Characteristics of a Capricorn-Tiger man from A to Z! Characteristics of Capricorn men and women in the year of the tiger Capricorn tiger 1986

Representatives of this combination of signs have a special ability to establish social connections. The patronage of the Tiger gives a man a craving for communication, and the influence of Capricorn gives him rare intuition. The combination of such qualities ensures that a man will be able to accurately select the right person from the crowd and start a conversation with him under any circumstances. At the same time, many of the Tiger’s traits smooth out the sharp corners of Capricorn’s character, which makes the man kinder and more open.

Character traits

The Capricorn-Tiger man is particularly calm and reasonable. He is careful with money and is not prone to excitement. Such a man knows how to make money and where it is better to invest it in order to increase capital rather than lose it. Sociability and openness allow Capricorn-Tiger to achieve a lot, including promotion up the career ladder. Friends know that a person born under these signs will always come to the rescue, even if it brings harm to himself.

The combination of Capricorn and Tiger gives a man an optimistic attitude towards life. He will always find a way out of the situation and maintain his composure. Phenomenal prudence and intuition help to choose the right goals. Self-confidence allows you to go to the end, through all obstacles.

Capricorn-Tiger knows how to negotiate so that both parties are satisfied. This helps to achieve success not only in business, but also in love. Such a man is ambitious and achieves career growth exclusively in an honest way, without tricks. All thanks to the fact that the Tiger endowed him with the ability to turn any situation around so that it only brings benefits. An analytical mindset allows a man to analyze what is happening and form an objective opinion.

Friends and colleagues may turn to Capricorn-Tiger for advice or help. He is always ready to help achieve a goal, even if it is not easy for him. It is really pleasant to consult with such a person, because he is able to consider the same situation from different angles.


Despite numerous positive characteristics, men born under these signs also have certain disadvantages. We can safely say that the weaknesses of Capricorn-Tiger lie in its strength. Willfulness and rigidity of character can appear at the most inopportune moment. It is very difficult for a man to find compromises in quarrels with his significant other. Often men born under these signs are conservative, which can interfere with interaction with some people.

Another difficulty in your personal life can be your love for your career. It is so important for Capricorn-Tiger to succeed in this area that he throws all his energy into it.

There are cases when such a person completely abandons his family for a more successful career.


Capricorn-Tiger is always in search of the ideal relationship, where he can feel needed, loved and simply the best. A man may reject fans because their appearance or character does not match the picture he created in his head.

At some point, for those born under these signs, it becomes clear that the ideal does not exist at all, and then he is able to come to terms with some shortcomings.

By this moment, the special romantic mood and strength are lost, so he can be tough and dry with his chosen one. A man will show true love only when he reaches complete mutual understanding.

Even then, Capricorn-Tiger will behave with restraint; he is not used to advertising his feelings and emotions.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that a man born under these signs highly values ​​his freedom and simply cannot tolerate pressure from anyone. It is important for him to make decisions without the influence of others and manage his life the way he wants. If the chosen one attempts manipulation, then Capricorn-Tiger will quickly run away from her. If the feelings of Capricorn, born in the year of the Tiger, are not accepted by the chosen one, then he will hide them deep in his soul.

Often those around him do not even realize that a man suffers from unrequited feelings. In this case, emotional experiences will be very strong, so the person will try to be alone with his thoughts more often.

Capricorn-Tiger cares about the feelings of his partner, he is not focused on his pleasure. However, if a man does not receive enough affection from a girl, then he will definitely inform her about this as gently and carefully as possible. Capricorn-Tiger often shows his conservative habits in bed. This is expressed in a refusal to experiment. A man can decide to make serious changes only with a woman whom he especially trusts.

In love games, a man leaves leadership positions to his partner and relies on her experience. Body language can be quite constrained due to the special reserve of the Capricorn-Tiger.

True, a sensitive and attentive woman can easily liberate such a lover.

Family and marriage

Before entering into a marriage relationship, a man tries to carefully calculate and think everything over. Despite his rather tough character, he makes every effort to reduce the number of quarrels and find compromise solutions. Character traits such as loyalty and patience help him in this. However, if the spouse does not appreciate such moves, then the Tiger-Capricorn will stop doing this.

A man tries to combine family and career, but sooner or later he realizes that he is forced to give up something. Rarely does the choice fall in favor of family. This is only possible with great patience and love on the part of the wife, who can help her husband continue to balance the two areas of life. The horoscope promises a strong union with a woman who perceives the importance of a career in the same way as Capricorn-Tiger himself.

With other signs

The greatest compatibility of characters is found in the Capricorn-Tiger man and the Virgo-Pig woman. Such a partner can give affection and love. It is important that a woman brings a little calculation into her partner’s life; he himself lacks such a skill.

The Scorpio-Cat woman will be able to maintain a man’s optimistic attitude in the most difficult life situations.

The stars promise ideal relationships with only a few women. These can be Virgos, Scorpios, Pisces and Taurus - according to the Western urban, and Pigs, Cats (Rabbits), Roosters, Dogs, Horses - according to the Eastern. There is no need to despair, there are even fewer examples of bad unions - Monkeys who are also Gemini, Leo or Sagittarius. A Capricorn-Tiger man can build strong relationships with other female representatives if he wants to work together. These recommendations will help you choose the right pair.

The Capricorn-Tiger man will find a common language with the Gemini-Ox woman, with her every day will become a holiday. In combination with Taurus-Snake, a man will become the star of any company; such a chosen one is also very sociable. In both cases, you can build a family relationship or remain at the friendship stage.

Everything will depend on the strength of mutual sympathy.

Capricorn-Tiger needs to learn to keep his anger, desires and words under complete control. Being too active in some situations can push people away from a man. It is worth listening to the opinions of older and wiser people more often; their life experience will help you avoid fatal mistakes. Do not forget that everyone can do wrong things; a man should reproach himself less for mistakes. Capricorn-Tiger simply needs to set aside time for self-development and solitude, only in this way will they learn to properly distribute life energy.

You will learn more about the Capricorn man in the following video.

Character of Tiger-Capricorn men: They are dual natures, who often themselves do not understand what they need in each period of life. At a young age, they dream of great achievements, but it is during this period that they face many difficulties. They should save their strength for the next stage of life, as at this stage they will be able to gain much more with some effort and application of their talents.

They are distinguished by their sharp mind and observation. They love to criticize other people, but at the same time carefully hide their personal life. For them to allow another person into their world, the highest degree of trust must be earned. Otherwise, they will remain a closed book. At the same time, they strive to do everything perfectly, which in some situations is impossible.

Tiger men - Capricorns in love and relationships: In love, they also look for an ideal basis. They may reject many fans just because of their less than ideal appearance or character. And in the end, they will still have to come to terms with the fact that the ideal does not exist, but by this time they will lose their strength and romantic mood. Therefore, in love they can be too dry and harsh. But having reached mutual understanding, they will be able to understand what true love is.

Tiger men - Capricorns in finance and career: Pragmatists by nature, they prefer practice, so their career ascent will be successful if they find an area where theory plays a secondary role. They tend to delve into every matter, but this will be possible only with their passionate interest. They are not indifferent to money, since for them it is a means to obtain maximum privileges in life - luxury, respect.

Tiger men - Capricorns in family and marriage: In their family, their relationships are built on mutual understanding and respect. However, they are too demanding, so they can force their life partner to do everything they want. However, they are not always ready to take on obligations. The partner does not like such duality, and the relationship can quickly end. They should become more loyal and give freedom to another person, since freedom will be stronger than any ties in their case.

Advice for Tiger-Capricorn men: They are advised to learn to control their words, emotions, and desires. Excessive activity may not please other people. It is worth listening to wise people, as this will allow them to understand more deeply the internal processes of life. Give yourself the opportunity to make mistakes, as this is only the key to a new stage of development. There should always be time in their lives for self-development, as this often allows them to properly manage their energy.

(from 02/05/1962, from 01/23/1974, from 02/09/1986, from 01/28/1998)

They are pleasant and charming conversationalists. They are friendly and therefore there are always a lot of people around them. They have excellent innate abilities, thanks to which they achieve their goals without spending a lot of time and effort. They easily build a career, advance in it, and can even build their personal life at the same time. The only thing they need to do is concentrate on their goals.

Characteristics of a Capricorn - Tiger man in LOVE

He is in search of true love, where he can feel truly loved, valuable and beautiful. Despite this, he cannot constantly be under anyone's pressure. He needs freedom when he can independently make decisions and lead his life. Therefore, he will soon break up with a partner who constantly insists on having her own way and tries to manipulate him.

In love, he is distinguished by restraint of feelings. He was not used to putting them on display not only for everyone to see, but also showing them to his loved one. In the case of unrequited love, he will tightly forbid his feelings, and the people around him will never notice anything. But inside he will worry very strongly and deeply. It must be said that in choosing a partner he is rarely guided by calculated motives.

Capricorn born in the year of the Tiger in BED

He does not try to concentrate only on his needs and wants, paying the necessary attention to his mistress. However, if he is missing something, he will gently but surely guide and tell her about it. Sometimes he can show serious conservatism. This may be expressed in the rejection of any new experience that his mistress offers him. He can only decide on it with a reliable and trusted woman.

As noted above, he does not like to flaunt his emotions and feelings. Therefore, he needs to learn to speak body language. Only a caring and attentive partner can help him do this, who will perceive his restraint as a normal phenomenon and the main trait of his character. In bed, he does not try to take a leading position, relying only on the experience and knowledge of his partner.

Horoscope of a Capricorn - Tiger man in MARRIAGE

When getting married, he prefers to think through everything in advance and calculate it. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. In marriage, despite his tough and capricious character, he tries to seek compromises and avoid unnecessary quarrels. He succeeds because he is quite patient and loyal. However, this cannot last long, especially if his wife does not appreciate all his efforts and sacrifices for the sake of the family.

As a rule, he is often focused on his career. Only in rare cases will he be able to sacrifice her for the sake of his family. He tries to combine them in his life, which does not always work out. This leads to various kinds of misunderstandings and difficulties, so sooner or later he will be faced with a choice. A truly loving partner with whom he can find a compromise can help here.

The most important! What kind of girl does he need?

You may be advised to rely more on your intuition when making decisions. His logical reasoning is very good, but it will not always be able to show him the right path in which to move. With the help of your intuition, he will be able to more easily achieve goals, establish relationships, and so on. You shouldn’t make excessive demands on him that he won’t be able to cope with.

Natalia Erofeevskaya

Year of the Tiger: 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010
Zodiac sign Capricorn: December 23 – January 20

Skills of those born in the year of the Tiger under the sign of Capricorn establish communication with others truly unique under any circumstances. From the Tiger, a person receives sociability, and Capricorn’s rare intuition allows him to choose a suitable interlocutor among the entire environment and find a common language with him. At the same time, the dynamism of the Tiger and his sincerity smooth out some of the sharp “Capricorn” corners of the character: the external coldness of Capricorn seems to dissolve in the kindness and sympathy of the Tiger.

To the positive characteristics This combination can safely be attributed to self-sufficiency, self-esteem and pride, which are useful for the development of personality. Going up the steps of a career, at any stage, Capricorn-Tiger will not tolerate external pressure and attempts to impose a different opinion and business decisions. In the friendly sphere, he prefers not to be obligated to anyone, although he himself will come to the rescue without much conversation. Kindness and empathy, correct priorities in work and personal life, diverse interests - and yet a very difficult character.

The Tiger’s dynamism and sincerity smooth out some of the sharp “Capricorn” corners of his character

The tiger in the zodiac sign of Capricorn is reasonable and calm - this one of the most balanced Tigers. This inherent impulsiveness and active outlook on life is smoothed out by the prudence and seriousness of Capricorn: no adventurous undertakings without a complete analysis of information and risk assessment. The almost magical luck of the Tiger and the energy of Capricorn complement each other, making this combination of horoscopes incredibly successful in terms of finances, career, and personal life.

Job gives this sign real pleasure - the ability to negotiate with people and convince them with honest arguments, the thirst for power and the ability to use it correctly make Capricorn-Tiger an excellent leader and organizer of any project. A goal set once will be achieved, no matter what the cost to its author.

Family and freedom- a rather strange combination, inherent, however, to Capricorn-Tiger. His broad and kind soul, quite likely deep feelings, perfectly coexist with the thirst for inner freedom: only if the partner accepts this very freedom, an alliance with the Tiger-Capricorn can become happy.

Those born under this combination of signs will give love and understanding only in exchange for the same sincere feelings

Characteristics of Capricorn-Tiger men

Calm and reasonable A Capricorn guy in the year of the Tiger learns the value of money in his youth: over time, he will learn to earn it and invest it in rational projects. Men of this sign have an analytical mind and iron logic, are pragmatic and far from dubious financial activities. Ambitious movement up the career ladder will go flawlessly - without baiting colleagues and sneaky memos. A combination of tiger charm and Capricorn stubbornness, strong but flexible character gives unsurpassed reliability of such a partner not only in work, but also in personal life.

Disadvantages of the sign

The weakness of this sign is, oddly enough, in its strength: sometimes its tough and capricious character makes itself felt. In his personal life, it is not easy for him to seek compromises and every time he makes concessions, he steps on the throat of his own song. A man born under this combination not very creative in bed, most often this is a serious conservative who relies on the experience and imagination of his partner.

Another negative point of this nature would be quarry builder talent: alas, professional growth that is easy for Capricorn-Tiger can run counter to his personal life. In some cases, for the sake of his career, he is even ready to sacrifice his family, especially if the relationship in it does not work out.

Men of this sign have an analytical mind and iron logic.

Strict towards herself and those around her, pathologically honest, with ambitious plans and a desire to live at the proper level - this is the Capricorn girl born in the year of the Tiger. Her character, which is very difficult for those around her, could be called masculine: domineering and strong, capable of earning and managing money, she is nevertheless not at all a “man in a skirt.” The sincerity and kindness of the Capricorn-Tiger woman will reveal itself over time: when communicating with a man, at first she will really give the impression of an impregnable rock, but do not let this coldness and seriousness be misleading. Having become accustomed to her partner over time, such a woman will fully demonstrate all her goodwill and ability to care; her home will always be neat and cozy.

Disadvantages of the sign

A clear minus combinations of Capricorn-Tiger horoscopes in the female imagination - authority and the desire to be in no way inferior to successful men. However, a woman is always a woman: for the sake of her loved one and harmony in the family, the weaker sex is able to pacify her strong character, making compromises that are difficult for Capricorn-Tiger.

The sincerity and kindness of a Capricorn-Tiger woman will reveal itself over time.

Both men of the Capricorn-Tiger combination and women (to a greater extent, of course, women) are very loyal to their chosen one and, with all the strength of their character, are not inclined to suppress their partner with authority and excessive prudence. Compatibility in love does not always go smoothly and flawlessly: the female half of the representatives of this sign takes time to build harmonious and long-term relationships - the Capricorn-Tiger partner will not immediately bring ease and comfort to the relationship.

Tender and caring lovers, they are always looking for true love and pay attention to their chosen ones both in everyday life and in bed. For representatives of this astrological combination, it is important that they are read as the very best: the most beautiful, the most attractive, the most loved. However, it should be remembered: a very freedom-loving sign does not accept restrictions on his freedom: it will be easier for him to break off a relationship than to be under pressure from his chosen one or chosen one. Always having their own opinion in everything, and in love, Capricorn-Tigers will make decisions themselves. Reliability and devotion on the part of these people it is combined with amazing restraint in feelings: unrequited love causes internal suffering in them, which will in no way be shown to others. “Crying into a vest” is not for them.

Tender and caring lovers, they are always looking for true love

Who is right for them? First of all, it should be noted compatibility with Virgo-Pigs, giving love and affection, introducing some calculation into relationships: Capricorn-Tiger himself is completely devoid of prudence in his personal life. A good mood even in difficult life situations in Capricorn-Tiger will be supported by the partners of the combination Scorpio-Cat. A Capricorn-Tiger couple will be considered quite sociable and harmonious among friends and relatives Taurus-Rooster. Based on these recommendations, you can find a partner who is able to determine the golden mean in the relationship and maintain it - they will not demand the impossible from Capricorn-Tigers, even taking into account the fact that in some cases he is ready to move mountains.

Who would be suitable for such a business-like, self-sufficient and constantly striving for freedom, but not an emotional sign? In fact, there are not many options for a successful alliance for Capricorn-Tiger: this situation is precisely influenced by the very difficult nature of this strong combination. But the list of neutral relationships is quite wide - and here the success of a love affair directly depends from specific people and their zodiac affiliation.

Minimum Compatibility
According to the eastern calendar Pig, Cat (Rabbit), Dog, Rooster, HorseRat, Goat, Tiger, Dragon, Snake, OxMonkey
According to the Western calendar Virgo, Scorpio, Taurus, PiscesCancer, Capricorn, Aquarius, Aries, LibraGemini, Leo, Sagittarius

Strong will and determination are the qualities that Capricorn-Tiger acquires at the moment of birth and carries throughout life. Capricorn boy in the year of the Tiger from an early age he knows what he wants at a particular moment and in life in general: naturally, life experience and growing up will slightly adjust his plans, but in general, a direct path to his own goals has already been destined for him. And if other children can still be somehow convinced (and many of them willingly follow the decisions of adults), then the little Capricorn-Tiger does not intend to deviate from the intended path - at any moment he knows exactly what he wants. He has complete order in everything: in his head, in his toy boxes, and in his school backpack - the main thing is that this order is his own, and not imposed by someone else.

Strong will and determination are qualities that Capricorn-Tiger acquires at the moment of birth

Capricorn-Tiger girl does not have the same weakness typical of the fair sex: even at a young age, she subconsciously hides emotions, is restrained and sometimes secretive. Nevertheless, children of this combination of horoscopes are strongly attached to family traditions, parents and home - during childhood and growing up, it is important to surround such a child with warmth, attention and care, and then the adult Capricorn-Tiger will be able to build a strong, harmonious family in the future - and this is a definite plus sign.

December 10, 2017, 04:31

The combination of the signs of Tiger and Capricorn is considered very successful. All the positive qualities that are inherent in Capricorn, the Tiger perfectly complements and helps to develop. Capricorn always has the desire to achieve a lot in his career; Tiger helps him do this much easier. At the same time, the calmness and poise of Capricorn help to restrain the aggressiveness and temper of the Tiger.

Tiger-Capricorn also has good intuition and knows moderation in everything. A person born under these signs is sociable, has many friends, and is often a leader in a company. Tigers-Capricorns are good conversationalists; you can discuss almost any topic with them.

Also, people of these signs are big fans of good books and films. They like tasty and unusual dishes.

Tigers-Capricorns hate changes, especially if they happen without their knowledge. Representatives of these signs need to keep everything under their control.

Such people most often hide their feelings and emotions deep inside, so it is difficult to understand how they feel about you.

Tigers-Capricorns in love

These people are very cool even in close relationships. They do not like to say kind words, but prove their attitude through actions. Tigers-Capricorns are looking for a smart partner who can share their interests. They also do not like excessive control; they need to feel freedom in relationships, they need personal space. In addition, such people are usually very jealous and do not like to be given a reason for this feeling. Tigers-Capricorns are happy in relationships that proceed calmly and smoothly. Marriages are not concluded under the influence of feelings, but they think long and carefully about this decision. Having chosen a person who, in their opinion, is reliable, Tigers-Capricorns will remain faithful to him.

Tigers Capricorns at work

Representatives of these signs are accustomed to devoting themselves entirely to work; for them this is a very important area of ​​life. If Tigers-Capricorns cannot realize themselves in their careers, they will feel unhappy. They are very hardworking and do not tolerate lazy people. Tigers-Capricorns believe that these people are incapable of achieving anything in life. Representatives of these signs never openly conflict and try not to make enemies in their colleagues. Tigers-Capricorns are good at managing people, they make excellent leaders, but they are not ready to take on too much responsibility.