And the light stretching in the dhow was prepared by: Irina Germanovna Zhukova, a physical education instructor of the highest category. Summary of plot-game activity “Fun Zoo” (game stretching)

Maul Yulia Viktorovna,

physical education instructor.

Structural unit "Kindergarten No. 7 combined type"

MBDOU "Kindergarten "Rainbow" combined type"

rep. Mordovia, Ruzaevka

Program "Game stretching in preschool educational institutions taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard"

Game stretching- a healing technique based on natural stretching, aimed at strengthening the spine and preventing flat feet. The technique allows you to prevent and correct postural disorders, and has a healing effect on the entire body.

This program uses the health-improving methodology of Nazarova A.G., a teacher-psychologist, methodologist at the Institute of Valeology Education, employee of the Institute of Adult Education of the Russian Academy of Education (St. Petersburg), as well as the health-development program “Sa-fi-dance” (Zh.E. Firileva, E.G. Saikina). The stretching technique has no age restrictions. It is very important to work specifically with preschool children, especially since in preschool institutions children learn stretching exercises in a playful way. Game stretching This is a creative activity in which children live in a world of images, often no less real to them than the surrounding reality. The implementation of gaming opportunities for the health and development of the child is the essence of stretching.

Exercises covering all muscle groups are named after animals or imitative actions that are close and understandable to children and are performed during a role-playing game based on a scenario based on a fairy tale plot. During the lesson, a fairy tale is given - a game. In which children turn into various animals, insects, etc., performing complex exercises in such an interesting way. All exercises are performed to appropriate music.

The program presents various health-saving technologies: communication games, joint gymnastics, outdoor games, acupressure self-massage, breathing exercises, relaxation gymnastics, eye gymnastics, finger gymnastics.

Communicative games are games for the development of children's communication skills (transmission of information through language, speech or other sign systems in the process of interpersonal interaction).

Muscular-joint gymnastics is a preliminary set of exercises that prepares the body and makes it easier to master basic stretching exercises in the future.

Outdoor games are a child’s active activity, characterized by accurate and timely completion of tasks related to the rules that are mandatory for all players.

Acupressure self-massage is one of the types of massage in which a person, by applying pressure to certain points of his own body, increases his vitality, gets rid of fatigue and saves himself from possible diseases. In other words, self-massage is a person’s opportunity to help himself.

Breathing exercises are a set of exercises that allow you to use a significant part of the lungs, due to which more oxygen enters the blood.

Eye gymnastics are exercises to prevent vision loss and relieve eye fatigue.

Finger gymnastics is the staging of any rhymes or nursery rhymes using your fingers.

Relaxation gymnastics is a method of physical influence on muscle tone in order to relieve increased neuropsychic tension, equalize the emotional state, improve well-being and mood.

The purpose of game stretching – implementation of gaming opportunities for the health and development of the child.

Tasks :

Protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of children;

Development of motor activity of children using health-saving technologies;

Development of the musculoskeletal system (formation of correct posture, prevention of flat feet);

4. Development of creative abilities of students:

Develop thinking, imagination, cognitive activity, broaden horizons;

To develop the skills of emotional expression, freedom and creativity in movements;

Develop leadership, initiative, sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance and hard work.

5. Introducing children to a healthy lifestyle

Game stretching is carried out in a subgroup method once a week. There are 10 children of senior preschool age in the subgroup.



Preschool age is considered the most important for the physical, mental and mental development of a child. During this period, the foundations of his health are laid. Therefore, the main task of physical education and health work is to promote health and improve the physical development of a preschooler.

The Constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO) states, “Health is not only the absence of disease or infirmity, but also complete physical, mental and social well-being.”

Everyone knows that getting a child to exercise is very difficult. But this is necessary, since our children constantly experience a lack of movement. The incidence is growing and getting younger every year. Many children in our institution suffer from chronic diseases and have pathological posture.

Currently, many interesting and diverse

forms of physical education and health-improving work and health-saving

technologies. The method of game stretching caught my attention.

Game stretching is a creative activity in which children

live in a world of images, often no less real to them than the surrounding reality. The implementation of gaming opportunities for the health and development of the child is the essence of stretching. Moreover, all exercises and classes are conducted in the form of a role-playing or thematic game, consisting of interrelated situations, tasks and exercises. The method of play stretching is based on static stretching of the muscles of the body and the joint-ligamentous apparatus of the arms, legs, and spine, which allows one to prevent and correct postural disorders and have a profound healing effect on the entire body. Exercises are performed without outside influence, because The human body is its own trainer. Manipulating your body at a slow, and therefore safe, pace is most effective. In children, complexes associated with the physical imperfection of the body and the inability to control it disappear. In addition, children acquire a reserve of motor skills that allow them to feel strong, beautiful, self-confident, and create a sense of inner freedom.

Stretching exercises not only develop the body, but also expand the limits of a person’s mental capabilities. The main difference between stretching exercises and regular physical exercises is that the latter require a lot of tension to perform, while stretching exercises, on the contrary, avoid movements that require tension. Not intensity, but systematic exercise is the key to success when doing stretching.

The play stretching technique has no age restrictions; you can start practicing with children as young as 4 years old. Exercises covering all muscle groups are named after animals or imitative actions that are close and understandable to children and are performed during a role-playing game based on a scenario based on fairy-tale material. At each lesson, I give a new fairy tale game, in which children “turn” into various animals, insects and perform complex exercises in an interesting way.

The basic principles of organizing classes are:

    Visualization – Demonstration of physical exercises, figurative story.

    Accessibility – Teaching exercises from simple to complex, from known to unknown, taking into account the level of preparedness of children.

    Systematicity – Regularity of classes, increasing the load, increasing the number of exercises, complicating the technique of performing them.

    Consolidation of skills - repeated exercises. The ability to perform them independently, outside of class.

    Individual-differential approach – Taking into account the characteristics of the age and health status of each child.

    Consciousness – Understanding the benefits of doing exercises, the need to perform them.

During the game stretching classes, the following tasks are solved:

    Teaching children various types of imitation movements of play stretching.

    Draw children's attention to the accuracy of movements and the transfer of characteristic features of images.

    Development of physical qualities: muscle strength, agility, endurance, flexibility; development of mental qualities: attention, memory, imagination, mental abilities.

    Education of moral qualities and communication skills.

    Maintain children's interest in activities.

    Strengthening the musculoskeletal system, increasing the functional activity of organs and systems of the body.

    Creating conditions for a positive psycho-emotional state of children.

Elements of play stretching can be included in any form of physical education and health work in preschool educational institutions. Morning gymnastics with elements of playful stretching creates an organized start, a smooth, cheerful mood for those involved.

The combination of dynamic and static physical exercises is the most

corresponds to the nature of the human musculoskeletal system and is the best training method for developing strength, endurance, and coordination of movements.

The exercises of the play stretching technique arose mainly on the basis of physical therapy exercises, but are distinguished by their more static execution and more playful nature, the introduction of elementary concentration and relaxation skills, accessible to children, and breathing exercises. These exercises are available to everyone whom doctors do not prohibit from engaging in general physical training. To perform them, sports equipment, large halls, and material costs are not required. They can be performed in children's institutions and at home, in groups and individually.

Stretching liberates children, making them open and cheerful. During these activities, children receive emotional release and physical pleasure, which in turn involves children in the process of physical education. Children are looking forward to the next lessons with great desire.

1. Game stretching can be done individually or in a group.

When taking group classes, be sure to take age characteristics into account.


2. The time of classes also depends on the age of the children: 3-4 years – 25-30

minutes; 5-6 years – 40 minutes; 6-7 years.

3. It is best to practice in a well-ventilated area. Mat for

activities should be comfortable and have a pleasant color for the child.

4. Try to encourage children to follow the principle of gradualism. Not worth it

rush during class.

5. Remember that all exercises are based on alternating tension and

muscle relaxation.

6. Make sure that you do not perform several exercises in a row.

similar muscle groups.

7. Each lesson requires a combination of dynamic and static

forms of muscle work.

Follow the principle of regularity in your classes.

8. You cannot force a child to study. If you force a child. That's good

there will be no benefit from this activity. This is evidenced by research by American physiologists. Exercise is good for your health

only if performed voluntarily.

9. A teacher must respect his children.

Game stretching exercises help train all body functions. This is tension - relaxation - stretching, absence of injury; - static stretching significantly improves our flexibility; joint mobility improves; by stretching the muscles, we increase our flexibility and dexterity; relieves muscle tension; during static stretching classes, harmonious and natural development and strengthening of body systems and functions occurs; promotes better coordination of movements, increases the ability to move; plasticity improves; artistry appears - improves well-being and lifts mood; The back muscles are strengthened, thereby creating beautiful posture.

Senior teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 26"

Galdaeva Yulia Olegovna,

Kemerovo region, Anzhero-Sudzhensk

“Game stretching as a way to increase children’s interest in physical education activities.” Consultation for preschool teachers.

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention an article devoted to play stretching, a playful creative activity that promotes the health and development of a child.
Kupriy Svetlana Ivanovna, teacher of the 1st category, MBDOU, Shakhty, Rostov region. "Kindergarten No. 70."
Description: This material will be useful to preschool teachers.
Target: activating the interest of teachers and physical instructors of preschool educational institutions in the problem of attracting preschoolers to an active lifestyle.

Every child, regardless of his origin or living conditions, needs:
- to be healthy;
- be in a safe environment;
- enjoy life and achieve your goals.
The problem of health of the younger generation of preschool children is one of the most important in the life of modern society. How to ensure that the child is healthy, what needs to be done for this, what measures to take?
In resolving this issue, teachers must come to a common opinion: involving children in an active lifestyle, their participation in outdoor games and sports competitions helps to develop in them a positive attitude towards a healthy life.
Modern educational programs and requirements for the content and methods of work carried out in preschool educational institutions aim teachers at the formation of a broad motor culture of preschoolers, the use of a variety of physical exercises in physical education classes and in everyday life, and the cultivation of interest in motor activity in preschoolers.
The main conditions for such formation are as follows:
- instilling in children a conscious attitude towards performing motor actions;
- development of imagination in the process of mastering motor actions;
- creating conditions for creativity and the predominance of positive emotions in physical education classes;
- children perform movements with an emphasis on ease and beauty in the classroom;
- creating optimal conditions for each child in the process of mastering motor experience.

We all know how difficult it is to force both yourself and your child to purposefully engage in physical exercise. And we also know very well that this is necessary, since our children constantly experience a lack of movement. Physical education classes can be turned into an exciting fairy tale game, where children become characters. After all, play is the leading activity of a preschooler.
Playful stretching classes will help the child develop a sense of rhythm, strengthen muscles, straighten posture, and relieve inhibitions.

Game stretching is a creative activity in which children live in a world of images, often no less real to them than the surrounding reality. The implementation of gaming opportunities for the health and development of the child is the essence of stretching.
All classes are conducted in the form of a role-playing or thematic game, consisting of interconnected situations, tasks and exercises.


Why is stretching needed and is it needed at all today?
Stretching is a set of exercises for stretching certain muscles, ligaments and tendons. Thanks to it, joint mobility increases, muscles become more elastic and flexible, are less susceptible to injury and remain functional longer. Stretching reduces muscle tension, increases their elasticity, which, in turn, reduces injury and pain.
Stretching also has a psychological effect: it improves mood, raises self-esteem, and creates a feeling of comfort and calm in general. It increases overall motor activity, which has a beneficial effect on joints and the prevention of bone fragility. Stretching is useful when mastering relaxation techniques; they reduce pain. Good flexibility allows you to perform exercises with a greater range of motion, and also ensures good posture and reduces the likelihood of back pain.
Classes using the stretching technique are conducted in the form of a role-playing or thematic game, which includes 8–9 exercises for various muscle groups. Children pretend to be different animals and perform exercises accompanied by certain pieces of music from classical and folk music. .
Stretching exercises are imitative in nature and are performed during a role-playing game, consisting of interconnected game situations, tasks, exercises, selected in such a way as to facilitate the solution of health-improving and developmental tasks. By imitating the image, the child begins to learn the technique of movements in sports and dance exercises, games, theatrical activities, etc.
Imaginative and imitative movements develop creative, motor activity, creative thinking, motor memory, reaction speed, orientation in movement and space, attention, etc. The effectiveness of imitative movements also lies in the fact that through images it is possible to carry out frequent changes in motor activity from various starting positions with a wide variety of types of movements, which gives good physical activity to all muscle groups.
When you start telling a fairy tale game, you can act it out at the same time. The game consists of several fragments, which include exercises for static muscle stretching, jumping, stimulation of points on the foot, relaxation to restore breathing, and lasts 20 minutes with older people, and with kids for as long as they want. After practicing play stretching, children’s mood and mutual understanding improve. Having learned the exercises, children independently act out a fairy tale and come up with their own fairy tales with movements, thereby developing their creative abilities.


Nine basic principles of game stretching are identified.
1. The scientific principle presupposes the construction of classes in accordance with the laws of socialization, mental and physical development of the child.
2. The principle of systematicity determines the need for consistency, continuity and regularity in the formation in children of knowledge, motor skills, skills that are adequate to the characteristics of their development during the preschool period. It lies in the continuity, systematic use of funds, in all possible forms of their manifestation throughout the entire course of classes.
3. The principle of gradualism determines the need to organize physical exercises in accordance with the rules: “from the known to the unknown,” “from simple to complex,” “from less attractive to more attractive.”
4. The principle of individuality presupposes such a construction of the process of playing stretching and the use of its means, methods and organizational forms, which provide an individual approach to children of different ages, gender, motor training and physical development, where conditions are created for the greatest development of motor abilities and health promotion engaged. With an individual approach, the physiological and mental aspects of the child’s development must be taken into account.
5. The principle of accessibility means that the material being studied should be easy, guaranteeing freedom in learning and at the same time difficult, in order to stimulate the mobilization of the forces of students. Skillful adherence to the principle of accessibility is the key to the health-improving effect of physical education.
6. The principle of taking into account the age-related development of movements provides for the degree of development of the child’s basic movements and his motor skills.
7. The principle of alternating the load is important for preventing children from becoming tired and for the health-improving effect of physical exercise. Here, a combination is provided so that the work of some muscles that carry out movement or facilitate the adoption of a certain posture is replaced by the work of others, leaving the opportunity for recovery processes, i.e. would provide alternation of load and rest.
8. The principle of clarity is one of the main general methodological principles when working with preschool children. Visualization plays an important role in learning movements and is an integral condition for improving motor activity. Lesson processes are built with extensive use of all types of visual aids: visual, audio and motor. Visual clarity is a demonstration of movements. The demonstration of exercises by the teacher is very important here. It must be clear, literate, in a mirror image. Sound clarity is provided in the form of various sound signals. Of particular importance in children's classes is the connection between the sensory image and the image of the word. Motor clarity is specific, its importance is important when mastering complex movements.
9. The principle of consciousness and activity presupposes the formation in children of a sustainable interest in mastering new movements, instilling the skills of self-control and self-correction of actions during classes, the development of consciousness, initiative and creativity.

The tasks of game stretching are as follows.
1. Optimize the growth and development of the musculoskeletal system (formation of correct posture, prevention of flat feet).
2. Improve physical abilities: develop muscle strength, mobility in various joints (flexibility), endurance, speed, strength and coordination abilities.
3. Develop mental qualities: attention, memory, imagination, mental abilities.
4. Develop and functionally improve the respiratory, circulatory, cardiovascular and nervous systems of the body.
5. Create conditions for a positive psycho-emotional state of children.
6. Cultivate the ability of emotional expression, liberation and creativity in movements.
7. Create conditions for the beneficial influence of music on the psychosomatic sphere of the child.


The structure of any physical education lesson includes three parts: introductory, main and final; the duration of the lesson can last from 20 to 35 minutes, depending on the age and physical fitness of the children.
In the introductory part, the initial organization of students is carried out, focusing their attention, setting the emotional and psychological mood. This is achieved with the help of special exercises in various types of walking, running, jumping to achieve correct posture and strengthen the arch of the foot, coordination of movements, spatial orientation, and development of attention. Musical and rhythmic compositions are used as general developmental exercises (hereinafter referred to as GED). Dance exercises can increase interest in the activity and the child’s emotional mood.

In the main part we move on to game stretching. Each story material is divided into two classes. The first stage is introducing children to new movements and consolidating already known ones. The second is the improvement and accuracy of the exercises, the transfer of the characteristic features of the images. All exercises are performed to appropriate music. It is more appropriate to perform musical accompaniment when performing game stretching exercises in the second lesson.
At the first training lesson, you have to give a lot of instructions, wishes, and take into account the individuality of each child’s performance of the exercise. As the child masters the exercises, achieves certain skills, the quality and speed of their execution, he is able to correlate his actions with a certain musical rhythm, and then musical accompaniment becomes necessary. Teaching children basic movements should not be ignored. Therefore, they should be included in the content of the lessons. The most effective form of organizing this part of the lesson is circuit training, but the forms can be different. It is important to make the right choice of exercises for all muscle groups and vary the types of activities.
Outdoor play is also a component of the main part of the lesson. Their selection is carried out depending on the complexity and interestingness of the previous actions. The game can be more or less active. At older and preparatory ages, it is advisable to organize outdoor games to develop children’s mental abilities.
The final part solves the problem of restoring the body after physical exertion and moving on to other types of Activities. Breathing exercises promote faster recovery of the body and are healing in nature. It is important to teach your child to breathe through his nose and correlate inhalation and exhalation with movements. Relaxation exercises in a playful way should be included in every lesson; It is necessary for the child to learn to relieve muscle tension after physical activity and relax. It is advisable to use a piece of music that reflects the nature of the actions being performed.
Elements of play stretching can be used in other types of physical education classes, both to relieve muscle tension and to increase physical performance. To maintain interest and variety of exercises, you can use poems, riddles, and speeches.
The selection of equipment and materials for the lesson is carried out in accordance with the content of each of them.

What is stretching

Stretching is special exercises for various muscle groups that help gradually increase their range of motion.

Stretching exercises help maintain joint mobility, tendon and ligament elasticity. Moreover, you need to do this from childhood, when nothing has yet “ossified.” Even if the child does not intend to connect his life with professional sports in the future, then good stretching will help avoid injuries, dislocations and maintain performance for many years.

Stretching exercises help relieve muscle tension and are an excellent way to normalize muscle tone. A person who does stretching has a much better supply of oxygen to their muscles, which means they recover after any physical activity in a shorter time.

But you shouldn’t think that stretching is just muscle stretching; it is also an exercise to strengthen the “core” of our body - the musculoskeletal system. If we have a healthy spine and back, then our body will be healthy.

Children's stretching

Stretching will be useful for all children who have no contraindications or injuries. A child with good flexibility is less susceptible to overload and overstrain, which is very important in the modern high-speed rhythm of learning and life in general. In addition, stretching will help correct poor posture.

Stress and emotional overstrain are also perfectly eliminated during stretching classes. This type of exercise “trains” the body to develop the correct bodily response to overload, which helps reduce the risk of psychosomatic diseases.

If you are going to send your child to big sports in the future or your child is already preparing for a career as an athlete, then stretching classes will allow you to develop excellent stretching and excellent physical shape. By the way, stretching is necessary not only for athletes and dancers, but also for actors.

Stretching helps to gain excellent coordination and flexibility, which are important for everyone.

Stretching classes for children are usually carried out in a playful way, because they get bored sitting in one position for a long time, so trainers often use a “fitness fairy tale”, during which the child tries on the images of different animals, in which various types of exercises are “disguised” (frog, snake, fish).

It is extremely important that the child’s body is mobile, since intellectual development also depends on the physical condition. If previously children walked a lot and ran around in the yards, now it is difficult to find such a child... A modern child increasingly spends his free time on a computer or tablet. As a result, the psyche and body do not have the proper “experience”, which can negatively affect health in the future if you do not devote time to physical education.

Game stretching "Chicken's Journey" for children of senior preschool age

Tatyana Alekseevna Burchina, physical education instructor at the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution "Kindergarten No. 91", Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia.
Description: The material promotes the integration of physical education and cognitive activities.
Explanatory note: Stretching - exercises aimed at developing flexibility, coordination, dexterity, developing correct posture, and allowing you to quickly relieve muscle tension. The use of stories and fairy tales invented by the teacher makes stretching classes more interesting for children and carries a cognitive load. Exercises can be used as exercise minutes and dynamic breaks.
Tasks: Continue to teach children various types of simulation exercises of play stretching;
Develop physical qualities: flexibility, dexterity, coordination;
Develop memory, attention, imagination;
Create a positive psycho-emotional mood in children during physical exercises.
Equipment: a mat for each child, an audio recording with music for aerobics, a “Sorcerer” mask for outdoor play.
Progress of the lesson:
1 part:
Formation in a circle (scattered).
Performing a game exercise: “My spine.”
I repeat in the morning:
“My spine is flexible, straight!
When I sit, lie, stand,
I take care of my spine.
I take care of the spine
And I’ll run away from illnesses!”
Form into a column one at a time.
Walking on toes, hands behind head.
Walking with lunges, hands on the belt.
Walk without bending your knees, bend over with each step, reach with your arms as low as possible.
Walking with a high hip lift.
Running with a task: when given a signal, turn around and continue running in the same direction.
Walking randomly.
Performing rhythmic gymnastics.

Part 2:
Children take rugs and take a comfortable position.
Children listen to a story invented by the instructor, at his command they perform exercises for each character or object, and hold the pose for five counts.
Indian pose - taken before each exercise.
I.P.: Sitting on your heels, back straight, hands on your hips.

An egg lay on the grass, and suddenly the shell cracked, and a small chicken was born from it.
Exercise 1: “Egg.”
I. p.: sitting on your heels, lean forward, clasp your knees with your hands, press your forehead to your knees.
The chicken looked to the right - no one,
I looked to the left - no one.
I listened on one side - I couldn’t hear anything, I listened on the other, quietly.
Exercise 2: “Look, listen.”
I.P.: sitting on your heels, hands on your hips.
1- look to the right (turn the head);
2 – look to the left, (turn left),
3 – head tilt to the right,
4 – head tilt to the left.
"Who am i?" - thought the chicken, “I need to find out, I’ll go, maybe I’ll meet someone.”
Exercise 3: “Walking.”
I.P.: sitting with your feet together, hands supported behind you.
Alternating movement of the feet back and forth.
The chicken saw something black and long in the grass and approached. It was a snake.
"Hello. Who are you?" - asked the chicken. "I am a snake." “Oh, do you know who I am? I was just born today and I still don’t know who I am.” “You, little chick, and I’ll eat you now.” The chicken got scared and ran away.

Exercise 4: “Snake”.
IP: sitting on your heels.
1 – lie on your stomach, legs together, arms in front of you, palms together.
2 – lean on your arms, bent at the elbows (palms at shoulder level),
3 – raise your upper body, resting on your palms,
4 – hold position.
The chicken ran so fast that it ran into something round with needles. “Why are you injecting yourself?” - the chicken squeaked.
“Sorry, I didn’t do it on purpose,” the hedgehog answered, and it was him.
“I use needles to protect myself from enemies.”
“Dear hedgehog, you don’t know where I can find birds and how to recognize them, I’m looking for them.”
“They are beautiful and sing beautifully,” the hedgehog answered and ran about his business.

Exercise 5: “Hedgehog”.
I.P.: lying on your back.
1 – bend your knees, clasping them with your hands, and touch your knees with your forehead.
The chicken went further and saw a large, green frog that was croaking loudly.
The chicken thought: “What a beautiful bird and how beautifully it sings.”

"Hello, bird!" - said the chicken.
“No, I'm a frog. Birds, they fly,” answered the frog and galloped away.

Exercise 6: “Frog”.
I.P.: lying on your stomach, arms resting at your shoulders,
1 – rise on your hands, bend your legs at the knees, stretch your toes towards the back of your head.
The chicken goes further and sees a butterfly. “Here is a bird, beautiful, it probably flies and sings the same way. Hello, bird! - the chicken shouted.
The butterfly sat on the flower and said: “What are you talking about, I’m not a bird, I’m a butterfly. I’m afraid of birds, they are big, they have feathers and a tail that help them fly fast and high.”
It’s strange why some people admire birds and others fear them? Only the chicken wanted to ask this, but the butterfly was already gone. He went further.

Exercise 7: “Butterfly”.
I.P.: sitting, feet resting against each other, hands on ankles. Spread your knees to the sides - down.
The chicken saw the cat.
He doesn’t know what feathers look like and thought: “This is a bird, big, beautiful, with feathers and a tail, lying down, resting.”
“Hello, beautiful, big bird!” “What kind of bird am I to you,” the cat stretched. She was full and decided not to touch the chicken.
“Birds fly high and they are not that big. Raise your eyes to the sky and you will see them,” the cat stretched and lay down to bask in the sun again. And the chicken moved on.

Exercise 8: “Cat”.
I.P.: standing on all fours.
1 – round your back, lowering your head and tailbone down,
2 – bend over, raising your head and tailbone up,
3 – keep your back straight, stretch your right leg back,
4 – change leg.
A chicken came out onto the path and raised its head up. He saw a swallow. She flew very high. “Bird, maybe I’m your son?” the chicken cried, he was afraid that they would not hear him. "No!" - answered the swallow. “But I’m a chick.” "Yes! But you're a chicken. Follow the path across the bridge to the old birch tree, there you will find your relatives! They are waiting for you."
Exercise 9: “Swallow”
I.P.: lying on your stomach, legs together, hands under your chin.
1 – spread your arms to the sides, raise your chest and head.
The chicken saw the bridge, it was new, beautiful, wooden.
Exercise 10: “Bridge”.
I.P.: sitting, legs bent at the knees, feet pressed to the floor.
1 – rest your feet and palms on the floor, raise yourself above the floor.
He crossed the bridge and approached an old, creaky birch tree.
Exercise 11: “Birch tree”.
I.P.: sitting on the floor, legs bent at the knees, group.
1 – push with your legs, roll on your back up to your shoulder blades, rest your hands on your lower back, focus on your shoulder blades, straighten your legs up.
Finally the chicken came to the poultry yard.
There were chickens, geese, ducks and the most beautiful one with a crest on his head, a huge tail and the loudest rooster sang.
The cockerel saw the chicken from afar and immediately approached it. “Hello, son! We lost you, where were you? “Have I walked around the world? And who are you?" “I am the Rooster, your father, and your mother is a hen, your brothers and sisters are chickens.”

Exercise 12: “Cockerel”.
I.P.: main stand.
1 – stand on one leg, bend the other leg at the knee, press your hands to your stomach,
2 – i. P.;
3 – stand on the other leg,
4 – i. P.
Children roll up the rugs and put them back in place.
Formation in a circle.
Today you were little wizards, performed various transformations, and now a sorcerer will appear among us, close your eyes.
The teacher puts a “sorcerer” mask on the head of one of the children.
P./I. "Sorcerer" (2 times).
The leader catches up with the players, the spotted one stops in the “Star” pose (freezes). The bewitched person can be disenchanted by any of the players (crawl under his feet).
Part 3:
Relaxation: “Let’s rest.”
Are we lying well?
We'll take a look at it
Heels lie straight
Shoulders and shoulder blades.
The back is flat, straight,
Or there could be a curve.
They stretched their heels forward.
Hands raised up
Fingers clenched into fists.
They stretched and smiled.
Eyes opened
They sat down cross-legged.
Summing up the lesson.
Questions for children:

1. Why do I eat needles?
2. Why is the butterfly afraid of birds?
3. What is the difference between domestic and wild birds? Name the most important difference.
4. Who did the chicken meet first?
5. Who did the chicken meet after the cat?