What to draw a guy with a pencil. How to draw a man's portrait with a pencil

Almost every person wants to have their own portrait at home, which is considered one of the most complex drawings what an artist can draw. It is not surprising that there is a great demand for this type of drawings. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the beginner and experienced artist The point is to step by step improve your skills in drawing a person’s facial features, because through the face you can convey not only gender and age, but also the character and temperament of a person. According to their characteristics, portraits are divided into three types: children's, women's and men's. Today we will learn to draw the last view - male portrait with a simple pencil . It has its own characteristics and secrets, which we will tell you about in this step-by-step lesson.

Tools and materials:

  1. White sheet of paper.
  2. A simple pencil.
  3. Eraser.

Stages of work:

Photo 1. Using a simple pencil, outline the height and width of the man’s face. The size is different for each person, but the average height is one and a half times greater than the width. This is what you should focus on:

Photo 2. We draw the portrait from the frontal view, so the task becomes a little easier. We make the right and left sides symmetrical. Let's draw the rounded frontal part, and on top we'll outline the cheekbones and chin:

Photo 3. On the upper part of the face we will draw an oblique line along which we will later place the hair. We retreat a small distance on the sides and fix it (for the ears). Draw a curved line above the frontal part to determine the height of the hair:

Photo 4. Draw a center line across the entire face. It's no secret that it helps make facial features more even. To find the location of the eyes, you need to divide the entire height of the head in half, which we did by drawing a horizontal line. Now let's add the height of the nose. It is located just above the middle of the eye and chin lines:

Photo 5. Next, draw the width of the mouth. From the extreme corners of the nose we will draw lines that widen towards the bottom. And from the chin we will draw parallel lines. These four lines intersect approximately halfway between the nose and chin:

Photo 6. Let's draw the nose, determining its width. Add ears. They will cover the top slightly with hair:

Photo 7. Our man will have wide eyebrows. For now, let's outline their width using a line. We are in no hurry to work out their details. Let's draw the shape of the hair and the lower part of the face, softening the lines:

Photo 8. Now we can add the eyes. It is important not to over-dark here, so we make the lines light. Shade the eyebrows and draw the nose:

Photo 9. Let's move on to the lips. We make them of medium size with pointed edges. We make the chin round:

Photo 10. At this stage, we will outline the location of the stubble near the nose:

Photo 11. Using a simple pencil, highlight the main features of the face: contour, eyes, nose:

Photo 12. We begin to shade the face. First you need to draw the edges of the face:

Photo 13. Now let's make strokes on both sides of the nose, upper lip and the inside of the eyes:

Photo 14. Thanks to greater pressure on the pencil, we highlight the eyes and eyebrows:

Photo 15. Let's draw a shadow on the cheekbones, beard and hair:

Photo 16. We continue to increase the saturation of the shadows and work out the details:

Photo 17. From below, draw the guy’s neck, shoulders and clothes using simple lines. We enhance the contrast of the face by highlighting the cheekbones, mouth and eyes:

Do you want to learn how to beautifully draw men with pumped up muscles and sexy bodies? Nothing could be easier! In this lesson the author will share fundamental principles, tips and tricks for drawing a muscular male body.

Before I start, I have to ask something: have you ever been upset that you couldn't draw a young man properly?

You can't build a house without a drawing. This means that you must sketch FIRST, then draw.

Let's start! To begin with, we must note where it will be head starts, And end with feet. Then connect these points with a line.

This will help you control the hero's growth without going beyond the sheet.



Let's compare SMALLER MUSCLE With MORE

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Click on the picture to view the image in full size and 100% quality.

Click on the picture to view the image in full size and 100% quality.


Do you struggle with realistic shading of objects? It's not that complicated. Watch and remember.

A sphere in 2D is a colored circle surrounded by a black line.

Already better! The sphere took on a more realistic appearance thanks to different levels of shadows (1).
But this is not ideal yet... why?

Here! Now you're done! Noticed the changes?
- A thin strip appears under the soft shadow - this is a reflected shadow (2). In addition, a shadow appeared on the surface on which the sphere lies and the color of surrounding objects falling on the sphere (3).
- The sphere was blurry, but the area near the shadows was sharp (4).

From points 1, 2, 3 and 4 the following conclusions can be drawn:
1) On any subject there is different levels Sveta. Even the thinnest sheet of paper has dark and light areas. Your task is to convey this gradient of light, which gives volume and realism to the subject.
2) Any object has its own depth, which is emphasized by a reflected shadow.
3) In reality, there are no lines, only colors that give shape to this or that object. We must use the shape of the object to match it with the right colors.
4) There are no absolutely clear objects. Even the tip sharp knife has irregularities. We must convey these boundaries of clarity and blurriness, based on our feelings and views.

Depicting people is difficult and requires some artistic skills, as well as basic knowledge of the structure human body. Such skills will greatly facilitate the process, but this does not mean that beginners cannot figure out how to draw a human figure, for example, a guy.

In the lesson below we will look in detail at how to draw a guy in several ways. Having become familiar with them, even an artist with no experience will be able to do it quickly and beautifully.

Body type

First of all, let's look at how to draw a guy step by step. It makes sense to study on such step by step examples, and start with a normal figure, standing straight, without pronounced individual characteristics. This will help you understand the basic sequence and essence of the process.

Stage 1
You should draw a guy step by step by first marking your workspace. To do this, use a ruler to divide the sheet into five equally spaced horizontal lines.

In the first upper part, using an oval, draw the base for the head. The face is marked by dividing it into 4 parts as shown below.

From this oval we will draw a perpendicular downward until it intersects with the third horizontal marking line - this will be the spine. We also note the position of the shoulders in the upper part.

The first stage is completed by marking the position of the arms: down from the line showing the position of the shoulders.

Stage 2
The resulting sketch now needs to be given volume. Let's start with the neck and cervical-collar area.

Then you can mark the main parts of the head - hair, eyes, nose, ears and mouth - in accordance with the existing auxiliary lines.

The body should occupy a distance approximately equal to the distance between the auxiliary parallel lines.

At the end we add volume to the legs.

Stage 3
The final element of drawing will be the detailing of the sketch. And we will also start from the top: we will work the collarbones and arm muscles. Then let's clarify the face and hair.

Let's draw the chest and abdominal muscles.

It remains to clarify the legs.

At the very end, we remove unnecessary and auxiliary elements, outline the contour with a denser line, and create the relief with thinner lines and shading.

Second example

Having an understanding of the main stages and features of drawing a human figure, you can try to draw a guy with a pencil. Let's look at the process using the example of an image of a realistic cartoon character.

First of all, we mark out the workspace.

In the upper third of the marking we will draw the head of the desired shape.

The lower part is occupied by the legs.

Then we mark our hands one by one. In our case, they are freely lowered down.

Let's clarify the hands.

The finished figure can be “dressed” in any clothes. Our hero wears jeans and a long-sleeved T-shirt.

In this example, we can see that figuring out how to draw a guy with a pencil is not so difficult.

Guy's head

In the example below we will look in more detail at how to draw a guy's face.

Let's start, as usual, with markup. In the proposed example, the basis looks like this:

Then we will give clearer features to the oval of the face, clarifying the chin and neck.

In accordance with the proportions specified in the sketch, we will draw the face.

If you are planning individual details, such as headphones, now is the time to depict them.

To complete the look, let's work on the hair.

After this, if necessary, we complete the neck, torso, or full-length character.

At the end, we outline the outline with a pen or a thin felt-tip pen and remove the auxiliary lines.

Depending on the desired result, fill the drawing with color or add volume with a pen or pencil.

This concludes the analysis of the sequence of how to draw a guy’s face.

Anime style

And let’s finish this series of lessons by reviewing the main stages of drawing a character from popular Japanese cartoons.

The sequence explaining how to draw an anime guy also starts with markup that looks like this:

Let's denote the body with two ovals, which we will later connect to each other.

But before that, let's mark the position of the hands. In the example under consideration, they are crossed on the chest.

After this, we will combine the parts of the body and create a single outline of the figure.

All that remains is to remove the extra lines with an eraser and work out the details of the body and clothing.

We will fill the finished image with color or shading.

In this way you can draw not only an anime guy, but also any animation character.