How to bake a cake in a large pan. Cupcakes in silicone molds - simple recipes with photos

    First, remove the margarine from the refrigerator and let it stand at room temperature. You can replace margarine with butter, then the muffins will have a more delicate taste. Rinse the raisins under running water, put them in a bowl and pour boiling water over them. Wait until the raisins swell.

    Place a piece of margarine in a bowl and add a glass of sugar to it. Grind the mixture thoroughly. Then, one by one, add raw chicken eggs to the butter and sugar and stir everything with a whisk.

    Sift premium flour through a sieve to saturate it with oxygen and get rid of lumps. Then add the flour to the bowl with the remaining ingredients. Quench the baking soda with vinegar and pour the mixture into a bowl. Instead of baking soda, you can use baking powder. Throw in a pinch of salt. Drain the raisins, squeeze them and add them to the bowl. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Turn on the oven and preheat to one hundred and sixty degrees.

    Take muffin tins. It is best to use silicone ones. Metal ones must first be greased with vegetable oil so that the dough does not stick to them. Fill the molds two-thirds full with batter, as the cupcakes will rise and increase in size during baking.

    Place the molds with the dough in the oven and bake the muffins for forty minutes. Then remove the finished dish from the oven, cool, remove from the molds and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Serve with tea or coffee.

It turns out incredibly tasty and tender. Today you will be presented with two different options for preparing this delicacy. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Delicious cupcakes: recipes with photos of finished products

The dough for such sweet pastries is kneaded quite quickly. Moreover, cupcakes are baked in the oven in just 35-38 minutes. However, this process may take a long time due to the fact that the special molds where the aromatic base is placed may include only 6-12 recesses. That is why it is recommended to purchase several silicone products, which will significantly speed up the baking of homemade delicacies.

So, to prepare delicious and soft muffins, the recipe of which is based on kefir, you should prepare the following products:

  • large chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 2/3 cup;
  • cream margarine (it is advisable to take the most expensive and good one) - 250 g;
  • light wheat flour - about 4 cups;
  • thick fatty kefir - 400 ml;
  • medium-sized table salt - ½ dessert spoon;
  • black seedless raisins - 1 full glass;
  • baking soda and 6% table vinegar - a dessert spoon each;
  • vegetable oil for greasing molds.

Preparing the dough

(the recipe for this dessert is very simple) will turn out fluffy, soft and tasty only if you mix the base correctly. To do this, you need to beat chicken eggs with a mixer, pour in fat kefir and add granulated sugar. All ingredients should be mixed well and set aside for a while until the sweet product is almost completely dissolved. In the meantime, you need to start preparing the second part of the base. To do this, you need to completely defrost the creamy margarine, grind it with your hands along with light wheat flour, and then add table salt to them and mix thoroughly.

Once both parts of the dough are ready, you should start mixing them. To do this, you need to pour the kefir-egg mixture into margarine crumbs, as a result of which you should form a semi-liquid base (like for pancakes). You need to add baking soda slaked with table vinegar and mix well. It should be noted that if your dough is too thick, then it is advisable to dilute it with a small amount. If this is not done, then the kefir muffins, the recipe for which we are considering, will turn out to be tough and not very tasty.

To make this dessert more satisfying and appetizing, chefs recommend adding seedless black raisins to it. However, before this, the purchased dried fruit should be carefully processed. To do this, it must be cleared of existing debris, washed well, poured with boiling water, kept in it for about 20 minutes, and then rinsed and drained again. Next, you need to pour the processed seedless raisins into the dough and mix everything thoroughly.

Baking process

Kefir cupcakes, the recipe of which calls for the use of only simple and accessible ingredients, are baked quite quickly. To do this, you need to take silicone molds and grease them well with vegetable oil using a pastry brush. Next, you need to put semi-liquid dough with raisins into each cavity. Its quantity depends entirely on what form you choose. However, it is recommended to fill the recess no more than 2/3 full. Indeed, during the heat treatment process, kefir dough rises quite significantly.

After the silicone molds are filled, they should be placed in the oven, which must be preheated. It is advisable to bake such products for no more than 40 minutes, until blush appears. Next, you need to take out the dishes and tip them over a wide bowl or cutting board with a sharp movement. If the muffins do not come out of the grooves on their own, then they need to be lightly pryed with a dinner fork.

Proper serving of dessert to the table

Prepared cupcakes in silicone molds (recipe presented above) should be served hot or cooled along with aromatic tea or cocoa. If desired, such products can be sprinkled with powdered sugar or the top of the dessert can be dipped in melted chocolate.

Soft and tender recipe

This homemade delicacy is not only very tasty, but also healthy. After all, cottage cheese contains a large amount of calcium and other microelements.

So, to prepare the dessert we will need:

  • granulated sugar - 200 g;
  • large chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • dry coarse-grained cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • sifted light flour - 200 g;
  • fresh butter - 160 g;
  • table soda - dessert spoon.

Dough kneading process

The base for such a dessert is no more complicated than in the previous recipe. To do this, you need to break the chicken eggs into a deep bowl and beat them with a mixer at maximum speed until the volume increases 3-4 times. After this, you need to put dry coarse cottage cheese, table soda and granulated sugar into the same container. After mixing all the ingredients together, they should be left at room temperature for a short time until the sweet product dissolves. Meanwhile, crumble the fresh butter into a large bowl, then sift the wheat flour into it and rub both ingredients together with your hands until fine, uniform crumbs form.

Finally, both parts of the dough must be combined and mixed thoroughly. As a result, you should have a fluffy and soft base, similar to buttercream.

Baking cupcakes

You can use both metal and silicone molds for products. If you do not have such utensils, then you can use a regular frying pan or a large cake pan. Thus, the molds should be thoroughly greased with vegetable oil, and then placed 1 or 1.5 dess. in each of the recesses. spoons of curd base. Next, the filled dishes must be placed in a preheated oven and kept in it for no more than half an hour. During this time, the muffins should rise, become golden brown and fully cooked. Baked products must be removed from the molds by turning them over, and then placed on a large plate and cooled slightly.

How to serve homemade dessert correctly?

Delicious and tender cupcakes, the recipe of which is based on coarse-grained cottage cheese, turn out soft, fluffy and very tasty. After they have partially cooled, the products must be placed on a plate and presented to the table along with hot and sweet tea. Bon appetit!

  1. You can prepare homemade muffins not only with raisins, but also using ingredients such as crushed nuts (walnuts, almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, etc.) or other dried fruits (dried apricots, apricots, kumquat, etc.). Curd products with lemon zest also turn out very tasty.
  2. You can bake this delicacy in the oven using muffin holders. In addition, some housewives use special silicone molds to prepare this dessert, with which you can make standard cupcakes, but with a recess inside. Any cake cream can be used as a filling for such products.

Silicone molds are baking utensils that are actively used by modern housewives. Thanks to the special material from which the molds are made, it is possible to bake an airy dessert with a uniform golden color; baked goods in such dishes do not burn and are perfectly baked. Whatever dough you choose for cupcakes in silicone molds, the dish will come out tender, airy and soft. If earlier attempts or small muffins using other forms were not always successful, then baking in silicone forms always comes out.

How to bake cupcakes in silicone molds: recipes with photos

If you don’t know how to make or how to bake cupcakes in silicone molds, then first you should decide on your taste preferences. It comes not only sweet, covered with icing or fondant. There are recipes for making dietary, savory (for example, potato), snack and other types of muffins. But the greatest demand is for sweet options, such as those prepared for children. From the recipes below you can choose the type of baking you like.

Delicious curd muffins with raisins


  • 300 g of cottage cheese (the fattier it is, the more tender the dough will be);
  • 200 g butter or high-quality margarine;
  • 2 tbsp. l. potato or corn starch;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 165 g flour;
  • 1 tsp with a heap of baking powder for dough;
  • 165 g granulated sugar;
  • raisins - a handful to taste.
  1. Curd muffins in silicone molds will turn out tastier if you use homemade fatty cottage cheese when kneading the dough. But even if you use a low-fat or low-fat fermented milk product, the muffins will bake perfectly and have a rich taste. Mix cottage cheese with sugar and thoroughly mash the ingredients with a fork or blender.
  2. Add beaten eggs and starch.
  3. Add softened butter in small portions to the curd mass.
  4. Sift the wheat flour through a sieve along with baking powder and add to the rest of the ingredients.
  5. Rinse the raisins first and add hot water. Leave it in boiling water for a few minutes until it swells and becomes soft. Strain and cool the dried fruits, pat dry with a paper towel and combine with the curd dough.
  6. Knead the dough, fill silicone molds with it two-thirds of the volume and bake at 180 degrees in the oven for 25 minutes.

Quick chocolate muffins with cherries


  • 35 g quality cocoa powder;
  • 5 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 400 g frozen cherries (fresh can be used);
  • 215 g wheat flour;
  • 1 stack granulated sugar;
  • 1 sachet of baking powder (baking powder);
  • 275 ml filtered purified water;
  • a pinch of salt.

Cooking sequence:

  1. In a deep bowl, mix all the bulk ingredients: sugar, cocoa, sifted flour, a pinch of salt and baking powder.
  2. Pour water and milk into the dry mixture.
  3. Thaw frozen cherries and drain the juice. If fresh berries are used, remove their seeds. Combine cherries with prepared ingredients.
  4. Using a whisk, without whisking too much, knead into a homogeneous dough, which should come out liquid in consistency, reminiscent of thin sour cream.
  5. Pour the cake batter into several small or one large silicone mold. Send it to bake not in the oven, but in the microwave. The cupcakes will be ready in 8-10 minutes at 800 W.

Cooked with milk and jam

You will need:

  • 1 stack fat milk;
  • 7-8 tbsp. l.favorite jam (preferably with a sour taste);
  • 2 stacks. flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • glasses of granulated sugar;
  • 1 tsp soda (quenching with vinegar is not necessary);
  • cinnamon - on the tip of a knife;
  • 2 tbsp cocoa powder.


  1. If you have a food processor or mixer, then place all the ingredients listed in the product list into a deep bowl and knead the dough, which should resemble thick sour cream in structure and consistency.
  2. If kneading by hand, combine all dry ingredients first.
  3. Then add milk, jam and egg, mix.
  4. Please note that the cupcakes will rise greatly during baking, so fill the silicone molds to a maximum of half the volume, or better yet, a third.
  5. How long does it take to bake cupcakes? It depends on the features of your oven. On average, to prepare small muffins you will need no more than 25 at a temperature of 180 degrees. Check readiness with a dry splinter.

A simple recipe for mini cupcakes with kefir

You will need:

  • 100 ml kefir;
  • 1 medium-sized chicken egg;
  • 75 g sugar;
  • 120-150 g flour;
  • 1 tsp baking powder;
  • 25 g butter;
  • berries.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Grind the egg with sugar until the grains of sand dissolve.
  2. Add baking powder and immediately pour in kefir, mix the mixture.
  3. Add softened or melted butter.
  4. Sifting, gradually add flour. While mixing the products, add enough flour to make a dough like thick sour cream.
  5. Fill silicone molds 2/3 full with dough.
  6. On top of each cupcake in the center, slightly deepening, place one berry (currant, strawberry, blueberry, apricot, apple slices).
  7. It is necessary to bake cupcakes in silicone molds for half an hour, setting the temperature at 180 degrees.

Baked with mayonnaise

Do I need to grease silicone muffin tins?

Silicone baking dishes were invented in order to make life easier for housewives and save them from the unnecessary labor associated with greasing molds before baking. If silicone molds are used correctly, according to the instructions, they will last a long time, and cupcakes prepared in them will not stick or burn. Most manufacturers recommend lubricating silicone molds with vegetable or butter before using the pan for the first time.

Wash your new molds thoroughly with a mild detergent. Leave them until dry. Before putting the dough into the molds for the first time, grease them with a thin layer of oil and leave for 7-10 minutes. According to the manufacturers, the oil will be absorbed into the silicone structure and form a protective fatty film that will always be present on the surface of the product. When using silicone utensils subsequently, the cake batter is poured into molds without pre-treating the utensils with fat.

Video: how to bake airy cupcakes in silicone molds

Cupcakes in silicone molds are a universal dessert that not only children, but also adults will not refuse to enjoy. With the help of step-by-step photo recipes, you can prepare delicious ones yourself. Cupcakes are also good because by adding different fillings to them each time (candied fruits, fresh berries or fruits, nuts), you will get new baked goods with an interesting taste. The video below will clearly show you the sequence of preparing airy and fluffy muffins.

Passing by fresh baked goods in the supermarket, we cannot miss the shelf with sweet and fragrant cupcakes. You won’t find any kind there: vanilla, chocolate, with berries or raisins. However, preparing such a favorite delicacy at home seems to be not an easy task. But, as they say, “the eyes fear, but the hands do,” and after trying it once, you will probably make cupcakes in paper molds, the recipes for which we will now present, your signature dish.

Paper forms may differ in density, and this characteristic must be treated with particular care. Thick molds are used independently, while thin ones are inserted into more reliable metal or silicone ones. You can also combine thin and dense shapes. Knowing this secret, you will surely prepare perfectly shaped cupcakes.

Simple recipe

The uniqueness of this option is that there is no need for prolonged whipping of butter into butter cream, since this ingredient is simply not in the recipe. Instead, a vegetable one is used, and a mixture of a small amount of ginger and cinnamon adds a spicy flavor. So, take notes, because now we will share the simplest of recipes.


  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • Flour - 1 glass;
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons;
  • Honey - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • Baking powder - 2 teaspoons;
  • Cinnamon and ginger - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. In a convenient deep container, mix all the dry ingredients: baking powder, flour (pre-sifted) and sugar. If you use spices, then you need to send them there already at this stage.
  2. Beat the eggs separately until thick foam forms. Then add melted honey in a steam bath (or in the microwave) or liquid honey and mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Now we combine the dry and liquid bases and bring the dough until smooth, and only after that add vegetable oil into it and mix again.
  4. The oven needs to be preheated to 180 degrees, in the meantime we spread the dough into paper forms. They need to be filled no more than 1/3, since under the influence of high temperatures the dough actively increases in volume. You can make a small surprise by placing fresh or frozen berries or pieces of dried fruit on the bottom of the mold.
  5. According to the recipe, mini-cupcakes need to be baked at the same 180 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes, it all depends on the features of the oven. Check for doneness using a wooden skewer by inserting it into the middle of the cake. If you take it out completely dry, then the baking is ready.

You can serve with berry or fruit syrup, different types of glaze, or simply sprinkled with powder.

Classic cupcake recipe

A classic of the genre, it is this that is considered the basis for the preparation of all other variations. This recipe for small muffins has been known for centuries. Of course, today's version is significantly different from those that appeared in England many centuries ago, however, the modern interpretation of the recipe has already become a classic.


  • Butter - 200 grams (can be replaced with the same amount of margarine);
  • Flour - 1 glass;
  • Sugar - 1-1.5 cups;
  • Eggs - 4 pieces (if large, then 3 is possible);
  • Salt - a pinch;

As a filler you can use raisins or other berries and dried fruits, chocolate chips. Their quantity depends only on your taste preferences.

Let's start cooking:

  1. After softening the butter, grind it with sugar until smooth and light. Then add eggs there, without stopping beating. This should be done in portions, adding one at a time and mixing.
  2. Then add the dry ingredients one by one. The flour must first be sifted. You can add any of the fillers you choose to the dough obtained in this way, and then mix it thoroughly. If using raisins, pour boiling water over them first and then sprinkle with a little flour. Such manipulations will help it spread throughout the dough without settling at the bottom.
  3. The baking temperature should be 180-200 degrees (depending on the oven), and in the meantime we distribute the dough into the molds, which we fill half or 2/3 full.
  4. They need to bake for about 20 minutes. Readiness can be checked using the method described above.

Curd joy

Everyone’s favorite cottage cheese muffins can be prepared not only in bulk form, but also by dividing them into small portions. It’s even more convenient, because each cupcake can be decorated separately, making the treat even more appetizing.


  • Flour - 200 grams;
  • Cottage cheese - 200 grams;
  • Eggs - 2-3 pieces;
  • Sugar - 150-200 grams;
  • Butter - 150 grams;
  • Baking powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • Any filler - to taste.

The process of their preparation is not particularly complicated:

  1. Beat eggs with sugar into a homogeneous thick mass.
  2. Grind the cottage cheese through a sieve. It is advisable to take one that is not very wet and greasy, so the cake will turn out more airy. Then we add it to the egg mixture and mix.
  3. Melt the butter and add it to the dough base. Mix.
  4. Mix the sifted flour with baking powder and add to the dough, kneading it thoroughly. Spices and fillers are also added at this stage.
  5. Now distribute the dough into the molds, leaving 1/3 free. Place them in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes.

This delicacy can be served either warm or already cooled with sour cream, fruit sauces or powdered sugar.

Meat muffins

Agree, this interpretation of them is quite unusual, because we are used to eating them exclusively sweet. Nevertheless, such an unusual dish can completely amaze your household, so it’s definitely worth the risk. For the recipe for muffins with meat, we will need the following ingredients:

  • Minced meat - 300 grams;
  • Potatoes - 5-6 pieces;
  • Onion - 1 piece (large);
  • Carrots - 1 piece;
  • Grated cheese - 1 cup (grated on a coarse grater);
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Sour cream - 1 tablespoon.


  1. Let the potatoes boil. At this time, fry the minced meat, grated carrots and chopped onions with a small amount of vegetable oil (preferably olive oil).
  2. Drain the water from the boiled potatoes and mash. Add minced meat fried with vegetables and ¾ cheese to it.
  3. Add separately beaten eggs to our “dough,” leaving about a tablespoon to grease the muffins before putting them in the oven.
  4. Fill the molds with dough, simultaneously heating the oven to 190 degrees. Before putting them in the oven, brush them with egg mixed with sour cream and sprinkle with the rest of the cheese.
  5. At this temperature, the cooking time will be approximately 30 minutes. A hint that the cupcakes are ready will be the golden brown crust that forms.

You can serve the finished baked goods with sour cream, mayonnaise, ketchup or other favorite sauce.

Thinking about what dessert to serve with tea? Make homemade cupcakes. They are very tasty, soft, satisfying and perfect for family tea drinking. We will present you the simplest recipes for cupcakes in molds.

Cupcakes in silicone molds in the oven

Silicone molds are the best option for baking. The cake won't burn in them, the middle will be well baked, and you won't have to spend money on baking paper.

Products for the recipe:

  • four eggs;
  • flour - 0.15 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 0.2 kg;
  • baking powder - 10 gr.

Step by step steps:

  1. Break the chicken eggs into a separate bowl. Shake the mixture with a whisk until white foam with bubbles appears.
  2. Gradually add sugar while continuing to whisk. The granulated sugar should completely dissolve.
  3. Pour baking powder into the flour and add everything together to the egg mixture.
  4. Use a spoon to form the dough; it should be runny.
  5. You can take one large silicone mold and then cut the cupcake into pieces with a knife, or take several small ones and bake beautiful little cupcakes.
  6. Place the dough into the molds.
  7. Turn on the oven in advance and set its temperature to 180 degrees.
  8. Cook the dough in the oven for 25 minutes.
  9. You can check how ready the treat is using a toothpick - just stick it into the cupcake. If the toothpick is dry, it means the dessert is completely baked.
  10. Remove the baked goods from the molds. You can decorate it in a variety of ways - sprinkle with powdered sugar, pour over chocolate or condensed milk.

A simple recipe - in a mug in 5 minutes

This recipe is for those who urgently need to serve something tasty for tea.

Grocery list:

  • sugar - 50 g;
  • dry cocoa - 30 g;
  • one egg;
  • vanilla - 3 g;
  • flour - 100 gr;
  • milk - 70 ml;
  • half a chocolate bar;
  • vegetable oil - 40 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour flour, sugar and cocoa into a large non-iron mug. Mix dry ingredients.
  2. Add the egg, add butter and milk.
  3. Use a spoon to form a lump-free dough.
  4. Add vanilla and chopped chocolate pieces.
  5. Close the mug with the future cupcake in the microwave. Set the timer for 3 minutes.
  6. Remove the finished dish from the mug. The entire cooking process takes 5 minutes. Bon appetit!

With milk

Recipe Ingredients:

  • sugar - 160 gr;
  • slaked soda - 8 g;
  • milk - 0.2 l;
  • sunflower oil - 90 ml;
  • two eggs;
  • vanilla sugar - 8 g;
  • flour - 350 gr.

How to make a milk cake:

  1. Mix two types of sugar together.
  2. Pour them into a bowl of milk and break the eggs into it.
  3. Pour soda with sifted flour and pour in sunflower oil.
  4. Knead the airy dough, first stirring with a spoon and then with your hands.
  5. Prepare the molds in advance. They can be made of silicone or ordinary iron. Grease them with oil inside.
  6. Fill out the forms with dough.
  7. Bring the oven on to 180 degrees. Cook the pastries for 25 minutes. Bon appetit!

On kefir

With kefir, the dough comes out more tender and fluffy.

You will need:

  • butter or margarine - 0.1 kg;
  • kefir - 220 ml;
  • sugar - 150 gr;
  • three eggs;
  • baking powder - 24 g;
  • first grade flour - 270 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 20 gr.

How to make cupcakes with kefir:

  1. Pour raw eggs from their shells into a mixture of regular and vanilla sugar.
  2. Take a piece of butter out of the refrigerator, soften it in the microwave and pour it over the eggs.
  3. Add kefir to the same bowl. Bring all ingredients until smooth.
  4. Gradually add flour, followed by baking powder.
  5. Thus, by kneading we get a slightly liquid, homogeneous dough.
  6. Place the cake mixture in a baking dish lined with special paper.
  7. Preheat the oven to medium temperatures. Cook the pechevo for 50 minutes.
  8. After using a toothpick to determine that the cupcakes are ready, cool them, remove them from the mold and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Homemade chocolate cupcakes

This incredibly tasty and beautiful chocolate cupcake will look great on any holiday table.

Required ingredients:

  • granulated sugar - 180 gr;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • cocoa - 65 gr;
  • two chicken eggs;
  • baking powder - 9 g;
  • margarine - 60 gr;
  • wheat flour - 0.2 kg;
  • chocolate drops - 100 gr.

How to make cupcake batter:

  1. Melt margarine in a water bath or in the microwave.
  2. Pour milk into margarine, add eggs.
  3. In another bowl, combine flour, cocoa powder and sugar, crushed on a sieve.
  4. Add bulk products to the container with liquid ingredients. Mix.
  5. Take special paper muffin cups and pour batter into each of them.
  6. Do not add it to the edges of the molds; the dough will still rise in the oven.
  7. Set the oven temperature to 180 degrees and bake for 15 minutes.
  8. You can add chocolate chips to the dough as a surprise.

Delicate and fluffy delicacy in a slow cooker

Amazingly delicious muffins are made in a slow cooker. In this recipe we will bake one large muffin. A multicooker bowl will serve as a baking dish.

You will need:

  • condensed milk - 380 gr;
  • soda - 5 g;
  • flour - 200 gr;
  • egg - 2 pcs;
  • salt - 3 g;
  • half a lemon with skin.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Pre-treat the walls of the bowl with vegetable oil.
  2. In a separate deep container, bring the raw eggs to a yellow mass with foam using a mixer.
  3. Pour condensed milk there.
  4. Peel the lemon, grind the rind into zest, and squeeze out the juice separately.
  5. Add both zest and juice to the main mixture.
  6. Separately combine flour, baking soda and salt.
  7. Pour them into the future dough and process with a mixer.
  8. Pour the finished dough into the slow cooker. Set its mode to the “Baking” function. Time - 50 minutes.
  9. Use a toothpick to check if the cake is ready; if the stick is wet, continue cooking for another 10 minutes.
  10. Cut the warm cake into pieces and serve.

How to bake raisin cupcakes at home?

Main products:

  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • margarine - 0.2 kg;
  • raisins - 200 gr;
  • flour - 0.26 kg;
  • sugar - 0.2 kg;
  • vanilla sugar - 10 g;
  • baking powder - 16 gr.

How to bake a cupcake at home:

  1. Sort out the raisins, add warm water and leave for 20 minutes.
  2. Roll the dried raisins in flour and leave them there.
  3. Soften the margarine and mix it with both types of sugar.
  4. Break the eggs into the main mass. Mix everything.
  5. Add raisins, baking powder, processed flour. Make the dough.
  6. Grease a special mold with sunflower oil and place the dough in it.
  7. Bake the cake at 180 degrees for 45 minutes.