Last Call Script Ideas

“Last Call” - 2012

(Music sounds _________________________________________________)

Host: Here it is, the last day of school!

And May is a magician, admire it for yourself,

Generously showered with tender lilacs

Lilac, fragrant flowers.

In the rain or in the heat,

But in due time

Every new spring

There is a last call.

It's like an exam

He is like a new dawn

He sums it up

Happy school years!

Host: Good afternoon, dear friends! We are glad to welcome you to our holiday! On the most long-awaited, most wonderful holiday for schoolchildren, parents and teachers - on the “Last Bell” holiday! But first of all, this is a holiday of our graduates! This is the finale of an eleven school year marathon.

Presenter: There are guests at our holiday


Presenter: School, attention! When raising the flag of the Russian Federation, stand at attention! The right to raise the flag is granted to 10th grade students _________________________________________________

(Russian Anthem music plays)

Q: May Day is playing on the line.

The breeze whispers gently through the leaves.

Seeing off your pets on their way,

The school will give us the last call.

There will be a sea of ​​​​guests to worry, There will be many poems and flowers_

Oceans of thunderous applause

We welcome graduates!

Presenter: Graduates of 2012 are invited to the ceremony!

(Music sounds ______________________________________________________________)

In: Class teacher – Konovaltseva T.V. :

Our school is not simple, it trains wizards. Look, didn't this magic happen before your eyes?

Exactly eleven years ago, these boys and girls, together with their parents, first crossed the threshold of our school. Then they were still just kids, full of hopes and expectations. And now before us are young men and women who have adult lives ahead of them.

Presenter: Do you remember, as a carefree and cheerful boy?
Did you see the school for the first time?
I saw the delight in your eyes -
I saw a smile on my lips.
And you are a snub-nosed girl with a bow
Don't you remember entering the school house?
Dressed up like a doll, all in flowers,
And curiosity sparkles in the eyes.
The strings of days fly even faster -
And there are no more awkward ducklings.
They all turned into swans
And the wings behind your back grow faster!
And now you are ready to fly.
The space of life is calling you.
And now the school has only one concern -
May you all become high-flying birds!

Leading: The last lessons will now take place,

And everyone will rush to give you advice,

But the first parting word,

We'll ask the director to tell us!

Presenter: The floor is given to the director of Voynovskaya secondary school No. 9 Krasilnikova S.Yu.

(handed flowers)

Q: The floor is given to the guests of our holiday ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

(handed flowers)

Leading Do you remember the beginning of September?

A large bouquet and my mother’s anxious look

And the first page of the primer

Opened the gates to the kingdom of knowledge for you.

And the trembling of children's inept hands,

With what difficulty the pen was given the word!

But your first teacher is a good friend

Always came to your aid again!

The floor is given to the first graduate teacher.
The song "My First Teacher..." plays.

Graduate: On days of celebrations and inconspicuous everyday life - OWL J.
God knows in what year, in what region -
We will not forget with a kind word
Your first teacher!
That she carefully counted us like chickens,
When I took you under my “wing”,
When in the autumn I greeted you warmly
And she solemnly led into the school walls.
Thank you for your word, for your science,
For the hard work of mastered basics,
For that call that foreshadowed separation,
For a bright moment and an eternal call of the heart!.. (
give flowers)

Leading: “The teachers are all wonderful.
Everyone is good in some way.
Only better than cool mom
Don’t try, you won’t find it!”

The floor is given to the class teacher of the graduates
Graduate: We are in fifth grade for the first time HERMINA
Everyone met you, and we
You fell in love very tenderly.
The bright class was so beautiful,
But your look is even more beautiful,
The sparkle in your eyes inspired hope.
You are like a caring mother
They wanted us to become smart,
They surrounded me with warmth and care...
Your strict mind and kindness
We have always been a support
You helped us a lot
Our teacher, our beloved,
We thank you for everything,
Your efforts and words
We will never forget

Leading School is over, parents are crying,
Today they are not just spectators.
Grandmothers, grandfathers, fathers and mothers
We studied with you according to the school curriculum.

They passed all the tests with you,
They fought with you in battles for knowledge.
Last call - and you are the winners!
The credit goes to your parents too!
Applause to our dear parents

The floor is given to parents of graduates

Presenter: Our 4th grade is also celebrating its first graduation. They still have a whole life ahead of them, full of impressions, interesting meetings and many new teachers. And today, they have prepared their gift for all of you, and especially for graduates. So that you never forget about your home school.

(performance by 4th grade students)

Poems about graduates
1. Our champion Marat

Everyone at school is happy to see him.

He is both handsome and smart,

And brave and strong!

2. Zhanna is in our class,
You can't take your eyes off her!
Both an artist and a singer,
A jack of all trades!
3.. In the house he is the main assistant,
A man with a glorious soul.
Alexey is a good friend,
They can say everything around!
4.. Reasonable, calm,
Discreet and hardworking
Always worthy of kind words.
Fedya is an “exclusive!” guy

5. Well, you just can’t do without him,
Athletic, gallant, and also an artist.
He is happy to help everyone
Nice guy - Makhammat!
6.. She is a complete activist,
Moreover, she is a wonderful artist,
Ermina is a very loyal friend,
Ermine is loved by everyone around her!

7. We feel good together with Yulia,
We can’t listen to Yulia again,
Lively, perky
And a kind soul!

8. At our beloved school
There is a law like this:
See off the whole family
On the graduates' journey.

9. We send you on a long journey,
Build a life and walk boldly,
But over time, here on the threshold,
We are waiting for your children to replace us.

Presenter: Dear graduates!
Today everyone is in great excitement.
Today everyone wants to congratulate you!
And they ask to come here to us
Our youngest is first grade!!

Music “They teach at school...” first graders enter.

First graders.

  1. Today, on the last day of May,

Our bells are ringing everywhere!

And the school family is big

Warm welcome to you all!

2 .We are glad to congratulate you,

There is something to wish for!

Well, first of all, our school

Don't you dare forget!

3. Secondly, teachers

Remember more often

Check them out sometimes

Come to our school!

4. Thirdly, know - your school

Always waiting for you to meet!

And let the call be cheerful

It will also take you back to childhood!

5. We promise you today

Keep an eye on the school here!

Increase the glory of the school

All that is asked is to teach!

  1. Run better, jump further,

Sing beautifully and without falsehood!

We will respect adults

And pass the Unified State Exam with an A.

  1. Final exam is coming soon

The time is approaching

We sincerely wish

No worries for you!

  1. So that you don't forget

Your school days

From the bottom of our hearts we give you

Souvenir bells!

They hand over the bells and leave, “They teach at school...”

Leading : Friends, the most important wizard in the world, Harry Potter, came to us for the holiday.

Harry Potter:
I am a messenger from the age of enlightenment.
Greetings, young talents!
I came to see for myself
The fact is that the fire of knowledge has not gone out!
And being seriously concerned
The fate of science in current conditions,
I intend to take an oath from the newly converted!
Do you swear, O undergrown tribe,
Achieve unprecedented success in work,
Do you swear not to interrupt communication?
What knowledge did school give you?
(The graduates respond in unison: “We swear!”)
Do you swear, having left from now on,
In this sad hour, the abode of enlightenment,
Don't waste all your knowledge and experience,
Received within these walls? (“We swear!”)
And if suddenly luck comes to you,
Do you swear, having become a thousand times richer,
The latest Versace shirt
Will you give it to this monastery? (“We swear!”)
Do you swear, O young tribe,
My friends! Hear today
The last call is you. Accept
From now on, good luck!
May the heights of knowledge conquer you,
Storm them without fear. I wish you.

The fortune teller comes out:

Fortune teller: Who wants to know their destiny? What happened, what will happen, I’ll tell you the whole truth, I won’t deceive anyone.
Come on, who's brave? Come! I'll tell you the future.

Fortune telling by a fortune teller.

  1. Do you want to become a great doctor?
    You will treat everyone with medicine.
    Very tasty, like candy.
    I ate it - there are no diseases! (Makhammatu)
  2. You love colors.
    You dream of becoming an artist.
    I'll order a portrait for you.
    You can do it, no doubt! (Lyosha)

3.You dream of becoming faster
Children's teacher.
Sing, walk, play with them.
Celebrate birthdays. (Zhanna)

4. You will be a teacher
You will go to the board to explain.
Will you knock with your pointer?
Calling for silence. (Julia)

5. You will become a builder
And you will build a house.
First of all, come over
Check out the drawing.

And then you'll build walls
Taller than his height.
In the end you will install windows,

May it be light for everyone! (Marat)

6.You will manage the company

Both intelligently and skillfully.

Distribute the money this way

So that the business grows and becomes stronger. (Ermine)

8. I'll tell you guys

Fedya - Who is this.

He grows tomatoes for us.

He's busy working every day!

The birds sing loudly,

On the branches of native birches,

The farmer sows rye, wheat,

And buckwheat and oats. (Fedya)

Fortune teller:

And in parting I want to tell you:
Days will pass, years will pass,
but take my word for it,
What will draw you here from
life is a whirlwind.
And the school rooms look austere
It will be nicer at home.
Here the spring sings in childhood,
and who will forget him?

And I ask you, remember every time:
The school remembers you and hopes for you!

Leading: Each of you has your own desire. And it will come true only when it remains secret. I suggest writing it on sheets of paper and attaching it to magic balls that will carry them into the sky.
Leading: You have grown up so much, you have become beautiful,
When did you have time? How time is invisible!
Are you dreaming about something else now?
Can do any serious business
We won't let your dream get lost
We will help your dream rise into the sky!

To the music, students write wishes and release the ball. s to the sky.


Let these balls fly into the sky
Let the cranes fly high...
We're letting you all go, guys...
May your dreams come true!

Leading: Not far away and forests
Wizards live now
They come to school with you.
Or rather, a little earlier than you.
You rediscovered with them
And the starry world, and the distance of the earth.
They inspired you with a dream,
Hearts were lit with hope.
Is it snowing, is autumn rustling,
Plucking yellow leaves
They always bring with them
And they generously give you spring...

Presenter: for congratulations we invite the main wizards of our school:

  1. Krasilnikova S.Yu.
  2. Ishchenko S.V.
  3. Kryvkina T.A.
  4. Konovaltseva T.V.
  5. Popova V.E.
  6. Popov Yu.B.
  7. Ishchenko A.B.
  8. Efimov N.F.,
  9. Aigunova N.M.
  10. Dezha A.N.
  11. Khalilov G.N.

Graduates of 11th grade:

  1. The twenty-fifth of May is our last call, Julia
    And we will never go to class again.
    We will continue to study, but never again,
    Our dear school, we will never return here as students!
  1. Lovely, cordial, good, Ermina
    Kind, beloved teachers!
    Today we say goodbye to school,
    But we don’t part forever!
  1. We sincerely say “thank you” Mahammat
    From the bottom of my heart to everyone - to all teachers.
    Be young and happy!
    Peace, long life, health to you!
  1. Thank you for being strict and kind to us! Marat
    For teaching us to think!
    I bow to you to the ground for loving us!
    For everything, for everything they did for us!


  1. Dear teachers! You, strict and affectionate, wise and sensitive, led us along the road of childhood, put a piece of your heart into everyone, gave us human warmth, your love, made sure that our knowledge and skills grew year by year, helped us find our place in life , taught to be sensitive and necessary to people. We thank you for everything, for everything, and we bow deeply to you.
  1. For leading to knowledge Lesha

Without paying attention to the difficulties,

Only gratitude alone

We say goodbye to you.

We wish you well

And blue above our heads,

More joy, warmth,

Victories and fewer separations.

  1. You will always remain next to us, Fedya

Because we always need you.

So you'll never grow old

All: Never, never, never!

Leading: All flowers for you today -
Dear teachers!
(give flowers)

Leading : Our graduates decided today to celebrate the particularly distinguished teachers of our school, those who stuck with us until the “last bell” and exams.

  1. The first teacher is awarded a master's degree for success in penmanship, alphabet learning and counting on sticks: T.A. Kryvkina.
  2. For the first time in the history of exact sciences, mathematics teacher V.E. Popova is awarded in connection with nomination for the Nobel Prize.
  3. Literature teacher S.V. Ishchenko is awarded for love, loyalty and devotion to Pushkin, Gogol, Dostoevsky and others.
  4. History teacher T.V. Konovaltseva is awarded for the subtle synthesis of football, volleyball and historical knowledge in the bodies of students.
  5. For increased resilience and Olympic calm, demonstrated many times in explosive situations. N.F. Efimov is awarded for his invaluable contribution to the minds of students and to the development of international communications.
  6. For the high achievements of students in running...from lessons, in jumping...over fences, in throwing...notes, physical education teacher A.B. Ishchenko is awarded.
  7. For increased cross-country ability in the -354 computer on Intel Pentium -3 microprocessors (around the corner to the right in the third row in the middle), computer science teacher Dezha A.N. is awarded.
  8. For a complete collection of sources of knowledge on world fiction, as well as for all works and encyclopedias, N.M. Aigunova is awarded.
  9. for strategic talents: for integrity in the fight for a healthy lifestyle, for intelligence, for the honor and conscience of our era, Yu.B. Popov is awarded.
  10. School director S.Yu. Krasilnikova is awarded for harmful activities at work.
  11. G.N. Khalilov is awarded for great knowledge in the world of flora and fauna, for optimism and love of life.

Graduates : Everyone who fed us and treated us

and washed the floors behind us

To those who gave out books,
Repaired school furniture

Everyone who was close to us

Our eleventh grade

All: Thank you from the bottom of my heart,

Says thanks to everyone!

(give flowers)

Graduates present a fruit basket

Host: (before the call)

The bell rings for the last time.

A call of hope and a call of farewell.

And the moments of parting are approaching

And ahead - confusion of roads.

Leading: And the sun shines in the sky as before,

But childhood has its time in life.

And now the bell rings for the last time,

A call of farewell and a call of hope.

The right to give the last bell is granted to 11th grade graduate Marat Ismailov and 1st grade student Kristina Efendieva. (bell sounds)

Leading . Dear graduates! A difficult but interesting and exciting life awaits you. Be prepared for any life challenges. Remember the behest of the poet E. Asadov:

It will be difficult - brace yourself!

It will hurt - don't cry!

There will be wind - don't bend!

Don't hide your eyes in your palm!

If there are thunderstorms, look!

If there are tears, wipe them away!

If you're scared, hold on!

Remember, life is life!

Good luck and happiness to you, dear graduates!

Q: According to tradition, graduates of 2012 will lay flowers at the obelisk.

(music sounds ______________________________________________________________)

B: School, attention! Stand still when descending the Russian Federation!

(music plays ______Russian anthem______)

Q: This concludes the ceremonial line dedicated to the holiday of the last bell.

Song (phonogram) “And notes with doves.” The final.

According to the old tradition, students of graduating classes are responsible for organizing and conducting the last bell at school. This is a kind of tribute to the beloved school and teachers, demonstrating the level of maturity and independence of high school students. The scenario for the last bell, which is prepared by the graduates themselves, is, as a rule, very different from the classic holiday and depends entirely on the creativity of the students. And the young and talented, as we know, are not afraid to experiment with ideas and always strive to implement interesting celebration options. In our article today, we tried to choose for you the most unusual, fun and original scenarios for the last call. We hope that our notes will help you organize a grand celebration that everyone will remember for many years.

A classic last call script with interesting ideas

Let's start, perhaps, with the traditional version of the script for the farewell lineup, which also implies the presence of original and unusual numbers. As you know, in the classic holiday scenario there are many amateur performances performed by graduates. These can be songs, congratulations, dances, theatrical scenes from school life. This option, despite its familiarity and commonality, is popular in many schools. And all because the classic script is full of touching and memorable moments. Take, for example, the traditional outfits of graduates - white aprons, lush bows, bright ribbons. And also numerous beautiful congratulations and words of gratitude addressed to teachers and parents - they definitely do not leave anyone indifferent. But this option has one huge disadvantage - it is so similar to thousands of similar holidays held in other schools across the country.

Therefore, if you like the traditional format of the last call, then we suggest diluting it with unusual and original numbers that will not deprive the holiday of touchingness. For example, the day before, you can conduct a short survey and compile a list of the most useful knowledge and skills that graduate students have mastered at school. The results of the survey can be presented in a comic form or in the form of funny graphs. You can also organize a bright performance, for example, releasing hundreds of balloons together with teachers at the end of the celebration. A beautiful dance number staged with first-graders or 4th-grade graduates will also look original.

Modern scenario for last call: interesting ideas

If you are planning to hold an unusual last call, we recommend that you pay attention to the holiday scenario in a modern style. This option implies the presence of rooms that, in one way or another, reflect the lifestyle of modern youth. From greetings to dance performances, absolutely all performances must contain style and humor that is relevant and understandable to graduates. For example, songs and dances that will be performed on the line must be in popular styles. Also, jokes, congratulations, and words of gratitude should be presented in a modern manner - dynamic, unusual and interesting. To get a feel for this style, just watch a couple of popular television programs and Internet shows among teenagers. And then bring out from them an original presentation and relevant topics that can be played out as part of the holiday.

In addition, the last call script in a modern style also implies a large amount of humor. Naturally, he must be kind and within the bounds of decency. For example, a sketch about how graduates felt during different lessons can be played out using images of well-known Internet memes. You can also make a short vlog in advance - a video about the daily life of the class. This format involves shooting in natural conditions and the absence of staged shots. Therefore, to make the vlog really interesting and unusual, you can film it secretly, and then pleasantly surprise your classmates with a memorable video.

Musical Last Call: Script Ideas

Another interesting option, in our opinion, involves a musical format. The script itself in this case will consist almost entirely of musical numbers. Moreover, it will be not only traditional songs and dances, but also congratulations, skits and other numbers. In other words, in order to organize a musical last call, you will need to take care of high-quality sound and interesting compositions that are relevant within the framework of this holiday.

There can be many options for a musical script. For example, it could be a nostalgic holiday based on traditional melodies for this holiday. You can also arrange a last call in the style of dudes with appropriate sound. You can spend the last call in an original way in the style of popular musical styles. You can get a fresh and extraordinary scenario for the last call if you competently mix several different musical genres together. The main condition is to show all your creativity and skillfully translate this option into reality.

Original script for last call

Traditionally, last bell is held within the school building. Therefore, quite often such a limited space does not allow the implementation of interesting ideas for the holiday. Agree that the last call somewhere in the fresh air in a green area would be very original and memorable. But the whole essence of this holiday contradicts its holding in another place. After all, the last call is a farewell to studies, school years, teachers and the school itself. Therefore, in order to make it interesting within the school walls, you need to take care of an original script that will allow you to go beyond the usual scenery. There can be a huge number of such unusual options. For example, you can hold the last call in the manner of the Oscar ceremony. Moreover, the main characters can be both the graduates of grades 9 and 11, as well as teachers and parents.

Another interesting idea for the script is the last call in space style. The theme of space has been quite relevant lately and it won’t be difficult to play with it as part of a school holiday. For example, you can invite an alien guest to the assembly, for whom the graduates will make a short excursion into school life. Or you can play up the years spent at school as an unusual space journey that ends at the last bell.

Ideas for a script for last call based on popular films

Popular films are a special category of ideas for a last call script. If you are planning a holiday based on a certain movie hit, then you should know a few tricks that will help you make the holiday memorable and interesting. Firstly, for it to be successful, the film that will be used as the basis for the script must be very popular, and its plot and characters must be easily recognizable. Such films include, for example, serial films, cinema classics and films of recent years, which at one time created a real sensation. Secondly, it is very important that the plot of the film you choose can be easily and without losing the main mood rewritten on a school theme. In other words, it is, of course, possible to hold a last call based on the mega-popular “Avatar” a few years ago. But you need to clearly understand that it is unlikely that the female half of the graduates will want to paint themselves in the blue shades of the Navi race at the farewell party to the school. And thirdly, when choosing a film for the script, you should also focus on the holiday budget. Take this point into account, because otherwise, instead of an interesting and spectacular holiday, you may get a low-budget last call that loses the original idea.

The best selection of poems for the Last Call

If we talk about specific films that will make the scenario for the last call interesting and bright, then these include the following film hits:

  • any of the James Bond films
  • Star Wars saga
  • famous westerns about cowboys and Indians
  • popular films of the Soviet era
  • colorful films like “Hipsters”, “The Great Gatsby”, “Bonnie and Clyde”, etc.

The best selection of songs for the Last Call

Script for last call in the style of Hipsters

Smiles on faces, white bows, bells on uniforms and ribbons with the proud inscription “Graduate” - all these are constant attributes of the last bell in our schools. Add to all of the above a festive lineup and an interesting entertainment program and you will get one of the brightest and most memorable school holidays of the year. But this May day becomes especially memorable and important for graduates of grades 9 and 11. The last bell for them is not just a symbolic holiday signaling the end of another school year. This is the day when they leave the walls of their home school forever... A good script for the last bell can make this farewell truly colorful and memorable, ideas for which you will find in our article today.

Last call: script for 9th grade

Let's start with ideas for the last bell of ninth graders. It’s hard for them to say goodbye to school, because in fact they will plunge into adult life two years earlier than their peers who decided to get a complete secondary education. What should their last call be? Probably the most dynamic and vibrant, and one that will be remembered for a lifetime. Therefore, unusual and modern ideas are suitable as the basis for the script. For example, you can conduct a last call based on a popular movie or video game. A prerequisite for a successful holiday is that the script for the last call should be filled with cheerful musical numbers with the participation of high school students. It is also worth taking care of beautiful congratulatory words for teachers and parents who were there throughout the difficult school years.

Last Bell Script Idea #1: Alumni of the Year

The scenario is based on an awards ceremony for graduates. In this option, the last call can also be renamed “Golden Bell” (similar to the “Golden Gramophone”) or “Farewell Festival”. During the festive lineup, presenters announce various nominations and award the winners with memorable certificates and ribbons. The number of nominations must match the number of ninth-graders who leave the school. The names of the nominations must also correspond to the character and distinctive features of their winners. For example, the most cheerful student can be awarded the title “Mr. Always Positive,” and the most active athlete can be awarded the title “Mr. Future Olympic Pride.” As if to confirm that their title is deserved, each winner must demonstrate their talent with their own eyes. This could be a short skit, a touching greeting, a song or a humorous number.

Idea No. 2 for the last call script: Star Factory

This scenario for the last call is based on the well-known project for finding talented performers - “Star Factory”. Or rather, a version of it adapted to the school theme. The essence of the scenario is as follows: the presenters position ninth-graders as graduates of a talent school. A small “dossier” is prepared especially for each of them, which lists all the major achievements of the graduate over the past 9 years of study. These can be either true facts or fictitious, but always funny stories. For example, for a graduate known for his mischievous character, you can compile something like the following dossier: “In nine years of study, I managed to break windows - 3 times, visit the director’s office - 10 times, disrupt classes - 4 times, etc.” Each dossier should be small, but as comprehensive as possible. Also, the voiced information can be duplicated on beautifully designed paper and given to each graduate as a souvenir. In addition, graduates are awarded special ribbons with the inscription “Star Graduate of the Year.” Ninth-graders, in turn, prepare performances and congratulations in which they demonstrate their talents and skills to all guests of the holiday.

Last Call Scenario Idea #3: Alien Visitor

An unusual guest arrives at the last bell celebration quite by accident. This foreigner did not come from another country or continent. He is a guest from a distant, friendly galaxy who decided to get to know the traditions and culture of earthlings better. The task of the ninth graders is to tell the unusual guest what the last bell is and why children go to school in the first place. To achieve this, graduates perform interesting skits, sing soulful songs, read beautiful poems and dance passionately. You can also organize an alien excursion into the past using a clip edited from school videos and photos of past years. At the end, when the dating mission is completed and the guest is about to return home, the graduates invite him to do a joint flash mob - a bright dance that should definitely be recorded on video.

Last call: script for 11th grade

The last bell for eleventh graders is a truly sad holiday. Now the sound of the school bell will become for them only an echo of long years of study, causing slight nostalgia and reviving fun memories from class life. Now the proud title of “11-A” or “11-B” will be worn by other students who will have to bear the worthy image of high school students throughout the year. Now teachers will not lecture, tests will cause fear, and parents will not scold for bad grades. Now everything will be different and eleventh graders, as if trying to absorb every moment of the holiday, always try to spend this last bell in a bright and interesting way. Namely, they use unusual ideas for a memorable last call script. For example, such as we have selected for you below.

Last Call Script Idea #1: Back to USSR

Probably, if you ask any passerby what he associates with the festive line dedicated to the last bell, he will certainly mention the white bows and aprons of graduates. Some may consider the school uniform from the times of the Soviet Union to be outdated, while others, on the contrary, perceive it as the best example of student clothing. But nevertheless, year after year, graduates of millions of schools across the country choose this particular form option in order to conduct their last call. So why not use this successful dress code as your themed last call outfit?

The idea of ​​the script is to transport graduates and guests of the line into the atmosphere of a school during the Soviet era. Ideally, you can rummage through school archives or on thematic websites and look for a real script for the last bell of past years. By removing the ideological part from it and slightly adapting it to modern youth, you can get a very interesting option. It is also important to take care of the dress code: girls must wear a traditional festive uniform with bows, guys wear dark suits and white shirts. The festive line itself should have a lot of balloons and flowers. The last call script should include dances and songs from the Soviet era. Moreover, these can be both original texts and songs-remakes with a modern motive. At the end of the nostalgic holiday, you can bury a time capsule in which each of the graduates will put some kind of memorable item. It will be possible to get this capsule only 20 years later, when the whole class gathers at an alumni meeting.

Idea No. 2 for the last call scenario: The investigation is conducted by experts

An original script for the last call can be written using the images of famous detectives - Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. As you might guess, their appearance at the holiday will be connected with the unraveling of the mysterious case of the disappearance of the most important attribute - the school bell. Using their famous method of deduction, as well as the help of graduates, detectives conduct a fascinating investigation, which leads them to the “criminal”. The suspects could be: 10th grade students who are in no hurry to part with their older friends; a class teacher who doesn't want to say goodbye to his graduating class; the graduates themselves, seeking to extend their last day of school at least a little. In general, there can be many options and the script itself is quite universal. The main thing is to find worthy performers of the main roles of Sherlock and Watson, who can adequately lead the entire holiday. If there are doubts that any of the students will cope with this task, you can always resort to the help of professionals - animators and actors of local theaters.

At the end of the investigation, the brilliant detective finally identifies the kidnappers, who turn out to be the graduates themselves. Their action is explained by their reluctance to say goodbye to their beloved school. Therefore, in order to cheer up and support eleventh graders, teachers and parents perform a beautiful and touching song in their honor.

Idea No. 3: Last call based on fairy tales

Another interesting and non-trivial option is a script for the last call, written based on well-known fairy tales. The usual option is chosen for graduations in kindergartens and elementary schools. The fairy-tale plot is well suited for a small audience and makes it easier to get through a sad parting with your favorite teacher/first teacher. But for 11th grade graduates, fairy tale themes work just as well. Firstly, both adults and children love fairy tales. This means that the last call based on fairy tales will be well received by all participants of the holiday. Secondly, the personalities of the characters and heroes are well known to everyone, and therefore require minimal effort to get used to the character. And thirdly, by transforming into fairy-tale characters, graduates can feel like carefree children for the last time. As for the plot itself, most often the last call plays out situations in which negative characters, whom no one invited to the holiday, try to ruin the celebration. They play minor tricks and try to disrupt the lineup, but ultimately, with the help of good heroes and the graduates themselves, they manage to come to an agreement with evil forces and save the holiday.

The school porch should be decorated according to the theme. Balloons, flowers, ribbons, interesting bright posters.

A graduate and a first-grader are sitting on the steps.

Why are you sitting there so sad?

First grader (sighing deeply):
My childhood is over, so I’m sad.

What are you doing? You still have everything ahead! Look how small you are!

First grader:
I was little, and now I am already an adult, independent.

You know, you are somewhat similar to me. I had a shirt like this in first grade too, and a belt like this...

First grader:
Not surprising. After all, I am you in childhood.

How so?

First grader:
I just came to say goodbye. Perhaps we will meet again in photographs and memories, but I cannot repeat myself again. Promise me something.


First grader:
Never lose hope!

I promise!

(The first grader gets up, shakes hands and leaves. The graduate also gets up and enters the school. The presenters appear)

Childhood is the most wonderful, most fun and interesting stage in the life of every person. It can be completely unpredictable, intriguing, exciting, but childhood is always filled with happiness and joy.

I never wanted to grow up. As a child, there were cartoons, games in the yard, naps at lunchtime, and delicious buns in the school cafeteria.

Do you remember the halabudas made from blankets on chairs? Do you remember how your mother taught you to first grade?

Certainly! You know, I overheard a little here. The graduates have a ship, and they are going to sail through the expanses of childhood, and then go to a new life. So I thought, maybe we are with them?

It will be interesting! Just where are our graduates? And who will be the captain?

And there will be several captains. I am pleased to invite graduates of class 11-A under the leadership of (Name of class teacher) take your place on the ship!

(Graduates exit to musical accompaniment. Depending on the number of classes, the phrase is repeated)

And so, dear graduates, are you ready to set sail?

(graduates answer in unison)

I heard that ships have their own oaths that bind the crew members! I suggest we get one too.

Graduate 1:
I vow to always help my classmates and like their posts on social networks!

Graduate 2:
I swear to always communicate with my school friends not only on the Internet, but also on the street!

Graduate 1:
I vow to regularly meet with my classmates and discuss the latest events!

Graduate 2:
I vow to always be beautiful to glorify our graduation!

Graduate 3:
I swear to be the smartest person in the university so that I can help my school friends if necessary!

Graduate 3:
I swear to be the most dexterous and fastest athlete in order to glorify my favorite school!

Graduate 4:
I swear that I will never forget my school days and will write memoirs about them!

Graduate 5:
I swear to always respect my classmates and adore my classmates!

Graduate 4:
I swear to always visit my teachers!

Graduate 5:
I swear to always come to visit dear (full name of the class teacher) for tea!

Graduate 6:
I swear to always congratulate my classmates on all holidays and birthdays!

Graduate 7:
I swear to always support my schoolmates in difficult times!

(All graduates in chorus: We swear! We swear! We swear!)

So, we decided on the oath. What's next?

(Graduates sing Tatyana Ovsienko’s song “The Sea is Worried Once”)

Graduate 1:
I remember when I was a child, my mother read fairy tales to me,
My mother and I sang songs together,
How quickly time has flown by,
Graduation is coming soon.
I remember how we laughed loudly,
On the swing in the yard,
We sewed diapers for the doll,
Childhood, I want to come to you!

Graduate 1:
I would like to plunge into childhood again,
Play football with dad
Before I had time to look back,
Everything in the past is now mine!

Graduate 2:
I miss toys
I want to go back to my childhood
Where are the cartoons, cheesecakes,
Where sometimes I sleep during the day!

Graduate 3:
I wave my hand to childhood,
I will always miss you
There was a golden time
Will never return!

Graduate 2:
You need to say goodbye to childhood,
We raised the sails
Wave your hand at him
Remember at least sometimes!

Graduate 4:
Our ship is ready
What awaits us ahead?
There's a lot to know
Childhood, come visit!
Come with memories
About happy bright days,
Childhood, I already miss it
We grew up so quickly!

The kids have come aboard! They have some very important business. Shall we listen to them before sending?

(First-graders lined up near the porch)

First grader 1:
We came to congratulate you,
Wish you success, happiness,
Please accept congratulations
We wish you to smile!

First grader 2:
You're leaving today
We want to promise you
That we will look after the school,
We will replace you!

First grader 1:
We will do all our homework,
We will always obey
You set an example for us
Come by sometimes!

First grader 3:
Go sailing today
It will probably not be easy for you,
But don't worry about school,
Everything will be fine here!

First grader 2:
We want to give you a souvenir,
We are the bell and the magic ball,
So that you don't go astray,
To smile more often!

(First-graders present small bells and balloons to graduates)

Graduate 1:
We want to thank you kids,
For your warm and kind words,
We would like to ask you too
May you always try!

Graduate 2:
We have prepared a charter for you,
We ask him to comply,
Love, take care of your class,
Never forget about friendship!

(Graduates present each class of first-graders with a charter, which they prepared in advance. It is better to make it on a large Whatman paper in the form of a bright poster. Roll it into a tube and tie it with a ribbon. You can “age” the paper to make it look more interesting. It’s a matter of imagination)

Guys, do you remember how you came to your first class? Do you remember who helped you overcome your fears, who introduced you to the Primer? Of course, these are your first teachers, and they could not let you set sail without their guidance.

(The first teachers read)

Graduate 1:
Thank you for your tenderness and warmth,
Bow to the floor to you, we will not forget you,
We had a good time in first grade
And we want to come back again now!

(Graduates sing a song to the tune of “Goodbye Moscow!”

Song .
1 verse.
The corridors are getting quieter
The school fairy tale of miracles is melting away,
Goodbye to our first teacher,
We leave the warmth of our hearts!

Let's part now
We'll part for a while,
We'll run to you,
Kiss, hug.

Verse 2
You'll forgive our first teacher,
That we sometimes offended you,
Sorry, we ask, forgive us,
But, you remember the combat class.

Friends break up
They break up for a long time,
We will remember you
Just don't forget your class!

I remember very often as a child I dreamed of distant countries and travel. I spent hours reading books and imagining a world full of adventures and events. So what’s the point, I propose to raise the anchors and set off on our first voyage!

Raise the anchors! Full front! Look, what an interesting island, oh, I see mermaids! Mermaids on the starboard side! Mermaids!

(A dance group appears in front of the porch (students of grades 4-5))

Student 1:
We won't let you through so easily,
We won't let you go without a gift,
You are talented, beautiful,
You are our graduates!

Student 2:
Don't judge the dance too harshly
After all, our tails are in the way,
Come to school more often
We will be waiting for you!

(Girls dance dance)

On the course of the parent island! We have more passengers on board!

Graduate 1:
I remember my mother taught me to first grade,
I held her hand tightly,
She carried a briefcase in her other hand,
And I was dragging my doll!

Graduate 2:
My mother tied me up with a bank then,
So huge and beautiful
There was fear in my eyes
But I didn’t tell my mother that I was afraid.

Graduate 1:
I remember dad gave instructions,
He asked me not to run and not to fight,
On the first day I gave a bruise,
I had to give up the console.

Graduate 2:
I remember how I did my homework
How my mother checked all the mistakes afterward,
I drew the map upside down
She scolded me a little.

Graduate 3:
We owe everything to our parents,
Bow for work, for understanding, education,
We always rush to you for advice,
And we share joys and sorrows with you!

(Several parents are invited to the porch and read)

It's always so touching, so beautiful. With what tenderness every word, every wish was spoken. And now we are sailing to Director's Island and Teachers' Island!

(Graduates, etc. The director, head teacher, several teachers say solemn speeches)

Have you noticed how fast our ship is sailing? Over the horizon you can see the island of Valsa!

(Graduates dance their last school waltz)

Look how unnoticed we landed on the island of “Classroom Teachers.” I think we will drop anchor here, but only for a while, because a distant country called “Life” awaits us!

Graduate 1:
You protected our class from all adversity,
You saved us, always helped us,
A new horizon is calling us,
We will never forget you!

Graduate 2:
The last bell is ringing
Today he is calling us into the distance,
We won't go to class
And let's say goodbye to the school!

Graduate 3:
You are in our hearts forever,
We will always remember you,
You are our dear person,
We all shout “Hurray” to you!

(Graduates shout three times “Hurray” to their class teachers)

(Class teachers sing a song to the tune of “The earth is empty without you”)

Song .

The corridor and classroom will be empty,
The grass will also turn green,
Only I will be alone, without all of you,
And you, conquer life,
The sea of ​​your hopes and desires.
It was also empty here then,
When the last class went on its way,
I also cried for them,
My soul is torn apart by sadness!
How can I live without your eyes now?
How can we live without your smiles?
My best class has grown up,
A new life awaits you now!
The school yard will be empty without you,
If you can, then come in...

Graduate 1:
How much does our school mean?
How sad it is to leave,
We will return to it one day,
To teach your children!

Graduate 1:
Let's go back to childhood, we're at our desks,
Let's enter our beloved school yard,
Holding back my tears, we won’t cry,
Let's put things aside for later!

Graduate 2:
In time I will bring my son here,
Or maybe a daughter, it’s not up to me to decide,
I’ll show my child everything at school,
I will remember all the moments.

Graduate 2:
Maybe I'll come back here,
I can teach geography
I’ll instantly plunge into the world of childhood,
I will give homework lessons.

Graduate 3:
Or maybe I, or maybe we,
Let's keep warm
Those carefree days
It was so good when I was a child!

Graduate 4:
Our ship is already on its way,
Great things await us
And we are all ships,
It's time for us all to raise our sails!

Graduate 4:
We need to let go of childhood
Save the rest in memory,
The last bell will ring,
Farewell and see you again!

(According to tradition, the graduate places the first-grader on his shoulder, who rings the bell)

Graduate 5:
So the farewell bell rang,
You and I have grown up quickly,
I propose, in parting,
Give flowers to all teachers!

(All students hand over flowers and stand near the porch)

Graduate 5:
Are you ready to say goodbye to childhood?
Let him go for a while
Raise your balloons to the sky,
And release the thread into the sky!

(Graduates release balloons into the sky)

Traditionally, the last bell at school is organized by the eleventh graders themselves - they are the ones who choose the form of the holiday, the storyline of the conference, prepare the main concert numbers and congratulations to the teachers.

The success of this holiday largely depends on how accurately the chosen plot fits into the specific school situation of specific graduates. Other people's brilliant jokes and script will remain so strangers, if they do not resonate with the traditions and relationships that have developed at school.

And one more secret: the chosen script should be liked, first of all, by the graduates, and then the Last Bell will sound like magic music for everyone!

The best option is to take as a basis an idea you like or a ready-made script and fill it with your own content, changing, omitting or adding something. We offer several to choose from ideas for the Last Call script.

1. Original ideas for the Last Call script.

Life in our country is constantly changing, and we are changing along with it. Many modern graduates, experienced in television and media shows, also want, as a plot for their last bell celebration, something unusual or stylized to resemble a certain program or movie.

It is no coincidence that a very popular form of congratulating teachers has become the awarding of various nominations, prizes, etc. Thus, by analogy with the annual Golden Gramophone award, a plot of congratulations to teachers has been written . Also very dynamic, modern and unobtrusive, all the traditional moments for the last call are included in such a plot as “A movie is being made” - you can see it in the document:

Of course, a classic presentation with beautiful touching poems and dedication songs to each teacher is a wonderful and proven way to conduct such events, but if the class is active, artistic and creative, they will be cramped within these frameworks. As an alternative, you can take as a basis the KVN conference and concert numbers as a gift, as in “Travel in a Balloon,” adjusting it to suit you.

In the script "Journey to the Island" the theme of adventure is explored more traditionally. And graduates who are “obsessed” with IT technologies will most likely like the idea of ​​holding the Last Bell in a computer style; as an example, we recommend looking at the “School Supersite” scenario.

(to download - click file)

It is better to decide which plot to choose by majority vote, because it may turn out that the winning idea is related, for example, to any of the popular television shows: “Minute of Fame,” “House-2,” “Star Factory” or a parody show. If graduates are interested in this, why not, because any plot can include traditional greetings from children, words of gratitude to teachers and parents, and touching words of farewell.

2. The idea for the script "The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and

Dr. Watson."

A very winning idea is to hold the last call in the style of any popular film, for example, “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson.”

Let the main intrigue be that famous detectives are investigating what event they happened to be at. Such naive ignorance can be explained by the fact that our heroes are English and are not well acquainted with Russian school traditions.

The detectives appear only after the high school students, to the sounds of fanfare, enter the hall and line up. Visiting guests seem to break into the planned order of the holiday. It will look plausible if the school administration itself - the director, the head teachers - play along with Holmes and Watson, declaring that they will deal with them later, and for now let the detectives stand on the sidelines.

It is best if the detectives stand at the opposite end of the hall from the director and head teacher: this way the event will have two “poles”. The administration will set the official tone, guests from England will give their comments.

We recommend making the director’s person the first “evidence”: Holmes says that he has information on this person. He reads them out: “By profession, a teacher..., she/he is the mother/father of school experiments. The character is balanced and persistent. Vigilant, merciless to violators of cleanliness and order, has keen hearing and a commanding voice. Sees everything, hears everything, knows everything.” This gives rise to the assumption that this is the boss of this institution.

As if confirming his conclusion, the director reads out the order to allow the children to take the exams.

This is followed by a presentation by the first graders, which emphasizes the idea of ​​growing up quickly. Detectives conclude that the gathered youth once dreamed of the same thing. The parents' lyrical speech about the transience of time gives a hint that the young people have reached a certain milestone in their lives.

The performance of eleventh graders with a comic oath of loyalty to the covenants of their “senior comrades” is a reason to assume that those gathered in the hall are leaving their native land. In general, any concert number or performance should make Holmes and Watson think that they are graduates. And the traditional procession of first-graders with a bell makes them think that for these teenagers the school bell rings for the last time.

Well-recognized phrases from the film, successfully chosen to match the plot of the conference, will create an atmosphere of humor and light sadness, which will be a very good shade against the backdrop of the solemnity of the moment.

You can watch the scenario of the Last Call holiday in the style of your favorite cartoon “In the footsteps of the Bremen Town Musicians” .

When organizing this holiday, do not forget that in addition to the solemn and official component, the last bell at school is also a symbol of farewell to childhood, and therefore it is quite possible to “invite” your favorite fairy tale or book heroes from childhood to the role of hosts. We offer several ideas on how this can be brought to life:

3. The idea for the script "The Little Prince".

To have a holiday With a storyline related to the work of Exupery, you need to think carefully about the musical accompaniment. It will be great if at the beginning of the holiday the graduates are greeted not only by their parents and teachers, but also by characters from Exupery’s fairy tale: the Rose, the Fox, the King and, of course, the Little Prince - such a reception will set a special mood from the very beginning.

Let such a last call open the opening speech of the Prince, who will continue to lead the event in the manner and style of his hero.

Taking a course on such a reverent literary image, we suggest that the first number of the program be a performance of couples engaged in ballroom dancing. After a beautiful waltz, it is appropriate to read a poem about strong friendship. Let it be a duet of the Prince and the Fox.

We recommend prefacing official speeches by the director and head teachers with warm words about their merits, for example, from the lips of another fairy tale character - Rose.

But the stubborn King could well have announced such numbers as the staged song of first-graders “What They Teach at School.” Graduates would be pleased to receive a kind of greeting from ninth-graders, who are also faced with the problem of choosing their path - this idea can be acted out in a small skit or sung about it in ditties.

4. The idea for the script "Last call - farewell to childhood."

This option might also be a good idea - invite to
last call eleventh-graders fairy-tale and cartoon characters from their childhood: Cheburashka, Thumbelina, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the Tin Soldier, etc. And it is better to invite professional animators to play these roles, who will take an active part in the program and set the tone for the entire event.

It is these characters, dear to any youth’s heart, who, upon entering the school, will present graduates with badges in the form of bells, and then lead them to the assembly hall.

After the official greeting, you can arrange a small concert, much like in kindergarten. Why not? Invite high school students in advance to remake various popular songs on a school theme: each class can perform one or two verses.

Prepare humorous riddles about teachers, first love or school life. For example, “In a white field there are blue / Stretched lines. / And friends walk under them, / Leading each other by the hand” (alphabet and cursive).

A general round dance (or a round dance among those who wish, if there are more than 40 graduates) can be an excellent entertainment moment. At the same time, we recommend singing a funny song from the cartoon “A Big Secret for a Small Company” (“It’s no secret that friends don’t grow in the garden”). Also arrange physical exercises or fun competitions. To do this, you need to call those interested from the hall.

It is quite appropriate to present each class with a certificate with a humorous inscription and wishes for excellent exams and a fun graduation. This will be a good end to the holiday.

If you have chosen a fairy-tale plot, then it is better to carry it out in a fairy-tale style too, see how this can be done, we suggest in this scenario:

(to download - click on the file)

5. The idea for the "School Bell Stealing" script.

In this case, start the holiday as it should be: the anthem, reading the order about those admitted to the exams, good parting words from the teachers. Suddenly, a noise passes through the “ranks” of the school administration: the director and head teachers are talking and looking around. Let someone run into the hall with a confused face and loudly announce that everything is lost - the school bell has been stolen! Hence the whole drama: how to make a call last? We highly recommend that you appear at this moment dressed up in costumes of all kinds of evil heroes and unceremoniously start dancing, pestering the graduates along the way.

Then the leader of the mummers must demand five (or however many) “excellent students” as hostages, whom he will subject to various tests: dancing the Macarena, fighting with evil spirits in a tug-of-war, singing karaoke of a famous excerpt from an opera (for example, “The Heart of Beauties” from "Rigoletto" by Verdi).

So that the rest of the people don’t get bored, the main villain can force them to finish composing poems: you give the beginning of lines that need to be continued in rhyme (In our class ... / “Two” is the best ...).

With each completed task, there are fewer and fewer “striped devils” in the hall, and then their crying leader gives away the school bell.

Parents can also offer their ideas or come up with a couple of surprises for graduates (for example, invite artists or animators for the formal part, or order a buffet table, bowling alley, or field trip after it ends).

When organizing a holiday, try to make a high-quality mix of mandatory official ceremonies, established traditions and entertaining moments. The heroes of the occasion, along with awareness of the importance of what is happening, should feel the atmosphere of the holiday, attention to themselves and, in turn, be sure to have time to say their words of gratitude to teachers and parents.