What helps Andrei Sokolov endure the trials of fate? (Based on the story “The Fate of a Man” by M.A. Sholokhov). OGE. The life path of Andrei Sokolov. (Based on Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of Man”) What helped Andrei Sokolov survive

Sholokhov's work is closely connected with the era in which he lived. His works are a special view of life. This is the look of an adult, seasoned by the harsh reality of a person who loves his homeland and appreciates people who faced danger with their breasts. These people died so that we could live in a free country, so that tears of happiness would shine in the eyes of their children.

During the Great Patriotic War, Sholokhov set himself the goal of strengthening love for the homeland among the Soviet people. The story “The Fate of a Man,” written in 1957, is an amazing work about how two souls, tormented by the horrors of the war years, find support and the meaning of life in each other.

Andrei Sokolov is an ordinary person, his fate is similar to thousands of other destinies, his life is similar to many other lives. The main character of the story endured the trials that befell him with enviable fortitude. He remembered very well the difficult separation from his family when he went to the front. He cannot forgive himself for pushing away his wife during farewell, who had a presentiment that this was their last meeting: “I forcibly separated her hands and lightly pushed her on the shoulders. It seemed like I pushed lightly, but my strength was stupid; She backed away, took three steps, and again walked towards me in small steps, holding out her arms.”

At the beginning of spring, Andrei Sokolov was wounded twice, shell-shocked, and, worst of all, captured. The hero had to endure inhumane trials in fascist captivity, but, nevertheless, he did not break. Andrei still managed to escape, and he again returned to the ranks of the Red Army. This man also suffered a tragic death. He hears terrible news on the last day of the war: “Take courage, father! Your son, captain Sokolov, was killed today at the battery.”

Andrei Sokolov has amazing courage and spiritual strength; the horrors he experienced do not make him embittered. The main character wages a continuous struggle within himself and emerges victorious. This man, who lost people close to him during the Great Patriotic War, finds the meaning of life in Vanyusha, who was also left an orphan: “Such a little ragamuffin: his face is covered in watermelon juice, covered with dust, dirty as dust, unkempt, and his eyes are like stars. at night after the rain! It is this boy with “eyes as bright as the sky” who becomes the new life of the main character.

Vanyusha’s meeting with Sokolov was significant for both. The boy, whose father died at the front and whose mother was killed on the train, still hopes that he will be found: “Dad, dear! I know that you will find me! You'll find it anyway! I’ve been waiting for so long for you to find me.” Andrei Sokolov’s fatherly feelings for someone else’s child awaken: “He snuggled up to me and trembles all over, like a blade of grass in the wind. And there’s a fog in my eyes and I’m also shaking all over, and my hands are shaking...”

The glorious hero of the story again performs some kind of spiritual, and perhaps moral, feat when he takes the boy for himself. He helps him get on his feet and feel needed. This child became a kind of “medicine” for Andrei’s crippled soul: “I went to bed with him and for the first time in a long time fell asleep peacefully. ... I’ll wake up, and he’ll be nestled under my arm, like a sparrow under cover, quietly snoring, and my soul becomes so joyful that I can’t even express it in words!”

“Two orphaned people, two grains of sand, thrown into foreign lands by a military hurricane of unprecedented force... what lies ahead for them?” - Maxim Aleksandrovich Sholokhov asks at the end of the story. One thing is certain - these people will still find their happiness, and it cannot be otherwise.

Sholokhov's story is imbued with a deep, bright faith in man. The title is also very symbolic, for this work expresses not only the fate of the soldier Andrei Sokolov, but also the fate of Vanyusha himself, and indeed the entire country. “And I would like to think,” writes Sholokhov, “that this Russian man, a man of inexhaustible will, will endure, and near his father’s shoulder will grow one who, having matured, will be able to withstand everything, overcome everything on his way, if the Motherland calls for it.”

I think that the heroes of "The Fate of Man" are typical of their time. Millions of people were left orphans in the brutal war of 1941-1945. But the resilience and courage of the generation that found the strength to believe and wait is amazing. People did not become embittered, but, on the contrary, united and became even stronger. Both Andrei Sokolov and Vanyusha, who is still a very small boy, are strong-willed and persistent people. Perhaps this helped them find each other.

In my opinion, Sholokhov took upon himself the sacred duty to tell humanity the harsh truth about what a huge price the Soviet people paid for the right to be free and for the right to make the next generation happy. War is cruel and heartless, it does not distinguish who is right and who is wrong, it does not spare children, women, or the elderly. Therefore, subsequent generations are obliged to know the whole truth about it.

1. What character traits of Andrei Sokolov appeared in this fragment?
2. What role do artistic details play in the above fragment?

And here it is, war. On the second day, a summons from the military registration and enlistment office, and on the third, please go to the train. All four of my friends saw me off: Irina, Anatoly and my daughters Nastenka and Olyushka. All the guys behaved well. Well, the daughters, not without that, had sparkling tears. Anatoly just shrugged his shoulders as if from the cold, by that time he was already seventeen years old, and Irina is mine... I have never seen her like this in all the seventeen years of our life together. At night, the shirt on my shoulder and chest did not dry out from her tears, and in the morning the same story... We came to the station, but I couldn’t look at her out of pity: my lips were swollen from tears, my hair had come out from under my scarf, and the eyes are dull, meaningless, like those of a person touched by the mind. The commanders announced the landing, and she fell on my chest, clasped her hands around my neck and was trembling all over, like a felled tree... And the kids tried to persuade her, and so did I - nothing helps! Other women are talking to their husbands and sons, but mine clung to me like a leaf to a branch, and only trembles all over, but cannot utter a word. I tell her: “Pull yourself together, my dear Irinka! Tell me at least a word goodbye." She says and sobs behind every word: “My dear... Andryusha... we won’t see each other... you and I... anymore... in this... world...”
Here my heart breaks to pieces out of pity for her, and here she is with these words. I should have understood that it’s not easy for me to part with them either; I wasn’t going to my mother-in-law’s for pancakes. Evil got me here! I forcibly separated her hands and lightly pushed her on the shoulders. It seemed like I pushed lightly, but my strength was stupid; She backed away, took three steps back and again walks towards me in small steps, holding out her hands, and I shout to her: “Is this really how they say goodbye? Why are you burying me alive ahead of time?!” Well, I hugged her again, I see that she is not herself...
He abruptly stopped his story mid-sentence, and in the ensuing silence I heard something bubbling and gurgling in his throat. Someone else's excitement was transmitted to me. I looked sideways at the narrator, but did not see a single tear in his seemingly dead, extinct eyes. He sat with his head bowed dejectedly, only his large, limply lowered hands trembled slightly, his chin trembled, his hard lips trembled...
- Don’t, friend, don’t remember! “I said quietly, but he probably didn’t hear my words and, by some enormous effort of will, overcoming his excitement, he suddenly said in a hoarse, strangely changed voice:
- Until my death, until my last hour, I will die, and I will not forgive myself for pushing her away then!..
He fell silent again for a long time. I tried to roll a cigarette, but the newsprint was torn and the tobacco fell onto my lap. Finally, he somehow made a twist, took several greedy puffs and, coughing, continued:
“I broke away from Irina, took her face in my hands, kissed her, and her lips were like ice. I said goodbye to the kids, ran to the carriage, and already on the move jumped onto the step. The train took off quietly; I should pass by my own people. I look, my orphaned children are huddled together, waving their hands at me, trying to smile, but it doesn’t come out. And Irina pressed her hands to her chest; her lips are white as chalk, she whispers something with them, looks at me, doesn’t blink, and she leans all forward, as if she wants to step against a strong wind... That’s how she remained in my memory for the rest of my life: hands pressed to breasts, white lips and wide open eyes, full of tears... For the most part, this is how I always see her in my dreams... Why did I push her away then? I still remember that my heart feels like it’s being cut with a dull knife...
(M.A. Sholokhov. “The Fate of Man”)

Readers' conference on the story “The Fate of a Man” by Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov

Purpose of the conference:

Discuss the issues raised by the writer;

Show the meaning of the image of the hero of the story “The Fate of Man”;

Actively promote the development of reader independence;

Foster a reading culture.

May 24. Warm evening. Village of Veshenskaya, Rostov region. Here, on the Kruzhilin farm, a great writer and an outstanding artist of words was born. His name is Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov.

(The Cossack song “Walks Along the Don” sounds)

The writer, whose name is known throughout the world, was born and lived almost his entire life on the Don land. He also connected his literary destiny with this region. Both in difficult years and in happy days, this land gave its singer strength and nourished his talent.

(The song “Holy War” plays)

Sholokhov, a world-famous writer, went to the front lines of the Great Patriotic War as a war correspondent.

Sholokhov learned first-hand all the hardships of military everyday life. The memory of these cruel days remained forever in the writer’s heart. And in his books he showed how terrible war is - without embellishment. Everything that Sholokhov wrote about, he experienced himself.

The heroes of books from the war period are, first of all, people with a clear conscience, with an open soul. Confidence - ours will take it! - leads them forward.

The story “The Fate of a Man” was written in 1956 about a soldier who returned from the war. Everything was taken away from Andrei Sokolov by the war - but courage, kindness, and humanity were not taken away.

Andrey Sokolov:... Sometimes you don’t sleep at night, you look into the darkness with empty eyes and think: “Why have you, life, maimed me like that?” I have no answer either in the dark or in the clear sun... I was in Voronezh, I walked to that place. Where he once lived as a family. A deep crater filled with rusty water, waist-deep weeds all around... Wilderness, cemetery silence.

Oh, it was hard for me, brother!

...But three months later, joy flashed through me, like the sun from behind a cloud: Anatoly was found. Whatever one may say, my own son is the captain and commander of the battery, this is no joke! I can’t wait, I really can’t wait to have tea when we meet him. Well, we met... Exactly on the ninth of May, in the morning, on Victory Day, a German sniper killed my Anatoly...

I buried my last joy and hope in foreign, German soil. Here I was soon demobilized. I went to Uryupinsk. I stayed with a friend. We transported various cargoes to the region, and in the fall we switched to exporting grain. One day I noticed a boy near the tea shop. A sort of little ragamuffin: his face is covered in watermelon juice, covered with dust, dirty as dust, combed up, and his eyes are like stars at night after the rain! And before that I fell in love with him! I greeted him once and talked.

Sokolov: Where is your father, Vanya?

Vania: Died at the front.

Sokolov: And mom?

Vania: Mom was killed by a bomb on the train. When we were driving.

Sokolov: Where were you coming from?

Vania: I don't know, I don't remember.

Sokolov: And you don’t have any relatives here?

Vania: No one.

Sokolov: Where are you spending the night?

Vania: And where necessary.

Sokolov: Vanyushka, do you know who I am?

Vania: Who?

Sokolov: I am your father.

Vania: Folder, dear! I knew! I knew you would find me! I've waited so long for you to find me!

Sokolov: So I found my Vanyushka! I felt such a joy in my soul that I can’t describe it in words...

A man and a child are walking along the road. What lies ahead for them? I would like to think that near my father’s shoulder there will grow one who, as he matures, will become the same as his father. - A man with a capital letter.

This is the peculiarity of Sholokhov’s texts - no matter how cruel and terrible the world turns out to be, there is a place in it for hope in Man.

(Tukhmanov’s song “Victory Day” plays)

Conversation on issues.

    What are the features of the composition and plot of this story?

The author uses the storytelling device in the story. The plot of the work includes a story about the fate of Andrei Sokolov. This is the confession of a courageous man: after all, going through all the troubles again is very difficult and requires enormous mental strength.

    What are the main milestones in the fate of Andrei Sokolov?
    What helped the hero survive?

Sholokhov’s story traces the whole life, the whole fate of the hero, a simple Soviet man:

    Pre-war life.

    Leaving for the front and saying goodbye to family.


    Unsuccessful escape.


    Death of a family.

    Meeting with Vanyusha.

    Vanyusha became the hero's son.

His generosity, humanity, cordiality, sense of responsibility, and love for the Motherland helped him survive.

    How does the hero manifest himself in all trials?

Andrei Sokolov’s strengths seem limitless, he has an indestructible will to live, to fight for injustice: “And I was exhausted, but I went”; “I served a month in a punishment cell for escaping, but still alive... I remained alive!” Always in all situations, Andrei does not run out of feelings of human dignity, does not bend in the face of troubles. Sokolov's fortitude is so great that it amazes even inveterate sadistic fascists.

The hero had to endure the most terrible test - the news of the death of his wife, daughters, and son on the last day of the war. It is impossible to survive such grief, but the hero could.

    What is the significance of the episode "In the Church"? How do people express themselves? Which position is closer to Sokolov? How did the hero himself behave?

In the episode "In the Church" the author shows the types of human behavior in inhumane circumstances. Different characters exhibit different life positions. A Christian soldier prefers to die rather than submit to circumstances and give up his beliefs, but at the same time he becomes the culprit of the death of four people. Kryzhnev is trying to buy his right to life by paying for it with someone else’s life. But only the position of the doctor, “who did his great work in captivity and in the dark,” evokes sincere respect from Sokolov.

Under any conditions, remaining oneself and not betraying one’s duty is the position of Sokolov himself. It’s not easy for Sokolov to kill, especially “his own,” it’s hard on his soul, but he cannot allow one person to save his life at the cost of the death of another.

The episode “In the Church” shows how cruelly the character of the hero manifests itself. The hero acts as his conscience tells him.

    In which scenes of the story “The Fate of Man” is “Russian dignity and pride” most fully shown?

(Display of episodes from M.A. Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man”)

When Andrei Sokolov encounters the cruelty of the Nazis, he is surprised: the barbarity of the Nazis seems wild to him. In fascist captivity, Andrei Sokolov retained his human dignity. With his proud behavior, he made us catapult before the greatness of the Russian soldier. I was very impressed by the episode when Sokolov returned to the camp and divided the bread among everyone.

    What role does the meeting with Vanyusha play in Sokolov’s fate?

A meeting with a child revives the hero. Love and compassion evoke a response in the boy’s heart. Andrei Sokolov not only does not submit to fate, but also makes his own destiny, changes the orphan fate of the boy.

Sholokhov in the image of a hero reveals the tragedy of our people. The author's pain is felt in the narrative itself, in the choice of the hero - an ordinary person, in the story of his fate.

    What is instructive about the story of Andrei Sokolov? What facets of the Russian national character does this hero embody?

Andrei Sokolov, a simple man, a soldier and a father, a defender of both the Motherland and the lives of other people. Sholokhov's hero defends the meaning and truth of human existence itself.

Quiz based on the story “The Fate of Man”

    Name the main character of the work. (Andrey Sokolov).

    What is the name of the river that is mentioned at the beginning of the story? (Elanka).

    Who are we talking about in this passage: “He looked different: the padded jacket, burnt in several places, was carelessly and roughly darned, the patch on his worn-out protective pants was not sewn on properly, but rather, sewn on with wide, masculine stitches...” (About Andrei Sokolov).

    Name the wife of the main character of the story. (Irina).

    How did the parents of the hero of the work die? (They died of hunger).

    How many children did the main character of the work have? (3).

    Name the son of the main character of the story. (Anatoly).

    In what year was the main character of the story captured? (1942 in the month of May).

    “You are obviously a veterinarian, not a human doctor. Why are you pressing so hard on a sore spot, you heartless person?” What illness are we talking about? (Arm knocked out, left shoulder).

    “Before that, I felt unwell after this, and I really wanted to wash my hands, as if I was not a person, but some kind of creeping thing that was strangling.” Why did the main character strangle one of the prisoners? (Because he wanted to hand over his platoon commander to the Germans).

    How many years was the main character of the story in captivity? (2 years).

    “...He was short, thick-set, blond, and he was all sort of white, and the hair on his head was white, and his eyebrows, and eyelashes, even his eyes were whitish, bulging.” Who are we talking about? (About Mueller).

    What happened to the family of the main character of the work? (Died).

    Name the boy whom the main character of the story decided to adopt. (Vania).
    Summing up the conference
    Students perform the Cossack song “A young Cossack is walking along the Don”

War is a terrible phenomenon, inhuman in its essence. It takes many innocent human lives and wipes out entire cities from the face of the Earth. Just recently, screams and cries of women and children were heard everywhere, blood was shed, people suffered from hunger. In times like these, the main thing is to remain human. But what helped people not to become like animals, to preserve their human essence in the terrible, inhuman conditions of war?

The answer to this question should be sought in the works of Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov.

In his story “The Fate of Man,” the main character, Andrei Sokolov, having lost his family during the war, having been in captivity, where he experienced cruel treatment by the Nazis, still does not lose his human essence. Having met a boy Vanyushka, who also lost relatives during the war, at a tea shop, he decides to take him in and tells him that he is his father. “And as soon as I didn’t become hardened in soul after going through all this,” he says, telling his story to a new acquaintance. This man found the strength to resist the flames of war that distort the soul. Love, fortitude, and compassion helped Andrei Sokolov remain human.

In another work by Sholokhov, called “The Foal,” we see a different situation: here the writer shows us that it is important to be humane not only to other people, but also to our smaller brothers - animals. The plot of the story tells the reader about the events of the Civil War. The main character Trofim, serving in a squadron located near the Don, discovers that his mare has foaled. He goes with a report to the squadron commander and hears in response: “Shoot! He will only be a burden to us!” Trofim, contrary to orders, does not kill the foal, citing a faulty rifle, but the commander reveals the deception and treats the situation with understanding, allowing him to keep the newborn. “He needs to suck his mother,” he says, “and we sucked him. But what can you do, since this is how it happened.” Soon the squadron had to take part in a battle, in which the foal greatly interfered with the soldiers. Trofim himself wanted to kill him, but his hand trembled. While crossing the Don, the squadron was attacked by an enemy detachment. The newborn foal could not swim across the wide river, and the main character, risking his life, rushes to his aid. Such a heroic act amazed even the enemy, who stopped shooting, watching what was happening. The author in this work shows us that it is very important to maintain kindness and mercy not only towards people, but also towards animals, even in inhumane conditions of war.

Thus, in the terrible conditions of war, which change human consciousness, his soul, his worldview, it is very important to remain human. And to preserve one’s essence, even in the face of the difficulties of war, such feelings as love, mercy, compassion and kindness help.

The life path of Andrei Sokolov (based on the story “The Fate of a Man” by M. Sholokhov)

The story of M. A. Sholokhov is one of the best works of the writer. At its center is the tragic fate of a specific individual, associated with the events of history. The writer concentrates his attention not on depicting the feat of the masses, but on the fate of an individual person in the war. The striking combination in “The Fate of Man” of the particular and the general allows us to speak of this work as a real “epic story.”

The main character of the story is not a completely traditional figure for literary works of that time. He is not a convinced communist, not a well-known hero, but a simple worker, a completely ordinary person, he is like everyone else. Sokolov is a worker on the land and in the factory, a warrior, a family man, a husband, a father. He is a simple native of the Voronezh province, he fought heroically during the civil war. Andrei is an orphan; his father and mother died of hunger long ago. Nevertheless, in the personality of this seemingly unremarkable person, the writer finds qualities worthy not only of all respect, but also of glorification.

The war struck the country unexpectedly, like a menacing and terrible disaster. Andrei Sokolov, just like millions of other people, went to the front. The scene of the hero's farewell to his home is touching and dramatic. She occupies one of the dominant places in the story. Wife, children, work - these are the values ​​for which Andrei lives and for which he is ready to give his life. They are the main thing in the hero’s life. He is distinguished by a keen sense of responsibility for those around him.

Misfortune after misfortune haunts Sokolov. His life's journey contained, it would seem, more than one person could bear. The terrible news about the death of his wife and children, which overtakes Sokolov upon his return from captivity, strikes him to the very heart. With his characteristic moral purity and conscientiousness, he tries to find his own guilt in the death of loved ones. He didn’t caress his wife goodbye, didn’t say a warm word to her, didn’t calm her down, didn’t understand the horror of her farewell cry, and now he’s tormenting himself with reproaches. Sokolov loves his wife dearly, he says about her: “looking from the outside, she wasn’t that distinguished, but I didn’t look from the outside, but point-blank...”.

A new shock for Andrei is the tragic, fatal death of his son on the last day of the war. However, he has an amazing ability to patiently endure the blows of fate. “That’s why you’re a man, that’s why you’re a soldier, to wipe everything away, to endure everything, if need calls for it,” he believes.

In critical situations, the hero retains the great dignity of a Russian man, a Russian soldier. By this, he commands respect not only from his fellow livestock, but also from his enemies. The episode of the fight between Sokolov and Muller is extremely important and fascinating. This is a moral duel, from which Andrei came out with honor. He does not beat his chest in the face of the enemy, does not speak loud words, but does not beg Mueller for mercy. A simple Russian soldier turns out to be the winner in this difficult situation.

Sokolov passed through German captivity. People like him were then officially considered traitors in the Soviet country. And the great merit of the writer is that he was one of the first to touch upon this acute problem, lifting the curtain on the lives of people who, by the will of fate, found themselves in captivity.

It is not Andrei’s fault that, shell-shocked, he ends up among the Germans. While in captivity, he maintains the dignity of a Russian soldier. He is opposed by the traitor Kryzhnev, who is trying to save his life at the cost of the life of another person. Sokolov kills the traitor and saves the platoon commander. Killing a person is not easy for the hero, because he has to transgress the moral principles on which he was raised and which were sacred to him. The traitor Kryzhnev is the first person whom Sokolov takes life.

While in captivity, Andrei meets many worthy people. So the military doctor, despite everything, tries to alleviate the suffering of the wounded. In inhuman conditions, he remains true to himself and his calling. This position is shared by Sokolov. He himself is distinguished by selflessness of achievement, modesty and courage.

The hero picks up an orphan boy at the tea shop. He doesn't just replace Sokolov's son. For a person who has lost everything in life except himself, this child becomes the only meaning of his crippled life. Having gone through difficult trials, Andrei retains spiritual sensitivity and warmth. And how could one not sympathize with Vanyusha when he saw him: “Such a little ragamuffin: his face is covered in watermelon juice, covered with dust, dirty,... unkempt, and his eyes are like stars at night after the rain.” He is as restless and lonely as Andrei himself. The author emphasizes that as long as the need to love lives in a person, his soul is alive.

He draws the reader's attention to the eyes of his hero, “as if sprinkled with ashes, filled with such an inescapable melancholy that it is difficult to look into them.” Sokolov’s path is difficult and tragic. But his path is the path of a feat accomplished by a man who was not broken by cruel circumstances, who did not reconcile himself with misfortune, who did not recognize the power of the enemy over himself, and who retained moral superiority over him.

Reflecting on the story, we involuntarily move from the fate of a particular person to the fate of humanity in general. The very title of the story introduces the hero to the masses. Drawing his path, the writer emphasizes at what high price the victory was achieved. The fate of Andrei Sokolov is typical for a person of that time, this is the fate of the entire Russian people, who bore on their shoulders a terrible war, fascist camps, who lost their closest people in the war, but did not break. Sokolov is an integral part of his people. His biography reflected the history of an entire country, a difficult and heroic history.

“Why have you, life, maimed me so much? Why did you distort it like that?” - Andrei exclaims, but he does not bow his head before a harsh fate, retains his thirst for life and human dignity.

Before us appears the image of an orphaned man, boldly revealing his crippled soul. Observing his fate, the reader becomes imbued with pride in the Russian man, admiration for his strength and beauty of soul. He is embraced by an inexplicable faith in the immense possibilities of man. Andrey Sokolov inspires love and respect.

“And I would like to think that this Russian man, a man of unbending will, will endure, and near his father’s shoulder will grow one who, having matured, will be able to endure everything, overcoming everything on his way, if his Motherland calls him to this,” — the author says with faith in his hero.