What is needed for a gold medal. What does a gold medal give?

Since 2009, benefits for admission to universities have been abolished for graduates who received a gold medal for excellent studies at school. The event caused a storm of indignation and a lot of public questions that have not subsided to this day. Let's try to figure out why a gold medal is needed at school, how to get it and what advantages does it give to a future student?

The Graduation Award is awarded to students whose final grades over the two senior years have been exceptionally excellent. Earning a 5.0 GPA is not as easy as it seems. To get the highest grade, a student must not only complete all tests and independent work with “excellent” marks, but also complete homework and study extra hard. Good relationships with teachers can also affect the final result. For some time now, namely since the introduction of the Unified State Exam, the life of an ordinary school student has become significantly more complicated. To prepare well for the final certification, you need to attend various electives and electives. Many students use the services of individual tutors, who coach them in solving tests and give advice on writing essays and compositions. Both “weak” students and those who are competing for medals work with tutors. Oddly enough, both Olympiad students and excellent students use the services of individual teachers. Nowadays, competition has increased significantly, so a gold medal at school is not a reason to relax and give up studying. If C and A students study new material with the help of tutors and cram theory, then excellent students need practice and experience in solving the Unified State Exam.

Despite the fact that for some time now, a gold medal in school does not mean anything by law when entering a university, university rectors have the right to independently decide whether to take into account information about an applicant’s receipt of a medal or not. It is possible that the admissions committee will separately consider graduates who received a medal, but this does not give special rights to admission. If previously a gold medal at school guaranteed an easier task in entrance exams and preferential entry into a prestigious university, now such privileges have completely lost their force. However, benefits for Olympiad participants remained. Winners and laureates of all-Russian and world competitions in the field of science and sports have the right to enter a university on special grounds. As it became known, in the future it is planned that the winners of regional and republican Olympiads will have the opportunity to enter a university in their region on preferential terms.

Despite all the facts that speak against receiving it, a school medal remains a special sign of distinction that distinguishes a student with abilities, an intellectual, from an ordinary average graduate. The medal is a source of pride for parents of teachers and relatives of the future student. Medalists are also invited to a special ball, where government officials, ministers of education and the elite of the city (republic) gather. At the ball, graduates are awarded silver and gold trophies, diplomas and gifts. According to the classical scheme, the celebration ends with a buffet in honor of the best graduates.

Surely each of us thought or even dreamed that it would be great to receive a gold medal for successfully completing school... But, unfortunately, not many succeeded. Now imagine what responsibility the graduates have taken upon themselves, whose names are now on the lists of the best, whose photographs hang on the honor boards. Their excellent knowledge in this or that area will be remembered for many years within the walls of the school by teachers and management. Their names will often be on the lips of class teachers. The whole class talked about these students, they were praised and scolded, they were admired and offended, but they persevered and, despite everything, received their well-deserved medal!

Does a modern schoolchild need a gold medal? What benefits does it provide? How to get this prestigious award? Let's figure it out together.

The gold medal is presented in a ceremonial atmosphere

A little about the history of the award

The first gold medal was given to a student in 1828, back in the Russian Empire. Since then it has been canceled several times, then brought back again. The last cancellation took place at the end of 2013. The reason is that medals were issued in huge quantities, and not always justifiably. In addition, then they did not provide any advantages during admission. This decision of the Ministry of Education and Science caused a negative reaction from society, so it was revised by the State Duma. In May 2014, the president signed a decree according to which schools began again issuing gold medals to students “for special achievements in learning.”

How to get a gold medal?

The decision to issue a gold medal is made by the school’s teachers’ council and coordinated with the local department of the Ministry of Education. To receive the reward, you must fulfill certain conditions:

  • Have final grades “excellent” in all subjects of the compulsory school curriculum for the 10th and 11th grades.
  • Successfully pass the final certification - score above the minimum on the Unified State Exam.

In addition, the teaching council takes into account:

  • The student’s behavior must be exemplary.
  • Active participation in the social and sports life of the school.
  • Achievements at district, city or regional Olympiads.

Gold medal - a prestigious award for special academic achievements

What are the benefits of a gold medal?

Of course, a medal will not open doors to all universities in the country, but it will still provide you with some bonuses. Upon admission she gives:

  • additional points that are added to the Unified State Exam results;
  • advantage for admission if you and another applicant without a medal score the same number of points.

To confirm that you have a gold medal, you must provide the admissions committee with a certificate.

How many points do universities award for a gold medal?

Upon admission in 2018, you can receive up to 10 additional points inclusive. Each university decides which numbers to set independently. Information about additional points can be obtained on the official website of a particular university. To do this, you need to find the “Individual Achievements” section in the admission rules. Here are the additional points set by some famous educational institutions in the country in 2018:

Each year the points may be different.

Each university sets the number of additional points for a gold medal independently.

Legislation does not stand still - the conditions for receiving the medal are becoming more stringent, and its holders receive additional benefits. The main emphasis is on ensuring that medals are awarded deservedly and objectively. Everything is in your hands, go for it!


Not long ago, the government, under pressure from the parent community, reconsidered its decision to abolish benefits for silver and gold medalists when entering universities.

And so the corresponding corrections were made to the documents, and they came into force in September 2014.

And this is true: it is better to educate excellent students who “gnaw the granite of science” day and night and, most likely, will study just as hard at the institute, than to give preference to paid students, whose responsible attitude to their studies remains a big question.

general information

Let us immediately note that now educational institutions intend to take into account the indicators of the average score of the school certificate, point values ​​from the EGE certificate.

A bit of history: medals began to be given out for diligent study back in the 17th century.

Over the past centuries, awards have changed their content and size, they have been canceled and reintroduced several times.

The last time they were canceled was on 01/01/2014, and already on May 20, 2014 it was decided to return the school medals again. Now they are called differently: “For special achievements in learning” and are issued to students who have excellent final grades in all disciplines in their certificate after successfully passing all final tests.

The highest standard medal is gold. A silver medal was awarded if there were 2 B grades in the certificate. Currently, Silver is not issued at the federal level, but regional authorities have the right to produce and award them independently.

Along with the return of school medals, it was decided to return admission benefits to applicants who earned them.

Enrollment will take place in two stages.

The first will distribute the first 80% of budget places, and the second will distribute the remaining 20%.

For now, many issues remain the responsibility of the regions.

They decide on the issue of financial incentives for graduates with medals, choose the material from which they will be cast, and even count their number in advance.

What will additional points be awarded for?

So, the most valuable information:

  1. Gold and silver medals.

    It is expected that students will be encouraged not only for excellent studies, but also for sporting achievements, for success in scientific, creative, and social activities.

    For excellent studies, students will receive gold medals " For special achievements in learning».

    Having a medal will increase the EGE result to 10 points. The number of points is currently determined by educational institutions independently. For example, Moscow State University adds 6 points for a gold medal, and for an essay from 0 to 10 points.

  2. Composition. The procedure for recording results is determined by the educational institution itself. Presumably, up to 10 points will be added for a good essay.
  3. Portfolio(excellent certificate, achievements in music, sports, art). The system for calculating allowances is not yet fully formed, and the values ​​of the indicators may change. The winners of sports competitions of various ranks (from the Olympic Games to passing the GTO standards) are especially highlighted.
  4. Conducting volunteer activities(no more than 4 years from the date of completion and until admission).

No matter how many copies our legislators throw, and no matter what proposals they make, receiving a medal of the highest dignity for excellent study is a lot of work, which must be encouraged.


The school awards a gold medal to students for excellent teaching. Such students are the real pride of any school. But the requirements for receiving a medal are very high. Is such an award justified and what does it give when entering a university?

1Will a gold medal help me get in?

Previously, a gold medal opened the door to any higher institution. The student did not take the entrance exams, but only had an interview. Today, a gold medal will help with admission only if the medalist and another applicant score the same number of points. In such a controversial situation, the place will be given to the medalist.

2) Medal and university

Students who received a gold medal are listed in a special account with the dean's office. It is the medalists who are chosen to become group leaders. According to the pattern, students with such an award graduate from the university with honors. Therefore, teachers have special hopes for such students.

3) How to get a gold medal at school?

A student who wants to get a gold medal must understand that he must devote all his time to studying. The main conditions are:

  • In all subjects included in the school curriculum, the student must have an “excellent” grade.
  • You cannot study externally
  • It is prohibited to retake exams in order to improve your score.

All admission benefits are already a thing of the past. The gold medalist is equal to all applicants. And at school, such students are strictly controlled by local education authorities.


An excellent student is the pride of the family and school. A beautiful certificate, numerous certificates and, finally, a medal testify to the intellectual abilities and efforts of the student. What does having a gold or silver medal give to a graduate? Adukar will tell you what bonuses the medalist has.

How to get a medal?

To graduate from high school with a medal, you must receive certificate of completion of basic secondary education with honors.

It is issued to students whose grades for the 8th and 9th grades in all academic subjects are at least 9 points. Only physical education (an annual grade of at least 6 or a “pass” mark for students exempt from classes in the main group), labor training and drawing (not less than “6” per year) do not count. The behavior in the diary is exemplary. Exams for 9th grade for “9” / “10”.

If a child is exempt from the exam, he is given an annual mark for the subject. Therefore, he will also receive a certificate with honors.

Golden medal assigned to a graduate whose grades in the 10th and 11th grades in all subjects are not lower than “9”, except for physical education (the annual grade is not lower than “6” or has a “passed” mark), pre-conscription and medical training (minimum “6” per year), exemplary behavior. The exams were passed excellently.

Vladislav Avsievich graduated from the Dzerzhinsk gymnasium with a gold medal, received 100 points in the Belarusian language

silver medal is awarded to a student when, in high school, in addition to physical education and pre-conscription and medical training, he has grades of at least 6 points in a maximum of two subjects per year. Even if an exam is taken in the same subjects. The main thing is to pass them with no less than 6 points. Behavior must be exemplary.

Let’s say that in the 10th grade a child has a “7” in English for the year, and a “6” in algebra. In the 11th grade, annual grades in these subjects are excellent, but the exams were passed at “8” and “7”, respectively. If all other conditions are met, he will receive a silver medal.

In case of exemption from the exam, the annual mark is duplicated.

How much gold and silver are there in medals? Not at all. They are made of copper, and the shine of precious metals is given to them by coating with titanium (“silver”) or titanium nitride (“gold”) with ion-plasma sputtering. Such a medal has no material value

The rules for awarding students with a gold or silver medal are regulated by paragraphs 3, 4 of Article 98 of the Education Code.

What does a gold or silver medal give?

Admission to university without exams

Medalists are accepted into the pedagogical specialty without internal exams and CT, provided that the applicant has a recommendation from the pedagogical council of the school or gymnasium from which he graduated.

List of pedagogical specialties where medalists will be accepted without exams

Advantage when entering a university

If there is an equal number of points, the admissions committee considers the merits of the applicants. A medal is a good ace in the hole, but it is far from the first: social status (orphans and half-orphans) is a more powerful argument for enrollment without competition.

As you can see, there are not many bonuses, but you need to put in a lot of effort. A high certificate score can happen without a medal. Balance the efforts made and the expected benefits.

Interested in this topic? Read right now about the benefits of participating in and winning computer science Olympiads.

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A gold medal at the end of school is a worthy reward for a student’s hard work. To receive a medal, it is not enough to get straight A's; it is also important to take an active part in school life. We will tell you what needs to be done to receive a medal and what prospects it opens up in the future in our review article.

The gold medal began its history in Russia in 1828. However, after the October Revolution, the presentation of gold and silver medals was cancelled. She returned in May 1945 thanks to Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR No. 1247. Until 2012, changes occurred with the gold medal, but they concerned more the external image than the reward of students.

In 2013, the department of the Ministry of Education and Science decided not to award gold medals at the federal level; instead, they issued a certificate with honors, similar in appearance to the gold medal certificate. The right to award medals was left to the regional authorities.

But in 2014, the President of the Russian Federation signed a law that provides for the return of the gold medal to the federal level.

Some students are interested in the question: is it true that it is gold? An interesting fact in the history of the medal: between 1946 and 1954, it was actually cast from 583-carat gold, weighing approximately 10.5 grams.

But what is a modern gold medal made of? The academic honors symbol now consists of an alloy of copper, zinc and nickel. But the coating is made of pure gold weighing 0.3 grams. It is noteworthy that the embossing on the certificate, which is attached to the gold medal, is also made with gold plating.

The design of the medal has also undergone some changes. Now the medal on one side has the inscription “For special achievements in learning,” and on the other side a double-headed eagle has appeared. In 2007, an image of the Russian tricolor appeared under the eagle.

Please note: To make a medal shine, do not rub it with an eraser. This will damage the special varnish layer and the medal will quickly darken.

Conditions under which the award of a medal is guaranteed

  1. According to the law, the main and main condition for receiving a medal is the final grade “excellent” obtained in all subjects within the school curriculum in the 10th and 11th grades. In addition, an A must be achieved in all subjects on the final assessment.
  2. The decision to award the medal is made by a meeting of the teaching staff and confirmed by the director of the educational institution. Documents for approval are submitted to the local department of the Ministry of Education.
  3. If the student received full-time education, it is possible to be exempt from physical education for health reasons. Students studying externally and at home, unfortunately, cannot count on a medal.

These are the basic requirements for a student. But just being an excellent student is not enough. It is at the teachers' council that the decision on awards is made. What can influence a positive decision by teachers?

  • As a rule, a teacher loves his job and his subject. Therefore, by showing interest in science, you can gain the teacher’s loyal attitude, attracting certain attention to your person;
  • a special “tick” in favor of the medal will be participation in Olympiads, both district and city or regional scale;
  • taking an active part in the life of the school, it doesn’t matter what it will be: creative competitions or work as a designer. The attention of not only teachers is attracted, but also of more “senior” staff: the director and head teachers. Participation in sports competitions, speaking for the honor of the school, can serve this purpose;
  • It is desirable that there is no re-certification to increase scores during the course of study.

It is naive to believe that by studying “somehow” for 9 years, you can get a gold medal if you tighten up your studies a little. Whatever one may say, the teacher’s opinion about the student has been formed over the years, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to radically change the attitude. The maximum you can achieve is the status of a “promising” student. Therefore, it is necessary to study starting from the 5th grade.

Just recently, a gold medal opened doors to literally all universities in the country. It was enough to pass an interview with the admissions committee. But starting from 2009, medalists are equal to all graduates, and admission to the university is based on the average score of the certificate and the results of the Unified State Examination. The only thing that the medal contributes to is that it will only add priority in choosing between two students with the same average score, and sometimes this is a significant help in the framework of high competitions for admission to a budget place.

A gold medal is not just a reward, it is an incentive to be first, a reality to strengthen your character and demonstrate the qualities of a leader. And also the opportunity to get into a fairy tale by taking part in a real ball for graduates with medals.

Information, addresses, documents, reviews.

New rules for issuing school gold medals.

From 2018, schools will only issue medals if they successfully pass the Unified State Exam. This rule will spread throughout the country and is intended to eliminate cases of biased awarding of gold and silver medals.

◑ School medals? - only according to merit!

The scandal in the Adyghe school with the undeserved issuance of a gold medal served as an impetus for measures taken by Rosobrnadzor.

The Public Council under Rosobrnadzor suggested that the department take into account the results of the Unified State Exam when issuing gold medals to school graduates.

Gold medal at school– this is probably the first treasured trophy that students dream of.

School gold or silver medal(officially - medal " For special achievements in learning") - a badge of honor issued upon completion of secondary general education in schools in Russia and the countries of the former USSR. The medal is one of the main types of reward for high school graduates for academic success.

Medal " For special achievements in learning", is also a badge of honor for graduates of 11th grade, received a final “5” in all subjects of the school curriculum for the last two years of study.

Most recently, the gold medal " For special achievements in learning“opened the doors of all universities, but in recent years its prestige has significantly lost ground.

Numerous cases where schoolchildren who passed the Unified State Exam were awarded medals attracted public attention.

According to one of the initiators of the project, the rector of the Moscow Pedagogical University, today the Unified State Exam is the most effective way to assess a student’s knowledge. Moreover, this method has already been proven, transparent, and the objectivity of the assessment is quite high.

The head of Rosobrnadzor, Sergei Kravtsov, believes that the conditions for awarding medals should be transparent and understandable to both children and parents.

“It is important that they are not used for personal gain. An honest Unified State Exam has led to students immediately noticing and reacting to any form of incorrect assessment based on additional criteria. Especially in the situation with medals that are included in the portfolio and taken into account when entering a university"- said Sergei Kravtsov.

As noted by the press service of Rosobrnadzor, members of the Public Council, for their part, declared their readiness to analyze existing practice and present reasoned proposals for including USE results among the criteria for issuing medals.

The capital already has such experience.

In order to receive a medal for a Moscow schoolchild, in addition to all the requirements, it is necessary to score more than 220 points in three USE subjects.

Sergei Kravtsov assured that Rosobrnadzor is open to dialogue and is ready to accumulate expert proposals.

Already from the 2017-2018 academic year, gold medals " For special achievements in learning"will be issued only taking into account the results of the Unified State Examination.

◑ Who can receive a school medal? Let's summarize.

What medal can a graduate receive?

Now schoolchildren can be nominated for a medal "For special achievements in learning". This is an analogue of the gold and silver medals for schoolchildren, which replaced them in 2014.

A graduate of the 11th grade can receive a medal “For special achievements in learning” if he has one of the achievements:

  • he will become the winner or prize-winner of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren;
  • he will score the maximum number of points on the Unified State Exam (USE) in one academic subject (Russian language or mathematics);
  • excellent” and when passing the Unified State Exam, he will score a total of at least 220 points in three academic subjects.

Disabled child, completing 11th grade can receive a medal not only for the above achievements, but also in the following cases:

  • he will have final grades in all academic subjects " Great“and when passing the Unified State Exam, he will score a total of at least 146 points in two compulsory subjects - Russian language and mathematics (profile level);
  • he will have final grades in all academic subjects " Great“and when passing the Unified State Exam, he will score at least 73 points in the Russian language and at least 5 points in mathematics (basic level).

* Important condition: Students whose violations were recorded during the Unified State Examination are not nominated for an award.

What benefits does the medal “For Exceptional Achievement in Education” provide?

  • Each university has the right to award applicants additional points to their Unified State Exam scores for certain individual achievements.
  • In total - no more than 10. The medal “For Special Achievement in Education” is one of such achievements. Usually 2-3 points are added for it (each university has its own way).
  • In addition, if several people vying for the same place score the same number of points, the medalist will have an advantage.

What are the conditions for receiving a gold medal in the 2017/2018 academic year?

If possible, then in detail (how many B's can you have in six months, and is it possible at all, etc.).

If you want to graduate from school with a gold medal, then in all subjects you must have an excellent grade, that is, 5, there should be no Bs. Also in 2018, in order to receive a gold medal, you must pass the Unified State Exam with honors.

that is, must be A's in all subjects in all four semesters?

or that the final grades would be A's in all subjects? (for example, in the tenth grade for the first half of the year it was 5, for the second 4, and in the eleventh grade for the first half of the year 5 and for the second half of the year 5, (5+4+5+5) \4=4.75 round up, it turns out 5) — 4 months ago

In order to get a gold medal A graduating class student must have final grades of “excellent9” in each subject. What is important is not only for grade 11, but also for grade 10. In addition, it is necessary to successfully pass the Unified State Exam, i.e., gain the required number of points. Only in this In this case, the graduate can count on receiving a gold medal. More information about the order and procedure for issuing the medal can be found here.

Previously, you just had to get excellent grades for the tenth and eleventh grade, but this turned out to be not enough. Now, in order to receive a gold medal, a school student needs not only to work on his lessons at school, but also to pass the Unified State Exam in all subjects, which he passes not well, but excellently. And pass it in such a way that the score is in accordance with the new requirements. The medal will not be issued before the Unified State Exam. It will be issued only when the results are available, and also only if they are excellent.

|Dmitry Nikolaev | 18199

The name “gold medal” alone sounds solid, respectful and speaks volumes. Not only about the intellectual abilities of the one who received it, but rather about perseverance, perseverance, and the ability to achieve the goal.

Place of study:, Cheboksary.

Selected university: I don’t want to name a specific university yet; at the moment, the main thing is to successfully pass the exams.
I would really like to study at a university on a budget basis.

Hobbies: I have many hobbies, but vocals are my priority.

Motto: Live, improve, don't miss your chance.

Our interlocutor, an 11th grade student at Cheboksary school No. 55, a candidate for a gold medal, talks about the intense training program, preparation for the Unified State Exam, and a little about herself. Yes, and about the gold medal, of course :)

- A very popular topic today is the workload of high school students: there are a lot of subjects, a lot of lessons, graduates also need to prepare for the Unified State Exam - in general, there is practically no free time left. How true is this for you and your classmates?

The workload is really very high. Take me: almost every day, three hours are spent on homework, at least two hours preparing for the Unified State Exam - and so on throughout the school year. I think this applies to my classmates too - especially to those who are seriously thinking about entering a university for in-demand specialties. So there is only one way out: if you want to get good results on the Unified State Exam, do not waste time on preparation.

- There is very little left before the state exam. What subjects did you choose? How are you preparing? What grade are you expecting?

After graduating from school, I plan to enter the medical faculty, so in addition to the mandatory exams in Russian and mathematics, I will take chemistry and biology. The desire to become a doctor is hereditary for me, my dad is also a doctor, and, following his example, I would also like to help people.

At our school, according to the profile level, we added hours of Russian language, mathematics and social studies (about eighty percent of the class are going to take it) - a total of three to five hours weekly. But since I am taking the Unified State Exam in chemistry and biology, I would like to devote more time to these subjects than allotted in the schedule. Additional classes at school (thanks to the teachers for their cooperation), tutors and independent work come to the rescue.

- Where do you see yourself in 10-15 years?

I didn’t look that far :) For me now it is much more important to successfully enter a university, and then to study just as successfully and graduate successfully. Probably, like many people my age, I dream of some grand discovery that will bring something new to science.

- Your generation is often reproached for simply not liking reading, as if a computer with games and social networks is a higher priority. What place does literature occupy in your life, and how much does it lose to the virtual world?

Unfortunately, I hardly read fiction lately. There is practically not enough time for it, since most of it is spent on the books necessary for the exam.

Well, social networks and passion for computers are typical for all my peers. I won’t say that it takes me a lot of time to “contact” or “classmates”, but I have already gotten used to them, so I use them quite often.

- The topic of the next question: your free time.

At the Children's Creativity Center, I have been studying vocals for a long time, and for a short time I was also interested in dancing. I take part in various school events with pleasure; we recently held a School Arts Festival, where my skills were useful.

Of course, I love spending time in the company of close friends who will always understand, help and cheer me up.

- Most likely, you will be a medalist. How difficult is it to get a gold medal today?

To be honest, it's difficult. It is necessary that in the 10th and 11th grades there should be only “A” grades in all subjects for half a year: this can only be achieved through persistent, persistent work and the pursuit of the goal.

Unfortunately, today a gold medal no longer provides the advantages for admission that it had before, and medalists are admitted on a general basis. But this does not mean that you should not try to get a medal. Even if there are no benefits for entrance exams, a medal is still a source of pride. Pride in myself, in my successes, achievements, determination, that I was still able to...

Many people think that excellent performance at school is in vain. But it is not so. After all, at the end of the educational process you can always receive a medal made of gold or silver. Of course, it is not entirely made of such materials. But in fact it is even more expensive. After all, a lot of effort goes into it. And how to get a gold medal at school will be discussed further.

How can a schoolchild get a gold medal?

There are several points in the legislation that allow you to receive this distinction. In particular, you must:

  • Receive a final grade of “Excellent” in all subjects for grades 10 and 11;
  • Have an A in each subject separately in the final assessment;
  • Be nominated for medals at the school teachers' council;
  • Study full-time. If you took everything externally, then there is no medal.

At the same time, you just won’t be able to study well. After all, there is also a human factor here. This is how the district education department also considers candidates for medals from the school.

How to get a silver medal at school?

A silver medal is also a high award. It can be obtained under the same conditions as “gold”.

In this case, a student can have up to 2 “B” grades in various subjects in grades 10-11. This means that these fours are final, and not just in quarters.

In this case, your candidacy must also be submitted by teachers. And the district education department is considering it.

It is worth noting that grades in creative subjects are not included in the competition for a medal. In particular, if you were bad at PE, you can still get a reward. This subject is not considered important, since it is difficult to evaluate students on equal terms.

Important Features

In addition to the study itself, the student’s attitude towards learning is also considered. If you behave defiantly all the time and frankly do not want to study, then the teachers at school simply will not nominate you.

Much depends on your activity. So, if you take part in Olympiads and various competitions, then you are more likely to be given a medal.

At the same time, those who studied poorly for 9 years and only then came to their senses do not become medalists. Such people are not nominated for the position of medalists.

In fact, the fight for a medal must begin from grades 5-7. These are unofficial starting points for considering you as a promising student. There is no point in hoping for awards anymore.

Why is this necessary?

Until recently, medalists could enter any university through an interview without official exams. But since 2009 the rules have changed.

Today everyone takes the Unified State Exam and gets into college based on their overall scores. Medals only matter when many people have the same scores. In such a situation, medalists have privileges.

Thus, you can use school gold and silver medals only in the fight for prestigious educational places, where there is really a lot of competition. They also have enormous moral significance.

And most importantly, gold and silver medals are not made of gold and silver! They only have a coating of expensive metals, the weight of which is no more than 0.3 grams. Therefore, you should not think that such an attribute of fame can be sold or exchanged for something valuable.