Fortune telling for the old New Year is the most accessible types of fortune telling. The best fortune telling for the old new year

On the night of January 13-14, it is customary to celebrate the New Year according to the old style. Fortune telling for the Old New Year occurs during the Christmastide period, which means during the time of Christmas fortune telling. Vasilyev's evening is recognized as special, when the result is considered highly accurate, even prophetic. This is January 13th. Therefore, unmarried girls, with the help of various fortune-telling, try to find out the name of their betrothed, whether they will get married in the coming year, and also how many children they will have.

1. Fortune telling with cups

For fortune telling, you will need several cups, corresponding in number to the number of fortune tellers. A ring, a coin, bread, sugar, onion, salt are placed in cups, and a little water is poured into one cup. With their eyes closed, each of the fortune tellers takes turns choosing a cup.

Predictions for the future are as follows: ring - for a wedding; coin - to wealth; bread - to prosperity; sugar - for fun; onion - to tears; salt - unfortunately, and a cup of water - to life without much change.

2. Fortune telling with candles

You will need a bowl of water, halves of walnut shells in an amount equal to the number of fortune tellers, and the same number of small candles or pieces thereof. You need to insert the candles into the shells, light them and let them float in a bowl.

The girl whose candle burns out first will be the first of the fortune tellers to get married. Accordingly, the girl whose candle burns out last will be the last to get married. If someone’s shell with a candle sank, that girl will never be married at all.

3. Fortune telling with wax

For fortune telling with wax, you will need two wax candles, one of which must be lit, and pieces of the other must be placed in a spoon and, heating the spoon over the burning candle, melt the wax. After this, the melted wax is quickly poured into a glass of cold water and, by the light of a candle, the future is judged from the resulting figure.

4. Fortune telling YES-NO

The left hand is held over a jar with any cereal or grain, palm down. While concentrating, you need to ask the question that interests you. After this, take a handful of cereal from the jar and pour it onto the table, then count the number of grains. If the number of grains is even, this means a positive answer - YES, an odd number means a negative answer - NO.

5. Fortune telling on the number and gender of future children

On Christmas evening, you need to pour water into a glass, put a ring in it and put it out in the cold. Before going to bed, a glass is taken out of the cold and future children are judged by the icy surface formed in it. The number of tubercles indicates the number of boys, and the number of pits indicates how many girls there will be.

6. Fortune telling with a chain

When everyone is asleep, you need to take the gold chain, rub it between your palms, hold it in your right hand, shake it and throw it on the table.

A circle has formed - closed troubles are expected; streak - luck; node - difficulties and illnesses; triangle - love success; bow – wedding; snake - betrayal; heart is love.

7. Fortune telling with a mirror

This fortune telling is considered the most mystical. You need to sit in absolute darkness in front of a mirror with a candle in the middle of the night. An important condition is that there should be no one else in the room. You must look carefully at the reflective surface. After about 5 minutes it will fade. Then the betrothed, or rather the devil who has taken his guise, will be reflected behind the glass. The girl must begin to shun him so that he disappears, saying “Forget me!” Otherwise, evil spirits will materialize.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year It has become a popular entertainment since ancient times and unmarried girls on this day tried to find out their fate, the name of their betrothed and how many children they would have. It is believed that on this holiday this kind of prediction will be the most truthful.

Here are the most popular and simple fortune telling for girls on the occasion of the Old New Year:

Guessing with felt boots

Each girl takes turns throwing her felt boots or felt boots onto the road. In which direction the sock is pointed, the girl will get married.

Guessing with mirrors

The girl needs to sit between two mirrors in the dark, light a candle and peer into the reflection, thinking about her future groom. Whose appearance appears will be the husband. You need to guess at midnight.

Fortune telling with a thread

Several girls take threads of equal length and set them on fire at the same time. The one who burns first will get married faster.

Fortune telling with a ring or needle

If it is a ring, then it should be lowered into a glass of water; if it is a needle, then it should be pierced through the woolen fabric. Then we hang it on a thread or thread, and gradually lower it to the hand of the person we are guessing about. If the object makes circular movements, then a girl will be born, if it is pendulum-shaped, then a boy will be born.

Selecting a subject for the future. We put different objects in a bowl or saucer (you can put them in a felt boot): ash - not a very good life, sugar - on the contrary, a sweet life, a ring - marriage, an onion - tears, a glass - a cheerful life, gold - wealth, etc.
We pull out one object without looking.

Guessing with matches

Matches are inserted into the matchbox on both sides and set on fire. Burnt matches are aimed at each other - the guy and the girl will be together.

Fortune telling in a dream for the Old New Year

If a girl goes to bed for the first time in a new place, then before going to bed you need to say “I’m sleeping in a new place, the bridegroom is dreaming about the bride.” The one he sees is the future groom.

Before going to bed, you need to put four kings under your pillow and say, “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will appear in my dreams.” If you dreamed about the one of spades, then the groom is old and jealous, the one of hearts is young and rich, the one of the cross is a military man or businessman, the one of diamonds is desirable.

On the bulb

Each girl takes an onion and marks it. Then they are planted together in the ground; the one that sprouts faster will get married faster.

On a passerby

At midnight, go out into the street and ask the first man you meet what his name is. This is exactly the name of your future spouse.

Guessing by log

Walk backwards to the woodpile and take the log without looking. If it’s straight and smooth, then the husband will be flexible; if it’s heavy, he’ll be rich; if there are a lot of knots, there will be a lot of children; if it’s crooked, then the husband will be crooked and askew.

Fortune telling with a cat

You need to make a wish and call a cat into the room; if it comes in with your left paw, it will come true, but with your right paw, it won’t.

Guessing from a book

Take a book, maybe a Bible. Mentally ask the question, then say the page and line number. And read - this is the answer to your question.

Whatever they tell you for the Old New Year, be sure that the good will come true and the bad will not. The main thing is to believe in your own happiness!

The Old New Year coincides with Vasily's Day. Namely, this day in ancient Rus' was endowed with magical powers and was prophetic. It was believed that fortune telling for the Old New Year made it possible to obtain reliable information on any issue.

There are many popular beliefs and signs associated with this day, such as:

    It was not advisable to say the word “thirteen” throughout the day, so as not to attract evil spirits into your home; When paying for any goods, you cannot count the change in small change, otherwise you will shed tears all year; On the evening of the Old New Year, you cannot borrow anything from your own home, otherwise the entire next year will pass in debt; On the evening of Old New Year, you cannot take trash out of the house, otherwise you can take your own happiness with it.

Ancient fortune telling for January 14

Fortune telling was very popular in ancient times. Therefore, many rituals are rooted in the deep past. In the modern world, they are not so easy to accomplish. But they allow you to get an accurate answer to your question.

Ritual with a rooster

In Russian villages, a ritual with a rooster was held on the Old New Year. It made it possible to determine whether luck awaited the family in the coming year. To do this, closer to midnight, the rooster was removed from the roost and brought into the house, where wheat grains were first scattered on the floor.

It was necessary to pay attention to the following:

    If the rooster pecked all the grains, then next year good luck will not bypass your home, and peace and harmony will reign in your family;

If the bird pecks only a couple of grains, then you need to prepare for the wedding;

If the rooster refused to peck the grains, then the year as a whole will be unsuccessful.

Let's guess with the whole family

Another family ritual was also very popular. When everyone gathers at the festive table, you need to put a bowl of water in the middle and throw in small pieces of bread, the number of which should match the number of family members.

Having swirled the water with your finger, you should say the following magic words:

After this, the container should be set aside until the morning. In the morning you need to look at the result of fortune telling. If the bread remains in the pile, then the whole family will survive throughout the coming year. And if even one piece falls off, then it may well be that trouble will happen to one of the family members. If all the pieces of bread fall apart, then the family will fall apart, but this may also mean that in the coming year everyone will disperse.

For the ritual, in order to obtain wax for fortune telling, you need to melt one church candle in the flame of another. Typically this is done in a tablespoon. Having melted the wax, you need to pour it into a previously prepared container with water. After it hardens, the resulting cake should be examined and interpreted in relation to your own question.

In any case, the main factor is the shape of the resulting figure. If it is round, then this is already a good omen, which indicates that the person will be lucky in the coming year. The presence of sharp corners and peaks around the perimeter indicates that you are surrounded by ill-wishers, from whom you should expect trouble in the coming year. The interpretation of wax depends entirely on the imagination of the person performing the ceremony. And at the same time, it is very important to listen to your inner feelings.

Decoding on wax

Among the most popular interpretations are the following:

    Numbers and letters can be associated with specific dates, names, or the names of specific places; Straight lines on a wax figurine indicate that successful endeavors await you in the new year; Clear dots on the wax foreshadow possible profits; A figure resembling an angel or wings indicates that when solving complex problems you can count on the help of higher powers; A woman's figure may indicate the presence of a rival; The figure of a man predicts a quick acquaintance in the near future or even marriage; The figure of a child indicates both the birth of a child in the coming year and the beginning of a new business; The figure of a cat warns of imminent betrayal among close friends; The figure of the dog emphasizes that close friends will always be with you in the coming year.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

Fortune telling for the betrothed for the Old New Year was very popular among girls. There were many customs with the help of which girls could predict their marriage.

Using a towel

In our time, fortune telling came, which involved the use of a towel. For the ceremony you need to purchase a snow-white thin towel. On the night before the Old New Year, when going to bed, you should hang your towel outside. In the modern world, an item can be hung on a balcony.

During this, the following words had to be said:

“My betrothed, I’m waiting for you, love is stored in my soul for you, come quickly, let me know about you, dry yourself with a towel.”

After this, you had to go straight to bed, imagining your betrothed, that is, endowing him with traits that will be dear to you. Early in the morning you need to go out and feel the towel. If it is wet, it means that the betrothed has come and will be married in the coming year. If the towel remains dry, there will be no wedding next year.

On the husband's character

There is also a simple and, one might say, half-comic fortune-telling that will tell a girl what her future husband will be like. To do this, you need to place five plates on the floor and, accordingly, in them:
    Pour in coins; Pour vodka; Put down the cigarettes; Put down the mirror; Put down the book.
After this, you need to launch a rooster into the room and, being at a certain distance, watch it if the rooster pecks:
    Coins, then the husband will be rich; Vodka, then the future spouse will have a passion for drinking; Cigarettes, then the man in your life will smoke; Mirror, then you will come across a handsome man; A book, then your spouse will be very smart.

In the name of the future husband

To find out the name of your future husband, you need to write nine male names on ten small leaves, and leave one blank. All of them need to be rolled into tubes and placed under the pillow just before bed. You cannot be distracted during such an action, and after everything is done you need to immediately go to bed. In the morning you need to immediately take out one of the notes. If a name is written on it, then soon a close friend with the same name will appear next to you. And if an empty note was drawn out, then you will have to spend another year alone.

To make your cherished wish come true

On the Old New Year, fortune telling can help your cherished wish come true. For example, on a New Year's tree you need to hang a colorful box among the toys, and inside it put a note with your cherished wish. For the Old New Year, you need to remove the box and take out the note from it. Next say the following words:

“Let my wish become reality.”

Then the box needs to be hung on the tree again, and the note should be burned in the flame of a candle, and the ashes should be blown out of the open window. If you decide to do fortune-telling for the Old New Year, then treat it as a fairy-tale event. All actions must be carried out in a positive mood - and then success is guaranteed.

Our ancestors believed that fortune-telling during Christmas time was particularly accurate and reliable. This means that every person can lift the veil into the future and find out what awaits him on Old New Year and Epiphany, and quite independently.

And although the Church condemns any attempts to find out the future with the help of divination and magic, people have been guessing and continue to guess. The unknown and mystery have always attracted people, so many people rush on these holidays to tell fortunes for their betrothed, for the future, or to perform a ritual to attract money and good luck.

Fortune telling for the future and for the betrothed has always aroused the greatest interest among girls who longed to find out the name of their future spouse, or what is even “cooler” - to see his reflection in the mirror or in a wedding ring.

Sputnik Georgia asked what rituals and fortune telling for the betrothed and for the future were performed on the Old New Year and Epiphany and which of them were the most popular.

Fortune telling

In the old days, Christmas evenings were dedicated to divination and fortune-telling; accordingly, everyone who wants to look, according to the traditions of their ancestors, into their future, can do this before the Epiphany, on any evening, including on the night of the Old New Year.

You can choose any fortune telling. The most popular of them are fortune telling for the fulfillment of a wish, for the future and, naturally, for the betrothed or betrothed.

In the old days, fortune telling was done on everything that came to hand - on rings, mirrors, beans, shoes, rice, onions, brooms, apples and even on fence boards, which is not difficult to do in our time.

The girl, with her arms outstretched, tried to grab as many boards in the fence as possible, and then counted them - an even number indicated imminent marriage, and an odd number indicated loneliness.

For the betrothed

It is very easy to find out the name of your future husband - you just need to go out into the street and ask the first man you meet to tell him his name.

On Old New Year and Epiphany, girls could not only find out the name of their betrothed, but even see his face in the mirror. To do this, in the midnight darkness, they sat down between two mirrors, lit candles and began to peer into the reflection, hoping to see their betrothed.

Girls also wondered with a mirror on the street. Standing at the crossroads with your back to the month, looking in the mirror and wishing: “Betrothed, mummer, show yourself to me in the mirror.” As some claim, the betrothed appears in the mirror after some time.

People considered fortune telling on the night of the Old New Year to be the most truthful, and they said that it was at this time that you could see your future spouse in a dream.

In particular, the girl let down and combed her hair, then put the comb under the pillow, calling with magical words to her future husband: “Mummer, come comb my head.”

And it was possible to find out what kind of betrothed one would be by fortune telling with card kings. To do this, on the night before the Old New Year, before going to bed, you need to put cards with images of kings under your pillow, and in the morning, without looking, pull out one card.

In the old days, people believed that whichever king they got, so would the husband: the king of diamonds - the betrothed one would be desired, the king of hearts - young and rich, the king of clubs - military, and the king of spades - old and jealous.

Where to look for a betrothed

During Christmas time you can also find out the place where to look for your betrothed. The following fortune telling will help with this: put several multi-colored buttons, preferably the same size, into an opaque bag.

Tune in and ask the question: “My dear, where are you?” and then take one of them out of the bag. According to the button, the answer will indicate where you will meet your destiny.

The meaning of buttons: simple black - at work, green - in the store, brown - with friends, white - on a trip, yellow - in transport, iron - he will be in the military, with rhinestones - in the cinema, theater or village club, blue - by chance street.

Ancient fortune telling

One of the most popular fortune telling for the Old New Year and Epiphany for young girls who wanted to know their future was “inviting the betrothed to dinner.”

Before starting fortune-telling, the girl in an empty room covered the table with a tablecloth, put down the utensils in addition to the knife and fork, and said: “The betrothed-mummer, come to dinner with me.” Then she locked the windows and doors and waited alone for her betrothed.

The howling of the wind and blows on the windows and door indicated the approach of the groom, and then he appeared, sat down at the table and began to entertain her with conversation. The girl, without moving, was supposed to silently notice facial features and clothing and not answer questions.

Then, suddenly perking up, she asked point blank: “What’s your name?” The betrothed called his name and took something out of his pocket. At that moment the girl should have said: “Forget me!” - and the groom simply disappeared.

In the old days, people used to tell fortunes on Christmastide using a candle. They took a deep bowl and filled it halfway with water. On the edges of the bowl, pieces of paper were fastened on which questions were pre-written, such as “will I get married this year,” “will I have luck,” and so on.

Then a small candle was attached to a small wooden plank and lit so that the flame reached the edge of the attached pieces of paper. They lowered a board with a candle onto the water and looked. The prediction was that piece of paper with a question that the candle would burn.

Other fortune telling

The potential bride or groom, with their eyes closed, takes out a grain from a canvas bag of beans and examines it. If there are no spots or chips on the grain, then they will soon have a wedding. And if there are spots, then their number indicates how many years to wait before the wedding.

Fortune telling on things for the future was popular among girls. They took a felt boot and put several different objects there. For example, a piece of sugar, meaning a happy and comfortable life, a ring - marriage, a scarf - a handsome husband, a rag - a poor husband, an onion - tears, a coin - a rich husband, and so on.

They shook the felt boots and, without looking, took out the object that came to hand first, and used it to predict fate.

The girls and their friends were guessing using a thread. They cut the threads to the same length and set them on fire at the same time. Whose thread burns out faster than others will marry first. And if the thread immediately goes out or burns only halfway, then, alas, you are not destined to get married.

They also guessed from the book. They took a book and, before opening it, wished for the page number and the line at the top or bottom. Then the book was opened and read in the hidden place. What was read was interpreted in accordance with the wish made for marriage, prosperity, future, and so on.

In the Old New Year they also used fortune telling. On January 13, before going to bed, they wrote 12 wishes on separate pieces of paper, folded the sheets neatly and put them under the pillow. Waking up, in the morning they pulled out three of them, which were sure to be fulfilled in the new year.

Some take fortune telling very seriously, others with a bit of humor, as one of the pastimes during the holidays. And we can only wish you good luck and happiness in the coming Old New Year.

The material was prepared based on open sources

The celebration of the Old New Year falls on the winter holidays, which are celebrated from Christmas Eve to Epiphany. People believed that at this time the evil spirits could take a little walk and play pranks, which is why on Christmas Day various kinds of fun were in use, including fortune telling.

There was a rumor among the girls that fortune telling for the Old New Year, the night of January 13-14, was the most accurate.

"KP in Ukraine" has prepared a selection of the simplest and most truthful fortune-telling that will help girls brighten up the Generous Evening and just have fun.

Fortune telling for the OLD NEW YEAR BEFORE BED

Fortune telling for kings

On the night of January 13-14, before going to bed, girls need to put playing cards with images of kings under their pillow. In the morning, without looking, you should pull out one card. Whichever king the girl gets, so will the husband: the king of spades is old and jealous, the king of clubs is military, the king of hearts is young and rich, and the king of diamonds is desirable.

Fortune telling with bread and scissors

According to legend, if you put bread and scissors under your pillow before going to bed on Old New Year's Eve, a girl will certainly dream about her betrothed.

Fortune telling for a love dream

Before going to bed, a fortune-telling girl needs to eat something salty and under no circumstances wash it down with water. When going to bed, you need to say: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me and give me something to drink!” According to legend, whoever comes to give you something to drink is the one you will marry.

Fortune telling for the betrothed with a stocking

Girls will have to prepare for this fortune telling in advance - buy stockings. Before going to bed, you need to put on a new stocking on one leg and go to bed. At the same time, the girl must say: “Betrothed, mummer, come take off my shoes.” A man who takes off a fortune-telling girl’s stocking in a dream will become her husband.

Fortune telling for love

You need to put a small bowl of water under the bed, and put a small wooden stick on it and say before going to bed: “Betrothed, come take me across the bridge.” Whoever crosses the bridge in a dream will marry him.

Fortune telling for your betrothed

Fortune telling on mirrors

This fortune telling is not suitable for everyone, but rather for those who like to tickle their nerves. It is popularly considered one of the most dangerous.

For fortune telling, two mirrors (large enough and, if possible, equal in size) are taken, placed opposite each other and illuminated by two candles. It is best to place one mirror opposite the illuminated wall mirror, so that you get a long corridor illuminated with lights. All animals and strangers must be removed from the room. If it’s very scary, you can leave a couple of modest people, however, they should not make a sound, not look in the mirror and not approach the fortuneteller.

At the end of the corridor formed between the two mirrors, a narrowed one should appear. True, sometimes you have to look for a very long time, but you can see not only your betrothed, but also all sorts of evil spirits...

Fortune telling on the character of the groom and marriage

And various objects are placed in a bowl or saucer, which the fortune-telling girls must take turns pulling out without looking. The main condition is that the items must clearly reflect a character trait or quality of life.

For example, sugar - a sweet life, a good, flexible character of the groom, a ring - marriage, a glass - a cheerful life, a gold ring - wealth.

Fortune telling with matches

For this fortune telling, you need to prepare a matchbox and several matches in advance.

There are matches on each side of the box: one is the fortune-telling girl, the other is the man she likes. We light the matches and wait until they burn out completely. If the heads are facing each other, it means the guy and the girl will be together.

Fortune Telling with Dumplings

One of the most traditional fortune telling for the Old New Year.

The hostess of the house, inviting guests, prepares dumplings with potatoes, and puts some filling in the form of small surprises. The essence of fortune telling is that no one knows what he will get, and it is by the filling of the dumpling that they determine what awaits a person in the next year.

For example:

  • Lollipop - life next year will be sweet;
  • Paper bill - big money awaits you;
  • Thread - for a long road or journey;
  • Candies such as dragees are a new addition to the family;
  • Black peppercorn - means life with a peppercorn;
  • Button - many interesting new things.

Fortune telling on the water will tell you the character of the groom. Photo: Social network


Fortune telling for the betrothed

In order to find out the name of her future husband, a girl just needs to go out into the street and ask the first man she meets to tell him his name.

Fortune telling by ring

Fortune telling girls take turns rolling a ring on the floor. If it rolls towards the door, the girl will soon get married.

Fortune telling on an egg

It is necessary to prepare a fresh egg in advance. Make a small hole in it and carefully pour the contents into a glass of water. After some time, the protein will coagulate, and the future will be judged by the shape it takes.

For example, if they see a church in a figurine, it means a wedding, a ring means an engagement. A car, ship or plane - for a trip, a business trip, an ambulance.

Fortune telling by book

It is necessary to prepare a book with suitable content in advance. Without opening the book, the girls guess the page number and the line at the top or bottom. Then they open the book to the desired page and read the required lines. Depending on what worries the fortuneteller the most, the chosen paragraph is interpreted.

Fortune Telling by Desire

Fortune telling on grains

This fortune telling is one of the simplest: any cereal is poured into a jar, a question is asked, after which a handful of cereal is taken out of the container with the left hand, and the grains are counted.

An even number symbolizes a positive answer to the question posed, and an odd number symbolizes a negative answer, respectively.

Fortune telling on the water

Prepare two identical glasses. One of them is filled to the top with water. Having made a wish, the fortune-telling girl begins to pour the liquid from one glass to another. He does this several times. After this, you need to look at the surface where the glasses stood. If no more than two or three drops remain on it, the wish will come true. If there are more drops, it is difficult to implement it.

Fortune telling by shadows

You need to prepare a saucer or flat plate, a sheet of clean paper, a candle and matches. A sheet of paper must be crumpled up and placed on a plate, carefully setting the lump on fire. When the sheet is completely burned, you need to use a candle to make its reflection on the wall. After this, it’s time to use all your imagination - by looking at the shadows you can learn about your future.