Dragon age inquisition romance with cassandra. Walkthrough of romantic lines in Dragon Age: Inquisition

Throughout the Dragon Age series, one of the main components of the game was love relationships. Dragon Age Inquisition also does not deviate from the ideals of its older brothers. Let's start with the fact that gifts have been removed from the DAI and relationships can only be improved with the help of dialogues and some quest choices (kill/keep alive). Each character has his own point of view and only considers it the only correct one. If you do as he wants, the hero will approve of your decision, otherwise he will condemn you.
There are 8 romances available in the game, both regular and same-sex. You can start romances with, and.


A character who immediately catches our eye and enlivens our lives throughout the game. Cassandra can only romance a male character, regardless of race.

During the trip, you will be able to agree with her methods and do the same, this will increase her sympathy for you. Also, flirt at every opportunity. After completing the personal tasks “Unfinished Business”, “Secret Hobby” and “Right of Destruction”, she will ask you about your feelings for her, then it’s up to you to decide how and where this road of love will lead you.


Knight Commander of the Templars, who decided to leave his post for the purposes of the Inquisition. Cullen has his own taste, and therefore only a girl of the human or elven race can get close to him.
To start a romance, you need to constantly show sympathy for him and flirt. Only lyrium can destroy your relationship; if you care about Cullen, do not ask him to work with this thing!


A unique character, because she is the only one who does not have a “bed scene” and the entire novel rests on the love of the heroes. Any man and any woman can start an affair with her. To do this, you need to constantly flirt and go through several personal quests: “Evil Rock” and “Duel”. Next, Leliana will challenge you to a serious conversation, in which everything will fall into place.


Here it is, the love of all female elven characters - Solas. The renegade magician who, from the very beginning of the game, helps our hero fight the threat of invasion. In order for our elf to reciprocate your feelings, you must be romantic in every dialogue and try to act as Solas himself would act. The important point is whether you kill the spirit on Solas' personal assignment.


This very cheerful and playful elf greets us with an arrow and a task to find things. She loves to play pranks on everyone and prefers a brutal method of destroying her enemies. Sera also does not believe in Andraste and everything connected with her. In terms of race, Serah is open. All female characters can start a romance with her after completing personal tasks.


Blackwall is a Gray Warden and also a companion to our protagonist. He is lonely in life and tries to stick to his path as a Gray Guardian.
Maintaining a relationship with Blackwall requires being a fair and merciful woman of any race. After completing his personal quests “In Memory of the Guardians” and “Revelation”, he will leave Skyhold and become unavailable to the group, the quest “Revelations” begins. In Val Royeaux, free him from captivity and encourage him to fulfill his duty in the ranks of the Inquisition. After he returns to the Inquisition, you can talk to him about your romantic relationship.

Iron Bull

Iron Bull is a Qunari who created his own mercenary squad and joined the Inquisition. His behavior is unique to Qunari. He respects Kun, but at the same time often violates it.
After completing his personal quest "Kun Requirements", regardless of the character's race and gender, he will tell you about some customs and rules. If everything suits you, then you will begin another personal task, at the end of which you will find a fun video scene and the beginning of a romance with the Bull.


Dorian is a Tevinter mage who joined the Inquisition. He was born into a prestigious family and developed his magical gifts. Dorian is very proud, and disillusioned with Tevinter, he became an outcast.
To start a relationship with Dorian, you need to complete his first personal task. After this, Leliana will give you a second task. Be careful, as killing Ponchard will end the quest and your relationship with Dorian. A man of any race can start an affair.

Everyone knows that role-playing games from Bioware have one interesting feature - you can, through various manipulations, achieve romance with one or another character and even get to the so-called adult content like love lines in Dragon Age: Inquisition.

Below we will briefly describe which character you can start a relationship with and what approximately you need to do for this.


Peculiarities: she is fanatical about religion, so reproaches for this should be avoided. Teasing remarks and jabs are best. You will need to wait quite a bit before this character agrees to a romantic relationship. Naturally, nothing will happen if you do not complete the romantic task with flowers and romance.


Preferences: Exclusively men.

Previously, there were no such precedents, but now we see the first magician in the game with a completely unconventional orientation. Questionable entertainment, but if you really want to have fun, then there is this option to choose from.

Make jokes, emphasize his courage, complete the side quest and get what you wanted.


A stern Gray Warden who can be found in the Hinterlands and accepted into the team. By the way, you can flirt almost immediately, and thus lure him to you, to the Inquisition.

The character is very trusting and easily has nice conversations with ladies who have not paid attention to him for a long time.


Preferences: Women only.

Another character who received an exclusively gay character. She has a great sense of humor, but inappropriate behavior and an extremely strange style.

You can start by telling her that you like her and then continue chatting with her from time to time in the Vault Tavern. The more you communicate with her, the more the character will reveal herself on the other side.

Preferences - All genders and races;

This is a skilled warrior and spy who, for the sake of a good cause, is ready for any experiments. By starting a romance with him, you will learn that intimacy for the Qunari is something simply necessary purely for physical needs, rather than for feelings.

For him to show interest in you, you will have to persist for a very long time and try to appeal to something vaguely similar to romance.


Preferences - Exclusively elves.

This character is only interested in representatives of his own family. Moreover, to win the heart of a Shadow specialist you will need to put in a lot of effort.

To achieve success, support him and be interested in his preferences, support free magicians and lay flowers on Dalish shrines.


Preferences - Exclusively elves or human women.

A character with whom it will be quite easy to flirt - you yourself will not understand how at some point a romantic relationship will begin between the characters.


Preferences - All genders and races.

There are quite a few options for flirting with her, so starting a relationship will be quite easy. The character has a playful nature and with the help of a sharp mind and diplomacy you can achieve quite good results.

You will not be able to have romantic relationships with other companions and non-companions for one reason or another.

Everyone is probably already familiar with the fact that in games as a couple, dialogue options can arise that can lead to romantic/love relationships/lines with other characters. The game was no exception! Here you can now flirt and raise the level of a certain “availability”. This guide/walkthrough was written to make it easier for you to complete the love story for a certain hero and achieve success.

In order for your new relationship to start successfully, you need to first consider whether there are opportunities for flirting. If there is, then you need to gradually increase your rating, simultaneously opening the path to a more serious relationship, which in turn gives something more.

In addition, your main character will be able to complete the task of the Inner Circle - this includes tasks/quests/missions of your party members/comrades-in-arms. In addition, you need to consider your gender and race, since not all characters may be available to you when choosing your race and gender.


Only a man can have an affair with her, but of absolutely any race! As with the others, you just need to lay the foundation in the relationship - a little flirting. To increase the pace of the relationship, perform appropriate tasks with her direct participation.

In addition, you can ask Varric to do one useful service, or rather write a new edition of Swords and Shields, which will serve as part of the task (a gift for Cassandra). In addition, at one point she will tell you in Skyhold that your relationship cannot lead to anything, but do not despair and continue to put pressure on her. Soon she will still come to meet you.

Remember that if you have a relationship with Cassandra, then you will not be able to form relationships with other characters. To start a relationship with another character, you will first have to break up with Cassandra and then just start a new romance.


Only an elf girl can have an affair with Solas. Once you get a little rating from Solas, when you arrive at Skyhold, just kiss him. Shortly after this point, he will ask you to release his spirit without any killing during the battle. If you do this, then you will increase your rating, if not, then the romance will end there.

If you managed to do everything successfully, then you and Solas will begin a serious relationship. But for the final stage of the novel you will have to complete the task.


Only a girl of any race can hook up with her. There is a slight exception with this character. There is a chance that Qunari will be able to have an affair with her - the chance is much greater than people and dwarves.

If you have any connections with other heroes, then you will have to end the relationship with the others and switch to her. Once you complete all the specified tasks, then you will have to make sure that all topics are closed, after which you will reach the final moment.


Absolutely any girl can hook up with him. This character is quite simple and straightforward in relationships that relate to flirting. You will be able to express all your feelings to him after you destroy the Shelter, but he will tell you that now is not the best time for this. In order for him to finally succumb to you, you must first complete all the tasks that concern him and at the same time increase his rating. Soon he will call you to the territory of the Storm Coast as a task for a gift.

After completing his own line, he will leave the Skyhold fortress, but the task will be completed. You will either send him to the Gray Wardens, or ask him to choose his own path. If he remains in the Inquisition, then you can reach the end in your relationship with him.

Iron Bull

This character will be available to absolutely everyone. You just need to flirt with him and in the end, you and he will end up in your chambers and have the opportunity to make love. After that, he will discuss some “rules” with you.

He will ask you to get a medallion that is made from a dragon's tooth. Here you will have to find the dragon, then kill it and make a medallion from the extracted resources.


A man of any race can hook up with Dorian. You can lay the foundation in a relationship only by following its storyline. After that, all you have to do is talk to him about your interest in him and start playing tricks.

Soon Leliana will call you and talk about one task. You will have to leave Poncard alive, otherwise your relationship with Dorian will go nowhere. After you complete the task, talk to him in Skyhold and then he will invite you to go to your chambers for the final moment. If you break up with him, there will be no negative aspects to it.


To start a relationship with Cullen, you need to be an elf girl or a human. If you want to hook up with him, you will first have to cut off all the existing ones. And remember that you cannot discuss Lyrium with him; because of him, all relationships are broken. You can't do this even in the middle of a relationship.


The only character who has no restrictions! The most liberal girl when it comes to matters of romance. To start building a relationship with her, you just need to talk to her in Skyhold and start flirting a little. Move forward with your relationship until Leliana asks you who you are interested in. After this, you can finally begin your romance with Josephine.