spinocerebellar filaments of nerves, then they cover a thin and wedge-shaped path that connects the legs and the spinal cord of a person. The specifics of such paths are very difficult for a person who does not have a medical education. However, you need to realize: neural signaling is what turns the human body into one whole.

What happens when tracks become damaged?

To understand the neurophysiology of motor and sensory pathways, one must understand the anatomy of the spine. In its structure, the brain of the back resembles a cylinder surrounded by muscles. Paths pass through its gray matter, thanks to which movements and control of the functioning of organs are carried out. Associative pathways make tactile sensations and pain possible, and movements provide reflex functions of the body.

Due to injury, illness or pathology of brain development, impulse conductivity may decrease or even disappear. This phenomenon occurs due to the death of nerve branches. As a rule, conduction disturbances are accompanied by paralysis and lack of sensation in the limbs. In addition, there are disturbances in the functions of organs that were controlled by damaged nerve fibers. Thus, with damage to the lower back brain, urinary incontinence and spontaneous defecation are possible.

The reflex, conductive function of the brain undergoes changes immediately after the appearance of degenerative changes. There is a death of nerves, which are very difficult to recover in the future. The disease progresses rapidly, causing conduction disturbances to become noticeable. That is why treatment in this case should be started without delay.

Is it possible to restore conductivity?

Therapy for non-conduction is aimed at stopping the death of nerves and eliminating the causes that provoked the pathology.

Medication therapy

This type of treatment involves prescribing medications that counteract the death of brain cells and also provide blood flow to the damaged area of ​​the brain in the back. In the process of such therapy, the specificity of the conductive function of the brain is taken into account, which is associated with the patient’s age, as well as the severity of the disease or injury. In order to stimulate nerve cells, therapy is prescribed using electrical impulses to help maintain muscle tone.


The operation performed to restore conductivity has 2 goals:

  • eliminate factors that provoke paralysis of neural connections;
  • This is brain stimulation to restore lost functions.

As a rule, before performing an intervention, doctors conduct an examination of the body to identify the location of the degeneration process. Since the list of paths is very large, the neurosurgeon tries to narrow the search area using diagnostics. In case of severe injuries, it is very important to quickly remove the causes of spinal compression.


The means of such medicine for impulse conduction pathology should be used with caution so as not to provoke a deterioration in the patient’s condition. Often when this problem occurs:

  • apitherapy;
  • herbal medicine;
  • hirudotherapy.

Apitherapy is a treatment with bee stings, which helps restore efferent pathways, in particular when the pathology is caused by a growing hernia, radiculitis or other similar ailments. Bee venom has another useful feature - it provides blood flow to the problem area. In the case of herbal medicine, medicinal plant herbs that improve metabolism and help normalize blood flow are suitable. Hirudotherapy, which involves the use of leeches, helps eliminate congestion, which is inevitable with problems in the structure of the spine.

Complete restoration of neural connections after serious injury is not an easy task. A lot depends on immediate medical attention and timely assistance from a qualified neurosurgeon. But it is important not to forget: the more time has passed since the onset of degenerative changes, the less chance there is of restoring the functional capabilities of the spinal cord.

From the editor:

Due to the loud scandal, we were forbidden to publish a recording of the “duel” that took place live between Andrei Malakhov and Konstantin Ernst. However, we decided to publish a summary of the broadcast in text form for those who missed it.

Exclusive: how did the scandal between Ernst and Malakhov end and where can you buy the sensational joint treatment for 147 rubles?

Soloviev: Are you ready for the bomb to explode? The scandal surrounding a joint product costing 147 rubles has reached its climax! Let's figure out who is right and who is the pharmacy mafia! Confrontation between Malakhov and Ernst. Right now, exclusive interview on knives!


Malakhov: I WAS KICKED OUT! I WANTED TO TELL THE TRUTH! This cheap joint remedy changes everything!

Soloviev: In the studio there is shouting, waving fists, swearing. Channel 1 mastodons are hysterical! Turn off their microphones temporarily!!

Let's remember where it all started: Andrey made a program about disabled people who suffered from diseased joints because they were treated with expensive but ineffective means. Andrey told the world about the existence of an affordable remedy that treats arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism and other diseases ONCE and FOR ALL.

Ernst was furious that Andrei did not agree with him on the topic of the program. As punishment, Kostya not only did not air the program, he fired Andrei, throwing him out into the street like a puppy.

Friends! The main question is what’s wrong with the joints, why is the whole country sick, why does everyone after 40 begin to experience pain in the lower back, arms, legs, swelling, and cramps. Women and men suffer; it is difficult for them to walk and bend over. And how does it all end? Cancer.

Andrey, tell us what happened in the country BEFORE the release of the ill-fated program?

Malakhov: I consider that broadcast not ill-fated, but on the contrary, the main thing in my career! I have finally told the truth that will change the lives of millions for the better!

Ernst: YOU ARE A FUCKING EGOIST, ANDRYUSHA! THINKING ONLY ABOUT HIS OWN SKIN AND CHEAP POPULARITY! The topic of this issue was not agreed upon with me. You knew I would say no. While I'm here as a director, I want my employees to comply and not go AWOL.

Soloviev: Who is the egoist here still needs to be figured out.
Andrey, God bless him with television, how is it that such a drug is not allowed in Russian pharmacies and hospitals?

Malakhov: I asked the same question to Viktor Sedelnikov, the chief rheumatologist of Russia. The answer shocked me!

Soloviev: Display a video excerpt from a PROHIBITED BROADCAST!

Victor Sedelnikov: The fact is that the Research Institute of Rheumatology is not engaged in commercial activities. The research institute distributes it for a purely symbolic price of 147 rubles, as part of a special program.

Despite my high position, I have no influence on commercial pharmacy chains. All I can do is recommend the drug. I wholeheartedly recommend Sustalife to everyone. Actually, the entire scientific community understands what a colossal breakthrough has been made in the field of joint treatment. To my deep regret, pharmacy chains did not react.

As for hospitals and clinics: we are now working on the issue of distributing Sustalife, which is associated with bureaucratic delays, but I hope that within the next 10-12 months the issue will be resolved.

Malakhov: What should people do until the drug becomes available to doctors?

Victor Sedelnikov: We found a way out of the situation - the research institute’s specialists created a special website on their own where you can leave an application for Sustalife and get it for 147 rubles. All you need to do is simply leave your name and contact information. After this, you will be contacted to confirm a convenient delivery time. We tried to make everything as simple as possible so that everyone could get their medicine, even if they had never ordered anything online before.

I want to draw the attention of readers to the fact that diseases of the back and joints are “getting younger,” and even mild periodic pain is a reason to pay attention to the problem. Don't wait until bone marrow or blood cancer appears and you'll just wait to die.

Ernst: Yes, they will just turn around and leave! I will not forgive Andrey for his betrayal. I think I did the right thing. I don’t think sore joints are that scary. There are more serious diseases.

Malakhov: If you, Kostya, had bothered to watch the program that you slaughtered like a sacrificial ram on the altar, you wouldn’t have said that!!!

Soloviev: Turn on an excerpt from a program slaughtered like a ram, where they talk about joints and the serious consequences of the disease. I didn't understand something about cancer.

Lyudmila Antonova: At the V.A. Nasonova Research Institute of Rheumatology, we have created the first medicine of its kind that can truly restore joints.

Joint diseases are extremely dangerous and even at an early stage of development can kill a person or turn him into a disabled person.

Firstly, any joint disease is a precancerous disease. Even at an early stage, arthrosis or arthritis can lead to the formation of a cancerous tumor.

Necrosis of the joints (most often the hands)

The only proposed method of treatment is a complex operation, which in 79% of cases ends in the patient's disability.

Deformation of the knee joint requiring implantation of an artificial joint (price about 500 thousand rubles)

Every year in Russia, hundreds of thousands of people die from bone marrow and blood cancer caused by joint diseases. Each of them suffers terribly. Patients over 40 years of age are at particular risk.

Chondroprotectors provide a short-term relief effect, and with long-term use they further destroy the joint.

Injections can only remove pain; a person does not feel pain and believes that everything is fine, while a cancerous tumor may already be growing in the body.

But what’s especially scary is that only 1% of people know that any joint, even a severely damaged one, can be restored in literally 2-3 months.

"Sustalife" helps even in advanced and severe cases, restoring cartilage tissue and returning joints to a healthy state. The medicine is unique in its characteristics. No other drug can effectively restore diseased joints.

I advise you to hurry up! At the moment, the research institute does not have enough production volumes to cover the entire country. Therefore, we alternately carry out the promotion in stages. The current stage, during which the drug can be purchased for 147 rubles, will last only until 05.05 inclusive!

Important! It was concluded that spring is the best time to start treating diseases of the spine and joints. By stabilizing the average temperature, metabolism accelerates, blood circulation in the body increases, the flow of blood and oxygen to internal organs increases, and the effect of using the drug increases. Healing from back and joint pain, as well as related diseases, occurs 67% faster than it would have happened at other times of the year. Restoration of body functions occurs 100% during the entire course of treatment.

Please purchase "SUSTALIFE" ONLY on the official website!

Soloviev: I think the question is settled. Pharmacies offer outdated and dangerous drugs, while hiding from people the truth about a new drug that is distributed at the expense of the budget. Draw your own conclusions. This is your health and only you are responsible for it.

V.B. Adrey Malakhov turned out to be a decent person, and Ernst - a nit. However, no one doubted the latter. And here you have the “free market”, which supposedly will “arrange everything”, but which for some reason becomes the main obstacle to scientific and technological progress and the main threat to the existence of mankind.

"Andrei Malakhov. I have never filmed a program about potency. It's disgusting!

The last issue of “Let Them Talk” was dedicated to disabled people who became disabled due to diseased joints. And a drug from the Research Institute of Rheumatology named after. V.A. Nasonova, which can save millions of lives, while being distributed at a symbolic price.

The episode was never aired, and I was forced to leave. But I still publish this program in a shortened version and in text. The main meaning of the program is conveyed correctly.

Why do pharmacies offer outdated and dangerous medications, while hiding from people the truth about a new drug from the Research Institute of Rheumatology named after. V.A.Nasonova, which is distributed at the expense of the research institute budget. How is it that the pharmacy mafia makes hundreds of millions from people, ruining their health?

For a conversation, we invited the chief specialist of the Research Institute of Rheumatology, Lyudmila Antonova, to the studio.

Andrey Malakhov: “Lyudmila Viktorovna, how do you assess the situation with the danger of joint diseases?”

Lyudmila Antonova: Many people believe that joint diseases are not a very dangerous type of disease, which only threatens with crunching hands, legs and pain. This is a fundamentally wrong opinion. Joint diseases are extremely dangerous and even at an early stage of development can kill a person or turn him into a disabled person.

Firstly, any joint disease is a precancerous disease. Even at an early stage, arthrosis or arthritis can lead to the formation of a cancerous tumor. Most often it is bone marrow cancer or blood cancer. Both are extremely difficult to treat and fatal. This is perhaps the most underestimated complication in terms of its danger that occurs in people with diseased joints.

Secondly, joint diseases often lead to disability. An arm that suddenly stops working, a leg that fails, or complete paralysis is a very common complication that occurs in many patients. Paralysis essentially dooms the patient to exist as a “rational vegetable.” Which is not much different from death.

Thirdly, banal osteochondrosis can “short-circuit” the nerve endings in the spine and cause complications in any internal organ - from the liver to the heart. The spinal cord is the basis of the central nervous system. And if it is violated, malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs occur, which can lead to a wide variety of complications.

Andrey Malakhov: “So everyone who has joint pain is in mortal danger?”

Lyudmila Antonova : Among specialists, joint diseases are considered one of the most dangerous. Unlike many other diseases that occur in humans, they do not lead to some temporary health problems, but only develop progressively, gradually leading the person to the grave. Joint diseases are the cause of millions of painful deaths.

It's like a time bomb that won't necessarily go off right away, but with a 100% chance it will explode sooner or later. In addition, the situation with joint cancer is such that at the first stage the patient cannot distinguish pain due to a cancerous tumor from the usual symptoms of the disease. He realizes the problem when metastases have already spread throughout the body and it is essentially too late to treat it.

Every year in Russia, hundreds of thousands of people die from bone marrow and blood cancer caused by joint diseases. Each of them suffers terribly. Patients over 40 years of age are at particular risk. The worst thing is that until recently there was no effective way to prevent the onset of cancer. If a person had a joint disease in a moderate or severe stage, then the most that medicine could offer him was medications that relieved symptoms. No more.

So that you understand exactly what I'm talking about when I talk about complications, here are some photographs from hospitals:

Andrey Malakhov: “How are joint diseases treated now? "

Lyudmila Antonova : In most cases, patients are offered treatment with chondoprotectors and other drugs that, with the best results, can slow down the development of a particular disease, nothing more. In some cases, people are treated with injections or surgery. The first option (chondoprotectors and other tablets) is essentially useless. The second and third are extremely dangerous.

Injections can only relieve pain, without in any way affecting the disease itself. As a result, the person does not feel pain and believes that everything is fine, while a cancerous tumor may already be growing in the body. And operations on joints very often end in disability or other serious complications. They are indicated only in the most extreme cases.

It is precisely because of the low effectiveness of the classical approach to treatment that the minds of specialists have always been occupied with the development of a drug that can truly treat diseased joints and restore people to health. At the V.A. Nasonova Research Institute of Rheumatology, we have created the first medicine of its kind that can truly restore joints.

Andrey Malakhov: “Can you tell us about him?”

Lyudmila Antonova : Certainly. This is Flex Pro - a unique drug that has no analogues both abroad and in Russia.

At the moment, Flex Pro has undergone clinical trials and has shown extremely high rates of effectiveness. It helps even in advanced and severe cases, restoring cartilage tissue and returning joints to a healthy state. The medicine is unique in its characteristics. No other drug can effectively restore diseased joints, returning a person to a completely healthy state.

In addition to Russia, Flex Pro for joints has successfully completed clinical trials in Switzerland and the USA. But until we provide it to the entire population of Russia, it will only be available within the country.

Andrey Malakhov: “How did it happen that such a drug is not allowed in pharmacies? "

Lyudmila Antonova : The fact is that the Research Institute of Rheumatology is not engaged in commercial activities. We sell one pack of the drug for a purely symbolic price, as part of a special program. This is precisely the main conflict with pharmacy chains. They want to make money from sick people, squeezing maximum money out of them. Old and ineffective medications are ideal for this. While our drug not only solves the problem forever, it is also distributed at a purely symbolic cost.

However, we found a way out of the situation - the research institute’s specialists created a special website where you can apply for Flex Pro and receive it for free. All you need to do is simply leave your name and contact information. After this, you will be contacted to confirm a convenient delivery time. We tried to make everything as simple as possible so that everyone could get medicine, even if they had never ordered anything online before.

Andrey Malakhov: “In addition to you, Viktor Sedelnikov, the chief rheumatologist of Russia, is present in the studio today. Question for you Viktor Fedorovich - why is it that a unique medicine created in Russia and distributed at such a price does not reach the population?”

Victor Sedelnikov : Andrey, I want to note that despite the position, the chief rheumatologist is mainly involved in coordinating scientific research and strategic issues. I have no influence on commercial pharmacy chains. All I can do is recommend some drug to them. Of course, Flex Pro was recommended by me. Actually, the entire scientific community understands what a colossal breakthrough has been made in the field of joint treatment. To my deep regret, pharmacy chains did not react in any way. Which is generally understandable and logical, since in the event of mass distribution, they will suffer multimillion-dollar losses.

We are now exploring the issue of distribution through government clinics and hospitals. There are indeed bureaucratic problems, but I hope that the issue will be resolved within the next 10-12 months.

Andrey Malakhov: “It turns out that at least another year will pass before Flex Pro appears in clinics. What should people do until doctors see him? "

Victor Sedelnikov : The Research Institute of Rheumatology has an official website for the project, where anyone can submit a request and receive Flex Pro. For now, the only way out is to use it. Moreover, as far as I understand, they deliver the drug very quickly and are able to reach any number of people.

Lyudmila Antonova : A small note about “any number of people.” At the moment, the research institute does not have enough production volumes to cover the entire country. Therefore, we alternately hold promotions in different regions of the Russian Federation. At the current time, the drug can be obtained in the city of Moscow and in many regions of Russia. There the program will be valid until December 31, 2018.

Andrey Malakhov: “What can you say goodbye to our viewers? "

Lyudmila Antonova : I want to draw the attention of readers to the fact that diseases of the back and joints are “getting younger”, and even mild periodic pain is a reason to pay attention to the problem. Don't wait until bone marrow or blood cancer appears and you'll just wait to die.

Important! It was concluded that November and December are the best time to begin treatment for diseases of the spine and joints. By stabilizing the average temperature, metabolism accelerates, blood circulation in the body increases, the flow of blood and oxygen to internal organs increases, and the effect of using the drug increases. Healing from back and joint pain, as well as related diseases, occurs 67% faster than it would have happened at other times of the year. Restoration of body functions occurs 100% during the entire course of treatment.

Go to the official website to get the Flex Pro Course for Free

What an interesting text you have! “We are ordering this medicine,” my aunt told me on the phone. - Like what? In your article you talk about the true reasons that forced Andrei Malakhov to leave Channel One. All because of this medicine. Amazing story, who would have thought.

This is how I found out that I am the “author” of the text about the miracle ointment and the “real reasons” for the conflict between the famous TV presenter and the management of the TV channel. The story is truly amazing: the scammers posted an article on the left website, formatting it in the style of Life (with our logo), and signed their nonsense with my name, and even hung my photograph next to it.

The article itself is such a blatant lie that it’s even funny. This was a transcript of the “confrontation” between Andrei Malakhov and the head of Channel One. They allegedly came to Vladimir Solovyov’s program to argue with each other.

Scan of a fake publication

Scammers copied this myth a little from the ancient Greeks. Malakhov was like Prometheus, who discovered fire to humanity, who lived in darkness and cold, and taught how to use it. Only instead of fire there was a miracle ointment for joints. Malakhov allegedly spoke about her in his program “Let Them Talk.” He was forbidden to do this, but he loved people very much and wanted to make their lives brighter and happier.

And for this, he was “cruelly punished by the channel’s management” - he was deprived of the program and kicked out of his job (Malakhov, as you remember, actually left the channel in the summer, but, of course, for a completely different reason).

The only thing that surprised me was that my aunt, an adequate woman, fell for all this. It turned out that she was not the only one. People who read this nonsense started writing to me on social networks. They said that they wanted to order ointment on the website, but something was not working out for technical reasons. Or they asked to confirm that the ointment works, otherwise a monthly course costs 5.7 thousand rubles (that is, this is not a cheap remedy at all, as the scammers claimed). Some realized that this was a scam and considered it their duty to find me on Facebook and call me something worse.

In general, the article went viral. Fraudsters began to receive a ton of orders. We also ordered this ointment - to conduct an investigation and find out who is behind it and what it is actually made of.

As indicated on the packaging, the ointment contains 38 natural ingredients, including a hydrophilic extract from Altai deer antlers, cinquefoil milky juice, rock oil, nettle poison, ginkgo biloba, and amaranth oil.

We submitted the ointment to the laboratory of the Russian Expert Foundation "Teheko". The examination showed: the ointment does not contain the components that are indicated in the composition! Inside is polyethylene glycol. This is a synthetic substance that is widely used in the production of creams as a base. Nutrients are usually added to this base. But what the scammers sold us is just empty. If it works, it is at most like a placebo.

"The test sample does not contain natural oils, organic compounds, flavonoids (plant substances - Note by Life). The basis of the sample under study is polyethylene glycol. Thus, the established composition does not correspond to the declared one,” the results of the examination say.

Scan of the specialist's report from the Teheko laboratory

“They order a lot of Arthrodex,” said the courier.

When asked if the ointment helps, he replied:

I asked some grandparents. They order a lot, so I was interested. They say that when you apply it, it helps. Then you lift something heavy and it hurts again. From you 1981 rubles.

Recording a conversation with a courier

Two days after we received the ointment, we received a call:

To date, Reverse, according to the SPARK-Interfax database, has already been liquidated. Its owner was Oleg Golovin. "Victory" has existed since 2015, the owner is Konstantin Chub. Several other companies are also registered under it (Megapol, Perspectiva Plus, Tixol, Forta Plus, Exclusive Plus).

Victory has certificates for the production of creams, food additives, and soft drinks. In 2016 (the latest available data), the company's revenue amounted to 21 million rubles, net profit - 121 thousand rubles.

The site where the fake was posted was registered to Mark Wrestler from the Krasnoyarsk Territory. He is probably a figurehead, because he is not formally connected with these companies in any way (he is neither the owner nor the manager).

Life appealed to all participants in this deception with a demand to remove the fake. We will also go to court. Most likely, it will not be possible to sue the manufacturer for using our style - because formally the fake site is not registered to him.

We invite you to read the article on the topic: “Malakhov’s latest program about joints” with detailed comments and methodology of treatment and prevention.

Only until October 05 for residents of the city and region Pantogor is available at a price of 1 ruble!

The truth about Malakhov and the secret he revealed to restoring damaged joints, which cost the TV presenter his career

“Actually” is a program in which it is impossible to lie, since the participants are connected to a lie detector

The departure of the famous TV presenter Andrei Malakhov from the “Let Them Talk” program and from Channel One is still shrouded in secrecy. There are many unconfirmed versions. Today we will find out what really happened. All participants in the program tell only the truth, since the lie detector to which they are connected prevents them from lying.

Today agreed to a lie detector test go through the main participant in the scandal that broke out - Andrei Malakhov himself.

Leading: Andrey, are you ready to answer questions?

Andrei Malakhov: Yes, sure.

Lie detector (polygraph) included

Leading: Your name is Andrey?

Andrei Malakhov: Yes

Polygraph response: This is true

Leading: Until recently, you were the host of the “Let Them Talk” program?

Andrei Malakhov: Yes

Polygraph response: This is true

Leading: Did you leave the program and Channel One yourself?

Andrei Malakhov: Myself, but I was forced to do it because I was “asked”. I love my job and the Let Them Talk program. My whole life is connected with her and I spent a lot of time and effort to make her a favorite among TV viewers. Now it’s a shame to give up everything, but, unfortunately, we have to do it. More I cannot remain silent about global problems in Russia. I don’t know, maybe this age has this effect, but over time I am becoming more and more concerned about what country my children will live in.

Leading: Andrey, tell me, who exactly asked you to leave the program?

Andrei Malakhov: Channel Directorate. I would not like to name specific names, since all these people are also hostages of the situation. They were forced.

Leading: Did something terrible happen?

Andrei Malakhov: To a certain extent, yes. I didn’t know that everything was so neglected and that all this would have such consequences.

Leading: Could you tell us what caused the scandal?

Andrei Malakhov: In one of the last episodes of the program (which was never aired) raised a slippery topic, which for some reason is not customary for us to talk about. As a result, disagreements arose with management, and I was asked to leave. In fact, in our country, not everything can be discussed openly.

Leading: Andrey, I’ll ask you a direct question and I want to get the same direct answer to it. After all, this is precisely why we have gathered today - to find out the truth.

Andrey is silent, you can see how his pulse rises. He starts to worry.

Leading: There are rumors that the latest episode of the “Let Them Talk” program was dedicated to some kind of remedy for restoring diseased joints, which the pharmacy mafia does not allow into stores. Is it true?

The hall froze, waiting for Malakhov’s answer. He is silent for a while.

Andrei Malakhov: Yes it's true. But not to “some means” - but to the newest one, which allows you to restore even severely damaged joints in 1-2 months of use. It has no analogues in the world! This is a revolutionary remedy that can save many people from pain and suffering, from limited mobility and disability. And also from all the deadly consequences that diseased joints can lead to. This drug has passed all the necessary clinical trials, which have shown its extremely high effectiveness (it is 12-15 times more effective than all known analogues)! Many people are waiting for this product, but it is artificially not allowed on the market...

Leading: What is the name of this remedy?

Andrei Malakhov: It's called Pantogor. It is enough to see the results of clinical trials to understand how useful and necessary this remedy is.

Results of clinical trials of Pantogor conducted at the Moscow Scientific Center for Neurology

Leading: Is Pantogor not sold in pharmacies?

Andrei Malakhov: No. In fact of the matter. And this is what the last issue of “Let Them Talk” was dedicated to, the guest of which was Lyudmila Antonova, a leading specialist at the Research Institute of Rheumatology of the Russian Federation. It was this research institute that Pantogor developed. However, he was not allowed into pharmacy chains. And they slowed down at the highest level. Without explaning the reason.

An excerpt from the program “Let Them Talk,” which was never shown on TV.

Leading: But are the reasons still known?

Andrei Malakhov: They are obvious. It’s enough just to look at the counters of Russian pharmacies and what medications for the treatment of joints are sold there. Chondroprotectors (which have been banned in Europe for 10 years due to the fact that they harden the cartilage and, as a result, further worsen the condition of the joint), as well as various ointments that do not treat or restore joints, but only temporarily relieve pain.

If a person has diseased joints, he simply has nothing to treat!

If you go to doctors, then any of them will recommend the same expensive (most often imported) products that do not help! Do you know why they are prescribed? Because each doctor’s superiors give instructions on what medications to prescribe. The management itself receives money (kickbacks) for “pushing” certain drugs from well-known pharmaceutical giants.

It should be understood that the pharmaceutical giants (those who produce all the pills that fill pharmacies) are economically not interested in people becoming healthy. It's simply not profitable for them. Therefore, they mainly sell things that help only temporarily, and really effective drugs are blocked and destroyed in every possible way.

Leading: Andrey, where did you get this information?

Andrei Malakhov: Well, I, of course, prepared before the release of “Let Them Talk.” I studied the information. Talked to doctors and patients. In general, many people know about this, including officials, but for some reason they do nothing. And not only that, they are trying to hide this information. Even to the point of my dismissal and the closure of the people’s favorite “Let Them Talk” program. Can you imagine the people and money behind this?

Leading: Andrey, there are rumors that most of the information on this issue was provided to you by the famous Russian orthopedic doctor Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky, who at the same time refused to star in “Let Them Talk.” Is it so?