Didactic game “Boots for a centipede”

Summary of a game lesson for children of the third year of life, topic: “Ladybug and other beetles”


Give children basic knowledge about insects.
To consolidate children's knowledge about parts of the body, colors (yellow, red, blue, green).
Introduce children to counting to five.
To form stable ideas about the concepts “up-down”, “one-many”, “big-small”.
Practice onomatopoeia, drawing with a pencil, modeling from plasticine.
Develop thinking, eye, fine motor skills, coordination of movements.
Cultivate friendly relationships with peers.


Cardboard silhouettes of ladybugs with five dots, centipedes, beetles (yellow and red), ladders, droplets.
Small insect toys. Large toy elephant. Cardboard house.
Leaves, colored clothespins, millet.
Counting sticks.
A large sheet of paper with ants drawn on it.
Black plasticine, pictures of ladybugs without dots.
A toy beetle tied to a stick with a long thread.
Colour pencils. Sheets of paper with a spider drawn.
Cut-out pictures of “beetles”.

Progress of the lesson:

Greeting game “If you like it, then do it this way”

If you like it
Then do this: clap-clap.
If you like it
Show that to others.
If you like it
Then do this: clap-clap.
(Clap your hands)

If you like it
Then do this: knock-knock.
If you like it
oh and show others.
If you like it
Then do this: knock-knock.
(knock your fists)

If you like it
Then do this: slap-slap.
If you like it
Show that to others.
If you like it
Then do this: slap-slap.
(Clap your palms on the table or knees)

If you like it
Then do this: ah-ah.
If you like it
Show that to others.
If you like it
Then do this: ah-ah.
(Shake your head, press your palms to your cheeks)

Surprise moment “Who lives in the house?”

Look, here's the house. And who lives in it? Let's knock. Maybe the door will open and someone will come out of the house? Children bang their fists on the tables. A ladybug appears from the house. Who lives in this house? Ladybug with her friends - other beetles. That's what we'll play with today.


Looking at toy ladybugs.

The ladybug has spots.
Let's pat her on the head!
And together we will count the spots,
How many of them do we now know:
One two three four five!

Didactic exercise “Top-bottom”

Here is a ladybug sitting, and a leaf fell from a tree and covered the ladybug. The leaf is at the top and the ladybug is at the bottom. Now let’s do the opposite: put a leaf, and put a ladybug on top of it. The ladybug is at the top and the leaf is at the bottom.

Breathing exercise “The wind blows away the leaves”

Then a strong wind blew and our leaf flew away.

Bas-relief sculpture “Make dots for the ladybug”

Children pinch off pieces of plasticine, roll into balls and press their fingers against the image of a ladybug.

Didactic game “We flew and sat on our heads”

They flew, flew and landed on their heads.

Ladybugs, fly to the sky.
They flew, flew and landed on the nose.
Ladybugs, fly to the sky.
They flew, they flew, they sat on their tummy.

Ladybugs, fly to the sky.
They flew, they flew, they sat down on their legs.


Didactic exercise “Build an anthill”

Let's help the ants build an anthill. Children use multi-colored counting sticks to build an “anthill” - they pile up the sticks.

Game “Hide the ant from the rain”

Ants are drawn on a large sheet. Children, how many ants are there? Lots of ants.
Now it’s raining, now droplets are dripping from above. Right at the ants. Raise your hand with the droplet and cover the ant with it. The ants are frozen. Let's wipe away the droplets (brush them with your hand) and warm the ants with the warmth of our palms (cover the images of ants with our palms). How many ants did you cover with one palm? One ant.

Didactic game “Who is big and who is small?”

Here we have an ant. And who is this? Elephant. Who is big? The elephant is big. Who's the little one? The ant is small.


Didactic game “Boots for a centipede”

Children are given cardboard silhouettes of centipedes with multi-colored clothespins attached to the bottom. Children should remove the clothespins and, if possible, try to put them back on.

Here are the beautiful boots of a big centipede.
Soon the centipede's legs became very sore.
Help the centipede take off his boots as quickly as possible.

Dynamic pause “Centipede”

Children move to the music on rugs, benches, and climb through hoops.


Drawing with pencils “Web for a spider”

Between the flowers the spider decided to weave a web. Let's help him - draw a lot of cobwebs with a pencil.

Didactic game “Find the halves of the pictures”

Here's a picture, but it's split into two halves. Connect the halves to make a whole picture.

Outdoor game “Play with the spider”

A spider and a web are drawn on the board. Children throw light balls, trying to get into the web.


Finger gymnastics “Bug”

Here the bug is buzzing and spinning.
He sits on a flower.
We stroke the open palm of one hand in a circular motion with the tips of the fingers of the other hand, folded into a pinch.
Our bug puts its paws
For an elegant petal.
We grab the thumb with a pinch, kneading it from the base to the pad.
One two three four five -
Let's count the petals.
Let's stretch the rest of our fingers. Then we repeat the game for the second palm.

Game "Find the Bug"

Children put their hands into a container with millet and dig out small figures of beetles from it.

Didactic exercise “Beetle and ladder”

The beetle climbed up the ladder
Sings a song:
“Zhu-zhu-zhu! Ju-ju-ju!
I’m sitting on the stairs!”
A bug fell from the stairs
And he buzzed angrily:
“Zhu-zhu-zhu! Ju-ju-ju!
I’m lying under the ladder!”
We'll pick up the bug.
Let's hug you tenderly.

Didactic game “Find a flower for a beetle”

Here are the beetles of different colors. This beetle is red, this one is yellow, this one is green, and this one is blue. And these beetles live in flowers. Yellow beetles live on a yellow flower. Red beetles live on a red flower. Green beetles live on a green flower. Blue beetles live on a blue flower.

Dynamic pause “Catch a bug”

Children stand in a circle, the teacher is in the center of the circle. The teacher shows a toy beetle attached to a stick. Watch the beetle fly and listen to how it buzzes. Let's buzz like a beetle: "w-w-w." Now try to catch a beetle. The teacher turns on the spot, passing the wand with the toy over the children’s heads.


Finger gymnastics “Two little grasshoppers”

Two small grasshoppers
We jumped onto the river.
We “jump” on the table with the rounded and gathered fingers of both hands.
They were afraid of water
And we didn’t swim in the river.
We stroke the surface of the table with our palms.
They played violins -
All the fish were scared away.
Alternately, use the edge of one palm to rub the surface of the other palm.

Dynamic pause “Grasshoppers”

Raise your shoulders
Raise and lower your shoulders.
Jump, grasshoppers,
Jump-jump, jump-jump.
Sit down and eat some grass,
Let's listen to the silence.
To squat.
Hush, hush, high,
Jump on your toes easily.

Musical and rhythmic exercise “A grasshopper sat in the grass”

To the song of the same name, children beat out the rhythm on a metallophone.

Farewell game “Pass it in a circle”

It's time to say goodbye. It's time for Ladybug to leave and she wants to say "goodbye" to each of you.
Children take turns picking up a toy, saying “goodbye” to it and passing it to a neighbor.

Psychological exercises and games for children 3 years old


Target: creating a positive emotional mood in the group;
-development of the ability to act in accordance with the rules of the game;

Development of coordination of movements, general and fine motor skills, orientation in one’s own body;

Development of visual perception (color, shape, size of objects);

Development of attention, speech and imagination.


toy ladybug (preferably round); large and small cars, nesting dolls, dolls, cubes, etc.;

black finger paint or gouache mixed with toothpaste;

sheet with a picture of a ladybug (for each child).

Progress of the lesson


The psychologist shows the children a toy ladybug and says:

- A ladybug came to visit us. Look how beautiful she is! Let's say hello to her.
Children look at the ladybug and say hello to it.

The psychologist offers to determine the color, shape and size of the toy, then together with the children he counts the points on the ladybug skink.
If children find it difficult to answer, the psychologist himself names the color, shape and size of the toy.
Guys, imagine that our ladybug has flown. Come on, let's try to catch her!
The psychologist, pretending that he is trying to catch an imaginary bug, performs grasping movements above his head: with one hand, with the other, with both hands at the same time. Children repeat the movements shown.

Let's unclench our fists and see if we could catch the ladybug.

The children, following the psychologist, slowly unclench their fists.

- Here our bug! Give him both your palms . Children, following the psychologist, join their open palms, imagining that they are holding an imaginary bug.
The psychologist tells a nursery rhyme and shows the movements. The children repeat after him.

Ladybug, Fly to the sky,
Bring us bread, Black and white, Just not burnt!
They shake their palms rhythmically.
Make waves with crossed hands.
They wave their hands towards themselves. They clap their hands rhythmically. They threaten with their index finger.

As a rule, at the first lesson, many children are not able to repeat some movements after an adult (cross their hands, wag their index finger). In this case, mothers, teachers, and psychologists sit the babies on their laps and, supporting their palms, make the above-described movements with them.

The ladybug is frozen and cannot fly. Let's warm her with our breath. Children breathe on their palms.
When teaching this breathing exercise, a psychologist can ask children to open their mouths wide and pronounce the sound “A” for a long time.
- The ladybug has warmed up, let's blow it off our palm.
Children take several deep breaths through their nose and exhale through their mouth. As you exhale, stretch out your lips with a tube and place your palms under the cold streams of air.
At the initial stage of mastering this exercise, you can ask children to pronounce the sound “U” for a long time while exhaling.
Now, guys, let's turn into ladybugs ourselves.
We circled around ourselves. And they turned into ladybugs.
Ladybugs, show me yours

Heads, noses, mouths,

Winged arms, legs, tummies.
They're spinning. Show named body parts.
- Amazing! And now we will play the game “Ladybugs and the Wind”. The sun is shining, ladybugs are crawling on the leaves.

Children get on all fours and crawl on the floor.
- An evil cold wind blew and turned the bugs over.
Children roll over onto their backs and move their relaxed legs and arms.
If a psychologist observes tense, constrained, sharp movements in one of the children, then he can help the child relieve excess tension by stroking and lightly shaking.
- A kind, warm breeze blew and helped the bugs turn over.

The children are back on all fours and crawling.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

- The warm wind blew stronger, lifted the ladybugs into the air, and they flew.

Children, imitating the flight of ladybugs, run slowly, smoothly wave their arms, and buzz.

- The sparrow is flying! Save yourself, ladybugs ! Children run into the arms of a psychologist and teacher.

At a children's parenting lesson, children hide in the arms of their parents.

The psychologist puts in front of the children paired toys that differ in size (large and small cars, nesting dolls, etc.) and says:

- Guys, ladybug wanted to play with your toys. Help her choose small toys.

Children complete the task.

Let's let's draw a ladybug in the air, show with our hands how round it is .

Children, following the psychologist, draw a circle in the air: with one hand, with the other, with both hands at the same time.
If necessary, adults can take children's hands in theirs and show them how to perform rotational movements.
The children sit at the tables. The psychologist distributes paints and sheets with images of ladybugs.

- Now let's draw black dots on the ladybug skinks.

Children, following the psychologist, dip their index fingers in black paint (gouache mixed with toothpaste) and paint over the circles on the backs of ladybugs.

Children and adults remember what games and exercises were played during the lesson and discuss what they liked most.

Psychologist says:

- Ladybug really liked it, but it's time to say goodbye. Goodbye!

During repeated lessons, you can invite children to draw with a finger, a large brush or a foam swab: grass near a ladybug; sun at the top of the leaf.

Anna Morozova

A simple and easily made game from scrap materials for toddlers and children with disabilities.


mastering and consolidating the image and name of basic geometric figures, developing the perception of the shape of an object.

The game is made of colored cardboard and paper (I use colored Xerox paper, as it is denser and brighter, and also does not “glare”, which is important for visually impaired children). The basic geometric shapes used are circle, square, triangle, additionally rhombus and oval. In my version there are four ladybugs (2 red and 2 orange, you can make more, work with them according to the lotto principle (for several children at the same time).

The game task is to close all the “windows” with a suitable figurine.

Game motivation:

The ladybug has lost all the points on her wings! Help her - cover the empty windows with suitable dots. Look carefully, the ladybug's dots are unusual - in the form of different shapes.

It is advisable that the child, closing the windows, pronounce the names of the figures out loud.

For restless children, at the initial stage, and also to increase the attractiveness of the game, you can hide the “dot” figures within the room (so that the child can find them; in this case, the child also moves, finding the figures. With this option, the number of ladybugs is reduced so that the game does not take too much time and does not tire the child.

Thank you for your attention!

Publications on the topic:

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Cute and funny games for children 3-4 years old will certainly please your little one. Give your child half an hour of real pleasure.

Pamper your baby (and yourself at the same time) with wonderful online entertainment. We guarantee that the simple plot of the game for children 3-4 years old will appeal to everyone without exception: both children and adults. And the time spent on the ups and downs of the game for children 3-4 years old will fly by like one second. Spend just half an hour playing together with your baby and he will be sincerely grateful to you for this for a long time.

After all, what could be simpler, more pleasant and more important than having fun together with your parents and older brothers and sisters? Through joint games, the bond between adults and children is formed and strengthened in the same way as during feedings, walks, and other mandatory daily procedures. During the game, both you and the baby become more relaxed, liberated, sincere, and share your emotions more freely. What could be more pleasant and more important than this? Well, our new games for children 3-4 years old help strengthen family ties like no other. Well, are you ready to get started? Then let's go!

What do we have to do

The toy consists of many levels, on each of which you need to escort a ladybug home. A charming bug lives in a house buried in a fragrant mass of colorful flowers. But since the owner herself is not large, her house is tiny, and the thickets of flowers around it are a real jungle for our cow. Getting lost in them is a piece of cake for such small fry. And soon it will get completely dark and then the unfortunate cow will have a very hard time. This means that the baby’s main task in the ups and downs of the game for 3-4 year olds is to help her not completely get lost in the flower thickets and quickly find the path leading to the house. It should be noted that there may be several such paths and, if desired, the task for the little player can be made more difficult. Invite your child to find several paths home for the ladybug, then choose the longest and the shortest from them.

As you can see, the toy not only perfectly develops attentiveness and logic, but also introduces the baby to the concepts of “more”, “less”, “longer”, “further”, etc. Melodious music and colorful graphics add charm to it. It must be said that the ability to compare is one of the main skills that children of this age learn to master. It not only shows the child all the diversity of the surrounding reality, but also teaches him to choose based on the given parameters.

Office games for children 3 4 years old

Taking into account the age of potential gamers, the developers made controlling the game as simple and convenient as possible. The baby will move the cow around the screen using the arrow keys. Three- and four-year-olds are just capable of mastering the four buttons compactly located on the right side of the keyboard. In addition to the fact that they will help him understand the basic determinants of direction: “left”, “right”, “up”, “down”, they will also develop the motor skills of small fingers quite well.