Federal target programs operating in the Russian Federation. Concept and structure of the federal target program Federal target programs list

Federal and regional target programs act as the most important direct regulators of economic processes occurring in the country. They represent a coordinated set of design, research, production, organizational, economic and other activities, coordinated by deadlines, resources and performers, carried out with the support of the state.

Federal and regional target programs

For many decades, since the 20s of the last century, the drawing up of economic plans was widespread in the USSR. Together with them, comprehensive, including regional targeted programs were developed. Currently, they provide solutions to problems in the scientific, technical, economic, socio-cultural, and environmental spheres. Federal target programs are aimed at implementing policies in the sphere of public economy with the support of the state. Today they are quite common, and their number is constantly growing. Targeted programs at the regional level are distinguished by clearly expressed territorial characteristics, specific sources of information and composition of participants. Their role is to integrate individual, collective, and state interests into the market economy, mobilizing forces to implement large projects.


Regional target programs are used as a tool for the state’s direct influence on the market economy within a specific territory. This management method acts as one of the most important means of influencing problem areas: developed, depressive ones. At the same time, Russia’s regional target programs are being successfully implemented in relatively wealthy territories. In both cases, solutions to both current and upcoming problems are provided. An example is the regional target programs of the Leningrad region. Currently, the attention of the authorities is paid to improving the quality of life and the state of the economy of St. Petersburg. In particular, programs are being developed to create conditions for attracting labor resources to the city.

The essence of new projects

The targeted regional and municipal programs being developed today embody a complex of “free market” and “hard plan”. Within the framework of projects, strict directions of economic activity are set. At the same time, stimulation and implementation of targeted programs are carried out on a commercial basis. Methods for attracting performers and methods for distributing resources are based on the principles of voluntariness, collective and individual interest. Financial incentives are also important. Regional target programs require targeting and mandatory implementation of planned activities by all participants. They are provided by economic contracts, combined with a set of economic incentives, and not by directive tasks, as was the case before.

Selecting a problem

When preparing regional target programs, developers solve a number of methodological problems. The main one relates to the choice of problem. In modern conditions, the tasks of territorial and national economic development are changing quite quickly. At the same time, available financial and other resources are always limited. The criteria for choosing a problem are:

  1. The significance of the issue for the national and territorial economy, connection with structural transformations, increasing the efficiency of the economic system, improving the quality of life of citizens, ensuring environmental safety, etc.
  2. The multifaceted and intersectoral nature of the problem, the presence of decision makers and the need to coordinate their work. In a nutshell, this criterion can be defined as the complexity and complexity of the issue.
  3. Progressiveness and novelty of organizational, technical and other activities, expected high performance.

Additional signs

The above criteria also include the complexity or impossibility of solving the problem within a reasonable time using a market mechanism and the need to attract government support. However, according to experts, this attribute is controversial, since complex and pressing problems can be solved exclusively by program methods and with the participation of the authorities.

Setting goals

This is quite a responsible task. The clear target nature of the program is expressed in the strict orientation of each event and the use of any resource, as well as the activities of all participants. The main task is brought to specific targeted tasks. When developing, it is recommended to use a graphic-analytical approach. With its help, the goal is divided into tasks by levels. Their quantitative assessment is carried out using relative indicators of meeting the needs of the territory. However, the reliability of this approach remains questionable.

In practice, when developing projects, it is used quite rarely. In addition, it is not possible to determine standard indicators in all cases. As an alternative, socio-economic indicators can be used. They indirectly express the levels of completion of certain tasks. For example, regional target programs for preserving public health can use the average duration of active professional activity, life, etc. as indicators.

Efficiency mark

The effectiveness of the development and subsequent implementation of the program is expressed by specific outcome indicators. Analysis of the relationship between them and expenses is reflected in the particular and general values ​​of economic, comparative and absolute efficiency (the volume of national income per person, the proportionality of consumption and accumulation funds, etc.). Particular indicators characterize the level of resource use: capital, capital, material productivity, and so on. If we take into account domestic and foreign practice, the specifics of adaptation to market conditions, depending on the type of program, it is usually recommended to use different values ​​to analyze its effectiveness. Among them: the size of specific capital investments, labor productivity, etc. When analyzing, you can also use production volumes of key types of products, commissioning of non-production facilities and production capacities, indicators of scientific and technological development, import and resource substitution.

Features of indicators

The importance of using different indicators in programs is obvious. But at the same time, through values ​​must first be present among them. With their help, programs and results for the country as a whole are compared. In addition, it is necessary to use Some programs may require set point systems. In market conditions, quantitative assessments of the results of commercial activities become most relevant.


Meanwhile, for macroeconomic analysis it is necessary to identify national economic performance. The requirement of national feasibility must be observed when determining the entire system of indicators. For example, one cannot limit oneself to the capital turnover ratio in the territories being developed, since this may lead to the creation of an industry structure that will not meet the specifics and needs of the regions, as well as the long-term interests of the state.

Specifics of events

A regional program may include a set of measures to improve the economy and social sphere. These include, for example, meeting the needs for fuel and energy resources, regulating tariffs, eliminating the consequences of a natural disaster, and so on. The next stage may include measures to stabilize the situation. Among them:

  1. Reducing the fuel and energy deficit.
  2. Overcoming stagnation in industries of specialization.
  3. Consolidation of new economic ties.
  4. Creating conditions for economic growth.

At the next stage, the economic complex may be revived. Within these activities, efforts are concentrated on issues of structural adjustment and sustainable development. Key activities may include:

  1. Expansion of transport infrastructure.
  2. Comprehensive solution to energy problems.
  3. Expanding the export potential of the territory.

At all stages it is necessary to ensure:

  1. Preventing the outflow of citizens.
  2. Retaining qualified workers. This is ensured through government assistance in the field of employment and social protection.
  3. Nature protection and rational use of natural resources.


The implementation of regional target programs is of the greatest practical importance for the population. In some cases, there is a need for a step-by-step solution to the problems of accelerated development, advanced, adequate strengthening of infrastructure, and improving the quality of life of citizens. In small areas, the range of problems may be limited, for example, to activities in the agro-industrial and construction complexes, the development of border areas and social services. In any program, a separate section is reserved for financing issues. To carry out activities, funds from budgets and extra-budgetary funds are attracted. However, most of the funding is provided by private investors.

Sets of activities included in programs are usually considered in several versions. For example, the formation of the transport complex can be represented in the scenario of using the existing infrastructure and its active improvement. Meanwhile, according to some experts, there are currently too many programs. Many of them are subject to constant adjustment. In this case, their goals and content are violated. There is also a problem of financing, which negatively affects the implementation of programs.

Long-term budget forecast approved Order of March 29, 2019 No. 558-r. The budget forecast of the Russian Federation for the period until 2036 was approved. The key goal of the budget forecast is to assess, on a variable basis, the most likely trends in the budget system, which allows, through the development and implementation of appropriate decisions in the field of tax, budget and debt policy, to ensure stable macroeconomic conditions and the achievement of strategic goals of the country’s socio-economic development.

March 22, 2019, Government decisions on the progress of implementation of federal target programs and implementation of the Federal Targeted Investment Program for 2018

February 4, 2019, State program “Socio-economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol” On approval of the state program “Socio-economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol” Resolution of January 30, 2019 No. 63. The goal of the state program is to create conditions for balanced sustainable development of the economy and social sphere of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol. The state program, in particular, provides for the stimulation of entrepreneurial activity, infrastructure development, the functioning of a free economic zone in Crimea, ensuring the effective functioning of the highway network, increasing the level of energy saving and reliability of engineering infrastructure, and creating an accessible and comfortable tourist environment.

December 25, 2018, Issues of labor productivity and employment support On changes in the procedure for providing subsidies for priority attraction of labor resources to the constituent entities of the Federation Resolution of December 19, 2018 No. 1593. In order to create attractive conditions for the relocation of workers and secure them in the workplace, the signed resolution approved a new edition of the Rules for the provision and distribution of subsidies to subjects of the Federation for additional activities in the field of employment. In particular, it has been established that all employers in need of labor resources can participate in regional programs (previously, only employers implementing investment projects could participate in regional programs). For employers in the Far Eastern Federal District, an increase in the amount of financial support is provided from 225 thousand rubles to 1 million rubles for each attracted employee.

December 24, 2018, Agricultural Science On additions to the Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Agriculture for 2017–2025 Resolution of December 21, 2018 No. 1615. The Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Agriculture for 2017–2025 has been supplemented by the subprogram “Development of selection and seed production of sugar beets in the Russian Federation.” The goal of the subprogram is to ensure stable growth in industrial production and the sale of high-quality competitive seeds of profitable sugar beet hybrids of domestic selection based on new high-tech Russian developments and the implementation of complex scientific and technical projects of a full innovation cycle.

December 5, 2018, General issues of implementation of state programs and federal target programs Report by Maxim Oreshkin at a government meeting On the progress of implementation of federal target programs and the federal targeted investment program for the nine months of 2018.

December 5, 2018, General issues of implementation of state programs and federal target programs On the agenda: on the execution of the federal budget, on the progress of implementation of federal target programs and the federal targeted investment program for the nine months of 2018.

October 25, 2018, State program “Ensuring public order and combating crime” On approval of the state program “Ensuring the safety of victims, witnesses and other participants in criminal proceedings for 2019–2023” Resolution of October 25, 2018 No. 1272. Currently, the state program “Ensuring the safety of victims, witnesses and other participants in criminal proceedings for 2014–2018” is in effect. Since the period of operation of this state program is ending, the signed resolution approved a new state program “Ensuring the safety of victims, witnesses and other participants in criminal proceedings for 2019–2023.”

September 6, 2018, Federal Budget On the agenda: on the execution of the federal budget, on the progress of implementation of federal target programs and the federal targeted investment program for the first half of 2018, draft federal laws.

August 3, 2018, General issues of implementation of state programs and federal target programs Summary report on the progress of implementation and assessment of the effectiveness of government programs in 2017 In accordance with the established procedure for the development, implementation and evaluation of the effectiveness of state programs, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia submitted to the Government a summary report on the progress of implementation and evaluation of the effectiveness of state programs based on the results of 2017. In accordance with the procedure for developing, implementing and assessing the effectiveness of state programs, a summary report is published on the official website of the Russian Government.

April 6, 2018, On approval of the federal target program “Development of the penal system (2018–2026)” Resolution of April 6, 2018 No. 420. The program is aimed at bringing pre-trial detention centers and correctional, medical correctional and treatment-and-prophylactic institutions into compliance with Russian legislation and international standards.

March 31, 2018, State program “Development of physical culture and sports” On amendments to the state program “Development of Physical Culture and Sports” Resolution of March 30, 2018 No. 351. In accordance with the Budget Code, the parameters for financing the state program are brought into compliance with the Federal Law “On the Federal Budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020.” Also included in the state program is the subprogram “Development of Hockey in the Russian Federation.” As part of the subprogram, it is planned to increase the number of sports facilities for hockey, provide training for athletes of the Russian national hockey team, increase the number of citizens involved in hockey, and the number of physical education, sports and training events in hockey.

March 31, 2018, Disabled people. Barrier-free environment On amendments to the state program “Accessible Environment” for 2011–2020 Resolution of March 30, 2018 No. 352. In accordance with the Budget Code, the parameters for financing the state program are brought into compliance with the Federal Law “On the Federal Budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020.”

March 31, 2018, General issues of energy policy On amendments to the state program “Energy Efficiency and Energy Development” Resolution of March 30, 2018 No. 371. In accordance with the Budget Code, the parameters for financing the state program are brought into compliance with the Federal Law “On the Federal Budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020.”

March 31, 2018, State program “Justice” On amendments to the state program "Justice" Resolution of March 30, 2018 No. 372. In accordance with the Budget Code, the parameters for financing the state program are brought into compliance with the Federal Law “On the Federal Budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020.”

On approval of the new edition of the state program “Protection of the population and territories from emergency situations, ensuring fire safety and safety of people on water bodies” Resolution of March 30, 2018 No. 377. In accordance with the Budget Code, the parameters for financing the state program are brought into compliance with the Federal Law “On the Federal Budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020.”

March 31, 2018, Nature Conservation. Nature reserves, national parks On amendments to the state program “Environmental Protection” for 2012–2020 Resolution of March 30, 2018 No. 379. In accordance with the Budget Code, the parameters for financing the state program are brought into compliance with the Federal Law “On the Federal Budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020.” The state program includes individual activities of the priority projects “Preservation and prevention of pollution of the Volga River”, “Wildlife of Russia: preserve and see”, “Clean Country”. Resolution of March 29, 2018 No. 340. In accordance with the Budget Code, the parameters for financing the state program are brought into compliance with the Federal Law “On the Federal Budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020.”


Federal target programs are an important tool for the effective use of federal budget funds, allowing for the concentration of resources in key areas of economic growth and in its competitive sectors, including those with high innovation potential. Fedorov N.V., Kurakov L.P. Forecasting socio-economic development of regions. M., 2011

The implementation of the Federal Target Program provides for investing funds in the development of human potential, implementing environmental protection measures and creating conditions for safe living. Ignatieva A.V. Research of control systems: Textbook. aid for students Universities, educational according to special “State and municipal administration” and “Management”. - M.: UNITY, 2010

Federal programs are developed in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 13, 1994 No. 60-FZ "On the supply of products for federal state needs", the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2005 No. 94-FZ "On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state municipal needs", Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation.

In 2010, there were 53 federal target programs (46 subprograms) operating on the territory of the Russian Federation, and in 2011 this figure increased to 57 federal target programs (42 subprograms).

Picture 1

Share of the Federal Target Program in the expenditure side of the federal budget (billion rubles). Data from the Department of State Target Programs and Capital Investments of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation - http://fcp.economy.gov.ru/

Based on this diagram, we can conclude that expenditures on federal target programs from the total volume of federal budget expenditures remain at the level of 7.5% - 8.5%, so in 2010 this figure was 7.53%, and in 2011 - 8.65%. Those. increased by 1.13%, which may be directly related to the fact that in 2011 the start of new federal targeted programs is envisaged - 4 new federal targeted programs will be financed. For more detailed information about the Federal Target Program, you can view the full list of federal target programs in 2011 (Appendix 2).

On average, 15.7 billion rubles were provided for one program in 2009, and 14.6 billion in 2010. rubles, and in 2011 this figure is planned at 16.2 billion rubles

Table 1

Volumes of budget financing of federal target programs Data from the Department of State Target Programs and Capital Investments of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation “Volumes of budget financing of the Federal Target Program” - http://fcp.economy.gov.ru/

Volumes of budgetary allocations, million rubles

Other needs

To analyze these data, it is convenient to present them graphically - Figure 2.

Figure 2

Volumes of budget financing of federal target programs (million rubles) Data from the Department of State Target Programs and Capital Investments of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation “Volumes of budget financing of federal targeted programs” - http://fcp.economy.gov.ru/

Thus, one can see that in terms of the volume of budget financing, “State Bills” is the leader - they account for more than 50% of the total volume, followed by “Other needs” and “R&D” in third place.

As for the volumes of budget funding for each federal target program, Figure 3 (according to Appendix 1) shows the 10 federal target programs with the largest funding from the federal budget in 2011.

Figure 3

Ranking of programs by volume of budget funding (10 federal target programs with the largest funding from the federal budget) (million rubles) Data from the Department of State Target Programs and Capital Investments of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation “Ranking of programs” - http://fcp.economy.gov.ru/

It is also necessary to determine priority areas for financing federal target programs, which are presented in Figure 4 (according to Appendix 1).

Figure 4.

Budgetary financing of federal target programs in 2011 by priority (million rubles). Data from the Department of State Target Programs and Capital Investments of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation “Ranking of programs” - http://fcp.economy.gov.ru/

In 2011, the priority area of ​​budget financing of federal target programs is transport infrastructure, second place is taken by the development of high technologies, and safety in third place.

So, based on the above statistics, we can highlight the following main areas of financing:

In 2011, the Federal Target Program “Development of the Transport System of Russia (2010-2015)” will amount to 282.2 billion, the Federal Target Program “Economic and Social Development of the Far East and Transbaikalia for the period until 2013” ​​- 88.4 billion rubles.

Thus, the development of infrastructure and the social sphere over the past years has been one of the highest priority areas for financing the Federal Target Program, and this year is no exception.

The state program of the Russian Federation “Protection of the population and territories from emergency situations, ensuring fire safety and the safety of people on water bodies” was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2014 No. 300. The responsible executor of the state program is the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, co-executors are the Ministry of Health of Russia, The Ministry of Construction of Russia and Rostechnadzor, participants - 15 federal executive authorities, the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The implementation of the state program is designed for the period until 2020. As part of the implementation of the state program, the resources of all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as the business community, are involved.


Federal target programs

The purpose of introducing the institution of state programs of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as state programs) is the transition to the formation and execution of the federal budget in a program format, starting with the 2014 budget.

The Budget Address of the President of the Russian Federation on budget policy in 2014–2016 dated June 13, 2013 notes that the model of constant growth of budget expenditures based on high rates of economic development and rising prices for resources has now exhausted its capabilities.

In these conditions, solving the problems of increasing the efficiency of expenditures and reorienting budget allocations within the framework of existing budgetary restrictions for the implementation of priority directions of state policy, achieving measurable, socially significant results, the most important of which are established by the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012, comes to the fore.

In the new macroeconomic realities, when forming the draft budget for 2014 and for the planning period of 2015 and 2016, in order to achieve medium-term budget policy goals, special attention should be paid to the development of program-targeted management methods.

State programs of the Russian Federation should become the key mechanism through which strategic and budget planning are linked. The draft federal budget for 2014 and for the planning period of 2015 and 2016, the budgets of some constituent entities of the Russian Federation will be formed in the structure of state programs. At the same time, the final effectiveness of “program” budgets depends on the quality of government programs and mechanisms for monitoring their implementation.

The procedure for the development, implementation and evaluation of the effectiveness of state programs was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 2010 No. 588. The procedure does not apply to the state weapons program provided for by the Federal Law “On State Defense Order”.

The state program is a system of measures (interconnected in terms of tasks, implementation deadlines and resources) and state policy instruments that ensure the achievement of the priorities and goals of state policy in the field of socio-economic development and security. State programs are approved by an act of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The state program includes federal target programs and subprograms containing departmental target programs and main activities of government bodies. Subprograms are aimed at solving specific problems within the framework of the state program.

The development and implementation of the state program is carried out by the federal executive body designated by the Government of the Russian Federation as the responsible executor of the state program (hereinafter referred to as the responsible executor), together with interested federal executive bodies - co-executors and participants in the state program.

The list of state programs was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 11, 2010 No. 1950-r and includes more than 40 programs.

The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations is designated as the responsible executor of the state program “Protection of the population and territories from emergency situations, ensuring fire safety and the safety of people on water bodies,” which includes almost the entire budget of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations and Rostechnadzor (co-executor of the program) and 6 federal target programs.

In addition, the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations is a participant in 9 more state programs as a state customer of federal target programs or an executor of individual activities of state programs.

It is interesting and useful to know which areas of science, engineering and technology are now priorities - this is reflected in the federal target programs:

Federal target program "High-Tech Medicine".

Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 25, 1998 No. 1391

Federal target program "International Thermonuclear Reactor ITER" for 2002–2005. Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 21, 2001 No. 604

Concept of the federal target program "Russian language (2006–2010)".

Approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 5, 2005 No. 1355-r

federal target program "Russian language (2006–2010)". Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 No. 833

Federal target program "Russian language" for 2002–2005.

Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 27, 2001 No. 483

Federal target program "Electronic Russia (2002–2010)".

Federal target program "Research and development in priority areas of development of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2007–2013". Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2006 No. 613

Federal programs in the field of education

Education is the basis for the development of science. The Russian education system is capable of competing with the education systems of advanced countries. Federal programs for the development of education pay special attention to the informatization of education, the transition to continuous, lifelong education, and other issues:

Federal target program "Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia" for 2014–2020


Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 21, 2013 No. 424

Concept of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2011–2015. Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 7, 2011 No. 163-r

Federal target program "Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia" for 2009–2013.

Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 28, 2008 No. 568

Concept of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2006–2010. Approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 3, 2005 No. 1340-r

Federal target program "Development of a unified educational information environment (2001–2005)".

Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 28, 2001 No. 630

Program for the development of additional professional education in the Russian Federation for 2002–2005. Approved by Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated June 26, 2002 No. 2423

The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period until 2010.

Approved by Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated February 11, 2002 No. 393

National doctrine of education in the Russian Federation.

Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 4, 2000 No. 751

On the organization of work with federal target programs in the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and subordinate federal agencies. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 27, 2006 No. 195