What is a manor? Manor - Sowing and harvesting. The rules seem to be simple, but as always, there are tricky parsley and small nuances

a medieval estate owned by an aristocratic feudal lord and producing products to satisfy the basic needs of its inhabitants. The manor functioned not for the purpose of generating income, but for maintaining basic existence; the main point was that the farmer (villan, serf) used the land on the basis of serfdom, being attached to the land and the landowner through various intersecting relationships and making stipulated payments in kind and labor. Origin. The roots of this economic form are found in the Roman villa rustica (country manor) of the late imperial period. The villa was vast land owned by the landowner, which was cultivated by colons and slaves (the latter gradually approached the colons in their position). Formally, the columns were considered free, but from the era of Emperor Constantine (reigned 306-337), and perhaps even before him, they were attached to the ground. For their plots, peasants paid rent to the landowner, gave away part of the harvest, or worked in his fields. Farmers depended on the masters not only economically: soon the imperial power began to provide large landowners with increasingly wider benefits, and now the masters also collected taxes and administered justice within their domains. After the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, the Germans adopted the Roman villa, which gradually developed into the medieval manorial system. When in the 9th century. the Carolingian empire collapsed, the ruling class needed farmers who could support them. As a result, free peasants were enslaved and tied to the land. The manorial system was best suited for organizing the land holdings of the nobility and the church, and therefore it spread throughout Western Europe.
Economic organization of the manor. There were different types of medieval manors - pastoral and agricultural, but the main thing that distinguished manors was their size: from small, two dozen households and 400 hectares of land - to vast and densely populated lands. Along with the peasants attached to the land, the manor usually retained several free householders, who sometimes had very impressive plots of arable land and enjoyed a privileged position. They were much less dependent on the lord, had a strictly defined range of responsibilities, were not involved in service, and could, if desired, sell their lands and leave the manor. In fact, the manor lived on self-sufficiency. There were skilled artisans who provided specialized services, such as blacksmiths and millers. Some peasants were part-time artisans; if necessary, they worked as carpenters or stonemasons and with this labor they paid the lord instead of working on his land. There were also shepherds here, supervising the cattle driven out to pasture for the summer months. However, the manor could not provide itself with several items, such as salt and iron, and was forced to buy them on the side.
Rights of the owner of the manor. Within the manor, its owner had some exclusive rights - such as hunting, fishing, cutting down living forest; he completely controlled trade in the local market, levying duties and establishing a system of weights and measures. Often the owner forced the peasants to use his mill, press, and bakery, charging for this in flour, wine and bread. Thus, each villan brought income to the lord, and therefore the peasant was obliged, again not for free, to ask the owner for permission in the event that his son was going to devote himself to the church or his daughter was marrying a worker in another manor. If a villan died, the owner was usually entitled to the best of his animals or a posthumous contribution stipulated by the contract. In addition, the lord could, of his own free will, impose other taxes. In addition, additional funds were brought to him by court fees and fines collected from peasants in the manorial court, headed by the estate manager. They often gave rise to extortion. Finally, the villans carried out duties of a rather administrative nature, such as building or repairing roads, bridges, castles, and participating in military campaigns.
Decline of the manorial system. In the era of feudal economic and political fragmentation, the manor met its objectives: it fully provided for the lord and gave the peasants the opportunity to live, albeit meager and unreliable. From the 13th century In Western Europe, a process of gradual emancipation of peasants began, culminating in the 16th century. In the presence of a market where it was possible to sell products and purchase luxury goods for money, landowners preferred to receive cash rent instead of labor and labor in kind, and to attract more productive free labor to their personal lands or to rent them out. The liberation of the peasants was also facilitated by the development of new lands, which began in the 12th century. and intensified in the 13th century. Sovereigns and princes created settlements of free peasants on virgin lands, attracting them with various kinds of benefits. Products were now produced not so much for local consumption as for sale. Cities arose, the population of which was mostly peasants who left the manors in search of a free life. As cities grew, the market for agricultural products developed, and the manorial system could no longer meet its needs. Thus, under the influence of various factors, mainly economic, the medieval manor gradually turned into a community of relatively independent tenants. However, landowners retained some of their feudal rights for a long time. In France, the remnants of the feudal heritage were finally destroyed by the Great French Revolution in 1789. In Germany, the liberation of the peasants occurred slowly and gradually: begun by the reforms of G. F. K. Stein and K. A. Hardenberg (1807-1811), it was completed by the revolution of 1848. In Russia, serfdom was abolished only in 1861, and in some European countries - only after the First World War.
Vinogradov P.G. A study of the social history of England in the Middle Ages. M., 1887 Kosminsky E.A. English village in the 13th century. M. - L., 1935 Blok M. Characteristic features of French agrarian history. M., 1957 Barg M.A. Research on the history of English feudalism in the 11th-13th centuries. M., 1962
Bessmertny Yu.L. Feudal village and market in Western Europe 12-13 centuries. M., 1969

Collier's Encyclopedia. - Open Society. 2000 .


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Manor- this is an opportunity to benefit from the territories owned by castle lords. They sell seeds and buy products grown from those seeds.

Selling seeds

Seeds are sold from a special NPC; each territory has its own special type of seeds. The seeds are used to grow fruits from them using the bodies of monsters living in the surrounding lands. The type of seeds, their price and the reward for the fruits vary depending on the city and the owner of the castle.

The castle lord selects the type and quantity of seeds he puts up for sale, then decides how much adena he is willing to invest in production. The greater the number of seeds available for purchase, the lower the price. All information regarding this matter can be obtained by the lord from the Steward of the Castle.

Players can purchase seeds from the Estate Manager, who can be found in any city. To avoid conflict situations, a player cannot single-handedly buy all the seeds at once.

All profits from the sale of seeds go to the castle treasury daily, like any other taxes.

Sowing and harvesting

Players who have purchased seeds can sow them into monsters living in the territory adjacent to the castle, while:

  • it is impossible to plant seeds in player characters, city NPCs and guards;
  • it is impossible to plant seeds in a monster if someone has already planted seeds in it;
  • it is possible to sow seeds only in those monsters that belong to the territory in which these seeds were purchased;
  • if the player’s level is within the range of plus or minus 5 levels from the monster’s level, then the chance of successful seeding in this case is extremely high. However, for each level exceeding the threshold of 5 levels, the chance of successful sowing decreases by 5%;
  • if the sowing was successful, then after the death of the monster you get the opportunity to extract the fruit from its body. This possibility varies depending on various indicators, such as the type of seed, the type of monster, and is not always 100%;
  • if you are in a group, then if your seeding is successful, your allies will receive a warning system message;
  • monsters into whose body the seed was sown cannot give you any trophies other than adena;
  • In order to exclude the possibility of a low-level player sowing seeds and a high-level player collecting the fruits obtained from them, a level check has been introduced at the moments of sowing and harvesting. If the difference in the levels of the player and the monster does not exceed five, then harvesting the ripe crop will be 100% successful. For each level exceeding the threshold of 5 levels, a penalty of 5% is assessed. If the harvest is unsuccessful, the crop dies;
  • sowing seeds and Assess can be used in conjunction, and you can either perform Assess on the creature into which the seed was sown, or sow the seed into a monster that has been subjected to the Assess action.

If the player was able to sow a seed, then he is able to harvest the crop using a scythe on the body of the monster he killed. Scythes can be purchased from the Estate Manager.

Sale of harvest

Players who harvest crops from monsters can sell them to the lord in charge of the harvest area. Remember that some types of fruits can be sold not only in this castle, but also in others. To sell the harvest, a Property Manager is used, who can be found in any city or village. The quantity of crops to be purchased and the price per unit of product are set directly by the owner of the castle - for operations with fruits, remuneration to players is paid directly from the castle treasury, but if there is not enough adena in the treasury, then the acquisition of crops by the castle immediately stops. To resume the purchase of crops, it is necessary to fill the treasury with money.

When selling crops with the help of an Estate Manager, the reward received depends on which payment method the lord has chosen. If the lord who controls a given territory establishes a fair distribution of rewards among everyone, then players participating in the manor in that territory can expect a more stable reward. If the lord sets the payment of the reward according to the principle of gambling, then the players receive a profit according to the rules of the gambling game. The ability to change the reward type is available to the castle owner once a day.

Rewards for harvested crops vary depending on the type of seed. Remember that the castle warehouse receives not pure, but processed product, for example, if the Estate Manager buys Cold Code from the players, then the Drink from Cold Code actually reaches the castle treasury. In addition, the Estate Manager takes 10% of the processed harvest as payment for his work.


The lord in charge of the manor is able to process the harvest, obtaining a variety of goods from it. These goods cannot be sold to city NPCs and are used by the lord as needed or sold through private shops.

Through processing, you can obtain a huge number of items, for example, numerous potions that players use in battles, components for siege engines that are used to capture castles, or rare ingredients that are extremely difficult to find on the market.

Processing of goods occurs through the Blacksmith, who is located in the castle. The amount and type of crop that can be processed largely depends on how much adena the lord has invested in the processing system.

If the player decides to invest a lot of money in the production of goods, then the items received will be of better quality or there will be much more of them. All items obtained with the help of the Blacksmith require some contributions for their creation.

If there was an investment in production, then you will be able to observe the subsequent result within two calendar weeks, even if the lord of the castle is overthrown and a new leader comes to power.

Actually, I’m stating what I know... if anyone knows more, add it, I’ll be glad to know what’s new...

So what is the manora system?

The manor system is activated in areas of castles captured by clans. The clan that owns the castle controls the manor system within its territory.

From the clan's side, the manor operates as follows:

  • The clan places seeds of different types for sale and determines their quantity, as well as a reward for the harvest for those who donate.
  • The clan pays for the placement of seeds from its treasury (accordingly, if no one purchases the seeds, the clan stupidly loses money).
  • For the fruits received, the clan acquires delicious buns that are inaccessible or difficult to obtain by other methods.
  • From other players:

  • Any player can purchase seeds of a certain type from the manor manager. Please note that seeds purchased in Giran can ONLY be used in Giran!
  • When harvesting, the player receives fruits of the same type as the seeds.
  • Each type of seed is divided into regular seeds and alternative (improved) seeds. The difference between them is that when sowing regular seeds, there will be NO drop (only adena and seal stones drop is saved). But if the necessary conditions are met, the chance of sowing/harvesting will be 100%. Alternative (improved) seeds completely retain drops from mobs, but have a 1/4 chance of sowing.
  • To harvest the crop, the player must buy a scythe from any manager. It costs 500a and you only need to buy it once.
  • The player can donate the harvest in ANY city! For each type of seed there are 2 types of rewards. What type of reward a player will receive depends on the clan establishing the manor system. The type of reward is not hidden, the player can freely choose which city to deliver to (what type of reward suits him).
  • Here is the actual theory... now I will describe the nuances...

    We are not yet very interested in the manor system that affects the clan, since we do not have a castle yet. Therefore, I will talk about the manor from the perspective of an ordinary player who wants to get a large amount of a strictly defined resource.

    So, as I said earlier, there are several types of seeds. Plus, each type has its own lvl.

    For a good manor, the following rules must be observed:

  • if the seed has a lvl of 25, then it is optimal to sow it into mobs from lvl 20 to 30. That is, the general rule applies: plus/minus 5 lvls from the lvl of the seed. If you plant a seed in a mob with a lvl greater than 5 from the lvl of the seed, then a penalty is activated and the probability of sowing is reduced (although the number of fruits from the mob will be large).
  • The player’s lvl should not differ from the mob’s lvl by more than 3. Otherwise, a penalty for removing crops from a killed mob will be activated, i.e. sowing will be successful, but the harvest will not be harvested.
  • as mentioned earlier, the seeds are valid only on the territory of the castle in which they were purchased. On foreign territory, you will receive a message stating that the seeds are intended for a manor on the territory of another castle.
  • The rules seem to be simple, but as always, there is some tricky parsley and small nuances:

  • from mobs x2, x4, x6 (with an increased amount of HP), the amount of harvest will be large. For example, if from a regular (x1) mob you get 1-2 crops, then from x2 you get 3-4, and from x4 - up to 8 units of fruit.
  • You can plant seeds in mobs of higher levels, for example, lvl 25 seeds in a lvl 55 mob. The number of harvests can reach 15-20 units (I read that the maximum limit is 30 fruits per mob, but to be honest, I have never seen this). But you should take into account the factor of the penalty for the difference in lvl, and, accordingly, the fact that for successful sowing you will have to plant many seeds in one mob. A small advantage of the manor is that the sowing process does not lead to the mob becoming aggro (except for those cases when the mob is already aggro - but they will attack you anyway), which allows you to wait for a rollback and repeat sowing in case of failure. But there is one caveat - immediately after sowing, the Persian will automatically make the first blow, therefore, if you are not sure of the outcome of the sowing, it is better to order the Persian to run back immediately after the start of sowing - then the automatic blow will not be made.
  • For greater convenience, I advise you to drag out the purchased seeds (for sowing) and the scythe (for harvesting) to the quick access panel. Let me remind you that the scythe is used on the corpse of a mob.
  • successful sowing is accompanied by a trill... although over time I simply began to fix out of the corner of my eye the message about a successful manor, and when I was unsure, I tried to sow a second time in the process of killing the unfortunate little animal. If the sowing is done, the Persian will continue to chop, and you will see the inscription: “The seed has already been sown.”
  • sowing and harvesting harvests mana (albeit a little).
  • manor can be used in parallel with spoil, but with one condition: harvesting must precede the collection of spoil, because after the spoiler takes its toll, the mob's corpse will immediately disappear - and your crop will cry.
  • Well, there comes a time when the purchased seeds run out and we run for the coveted reward.

    You can hand over the harvest in any city to any manager (usually there are 2 of them per city). When you select “Deliver the harvest”, a menu will open with the choice of the city where you want to donate the crop, the price per unit of the crop and the type of reward. Naturally, you should choose the lock that offers the highest price for the required resource. Just a subtlety - if you deliver the harvest to a different city than where you are, you have to pay a little extra (like for delivery).

    If the required reward is missing or there are only options with a low purchase price, then you can hold off on the harvest until the next “turn” of the manor system.
    One “turn” of the manor system is 1 day (more precisely, a day). Every day at 20.00 Moscow time, new portions of seeds are put up for sale and the buying lists are updated (the fact is that the clans that regulate the manor system in their controlled territories put up not only the number of seeds sold, but also the number of fruits bought, and also the prices for them; since the number of harvested crops will always exceed the number of purchased seeds, everyone will not be able to harvest the harvest... so I foresee the “Who is first” race every day at 20.00).


    Of course, cutting off drops at a manor is upsetting, but this is the only way (except perhaps for spoilers) to get a large quantity of the required resource (for example, in a day you can harvest several thousand bones or varnish... who can tell me another option for getting that much?). Alternative seeds, although they are attractive (why, HIS MAJESTY DROP!) do not give such an effect - the result is a large cash expenditure on seeds with a small amount of harvest...

    Manor calculation

    I mentioned the purchase price. Let me explain in more detail: each resource in the manor system has a so-called “base price” (or BC) in adena. It turns out that the number of resources received by the player is calculated by the formula:

    KR = KU * TS / BC, Where

    KR- quantity of resource received
    KU- quantity of harvest delivered
    CA- purchase price of the 1st unit of harvest
    BC- base price of the resource

    But here there is a point for saving: the fact is that if the amount of harvest delivered is, say, 2.56 resources, then the player will receive 2 units of resource, i.e. rounding always goes to the player's disadvantage.

    1. We calculate how much resource we will receive for the entire harvest using the above formula. For example
    BC resource - 25,000 adena
    CA fruits - 640 adena
    KU- 3000 pieces.
    We get 76.8 resources.

    2. We twist the formula a little and get the exact amount of harvest required to obtain 76 units of resource:

    KU = KR * BC / TS

    We get 2968,75 pieces of harvest. Well, here we will be kind and round up to the whole (after all, one fruit cannot be divided).

    This means that to obtain 76 units of resource, 2969 units of harvest are enough. We saved 31 harvests ah, which we’ll hand over next time, when we’ve been poking around a little more.

    Video: How to surrender a manor?

    One of the ways to earn money in the game is the manor, which can be used to obtain the necessary resources for crafting. For fruits donated to their castle, castle owners can receive many useful things, various weapon armor points, books of skill points, and potions.

    The principle of the process itself is quite simple, and very similar to a spoiler. First, we need to buy the seeds themselves and a harvester to collect fruits from mobs. This can be done from the manor manager, who can be found in any city.

    All seeds are tied to the territory of the castle, that is, for example, having bought seeds in a castle, you need to manorate them in the locations of this castle. On the seeds it is written which territory they belong to. Using the map or our own knowledge, we select a suitable place for the manor.

    So we bought the seeds, we need to take into account that the seeds also have their own lvl (level) written on the seeds themselves. That is, level 40 seeds must be used on level 40+-3 mobs so that there is no penalty. Also, the character using (sowing) seeds on the mob must be within level 40. However, you can also finish off a mob with a high-level character. So you have the seeds, the area is suitable for sowing in all respects, you can proceed to the manor.

    The manor process itself is not complicated, the easiest way is to put out the seeds and harvester on the quick buttons panel, target the mob, use seeds on it, there will be an animation similar to a spoiler. An inscription will appear in the system chat, successful or unsuccessful attempt, using the seeds of the mob will not aggro, if the mob is not initially aggro, if sowing is unsuccessful, we can use the seeds again. Sowing requires a little mana, about 4 units, and the seeds also have their own small cooldown, although this is not displayed on the panel, about 2 seconds. If the sowing is successful, we kill the mob, use the harvester on its corpse, and get the fruits. From different seeds we get different fruits, and accordingly different rewards for them.

    Manor reward table


    Dark Coda 10 Stem Braided Hemp

    Red Coda 13 Varnish Cokes

    Chilly Coda 16 Suede Oriharukon Ore

    Blue Coda 19 Animal Skin Crafted Leather

    Golden Coda 22 Thread Mithril Ore

    Lute Coda 25 Iron Ore Metallic Fiber

    Desert Coda 28 Coal Adamantite Nugget

    Red Cobol 31 Charcoal Enria

    Chilly Cobol 34 Animal Bone Steel

    Blue Cobol 37 Silver Nugget Thons

    Thorn Cobol 40 Stem Metallic Thread

    Golden Cobol 43 Varnish Mold Glue

    Great Cobol 46 Suede High Grade Suede

    Red Codran 49 Animal Skin Asofe

    Sea Codran 50 Thread Cord

    Chilly Codran 52 Iron Ore Mold Hardener

    Blue Codran 55 Coal Leather

    Twin Codran 58 Charcoal Mold Lubricant

    Great Codran 61 Animal Bone Coarse Bone Powder

    Desert Codran 64 Silver Nugget Durable Metal Plate

    Blue Coba 67 Crafted leather Mold Glue

    Red Coba 70 Synthetic Cokes Mold Lubricant

    Golden Coba 73 Varnish of Purity Mold Hardener

    Desert Coba 76 Asofe Mithril Alloy

    Sea Coba 79 Thons Enria

    Twin Coba 82 High Grade Suede Oriharukon

    King Coba 85 Metallic Thread Durable Metall Plate

    Manor using alternative seeds

    The base chance of successfully sowing seeds is 100%, but the mob will not drop any more drops, except adena and Seal Stones. There are Alternative seeds, the basic chance of sowing is about 15-20%, but the usual drop from the mob is fully preserved.

    We sell magnor fruits

    Next we need to exchange our collected fruits for the resources we need, this is the most difficult part. Each castle can buy a certain limited number of seedlings, so not everyone will be handed over, then everything is decided by sleight of hand. We sell fruits from manor manager.

    You need to approach the manor-medger in advance and decide which fruits you will hand over to which castle. Next, bring the dialog box to the last click and wait for the submission time 20:00 in Moscow on all servers (it is also necessary to check the time with the players or the server administration in advance, as it may differ by a few seconds).

    Detailed dialogue menu with manor manager:

    1- Purchase Seed – Purchasing seeds

    2- Tally up indigenous product – Selling seedlings

    3- View Manor Status – Information about the number and type of seeds, rewards, in cities where the manor system is currently configured.

    4- View the basic Seed Infromation – basic information about seeds and their prices

    5- Purchase harvester – Purchase harvester

    6- Ask about the present condition of the territory – Information to the castle lord

    7- Tell me what you mean by “Manor” and “indigenous product” – a brief description of the basic principles of the manor system

    Exhibition for the sale of grains, as well as the purchase of seedlings, is updated once a day at 20:00 Moscow time on all servers. At this time, you must approach any manor manager with the fruits. For each shoot there are 2 reward options, decide in advance which type you will hand over and to which castle. The system will be under maintenance for approximately 5:58 minutes, then you will be able to hand over fruits and buy seeds. The main thing in this matter is to press the button in time. I would advise you to practice on cheap resources, they are easier to pass, after understanding the delivery system, move on to expensive ones. Having mastered the method of handing over a manor to perfection, you can earn very good game money by handing over the fruits for such expensive and always in demand resources as Durable Metall Plate, Varnish of Purity, Mithril Alloy and others.