What happened to Lesya Nikityuk. Lesya Nikityuk: from “Heads and Tails” to nude photos - the entire biography of the presenter. Creative duet with friend Olga Panasenko

17:22 16.09.2016

The other day, let me remind you, I had a long and detailed conversation with the ex-host of “Heads and Tails” Lesya Nikityuk. If you are still not aware of her adventures within the framework of this travel show, I strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself, but, frankly speaking, the initial purpose of the interview was to find out the details of the project “Around M”, which starts the day after tomorrow on “Inter”. Firstly, this will be Lesya’s tryout as the only presenter of a show of this magnitude, and secondly, here the viewer will find many discoveries and revelations. In general, let's not drag our feet - let's go!

- As I understand it, you are already closely involved in the “Around M” project - share your impressions.

I’m not just doing it, we’ve already almost completely filmed the season - we just have to record a New Year’s episode and one more.

- Do you shoot in the same way as “The Eagle” - with pools?

Yes, I actually managed two trips around the world in nine months - down with my personal life and my spine! I flew back from a trip around the world and literally four days later I flew away to film a new project. For two and a half months we were in serious motion - I, one might say, from the ship to the ball...

- What is the structure of the show - you come to some country, and..?

To begin with, it must be said that this project is very complex, much more complex than “Heads and Tails”. Firstly, there is no companion presenter, and secondly, there are more shooting days, and the preparation is simply crazy. It takes a whole month to prepare one program! And then, it may be that we arrive, and the heroes - those same suitors - may, roughly speaking, get frostbitten. Although this can also be understood: different countries, different mentalities. You can’t tell them that we’ll show you on TV. Well, who abroad needs it to be shown somewhere in the Khmelnitsky region, what kind of Swiss will you seduce with this ( laughs)?

- How do you initially interest them?

Well, how... we send a nude photo shoot, how else. The girls are running around with my posters, persuading me. And they turn their noses up like this, they say, show me more in full height (laughs). Someone refuses, someone says - let’s do it!

- How much of you personally are in the project - are you just the presenter, or are you involved in the development and writing of the script?

I don’t write scripts myself, but film set I can suggest some moves, phrases or funny situations to beat them. The most difficult thing is the constant interaction with essentially strangers, and even men. To be honest, I don’t have much experience in these matters, but all because of frequent flights ( laughs). I didn’t have 10 thousand gentlemen, and I simply don’t know a lot. In Heads and Tails I explored the territory, and now I explore the men living in different countries Oh. It’s like I’m running around with a magnifying glass, honestly - I’m examining, analyzing, drawing some conclusions.

- Is there a lot of improvisation in the project?

Yes very. Moreover, in the script, everything can change ten times along the way. Nobody knows how a person will behave in front of the camera. In any case, at the beginning all our men are constrained, opening up only as they go along. Someone may be offended, turn around and leave, and then also prohibit the use of the video with themselves. Thank God, this has never happened before, but we are always walking on the edge.

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Lesya Nikityuk, enough famous person, both in Ukraine and in Russia. Host of the famous program “Heads and Tails”. It was thanks to this program that she began to be recognized in many countries. She was where no human foot had gone. Lesya has seen many countries and exotic places, which she is very happy about, and which many of us wanted.

The girl has a very interesting appearance, which attracts many fans. But personal life is not exposed to the public. To achieve something, the girl works hard, tirelessly. Lesya actively fights for the unity of her country, participates in various events and supports them.

This girl's famous Lately is off scale. She hosts programs, participates in various shows, and acts for magazines. Therefore, it is not surprising that they are interested in this person. For example, everyone wants to know height, weight, age. How old is Lesya Nikityuk you can find out on almost all sites.

Today, the beauty is 30 years old. The girl's height is 180 centimeters and her weight is 75 kilograms. Lesya is a very slender blonde. Although on the Internet you can find articles such as: Lesya Nikityuk, photos in her youth and now, and they are very different. In her youth, she was fuller, but recently she began to actively lose weight, and the results are obvious. Her figure is just a bomb.

Biography of Lesya Nikityuk

The biography of Lesya Nikityuk originates in the Ukrainian town of Malenko. After graduating from school, the girl entered teaching. When Lesya was a student, she participated in all parties and events. Soon she became a member of KVN.
Lesya’s parents, father Ivan Nikityuk, and mother Ekaterina Nikityuk, supported their daughter in everything. They helped her in all her endeavors.

When the girls received their diploma, she, without hesitation, decided to devote herself to television. Her first great job, became participation in the show with Uncle Zhora. In 2011, a girl and her friend went to make the comedian laugh, but alas, luck slipped out of their hands. The girls did not lose hope, and tried their luck for the second time and won 50,000 hryvnia. The third time, they went to Russia, to the same show, and there they hit the jackpot, worth 250,000 rubles. Their video on YouTube received a ton of views, it was a success.

In 2012, Lesya ended up on “Heads and Tails,” where she accompanied the permanent presenter Andrei Bednyakov. Before her, Badoeva was the host, but she was tired of all this traveling and decided to devote time to her family. Unfortunately, Nikityuk’s off-camera relationship with the presenter did not work out. According to her, he found fault with her about everything. He didn't like her not very good accent. Lesya tried not to emphasize her attitude towards Russia, and in every possible way avoided political discussions.

In such a tandem, the audience liked Nikityuk, and Lesya herself gained experience. For several seasons, she traveled with the team and led good stories. Soon, some unpleasant incidents happened, as a result of which Lesya left the program. The patience of the project organizers could not stand it when Lesya spent 30,000 in the casino. They blocked the card and asked Lesya to leave.

Despite the fact that the girl joined the project and was liked by the audience, she left and Andrei’s wife took her place.
But soon Lesya appeared in a new project called Lesya here. She followed celebrities, asked them tricky questions, and took photos with them.

The girl absolutely loves parties and free alcohol, so she joined this program. But, despite everything, the audience liked her image of a rural lioness, and they loved her in all her roles.
In season 10, “Heads and Tails,” she appeared again, but not alone, but with everyone.

Personal life of Lesya Nikityuk

The personal life of Lesya Nikityuk is a mystery shrouded in darkness. Either she carefully hides it, or she simply doesn’t have it, there aren’t many options. When journalists ask personal questions, the girl always stops it. Fans of Lesya can only guess what is going on in her life.

The girl does not answer questions about her chosen one, whether she has one at all. And in the photos on the networks, she is always with the same companion, with her beloved dog, about which little is known. In general, this Lesya Nikityuk is a very secretive person.

Family of Lesya Nikityuk

Lesya Nikityuk’s family, for now, is only her relatives and her dog. Lesya hasn’t started her own family yet, or, according to at least, doesn't talk about her. But the groom or husband is not online. The girl is now actively engaged in her career, and she has no time to think about her family.

Although I’m already such an age that I advise you to at least think about it. But with her appearance this is not a problem, she has many fans, and there are probably men who are trying to win her over. But this is not known to mere mortals. If something happens, she will not be able to hide it from the press.

Children of Lesya Nikityuk

Perhaps Lesya Nikityuk’s children exist only in her project. Like any normal girl, she is thinking about procreation, but has not yet taken this serious step. She believes that you should plan for children when you yourself feel that you are ready for it. Lesya doesn’t feel it yet. She lives for herself, tries to enjoy all the delights of this life.

Of course, the age is no longer small, but it is still tolerable, there is still a lot to come. And first, you need to find a worthy candidate for the role of the father of the children and the head of the family. Which is probably what Lesya is doing now.

Lesya Nikityuk's husband

It is unknown whether Lesya Nikityuk’s husband exists. Since Lesya does not comment on this matter. Her fans are guessing. Who, who, but she can hide her personal life, and she does it well. One can only guess who she is in a relationship with. But there’s no point, everything secret becomes clear whenever it becomes obvious. And she, as a girl, will not be able to hide her happiness when she finds her one and only.

All that remains is to wish her good luck in this search, and to find exactly the person who will be close to her with heart and soul, and of course, with her mind.

“Heads and Tails” with Lesya Nikityuk

This program became a huge experience for her and moved her up the ladder. She took part in several seasons, and then, without being in four, she was invited to the new 12th season, “Heads and Tails.” Around the world." This season has become the grandest in the entire history of existence. All creators participated in it.

“Heads and Tails” with Lesya Nikityuk became an unforgettable project. Both for the audience and for Lesya herself. She gained a lot of experience from the broadcast team. The experience was both positive and bitter. But they learn from mistakes, and everyone knows this.

Photo by Lesya Nikityuk in Maxim magazine

In addition to her career as a presenter, photos of Lesya Nikityuk began to appear in Maxim magazine. Some fans were happy about this, and some were sad. Like it turned out too frankly. But the presenter herself believes that this is a huge experience for her, to show herself from all sides. And some praise her for her courage.

Naked, the girl did not appear, she was in a swimsuit. Which softened the blow of fans who reacted negatively to this. But the girl believes that everything should be tried in this life, and there is nothing to be afraid of. If you have something to show, then don’t be shy.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Lesya Nikityuk are full of various interesting and exciting photographs. She happily shares anything interesting from her travels. And she already has something to show.

The presenter has many fans and subscribers online. Lesya is registered on almost all sites, and runs them with pleasure. The only thing is that even there she does not share her personal life, she also keeps it secret. But it doesn’t matter when, no matter what, we see such photographs. Where she will be with her husband and children.

"on the channel "Friday!".

Biography of Lesya Nikityuk

Lesya Nikityuk born in the city of Khmelnitsky on October 19, 1987. Like everyone else, she graduated from school, then studied at the Khmelnitsky Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy. She took part in student skits and parties.

The popular “TV blonde” ironically calls herself a “country lioness.” But her image of an inflated dummy is very deceptive: she has successful experience in many show projects. In 2009, Lesya and her friend Olga Panasenko began performing in the show Uncle Zhora "Curler Show".

Lesya took her first steps to fame on the stage of the Ukrainian KVN. After going through this school, Lesya decided that it was time to open the doors to big show business. Moreover, the girl decided to enter through the main entrance, with all the pomp - having won several humorous TV shows at once. This brought Lesya not only fame, but also substantial capital.

Lesya Nikityuk - former member Ukrainian KVN team "Tornado Lux".

Lesya gained popularity thanks to her participation and victory in the Ukrainian version of the program “Make the Comedian Laugh” on the TV channel "Inter". The judges in the first season were Mikhail Galustyan and Vladimir Zelensky, and in the second season Mikhail replaced Evgeny Koshevoy. The presenter was Dmitry Shepelev.

“A year ago, my friend and I won 50,000 hryvnia in the show “Make a Comedian Laugh,” then another 250,000 rubles in Russia, then another 20,000 in Ukraine - this is no secret to anyone (you can look again on YouTube)! Next, she passed the casting on the Inter channel and became the host of the program “Heads and Tails” together with Andrei Bednyakov,” said Lesya Nikityuk.

In 2012 Lesya Nikityuk was invited to tourism project channel “Inter” “Heads and Tails”, becoming co-host of Andrey Bednyakov. The couple worked together for two seasons - the fourth and fifth, then Lesya was replaced by Anastasia Korotkaya.

According to rumors, Nikityuk left the show “Heads and Tails” after an unpleasant incident on Cote d'Azur, where she blew $30,000 in a casino in one evening. The show's producers blocked the gold card.

In 2013 Lesya became the host of her own program "Lesya is here"on the Lux TV channel. Lesya’s main task was “to write the biography of the Ukrainian elite and socialites.”

Lesya Nikityuk: I like “Lesya is here” because in this project I feel like a singer-improviser from Central Asia- “what I see, I sing.”

In 2016, Nikityuk returned to the “Friday!” channel. in a travel show « Heads and tails » . Twelfth season of the project "Heads and Tails: Around the World" became the biggest one. The film crew set many records during filming of the program, including the record for the longest continuous trip around the world. Only in the middle of the season did television viewers learn that Lesya Nikityuk had left "Heads and Tails: Around the World" and went on her own journey" Around M». New project TV presenter became the first “guide to people.” Nikityuk compared men from different countries, their attitudes towards marriage, traditions and women.

At the end of 2016, Lesya Nikityuk returned to the show « Heads and tails » and hosted it with Regina Todorenko. The season was called “Heads and Tails: Hell and Heaven.” In March 2017, Nikityuk, together with film crew got into an accident. Their car overturned on the highway, trying to avoid a collision with another car that flew into the oncoming lane.

In August 2017, Lesya Nikityuk announced that she was leaving the travel show due to an overly busy work schedule and the inability to see her family.

Lesya Nikityuk was dubbed a “rural diva” on the Internet.

Personal life of Lesya Nikityuk

Lesya Nikityuk loves going to parties, chatting with stars and doing reporting at the same time. The charismatic and extraordinary presenter in the role of a provincial woman who came from Khmelnitsky is trying to get into the “world of show business” and find out “how the capital lives.”

Lesya Nikityuk: “I dream of going to the christening of the children of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, because it’s good there, there will be a lot of foreign food that I haven’t tried yet. And when I try it, I’ll definitely tell everyone, and I’ll also take the recipe!”

The presenter goes to various events: from sports competitions, presentations and concerts on the sidelines of the Verkhovna Rada. Lesya is interested in everything: what the stars look like, what they have in their bags, what kind of manicure they have, and even what they ate for breakfast.

In December 2017, Lesya Nikityuk in the program “ Savor“announced that she was getting married and talked a little about her chosen one. It turned out that the husband famous TV presenter will become her neighbor, with whom she lived through the wall for several years, but all this time, due to Lesya’s constant travels, she did not even suspect the existence of the young man.

Lesya Nikityuk – popular Russian TV presenter, a spontaneous and sometimes very insidious blonde, was born on October 19, 1987 in Khmelnitsk, Ukraine.

We are starting KVN

Lesya's childhood years were generally unremarkable, except that due to tall(186 cm) she often found herself in the center of attention of her peers. At first she was very complex and worried about this, but then she managed to turn her height into an undeniable advantage.

If others had to make an effort to attract attention, then Lesya just had to take advantage of it, which over time she learned to do simply brilliantly. Not afraid to be funny, she quickly became the life of the party and always had crowds of fans. Growing up, the girl thought about becoming a teacher, and after receiving a certificate she entered the Khmelnitsky Pedagogical Institute.

Student life was fun, with numerous skits, get-togethers and parties, at which Lesya always shone. And already in her second year she joined the KVN team “Tornado”, where she quickly became one of the leaders. Public life The girl liked the popularity and popularity, and she decided to try to “show up” on television.

TV take-off

The first attempt to get on the screen was quite successful. In 2009, with her then-girlfriend Olga Panasenko, the girl took part in the program of the popular comedian and KVN player Uncle Zhora “Curler Show”. The audience remembered the girls, but they were still far from real popularity.

The second attempt to conquer television took place in 2011, when it was promoted new program"Make the comedian laugh." The girls managed to do this three times, from which they made good money (10 thousand hryvnia) and decided not to take any further risks - the money turned out to be more needed. An insidious plan has matured in the blond head to prepare even better and disrupt big jackpot next time, which is what they did, receiving in 2012 Grand Prize– 50 thousand.

It was possible to earn even more money in Russia by participating in such a program, and the girls went there. Their expectations were more than justified - for their performance, the friends received a quarter of a million rubles and thousands of fans on YouTube. But the real grand prize went to Nikityuk in the form of an invitation to become the host of the travel program “Heads and Tails,” which she accepted without hesitation.

Heads and tails

What could be more pleasant than traveling around the world and spending money, and not your own, while increasing your own TV ratings. Nikityuk made the most of her chance, quickly learning to work with cameras constantly monitoring her. The show's ratings grew, and along with them Lesin's popularity. Everything would be wonderful if it weren’t for the sudden star fever that crept up.

Around the fifth season, she struck Lesya on the spot, and she managed to squander 30 thousand dollars in a casino in one night with the gold provided to her by the producers of the show bank card. The card was blocked, and they categorically said goodbye to Lesya herself. But the new presenter could not become a full-fledged replacement, and the program’s ratings began to fall.

In the anniversary season, Lesya and the producers again managed to somehow come to an agreement, and the girl was returned to the screens. But not for long, soon she herself left the project for more grand show"Around the World" But even there she lasted only a few months. Now Lesya is going to travel around the world under the gun of cameras in search of her man, whom, according to rumors, she still doesn’t have.

There is no secret that Nikityuk loves nightclubs and social events. And often she appears there with her companions. But who they are to her, and how long the relationship lasts always remains a mystery. Nikityuk categorically refuses to answer any surveys. that concern her personal life.

Participant's name: Lesya Ivanovna Nikityuk

Age (birthday): 19.10.1987

City: Khmelnitsky

Education: Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy

Height and weight: 1.8 m

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Read with this article:

Lesya Nikityuk was born in a small Ukrainian town.

After school, I entered the Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy, and for the first time I realized that I wanted to become famous and work on television when I was a member of the KVN team “Tornado Lux”.

Having received her diploma, she literally went straight ahead towards her goal and, apparently, achieved it.

The first project that made Lesya famous was the Curler Show.— in company with co-host Olga Panasenko, she hosted the program for about a year.

Then the colleagues, who became friends, came to the Ukrainian show “Make the Comedian Laugh” - two aspiring comedians appeared as cheerful, slightly frivolous girls, thanks to which they earned 50,000 hryvnia. They repeated their success several times, including in the Russian version of the project.

In 2012, Nikityuk had a huge breakthrough in his career, she was invited to host the popular show “Heads and Tails”.

The first co-host was , together they created an easy tandem, and Lesya herself quickly learned the skills of a host and with each new episode she became more relaxed and more confident.

And one day this confidence played against the girl - the producers were already dissatisfied with Lesya’s behavior and frivolity in relation to spending from the gold card, and when she broke up and lost $30,000 in one night, she was simply fired. Then Nastya Korotkaya took her position.

But Nikityuk quickly retrained as the host of the “Lesya Here” program, where she felt she belonged. Attending parties and provocative questions that she asked representatives of the modern elite turned out to be an ideal activity for Lesya.

Despite scandalous departure from “Heads and Tails,” the producers again invited her to lead the project as part of the tenth anniversary season. This was followed by work in “Eagle and Tails. Around the World" - it seemed that everyone had long forgotten about past problem, when suddenly Lesya suddenly left the project again.

Journalists immediately assumed another scandal, but it turned out that Nikityuk was forced to leave the project to prepare for the new one, within which she will search ideal man Worldwide.

Personal life of a screen star big secret Lesya is doing everything possible to prevent information about her relationships with the opposite sex from getting into the media. It is known that the girl is not married, she has no children, but who her boyfriend is and whether he exists in principle - one can only guess.

Lesya has a Youtube channel where she posts videos on various topics, already more than 25 thousand subscribers. She works as a presenter at events. Hosts the show Around M on the Inter TV channel.

Photo by Lesya

The girl constantly pleases her fans with new photos on Instagram.