Diet for a week: description of the diet, beneficial properties. Simple and effective diets for a week

The existence of express diets has helped many girls prepare for holidays or significant events that require a beautiful figure. Many women consciously strive to lose weight for the beach season or event. In any case, a review of diets for 7 days will be useful to any lady who takes care of herself and her figure.

Choosing an effective diet

When choosing a nutritional system, each person must take into account the characteristics of his body and needs. If the menu contains allergenic foods or the daily routine does not coincide with nutrition, then it is recommended to consider other diets that meet personal needs. Many people increase physical activity, which, in combination with proper nutrition, gives a positive result and an overweight person acquires a seductive body shape.

The list of express diets will help you choose an option for everyone who wants to lose those annoying pounds. Rapid weight loss is possible with full compliance with nutritional rules, including certain restrictions.

Any diet is accompanied by drinking plenty of mineral water and fat-burning, low-calorie drinks.

Diet from Dolina

Larisa Dolina has remained a pop star for many years thanks to her voice and attractive shape. She revealed the secret of maintaining a figure to all interested ladies by unveiling her personal diet menu.

  • Many everyday foods are excluded from the diet, and any meal is accompanied by kefir fat content by more than 1%.
  • The peculiarity of the power system is alternation healthy low-calorie foods for 7 days.
  • Meals are separate, salt is completely eliminated from the diet,
  • The only permitted products are: potatoes, dairy products, meat, fruits and ordinary purified water without gas or additives.
  • The menu describes a list of what can be consumed throughout the day in small portions, so it is recommended divide food into 5-6 parts. The last gatherings at the table during the week will be held at 17.00.
  • Allowed for coffee lovers one cup black drink without sugar in the morning.

The end of fasting days is accompanied by a balanced diet throughout the month, since by returning to sweets and other high-calorie foods, the lost kilograms may return.

Larisa Dolina's diet menu

Read more about Larisa Dolina’s other dietary options

Buckwheat diet

This cereal has a large amount of vitamins that make the porridge a healthy product. Buckwheat contains magnesium, iron, potassium and other elements for proper nutrition and health of the body.

In this diet, one product is consumed for 7-14 days. Brewed porridge is enough to saturate the body and lose excess weight. Buckwheat is nutritious and gives you a feeling of fullness even when you are very hungry. By eating cereal, you can easily do without meat and dairy products. A special feature of the food system is that the last meal is at 18.00. The diet requires eliminating the use of salt and spices.

Cooking porridge for weight loss

Cereal - green whole kernel

The choice of grain and method of preparation is special. Buckwheat must be whole and preferably green. This porridge is considered the most healthy and nutritious. You need to cook according to the recipe, thoroughly washing the cereal, ridding it of excess impurities and pebbles that may be found in the packaging.

The cereal is poured with boiling water and left warm all night. For daily nutrition, half a kilo of cereal is soaked in approximately 1.5 liters of boiling water. If the buckwheat has not completely absorbed the liquid, it’s not a big deal, since the excess water is drained and the porridge is completely ready for use. In order for the dish to steam and infuse better, it is recommended to wrap the pan with a warm blanket or brew it in a thermos.

Nutritional features of the buckwheat diet

In case of weakness or a strong feeling of hunger, you are allowed to drink one liter of low-fat kefir throughout the day. In this case, the fermented milk product can be consumed separately or together with porridge. The last dish will have a beneficial effect on the body and increase hemoglobin in the blood and allow you to last until the end of the diet without breaking it.

Eating in a timed diet. The difference between meals is 2-3 hours.

Read a full overview of all the rules and features of the buckwheat diet

Kefir diet

The mono-diet is considered harsh for people with high acidity. Despite the usefulness of fermented milk products, people who decide to lose weight should be careful in their diet and have a great desire to get rid of those annoying kilograms.

The kefir diet has several variations. All varieties include a basic eating routine, with permitted foods added or subtracted. Portions may be reduced depending on the expected result of the express diet. The liquid is taken in any quantity throughout the week. Herbal tea and purified water without gas or additives are allowed.

Coffee, black tea, sugar and salt are removed from the diet.

Read more about the kefir diet

Kefir diet menu

Quitting the diet

The end of any diet is marked by the loss of extra pounds, but in order not to regain what was lost, you should exit the diet correctly. You should not immediately strain your body with fried, sweet and fatty foods, as this can have consequences for your health and figure. After the kefir diet, you should refrain from white flour products.

Mixed diet

Reducing carbohydrates has a beneficial effect on your diet and leads to excess weight loss. Correctly selected products and combination with each other provide the effect of losing kilograms without harm to health and strict restrictions. A mixed diet that is gentle compared to other express diets, but requires consultation with a doctor if you have health problems.

The proposed mixed diet menu alternates. The days change in a certain sequence: 2 days of protein - 2 days of carbohydrates - 2 days of fasting. The regime gives the body a shake-up and causes subcutaneous fat to be burned. The nutrition system will help you get rid of excess weight during the first week and, with continued nutrition, consolidate the result.

Mixed diet menu

1 day
Day 2 Unloading 1 liter of milk, 200 ml of tomato juice, 50 g of black bread are allowed
Day 3




4 day

Breakfast: 25 g black bread; 1/2 tsp. sunflower oil; 150 ml coffee with milk

Dinner: 150 ml lean broth (meat or fish); 100 g of boiled meat or fish; 100 g canned green peas; 25 g of black bread.

Dinner: 100 g of boiled meat or fish; 80 g ham; 2 soft-boiled eggs; 30 g cheese; 200 ml of kefir with 25 g of black bread.

5 day

Breakfast: 2 sweet and sour apples or oranges


Afternoon snack:

Dinner: No

Day 6

Breakfast: Breakfast: 2 sweet and sour apples or oranges

Dinner: 150 ml vegetable soup; 100 g green salad or vinaigrette (without potatoes); 25 g of black bread. On another day, for *Lunch you can eat 150 ml of vegetable soup; 100 g stewed cabbage; 25 g of black bread.

Afternoon snack: 100 g green salad or vinaigrette (without potatoes); 25 g black bread; 150 ml tea with 1 tsp. l. honey

Dinner: No

Dukan ladder

The world-famous nutritional method of Pierre Dukan consists of several long-term stages, each of which lasts a certain amount of time, and the last one, the stabilization phase, lasts a lifetime.

For those who need to lose a small amount of kilograms, the doctor has developed a weekly weight loss program. It allows you to lose up to 1.5 kilograms in 7 days. During this period you get the opportunity express passage each stage of the classic Dukan diet.

The first day starts with pure proteins, then additional foods are gradually introduced into the diet in limited quantities every day, and on Sunday you can reward yourself with a festive dinner. It includes a glass of wine and even dessert. No other effective diet can boast such lenient rules.

Advantages and Disadvantages

This power system is not suitable for everyone, because it has both positive aspects and disadvantages.


  • The skin does not lose elasticity. Since weight loss occurs at a slow pace, the skin does not lose elasticity and tightens gradually following the changing contours of the figure.
  • Kilograms are not returned. Due to the absence of significant changes in the usual diet, the body does not experience stress. The likelihood of failure after such a diet is minimal, because with the right approach, you can eat your favorite cakes and cookies if you prepare them from approved baking ingredients. From milk powder, starch, low-fat cocoa you can make cream, cakes, pancakes that are harmless to your figure.
  • There is no feeling of hunger. Consume permitted products whenever you want and as much as you want.
  • Can be repeated many times. If you last a week, but want to continue losing weight, you can repeat the diet until you achieve the desired result.


  • Protein diet. Fat burning according to the Dukan method occurs due to the consumption of large amounts of protein. If the consumption of oat bran is not observed, such a diet puts a strain on the kidneys, so people with health problems need to consult a doctor.
  • Low rate of weight loss. For those who need to lose a lot of kilograms in a short period of time, this diet is not suitable. However, when making a choice in favor of express weight loss, do not forget about its unpleasant consequences.
  • It takes a lot of cooking. If you don’t have time for this, the Dukan diet menu will seem meager and will quickly get boring, because you won’t be able to eat DOPs with spoons, and boiled chicken breast with chopped vegetables will quickly get boring.

Table of permitted products

Since the diet of each day is compiled according to certain rules, the list of permitted foods is clearly displayed in the table.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Protein food Protein food Protein food Protein food Protein food Protein food Protein food
Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables
Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits
Whole grain bread, 1 extra Whole grain bread, 1 extra Whole grain bread, 1 extra Whole grain bread, 1 extra
40 grams of cheese +1 ADDITION 40 grams of cheese +1 ADDITION 40 grams of cheese +1 ADDITION
200 g starch. products 200 g starch. products
Dessert + glass of wine

Let's look at the features of each item in the table.

  • Protein food. The consumption of animal proteins without restrictions is provided. This includes lean meat, dairy products with a fat content of no more than 1%, and eggs. Meat of birds with a flat beak (duck, goose), lamb and pork is prohibited.
  • Vegetables. Everything except carrots, beets and starchy foods. No restrictions.
  • Fruits. No more than 200 grams. Any, except figs, persimmons, grapes, bananas.
  • Whole wheat bread. No more than 2 pieces cut into thin slices.
  • Cheese. Choose varieties with a fat content of up to 20%; the total weight of the product consumed per day does not exceed 40 grams.
  • Starchy foods. These include potatoes, pasta (can be products made from durum wheat or protein-free), rice, and legumes. The permitted limit is 200 grams.
  • Dessert. You are allowed to choose a small portion of your favorite sweet. 50 grams of dark chocolate, a small piece of cake, 1 cookie, wafer, gingerbread, etc.
  • ADDITIONAL These are additional permitted products that are determined by Pierre Dukan himself. 1 DOP is 20 grams of corn starch, 3 tablespoons of skimmed milk powder, a teaspoon of soy sauce containing sugar, 1 tsp. low-fat (up to 11% fat) cocoa. The list of additional supplements is constantly updated and expanded, so you need to follow the news from Dukan. These additional products can be used to make cakes, muffins and other sweets.

Sugar is strictly prohibited on the Dukan diet. Only sakhzams and syrups based on them.

A prerequisite for following the diet is the daily consumption of oat bran (no more than 3 tablespoons) and 2 liters of liquid (no sugar).

You will find complete and detailed information about the Dukan Diet

Low calorie diet

A low-calorie diet is selected individually by nutritionists and depends on preferences and health status. An approximate menu for the week has been drawn up, but adjustments are made; products can be replaced with similar ones of equal energy value.

This system will allow you to easily lose kilos without much difficulty, but then quickly gain them back if you exit the regime quickly.

The daily intake is 1100-120 0 calories. Fats make up 20%. Protein - no more than 60 g per day. Only natural healthy foods are considered carbohydrates: vegetables, fruits, cereals and whole grain bread. Dishes from the menu are baked and steamed without adding fat or oils. Last meal no later than 19.00. Drinking plenty of fluids will prevent dehydration and cleanse the body.

Low calorie menu

1 day

Breakfast: oatmeal porridge 200g, cook in water, apple 1 pc, green tea not sweet

Lunch: 150g low-fat yoghurt without additives

Dinner: 200ml vegetable soup, 200g steamed fish

Afternoon snack: tomato juice;

Dinner: 150g boiled beef, 150g vegetable salad, mineral water

Day 2

Breakfast: boiled egg, 2 pieces of bread, unsweetened tea

Lunch: apple

Dinner: 200g lentil soup, 100g boiled meat

Afternoon snack: 100g low-fat cottage cheese

Dinner: 150g oven-cooked fish, vegetable salad

Day 3

Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, not sweet, boiled in water, unsweetened tea with honey and lemon

Lunch: 1 cup kefir, 1 whole grain bread

Dinner: 250ml lean borscht, 100g boiled veal, boiled beet salad with a tablespoon of vegetable oil

Afternoon snack: grapefruit

Dinner: one boiled potato tuber, 150g steamed fish

4 day

Breakfast: boiled egg, toast, half a grapefruit, unsweetened tea

Lunch: 100g low-fat cottage cheese

Dinner: 200ml vegetable soup, 150g steamed chicken fillet, vegetable salad

Afternoon snack: 100g berries

Dinner: 70g boiled beans, 250ml low-fat kefir

5 day

Breakfast: 200g millet porridge, 200ml freshly squeezed orange juice

Lunch: peach or apple

Dinner: 200g boiled veal, 150g cabbage salad, black tea without sugar

Afternoon snack: 100g dried fruits

Dinner: 100g low-fat cottage cheese, apple or orange

Day 6

Repeat menu of 1 day

Day 7 Repeat menu 2 days

The right diet

The accumulation of subcutaneous fat is associated with the metabolic processes of the body. If disturbances in weight, well-being, or mood are recorded, then it is worth reconsidering your daily diet. The organs of the body develop and work on the resources we feed them. Therefore, the functionality of the insides of the body depends on food. Proper nutrition will help you get in shape not only your figure, but also your general condition. You can listen to your feelings and choose a diet yourself or turn to experts.

You should eat 4-5 times a day, keeping 3 hours between meals. Skipping a meal is prohibited, as the appetite will increase and the body will get used to accumulating resources for nutrition in the form of fatty tissue deposits.

Digestion begins with food entering the oral cavity. You should chew each piece carefully and slowly and do not eat more than the allotted portion. It is forbidden to drink during meals to avoid dilution of gastric juice.

Menu for every day

1 day

Breakfast: oatmeal, tea

Lunch: fruits

Dinner: cabbage soup with a piece of black bread, a portion of baked meat

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese casserole, rosehip tea

Dinner: buckwheat and grilled fish, salad

Day 2

Breakfast: omelette, crackers, coffee

Lunch: berries

Dinner: borscht, cutlets

Afternoon snack: yogurt

Dinner: vegetable casserole, turkey

Day 3

Breakfast: buckwheat porridge (you can add milk), green tea

Lunch: fruits

Dinner: fish soup, vegetable stew with potatoes

Afternoon snack: cheesecakes, fruit drink

Dinner: salad, baked fish

4 day

Breakfast: oatmeal, coffee (can be with cream)

Lunch: cottage cheese casserole

Dinner: pea soup with croutons, hard-boiled eggs

Afternoon snack: handful of nuts

Dinner: pilaf, salad

5 day

Breakfast: millet porridge, herbal tea

Lunch: fruits

Dinner: chicken noodle soup, bread

Afternoon snack: curd soufflé with berries

Dinner: beans with meat

Day 6

Breakfast: scrambled eggs with a slice of ham, coffee

Lunch: fruit jelly

Dinner: broth with pies

Afternoon snack: yogurt

Dinner: turkey with fresh vegetables

Day 7

Breakfast: oatmeal, tea

Lunch: handful of nuts, berries

Dinner: soup of your choice, black bread, broccoli casserole

Afternoon snack: curd pudding, coffee

Dinner: rice with meatballs, salad

Diet, calculated for a week the most popular, because as a rule, we usually remember that we need to lose weight and get ourselves in order for some significant day only a week before day X.

I want to write a menu for a wonderful diet designed for 1 week, during which time you can get rid of 5 to 10 kilograms of excess weight. The number of pounds you lose in a week depends on your initial weight, as well as the number of extra pounds you have. After all, scientists have proven that the more excess weight you have, the easier it is to lose it.

There are many diets calculated for one week, but not all of them are effective and depending on your diet, you may lose different amounts of excess fat. I will describe several of the most effective and efficient diets designed for a week, so that you can decide for yourself and choose the diet that you like.

1 diet for one week:

This is the simplest diet designed for a week. However, it is quite difficult to stay on this diet without breaking down. Because the menu of this diet is not varied and as a result of this, you will always want to eat something tasty. This weekly diet is designed for people who have very strong willpower.

Diet menu:

Breakfast: 1 cup of tea without sugar, 1 slice of black bread (30g), 1 slice of cheese


Dinner: 200gr. lean boiled meat or fish, vegetable salad (seasoned with lemon juice or olive oil)

Afternoon snack: 1 fruit of your choice (except banana, it is very high in calories)

Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt or vegetable salad in any quantity, 1 piece of black bread (30g), 1 glass of tea without sugar.

You can drink water without restriction throughout the day. The optimal water consumption is 2 liters.

Drink water in any quantity, but only water. Compotes, juices, teas, etc. It's not water, it's liquid. We drink ordinary clean water.

We take only black rye bread; rye-wheat bread is not suitable for this diet. We eat any fruit except bananas, as they contain a large amount of calories. It is advisable to have dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime. Since food eaten before bedtime is sure to be stored with extra pounds.

After this week-long diet, you will get rid of 3 - 5 kilograms of excess weight, please note that it is fat that will leave the body, and not water, as happens if you go on some diets. Therefore, the weight will not return after this diet, unless, of course, after the diet you start sweeping away all the foods in your path.

2 diet for 1 week

This diet will allow you to lose 5 kilograms in a week. However, staying on this diet and not breaking down is also quite difficult. Because The menu of this diet is monotonous throughout the day! This weekly diet is designed for people who have very strong willpower.

1 day: Green apples in any quantity.

After 2 apples, you already feel full, but by the end of the day, apples make you feel sick, you want to quickly go to bed and start the second day of the weekly diet. You can drink water in any quantity.

Day 2: Boiled fish.

You should cook fish without salt; it is best to take sea fish that is not fatty. You can eat fish in any quantity. I endured this day easier than the first, because I really love seafood. But by evening I was tired of the fish too, and I was really looking forward to the next day. You can also drink in any quantity, only clean water.

Day 3:

It is better to take fermented milk products with 1% fat content. For variety, in addition to kefir, I also took yogurt, but not sweet, natural and sour. By evening my stomach was growling terribly. But the arrow on the scale, which showed a decrease in weight, helped me cope with the desire to eat something more.

Day 4: Vegetable stew.

You can have any vegetables except potatoes. It is best to steam it, adding a minimal amount of salt. But you can also simmer it by adding a little olive oil. This day was a celebration of the belly for me.

Day 5: Boiled chicken without salt.

Eat as much as you want, just without salt and seasonings. Well, you can drink water in any quantity.

Day 6: Kefir day or fermented milk products day.

It is better to take fermented milk products with 1% fat content. Those. repeat day 3.

Day 7: Fruits in any quantity.

We just exclude bananas, as they are high in calories.

Special instructions for this diet.

Drink water in any quantity, but only water. Compotes, juices, teas, etc. It's not water, it's liquid. We drink ordinary clean water. We eat any fruit except bananas, as they contain a large amount of calories. It is advisable to have dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime. Since food eaten before bedtime is sure to be stored with extra pounds. Well, if you want to break off your diet, then we step on the scales and look at our results, and we immediately want to move further in the process of losing weight.

After this week-long diet, you will get rid of 5 kilograms of excess weight, please note that it is fat that will leave the body, and not water, as happens if you go on some diets. Therefore, the weight will not return after this diet, unless, of course, after the diet you start sweeping away all the foods in your path. I lost 4.5 kilograms on this diet. But I think this is an excellent result.

3 diet for 1 week

This quick diet will allow you to lose 3 to 5 kilograms in just a week. The menu of this diet is quite varied, so during the diet you will not feel hungry or unwell. This diet is perfect for those who lack willpower.

1 day:

Breakfast: a cup of tea or coffee without sugar and milk, an apple.

Dinner: 1 egg, 1 tomato, 1 orange (or apple).

Dinner: 1 egg, cabbage salad, tea without sugar

Day 2:

Breakfast: a cup of tea or coffee without sugar and milk, 1 tomato, 1 egg.

Dinner: 100 boiled lean beef, cabbage salad, 1 glass of grape juice.

Dinner: 2 apples.

Day 3:

Breakfast: a cup of tea or coffee without sugar and milk, 1 cucumber, 1 egg.

Dinner: cutlet (steamed), sauerkraut, 1 glass of apple juice.


Day 4:



Dinner: 2 apples

Day 5:

Breakfast: 1 egg, cabbage salad, tea or coffee without sugar or milk.

Dinner: 100g boiled lean beef, 1 tomato, 1 cucumber, 1 glass of apple juice.

Dinner: 1 glass of low-fat kefir.

Day 6:

Breakfast: 100g low-fat cottage cheese, a cup of tea or coffee without sugar and milk.

Dinner: boiled lean fish 100g, cabbage salad, 1 glass of carrot juice.

Dinner: 2 apples

Day 7

Breakfast: 1 processed cheese, 1 apple, tea or coffee without sugar and milk.

Dinner: Vegetable soup (cooked without frying), 100g. boiled chicken breast, tea or coffee without sugar and milk.

Dinner: 1 glass of low-fat kefir.

Special instructions for this diet.

Drink water in any quantity, but only water. Compotes, juices, teas, etc. It's not water, it's liquid. We drink ordinary clean water. It is advisable to have dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime. Since food eaten before bedtime is sure to be stored with extra pounds.

After this week-long diet, you will lose up to 5 kilograms of excess weight.

There are many reasons to take a critical look at your figure: an upcoming corporate party where you need to show off a new outfit, an unexpected trip to the sea, or an invitation to a date that may have a pleasant continuation. After the audit, a frantic search begins in front of the mirror: what to do? Fitness room - you need a lot of time, and you don’t want to strain yourself. Masseur? Expensive and you have to sign up a month in advance. Well, of course, diet! We urgently need an effective diet for a week!

Calling your girlfriends inspires you to undertake such a feat, but does not give a concrete result - everyone has heard, but no one really knows anything. There is still hope in the Internet and, as always, it does not fail.

A search in Google or Yandex for “the most effective diet for a week” yields several dozen varieties. And this is true. There are many weekly diets: from very extreme ones, like “5-7 kg in 7 days” to soft and tasty ones, for example, a detox diet, with the help of which you can forget about 3-4 kg in such a short time without any special restrictions. Let's look at the most popular, very effective diets to evaluate their advantages and disadvantages.

A very effective diet - “minus 5 kg in 7 days”

This is a tough and radical, but the most effective diet for a week, requiring great willpower. It allows you to quickly lose up to 1 kg per day. This method is considered stressful - such rapid weight loss not only gets rid of extra pounds, but also flushes out many necessary substances from the body. You can evaluate how the body reacts to such strict restrictions on the 3rd day - if your health deteriorates sharply, the skin becomes gray, and bags appear under the eyes, you need to stop and immediately go to the 7th day regimen - quitting the diet. Even then, the minimum of 3 kg will no longer be accurate.

How to Lose Weight with This Effective Weekly Diet:

1 day - only drink, any, but unsweetened. Compotes and decoctions work well; drink no more than 2 liters of liquid per day. For lunch, you can prepare broth from lean meat and vegetables with the addition of natural seasonings.

Day 2 – salad. Raw vegetables, finely chopped, with a little salt and olive oil. A required ingredient is fresh or sauerkraut.

Day 3 – again only drinking.

4 – fruity. Preference is given to apples, grapefruits and pineapples, which are natural fat burners. The total amount is up to 1.5 kg of fruit per day.

Day 5 – eat proteins: during the day you can eat 2 hard-boiled eggs, up to 500 boiled chicken fillet or young veal, up to 1 liter of low-fat kefir.

The sixth day is drinking.

Day 7 – exit from the diet. You can eat everything you ate over the previous 6 days, in a three-fold reduced quantity, plus for lunch – 200 grams of boiled rice or buckwheat.

Then you can gradually switch to your usual diet. How effective is a diet for a week, reviews are conflicting, although the majority who have withstood the restrictions completely claim amazing results - losing up to 5-6 kg.

Other ways to lose weight quickly in 7 days

Radical effective diets for a week also include:

  • Tomato juice diet. The bottom line is to drink 1-1.5 liters of fresh tomato juice every day, eating the products indicated on the menu. Minus up to 5 kg.
  • Colored diet - every day has its own color: the first is white, the second is yellow, etc. On such days, you are allowed to eat only foods of the indicated color, and with minimal heat treatment. This is a very effective diet - 4-6 kg off.
  • Estonian weekly diet. Consists of eating one type of product throughout the day. They are allowed in this order by day in any quantity: boiled porridge without salt, green apples, lean meat up to 500 g per day, 6 baked potatoes, boiled fish up to 500 g, 6 soft-boiled eggs, fermented milk products (cottage cheese) up to 500 g per day. Efficiency – 5-6 kg minus, but the diet is difficult and even dangerous. According to reviews, the effectiveness of a weekly diet based on this principle is quickly lost- the weight returns after it.

Effective diet for a week: combining fasting and weight loss

Another diet that is effective for 7 days is lean. Naturally, all protein products (meat, fish, dairy, oils and fats, eggs, sauces and mayonnaise) are excluded from the diet.

An effective lean diet for a week makes it possible to independently create a menu for each of the 7 days, taking into account personal preferences, but only from the proposed products. And the portions should simply be halved for 4 meals a day. Allowed foods: all porridges with water or steam, fresh or stewed vegetables, any fruits, nuts, herbs, dried fruits and small amounts of vegetable oils (flaxseed is an excellent option). Drinking: only spring water, herbal infusions, compotes and freshly squeezed juices. Also, you can drink 2 glasses of dry red wine per week, divided into 3-4 doses. The effectiveness of a homemade diet based on fasting rules is minus 3-5 kg.

Effective home diet: Dr. Mitchell's ideas for slimness

A popular effective homemade diet designed for 7 days - the Mitchell nutrition system. It is based on a tasty and healthy, but at the same time burning fat, vegetable soup, which contains few calories, cleanses the body well due to its high fiber content and improves health thanks to natural antioxidants. The essence of this nutrition system is that each meal (there are 5 of them per day) should begin with a portion of this soup, and then in small quantities you are allowed to eat anything you like, except fried foods and confectionery. Drink - only purified water, volume - at least 1.5 liters per day. Plus two intense daily walks of at least 45 minutes.

The composition of the unique soup for the day is simple: take 300 grams of boiled veal, 1 head of cabbage (0.5 kg), 500 g of green beans or young peas, 5 onions, 2 pieces of green bell pepper, 800 g of fresh tomatoes, 200 g of celery root, any greens. Chop everything, pour in 1.5 liters of tomato juice, cook for 10 minutes over low heat, add salt and pepper to taste. You can grind everything in a blender and make a puree soup, or you can use it like this. Divide into 5 servings and eat enjoying the thought of the passing kilograms. Efficiency – 5 kg away.

The softest and most pleasant, but effective weekly diet - detox

This cleansing and quite effective homemade diet has a number of advantages. before all other short-term methods of weight loss, as it is completely balanced and extremely beneficial for health. The diet is calculated based on the requirement - no more than 1500 kcal per day. There are practically no other restrictions (only smoked meats and cream cakes are excluded). By choosing this diet, the effectiveness of which for 7 days consists not so much in losing 3 kg per week, but in restructuring the body in a new way, you can feel a surge of strength and lightness in the body, which is unlikely with other varieties. It has been noticed that most women who have tried this approach do not return to their original way of eating. They simply improve this wonderful diet to their liking. You can read about the rules, features and detailed menu of each of these diets on thematic pages.

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Most nutritionists agree that the optimal period for rapid weight loss is 14 days. That is why people are looking for an effective diet for 2 weeks to get rid of the hated kilograms and centimeters. During this period of time, the human body has time to recover from the stress that was caused by dietary restrictions and adapt to a new diet.

To date, the most effective diet for 2 weeks has not been found, since there are many of them. Each diet is good in its own way, but it must be selected taking into account all the characteristics of the body.

Before you start following an effective diet for 2 weeks, you need to learn some rules that will help you quickly achieve the desired result. These points should never be ignored, as they are really important in losing weight.

It is believed that you should not eat after 6 pm. First of all, it is worth considering that it is not so easy for a working person to do without dinner. You can have time to have a snack at work at lunchtime, but a full dinner most often remains in doubt. In addition, you need to remember that eating right before bed is much more harmful. Therefore, you should maintain a 3-hour gap between your last meal and your night's sleep.

What not to eat in the evening

To get a positive result after an effective diet for 2 weeks, you should remove some foods from your diet. It is not recommended to eat fruits before bed, as they increase the level of insulin in the blood, forcing the pancreas to work all night. All this affects the metabolism, which will simply be disrupted, as well as the feeling of hunger that a person will experience constantly.

What can you eat before bed

During an effective diet for 2 weeks, it is allowed to eat low-calorie foods in the evening if the body finds it difficult to tolerate hunger in the first days. The best option is a glass of plain water, drunk half an hour before bedtime. But if the feeling of hunger still takes over, then you are allowed to drink a glass of kefir or skim milk mixed with 50 g of cottage cheese. But making this drink is allowed only in the first days of the diet, while the body gets used to the restructuring of the diet.

The best diets

Below are the most common and effective weight loss diets for 2 weeks. Among them, each person will be able to find the most suitable option and achieve an ideal figure in a short period of time.

An effective and satisfying option

Follow the rules of an effective diet for 2 weeks, and minus 10 kg is guaranteed to go away. This option is perfect for girls who, after a number of holidays, realized with horror that they couldn’t fit into their favorite jeans. For them, this is a real disaster, so most are ready to pull themselves together and start correcting their own body.

The diet is quite simple, it does not require special preparation. There are no restrictions on the volume of portions, since each girl must determine for herself when she is satisfied with food.

For breakfast you need to eat food rich in carbohydrates. Buckwheat, oatmeal, pasta, rice, millet - all this can be safely consumed in the first half of the day. The main thing is to remember that carbohydrates should not be mixed with protein foods. That is, any porridge or pasta should not be combined with milk or butter. In addition, the usual morning coffee with milk will have to be replaced with black coffee or green tea. As a dessert, it is best to eat fruit, but not a banana.

In the first half of the day you need to eat two times. The interval between them should be 3 hours. 20-30 minutes before each meal you need to drink a glass of clean water without carbon, this applies to all meals during the day.

3 hours after the second breakfast there should be lunch. This meal consists of non-starchy vegetables, cooked in any form (boiled, stewed, baked, raw, but in no case pickled). For lunch you can eat any variety of cabbage, parsley, turnips, celery, lettuce, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots.

A forgotten but incredibly healthy vegetable is the turnip. For lunch, a salad of grated fresh turnips with spices will be an indispensable dish. In addition, any meat can be prepared for this side dish, but without fat. It can be baked in foil or steamed. You can season the meat dish with orange or lemon juice.

Before dinner, be sure to have a small snack. As with other meals, 3 hours should pass between afternoon tea and dinner. You can take any food, but only in mono form. That is, if you want to eat porridge, then you only need it, without adding any other products, if it’s meat, then only meat, and so on. To prevent the menu from seeming boring, fruits can be consumed not only fresh, but also baked.

For dinner you need to eat any light protein food, with the exception of meat. You can take fish, seafood, kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, beans or lentils. The main thing is to remember that every other day you need to alternate between taking fish and dairy products.

Milk marathon

The milk version can be considered the most effective diet for 2 weeks. 10 kg will go away very easily if you follow all the rules. Its basis is dairy products, but fermented milk specialists approve more, because they are able to normalize the microflora in the intestines. The essence of the diet is that it is divided into days of different calorie content.

In the first two days, you need to drink a liter of kefir and eat 4 pieces of black bread (each 50 g). Food must be divided into 4 meals. These days are considered the most critical, but thanks to them the rest of the time you won’t have to constantly feel hungry.

On the third day the menu is as follows:

  • breakfast - a cup of coffee with sugar and 50 g of some dried black bread;
  • lunch - broth in any quantity and 100 g of lean meat;
  • dinner - a glass of kefir, fermented baked milk or skim milk.

On the fourth and fifth days you should eat like this:

  • breakfast and dinner are the same as on the third day;
  • lunch - a couple of boiled eggs, 100 g of cheese and baked meat, a slice (40-50 g) of dried black bread and a glass of kefir.

On these three days, lunch consists of a sufficient amount of food. Nutritionists recommend not eating them all at one sitting, but stretching out the entire meal over time. The most profitable option is to eat the first portion at 12 noon, and the second after 3-4 hours.

On the sixth day the food is as follows:

  • breakfast - orange and apple;
  • lunch - vegetable soup in any quantity and 50 g of bread;
  • dinner - same as breakfast.

On the seventh day, the menu is structured as follows:

  • breakfast - a couple of apples;
  • throughout the day you should eat vegetable salads in any quantity, but without oil and mayonnaise;
  • dinner - a cup of ground coffee.

In the second week, the entire seven-day cycle is repeated. At first, there will be a noticeable decrease in waist size, and towards the end, fat will begin to disappear from the arms and hips.

Protein diet

This diet for 2 weeks is effective, but unsafe. Her diet is very simple - you need to leave only protein foods (lean meat, eggs, fish), and add vegetables and herbs as a side dish. Other food products are prohibited.

The volume of dishes is not limited. A person can independently decide which foods, when and in what quantities to eat. It is only important to divide them into six doses and do not forget to drink 2 liters of clean water daily.

Adhering to this diet is not recommended for people with heart problems, since any mono-nutrition can quickly cause an exacerbation. If you want to lose a few extra kilos, then it is best to consult a doctor, who will create an individual menu for a couple of weeks.

The simplest diet is not to eat after six o'clock in the evening. This is a well-known way to remove extra pounds. But if you don’t eat rationally during the day, then a simple diet will not help you achieve a positive result.

To achieve a good result you need exclude from the menu products, which contributethe formation of extra pounds. Foods harmful to the body must be completely excluded from the diet. A simple one can help you with this.

Let's take a closer look at the basic rules for a simple diet:

  • It is better to eat food not in three meals, but in four meals;
  • portions should not be very large, your body will digest and absorb small amounts of food faster;
  • the break between meals should be at least 3-3.5 hours;
  • last meal, for a simple diet, before six o'clock in the evening.

A simple diet adheres to the principle - do not overeat, know moderation in everything.

Using a simple diet, you don’t have to strictly limit yourself to foods. In addition to dishes and products that contribute to the appearance of extra pounds.

When your weight begins to decrease, you can gradually start eating after six o'clock in the evening. Recommended consumption low calorie foods and fat, so that the weight does not increase again. Simple diet excludes use sour cream and mayonnaise In the evening. If you cannot exclude them from the menu, then it is better to include these products in your breakfast diet. Dinner a simple diet should consist of from food that is not high in calories.

Recommended for a simple diet include into the diet nutrition vegetables and fruits. They contain vitamins, fiber, sugars, micro and macroelements, as well as antioxidants. Simple diethelps improve immunity body and serves to prevent cancer. During the day plant foods consume in bulk from 1.5 to 2 kilograms.

A simple diet suggests pick fruit depending from your skin type. For dry skin, use ripe, red and sweet fruits. For oily skin, sour, unripe, astringent fruits are recommended. For normal and combination skin, a simple diet recommends eating any fruit.

A simple diet may be suitable for fasting days. Okay this one apply diet, because it's big choice for a varied menu vegetables and fruits.

In a week your weight will decrease by 4-6 kg, if the diet contains only vegetables and fruits.

Can be used in the evening for a week warmbaths, which will have a positive impact on yours well-being.

The first version of the simple diet menu

Breakfast: unsweetened coffee or tea, a piece of cheese.

Dinner: hard-boiled egg, 120g lean meat, which is fried without adding oil, 20g cheese.

Afternoon snack: a glass of tea or unsweetened coffee.

Dinner: 120g of any lean meat, vegetable salad, with the addition of vegetable oil.

The second version of the simple diet menu

For breakfast: tea without sugar and an apple.

For lunch: mashed potatoes (half portion), banana.

For dinner: fresh vegetable salad seasoned with vegetable oil.

There is another option for a simple diet

This option simple diets does not cause hunger and easy to carry. During the day it is necessary drink at least two liters of water, you can take additional vitamins and minerals.

Menu such a simple diet consists of regular and busy days. You can, within normal limits, eat fried, spicy, salty and fatty foods. Weight You you will doesn't matter lose, because in the menuno carbohydrates. Excess fat will be burned.

Normal diet for a simple diet

Breakfast: 4 hard-boiled eggs or scrambled eggs, 2 cucumbers, one celery.

Dinner: 300g of any meat or ham, cabbage salad.

Afternoon snack: a piece of cheese, kefir, some nuts.

Dinner: 200 g of chicken meat, which can be prepared in any form, scrambled eggs, one tomato.

Before bed: 150 g of natural cottage cheese, kefir.

Loading ration for a fasting diet

Breakfast: rice porridge, chicken, vegetables and fruits.

Dinner: pasta, a piece of cheese, fruit salad, any juice.

Dinner: fish, in any culinary preparation, rice or buckwheat porridge, a glass of yogurt.

Before bed: fresh cottage cheese, one orange.

Throughout the week need to eat according to the usual diet simple diet, and then carry out loading day. The duration of such a simple diet is no more. You can repeat a simple diet only after two months. The diet menu shows a variety of cheeses and meat products, but vegetables must be included in the diet only those indicated on the menu. Categorically Ketchups and mayonnaise are prohibited. Within a week your weight will decrease by two to three kilograms. General number losses unnecessary weighing from eight to ten kilograms.