Hitler's birthday - biography. Adolf Hitler: biography of the Fuhrer Name of Hitler's mother

Date of birth: April 20, 1889
Date of death: April 30, 1945
Place of birth: Ranshofen village, Braunau am Inn, Austria-Hungary

Adolf Gitler- a significant figure in the history of the 20th century. Adolf Gitler created and led the National Socialist movement in Germany. Later the Reich Chancellor of Germany, the Fuhrer.


Adolf Hitler was born in Austria in the small, unremarkable town of Braunau am Inn, on April 20, 1889. Hitler's father, Alois, was an official. Mother, Clara, was a simple housewife. It is worth noting such an interesting fact from the biography of the parents that they were relatives of each other (Clara is Alois’s cousin).
There is an opinion that Hitler's real name is Schicklgruber, but this opinion is erroneous, since his father changed it back in 1876.

In 1892, Hitler's family, due to their father's promotion, was forced to move from their native Braunau am Inn to Passau. However, they did not stay there for long and, already in 1895, hastened to move to the city of Linz. It was there that young Adolf first went to school. Six months later, Hitler’s father’s condition deteriorates sharply and Hitler’s family again has to move to the city of Gafeld, where they bought a house and finally settled.
During his school years, Adolf showed himself to be a student with extraordinary abilities; teachers characterized him as a very diligent and diligent student. Hitler's parents had hopes that Adolf would become a priest, however, even then young Adolf had a negative attitude towards religion and, therefore, from 1900 to 1904 he studied at a real school in the city of Linz.

At the age of sixteen, Adolf left school and became interested in painting for almost 2 years. His mother did not quite like this fact and, heeding her requests, Hitler, with grief and half, finishes fourth grade.
1907 Adolf's mother undergoes surgery. Hitler, waiting for her to recover, decides to enter the Vienna Academy of Art. In his opinion, he had remarkable abilities and exorbitant talent for painting, however, his teachers dispelled his dreams, advising him to try to become an architect, since Adolf did not show himself in any way in the portrait genre.

1908 Clara Pölzl dies. Hitler, having buried her, again went to Vienna to make another attempt to enter the academy, but, alas, without passing the 1st round of exams, he set off on his wanderings. As it later turned out, his constant moves were due to his reluctance to serve in the army. He justified this by saying that he did not want to serve alongside the Jews. At the age of 24, Adolf moved to Munich.

It was in Munich that the First World War overtook him. Delighted by this fact, he volunteered. During the war he was awarded the rank of corporal; won several awards. In one of the battles he received a shrapnel wound, due to which he spent a year in a hospital bed, however, upon recovery, he again decided to return to the front. At the end of the war, he blamed politicians for the defeat and spoke very negatively about this.

In 1919 he returned to Munich, which at that time was gripped by revolutionary sentiments. The people were divided into 2 camps. Some were for the government, others for the communists. Hitler himself decided not to get involved in all this. At this time, Adolf discovered his oratorical talents. In September 1919, thanks to his enchanting speech at the congress of the German Workers' Party, he received an invitation from the head of the DAP Anton Drexler to join the movement. Adolf receives the position of responsible for party propaganda.
In 1920, Hitler announced 25 points for the development of the party, renamed it the NSDAP and became its head. It is then that his dreams of nationalism begin to come true.

During the first party congress in 1923, Hitler holds a parade, thereby showing his serious intentions and strength. At the same time, after an unsuccessful coup attempt, he went to jail. While serving his prison term, Hitler wrote the first volume of his memoirs, Mein Kampf. The NSDAP, created by him, disintegrates due to the absence of a leader. After prison, Adolf revives the party and appoints Ernst Rehm as his assistant.

During these years, the Hitlerite movement began to take off. So, in 1926, an association of young nationalist adherents, the so-called “Hitler Youth,” was created. Further, in the period from 1930-1932, the NSDAP received an absolute majority in parliament, thereby contributing to an even greater increase in Hitler's popularity. In 1932, thanks to his position, he received the position of attaché to the German Minister of the Interior, which gave him the right to be elected to the post of Reich President. Having carried out an incredible, by those standards, campaigning, he still failed to win; I had to settle for second place.

In 1933, under pressure from the National Socialists, Hindenburg appointed Hitler to the post of Reich Chancellor. In February of this year, a fire occurs that was planned by the Nazis. Hitler, taking advantage of the situation, asks Hindenburg to grant emergency powers to the government, which consisted, for the most part, of members of the NSDAP.
And now the Hitler machine begins its action. Adolf begins with the liquidation of trade unions. Gypsies and Jews are being arrested. Later, when Hindenburg died, in 1934, Hitler became the rightful leader of the country. In 1935, Jews, by order of the Fuhrer, were deprived of their civil rights. The National Socialists begin to increase their influence.

Despite racial discrimination and the harsh policies pursued by Hitler, the country was emerging from decline. There was almost no unemployment, industry was developing at an incredible pace, and the distribution of humanitarian aid to the population was organized. Special attention should be paid to the growth of Germany's military potential: an increase in the size of the army, the production of military equipment, which contradicted the Treaty of Versailles, concluded after Germany's defeat in the First World War, which prohibited the creation of an army and the development of the military industry. Gradually, Germany begins to regain territory. In 1939, Hitler begins to express claims to Poland, disputing its territories. In the same year, Germany signs a non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union. On September 1, 1939, Hitler sends troops into Poland, then occupies Denmark, the Netherlands, France, Norway, Luxembourg, and Belgium.

In 1941, ignoring the non-aggression pact, Germany invaded the USSR on June 22. The rapid advance of Germany in 1941 gave way to defeats on all fronts in 1942. Hitler, who did not expect such a rebuff, was not prepared for such a development of events, since he intended to capture the USSR in a few months, according to the Barbarossa plan developed for him. In 1943, a massive offensive by the Soviet army began. In 1944, the pressure intensified, the Nazis had to retreat further and further. In 1945, the war finally moved to German territory. Despite the fact that the united troops were already approaching Berlin, Hitler sent disabled people and children to defend the city.

On April 30, 1945, Hitler and his mistress Eva Braun poisoned themselves with potassium cyanide in their bunker.
Attempts were made on Hitler's life several times. The first attempt took place in 1939, a bomb was planted under the podium; however, Adolf left the hall just minutes before the explosion. The second attempt was made by the conspirators on July 20, 1944, but it also failed; Hitler received significant injuries, but survived. All participants in the conspiracy, on his orders, were executed.

Main achievements of Adolf Hitler:

During his reign, despite the harshness of his policies and all kinds of racial oppression caused by Nazi beliefs, he was able to unite the German people, eliminated unemployment, stimulated industrial growth, brought the country out of crisis, and brought Germany to a leading position in the world in economic indicators . However, having started the war, famine reigned within the country, since almost all the food went to the army, food was issued on ration cards.

Chronology of important events from the biography of Adolf Hitler:

April 20, 1889 – Adolf Hitler was born.
1895 – enrolled in the first grade of school in the town of Fischlham.
1897 – studies at a school at a monastery in the town of Lambaha. Later expelled from it for smoking.
1900-1904 – studying at school in Linz.
1904-1905 – studying at the school in Steyr.
1907 - failed exams at the Vienna Academy of Art.
1908 - mother died.
1908-1913 - constant moving. Avoids the army.
1913 - moves to Munich.
1914 – Went to the front as volunteers. Receives the first award.
1919 - carries out agitation activities, becomes a member of the German Workers' Party.
1920 - completely devoted to the activities of the party.
1921 - becomes head of the German Workers' Party.
1923 – failed coup attempt, prison.
1927 - the first congress of the NSDAP.
1933 - Receives the powers of the Reich Chancellor.
1934 - “Night of the Long Knives”, massacre of Jews and Gypsies in Berlin.
1935 - Germany begins to build up its military power.
1939 - Hitler starts World War II by attacking Poland. Survives the first attempt on his life.
1941 – entry of troops into the USSR.
1943 - a massive offensive by Soviet troops and attacks by coalition troops in the West.
1944 - second attempt, as a result of which he is seriously injured.
April 29, 1945 – wedding with Eva Braun.
April 30, 1945 - Poisoned with potassium cyanide along with his wife in his Berlin bunker.

Interesting facts about Adolf Hitler:

He was a supporter of a healthy lifestyle and did not eat meat.
He considered excessive ease in communication and behavior unacceptable, so he demanded that manners be observed.
He suffered from so-called verminophobia. He protected sick people from himself and fanatically loved cleanliness.
Hitler read one book every day
Adolf Hitler's speeches were so fast that 2 stenographers could hardly keep up with him.
He was meticulous in composing his speeches and sometimes spent several hours improving them until he brought them to perfection.
In 2012, one of Adolf Hitler’s creations, the painting “Night Sea,” was auctioned for 32 thousand euros.

Hitler Adolf Hitler Adolf

(Hitler), real name Schicklgruber (1889-1945), Fuhrer (leader) of the National Socialist Party (since 1921), head of the German fascist state (in 1933 he became Reich Chancellor, in 1934 he combined this post and the post of president). Established a regime of fascist terror in Germany. Direct initiator of the outbreak of World War 2, the treacherous attack on the USSR (June 1941). One of the main organizers of the mass extermination of prisoners of war and civilians in the occupied territory. With the entry of Soviet troops into Berlin, he committed suicide. At the Nuremberg trials he was recognized as the main Nazi war criminal.


HITLER Adolf (April 20, 1889, Braunau am Inn, Austria - April 30, 1945, Berlin), Fuhrer and Imperial Chancellor of Germany (1933-1945).
Youth. World War I
Hitler was born into the family of an Austrian customs official, who until 1876 bore the surname Schicklgruber (hence the opinion that this was Hitler's real surname). At the age of 16, Hitler graduated from a real school in Linz, which did not provide a complete secondary education. Attempts to enter the Vienna Academy of Art were unsuccessful. After the death of his mother (1908), Hitler moved to Vienna, where he lived in homeless shelters and did odd jobs. During this period, he managed to sell several of his watercolors, which gave him grounds to call himself an artist. His views were formed under the influence of the extreme nationalist Linz professor Petsch and the famous anti-Semite Mayor of Vienna K. Lueger. Hitler felt hostility towards the Slavs (especially the Czechs) and hatred towards the Jews. He believed in the greatness and special mission of the German nation. On the eve of the First World War, Hitler moved to Munich, where he led his old lifestyle. In the first years of the war, he volunteered for the German army. He served as a private, then as a corporal, and took part in combat operations.
He was wounded twice and awarded the Iron Cross.
Leader of the NSDAP (Defeat in the war of the German Empire and the November Revolution of 1918 cm. NOVEMBER REVOLUTION 1918 in Germany) (Defeat in the war of the German Empire and the November Revolution of 1918 Hitler perceived it as a personal tragedy. Weimar Republic WEIMAR REPUBLIC) (Defeat in the war of the German Empire and the November Revolution of 1918 considered the product of traitors who “stabbed in the back” the German army. At the end of 1918 he returned to Munich and joined the Reichswehr REICHSWERH) (Defeat in the war of the German Empire and the November Revolution of 1918. On behalf of the command, he was engaged in collecting compromising material on participants in the revolutionary events in Munich. On the recommendation of Captain E. Rehm REM Ernst)
(who became Hitler's closest ally) became part of the Munich right-wing radical organization - the so-called. German Workers' Party. Quickly ousting its founders from the leadership of the party, he became the sovereign leader - the Fuhrer. On Hitler's initiative, in 1919 the party adopted a new name - the German National Socialist Workers' Party of Germany (in German transcription NSDAP). In German journalism of that time, the party was ironically called “Nazi” and its supporters “Nazis.” This name stuck with the NSDAP.
The basic ideas of Hitler that had emerged by this time were reflected in the NSDAP program (25 points), the core of which was the following demands: 1) restoration of the power of Germany by uniting all Germans under a single state roof; 2) assertion of the dominance of the German Empire in Europe, mainly in the east of the continent - in the Slavic lands; 3) cleansing German territory from the “foreigners” littering it, especially Jews; 4) liquidation of the rotten parliamentary regime, replacing it with a vertical hierarchy corresponding to the German spirit, in which the will of the people is personified in a leader endowed with absolute power; 5) liberation of the people from the dictates of global financial capital and full support for small and handicraft production, creativity of people of liberal professions. These ideas were outlined in Hitler’s autobiographical book “My Struggle” (Hitler A. Mein Kampf. Muenchen., 1933).
"Beer putsch"
By the beginning of the 1920s. The NSDAP has become one of the most prominent right-wing extremist organizations in Bavaria. E. Rehm stood at the head of the assault troops (German abbreviation SA) (Defeat in the war of the German Empire and the November Revolution of 1918. On behalf of the command, he was engaged in collecting compromising material on participants in the revolutionary events in Munich. On the recommendation of Captain E. Rehm. Hitler quickly became a force to be reckoned with, at least within Bavaria. By the end of 1923, the crisis in Germany worsened. In Bavaria, supporters of the overthrow of the parliamentary government and the establishment of a dictatorship grouped around the head of the Bavarian administration, von Kahr; an active role in the coup was assigned to Hitler and his party.
On November 8, 1923, Hitler, speaking at a rally in the Munich beer hall "Bürgerbraukeler", proclaimed the beginning of a national revolution and announced the overthrow of the government of traitors in Berlin. Top Bavarian officials, led by von Kahr, joined in this statement. At night, NSDAP assault troops began to occupy administrative buildings in Munich. However, soon von Kar and his entourage decided to compromise with the center. When Hitler led his supporters into the central square on November 9 and led them to the Feldgerenhala, Reichswehr units opened fire on them. Carrying away the dead and wounded, the Nazis and their supporters fled the streets. This episode went down in German history under the name “Beer Hall Putsch.” In February - March 1924, the trial of the leaders of the coup took place. Only Hitler and several of his associates were in the dock. The court sentenced Hitler to 5 years in prison, but after 9 months he was released.
Reich Chancellor
During the absence of the leader, the party disintegrated. Hitler had to practically start all over again. Rem provided him with great help, beginning the restoration of the assault troops. However, a decisive role in the Revival of the NSDAP was played by Gregor Strasser, the leader of right-wing extremist movements in Northern and Northwestern Germany. By bringing them into the ranks of the NSDAP, he helped transform the party from a regional (Bavarian) into a national political force.
Meanwhile, Hitler was looking for support at the all-German level. He managed to win the trust of the generals, as well as establish contacts with industrial magnates. When parliamentary elections in 1930 and 1932 brought the Nazis a significant increase in the number of parliamentary mandates, the ruling circles of the country began to seriously consider the NSDAP as a possible participant in government combinations. An attempt was made to remove Hitler from the leadership of the party and rely on Strasser. However, Hitler managed to quickly isolate his associate and close friend and deprive him of all influence in the party. In the end, the German leadership decided to give Hitler the main administrative and political post, surrounding him (just in case) with guardians from traditional conservative parties. January 31, 1933 President Hindenburg (Defeat in the war of the German Empire and the November Revolution of 1918 HINDENBURG Paul) appointed Hitler as Reich Chancellor (Prime Minister of Germany).
Already in the first months of his stay in power, Hitler demonstrated that he did not intend to reckon with restrictions, no matter who they came from. Using the Nazi-organized arson of the parliament building (Reichstag) as a pretext (Defeat in the war of the German Empire and the November Revolution of 1918 REICHSTAG)), he began the wholesale “unification” of Germany. First the communist and then the social democratic parties were banned. A number of parties were forced to dissolve themselves. Trade unions were liquidated, the property of which was transferred to the Nazi labor front. Opponents of the new government were sent to concentration camps without trial or investigation. Mass persecution of “foreigners” began, culminating a few years later in Operation Endleuzung. (Defeat in the war of the German Empire and the November Revolution of 1918 HOLOCAUST (author Yu. Graf))(Final Solution), aimed at the physical destruction of the entire Jewish population.
Hitler's personal (real and potential) rivals in the party (and outside it) did not escape repression. On June 30, he took a personal part in the destruction of SA leaders who were suspected of disloyalty to the Fuhrer. The first victim of this massacre was Hitler's longtime ally, Rehm. Strasser, von Kahr, former Reich Chancellor General Schleicher and other figures were physically destroyed. Hitler acquired absolute power over Germany.
The Second World War
To strengthen the mass base of his regime, Hitler carried out a number of measures designed to gain popular support. Unemployment was sharply reduced and then eliminated. Large-scale humanitarian aid campaigns have been launched for people in need. Mass, cultural and sports celebrations, etc. were encouraged. However, the basis of the policy of the Hitler regime was preparation for revenge for the lost First World War. For this purpose, industry was reconstructed, large-scale construction began, and strategic reserves were created. In the spirit of revenge, propaganda indoctrination of the population was carried out. Hitler committed gross violations of the Treaty of Versailles (Defeat in the war of the German Empire and the November Revolution of 1918 TREATY OF VERSAILLES 1919), which limited Germany's war efforts. The small Reichswehr was transformed into a million-strong Wehrmacht (Defeat in the war of the German Empire and the November Revolution of 1918 VERMACHT), tank troops and military aviation were restored. The status of the demilitarized Rhine Zone was abolished. With the connivance of the leading European powers, Czechoslovakia was dismembered, the Czech Republic was absorbed, and Austria was annexed. Having secured Stalin's approval, Hitler sent his troops into Poland. In 1939, World War II began. Having achieved success in military operations against France and England and having conquered almost the entire western part of the continent, in 1941 Hitler turned his troops against the Soviet Union. The defeats of the Soviet troops at the first stage of the Soviet-German war led to the occupation by Hitler's troops of the Baltic republics, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova and part of Russia. A brutal occupation regime was established in the occupied territories, which killed many millions of people. However, from the end of 1942, Hitler’s armies began to suffer defeats. In 1944, Soviet territory was liberated from occupation, and hostilities approached the German borders. Hitler's troops were forced to retreat in the west as a result of the offensive of the Anglo-American divisions that landed in Italy and on the coast of France.
In 1944, a conspiracy was organized against Hitler, the purpose of which was his physical elimination and the conclusion of peace with the advancing Allied forces. The Fuhrer was aware that the complete defeat of Germany was inevitably approaching. On April 30, 1945, in besieged Berlin, Hitler, together with his partner Eva Braun (whom he had married the day before), committed suicide.

encyclopedic Dictionary. 2009 .

See what “Hitler Adolf” is in other dictionaries:

    - (Hitler) (April 20, 1889, Braunau am Inn, Austria April 30, 1945, Berlin) Fuhrer and Imperial Chancellor of Germany (1933 1945). The organizer of the Second World War, the personification of Nazism, fascism of the 21st century, totalitarianism, including ideological,... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    Hitler Adolf- (Hitler, Adolf) (1889 1945), German, dictator. Genus. in Austria in the family of Alois Hitler and his wife Clara Pölzl. In the beginning. During the 1st World War he volunteered for the Bavarian army, became a corporal (corporal), and was twice awarded the Iron Cross for... ... The World History

    The request for "Hitler" is redirected here; see also other meanings. Adolf Hitler is mute. Adolf Hitler ... Wikipedia

    Hitler (Hitler) [real name Schicklgruber] Adolf (20.4.1889, Braunau, Austria, 30.4.1945, Berlin), leader of the German fascist (National Socialist) party, head of the German fascist state (1933 45), chief... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Today we will talk about one of the most prominent (in a negative sense) heroes of the 20th century - Adolf Hitler, whether he was definitely negative, who was behind him, and most importantly - who he was - a villain or... a genius (can you imagine, there are also those who consider Hitler a hero, a genius).

Hitler. Perhaps only very young children do not know who he is. About 7 decades have passed since his (official) death, but this character still evokes the most negative reviews in people, this is one of the most striking examples when you can be remembered for bad deeds...

But today we will talk not only about the negative side of Hitler, but also about what few people talk about - about Hitler as a person, what was human in him and whether he was really a “devil in the flesh” or this the mask was invented for him by his managers, etc.

“Adolf Hitler (German: Adolf Hitler [ˈaːdɔlf ˈhɪtlɐ]; April 20, 1889, the village of Ranshofen (now part of the city of Braunau am Inn), Austria-Hungary - April 30, 1945, Berlin, Germany) - the founder and central figure of National Socialism, founder of the totalitarian dictatorship of the Third Reich, leader (Führer) of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (1921-1945), Reich Chancellor (1933-1945) and Fuhrer (1934-1945) of Germany, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Germany (from December 19, 1941) in the Second World War."

In the photo, Hitler’s painting “Inner courtyard of the old residence in Munich,” 1914

The photo shows a painting of Hitler

Hitler was born at the end of the 19th century in a small village in Austria-Hungary to a simple, modestly living family, his father was about 50 years old, his mother was about 30, his father was in his third marriage, Hitler had several brothers and sisters, He was very attached to one of his sisters, Paula, and helped her until his death in 1945. E There are also versions that Adolf Hitler received the surname as a result of an error in documents or as a result of his father correcting a previously inconvenient long surname.

The photo shows Hitler in childhood and school

Adolf showed good promise at the beginning of his schooling (6-7 years old), but after transferring to a city school where his family moved, he wilted and studied only those subjects that he liked, namely history, geography, drawing, and remained in the second year . Later, in 1939, Hitler bought his “favorite” primary school in Fischlgam, where he received only excellent grades, and ordered the construction of another school building.

At the age of 7-8 years, Hitler entered the second grade of a school at a Catholic monastery, where he sang in the church choir and helped the priest during mass. According to friends: “Here he first saw the swastika on the coat of arms of Abbot Hagen. Later he ordered the same one to be carved out of wood in his office.”

Then the family moved again and Hitler went to school, which he did not like.

Later, his critical attitude towards the church was formed mainly under the influence of his father's statements. Hitler's father died unexpectedly in 1903, when the boy was only 13 years old.

And although Adolf had many disputes and confrontations with his father, at his father’s coffin he sobbed uncontrollably and was very worried about the loss.

His father instructed Adolf to become an official, but the boy himself wanted to be an artist, despite the suffering associated with the death of his father, Adolf decided to go into the field of drawing.

At the age of 15, Hitler composed a play, poetry, lyrics for musical works, and in general the teenager saw his path in art - drawing and writing.

The French teacher (a subject that Adolf hated) said about him:

“Hitler was undoubtedly gifted, albeit one-sidedly. He almost did not know how to control himself, he was stubborn, self-willed, wayward and hot-tempered. Wasn't diligent."

“Based on numerous evidence, we can conclude that already in his youth Hitler showed pronounced psychopathic traits.

A friend of his youth, Kubizek, and other comrades of Hitler testify that he was constantly at odds with everyone and felt hatred for everything that surrounded him. Therefore, his biographer Joachim Fest admits that Hitler’s anti-Semitism was a focused form of hatred that had previously raged in the dark and finally found its object in the Jew.”

A little later, Hitler decided to enter art school, but failed the entrance exams, received advice from the rector to take up architecture; later, after the death of his mother, the teenager once again entered the art academy, but again failed.

Adolf's mother was diagnosed with cancer in 1907, for the last 2 months (November-December) her son looked after her and buried her next to his father.

The photo shows Hitler's paintings

Having issued pensions for himself and his sister Paula due to the loss of their family, Hitler went on the run, hiding from the army and realizing himself as a free artist: he painted small-format paintings and often changed addresses. He was later declared unfit for the army, but in 1914, after the outbreak of the First World War, he himself expressed a desire to join the Bavarian army as a soldier.

Colleagues described Hitler as an impeccable soldier and comrade; in 1918, as a result of a chemical shell explosion, Adolf partially lost his sight. Having experienced the loss of Germany as a personal tragedy, Hitler was especially eager to defend rights, and therefore began to appear in the field of oratory. In the 1920s, he became the chairman of the NSDAP (German National Socialist Workers' Party), thanks to his bright charisma and ability to move the masses in the right direction. From 1933 to 1945 - Reich Chancellor of Germany and Prussia.

We will not discuss the details of Hitler’s leadership, leadership of the country, political battles, military actions, because there are many films about this and many have long been familiar with these moments.

We are trying to see an ordinary person in Hitler and still understand whether he was a villain or someone’s pawn...

In general, the picture so far is this: an ordinary German boy (however, some question the well-known roots of Hitler, attributing to him Jewishness), born into a modestly living family, dreamed of becoming an artist, but failed the exams, sincerely regretted the death of his father and mother, looked after his mother before his death, was attached to his sister, was a good soldier and comrade in the war, but all this against the backdrop of mild psychopathy. Nothing particularly shocking that could give a hint that this boy will burn millions of people in ovens, moreover, he is a very human and quite sincere character.

Even more convincing facts: Hitler, according to eyewitnesses, loved Geli Raubal (niece) very much, he loved like a man, close blood ties were not uncommon in their family, later Hitler had a relationship with a close relative, Eva Braun, and died with her, by committing suicide (according to the official version). When Geli Raubal was killed (although she was attributed suicide, but this was disputed by many) - Hitler could not come to his senses for a long time, tried to commit suicide, and was very worried about her death.

In addition, Hitler was a vegetarian, and actively began to profess vegetarianism after the death of Geli Raubal. He also loved cartoons, especially Disney’s “Snow White,” and even drew them..

The photo shows Hitler's paintings

As we see, feelings were not alien to Hitler.

Let's return to how Hitler conquered the people and who he was.

Firstly, what did Hitler do when he came to power? He conquered the people not with manna from heaven and idle talk, but did the most essential thing: he gave people jobs, stabilized the social situation, launched large-scale construction aimed ultimately at expanding strategic reserves, helped those in need, the people were united by patriotism, national holidays, and the desire for a goal. Everyone who was against it went to concentration camps.

Against this background of the prevailing trust in the country’s leader, the implementation of the true goal began - the propaganda of anti-Semitism, mass repression of Roma and Jews, later the Holocaust and wars against the great powers...

That is, if the people agreed with the authorities and peacefully “swallowed this pill” of compromise with murders, then everything was fine, but if they did not agree, they were treated as an enemy. Naturally, the people were afraid to stumble, in fear they took the side of power, justifying the actions of the latter.

To the question of how millions could follow the lead of one person and who a person is, a wolf or a sheep, if he becomes so indifferent to other people’s blood and pain. This is very well written in the books of Fromm (and other post-Freudian psychoanalysts of the 20th century, for example), in particular, “The Soul of Man,” in particular, about Hitler and why peoples submitted to him. One of the main forces of persuasion in this case was people’s fear of losing life, protection, family, loved ones, fear of death of themselves and their loved ones. For the purpose of self-preservation, people, under the influence of fear, were ready to accept any absurd idea, cruel, bloody, violence as salvation and idealize them, elevating them to the cult of life.

And one more point: very often people who went through wars, revolutions, rebellions and the most difficult times of countries remembered more vividly not prosperity, peace, tranquility, but rather difficult events, the heroism of some, the cowardice of others, adrenaline in the blood, exploding bombs, life for idea. When rivers of blood flow and a red flag with some idea looms before their eyes, many internal values ​​become distorted, murder ceases to be a crime and the person himself loses his bearings, for example, a previously calm comrade, unable to offend flies, picks up a machine gun and goes to work “ “killer” of prisoners, for the sake of an idea, for the benefit of patriotism... no discord with conscience.

People seem to be both wolves and sheep at the same time, sometimes they have so much potential cruelty that a person himself may not be able to control these elements, under the influence of pressure and misinformation, distortion of facts and the ability to persuade (for example, Hitler was a powerful speaker) - people can It’s easy to turn into a cruel mass, persecuting Jews and all undesirables.

Yes, disinformation and presentation, stimulation of the masses, “brainwashing” in this case is another important moment that took place in the history of Hitler.

That is, all people are pawns who can be controlled, but was Hitler himself a pawn?

There are many reasonable versions that Hitler was created by politicians and financiers, in particular:

« The main sponsors of Hitler and his party were financiers from Great Britain and the United States. From the very beginning, Hitler was a “project”. The energetic Fuhrer was a tool for uniting Europe against the Soviet Union, and other important tasks were also solved, for example, the “New World Order” was tested on the ground, which they planned to spread throughout the planet. Hitler was also sponsored by German financial and industrial circles associated with the global financial international. Among Hitler's sponsors was Fritz Thyssen (the eldest son of industrialist August Thyssen), he had provided significant material support to the Nazis since 1923, and publicly supported Hitler in 1930.

Financial assistance to the Nazis was provided by the German industrialist and financial tycoon Gustav Krupp. Among the bankers, the President of the Reichsbank and Adolf Hitler's confidant in relations with his political and financial sponsors in Western countries, Hjalmar Schacht, collected money for Hitler.

The Fuhrer and the NSDAP were sponsored by such influential Jewish industrialists as Reinold Gesner and Fritz Mandel. Hitler received significant assistance from the famous Warburg banking dynasty and personally from Max Warburg (director of the Hamburg bank M.M. Warburg & Co).

However, bankers of Jewish origin occupy a special place in the history of the relationship between the Fuhrer and bankers. Large financial contributions to the NSDAP were made by influential Jewish industrialists Fritz Mandel and Reinold Gesner. Hitler was provided with significant assistance by the famous banking dynasty of the Warburgs and its head Max Warburg personally, who until 1938 was the director of the German industrial giant IG Farbenindustry - “the backbone of the German military machine.”

There are also versions that Hitler was “made” by the Zionists who wanted to demonstrate their strength and laws with their own eyes, but the question of how to combine the Holocaust and the creation of Hitler by the Zionists, as well as the version that Hitler began the attempts to found Israel, remains unclear. Let's leave that for other topics.

Did Hitler himself send people to ovens and gas chambers? No, at the hands of uncomplaining wards who were blinded by the idea of ​​achieving good through temporary evil. Not so long ago we published an article about the protocols of the Elders of Zion, where the murders of the goyim were justified by achieving the goal of ultimately enthroning the King of the Jews. There's something similar here. The Aryan race, sole power in the hands of one people, and all those who are called upon to be an assistant in establishing order can be justified, all murders, mass and cruel ones, medical experiments, bullying.

If the people were so manipulative, why couldn’t Hitler himself be a puppet in someone’s hands? He simply had many abilities, one of the main ones was the ability to lead the masses, to drive the most crazy ideas into people’s heads under the guise of salvation, which is why he became the leader, and his performers were in the lower ranks.

However, we should not forget that a person still makes a choice himself, and like Hitler and his same wards had the opportunity to refuse, but did not even think of doing so.

Hitler, being a psychopath traumatized in childhood, decided to find a target for taking out all the troubles, deprivations, frustrations and hatred on certain categories of people, thus trying to get rid of the complexes that tormented him, plus he seized upon power, which blinded him and seemed to him not enough , it was difficult to stop, mass control (however, not all those traumatized in childhood become Hitlers, I assume that he chose his evil path consciously, taking into account his psychopathic characteristics).

As a result, the hypertrophied instinct of evil, which was in the hands of “Hitler’s creators”, actively fueled by the latter, crossed all boundaries... Hitler was eliminated or forced/forced to withdraw himself when he was no longer needed. He could also be misinformed in order to inflame him with anger and hatred, and incite him against other nations. What ultimately happened to Hitler—whether he committed suicide or lived quietly in Argentina—we will never know, and it’s not that important in the context of our topic.

Quotes from people (from forums) about what they think about Hitler (spelling of the authors of the posts):

“Genius is a creator. The villain is the destroyer.

evil genius

brilliant villain

Hitler was there, Hitler floated away... he was sick and essentially unhappy.

he was a Jew. Schicklgruber is a real surname.

he was a man first and foremost! and people tend to make mistakes. especially when it is pushed and pushed very skillfully!

Geniuses, it is said loudly, the Fuhrer, talkers and troublemakers. A politician who not only promised but also realized what he promised with his own hands is selective and nothing more. The mistakes he made were not the mistakes of a genius, but of an ambitious leader. It is idiocy to declare a warrior on two fronts to a US warrior, given the obvious failure of the Blitzkrieg in December 1941. Only after this decision can he be declared an idiot and not a genius.

Well, it’s impossible to answer unequivocally about Adolf Aloizovich, but he certainly wasn’t an average person, no matter how hard they tried to portray it in Soviet times, he was just born at the wrong time, and otherwise there would have been more than one talented architect

Hitler is definitely not a genius. Rather, he is a madman, a fanatic with some persuasive abilities and an excellent speaker.

Hitler is a brilliant psycho, who was specially found by Western tycoons for the war against the red threat in the form of Stalinist despotism.”

Personally, I think that Hitler would be an average artist, he painted better than many, but there are much more talented individuals, only his mark is bright, brilliantly evil, in history, and who he was - everyone has their own associations.

Sometimes amazing secrets come to light from the depths of centuries, about which you want to know as much as possible. Today we will learn about Hitler's relatives. You will see the story of this devil’s father and another equally fascinating one about a relative

Father - Alois Hitler (1837-1903). Mother - Clara Hitler (1860-1907)

As is known, and there is certain documentary evidence of this, the father of the future Fuhrer - Alois Hitler - is suspected of having Jewish blood, hated by the Nazis, flowing in his veins. We will deliberately not dwell on all the historical details of the origin of Hitler’s father, since this is not the purpose of this article. Let us mention only a few facts.

Both of Adolf Hitler's parents came from the rural Waldviertel region of Austria, near the Czech border. Hitler's father, Alois, was born on June 7, 1837 to unmarried 42-year-old Maria Anna Schicklgruber. Alois's father (Adolf Hitler's grandfather) is unknown. There were rumors that he was the son of a wealthy Jew, Frankenberger, for whom Maria Anna worked as a cook. When Alois was almost five years old, a certain Johann Georg Hidler married Maria Schicklgruber. The surname Hiedler (in ancient metrics also written as Hüttler) sounded unusual for an Austrian and resembled a Slavic one. Five years later, Maria, Adolf Hitler's grandmother, died. Stepfather Johann Georg abandoned his stepson, and Alois was raised by his stepfather’s brother, Johann Nepomuk Hidler, who had no sons. At the age of 13, Alois ran away from home and first got a job as a shoemaker's apprentice in Vienna, and after 5 years - in the border guard. He quickly moved up the ranks and soon became senior customs inspector in the town of Braunau.

In the spring of 1876, Nepomuk, who wanted to have a son, even if not his own, adopted Alois, giving him his last name. It is unknown for what reason she was slightly changed during adoption - from Hiedler to Hitler. Six months later, Nepomuk died, and Alois inherited his farm worth 5,000 florins. A lover of love affairs, Adolf Hitler's father already had an illegitimate daughter. Alois first married a woman 14 years older than him, but she divorced him when he had an affair with the cook Fanny Matzelsberger. In addition, Alois was attracted by the granddaughter of his adoptive father Nepomuk, sixteen-year-old Clara Pelzl, who was formally his cousin. In 1882, Fanny gave birth to a son from Alois, named after his father, and then a daughter, Angela. Alois was legally married to Fanny, but she died in 1884.

Alois Hitler, father of Adolf Hitler

Even before this, Alois entered into a love affair with the calm, gentle Clara Pelzl. In January 1885, he married her, having received special permission from Rome, since the new wife was formally a close relative of him. In the coming years, Clara gave birth to two boys and one girl, but they all died. On April 20, 1889, Clara’s fourth child, Adolf, was born.

Clara Pelzl-Hitler - mother of Adolf Hitler

Three years after this, Alois was promoted, and Adolf Hitler's parents moved from Austria to the German city of Passau, where the young Fuhrer forever adopted the Bavarian dialect. When Adolf was almost five years old, his parents had another child - son Edmund. In the spring of 1895, Hitler's family moved to Hafeld, a village fifty kilometers southwest of Linz. The Hitlers lived in a peasant house with a field of almost two hectares and were considered wealthy people. Soon, Hitler’s parents sent him to primary school, where teachers later remembered him as “a student with a lively mind, obedient but playful.” Even at this age, Adolf showed oratorical abilities and soon became a leader among his peers. At the beginning of 1896, a daughter, Paula, was also born into the Hitler family.

The house in Braunau where Hitler's family lived and where he himself was born

Alois Hitler retired from customs, leaving behind the memory of a diligent employee, but a rather arrogant man who loved to be photographed in his official uniform. His tendencies as a family tyrant brought him into sharp conflict with his eldest son and namesake. At the age of 14, Alois Jr. followed his father’s example and ran away from home. Hitler's family moved again - to the town of Lambach, where they settled in a good apartment on the second floor of a spacious house. In 1898, young Adolf graduated from school with twelve “units” - the highest mark in German schools. In 1899, Hitler's father bought a cozy house in Leonding, a village on the outskirts of Linz.

Here is what the German historian and specialist in Nazi history Joachim Fest writes about the origins of Alois Hitler in his book “The Face of the Third Reich”: “Hitler’s father was the illegitimate child of a cook named Schickelkgruber from Leonding, near Linz, who worked in a house in Graz... The cook, Adolf Hitler's grandmother, worked for a Jewish family named Frankenberger at the time of the birth of her child. And this Frankenberger - this was in the 30s of the 19th century - paid Schilkgruber alimony for his son, who was then about nineteen years old... In addition, for several years there was a correspondence between the Frankenbergers and Hitler's grandmother, the general content of which was a tacit confession both parties that the Schilkgruber child was conceived under such a set of circumstances that obliges the Frankenbergers to pay her child support.”

It is unlikely that the grown-up son of that same cook, Alois, would know anything about these facts - known to the whole village. But regardless of whether these rumors were true or not, the future father of the dictator was burdened with a fourfold dishonor: he was poor; he was illegitimate; he was separated from his mother at the age of five; he had Jewish blood in his veins (which in those days meant shame and isolation).

It is clear that even if the last point was just a rumor, it did not save the situation at all, since the first three points remained undisputed. The fact that Alois changed his last name at the age of forty - with all the subsequent serious difficulties and obstacles that Fest describes. According to Alice Miller, these facts indicate how important and controversial the issue of his origin remained for him.

Alois will defend himself all his life from the oppression of this shame with the help of his successes, his bureaucratic career, his uniform, pompous manners and incredibly cruel treatment of his own wife and children, including his son Adolf.

Not all historians, however, are convinced that Alois Hitler regularly beat his young son, Adolf, or otherwise abused him. For example, the historian Franz Jetzinger expresses similar doubts in his book “Hitler’s Youth.”

Alois Hitler ©Wikimedia Commons

“He [Yetzinger] argues that Hitler was 'definitely' not a 'downtrodden child' and that the 'willful and stubborn boy fully deserved' the spanking,” writes Alice Miller in her book Education, Violence and Repentance. “For “his father was a man of very (!) progressive convictions.”

As a psychologist, Alice Miller absolutely rightly argues that Jetzinger fell under the influence of the so-called “black pedagogy” characteristic of people in general, which justifies the cruel treatment of children (for example, beating) for educational purposes. Needless to say, even today, as a result of the philosophy of “black pedagogy,” many parents around the world are convinced that punishing their children through spanking, ridicule and other types of psychological and physical violence is a norm that is aimed solely at the benefit of children. During Hitler's childhood in Germany, these views on education were even more uncontroversial. Many children were “raised” this way, but not all were subjected to the same cruelty that befell Alois’s children, as well as his wives.

The famous American historian and publicist John Toland writes in his book “Adolf Hitler”: One day, when his rebellious feelings were especially strong in him, Adolf decided to run away from home. Somehow Alois found out about these plans and locked the boy in the attic. All night Adolf tried to squeeze through the window opening. It was too tight, so he took off his clothes. At that moment, he heard his father’s steps on the stairs and jumped back in a hurry, covering his nakedness with a tablecloth taken from a chair... his father laughed and began shouting to Clara to come and look at the “boy in a toga.” These ridicule caused Adolf more pain than any other possible outcome of events, and, as he admitted to Elena Hanfstaengl, “he could not forget this incident for a long time.” Many years later, he told one of his secretaries that he had read in an adventure novel that the ability to patiently hide one’s pain was a sign of courage. Therefore, “I decided that I would not utter a sound the next time my father spanked me. And when this incident came - I still remember my frightened mother standing at the door - I silently counted the blows. Mother thought I was crazy when, beaming with pride, I said: “Father hit me thirty-two times!”

This and other documented episodes from the life of Adolf Hitler give the impression that by periodically beating his son, Alois was venting his blind rage, caused by the humiliation he himself experienced as a child. “Obviously, he had an obsessive desire to take out his humiliation and his suffering on this particular child of his,” Miller writes.

Adolf Hitler as a baby ©Deutsches Bundesarchiv

Alas, for some reason it is difficult for many people to understand that cruelty in this world is usually taken out on the innocent. Very often children become victims of such violence. Moreover, violence against them, as already mentioned, is very often justified by the “educational” process. This is the “norm” of our life - this is what many people were “taught” by their parents who beat them. Having grown up, most people begin to idealize their fathers and mothers, following them, calling these beatings, ridicule and outright bullying as “parents only wanted the best.” This is understandable. Not everyone is able to recognize their beloved mom and dad as tyrants who simply solved their problems in this way - it is too painful and carries with it a global restructuring of their own worldview. Therefore, these people, having already become parents themselves, prefer to “repeat” the same scenario, taking as the indisputable truth the postulates of “black pedagogy”, which is more than widespread today. The first of them: children are by nature deceitful, hypocritical, selfish, lazy, etc. Second: all these qualities must be knocked out of the child through punishment, including corporal punishment. Many people prefer not to know that such statements are not just fundamentally wrong, but are the complete opposite of reality. Including biographers of Hitler. Moreover, in the case of a person who is the most terrible criminal of all time, this is incredibly convenient, because everyone hates Hitler, and needless to say, there is a reason for it. However, this does not in any way justify the “sins” of his despotic father, a victim - namely a victim - of whom Adolf Hitler at one time became.

That is why it is so common for historians to attribute all sorts of sins to little Adolf, especially laziness, stubbornness and deceit. “But is a child born a liar? - asks Alice Miller. “And isn’t lying the only way to survive with such a father and preserve the remnants of your own dignity?” Sometimes deception and bad grades at school become the only means of hidden development of an island of independence in a person who is completely at the mercy of the whims of another.”

Biographer Rudolf Olden describes Hitler's father, Alois: “He was never on good terms with the people who surrounded him. But in his own home he established a family dictatorship. His wife looked down on him, and his children constantly felt his firm hand on them. He did not understand Adolf and tyrannized him. If the old non-commissioned officer wanted the boy to come to him, he whistled with two fingers.”

“The image of a man whistling for his child, like a dog, is so reminiscent of descriptions of concentration camps that it is not surprising that modern biographers tend to belittle the cruelty of the father, while noting that in those days there was nothing special about beatings, or even make more complex arguments against "vilifying" the father, as Jetzinger does, writes Alice Miller. “It is sad that it was these studies of Jetzinger that became an important source for subsequent biographers, but his psychological views were not far from those of Alois.”

Adolf Hitler, ©Getty Images

In all of Hitler's subsequent actions on the world stage, Alice Miller sees “acting out” the relationship with her father. Hitler, like many ordinary people today, found it very difficult to hate his father or mother (for their real atrocities), so he began to hate Jews. Jews, as we know, have always been a persecuted people; hatred of them in different eras was almost legalized - this is a hatred that is safe from the point of view of one’s own “morality” and public opinion. After all, hating or envying someone is considered something “bad” and shameful in our society, although both hatred and envy are normal and natural reactions of any person to stress.

Alice Miller: “Jews are not liked because they are special people or do something special. All this can be observed among other nations... Jews are hated because people have a need to pour out suppressed hatred, and they strive for this need legitimize. The Jewish people are especially suited for this purpose... Through the influence of his unconscious repetition compulsions, Hitler essentially succeeded in transferring the trauma of his family life to the entire German nation. Introduction of racial discrimination forced every citizen trace your ancestry right down to up to third generation with all the ensuing consequences... The Inquisition, for example, persecuted Jews as infidels, but they were given a chance to survive if they were baptized. But in the Third Reich, neither loyal behavior, nor merit, nor success helped anything; just because his origin the Jews were doomed: first to humiliation, and then to death. Isn’t this a reflection of the fate of Hitler himself?”

The Fuhrer's father, despite all his efforts and great successes in his career, also could not correct his “tainted” past, just as Jews were subsequently forbidden to remove the Stars of David. At the same time, racial discrimination repeated the drama of Hitler’s own childhood - little Adolf, like any Jew under the Nazi regime, could not hide from his father’s beatings under any circumstances. Moreover, the beatings were not caused by Adolf’s bad behavior, but by the fact that his father was simply “out of sorts.” “It is these fathers who can drag their sleeping child out of bed if they cannot control their mood (perhaps feeling unimportant and insecure in some social situation), and beat him in order to restore their narcissistic balance... There is no doubt about that little Adolf was constantly beaten; no matter what he did, there was no escaping the daily spanking. All he could do was deny his pain, that is, in other words, deny himself and identify with the aggressor (father - NS note). No one could help him, not even his mother, because intercession would have brought danger to her, since she was also beaten,” writes the psychologist.

Adolf Hitler, ©ylilauta.org

The same threat of inevitable humiliation, as we know, awaited every Jew. The latter could simply walk down the street, and at that time a man with a sturmer’s bandage on his sleeve would approach him and could do whatever he wanted with him - whatever his fantasy suggested at that moment, humiliate him in any way he wanted. If a Jew suddenly began to resist, the sturmer had the right to beat him to death. At one time, when at the age of 11, Hitler, unable to bear the oppression of his father, wanted to escape, he was beaten half to death for just the thought of escaping. Why not repeat the fate of the Jews in the Third Reich? The desire to bring the whole world to its knees, the desire for honors, practically unlimited power, which he had - is this not a repetition of the fate of little Adolf Schicklgruber?..

Many will rightly say that thousands and even hundreds of thousands of children grew up in such conditions, but none of them became Hitler. Of course, Adolf’s upbringing influenced his personal characteristics - strong natural temperament, desire for leadership, sensitivity to humiliation, etc. Of course, not everyone’s career circumstances developed exactly the way they did for the Nazi icon. Of course, there are no two identical destinies, just like no two identical people. And Hitler, in spite of everything, does not deserve any justification and remains the most notorious bandit of all time. However, aboutexplaint His inhumane acts are still possible.

How Hitler fought against Hitler

Here’s another story that you most likely didn’t know about, and it also concerns a relative of Hitler.

It began in the glorious city of Dublin, on the banks of the sleepy and muddy Liffey River about 100 years ago. Eighteen-year-old Irishwoman Bridget Dowling, born in Dublin, came with her father to the Dublin Horse Show to look at the horses and have fun. And who would have thought that on this very day she would meet her fate here. It so happened that a young man named Alois wandered into this same show. Well, what’s special here, you ask, our dear readers. Here's what. This young man's last name was Hitler. Yes exactly. Alois Hitler! Adolf's brother! You ask, what was he doing in a distant country? The answer is simple and ridiculously banal. Worked as a kitchen helper at the Shelburne Hotel. Yes, yes, in that very hotel near Stephen Green Square. But, of course, having met an interesting and wealthy girl, he introduced himself to her as a traveling hotel owner.

An affair began and after some time the couple moved to London. Bridget's father accused Alois of kidnapping, but soon reconciled, listening to his daughter's requests for forgiveness. The couple got married and the father simply had no choice but to bless their union. After living on Charin Cross Road in London for about a year, the family moved to Liverpool, where their only son, Patrick (William Patrick Hitler), was born in 1911. Already in 1914, dad left for Germany, where he opened a small business. Bridget refused to go with him and remained in England, because Alois, who had a rather violent disposition, often beat her. And little Patrick suffered cruelly from his unbalanced father. By the way, he’s just as possessed as his uncle. The house where they lived was subsequently destroyed during a Nazi air raid on Liverpool.

So several years passed and this is what happened then...

Patrick grew up and needed to somehow start earning a living. And his family ties with Hitler seriously prevented him from living in Britain. He subsequently wrote about this in his articles. In 1933, William Patrick Hitler came to Germany in an attempt to take advantage of his uncle's influence. Adolf Hitler helped him get a job at the ReichCreditBank in Berlin. The place was not bad, but something didn’t work out there.

William Patrick later got a job at the Opel automobile plant and then worked as a car salesman. Most likely, the guy expected a little more from his uncle. Dissatisfied with his situation, he wrote to Hitler that he would sell stories about his family to newspapers if the Fuhrer did not help him in his career. But, of course, Uncle Fuhrer would also like to make some changes to his nephew’s fate. In 1938, Adolf Hitler asked William to renounce his British citizenship in exchange for a high-profile job. Frightened by the trap, William decided to leave Nazi Germany, and then began to blackmail Adolf Hitler, threatening to write in the press that Hitler's grandfather was a Jew.

Returning to London, he wrote an article for Look magazine, "Why I Hate My Uncle." In 1939, William Patrick and his mother traveled to the United States at the invitation of publisher William Randolph Hearst, and they were stranded there when World War II began. The young man did not want to sit in the rear during the fighting. After a special request to US President Franklin D. Roosevelt, in 1944, Briton William Patrick Hitler was allowed to serve in the US Navy. There were rumors that when he arrived at the regimental office for his service, the officer told him - “Happy to see you, Hitler.”

William Patrick Hitler served in the US Navy as a pharmacist's mate until 1947. In essence, the war was already coming to an end, but nevertheless, the nephew managed to remain in service for about a year. And fight against his uncle. He was seriously wounded while serving in World War II. He really didn’t like that those around him, hearing his last name, instantly associated him with his uncle the Fuhrer. And people’s reaction was clear. This was the name of the enemy. So William Patrick changed his last name to Stewart-Houston, married in 1947, and moved to Long Island, New York. Already living in the States, William Patrick founded his business there. He had a small private laboratory in which he processed blood tests for hospitals. His laboratory, which he called Brookhaven, was located in his two-story home at 71 Silver Street, Patchogue.

William died on July 14, 1987, in Patchogue, New York, and his remains were buried next to his mother, Bridget, in Holy Sepulcher Cemetery in Coram, New York.

Here's the story. Seventy years have passed since the Victory over Nazi Germany. Seventy long years. Much has changed since then. Many participants in World War II have long been dead. But memories last for generations. And sometimes, walking around Dublin past the same Shelburne Hotel, I think, wow, what a complicated thing life is. Who would have thought that within these walls the brother of that same possessed Fuhrer once worked as a simple kitchen porter. And his son, Hitler’s nephew, will hate his uncle and will go to fight against him in the American army. This is the connection between times and generations. And yet I would like the current generation to remember those terrible pages of human history. It remembered and would try to prevent wars.

Patrick William Hitler

As the writer who found the relatives of Adolf Hitler (David Gardner) tells CNN in an interview, the basis for his search was the scant mention of Hitler's nephew in old newspaper publications that were published before World War II. Finding relatives was not easy. According to the author, the search took four years.

In order to prove the connection of these people with the Fuhrer, the journalist had to present a whole series of evidence. In particular, he knew their dates of birth and provided documentary evidence of this. In addition, according to the writer, William Patrick's widow confirmed that her husband was Hitler's nephew.

According to the author of the book, the connection between the Nazi leader and his descendants is small. According to him, it manifests itself only in some similarity of views. “They live the American life in a small town on Long Island. They were born in America, they became American Hitlers,” he adds.

“Their lives were very different from the one lived by the Fuhrer. Their father actually grew up in England; he spent only six or seven years in Germany in the 1930s, says David Gardner. “Just before World War II, he moved to America, where his family still lives.”

“I think that Hitler’s nephew was the only person who could contradict the Fuhrer. When he was in Germany, where he came to earn money, hoping for his own surname, he even blackmailed his powerful relative. As a result of this trick, by the way, he earned an amount equivalent to a quarter of a million dollars today,” he says.

It is known that the Fuhrer had no direct heirs, and currently the fate of his family is in the hands of the five surviving family members: Peter Raubal and Heiner Hochegger, two grandchildren of Adolf's sister Angela, and three descendants of the Fuhrer's nephew William Patrick Stewart-Houston (Hitler ) - Alexandra, Louis and Brian.

Peter is now 82 years old, he was born in the Austrian city of Linz and is there to this day, he worked as an engineer before his retirement. Heiner Hohegger, 68, lives in Düsseldorf, and the Stewart-Houston brothers were born and raised in the United States.

Given their ancestor's terrible past, all three of William Patrick's children agreed to do everything to sever all ties with Hitler. If their father just changed his last name, did they set themselves more stringent conditions? never marry and have children. “They have remained faithful to this treaty to this day,” says the book’s author.

The Last Secrets of the Third Reich - Hitler's Family (doc. film)

The surname Hitler comes from the affectionate form of Gitl or the Gitleyidish feminine name Gita, which means “good, kind.” The Yiddish ending "-er" denotes belonging. Thus, Hitler means "son of Gitli".

Until the age of thirty-nine, Hitler's father Alois bore the surname Schicklgruber, his mother's surname. In the thirties, this fact was discovered by Viennese journalists, and to this day it is discussed on the pages of monographs about Nazi Germany and Hitler. The talented American historian and publicist William Shirer, who wrote the book “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich,” semi-ironically assures that if Alois had not changed his surname Schicklgruber to Hitler, his son Adolf would not have had to become the Fuhrer, because unlike the surname Hitler, which in its sound reminiscent of “ancient Germanic sagas and Wagner”, the surname Schicklgruber is difficult to pronounce and even sounds somewhat humorous to the German ear.

“It is known,” writes Shirer, “that the words “Heil Hitler!” became an official greeting in Germany. Moreover, the Germans said “Heil Hitler!” literally at every turn. It is impossible to believe that they would endlessly shout “Heil Schicklgruber!”, “Heil Schicklgruber!”

Alois Schicklgruber, father of Adolf Hitler, was adopted by Georg Hiedler, husband of his mother Maria Anna Schicklgruber. However, between the marriage of Maria Anna and the adoption of Alois, no less than thirty-four years passed. When forty-seven-year-old Maria Anna married Georg, she already had a five-year-old illegitimate son, Alois, the father of the future Nazi dictator. And neither George nor his wife thought of legitimizing the child at that time. Four years later, Maria Anna died, and Georg Hiedler left his native place.

Everything further is known to us in two versions. According to one, Georg Gidler returned to his hometown and, in the presence of a notary and three witnesses, declared that Alois Schicklgruber, the son of his late wife Anna Maria, was in fact his, Gidler’s, son. According to another, three relatives of Georg Gidler went to the notary for the same purpose. According to this version, Georg Hiedler himself had long been dead by that time. It is believed that the over-aged Alois wished to become “legal” because he expected to receive a small inheritance.

The surname “Hidler” was mistakenly distorted when recording, and thus the surname “Hitler” was born, which in Russian pronunciation was fixed as “Hitler”.

Alois Schicklgruber, aka Hitler, was married three times: the first time to a woman who was fourteen years older than him. The marriage was unsuccessful. Alois left for another woman, whom he married after the death of his first wife. But soon she died of tuberculosis. For the third time he married a certain Clara Pelzl, who was twenty-three years younger than her husband. In order to formalize this marriage, it was necessary to seek permission from the church authorities, since Clara Pelzl was obviously closely related to Alois. Be that as it may, Clara Pelzl became the mother of Adolf Hitler.

Adolf's father, Alois, died in 1903, aged 65. In 2012, at the request of one of his descendants, the grave of Adolf’s parents in the suburbs of Linz was liquidated and given over to other burials, under the pretext that it served as a place of pilgrimage for right-wing extremist circles.

Thus, Adolf Hitler was born 13 years after his father changed his surname, and from birth bore his real surname. This is the origin story of the name Hitler, which belonged to one of the most terrible fiends of hell, Amalek of the twentieth century.