Historical circles. Historical circle as a form of extracurricular organization. Orthodox school of arts "Trinity"

The school for a young historian is an attempt to penetrate into the “kitchen” of a historian and feel like a researcher yourself.

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Who is the School of Young Historian intended for?

The school for young historians is designed to introduce future applicants Faculty of History of Moscow State University, today's schoolchildren, with the fundamentals and latest achievements of historical science. Students in grades 5–10 are invited to study at SHUI.

What is the goal of the School of Young Historian?

The school for young historians aims not only to introduce students to the world historical process, but also to instill the skills of researching historical primary sources and reading scientific literature. The task of the SHUI is to give an expanded understanding of the human past, to help the student choose a narrower specialization within the humanities.

What is the difference between the School of Young Historian program?
from public school programs?

Unlike the programs of secondary schools, the classes of the School of Young Historian examine the most important and problematic topics of world history, and the history of Russia is considered in the context of the world.

The school of a young historian is not limited to the program of national history; it gives an idea of ​​the world historical process as a whole.

Classes in full-time School of a young historian - free, they take place on the premises of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University (in the Shuvalovsky building of Moscow State University at the address: Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 27, building 4) in the evening, starting at 16:25.

Since 2010, within the framework of full-time training, " Lecture hall of the school of young historian", where senior and graduate students speak with stories about their own scientific research. Over the course of several months, students will be able to learn how to work with historical sources and scientific literature, get acquainted with interesting events and phenomena of world history, get a general idea of ​​the world historical process, and try to independently identify patterns of its development.

Several times a year they speak to students teachers of the Faculty of History– leading experts in various fields of historical science. In addition to lecture and seminar-type classes, excursions and visits to museums are expected.

Distance School for Young Historian

Since February 2017, a new educational program, “School of Young Historian (distance form),” has been launched at the Center for the Development of Electronic Educational Resources of Moscow State University.

It is designed to interact with students who, for various reasons, do not have the opportunity to attend the School of Young Historian full-time.

Weekly classes include introductory lectures on general and national history, links to various Internet resources, as well as assignments to consolidate the material. The course is designed for students in grades 5–10 and is designed to help them study history, as well as develop independent research skills.

The cost of training for this program is 20,000 rubles in two semesters.

Libmonster ID: RU-8043

P. Starovoitov, teacher of USSR history at school N3 in Pyatigorsk


Historical clubs occupy a significant place in extracurricular activities. However, so far they have received very little attention. In most schools they are completely absent.

The first condition for the successful activities of a historical circle is a clearly developed work plan.

When drawing up such a plan, it is necessary to take into account the needs of students, provide them with more creative initiative, and be sure to at the same time guide the work of students.

The main place in the work of the history circle I led in the 9th and 10th grades was devoted to the study of the works of the classics of Marxism-Leninism. Work on individual works, which were selected in relation to the program material being studied, was by no means reduced to selecting quotes. In the circle we studied completely separate works of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin. Working on primary sources in the 9th and 10th grades teaches students to work independently on a book. With this work they deepen and enrich the shock of knowledge of the theory of Marxism-Leninism.

In the work of the circle, the age characteristics of its members should be strictly taken into account. It would, of course, be absurd to entrust work on primary sources to students in grades 5 and 6, since this would be beyond their strength.

In the circle, students also study additional documentary material characterizing a particular historical event.

However, we did not limit our educational and research work to the study of primary sources and historical documents. The work of the circle was connected with local historical material. Every region of the USSR has its own historical monuments, some of which still remain unknown. Sometimes only the local population knows about them. School students can sometimes obtain interesting historical information about these ancient monuments, write a description of this or that monument, and transfer their observations and research to the relevant scientific institutions for deeper study.

Students can do a lot of work to protect monuments from destruction and plunder. We paid special attention to this issue in the circle, and the head of the circle held several conversations with students on this topic.

Our historical circle has established very close ties with local historical, local history and other Pyatigorsk museums. While working in these museums, students made sketches, casts and models of individual exhibits. These drawings and models were then used as visual aids in history lessons.

Members of the historical circle carried out no less interesting work collecting records of the stories of participants in the 1905 revolution, memories of arbitrariness in Tsarist Russia and the oppression of landowners and capitalists, about German captivity during the imperialist war, about the revolution in October 1917, about the civil war. Students know about this past only from descriptions in literature; stories of living people, direct participants in events, revive this past, and thanks to this, it is better imprinted in the memory of students.

A collection of literary works by members of the historical circle was compiled from the written works of members of the circle.

A prominent place in the work of the historical circle in all classes at our school was occupied by a more in-depth study of artistic historical literature in accordance with the history program material being studied. To do this, the teacher of the circle selected literature in advance, having carefully reviewed it. This work was carried out jointly with a literature teacher.

A lot of interesting artistic historical material is published in the magazines "Pioneer" and "Koster", you can often use material from the series of books "The Life of Remarkable People".

However, we came to the conclusion that students should not be overloaded with artistic material, as this distracts the circle members from other work. It is better to take one work of art and, in accordance with the study,

Read the desired program material on the mug. For approximately 5th grade - Homer's poems "Iliad" and "Odyssey", in 6th grade - Flaubert's novel "Salammbô", etc.

One of the types of independent work of students was maintaining a calendar of historical events. This calendar was usually compiled for one month. All historical dates and events that occurred, for example, in January, were written out from an ordinary tear-off or desk calendar in large artistic font on a large sheet of paper. The sheet was framed and hung in a prominent place in the school. This reminded the circle members and all school students, as well as teachers, of the approaching date of a particular historical event and gave them the opportunity to prepare in advance for the anniversary. Members of the historical circle prepared material for the target date and held conversations on these topics in the circle and in classes. Gradually, students acquire the skill for such work and learn to conduct conversations and reports, which is especially important in rural areas where the school is one of the main cultural centers.

The board of historical events played a major role in the work of our circle. Members of the circle made clippings from periodicals on historical issues and put them on the board. Practice has shown that such a board very much attracts the attention of students. After all, students often do not even notice historical articles in their newspaper, Pionerskaya Pravda. When these articles are cut out and pasted on the board, they attract attention. The board material was changed every six days. Particularly significant places were highlighted.

The collection and design of historical albums took place throughout the work of the circle. The albums were of two types: albums collected from cut-out pictures, illustrations, photographs, and albums of the artistic creativity of the students themselves: these included individual sketches of museum exhibits, copied and enlarged illustrations from historical textbooks, and other paintings. When designing the albums, all collected material was selected in strictly chronological order and according to certain topics, for example, ancient history, middle history, modern history and the history of the USSR. Depending on the amount of material collected, individual sections of general history, such as Greece, Rome and others, were separated into separate albums.

A very interesting type of work of the circle was also collecting ancient coins and other antiquities. Not only members of the circle, but also all students were involved in this matter. As practice has shown, students sometimes bring very valuable copies of ancient coins, for example, copper coins from the times of Ivan III, the times of Peter I and others. All these collected coins are placed in a display case under glass, and a corresponding explanation is written for each coin: the year of minting, its denomination, etc., as well as the name of the student who brought it. Such a display case helps students visualize ancient coins, and in those classes where the history of the USSR is taught, the display case can be used as a visual aid.

The work of the circle included the production of historical maps and the compilation of albums from them. Students who know how to embroider made several cards on canvas. Once the card was embroidered, it was pulled tightly onto the frame. This created a beautifully designed map that served as a teaching aid for the lesson.

Watching historical films was also one of the forms of work of the circle outside of school. Historical films released recently in the USSR: “Chapaev”, “Peter I”, “Lenin in October”, “Man with a Gun”, “Alexander Nevsky”, etc. - are an excellent tool for the study of hysteria. After viewing such a picture, the head of the historical circle had a conversation with the students, explaining to them individual, insufficiently understandable frames, highlighting educational moments, pointing out instructive examples of heroism, self-sacrifice of people who gave their lives defending their homeland from foreign invaders.

The circle gives students the opportunity to study in more depth certain interesting and poignant aspects of Russian history, communicate in a relaxed atmosphere with specialist historians, and watch unique video materials.

The club's program of work is developed primarily based on the wishes of the students themselves, who propose topics for classes during a survey. Meetings are held 1-2 times a month. The forms of work of the circle are varied. First of all, these are thematic lectures given by department staff or invited specialists. Among the priority topics are: Church and state in the history of Russia; Time of Troubles; Reforms of Peter I; Achievements and costs; Equipment and weapons of the USSR on the eve of the war; Islamic factor in the history of Russia; Ethno-confessional situation in modern Russia, etc. Sometimes classes are held in the form of round tables. Some sessions are devoted to watching documentaries with their subsequent discussion (“And our tanks are fast...”; History of domestic tank building; The mystery of the sinking of the battleship Novorossiysk; The mystery of the sinking of the Kursk nuclear submarine).

Thematic walking tours of historical Moscow are held regularly 1-2 times a semester (Secrets of Kitai-gorod; Zaryadye and Ivanovskaya Gorka; Stalinist architecture in Moscow, etc.)

Sometimes field trips are organized for circle participants to Dmitrov, Istra, Kolomna, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Sergiev Posad, Serpukhov and other cities.

Many students, after completing the History course, continue to participate in the work of the circle.

We are always glad to see you!

"The fascinating world of history."

Teacher of history and social studies Nigmatullina A.Sh.

MBOU secondary school No. 4 in Gusinoozersk.

Explanatory note.

In recent decades, the need for a thinking and creative person has become noticeable. Many works devoted to the formation of a creative personality have appeared in the psychological and pedagogical literature.

The relevance of this topic, as Professor M. Kochurin states, is that: “The constructive and creative nature of man must be developed by society, “raising a person as a seeker, as the author of proposals, hypotheses, more or less far into space time, we need to educate a person as an experimenter - a researcher, confronted with trials and errors, forced to constantly correct and prove himself.” I am sure that in the 21st century a person must be creative, who must have a creative approach to any issue and be a professional in his field.

Two aspects of creative activity can be distinguished:

Research activity (as a creative type of knowledge);

Actually creative activity, creating your own product. In my opinion, it is necessary to ensure that schoolchildren master both types of creative activity.

Creativity must be approached element by element and holistically by teaching its features, equipping it with the necessary skills and abilities, and of course, stimulating creative activity.

The new generation Federal State Educational Standard requires the use of activity-type technologies in the educational process, methods of design and research activities, which are defined as one of the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program. Modern developmental education programs include project activities in the content of various courses and extracurricular activities.

A child’s research practice can intensively develop in the field of additional education in extracurricular and extracurricular activities. Research activities make it possible to involve different categories of participants in the educational process (students, parents, teachers), create conditions for working with families, communication between children and adults, their self-expression and self-affirmation, development of creative abilities, provides an opportunity for relaxation and satisfaction of their needs.

It is the creative student who can realize himself as an individual in the conditions of the development of a market economy and modern society. And this needs to be taught in a modern school environment.

This is how the idea arose to unite children in the historical circle “The Fascinating World of History”. The program is intellectually oriented and is a continuation of lesson activities. The program lasts 4 years. Classes are held once a week.

Goal: To form a cognitive need for mastering historical material.



    To form an idea of ​​the main stages and key events of Russian history;


    develop cognitive needs and abilities, creativity;

    increasing students' interest in the history of the Fatherland, native land, family;

    form and develop research skills and abilities;

    mastering elementary methods of historical knowledge, the ability to work with various sources of historical information;

    improvement and expansion of the range of general educational abilities, skills and methods of activity (development of the ability to independently and motivatedly organize one’s cognitive activity (from setting a goal to obtaining and evaluating the result), use elements of cause-and-effect and structural-functional analysis, determine the essential characteristics of the object being studied, independently choose criteria for comparison, comparison, evaluation and classification;

    developing information culture skills in schoolchildren. The use of the Internet and information technologies in the study of history;


    fostering patriotism, respect for the history and traditions of our Motherland, human rights and freedoms, and democratic principles of public life.

Feature This program is the implementation of the pedagogical idea of ​​developing in schoolchildren the ability to learn - to independently obtain and systematize new knowledge. In this capacity, the program ensures the implementation of the following principles:

    Continuity of additional education as a mechanism for the completeness and integrity of education as a whole;

    Development of the individuality of each child in the process of social self-determination in the system of extracurricular activities;

    Systematic organization of the educational process;

    Widespread use of ICT, Internet resources, creation of electronic presentations;

    Discovering abilities and supporting children's giftedness.

Calendar and thematic planning.

5th grade

Topic of classes.

Number of hours

Introduction. "Looking through the pages of history."

What is history? What does the study of history as a science provide? Sources for studying history.

"The World of Symbols".

We create applications on the following topics:

The emergence of agriculture and cattle breeding.

Invention of the bow and arrow.

Demonstration of works.

"With my own hands."

Modeling. Lecture.

Group, practical work.

(Selection of information, material, drawing, modeling.)


1.Primitive dwelling,


Entertaining tasks.

"Ancient inventions that changed human life."

Student messages.

Learning to create slide presentations.

"Oh, great rulers of the Ancient World."

Student messages.

Work in groups. "Conversation with rulers"

1. Conversation with A. Makedonsky.

2. Conversation with Hammurabi.

1. Essay “The Military Art of A. Macedonian.”

Come up with an ending to the fairy tale.

Compilation of a bibliographic dictionary.

1. The great rulers of Ancient Greece.

2. Great rulers of Ancient Rome.

"Seven Wonders of the World."


We create slide presentations.

Project work: “Modern wonder of the world.”

Submit your assignment.

Creation of the collection “Our Projects”.


30 (4 hours - reserve)

6th grade


What makes history so fascinating?

"In search of historical sources."

Historical sources. VIEW. Lecture.

How to work with a historical document. Memo.

Text research. Reading a fragment of a document in Old Russian.

Proverbs, sayings, fairy tales as historical sources.

Writing a fairy tale with a historical hero.

Visit to the Selenginsky regional archive.

“We create with our own hands.”

Dwelling as a historical source. Home modeling. Search for information. Drawing.

Topic: Old Russian dwelling:

Princely mansions.

Boyar mansions.

Peasant hut.

Creating a slide presentation.

We create clothes. Search for information. Preparing the pattern. We sew clothes.

"Suggest your task"

"Telling the depths of the deep."

Signs of the ancient Slavs. Student messages.

Rituals and ceremonies of the Slavs.

Dwelling of the ancient Slavs.

Research work.

We create slide presentations.

"Through the cities of Rus'."

Drawing up an excursion route. Map exploration. Search for information.

We create a slide presentation.

“Suggest your task.”

Conducting a tour of the city of Gusinoozersk. We choose guides and the area. Selection of information.

"Looking through the pages of history."

Creation of a collection.


30 (4 hours - reserve)

7th grade


Historical facts. Mysteries of history.

"The most interesting facts." XVII-XVIII centuries..

Working in the library. Search for interesting facts

history of the Fatherland in the 17th and 18th centuries. Compilation of a collection.

Working with historical documents.

“Suggest your task.”

"History in dates and figures."

Lecture. "This is interesting"

Solving historical problems.

Compiling a problem book.

Drawing up a chronological table.

Compilation of chronological complexes. (Enslavement of peasants, Russia’s struggle for access to the Black Sea, Mongol-Tatar invasion).

Learning to analyze statistical data.

"Mysteries of history."

Mysterious stories. Messages.

We are conducting investigations. (We learn to prove our judgments using facts).

We create slide presentations.

"Historical Modeling"

Messages. Topics: “The fire beats in a cramped stove” (description of the home, household utensils), “In the garden, in the vegetable garden...” (agricultural implements, the work of livestock breeders, “We are not alone by bread...” (holidays, costumes) .

Creation of drawings.


"We're making a movie"

We are writing a script. Topics: “Peter I on a campaign abroad”, “Meeting of boards”, “Assemblies”. We distribute roles.



"Creating a collection"

"Works of the creative workshop"


30 (4 hours - reserve)

8th grade


"Personality in History".

"Discoveries that changed the world"

Lecture. "Discoveries that changed the world."

Messages. “Great discoveries of the 19th – 20th centuries.”

Entertaining tasks.

Myths about scientific discoveries. Playing out situations.

Creating slide presentations.

Essay: “How great discoveries are made.”

Creating a questionnaire on the topic.

“Outstanding people of the 19th – 20th centuries”

Lecture. "Outstanding people."

Work in groups. Interview.

Compilation of a bibliographic dictionary reference book.

Creative task. "The pride of our family."

Entertaining tasks.

Submit your assignment.

"Through the eyes of an artist."

Lecture. "Outstanding Artists"

Let's take a tour. Choice of reproduction. Search for information. Preparation of speeches. Creating a slide presentation.

Entertaining tasks.

Creative task: “Live the situation”

Creating a painting.

Conversation. “What is it like to be an artist?”

Submit your assignment.

Creation of a collection.

"Great discoveries."


30 hours (4 hours - reserve)

Methods of conducting classes: conversation, game, practical work, experiment, observation, express research, collective and individual research, independent work, defense of work, mini-conference.

Technologies, methods:

    level differentiation;

    problem-based learning;

    modeling activity;

    search activity;

    information and communication technologies;

    health-saving technologies;

Interdisciplinary connections.

with Russian language lessons: recording individual expressions, sentences, paragraphs from the texts of the works being studied;

with fine arts lessons: design of creative works, participation in drawing exhibitions when defending projects;

with computer science lessons: presentation design, selection of information from Internet resources.

with labor lessons: making various elements on project topics.

Possible results (“outputs”) of creative activity:



    magazine, flip book,






    music selection,

    visual aids,



    series of illustrations,

    fairy tale,


    wall newspaper,

    souvenir craft,

    study guide,

    photo album,


When drawing up the work program, the following was used educational and methodological complex:

    Balyazin V.N. Interesting history of Russia - M.: publishing house "First of September", 2001.

    Plotkin G.M. Materials and educational tasks on Russian history - M.: Education: Textbook. lit., 2000.

    Kozlenko S.I. Story. All-Russian Olympiads. Issue 1 - M.: Education, 2008.

    Utkina E.V. School Olympiads. Story. Grades 5-9. - M.: Iris-press, 2006.

    Stepanishchev A.T. 300 problems on the history of Russia from ancient times to the present day: Didactic materials - M.: Bustard, 2001.

    Varakina I.I., Paretskova S.V. Extracurricular activities on the history of Russia, grades 10-11. - Volgograd, “Teacher-AST”, 2005.

Digital educational resources (electronic textbooks)

1. Lessons of world history from Cyril and Methodius. Ancient world.
2. Lessons of world history from Cyril and Methodius. Middle Ages.
3. Lessons of world history from Cyril and Methodius. New time.
4. Lessons of world history from Cyril and Methodius. Modern times.
5.Lessons of Russian history of Cyril and Methodius until the 19th century.
6.Lessons of Russian history of Cyril and Methodius in the 19th and 20th centuries.
7. History of Russia. XX century in 4 parts.
8.From the Kremlin to the Reichstag.
9. Encyclopedia of Russian history.
10. Knight at a crossroads. Interactive problem book on the history of Russia 9th - 19th centuries.
11. Unified State Examination history.
12.An interesting story. Part 1.
13.An interesting story. Part 2.
14.Romanov Dynasty.
15. History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 16th century.


5th grade.

The world of symbols.

Creating an application.

Applique is a special means of visualization that introduces us to the world of symbols and conventions.

In this lesson, children are given the task of completing an application on a specific topic.

Sample topics:

"The emergence of agriculture and cattle breeding"

"The Invention of the Bow and Arrow."

There are two ways to perform the application:

1. Copying silhouettes of drawings and cutting them out.

2. Create your own image based on the proposed illustrations and cut it out. This path is much more difficult than the first; it requires not only artistic abilities, but also creative thinking.

In their work, it is important for children to grasp the essence of the problem and show the development of the phenomenon. You need to use a movable applique: at a certain moment, move the silhouettes, add new pictures, remove unnecessary ones.

Children need to demonstrate an example before starting work.

Hunting for mammoth.

People dig a huge hole - they line it up with branches - a mammoth appears - falls into the hole - people throw stones at it.

Historical modeling.

Material monuments embodied in simulated objects are companions of life of the past. Modeling develops creative abilities, replenishes historical knowledge and ideas, and forces an objective look at the historical past.

Modeling can be divided into several types:

    public buildings (temples, palaces, theaters)

    private buildings, tools, technical devices, weapons, household items, jewelry, clothing.

The “building” material for models is: cardboard, paper, splinter, bars, plywood, round sticks, pine bark, plasticine, glue, cotton wool soaked in paste (modeling bas-reliefs, domes), plaster. To imitate a landscape, the following can be used: sawdust painted in the desired color, crushed chalk, sponge, gouache, paint.

Before making a layout, you need to do some preliminary work:

    Find and study information on the object whose layout you want to make;

    Draw the drawing according to scale. First, a drawing is made from plain paper and cut out, only after you figure out what will happen, you need to move on to the original drawing.

Sample topics:"Primitive Dwelling", "Shaduf".

"Primitive Dwelling".

Material: sticks, unpeeled bark, pieces of bark, straw, writing paper covered with cotton wool and painted to imitate animal skins.

Models of huts, pile buildings, caves, and dolmens can be presented.

Shaduf model. (Somewhat reminiscent of a village “crane”).

The well itself is made of red material (plasticine, plaster, clay). A rod is taken for the rocker, a stone is tied to one end, and a bucket to the other. The rocker arm is attached to the recess. A gutter is attached next to the well through which water will flow.

"Conversation" with a historical figure.


    Selecting a historical figure (determine who will play the role). Search for information.

    Drawing up a simple plan for the text.

    You can use the “reverse” method, imagine the life of the people of the period under study, select groups of the population that had a positive attitude towards the activities of the selected individual (or negative).

    Think through your dialogue (as representatives of a specific group).

Entertaining tasks.

5th grade.

Assignment for the block “World of Symbols”.

Task 1. The cryptogram encrypts the name of one of the heroes of Ancient Greece. Find a way to solve it and answer the question why this hero is famous.

Task 3 . Come up with an ending to the fairy tale.

In Ancient Egypt, a fairy tale about an enchanted prince was created. Its end has not survived. This is the beginning of this tale.

“Once upon a time there was a pharaoh. His son was born. This was the only and long-awaited child that Pharaoh begged from the gods. But the prince is bewitched and from his birth the goddesses predict that he will die young either from a crocodile, or from a snake, or from a dog. This is fate that no one can change

But the prince's parents want to outsmart fate. They separated their son from all living things - they placed the boy in a large tower and assigned a faithful servant to him.

Years pass. The boy grows up and begins to become interested in the world around him. Somehow down below he notices some strange creature on four legs... “This is a dog,” the servant explains to the surprised child. “Let them bring me the same one!” - asks the prince. And they give him a puppy, which he raises in the tower.

But then the boy becomes a young man, and his parents are forced to explain to him why he lives alone, strictly guarded, in this tower. The prince convinces his father that fate cannot be avoided. And he lets him go on a long journey.

Accompanied by his faithful servant and dogs, the prince reaches the country of Syria in a chariot. Here, too, a beautiful princess lives in a high tower. She will go to the wife of the one who shows heroic strength and jumps to a height of 70 cubits right into the window of the tower from which this princess is looking out.

No one succeeds and only our hero makes this jump and gets to her. At first sight they fell in love with each other. But the princess’s father does not want to give his daughter as a wife to some unknown Egyptian. The fact is that the prince hid his origins and passed himself off as the son of a warrior who had fled from an evil stepmother. But the princess doesn’t want to hear anything about anyone else. “If they take this young man away from me, I won’t eat, I won’t drink, I’ll die at that very hour!” My father had to give in.

The young people got married. They are happy. But the princess began to notice that her husband was sometimes sad. And he reveals to her a terrible secret, talks about the prediction of the goddesses: I am doomed to three destinies - a crocodile, a snake, a dog.” Then his wife told him: “Order the dog to be killed.” He answered her: “No, I will not order to kill the dog that I took as a puppy and raised.”

The princess decides to prevent the terrible fate hanging over her husband, and she succeeds twice. The first time she saves him from a snake that crawled into the bedroom. Having a presentiment of the danger threatening the prince, the princess put a cup of milk in the bedroom, and the snake, before biting the prince, attacked the milk. Meanwhile, the princess woke up, called the maid for help, and together they crushed the reptile.

The newlyweds go to Egypt, and then the princess again saves her husband - this time from a crocodile. And then the next day came..."

At this point the text on the papyrus breaks off. How do you think the fairy tale ended?