Quotes about culture. Aphorisms and quotes about culture Beautiful words about Russian culture

What do we know about culture? We invite you to think about the meaning of quotes and sayings of the greats about culture.

Culture is just a thin apple peel over the hot chaos. Nietzsche F.

Culture is a measure of humanity in a person. Karl Marx

Culture is perfection in being. Dina Dean

The highest possible stage of moral culture is when we understand that we are able to control our thoughts. Charles Darwin

Mass culture is a painkiller, an analgesic, not a drug. Stanislav Lem

Culture is the desire for euphony and light, and the main thing is for both euphony and light to prevail. Matthew Arnold

Culture is connected with cult, it develops from a religious cult... Culture is connected with the cult of ancestors, with legends and traditions. It is full of sacred symbolism, it contains knowledge and similarities to another spiritual reality. Every culture (even material culture) is a culture of the spirit, every culture has a spiritual basis - it is a product of the creative work of the spirit on natural elements. N. A. Berdyaev.

The heart, imagination and mind are the environment where what we call culture is born. Paustovsky K. G.

In culture, the base is the top. Grigory Landau

Civilization is power over the world; culture - love for peace.
Anthony Kępiński

Dying, culture turns into civilization. Oswald Spengler

In its deepest essence, culture is nothing more than a creative synthesis. Wilhelm Windelband

For true culture there is no enemy more terrible than rationalism. Vladimir Frantsevich Ern

In each of us, the crisis of culture, whether we are aware of it or not, is a crisis of our own soul. Georg Simmel

Human culture emerges and unfolds in play, like a game. Johan Huizinga

Talking about culture has always been something contrary to culture. Theodor Adorno

If I believe in anything, it’s only in culture. Culture, if you think about it, is not based on curiosity at all, but on the love of perfection; culture is the knowledge of perfection. People of culture are the true apostles of equality. Matthew Arnold

Culture is an expansion of the mind and spirit. Jawaharlal Nehru

Culture is the rope that you can throw to a drowning man and with which you can strangle your neighbor. The development of culture is as much for the benefit of good as it is for the benefit of evil. As meekness grows, cruelty also grows, altruism grows, but selfishness also grows. It does not happen that as good increases, evil decreases; rather, as in the development of electricity: every appearance of positive electricity goes in parallel with the appearance of negative electricity. Therefore, the struggle between good and evil does not fade away, but intensifies; it cannot end and, apparently, cannot not end. Florensky P. A.

There is only one way to become a cultured person - reading.
A cultured person is a person focused on high moral values, striving to feed the soul with the sublime and beautiful. A. Maurois

Culture unites all aspects of human personality. You cannot be cultured in one area and remain ignorant in another. Respect for different aspects of culture, for its different forms - this is a trait of a truly cultured person. D.S. Likhachev

The higher the culture, the higher the value of work. Wilhelm Roscher

The height of culture is determined by the attitude towards women. Gorky M.

The advent of culture coincides with the birth of intelligence. Claude Lévi-Strauss

Those who believe that it boils down to fixed formulas have a poor idea of ​​culture. The last student in the department of exact sciences knows much more about the laws of nature than Pascal knew. But is a student capable of thinking like him? Saint-Exupery A.

Culture is the essence of an organism. Cultural history, their biography. Culture arises at the moment when a great soul awakens and stands out from the primitive spiritual state of eternally childish humanity. Oswald Spengler

The higher the culture, the higher the value of work.
Wilhelm Roscher
The height of culture is determined by the attitude towards women.
Maksim Gorky
The advent of culture coincides with the birth of intelligence.
Claude Lévi-Strauss
Culture is a measure of humanity in a person.
Karl Marx
Culture is perfection in being.
Dina Dean

And culture has its own legalized prostitution: festivals.
Martin Kessel
Civilization is power over the world; culture - love for peace.
Anthony Kępiński
Dying, culture turns into civilization.
Oswald Spengler
The heaven of religion has been replaced by the heaven of culture. But it is also for the chosen few.
Andrzej Biskupski
Culture is born in the provinces, degenerates in the capitals, and in this form returns to the provinces.
Henrik Worzell
Culture brings joy, which is essentially the joy of resistance.
Gaston Bachelard
Every poorly posed question distorts the picture. And sometimes it seems that the entire history of culture in its current form consists of nothing but distorted pictures!
Johan Huizinga
In its deepest essence, culture is nothing more than a creative synthesis.
Wilhelm Windelband
Culture is what remains when you forget everything you were taught.
Emmanuel Mounier
For true culture there is no enemy more terrible than rationalism.
Vladimir Frantsevich Ern

Culture is not a “superstructure”, as Marxists understand it, but a special form of human life. Mircea Eliade

The power of tradition and the power of creativity in their combination is the life-giving source of any culture. Petr Nikolaevich Savitsky

Sport creates a culture of optimism, a culture of cheerfulness.
Lunacharsky A.V.

There is nothing more hostile to culture than civilization.
Vladimir Frantsevich Ern

Moral culture must be based on the principles...
Immanuel Kant

Culture is knowledge of the distance at which one should greet one's worst enemy.
Frantisek Kryshka
Culture is not the number of books read, but the number of things understood.
Fazil Iskander

In each of us, the crisis of culture, whether we are aware of it or not, is a crisis of our own soul. Georg Simmel
Human culture emerges and unfolds in play, like a game.
Johan Huizinga
During a cultural crisis, a feeling of powerlessness against the forces of nature and social upheaval leads to the development of religious ideologies.
Wilhelm Reich

Measurement is part of every culture, only to a lower or higher degree of perfection.
Edmund Husserl
Talking about culture has always been something contrary to culture.
Theodor Adorno
Culture is the path from closed unity through open multitude to open unity.
Georg Simmel
Johan Huizinga
A culture can be called high even if it has not created technology or sculpture, but it will not be called that if it lacks mercy.
Dina Dean
A person's culture is not the role he plays, but the light of his true essence, which he shows in everything he does.
I don't want to wall up my house or board up my windows. I want the spirit of the culture of different countries to flow as freely as possible everywhere: I just don’t want it to knock me off my feet. Rabindranath Tagore
If I believe in anything, it’s only in culture. Culture, if you think about it, is not based on curiosity at all, but on the love of perfection; culture is the knowledge of perfection. People of culture are the true apostles of equality.
Most of the people we call cultured are people who have imagination, but are completely devoid of an understanding of natural truth, which, in fact, is what real culture consists of. The present time is only the twilight of culture...
August Einsiedel
Joining civilization is not an easy task. There are two ways for this: culture or so-called debauchery. But both are inaccessible to villagers. So they have become rigid in virtue.
Oscar Wilde
August Einsiedel
People think that the path of universal culture is the path of morality;
but no philosophizing will bear fruit until physical knowledge is applied and everything that relates to practical life is disseminated.
Those who believe that it boils down to fixed formulas have a poor idea of ​​culture. The last student in the department of exact sciences knows much more about the laws of nature than Pascal knew. But is a student capable of thinking like him?
Saint-Exupery A.
Culture is the essence of an organism. Cultural history, their biography.
Culture arises at the moment when a great soul awakens and stands out from the primitive spiritual state of eternally childish humanity.

Oswald Spengler

Culture, as an organized struggle with nature, endows man with the power that the gods once had; but godlikeness makes a person dissatisfied - dissatisfied in civilization.

Paul Ricoeur


What do we know about culture?


I invite you to think about the meaning of quotes and sayings of the greats about culture.


Culture is just a thin apple peel over the hot chaos. Nietzsche F.


Culture is a measure of humanity in a person. Karl Marx


Culture is perfection in being. Dina Dean

The highest possible stage of moral culture is when we realize that we are able to control our thoughts. Charles Darwin


The heart, imagination and mind are the environment where what we call culture is born. Paustovsky K. G.


In culture, the base is the top. Grigory Landau


Civilization is power over the world; culture is love for the world.
Anthony Kępiński


Dying, culture turns into civilization. Oswald Spengler


In its deepest essence, culture is nothing more than a creative synthesis. Wilhelm Windelband


For true culture there is no enemy more terrible than rationalism. Vladimir Frantsevich Ern


In each of us, the crisis of culture, whether we are aware of it or not, is a crisis of our own soul. Georg Simmel

Human culture emerges and unfolds in play, like a game. Johan Huizinga


Talking about culture has always been something contrary to culture. Theodor Adorno


If I believe in anything, it’s only in culture. Culture, if you think about it, is not based on curiosity at all, but on the love of perfection; culture is the knowledge of perfection. People of culture are the true apostles of equality. Matthew Arnold


Culture is an expansion of the mind and spirit. Jawaharlal Nehru


Culture is the rope that you can throw to a drowning man and with which you can strangle your neighbor. The development of culture is as much for the benefit of good as it is for the benefit of evil. As meekness grows, cruelty also grows, altruism grows, but selfishness also grows. It does not happen that as good increases, evil decreases; rather, as in the development of electricity: every appearance of positive electricity goes in parallel with the appearance of negative electricity. Therefore, the struggle between good and evil does not fade away, but intensifies; it cannot end and, apparently, cannot not end. Florensky P. A.


There is only one way to become a cultured person - reading.
A cultured person is a person focused on high moral values, striving to feed the soul with the sublime and beautiful. A. Maurois


Culture unites all aspects of human personality. You cannot be cultured in one area and remain ignorant in another. Respect for different aspects of culture, for its different forms - this is a trait of a truly cultured person. D.S. Likhachev

The higher the culture, the higher the value of work. Wilhelm Roscher


The height of culture is determined by the attitude towards women. Gorky M.


The advent of culture coincides with the birth of intelligence. Claude Lévi-Strauss


Those who believe that it boils down to fixed formulas have a poor idea of ​​culture. The last student in the department of exact sciences knows much more about the laws of nature than Pascal knew. But is a student capable of thinking like him? Saint-Exupery A.


Culture is the essence of an organism. Cultural history, their biography. Culture arises at the moment when a great soul awakens and stands out from the primitive spiritual state of eternally childish humanity. Oswald Spengler

Culture is humanity’s memory of itself.

Alexey Tegin

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Culture is, first of all, the unity of artistic style in all life manifestations of a people.

Friedrich Nietzsche

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Every culture rests on compulsion to work and on the renunciation of desires.

Sigmund Freud

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The era moves forward, and each individual person begins it again.

Johann W. Goethe

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Culture cannot be inherited, it must be conquered.

Andre Malraux

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Culture was born from cult.

Nikolay Berdyaev

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Culture is what remains when everything else is forgotten.

Edouard Herriot

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There are cities that are famous for their cultural monuments, and others for their culture.

Georgy Kovalchuk

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Dying, culture turns into civilization.

Oswald Spengler

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Culture begins with prohibitions.

Yuri Lotman

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Culture is the channel laid by the ancestors and offered by society to the individual in his progress from animal to human.

Alexander Kruglov

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Culture is born in the provinces, degenerates in the capitals, and in this form returns to the provinces.

X. Wortzell

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In culture, the base is the top.

Grigory Landau

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Culture is a veneer that often covers ignorance rather than enlightenment.

L. Malory

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Culture is a specific distinctive feature of a person: preserved and transmitted experience.

Alexander Kruglov

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Culture is not a “superstructure”, as Marxists understand it, but a special form of human life.

Eliade Mircea

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Culture is what a butcher lacks to become a surgeon.

M. Poole

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And culture has its own legalized prostitution: festivals.

Martin Kessel

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Culture is not so much polished as settled.

Valentin Borisov

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Culture is the rope that you can throw to a drowning man and with which you can strangle your neighbor. The development of culture is as much for the benefit of good as it is for the benefit of evil. Meekness grows, cruelty grows, altruism grows, but selfishness also grows. It does not happen that with the increase of good, evil decreases, but rather as with the development of electricity: every appearance of positive electricity goes in parallel with the appearance of negative electricity. Therefore, the struggle between good and evil does not fade away, but intensifies; it cannot end and, apparently, cannot not end.

P. Florensky

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Civilization is power over the world, culture is love for the world.

Anthony Kępiński

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Culture is the accumulated experience of humanity in an ordered form.

Alexander Akhiezer

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Culture began with the fig leaf and ends when the fig leaf is discarded.

Christian Friedrich Goebbel

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The heaven of religion has been replaced by the heaven of culture. But it is also for the chosen few.

Andrzej Biskupski

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The teeming diversity is synonymous with infectious fever and a garden overgrown with burdocks. Culture is cultivation and processing.

Alexey Purin

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Culture is just a thin apple peel over the hot chaos.

F. Nietzsche

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When a culture feels its end is coming, it sends for a priest.

Karl Kraus

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Culture, if it develops spontaneously and is not consciously directed... leaves behind a desert...

Karl Marx

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Taste, like the mind, requires culture.

Baltasar Gracian

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Culture is not based at all on curiosity, but on the love of perfection; culture is the knowledge of perfection.

Matthew Arnold

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Culture is the rope that you can throw to a drowning man and with which you can strangle your neighbor. The development of culture is as much for the benefit of good as it is for the benefit of evil. As meekness grows, cruelty also grows, altruism grows, but selfishness also grows. It does not happen that with the increase of good, evil decreases, rather, as with the development of electricity: every appearance of positive electricity goes in parallel with the appearance of negative electricity. Therefore, the struggle between good and evil does not fade away, but intensifies; it cannot end and, apparently, cannot not end.

Pavel Florensky

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Ah, Culture and Faith, Faith and Culture! Yesterday, while enduring common oppression, they seemed so close to each other, but today they are already looking at each other with a much more chilled, almost suspicious look. - “It happened in Simon’s house”

Sergey Averintsev

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As long as a person lives with people and acts among people, the possibilities in this regard are as follows: he can have a good culture, a worse culture, or he can choose and, accordingly, have a completely bad culture, but no culture, a “zero option,” his own space , he cannot have his own room, “washed” of culture. - “Theology in the context of culture”

Sergey Averintsev

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Culture is a strange thing, but usually in its main features and in its results it is the same almost everywhere. The differences in cultures are about the same as the differences in approaches to solving the same problems.

Clifford Simak

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Culture is the same invention of humanity as a fork or a computer. But there is still a difference between them. We easily improve computers and cutlery, but when it comes to culture, stop, no change. Everyone is convinced that his way of thinking is unique and unique, and the rest is madness and perversion.

Harry Harrison

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A person should not let go of guns, shovels, brooms in order to fight off his culture from wolves, blizzards, and weeds. All you have to do is gape, get distracted for a year or two, and the matter is lost - wolves will come out of the forests, thistles will climb, cities will be covered with snow, covered with dust. How many great capitals have already perished from dust, snow, and weeds.

Vasily Grossman

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For the next hundred years, two trends will prevail in the world. The first trend leads to what can be called a civilization of the first type or planetary civilization... We are beginning to see the emergence of a culture of the first type. Wherever I go, what will I hear when I turn on the radio? You'll hear rock 'n' roll, you'll hear rap. You will hear youth music. Contemporary music is planetary; it knows no boundaries on our planet. Everywhere I go I see high fashion: Chanel, Gucci bags. We are witnessing the birth of planetary fashion. And also sports, look at the Olympic Games, look at football. We see how the tribal rite of passage called sport becomes a planetary rite of passage, uniting the entire planet.

Michio Kaku

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... “naive” - is, natural, natural, not processed by the artificial conventions of civilization. So if our culture is a continuation of nature, its language (according to the widespread opinion of philosophers), its statement about itself, then in a naive person and his word it is most direct, spontaneous, without indirect links...

Georgy Gachev

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Quotes, aphorisms, statements about culture (for the Year of Culture in Russia)

Dear Colleagues!

I suggest you a selection of quotes, aphorisms, statements about culture, which may be useful when planning for 2014 (design of exhibitions, library materials, scripts, manuals and so on.)

If we think about Culture, this already means that we think about Beauty, and about the Book as a beautiful creation. N.K. Roerich

General culture- this is what allows a person to feel with all his soul solidarity with others in time and space - both with people of his generation, and with past generations and with future generations. Langevin

Culture is memory. Therefore, it is connected with history and always implies the continuity of the moral, intellectual, spiritual life of a person, society and humanity. Yu. M. Lotman

Culture is associated with a cult, it develops from a religious cult... Culture is associated with the cult of ancestors, with legends and traditions. It is full of sacred symbolism, it contains knowledge and similarities to another spiritual reality. Every culture (even material culture) is a culture of the spirit, every culture has a spiritual basis - it is a product of the creative work of the spirit on natural elements. N. A. Berdyaev.

There is only one way to become cultured person– reading. A. Maurois

Cultured man is a person focused on high moral values, striving to feed the soul with the sublime and beautiful.

Cultural monuments- these are generators of spiritual energy invested in them by the people who created them, as well as by those people who have worshiped them for many centuries. By destroying cultural monuments, we destroy the most valuable thing - the spiritual energy of the people. Fedor Abramov.

Libraries most important in culture. There may not be universities, institutes, or other cultural institutions, but if there are libraries...the culture will not perish in such a country. D. S. Likhachev

Literature rose above Russia with a huge protective dome - became a shield of its unity, a moral shield. D. S. Likhachev

Someday, when Russian readers become more interested in their past, the greatness of the literary feat of Russian literature will become completely clear to them and the ignorant denunciation of Rus' will be replaced by an informed respect for its moral and aesthetic values. D. S. Likhachev

Human culture in general, not only does it have memory, but it is memory par excellence. The culture of humanity is the active memory of humanity, actively introduced into modernity. D. S. Likhachev

Culture unites all aspects of the human personality. You cannot be cultured in one area and remain ignorant in another. Respect for different aspects of culture, for its different forms - this is a trait of a truly cultured person. D.S. Likhachev

Memory- the basis of conscience and morality, memory is the basis of culture, “accumulated” culture, memory is one of the foundations of poetry - the aesthetic understanding of cultural values. Preserving memory, preserving memory is our moral duty to ourselves and to our descendants. Memory is our wealth. D.S. Likhachev

"Culture represents the main meaning and main value of the existence of both individual peoples and small ethnic groups, and states. Outside of culture, their independent existence becomes meaningless.” D. S. Likhachev "Declaration of the Rights of Culture". D. S. Likhachev

"Culture - this is what largely justifies the existence of a people and a nation before God.
Today there is a lot of talk about the unity of various “spaces” and “fields”. Dozens of newspaper and magazine articles, television and radio programs discuss issues related to the unity of economic, political, information and other spaces. I am primarily interested in the problem of cultural space. By space I mean in this case not just a certain geographical territory, but first of all the space of the environment, which has not only length, but also depth.” . D. S. Likhachev

“In our country we still do not have a concept of culture and cultural development. Most people (including “statesmen”) understand by culture a very limited range of phenomena: theatre, museums, pop music, literature, sometimes not even including science, technology, education in the concept of culture... This is what often happens so that the phenomena that we classify as “culture” are considered in isolation from each other: the theater has its own problems, writers’ organizations have their own, philharmonic societies and museums have their own, etc.” . D. S. Likhachev

“Meanwhile, culture - this is a huge holistic phenomenon that makes the people inhabiting a certain space from just the population into a people, a nation. The concept of culture should and has always included religion, science, education, moral and moral norms of behavior of people and the state.” . D. S. Likhachev

“I imagine the 21st century as a century of humanitarian culture, a kind and nurturing culture that lays down the freedom to choose a profession and use creative forces. Education subordinated to the tasks of upbringing, the diversity of secondary and higher schools, the revival of self-esteem, which does not allow talents to go into crime, the revival of the reputation of man as something higher, which everyone should value, the revival of conscience and the concept of honor - these are, in general terms, what what we need in the 21st century. Not only Russians, of course, but especially Russians, because this is what we largely lost in our ill-fated 20th century.” D. S. Likhachev

Modern culture of Russia- this is, first of all, our speech, our holidays, our schools and universities, our attitude towards our parents, towards our family, towards our Fatherland, towards other peoples and countries. Academician D.S. Likhachev wrote: “If you love your mother, you will understand others who love their parents, and this trait will not only be familiar to you, but also pleasant. If you love your people, you will understand other peoples who love their nature, their art, their past.”

The higher the culture, the higher the value of work. Wilhelm Roscher

The height of culture is determined by the attitude towards women. Gorky M.

The advent of culture coincides with the birth of intelligence. Claude Lévi-Strauss

Culture is a measure of humanity in a person. Karl Marx

Culture is perfection in being. Dina Dean

Culture is a great teacher of how to live. Dina Dean

The highest possible stage of moral culture is when we realize that we are able to control our thoughts. Charles Darwin

All the rules about what you should and shouldn't read are simply ridiculous. More than half of modern culture is based on what not to read. Oscar Wilde

Culture and external gloss are completely different things. Ralph Emerson

In order to use many things, a person must be... a highly cultured person... Karl Marx

Culture cannot be inherited, it must be conquered. Andre Malraux

Mass culture is a painkiller, an analgesic, not a drug. Stanislav Lem

When a culture feels its end is coming, it sends for a priest. Karl Kraus

Culture, says one Japanese educator, is what remains when everything else is forgotten. Edouard Herriot

Criticism requires much more culture than creativity. Oscar Wilde

Culture is the desire for euphony and light, and the main thing is for both euphony and light to prevail. Matthew Arnold

Culture is the pursuit of perfection through knowledge of what concerns us most, what people think and say... Matthew Arnold

Culture is just a thin apple peel over the hot chaos. Nietzsche F.

The heart, imagination and mind are the environment where what we call culture is born. Paustovsky K. G.

Anyone who has not acquired cultural skills is rude. Kant I.

Culture is approximately everything that we do that monkeys do not do. Lord Raglan

In culture, the base is the top. Grigory Landau

The history of world culture is the history of the suffering of those people who created it. Erich Maria Remarque

You cannot be a cultured person without knowing the basic results of all sciences. The culture is one. Synthetic. There is no separate culture for an engineer and a physician. Together, the sciences form a culture, its ideology - its worldview. G. S. Altshuller, I. M. Vertkin

If a person is stuffed with scraps of a culture that he does not understand, then he becomes a wonderful fanatic and a weapon in the wrong hands. Alexey Pekhov

In a war between civilizations, culture bears the losses. Samuel Huntington.

Culture is knowing the best that has been said and imagined in the world. Matthew Arnold

If a film is successful, it's a business. If a film doesn't do well, it's art. Carlo Ponti