Annunciation rituals and conspiracies. Conspiracies for the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary are the most effective rituals and ceremonies. Conspiracy to wish

April 7 is a significant religious holiday for the entire Christian world. It was on this day that heavenly grace descended on the Virgin Mary, and the messenger of heaven - Archangel Gabriel - brought the woman the amazing news that she was to become the Mother of the Son of God. Since then, believers have celebrated the Annunciation widely and magnificently. Signs and beliefs associated with the holiday tell us to spend this day in jubilation, joy and fun, and in no case touching on any work. According to custom, on the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary they watch the weather to find out what the coming summer will be like and whether they should count on a good harvest. In addition, on this day, in all cities and villages, cages are opened and birds are released into the wild, paying tribute to the freedom given by God to every person with this ritual.

Annunciation - signs and customs about health, well-being and love

  • On the Annunciation, signs and customs recommend that people who are just looking for their “soul mate” should not scratch their hair or touch their hair at all, so as not to confuse the plans prepared for a person by higher, heavenly powers. It is recommended to even go to a temple service with an unkempt head, so as not to scare away your happiness.
  • New clothes are not worn on holidays. Signs and customs claim that a dress worn for the first time on the Annunciation will certainly deteriorate, tear, or become very dirty and there will be no way to wash it.
  • On the bright and joyful day of the Annunciation, no one borrows money, no matter how strongly and persistently they ask for it. It is believed that by giving away any things from home, you are giving away your happiness and health.

Weather signs for the Annunciation and harvest forecasts

On Annunciation, weather signs very clearly show what the end of spring and the approaching summer will be like. If there are no swallows in the sky on this day, April and May will not please you with warmth and gentle sunshine. The rain that began in the morning promises a dry, hot summer and a lot of mushrooms, and a clear starry evening foreshadows large-scale forest fires. Frosts and cold weather on Annunciation indicate that farmers can expect a rich, plentiful harvest of grains and cucumbers. A thunderstorm practically guarantees a warm summer and a real abundance of walnuts in rural gardens.

Annunciation - signs, conspiracies and rituals

  • To get rid of damage and the evil eye, young boys and girls make a fire and jump through its cleansing flames on the Annunciation. Elderly people, who due to their age are not capable of such “feats,” collect the last unmelted snow, melt it and wash themselves with the resulting liquid. According to legend, it rejuvenates the skin and helps overcome blues, boredom and illness.
  • During church services, festive prosphora is taken home. They are kept as a talisman or buried in the ground on four sides of a personal plot. As the signs say, such a ritual, performed on the Annunciation, guarantees prosperity for the household and protects the house from bad people, robbers and pests.
  • On Annunciation, signs recommend that women call their husband “beloved” forty times before lunch. It is believed that such a simple conspiracy ensures harmony in the family and protects the couple from betrayal and divorce.

- a special date. This day is celebrated as one of the most important holidays before Easter. Due to frequent questions from our readers, the editors WANT to publish signs on, as well as rituals and conspiracies that unmarried girls need to know. Do not miss!

Lighting fires

One of the main symbols of the Annunciation is fire. On the holiday, bonfires are lit and garbage, old things, clothes and shoes are burned in them. In Rus', in order to undergo spiritual cleansing, people jumped over fire and danced around the fires. Also, clothes and bedding of sick people were burned in bonfires: this contributed to their speedy recovery.

Money plot

Buy prosphora for the Annunciation, stick a penny into one of the prosphoras. Then go around all the household members and let them choose a prosphora for themselves. The one who gets a prosphora with a coin will be happy all year, all his endeavors will be successful.

Ritual to return happiness

This ritual is done once a year on the Annunciation. Buy a tit bird, a sparrow, a dove in advance... Prepare food for it, spend your whole bad life on food and water, maybe with tears and lamentations. Then recite the “Our Father” and “The Most Holy Theotokos.” Give the bird food and water, and when it has eaten, release it.

Now you have all the relevant information about the traditions, rituals and conspiracies of the Annunciation in your arsenal. Spend this day in a family friendly atmosphere.

Photo on the cover: "Third Pivni" workshop.

Signs for the Annunciation are popular only among believers, because many do not even know what kind of holiday it is. From our article you will learn what to do and what not to do on the day when the Virgin Mary received the news of the coming Birth of Jesus.

In the article:

Signs for the Annunciation - what not to do

During many church holidays, you cannot engage in labor - sewing, knitting, or doing housework. The Annunciation is no exception. You will have to put aside all household chores. It is better to either postpone cleaning and cooking, purchasing ready-made food, or do it in advance. Mental work is also prohibited during this holiday. You shouldn't let your children do their schoolwork; you should do it earlier or later.

You especially shouldn’t sew or knit. Our ancestors associated human life with a thread; they believed that if it was tangled or cut on a major church holiday, the same would happen to their life. Instead of a sick old man, a child may die, a couple may separate, and relatives may quarrel. Therefore, in the old days, they tried not to even look at the threads, let alone pick them up. They had not yet lit the stove even in winter; they tried to heat the house in advance.

Folk signs for the Annunciation forbade starting sowing not only on this day, but also before it. Disturbing the land ahead of schedule was considered a great sin; in the past it was believed that this could deprive the harvest. Even on the day of the week on which this holiday fell, no new business was started for a year.

In the distant past, girls were even careful not to braid their hair and do their hair on this day. They braided their hair fairly tightly in advance. The signs promised girls braiding their hair on the Annunciation not only a short life, but also many different misfortunes, including the fate of an old maid. Those wishing to get married never had their hair done during this holiday.

The secret meaning of this sign, according to some sources, is as follows. There is another superstition that guarantees hair loss and other hair problems that await girls who braid their hair on the Annunciation. By the condition of their hair, guys judged not only the beauty, but also the health of their future wife. Moreover, previously health came first, and girls with poor health were taken as wives very reluctantly.

Among the ancient signs and rituals that were performed on the Annunciation, one more has reached us. It states that candles, lamps and other lighting devices should not be used in homes. This belief has two justifications. Our ancestors believed that on this day angels go from house to house and watch how people live. It is believed that artificial lighting will show them all your sins, but will not let them see your good deeds. Another rationale is that in the darkness one can see the light that surrounds the angels and receive their blessing.

It is believed that on holidays one should wear new or even special, beautiful clothes. But the Annunciation is an exception. Our ancestors believed that if you put on a new outfit on this day, it would either tear or be damaged in some other way. There is an old village trick that our great-grandmothers used if they wanted to show off in new clothes for the Annunciation. They wore the outfit for about a week at home, without showing off to anyone. So he ceased to be new, the omen was followed, and no one had ever seen him.

You cannot give anything from home at the Annunciation, otherwise fate will turn out in such a way that poverty will come. It was also believed that by giving something on this day, a person distributes peace and quiet from his home. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s borrowed money or even simple tap water. It’s not worth treating someone or helping friends or beggars on this day, just like letting strangers into your house.

As with most Christian holidays, there is a ban on sexual relations. It is believed that this will offend the Lord. Our ancestors believed that sexual relations during a church holiday could bring infertility, disease and a bad harvest. If a child is conceived on Annunciation or another holiday, he will become a sorcerer.

Annunciation - signs and rituals

There are many signs and rituals for the Annunciation that have come down to us from our ancestors. By following them, you can attract happiness and joy into your life, and also reap a good harvest if you garden. In the past, the celebration of the Annunciation was not limited to church services. Our ancestors organized celebrations, sang songs, danced in circles, held competitions, jumped over the fire and played various games.

The main event of the day was the release of the birds. It was believed that if you give freedom to a bird, you can get a whole year of happiness and good luck. Now birds are released not only on this holiday, but also at weddings.

Jumping over the fire was not just entertainment either. In the past, people believed that this was how they burned away sins and all the negativity that had accumulated over the whole year, for example, which were caused by it. There were other cleansing rituals - burning old straw from the bed and fumigating winter clothes with herbal smoke.

Old and sick people tried to wash themselves with melted snow, which on the Annunciation had a special power that could save them from any illness. Sometimes such water was stocked up for future use in case of illness.

If you are going to church, you need to know that Annunciation prosphora protects against all diseases, so it is advisable to take it. And if you bury pieces of it in the corners of the plot, you will protect yourself from theft, the evil eye and envy, and also guarantee yourself a rich harvest. The water that was blessed in the church on this day has healing powers.

On this church holiday, salt was burned in the oven. They used to believe that she had special powers. Our ancestors associate almost every Christian holiday with salt, which should be burned in the oven. It relieves diseases and is used in magic. Salt was burned in a frying pan for 10 to 20 minutes. They did this early in the morning, before dawn, and bought it in advance. If you do not have time to use this salt before the next Annunciation, throw it into the fire of the fire before the holiday.

They also save the ashes that were in the stove on that day, despite the fact that it is considered a sin to heat the stove on that day. It is needed to fertilize plants that are sick and may die.

If you have chickens, they must be driven from their roost with a broom between Matins and Mass. This way they will lay eggs better and you will have a lot of eggs for Easter.

If an unmarried girl goes for water and finds a primrose along the way, she will get married in the fall. And the found snowdrop promised happiness. If you put it in water and wash your face with it, you can become more beautiful.

Thieves and those who wanted to, tried to successfully steal absolutely any item that was in poor condition. It is worth keeping an eye on your property on this day.

Weather signs for Annunciation

Signs of the weather were very important for our ancestors, because the harvest of the entire next year, the need for a supply of firewood and many other everyday issues depended on them. Usually they paid attention to the weather during major holidays, such as Easter. Weather signs for the Annunciation have also survived to this day.

If there are no swallows at the Annunciation yet, it means that spring will come later than expected and will be cold.

Frosts foreshadowed a rich harvest, especially spring oats and cucumbers. They believed that if it was cold on Annunciation Day, it meant that there would be frost in the mornings for another forty days. Frost promises a good harvest of milk mushrooms.

Warm and sunny weather means fires. If there are no clouds in the sky at all, there will be a lot of thunderstorms in the summer.

Rain on April 7 meant a dry summer and a good harvest of rye and mushrooms. Some believed that rain on this day meant good luck in fishing.

The thunderstorm foreshadowed a warm summer and a good harvest of nuts.

Sunny weather means a large wheat harvest.

If there are few stars in the sky on Annunciation night, this is a sign that there will be few eggs this year. A warm night foreshadows a friendly spring. If there are a lot of stars, it means there will be a good hemp harvest.

Wind, fog and frost foreshadow a poor harvest this year. Fog also serves as a sign of imminent flooding on rivers.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you today what conspiracies and rituals are performed on the holiday of the Annunciation. There is a special day in the year that is significant for all Orthodox Christians - the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. How do believers celebrate this great holiday, what customs and signs are associated with this bright day, and what independent conspiracies on the night before the celebration will help change life for the better, attract good luck for the whole year, and become richer? And also, what conspiracies for the Annunciation of the Mother of God with the power of the witchcraft word will help you meet true, long-awaited love?

Reviews of those who made conspiracies for the holiday of the Annunciation

At night, the messenger of God, Archangel Gabriel, appeared to the God-loving Virgin Mary. He brought her good news: Mary had been chosen by the Lord for a special mission. It is this girl who must give the world a gift designed to atone for human sins, and thereby save them from eternal suffering.

Christians believe that this is how it happened. In any case, a day that was strong in a magical sense. White magic sorcerers perform rituals for money at the Annunciation, and read spells for love. Yes, and a lot of different things. They do such rituals with their power, which every real magician has, if he really is a sorcerer. Assistants are also called upon, and even with the help of the egregor for whom the sorcerer works, witchcraft rituals are carried out.

Next, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk about folk signs for the feast of the Annunciation, about old customs and traditions and, of course, about the rituals associated with this bright holiday of all Christian believers. But, I note that the reviews of those who made conspiracies for the Annunciation have different contexts, but for the most part these are good, working, repeatedly tested conspiracies, which are used in their practice by people who conjure with the power of white magic.

Most witchcraft rituals of this type are carried out at home, and are used by people who do not practice witchcraft professionally and do not work with clients. Simply put, you can read conspiracies for the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary yourself and get the desired results.

Folk customs that are performed on the holiday of the Annunciation

  • On April 7th, Christians leave their work and go to church in the morning to pray for the salvation of the soul and the remission of sins. According to tradition, white lilies are brought to the temple as a symbol of the innocence of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
  • There is a well-known ritual of liberation and release of white doves into the sky, the meaning of which is that on this day a person is cleansed of sinful thoughts and becomes free. The clergy carried out cages with birds and solemnly released them into the sky.
  • On this day of celebration, it is also customary to call back to their native lands birds that have been delayed on their way after wintering. Housewives baked gingerbread cookies in the shape of birds, and then distributed them to children. Children climbed onto the roofs and begged the birds in clear voices to return to their homeland. But it’s like a general desire to see flocks of birds flying home, but there are special rituals for the Annunciation to fulfill a wish exclusively personal, not associated with anyone else.

Yes, there are a number of old customs, signs and rituals held on Blagovest that have survived hundreds of years and remain in demand today. Ancient signs are like an elusive animal trail in the forest, along which an experienced tracker will find prey. Old people believe in omens and live by them, as if by their own clock. Those who believe in magic read on the feast of the Annunciation, spells for good luck, love and money.

In real magic, the result is important. But faith is also important. Without it, it is impossible to join the flows of magical energies and direct them, thereby influencing the physical plane. And, since the result is the sum of everything, then faith is the engine. Without her, everything will be in vain. Next, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will offer you powerful rituals for the Annunciation for the fulfillment of desires, for love and wealth. And you can start with advice on how to ask your Guardian Angel for help, to save you from disasters and deliver you from adversity.

When going to bed, read the plot for the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, ask your Angel for intercession:

“I’m going to bed, I have a cross seal on me, guardians, protect my soul from evening to midnight, from midnight to morning. Amen".

Folk signs for the feast of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary

Here are some old ones folk reception for the feast of the Annunciation, which could tell us what kind of weather to expect during the most significant periods of the year for people. People who have long lived from the bounty of the earth always wanted to know what the weather would be like and whether they would be able to reap a bountiful harvest, and therefore paid special attention to the signs on this bright day.

  • If by April 7 the snow has not melted and lies in a thick layer on the roofs and ground, then we need to prepare for snowfalls, which will stop only on Yegorov Day (May 6).
  • If the swallows have not flown out of their nests all day, this means that spring will be delayed and will not soon delight you with its warmth.
  • If there was thunder and a thunderstorm on the feast of the Annunciation, this is a sure sign that there will be a lot of mushrooms.
  • People believed that if on the seventh, right on Blagovest, the sun would please with its warmth, then the wheat harvest would be especially rich.

Independent conspiracies for wealth and money luck

People paid attention not only to signs, but also to folk beliefs and customs. Not only church ceremonies were celebrated on this day. A huge number of magical conspiracies are associated with this Christian holiday. No matter how hard they tried to eradicate folk traditions and witchcraft, true knowledge, having crossed the dark ages, has reached us. Today you can freely read conspiracies for the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, asking for what you need.

On this Orthodox holiday, magical rituals are performed independently:

  1. to attract good luck,
  2. happiness,
  3. health,
  4. prosperity,
  5. for a rich harvest.

If on this day a person is healthy, well-fed, well dressed, and if his wallet is full of money, then the whole year will be prosperous.

  • Believers believe that wealth and financial stability can be attracted by giving to a beggar in the morning. But, only in the early morning, without having time to wash and eat. Therefore, in the morning they go to the temple, and when leaving it, they give alms.
  • On the holiday, the grass growing near the walls of the church is collected, dried and stored at home behind the icons. They do this so that the year will be successful and rich. On the Feast of the Annunciation, health spells are read for illnesses and disasters.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Here is the text of a white conspiracy for good luck on the holiday of the Annunciation.

For monetary luck, for good trade and for protection from ruin. You need to read the white magic conspiracy the night before the holiday. It is believed that it has a power that will protect from troubles, protect from disasters, grief and lack of money. With a righteous life, of course.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Without a wrist, but with a cross, an old saint with a gray beard, barefoot, sits, sleeps, hears and sees everything. He sees and anticipates, and helps me in all my troubles. From hunger and cold, from sword and fire, from an evil sorcerer, from illness and early old age, from all the people of the volost, honest and dishonest, from a vain trial, a terrible punishment. The gray-haired saint sits under the crystal bridge, sleeps, but hears and sees everything. Whoever touches me will drop his staff. Whoever wakes him up is the one who wakes him up. Keys, padlocks, my secret, witchcraft words. Lock yourself, not once or twice, in my words, with nine locks, nine keys. Key, lock, tongue. Amen, amen, amen."

Self-conspiracy for good trading on a bright holiday

For profitable trading, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, advise using spring water yourself readconspiracy for trade and the feast of the Annunciation sprinkle your shop or store with this enchanted strong water from early morning, before the first customer enters it. Read over water 40 times.

“The Good News announced a miracle. The good news leads people to the temple, and this slander will attract people to my shop. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Chart your luck with honey on this Orthodox holiday

On this bright holiday you can invite good luck to you. There are various home conspiracies for this on the day of the Annunciation, but, for example, this one. To have good luck all year, take honey, smear it on your right palm, and then close your hands. Hold it like this and spread your palms, and at the same time read the words for honey:

“As honey melts, hand sticks to hand, so that luck sticks to me, God’s servant (name of the rivers). Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

What conspiracies and how many times are they read at the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary?

Usually the number of times required to repeat independent conspiracies before the Annunciation, there is a link in the text. If there are no explanations, then the plot is read once or three times. Repetition in witchcraft is practiced to enhance the impact of the spoken word; there can be 3, 5, 7, 9. There are conspiracies that are supposed to be read 40 times. After each repetition, in the practice of white magic it is customary to spit over the left shoulder three times, which a black magician will never do under any circumstances.

But, if you are reading a salt spell for the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, or any other magical spell with other purposes, you should not count the number of repetitions out loud. Just as you can’t bend your fingers. In order not to lose count, a professional magician uses rosaries or small objects - matches, coins, pebbles, beads, etc. After each reading, 1 element is put aside. This doesn’t mean absolutely anything, but it will help a novice magician perform the ritual correctly.

8 Self-conspiracy for a quick marriage, read on the day of the Annunciation

The Orthodox holiday of the Mother of God in ancient times, and even today, has a special meaning for women. Believers believe that on this day the Mother of God gives her intercession and blessing to the fair sex. Prayers were offered to the Most Pure Virgin, as well as magical rituals were performed and strong love spells were read at the Annunciation by girls and young women who wanted to attract great love and dreamed of family and motherhood.

On this bright day, a married woman can enlist the fidelity and love of her husband by calling him beloved and dear 40 times throughout the day. But for those who need it, a strong love spell for the Annunciation. This is a daily ritual, i.e. You can do it without waiting for sunset.

Provide yourself with a calm environment during the ceremony. All love spells are carried out alone, unless you conduct a professional magical practice, which is unlikely, since this article was written by me, the magician Sergei Artgrom, not for professional experienced magicians, but for those who are interested in white magic in general, and strong love spells men at the Annunciation, in particular. This is not just a conspiracy text, it is a ritual from the practice of white love magic.

To independently conduct a white ritual for a guy’s love, you need to prepare the following items:

  • mirror
  • piece of paper
  • pen with red ink
  • red candle made of natural wax
  • red box

How to make a love spell for a guy on the Feast of the Annunciation

Everything must be done with a lit candle. In order for this home ritual to attract love to give good results, visualization is needed. On a piece of paper, describe your loved one as he should be, starting from his appearance and ending with a detailed description of the character of this man. Then roll up the piece of paper and put it in the box. Looking at your reflection in the mirror,

Read the words of the conspiracy to love a man at the Annunciation:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I create pure intention. My thoughts are aimed at creating the image of a loved one. I attract love and happiness into my life. Amen".

“Archangel Gabriel, servant of our Lord, hear the prayer of the servant of God (name of the rivers), and fulfill my request (briefly and to the point describe your desire). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

On the eve of the Annunciation, every woman can perform rituals and read a spell for money and wealth, and the Most Holy Theotokos will help you fulfill your desire and give you what you ask for . Annunciation money conspiracies, as well as prayers for gaining wealth, really work and help people attract cash flow into their lives after the arrival of which a person’s money will multiply and always be available. What is this a magical prayer for the increase of wealth to the Blessed Virgin Mary, after reading which on the Annunciation you can instantly get rich? It turns out that everything is very simple and accessible for anyone to do independently.

To read this white conspiracy - the prayer of the Mother of God on the day she receives the good news of conception, you do not need to go to church, and in general, the ritual is performed at home. Read these in front of the icon of the Mother of God words of prayer spell to gain wealth and easy money :

To the elected Voivode, victorious, as having gotten rid of the evil ones,

Let us sing thanksgiving to Thy servants,

Mother of God, but as having an invincible power,

Free us from all troubles, let us call You:

Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

To you, the highest Commander, having got rid of troubles,

We, Your unworthy servants, Mother of God,

We sing a song of victory and gratitude.

You, as having invincible power, free us from all troubles,

So that we cry to You:

Rejoice, Bride, unmarried!

How quickly it will work prayer - a conspiracy for big money, success, luck and wealth, read at the Annunciation very difficult to say. Someone claims that they found money on the same day, for someone help comes a few days later and the person asking the Mother of God for financial well-being is promoted at work and his earnings increase several times. Remember only one thing: according to your faith, it will be for you.

© Copyright: Magician

  • A ritual that attracts big money, read on a jar of bee honey and a coin, helps you get rich instantly and get rid of financial needs. For the ritual you need to use only natural bee honey and any coin you received as change from another person. Pour honey into a small jar or medicine bottle, but large enough to fit a coin in it. Without closing the vessel with honey and a coin, read the conspiracy for big money:

  • Money rituals of magic and rituals that are carried out independently for many centuries have helped millions of people get rich. The most popular money spell to attract good luck and wealth is read on an apple. There is an old belief that if you buy 7 apples without haggling, take them to church and read the money plot in the light, the ritual will help you instantly attract wealth into your life, having received a lot of money from fate.

  • Green Christmastide (Spiritual Day) Trinity Semik or Pentecost is all the same Orthodox and pagan holiday with which many folk customs and rituals are associated with the reading of conspiracies and spells, celebrated in addition to the church celebration on June 19. If you perform an ancient ritual for wealth on Trinity Day or read a spell for love and marriage, the spirits will certainly fulfill your request and your wish will come true very quickly. Green Christmastide for Trinity lasts a whole week and is called Trinity Week, so anyone who wants to change their destiny and improve their life has a whole week of green Christmastide to independently carry out the ancient ritual and, after reading the conspiracy, get everything they want from life. Next, the conspiracies will teach you how to correctly perform a money ritual for wealth on Trinity Sunday so that there is always money in the house.

  • The holiday of the god Perun - Perun's Day is celebrated (July 20) On August 2, this pagan holiday, the date of which coincided with the holiday of Elijah's Day, which is dedicated to Elijah the Prophet. If on Perun's week on Ilya's day (Ilya the Prophet) you perform a magical ritual for money and good luck and independently read a strong conspiracy - a prayer, then the person who performed this ritual will no longer know the need for anything. Big money and good luck in all matters will be with him all year.

  • Paying off from lack of money will help you independently remove the money curse of poverty, lack of money and ruin by performing a simple ritual to remove damage with matches and water. Conspiracies will tell you how to quickly and independently remove the fate of lack of money and failure from yourself, your family or another person; a ritual is done - removing the lack of money for matches and water. Pour holy water into a glass; if there is none in the house, pour plain water and lower the sacred cross or body icon into it and read the Lord’s Prayer three times. After this, the water is sanctified and you can perform a ritual that can remove any monetary damage and ward off the curse of poverty, lack of money and ruin. How to remove the crown of lack of money:

    Summer pagan holidays on Rusal Week are, of course, Ivan Kupalo Day. If you perform a magical ritual on Kupala to attract wealth, then a person will always have money, allowing him to live in wealth and luxury. Rusal Week was and remains an important pagan holiday, and on Kupala to this day, honoring the traditions of ancestors, it is customary to read conspiracies and perform ritual ceremonies with the reading of spells and conspiracies for money to attract wealth. The time for reading a conspiracy for money on the day of Ivan Kupala is only suitable in the evening, and preferably midnight from July 6 to 7, this is the time when Midsummer Day begins (Ivan Kupala(a)).

  • A conspiracy ritual for money performed independently on Trinity will help to attract wealth and a lot of money. As soon as you read the conspiracy prayer to attract financial well-being and monetary wealth, you will stop needing money and your life will improve. A spell for money read on Trinity is the most powerful and surest magical way to get rid of poverty and poverty and live richly, but there is also a downside to this plot - it needs to be redone annually strictly on the day of the Holy Trinity! Money plot for Trinity