How is the distribution going at the military registration and enlistment office? How they are selected for military units at a collection point. Sending to the army immediately after school

Every conscript will face this. A gathering or recruiting station is a place from where all future soldiers leave for their new units to begin their service. What will they receive from the state? What will they go in and what will they take with them?

Please note, the article is from 2015, so the photo shows an old-style uniform and accessories. I have published a new article. It contains everything about what a conscript is given at the assembly point in 2017. I advise you to read it first, and then, just for fun, you can come back here and compare how it was and how it is. Which shape do you prefer, old or new? Write in the comments.

If you do not understand what a collection or conscription center is, then I advise you to read this article. There I talk in detail about what kind of place it is and what activities take place there day after day.

And I'll get down to business right away.

I’ll start by whining that from the moment you are assigned to a team to be sent to a unit until the moment you actually go to this unit, a couple of hours can pass. And even more.

It all depends on the “buyer” who will come for you. If he is slow, then the whole team will slow down, skip lines, and so on... Time will be spent on paperwork, passing the final medical examination, taking photographs and much more.

You get things at the very end. Just before leaving. Therefore, let’s quickly figure out what exactly you should receive at your collection point. I divided all things into 3 categories. Let's start with the basics.

The basis

The basis of everything, of course, is the clothing in which you will serve all year. Let's go from head to toe.

  • Headdress

There are two types of hats. One is given to those who are called up in the spring draft. Another one for those who are in autumn.

For example, I was drafted in the summer, when it was warm. That's why they gave me the first option.

  • Mike

It is definitely given to those who are drafted in the spring. As for the autumn season, in theory they should give out underwear. It is warmer than a T-shirt and shorts in the summer version.

But these are just my assumptions and guesses. If among the readers there are those who were called up in the autumn conscription not so long ago, let me know!

  • Underpants

I’ll immediately answer the question that my family asked me during our first meeting after the draft:

“Vlad, how often do you change your underwear?”

The answer is once a week. In any season. Change once a week.

If you want, of course, you can wash it yourself and dry it on yourself. No one here is doing this.

  • Jacket

The jacket is something like an army shirt. It has several pockets. Two on the chest and two on the arms.

  • Trousers

These are, of course, not army trousers, but something similar to them.

There are even more pockets here: 4 in the front and 2 in the back.

Interesting fact: Nothing can be carried in the two lower front pockets. They are intended for the magazines of your machine gun.

  • 2 belts

Why two? Everything is simple here. In winter, a green waist belt is worn over a pea coat. (More on the latter below) Without a trouser belt, you can lose your pants!

  • Socks

Regular black socks. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that at the collection point they only give out one pair of socks.

They are black and very long. Knee-deep. I won't tell you the material. But I will say that they are warm enough, so they are issued in one copy and for the whole year.

  • Berts

The main attribute of a soldier, if I understand the common stereotype correctly. Well, maybe he still takes it.

Berts can be of completely different models. There is no single style that is issued throughout the country. For some they are like in the photo, for others they are a little different. The differences are small, but they are there.

This is all the basics that are given to the conscript at the assembly point. Now let’s talk about additional uniforms, after which we will move on to the “gadgets” category.


  • White scarf

I think there is no point in talking about the purposes for which the scarf was invented.

But I will probably still say that it cannot be used in the army. I'm playing trump card ;-)

Why not? Of course, we asked this question as soon as we found out. The answer was received in army style.

“Imagine the situation. You are walking down the street and see a girl crying. You must help her, and out of a sense of duty, you give her your dirty, shoe polish-stained (or worse...) once-white handkerchief. Would you be pleased to do this yourself?”

This situation, of course, can happen. Although the probability is small. In general, there is some truth in these words.

It was enough for me to stop using the statutory headscarf and switch to my own.

  • Foot towel

What, you didn’t expect it?! I definitely didn't expect that! When this was announced to us, we were simply shocked.
The result is quite simple. Towels hang and are never changed. After all, none of us ever use them...

  • Duffel bag

Cool stuff! It looks so-so, but is actually very comfortable. The following two things are attached to the sides...

  • Pea coat

Roughly speaking, this is a winter army jacket. We have already managed to get them and wear them several times. The pea coat is very warm and pleasant!

  • Winter pants

They say that these pants are so warm that they are not even used in the army. With the exception of the far North and particularly frosty weather, of course.

For example, we haven’t even gotten them yet.

I also have no experience using it yet. We were given a green one. Looks absolutely useless.

Talked to old-timers. They say that there is some benefit from it. I don't rule out a placebo effect. ;-)

Note: conscripts of the autumn conscription put on a peacoat, muffler, and possibly winter pants immediately, at the collection point. We simply attached them to a duffel bag and took them with us.

  • Mug and spoon

Don't be put off by their appearance. Things are useful, but it may turn out that they are not useful to you. Find out why below.

  • VTB 24 bank card (how to check the balance of the VTB 24 card can be found on the website via the link)

Partly because of its design, you will have to sit in the distributor for a long time.

The amount of your allowance depends on the unit in which you are going to serve. The hotter the spot, the more money will flow onto the card every month.

I am not serving in a hot spot, so I receive the standard amount of pay for a conscript soldier: 2,000 rubles per month. As far as I know, this is the minimum amount.

My friend served in North Ossetia. I received 13,000 rubles a month there.

The maximum amount with all allowances (appears during service) that I have heard about is 18,000 rubles per month.

As for the next category, as far as I know, not everyone gets things from here. That's why it's called "Luxury".


  • SIM cards

This thing also surprised me. It turns out there is a cool social project called. It is aimed specifically at the military personnel of our country.

The point is that you are given 2 SIM cards (and we were given 3!), one of which you take for yourself, and the other you give to your mother (or whoever you want).

The country's TOP 4 mobile operators are involved in this project, and each of them supports certain regions of Russia.

For example, we were given 3 MTS SIM cards with the option of free conversation with each other every day for 20 minutes. And this regardless of where you are located!

Even if you are in St. Petersburg, and your mother is in Sakhalin. Cool, right?!

To be honest, it was only thanks to preparing for writing this article that I learned how to correctly spell and pronounce this word - toilette.

According to the law, as I understand it, it must be issued throughout the country to absolutely all conscripts. In fact... We live in Russia, guys. I heard conversations from comrades that in our conscription they were not issued everywhere.

In any case, the toiletry case is a truly luxurious thing! It has everything and even several times more that a soldier needs for a comfortable life.

But in general, it seems to me that representatives of the fair half of humanity contributed a large number of their gentle hands to its creation.

Judge for yourself. The army toiletry kit includes the following items:

  1. Toothpaste.
  2. Toothbrush.
  3. Shaver.
  4. Cartridge with replaceable blades.
  5. Shaving gel and aftershave gel.
  6. Men's shampoo-shower gel.
  7. Hand cream.
  8. Washing gel.
  9. Men's deodorant.
  10. Hand gel.
  11. Foot gel.
  12. Sewing kit with needles and threads in white, green and black.
  13. Towel.
  14. Set of plasters.
  15. Folding silicone glass with lid.
  16. Nail clippers.
  17. Hygienic lip balm.
  18. Comb.
  19. Mirror.

It even seems to me that this is not all! In three months of service, I have not yet had the feeling that I have mastered the entire content of this miracle of human thought.

I still find something new in this little school pencil case.

In general, the thing is really worthwhile. And I won’t put it in any other categories.

  • Wrist watch

I know that only a few are issued. Often smeared. I saw them on only one person from the battalion. I didn't have time to take a photo.

A nice bonus, don't you agree?!

How much do army items cost?

I re-read the article as a reader. I have this question. If all these things are given to every soldier every conscription, then how much money is needed to equip the entire Russian army?

In fact, things are much cheaper than they look. They are incredibly useful, some are even very high quality.

And our military registration and enlistment office, by the way, answered this question with the usual insert into military ID cards. Here they are - prices “for the entire product range”.

You can buy it at Voentorg if you like it. And if you want it for free, join the army, friends. ;-)

This was only the first article from a new section. Further more! After all, the autumn conscription of 2015 is just around the corner. Starts on October 1st.

Read my blog and leave comments. See you later!

Happy to stay

The first step towards military service should be the registration of a young man with the military registration and enlistment office. This happens after he turns 17 years old. In accordance with Russian legislation, the time allotted for this is the period between January 1 and the last day of March.

Then your son is sent to a medical commission, during which the decision is made whether he is fit to serve in the Armed Forces.

If the child has any health problems, the parents will need to collect relevant certificates confirming the diagnosis before the medical examination. On this basis, he will be able to receive either a deferment or a complete exemption from military service.

However, those who did not manage to do this in time should not worry too much - the verdict of the first medical commission is not considered final, and is not taken into account when the decision is made later to draft the young man.

After this, the young man is given a registration certificate, and he becomes a conscript.

Second phase

When the guy turns 18, he will undergo another examination. He is invited to the medical examination with a personal notice - a summons. It is handed over to him personally against signature. It is worth noting in this regard that the following should not be considered legal:

  • invitation by phone;
  • transmission of the summons through parents.

Having received the notification, the young man appears at the military registration and enlistment office on the specified date and time to undergo a medical examination. The following doctors are required to be on the committee:

  • surgeon;
  • therapist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • neurologist;
  • dentist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • otorhinolaryngologist.

If necessary, it is allowed to invite other specialists.

The task of doctors, among other things, is to determine the category of suitability for each young man. His future service, in particular, will depend on this. So:

  • group “A” means that the young man is fully fit for military service without any restrictions;
  • “B” – there are some contraindications;
  • “B” – suitability for military service is significantly limited;
  • “G” – temporarily incapable;
  • “D” – completely unfit for health reasons.

The first two categories are subject to conscription. The third assumes that the young man is sent to the reserve, with a military ID issued to him. He will be drafted into the army only in the event of a full-scale war.

Those in group “G” receive only a deferment.

Persons with the following diseases will not join the Armed Forces:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • epilepsy;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • hypertension;
  • chronic kidney disease;
  • congenital anatomical defects;
  • oncological diseases;
  • blood pathologies;
  • poor vision;
  • mental problems, etc.

A delay is given to those who are seriously ill, but a cure is guaranteed to occur. For example, category “G” includes young men with fractures.

Possible problems

It is quite obvious that doctors are not able to make a diagnosis during an examination. Thus, if your son has a certain illness, he needs to write a statement, which must contain a requirement to send him for additional examination to a specialized medical institution.

In a situation where military registration and enlistment office workers refuse this, declaring that they do not see any health problems with the young man, a complaint is written to the chairman of the draft commission. When this does not help, the complaint is sent to his superiors.

If parents do not agree with the conclusion of the military commissariat doctors, they have the right to send the child for an independent examination. However, you should be prepared to fork out the cash - this procedure is usually paid.

Draft commission

As noted above, upon completion of the medical examination, the young man must appear directly at the draft board. This body, having familiarized itself with the conclusions of experts, makes the final decision. Here a young person can receive, depending on his state of health:

  • deferment;
  • liberation.

Also, if he has no significant problems, he will be considered fit.

Among other things, the above body determines which troops the conscript will serve in, based on:

  • medical restrictions;
  • level of education;
  • existing skills;
  • the young man's own desire.

If there are any circumstances that give the right to apply for a deferment, the young person will need to present supporting documents to the commission.

It is worth noting that until the young man passes a medical examination, he cannot qualify for a deferment due to:

  • study;
  • the emergence of family circumstances.

This means that if, for example, the husband brings all the necessary papers, he will not be able to receive release. Failure to appear at the military commissariat is considered as evasion, which is punishable by law.

The decision of the above authority can be challenged by filing a complaint with a higher authority or by going to court.

If the draft commission does not find any reason or does not want to release the young man from the army or grant a deferment, then he is sent directly from the military registration and enlistment office to the so-called collection point. From here he, along with others fit for military service, will be sent by military units. The time begins to count down after the young man receives the status of private.

Sending to the army immediately after school

Do they have the right to be drafted after finishing school? No! It is worth noting that even those young men who are already 18 years old are given the opportunity to enroll in a university. According to Russian law, after passing the final exams, he will automatically have a deferment until September inclusive. This time is quite enough for enrollment in the institute.

Among other things, the law specifies that the right to a deferment is granted to those who have achieved satisfactory marks in the final examinations. Thus, this category includes everyone who passed the Unified State Exam more or less successfully.

It is worth noting that a student cannot be removed from the institute if he is a full-time student, even when he turns 20 years old. Thus, having received a summons for a medical examination, they should not worry - a medical examination and a summons are far from the same thing.

A detailed photo report about the path that each conscript takes - from the military registration and enlistment office to distribution. Oh, mom, I'm going to the army.

Leningrad regional military registration and enlistment office, also known as the Leningrad regional assembly point on the river embankment. Fontanka-90. Conscripts from all districts of the region, from the district departments of the military registration and enlistment office, come here before being sent to the army.

Almost all employees of the military registration and enlistment office are now civilians. They are engaged in professional psychological selection and documentary training of conscripts before sending them to a military unit. Here, for each conscript, an assignment is given to a specific type of troops.

In total, during the spring conscription, the Leningrad region must provide 3,500 recruits to the armed forces. Of these, at least 15% must have higher education.

All conscripts sent to the unit undergo mandatory medical examination. inspection. There is an opinion that the inspection is a formality. In fact, it can be transferred from the A-1 fitness category to A-2 and the conscript will no longer be sent to the landing force, but will easily be taken into the infantry. It happens that the commission doubts the suitability of a conscript and sends him for additional examination. The probability of this is 0.2%.

All doctors on the medical commission are civilians. Half of them are permanently on staff, half are recruited from local medical institutions for the duration of the call.

As a rule, a conscript arrives at a collection point and leaves for his unit within 24 hours. But some stay on it for up to 3 days. For example, when sending to distant regions is formed. Therefore, all conditions for life have been created at the assembly point.

Military registration and enlistment offices try to send people to serve at their place of residence. But, since the Western Military District is the most densely populated, and military units are scattered throughout the country, those who have good reasons for this (single mother, pregnant wife, etc.) are the first to serve their region.

A buyer comes from each military unit to pick up conscripts.

The buyer looks at the contingent provided to him by the military registration and enlistment office, conducts a psychological conversation with him and, if the result is unsatisfactory, may ask to replace the conscript.

According to tradition, for the last few years, all conscripts receive a military uniform at the military registration and enlistment office.

There is a lot of debate about the advantages and disadvantages of the new form. As I was told, those who are dissatisfied with the new uniform simply do not know how to wear it.

The conscript's civilian clothes are not thrown away. She can be sent home at the expense of the Ministry of Defense.

From the military registration and enlistment office we go to the military unit in Sertolovo (Leningrad region).

There is a training unit in Sertolovo, where young soldiers will receive military specialties for 3 months in order to then continue serving in other units.

In the unit, the recruits are immediately met by the commander and checked their personal belongings.

For hygiene purposes, socks are replaced with foot wraps. Winter items of ammunition are put into storage.

Under the guidance of sergeants, recruits fill out medical books and write their first letters home. In general, writing letters home is a regular, obligatory task, because... some soldiers forget about this and worry at home.

According to the old army tradition, a conditionally old soldier passes on his army experience to young recruits.

While conscripts are getting acquainted with army life, commanders decide who to train for what specialty. Some as a tank driver, some as a sniper. This depends on many factors - civilian specialty, education, psychological predisposition, etc.

This is what a conscript's first day in the army looks like.

Determination of the type of troops
The type of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies is determined based on a study of citizens who are not in the reserve. They study all citizens liable for military service for conscription and rational distribution of them among types, branches of the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies (clause 22 of the Instructions, approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated October 2, 2007 N 400).

The study of citizens who are not in the reserves is carried out in two stages (clause 25 of the Instructions).
The first stage is the study of all citizens who, based on the results of initial military registration, are recognized as fit for military service or fit for military service with minor restrictions. The study is carried out from the moment of initial military registration until citizens reach the age of 18 years.
The second stage is the study of citizens who, based on the results of the first stage of the study, are subject to conscription for military service and do not have the right to exemption from military duty and conscription for military service, or to a deferment from conscription. This stage is carried out during the period of preparation and conduct of events related to their conscription for military service (after citizens reach the age of 18 years).

Citizens are studied by accumulating and systematizing information about their state of health and physical development, psychological, moral and business qualities, education, professional training, and marital status.

During the study, documents containing information about the citizen are analyzed, including those received from organizations where he works (studies), from medical institutions, internal affairs bodies, inquiry bodies, preliminary investigation bodies and federal courts, civil registry authorities, public organizations that train citizens for military service, from organizations that operate residential premises, and educational institutions that train citizens in military specialties.

Individual conversations are also conducted with the citizen, his parents (other legal representatives), and teachers of the educational institution where he works or studies (clause 24 of the Instructions).
In addition, when studying citizens, the training they received in military-patriotic youth and children's associations is also taken into account (clause 2 of article 14, article 15 of the Law of March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ).
Based on the results of the first stage of studying citizens, the military commissioner preliminarily determines the branch of the military to which the citizen can be sent for military service upon conscription (clause 14 of the Instructions).
Based on the results of the second stage, the military commissar draws up a study sheet for the conscript, which includes a conclusion on his preliminary appointment to a certain branch of the Armed Forces (paragraphs 27, 28 of the Instructions).
During conscription for military service, citizens are subject to professional psychological selection (testing). Based on an assessment of psychological qualities and taking into account the education and professional preparedness of conscripts, a specialist in professional psychological selection (employee of the department of the military commissariat) makes a conclusion on the advisability of distributing them among the branches of the Armed Forces (clause 37 of the Instructions).
When making a decision on conscription, the draft commission reasonably determines the branch of the Armed Forces where the citizen will be sent for military service (clause 51 of the Instructions).

Determining the place of military service

The specific place of military service is determined at the city assembly point by the conscription commission of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation when sending a citizen to the Armed Forces.

Conscripts with children, as well as sick and elderly parents (women over 55 years old, men over 60 years old), but who do not have the right to a deferment from conscription for military service, are, if possible, sent for military service to military units of the Armed Forces , other troops, military formations and bodies stationed near their place of residence, within the established norms for conscription of citizens for military service for the relevant municipalities. In this case, the citizen must submit documents confirming these circumstances to the draft commission (clause 38 of the Instructions).
Citizens have no other grounds for choosing a place for military service.

Prepared based on the material
lawyer Trignin V.G.,
Moscow Bar Association
"Military Bar Association"

Contract soldier Alexander, who himself has experience in selecting recruits, at the request of the editors, wrote about how young recruits are recruited into various military units.

In connection with the beginning of the next conscription, the editors of the site asked me to write something for the conscripts, so I will share my experience in selecting young recruits. I already have, so this time I’ll just briefly retell the list of things:

1) cheap phone with charger
2) wash accessories
3) I’m going for a day
4) money
5) cigarettes (if you smoke)

After the medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, if you are found fit, you will be told when to come to the military registration and enlistment office and on that day you will be taken to the regional assembly point. Teams will be formed there to be sent to military units. The assembly point is a security facility; there are military personnel on it who will keep order and will not allow friends and parents in there. There you will undergo another medical examination and wait for assignment to the team. After the medical examination, you will be taken to a waiting room (this is a room with benches and a table), where officers will come and conduct an interview. I recommend maintaining discipline and silence, but I understand perfectly well that I will not achieve anything with this.

During the interview, officers will ask about your family, what you did before being drafted, your desire to serve, your plans for the future, your expectations, your criminal record, your education, and they may ask smart questions. I don’t think it’s worth lying or not telling anything about anything, because, firstly, the officer will have a personal matter, and secondly, any deception will come out. If you don’t want to serve, then it’s better to say so right away.

After the interview, when you are assigned to the team, you will be seated together, and it is better to stick together with your team. The next day you will be given a uniform - this will be your first day as a soldier. From the moment the form is issued, an officer or sergeant will be with your team and will accompany you to the unit. They will answer questions, help with putting things in a duffel bag, and explain how to wear the uniform. From now on, it is better to listen carefully and remember everything that those accompanying your team say. You can find out from them where they will take you, call your parents and tell them about it.

After some time, you will be taken to the station, where you can chat with relatives and friends. If you see your parents and friends, then you don’t need to immediately run to them, wait for the officer’s instructions, then go up to him and tell him that they have come to see you, and try not to go far. I would also advise you not to take pictures in military uniform, because in a year you will look at your photos like a university graduate at a first-grader, but here it is as you wish.

Then you will be put on a train and you will go to your unit. On the train you should maintain discipline, not disturb the peace of other passengers, and listen to the instructions of the officers. And you don’t need to spend all your money on the train, as it will come in handy later.