Where does Menshikov play? Oleg Menshikov about the new play "Macbeth", in which all the roles are played by men. other theater projects

Fans of Soviet cinema remember him from “Pokrovsky Gates,” and young viewers know Menshikov as the coach from “Legend No. 17.” In any case, the actor has already written his name in the history of Russian cinema and theater - for six years now Oleg Menshikov has been directing the theater named after M. N. Ermolova, where he appears on stage and stages performances. We tell you what you can’t miss from the repertoire.


On the ocean liner Virginia, a boy was born who was destined to become a brilliant pianist. He never came to earth, he never had documents, citizenship or a normal name.

He spent his entire life playing for passengers, continuing to travel the world on an ocean liner. An amazing and sincere production tells about talent, friendship and creative path. Oleg Menshikov plays the main role here.


A masterly eccentric production about swindlers, in which Oleg Menshikov acted not only as an actor, but also as a director. The viewer is immersed in the atmosphere of theatrical acting, live music, singing and vaudeville cascade.

“We have been performing this performance for more than ten years,” says Oleg Menshikov. – We came up with it in the mountains, in Crimea, where the whole company went. For us, this is no longer a performance. This is part of our life."

Photo from the website of the Ermolova Theater

Dream Orchestra.Copper

Not so much a performance as a live concert. On stage - Oleg Menshikov and his brass band. Together they tell sad and funny stories. The program includes several miniatures in various genres.

Thirty artists combine words, music and dance, filling the entire space around with their incredible energy and powerful sound of wind instruments.

Photo from the website of the Ermolova Theater

The Picture of Dorian Grey

Success and fall, big money and extreme risk, human beauty and moral ugliness - the well-known story of Lord Henry and Dorian Gray is told here in a modern way. Sergei Kempo appears on stage together with Oleg Menshikov.

A successful producer creates a credible myth about a new superman. How do modern media influence us and why do we continue to fall into the trap of deceptive beauty?

Photo from the website of the Ermolova Theater

From the void... (eight poets)

The performance is dedicated to Russian poets and writers who were forced to create far from their homeland. The atmosphere of the production is woven from books, sheets of poetry, memories and emptiness.

The images of Georgy Ivanov, Marina Tsvetaeva, Sasha Cherny, Zinaida Gippius, David Burliuk, Vladislav Khodasevich, Ivan Bunin and Vladimir Nabokov appear on the stage.

For viewers, this is a unique opportunity to hear great poetry and prose performed by Oleg Menshikov, Vladimir Andreev and leading artists of the Ermolovsky Theater.

Photo from the website of the Ermolova Theater

The main character of Shakespeare's tragedy is the Scottish general Macbeth, who succumbs to the temptation to gain power. The main role in the play is played by Oleg Menshikov, who is also the director of the production.

“Shakespeare is always a question mark,” says Oleg Menshikov. – Some kind of code that was thrown at us through the centuries and which we are trying to decipher. As long as humanity exists, it will continue to solve this riddle.”

Photo from the Ermolova Theater website

Oleg Menshikov is an outstanding actor and talented director. He was involved in staging performances while still in school, and after receiving a certificate, he submitted documents to one of the oldest institutes in the country - the Shchepkinsky Higher Theater School. And despite the huge competition, the future People's Artist of the Russian Federation was accepted into the university on the first try.

While still a student, Menshikov brilliantly played in Nikolai Afonin’s play “Invasion.” Moreover, the aspiring actor himself refused the main role offered to him by the director in favor of an episodic, but deeper and psychologically subtle one.

In his last year at Sliver, the celebrity made his film debut. He was entrusted with the main role in Suren Shahbazyan’s drama “I Wait and Hope.” Subsequently, Oleg Menshikov tried on many images. He was the cunning optimist Ostap Bender, and the revenge-drunk Mitya from Burnt by the Sun, and the thoughtful detective Erast Fandorin. The actor's transformation in each work is absolute. At the same time, not a single character played by Oleg Evgenievich is similar to the other.

The critics' favorite has been playing on the theater stage since 1981. At first, Menshikov was enrolled in the Maly Theater. The following year he already performed at the Soviet Army Theater. The actor's name could also be seen on posters of other cultural institutions. Now Oleg Evgenievich, being the artistic director of the Ermolova Theater, acts as an actor in the “Independent Theater Project”. He also works in the 814 theater company, which he founded in 1995.

The most striking film works with the participation of Menshikov:

  • "The Pokrovsky Gate",
  • "Prisoner of the Caucasus",
  • "The Barber of Siberia"
  • "Golden calf",
  • "Legend No. 17".

In total, the actor starred in more than 30 films.

Awards and prizes

Laurence Olivier Prize of the British Academy of Arts, Russian State Prize (three times laureate), “Nika”, “Triumph”, etc.

You can watch films with celebrities online right now. And to see how actor Oleg Menshikov shines on the theater stage in Moscow, buy tickets for performances at the Ermolova Theater in which he is involved. This can be done by calling the number you see on the screen, leaving a request on the website or ordering a call back.

And Andreev himself suggested it. “Everyone supports me in this decision, including the Yermolovites; They don’t want to lose me, but they support me. Such decisions are rarely made: a person usually sticks to his guns,” the manager noted. He introduced Menshikov as the new director of the theater, long familiar with its traditions.

“Menshikov knows this theater, he has touched a little on its traditions, on its good and not so good sides. And today he is passionate - he is passionate about us, passionate about this idea,” Andreev said.

Vladimir Andreev is performing a human and creative feat, Menshikov is sure. “I don’t remember such a thing that a person offered another artistic director to take his place and stayed to work in the theater,” he said and added that he was counting on Andreev’s help. “I hope that we will be like an older and younger brother,” he concluded.

According to Kapkov, Oleg Menshikov already has a separate concept for the development of the theater and its production, which will begin to be implemented in the new season (it begins in the theater in September).

“Starting with the new season, there will be an impulse of new life here, based on the traditions of this great theater,” he promised.

The head of the capital's cultural department has repeatedly complained that the average age of artistic directors of Moscow theaters is too old - 64.5 years. The department noted to the Gazeta.Ru correspondent that the arrival of 51-year-old Menshikov at the Ermolova Theater corresponds to the policy of the department (indeed, the Moscow one initiated the opening in February at the Meyerhold Center of the School of Theater Leader, which will prepare directors, theater experts and producers for work theater managers). There is no order on a new appointment yet: today an agreement in principle was reached and the consent of Menshikov himself was received.

“This is the first serious news about the Theater. Ermolova is over twenty years old,” a source in the Union of Theater Workers told Gazeta.Ru, “under Andreev, simply nothing happened there: the theater did not produce any big names or high-profile productions.”

The interlocutor did not rule out that in his new post Oleg Menshikov will choose a strategy similar to that adopted at the Theater of Nations - he will turn the theater into a platform for the implementation of projects. This, according to the source, is indicated by Menshikov’s previous production experience in his own theater company. At the same time, the interlocutor noted, Menshikov has both a flair for good dramatic texts and the ability to stage them. So, it was he who commissioned the young man to play “Kitchen” in 1999, which became a hit directed by Menshikov, and at the same time made the playwright popular.

People's Artist of Russia, State Prize laureate Oleg Menshikov is most famous for his film work in the films “Pokrovsky Gate”, “Prisoner of the Caucasus” by Sergei Bodrov Sr. and, of course, for his participation in the trilogy “Burnt by the Sun” and his “The Barber of Siberia”.

But Menshikov is also very well known in the theater community: in the 80s, after graduating from theater school, he came to the Maly Theater, was drafted into the army and served in the theater of the Soviet Army, and then for four years, from 1985 to 1989 th, he worked at the Ermolova Theater.

They did not cross paths with this group: Andreev, who had been the chief director of the Ermolov Theater since 1970, moved to the Maly Theater in 1985, and returned back - as artistic director - after Menshikov left.

Later, in 1990, already in the status of a free actor, Menshikov appeared on the Ermolov stage in the sensational play “Caligula,” where he played the main role.

In the mid-90s, Menshikov organized his own theater company, Partnership 814, with which he staged performances based on classical works; He also played for Pyotr Fomenko and at the London Globe. Menshikov heads the Foundation for Support of Russian Culture, established a prize for Russian theater critics and is on the jury of the Triumph Prize, awarded for achievements in literature and art.

Vladimir Andreev emphasized that promises of change are not obligatory words that are spoken at the right moment, and everything planned will definitely be fulfilled.

“If we stumble, then we are criminals. But this will not happen,” he concluded.

Born on November 8, 1960, in the city of Serpukhov, Moscow region, in the family of a military engineer and doctor.

People's Artist of Russia (06/05/2003).

After graduating from general education and music schools (1977), he entered the Moscow Theater School. Shchepkina, for the course of N.N. Afonina. With my classmates I created performances, staged plays, skits.

He made his film debut in 1980 in Suren Shahbazyan’s film “I Wait and Hope.” This was followed by the films “Kinfolk” by Nikita Mikhalkov and “Flights in Dreams and in Reality” by Roman Balayan, where Oleg Menshikov attracted attention even in episodic roles.

In 1981, after graduating from drama school, he entered the Maly Theater.

While studying in his last year at the Theater School, he was invited by Mikhail Kozakov to play the role of Kostya in the film “Pokrovsky Gate”. This film was released in 1982 and it was this role that brought the actor popularity and love from the audience.
After the role of Kostya, a number of diverse roles followed, including in the films “Captain Fracass” (1984), “Big Volodya, Little Volodya” (1985), “My Favorite Clown” (1986), “Moonzund” (1987). The role in the latter brought the actor the Silver Medal. A.P. Dovzhenko.

After a year of work at the Maly Theater, which did not bring any bright roles, Oleg Menshikov served his military duty, playing in the Central Theater of the Soviet Army. One of the most striking roles he played in this theater was the role of Ganechka in the play based on the novel “The Idiot” by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky.

In 1985-89 - actor of the Moscow Drama Theater. Ermolova, where the most notable roles were those in the plays “Sports Scenes of 1981” and “Second Year of Freedom” (dir. Valery Fokin).
For the role of the Roman Emperor Caligula in the legendary play of the same name by Pyotr Fomenko, staged in 1990, he received an award and diploma from the Moscow Seasons Festival.

In 1991, he played the role of Sergei Yesenin in the play “When She Danced” at London's Globe Theatre, with Vanessa Redgrave as Isadora Duncan. In 1992, he was awarded the Laurence Olivier Prize by the British Academy of Arts for this role. Then, there, the actor took part in a play based on N.V. Gogol "Players" in the role of Ikharev.
The next theatrical role, which also had great success, was the role of the great Russian dancer Vaslav Nijinsky in the play “Nijinsky” (1993, the Bogis enterprise), where he also acted as a director. A year later, he again played Yesenin in the play “When She Danced,” but this time staged by the Parisian Comedy Française on the Champs-Elysees.

Continuing to act in films, playing the main role in Alexander Khvan’s film “Dyuba-Dyuba” (1992), Oleg Menshikov in 1994 starred in Nikita Mikhalkov’s film “Burnt by the Sun”. The role in the American Oscar-winning film (1994) became one of the most striking in the actor’s creative biography and brought him several awards.
The next role in the film directed by Sergei Bodrov Sr. “Prisoner of the Caucasus” (1996) was also awarded.
In 1998, he again starred with Nikita Mikhalkov in the film “The Barber of Siberia”, for which he was awarded the State Prize of Russia.

In 1995, he organized the enterprise "Theatrical Partnership 814", where, as a director and actor, he created the plays "Woe from Wit" (1995), "Kitchen" (2000), "Players" (2001) and played the main role in the production of Kirill Serebrennikov " Demon" (2003).

In 2001, he established an award for Russian theater critics - “Best Critic of the Season” named after. A. Kugel, whose jury includes actors and directors from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh.
He is a member of the permanent jury of the Triumph award in the field of literature and art.

In Hollywood, Menshikov was nicknamed “the Russian who doesn’t come” because he refuses repeated offers to star in the “dream factory.”

Since April 2012 - artistic director of the Moscow Drama Theater named after Ermolova.

prizes and awards

For his role in the film "Splash of Champagne (1988) - Silver Medal named after A.P. Dovzhenko;

For his role in the film “Burnt by the Sun” (1994) - Russian State Prize in the field of cinema; "Green Apple - Golden Leaf" - professional award for best actor; Film Press Prize - Best Actor of the Year;

For his role in the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus” (1996) - Russian State Prize in the field of cinema; Grand Prix of the Kinotavr festival for best actor; Professional cinematographic award "Nika" for best actor; Prize for Best Actor at the international film festival "Baltic Pearl" (1997); Russian independent award "Triumph" - for outstanding contribution to national culture (1996); Prize "Golden Aries" at the end of the year - "Universal actor - leader of the cinematic generation" (1996).

For his role in the film “The Barber of Siberia” (1999) - Russian State Prize in the field of cinema.

For his role in the play “Caligula” (1990) - a prize and diploma from the Moscow Seasons Festival;

For his role in the play “When She Danced” (1991) - Laurence Olivier Award from the British Academy of Dramatic Arts for 1992.

In 2004 he received one of the main French awards in the field of art - the government Order of Academic Palms.

Menshikov Oleg Evgenievich is one of the best Russian actors of our time, theater director and artistic director of the Ermolova Theater. People's Artist of Russia (2003). Oleg was born in the Moscow region into an ordinary Soviet intelligent family. Immediately after the birth of the boy, the family moved to the south of Moscow, to the Kashirskoye Shosse area, where Oleg spent his childhood and early youth.

Childhood and youth

Parents were not professionally connected with the world of art. Father, Evgeniy Yakovlevich (1934), was a military engineer. Mother, Elena Innokentievna (1933), worked as a neuropathologist. The parents treated the boy with respect and were lenient with his actions. They didn’t push, but guided wisely.

In 1967 I went to regular secondary school No. 866 in Moscow. I studied diligently and very well. He was proud, and therefore getting C grades was not permissible for him.

From the first grade, all the girls were in love with Oleg for his beauty, wit, and aristocratic manners. During breaks, he entertained his classmates by playing the piano. He went to a music school, where his parents sent him, to study violin. The boy did not like to play the violin, although he was fluent in playing the piano.

Often parents gathered their friends at home and organized fun musical evenings, skits (danced, sang).

It was then that Oleg realized that he wanted to become a professional actor.

Oleg loved operetta very much, it was his passion. The young man constantly went to performances twice a week. I often watched the same performances several times. When he told his mother that he would devote his life to operetta, she was against his decision. She believed that artists live incorrectly: they drink, party, etc. In Oleg’s fate, everything was decided by chance. When he was in 9th grade, he and his parents went to a wedding. There, a young man, replacing the drunken toastmaster, entertained all the guests by playing the piano. With songs and dances, he attracted the attention of the teacher of the Shchepkinsky School, who was among the guests (Monakhov V.).

He was invited to an audition at a theater school.

In his senior year, he began staging musical performances at school, which he himself invented for the children. submitted documents to the Shchepkinsky Higher Theater School. During the entrance exams I read Pushkin’s “Desires of Glory.”

They immediately recognized a gifted and extraordinary personality in the young man, and enrolled him the first time. He studied in the workshop of Vladimir Monakhov. Oleg, as a student, always tried to be observant and could subtly express human emotions and feelings.

From the first year, students from other courses were interested in playing the future actor in student plays. At graduation he took part in the play “Invasion”, where he amazed everyone with his performance. In 1981 he successfully graduated from a theater university.

Personal life, skills and interesting information

The actor is married. There were loves and romances in his life, but it was he considers his meeting with actress Anastasia Chernova (1983) to be the main event of his life! It was with her that he learned responsibility, discipline and self-taming.

They met on February 14, 2003 at the concert of M. Zhvanetsky(since then they always mark the date of their acquaintance). In 2005, they got married secretly from journalists and went on a honeymoon to Switzerland. Nastya grew up in a large family and came to Moscow to become an actress from the north of Russia (Taimyr Peninsula). Graduated from GITIS.

The actor and his wife like to visit museums and cinemas and spend time together. The couple has a dog (Yorkshire terrier) named Nafanya. They have no children.

In life, Oleg adheres to the attitude: “I like it - I don’t like it.” In creativity and in life he tries to do what he likes. He does not like to read about himself in the media, look at photographs and does not watch films with his participation - this makes him uncomfortable. Friends and family speak of him as a generous person.

If there was a lot of money, the actor says, he would travel. Jealous of traveling TV presenters. Of his trips, he loved France and Tibet most, as well as London for its loyalty to traditions.

Likes to go to the bathhouse and play football. I still always get nervous before performances. He likes to go shopping - this way he relieves stress and calms down. Collects various precious stones, rings, rings, watches. Sometimes wears glasses.

The actor has a lot of fans, among whom there were also strange ones who threatened him with a pistol and used a gas spray against him.

During a tour in London, the artist was offered British citizenship.

Professional activity

After graduating from theater school in 1981, he joined the Maly Theater troupe. From 1982 to 1985 he served in the army. He served in the theater of the Soviet Army. At the invitation of P. Fomenko he worked at the Ermolova Theater (1985-1989), and later at the Mossovet Theater.

In the 90s he began to play in various private theaters. The actor performed many outstanding roles in various productions, including:

  • "Idiot";
  • "Two years of freedom";
  • "Nijinsky";
  • "Caligula";
  • “When She Danced” and many others.

In 1995 he organized one of the first enterprise companies in Russia - “Theatrical Partnership 814”, where every year he created talented theatrical productions: “Woe from Wit”, “Kitchen”, “Players”. He toured a lot, also abroad.

Since 2012, he became the artistic director of the Ermolova Theater, to which he gave a second youth: he updated the repertoire, the troupe and made serious repairs to the theater. Now the theater is always full of spectators and new multi-genre productions. He works with many different guest directors as well as actors.

Today in the theater’s repertoire you can see various productions: “Dream Orchestra. Copper", "Demon", "Tchaikovsky", "The Picture of Dorian Gray" and others.

The actor made his film debut while still at school, in 1980, in the military film “Waiting and Hope,” where he played the role of Shurka. In 1982, Oleg gained fame and love from the audience after the release of the drama “Pokrovsky Gate”, where the artist talentedly played the young “player of life” Kostya. Particularly striking works of Menshikov are the paintings:

  • "Captain Fracas" (1984),
  • “Burnt by the Sun” (1994),
  • "Prisoner of the Caucasus" (1996),
  • "The Barber of Siberia" (1998),
  • "East-West" (1999),
  • “State Councilor” (2005) and many others.

The actor has many diverse star roles. An artist’s participation in any film project has long been a kind of indicator of its quality and success among viewers.

In recent years, the actor has not acted much due to his intense work as a theater director. In 2016 and 2017, he starred in the films “Attraction”, “Gogol. Beginning", "Gogol. Viy" and "Gogol. Terrible Revenge”, in which the artist plays one of the main roles.

Today the artist is a cult and legendary figure. For the sixth season, Ermolova continues to successfully work as the director and director of the theater. The brilliant actor has many fans. He continues to periodically act in films and dreams of making a film. Attends many cultural events and constantly takes an active part in social activities.

Today, the artist himself chooses which films to star in and which directors to work with. His filmography includes more than 60 films. He was awarded many prizes and awards, as well as titles, not only in Russia, but also abroad.


Year Movie Role
1980 I'm waiting and hoping Shurka Domok
1981 Relatives Kirill
1982 The Pokrovsky Gate Kostya Romin
1982 Flights in dreams and in reality Alice's friend
1983 Kiss

Merzlyakov, lieutenant

1984 Obstacle course