How to cast a curse. A strong spell for pain and suffering. To destroy a marriage

To take revenge on an enemy, to harm him, to punish an ill-wisher and a friend who betrayed him - the magical method of revenge works more delicately, and it is very difficult to determine the person who ordered the hex. How to curse a person?

Even a beginner can do damage with a long-term effect or make a simple evil eye that does not have irreversible consequences. An experienced magician or witch will tell you how to curse a person at home. How to prepare for a secret ritual?

Damage and evil eye on the enemy

How to effectively curse a person? The search for weapons always depends on motives. If a person needs revenge or a feeling of hatred overwhelms him and does not allow him to free himself from the shackles of rage, then it is impossible to cause damage without preparation. Cursing the victim is only half of the whole action, but not every customer of the damage is ready for the consequences of a secret magical ritual. In Orthodoxy, Islam and even Buddhism, there is the concept of karma, spiritual retribution and justice. The magic debtor - the person casting the evil eye - will receive evil back a hundredfold. Therefore, you need to know not only how to curse a person with words, but also how this threatens the one who curses, that is, the customer.

The Bible or Koran does not directly prohibit magic, but it also does not support the influence of magical forces on a person’s fate and life. It is not difficult to find out how to curse an enemy, and choosing the appropriate ritual will not be difficult at all. It’s easy to curse a person you hate, but being prepared to endure the consequences is much harder. Protect a loved one from someone else's magical influence, you can remove the homewrecker or return your husband to the family with the help of a simple slander.

Only proven rituals without special attributes are allowed to be performed at home. Experienced magicians advise holding off on complex rituals so as not to harm your own energy. It’s easy to curse, but it will be difficult to protect yourself from the force of the rollback. You shouldn’t wait for righteous lightning after the ritual, but it’s also unwise to neglect your own safety. How to curse an enemy from a distance?

How does the curse work?

How can you curse a person? Curses are performed on certain days, when the position of the heavenly bodies helps to enhance the effect of the ritual. If you cast a spell on a major holiday or a day of Lent, then such magic will work for a long time and will not require recharge. How stronger desire harm the enemy, the faster the curse activates. Damage does not work without emotional support, so charm the victim to a stranger much more difficult.

Only lapel rituals help against the curse.

Charms do not save if the damage has already started and is harming the victim. It is best to perform a lapel ritual before irreversible consequences appear. The health and interpersonal relationships of the victim suffer the most, so cleaning the home or workspace is mandatory for every successful person.

The effect of the curse depends on the type of damage caused by the ill-wisher. If magic harms all areas of life, then it will not be possible to turn it against the customer without the help of a magician. Damage that interferes with the achievement of personal goals and prevents the victim from enjoying life:

  • damage based on photo;
  • an evil eye on health or a curse on permanent illness;
  • damage to infertility and disharmony of personal relationships;
  • money slander;
  • curses for the whole family, curses on the house and workplace victims.

The choice of weapon depends on the type of curse.

A simple ritual or ritual will remove the damage, which will be combined with cleaning the house or apartment. The most powerful negative program is the curse, which is attached to the victim’s personal belongings. It is impossible to get rid of such an evil eye without destroying the enchanted object. You can use special rituals to help detect traces of magic in your home or at work.

Why damage for a long time doesn't show itself? You can implement a complex program that systematically destroys the victim’s life. Mild illness and minor problems at work slowly develop into serious illnesses, the cause of which cannot be determined. A beginner who has not previously used magic for his own revenge is capable of correctly casting a curse. Is it possible to curse a person with words? The answer is clear and precise, of course. Words can heal and kill, but for every action there will be retribution.

Removing damage

The manifestation of maternal fear, the anxiety of the head of the family, the oppressive atmosphere in the house - there are a lot of signs of damage. It is difficult to review the current program, especially for a person without experience in the fight against damage. It is not easy to cure the consequences of a hex with words and rituals; the life of the victim and the well-being of his family depend on it. Prayers to Holy Mother of God They will strengthen a person’s defense and give him the protection of higher powers. Words cannot describe how powerful such prayer can be.

Energy-cleansing rituals should be done with awareness of what is happening. Victory over enemies depends not so much on the Most Holy Theotokos, but on the sincere faith of the victim. Returning a love spell or canceling deadly spells with the help of prayer is the easiest and safest way. Full texts The prayer words contain parts of Holy Scripture. The power of the Mother of God will protect the victim from damage in the future and give her the strongest protection.

What should atheists do? Knowledge and faith are different concepts that need to be clearly separated. If it is possible to send damage without faith, then it will not be possible to destroy an active curse without an idea of ​​higher powers. There is faith to strive for. There is a guarantee of female and male happiness. A person must find out the difference between which forces one should believe in and which are just an illusion. Magic does not have exact answers on what to do next. Magic is only a tool, which by nature carries neither good nor bad.

To remove damage, you will need a ritual, after which protection must be installed. The threat of new damage cannot be completely prevented, but with the help of amulets and amulets, the victim repels the enemy’s attack. Visit negative program It's impossible by chance. Damage is a purposeful impact on someone else's energy.

Consequences of a secret ritual

Every person who undertakes to use magic should know how to protect themselves and avoid consequences severe damage. How to curse a person with words and at the same time protect yourself as much as possible.

The ritual will be useful if you prepare for the secret action in advance. A day or two before the ceremony, it is necessary to perform a ritual to protect your own energy. Saving yourself from the consequences of damage caused is a primary task for an experienced magician or a beginner.

An independent hex differs from the work of an experienced magician in the period of influence. Only the ritual that was carried out according to all the rules will be accurate and reliable. Simple attributes will help you cause damage:

  • thing of the victim;
  • a photograph of a person who interferes with achieving your goals;
  • candles and water from the temple;
  • a handful of cemetery soil;
  • runes and staves.

Whether the ritual will be performed only once or several days in a row depends on what result the customer expects. Performing the ceremony on a pregnant woman is prohibited. Such magical manipulations will harm not only the expectant mother, but also the baby. Before performing the ritual, you should say “I am defeating you as an enemy, I am depriving you of happiness, let yours go, but mine will remain.” It would be useful to read “Our Father.” After being cursed, there is no need to visit the temple, because this means canceling the effect of your own conspiracy.

What should you expect from the other person? The consequences of damage manifest themselves not only on the victim, but also on his close circle. Children and loved ones suffer. It is almost impossible to protect the enemy's family from the effects of the program. Before depriving another person of happiness and harmony, you should think twice. It is difficult, and sometimes completely impossible, to reverse a curse, and then people cursed by someone will suffer immensely.

How to curse a person?

There are grievances that cannot be forgiven. Is it possible to curse a person for no reason and remain clean from the effects of negativity? There is an offense that has no reverse effect from words of repentance. Without knowing anger and despair, it is easier for a person to judge how dangerous damage is. Anyone who has not suffered will not be able to understand the motives of the customer of the proklen. A person who has not been betrayed or interfered with in his life cannot be convinced why a secret ritual of retribution the only alternative and a way out of the current situation.

A slander can help a person. Life is not built only from positive moments, and for any mistakes such as damage and curses, an answer comes. Knowing what sacrifices will have to be made, a person decides to commit damage. What is needed for the ritual? A person, bored with life in agony, takes desperate and radical actions.

Send a curse to the enemy or former friend rituals will help:

  • ritual on the grave ground;
  • ritual using a photo of the victim for death;
  • evil eye on illness;
  • ritual with a black candle.

A certain ritual or spell can be seen in a dream by listening to your own subconscious. It is better not to ignore clues in a dream. A black coffin seen in a dream promises a bad outcome of damage, from which you should protect yourself in advance. If something good happens in a dream, you should not be afraid of committing damage. How much the ritual will change depends on the motive of the person who has the desire to conspire the enemy to death or severe illness.

Seeing the face of an ill-wisher before dawn in a nightmare is bad news. As soon as the conspirator wakes up, he should speak

“I need protection, revenge is dear to me, the path is set for me, but the enemy is blocked.”

The conspiracy is repeated before the ceremony. Extra worries and worries should be calmed down. If you curse the enemy with fear, there will be no trouble.

Damaging health

The whole process of plotting will take not more than an hour free time. The power that a person turns to will help destroy the energy of the enemy for the desired results. Which ritual is the most powerful? The enemy should not feel the damage before it squeezes the last vitality out of him, so the ritual is carried out in secret and without publicity. Magicians say “one hand speaks, one soul pays.” Any chosen ritual is powered by the customer, his emotions and motives.

The problem of any ritual is the selected attributes. It’s not worth skimping on items that increase damage. The necessary ritual is supplemented by the victim’s belongings, which store the person’s energy, or his photograph. Universal curing is carried out independently using the following attributes:

  • a piece of dark fabric (mostly black);
  • regular knife;
  • Holy water;
  • church candle.

Being able to harm another person and shorten his life - two different cases. If the thirst for revenge outweighs the risks, then there are no barriers to carrying out the ritual. First of all, the conspirator needs to visit the church and light a candle for the enemy (for the repose of the soul of a still living person). After going to the temple in the late afternoon, a person goes to the cemetery. The main part of the ritual is carried out at the grave of the deceased with the name of the victim.

You need to take some earth from the selected grave and wrap it in a piece of cloth. A small retribution is left on the gravestone - the dead do not like to be disturbed. You must leave the gift and leave the cemetery without looking back. At home, a handful of earth is chanted:

“You, Mother of Cheese Earth, fed (the name of the deceased), you covered him with your cover. Cover, Mother Earth, and the slave (name of the enemy) alive. He should not be in my house at my table, on my beds, on my sheets. Mother of Cheese Earth, tear it up and crush it, drive it out of your mind, consume it with your womb. Just as the dead won’t move their hands from the graveyard, won’t move their heads, won’t move their legs, so you, slave (name), will lie down to dry and die, since you don’t leave this house, you won’t disappear from my sight. I curse you, I knock you out, I cut you out, I knock you out, I turn you away from my house. Let it be so".

The plot is repeated exactly 9 times. The charmed piece of fabric and the ground must be baptized with a knife three times. At the end of the ceremony, you need to walk around your own home with the cemetery soil, stopping near every corner and door. To protect his own home, a person says

“I need it this way, it makes me feel better, let go and don’t hold on.”

The main feature of magic is its versatility. No two rituals are alike, just as no guaranteed result. When destroying someone else's happiness, it is worth thinking about how you will be able to build your own well-being on the ruins of dead joy?

To understand what a curse can lead to, consider the complex human physio-bioenergetic system. All its parts are closely interconnected. Therefore, each of them is of particular importance. Before we get close to the question: “How to curse a person and what can happen to him after that?” - Let's get acquainted with such concepts as fate and karma. After all, the negativity sent with the help magical rituals, is fraught with danger not only for the one for whom it was intended, but also for his descendants.

Philosophical concept of what is important

So, let's talk about fate. This is a chain of events and facts that arise in a person’s life in connection with his certain character traits, actions, and deeds. All episodes that occur with a person in society are quite closely related to the structure of his physiobioenergetic system. It attracts those events that it can accept, and is responsible for those actions to which it can react accordingly.

Karma is a rather broad concept, unlike fate. It covers all the earthly lives of a person, including the history of his genealogy. Karma can be corrected, but no one has yet been able to completely change it. That is, if you made a mistake in past reincarnations, then the act itself cannot be changed. But soften, change negative impact on a person’s current life is quite realistic. "What does this have to do with the curse?" - you ask. The most direct. This is food for thought for those who are about to inflict negativity or have already received it in retaliation.

How does the process work?

A curse can be compared to a clot of thought, which is emotionally sharply sent to the victim and digs into his unprotected energy shell. Methodical destruction begins. The human energy structure falls into a chaotic state, all of it thin bodies get confused and come into conflict with each other. Alien energy, like the tentacles of an octopus, penetrates all important centers of the human physical body, causing destructive effects. This can be expressed in a sudden deterioration in health, financial collapse, tragic events in the life of an individual. The most unpleasant thing is that it can be passed on from generation to generation.


One more point: esotericists are convinced that when such a destructive program is removed, there is a high probability that the negativity may return to the instigator of the actions. This directly concerns those who think: “How to curse a person?” After all, if the charge was sent by a person with remarkable energy, using magical rituals, then the victim may die. And if the victim is lucky enough to get rid of the negative in time, then he will return with redoubled force to the author of the damage and can take his life.

Is it possible to curse a person accidentally?

Imagine an ordinary domestic quarrel. For example, a brother and sister share the TV remote control. None of them makes concessions. Unable to bear it, the sister throws the remote control to her brother and shouts out in her hearts: “Damn you!” Of course, the young man will not immediately fall ill on the spot and die. But the negativity will take hold in his subconscious. And if you add sisters to this, the curse can begin to act like a time bomb.

It would seem that a lot of time passed, and both forgot about this incident. My sister is doing great in her studies and in her personal life. She easily walks the steps to her success. But my brother’s situation is different: he periodically finds himself in various unpleasant situations, health problems arise every now and then, and his personal life is not very successful. In this case, we can say that the person was cursed accidentally, out of emotion, and now this program is working. What to do in this case?

Fortunately, healers have their own rituals that will help free a young man from the curse. True, for this you should turn to a trusted magician. He will carry out ritual cleansing of negativity, and may advise the sister to visit a church temple to confess and ordain her relative. A master of his craft will definitely explain to the culprit of the incident how one can curse a person accidentally and what to do in such a case. Under any circumstances, you should be careful in your statements and wishes to your interlocutor. There is also a so-called spontaneous curse, without the use of magical tools, but based on fierce hatred. Unfortunately, this is facilitated by the terrible tragedies that have occurred in people's lives.

For example, in the world of esotericism there is a case where a woman verbally cursed the killer of her child. She considered the criminal punishment for the offender not harsh enough. Therefore, she cursed him right in the courtroom, putting all her indignation, pain, anger and despair into her verbal message. Thus the death wish worked through a short time. Already on the third day the criminal died of a heart attack. But this does not mean that such negativity will work for everyone. How to curse a person? This must be a powerful energy message. Such a desire must be accompanied by a sufficient release of emotions towards the offender.

Magic rituals

Professionals in the field of esotericism believe that if a negative charge was sent by a person using magical rituals, then this is fraught with even greater danger. IN modern world you can create a deliberate curse yourself if you have the necessary energy for it. Otherwise, you can contact a magic specialist. However, the full danger must be realized by the person who curses another. An individual must remember: no matter what method he chooses, negativity can spread not only to a certain person, but also to his entire family.

This is how the esotericists themselves explain it: a person who has received a curse and has not had time to get rid of it during his life can unwittingly pass it on to another soul according to his pedigree. And such a chain can last a long time, forcing people to think about why they are unlucky in finances or why newborn female children in their family die. After all, the victims themselves did not do anything bad. Is it possible to curse a person with words if he does not deserve it? Practitioners believe that this happens. This is the case when the negative will disappear with the death of its owner, without spreading to subsequent generations. In this case, higher powers themselves decide whether the cursed person is really guilty and whether it is worth punishing the remaining members of the clan, dooming them to a family curse.

How to bring negativity at home?

Magicians and psychics believe that this type of damage is imposed when there is no other way out. For example, the enemy paid off justice, crippling your fate with humiliation, took away your health and life dear people. It is not possible to legally punish such a person, but you also cannot forgive him. There is also no financial opportunity to order this service from a professional magician.

Then the question arises: how to curse a person at home? Experienced people warn that you can resort to this, but only if you are in full health, feel a surge of strength, and have a strong desire for revenge. The ritual itself is quite simple. However, certain emotional vibrations should be created for it. This is a necessary rule for those individuals who are thinking about how to curse a person with words at home.

What should be done?

First, you must be alone in the room. Secondly, you need to have with you a photo of the offender and a pre-written text: “In the name of the great Darkness, I curse you (name). Amen! Forever - damn you (name) Amen! You suffer endlessly! Amen! You are exhausted from the curse, you are dying from the curse (name). Go to painful hell. Amen!"

It is recommended to read this with an angry, derogatory tone, as if you are injuring this person in various places. Low-frequency emotions are important in this ritual: anger, hatred, aggressive attitude. You need to repeat the action for 5 days, and the words should be pronounced until you feel very tired and satisfied. To enhance the effect, you can use runes if you own them. If everything is done correctly, the curse will gain power and work within 2 weeks from the date of the last ritual. Please note that the article does not encourage readers to take specific actions. After all, higher powers always advise to forgive your enemies without stooping to curses. Remember that any negative message sent will always come back to you, multiplied many times over. But the choice, as you know, always remains with the person.

As you read our article, the reader should have a completely fair question: what if he or his loved one found himself in the role of a victim? If a person is cursed, what should be done in this case? First of all, it is advisable to carry out a diagnosis from a professional if the following signs are noticed: a series of various troubles, a protracted “black streak”, diseases that cannot be diagnosed, hereditary alcohol (drug addiction), an ongoing series of deaths in the family, causeless

It is impossible to remove the curse from yourself, since this requires a huge potential of energy. Only experienced magicians who have been practicing for more than one year. Each specialist has his own method of removing the curse. It all depends on his direction in magic. The victim is only required to carry out exactly necessary recommendations. A cleansing crisis can occur from one day to several weeks. During the removal of negativity, physical changes often occur in the human body: headaches, upset stomach, high body temperature, apathy. You can enhance the effect of treatment yourself with a special text.

From all curses

This is the name of a prayer that will help you recover from the negativity caused. It can be read at night for as long as the victim sees fit:

“I, (name), call on my angels and all the light Divine energies that will save me from various curses! I ask you, Higher Powers, to forgive me - if I have ever intentionally and unwittingly cursed in my life. I am aware of these mistakes and I burn with Divine fire all this negativity committed by me in the past and present. From now on, I forever prohibit it! dark force use my curses in their unpleasing deeds!

As I created these curses, so I destroy them! (repeat three times). Also, if I, (name), still have curses left on me, caused by other people, I also deprive them of energy and strength! I burn them with the eternal fire of the Universe! Let the Higher Powers fill me with their light and rid me of all negativity! I free all people from my curses! I myself (myself) am freed from all curses!

With all my heart I wish all people love, kindness, light and happiness! I put all my energy into this! Let the forces of light rule the world, and the forces of darkness dissipate! (repeat three times). As a sign of my serious intentions, I send rays of light and love to all beings of the planet, space and the Universe! May my wish be heard and felt by all beings, in all dimensions and spaces! Let all the angels and the Creator himself hear my words! From now on, I will forever deprive my thoughts and words of any destructive energy! Also let my words good intentions will become a shield for me from all curses! Let them burn as soon as they touch the amulet shield! (repeat three times). Let it be so! Amen".

We hope that our article has fully revealed the problem of the curse and its effect on a person. We also advise you to think carefully before resorting to this magical service. After all, the Russian proverb says: “Don’t dig a hole for someone else - you yourself will fall into it.” We wish peace and goodness to all readers!

The presence of damage or the evil eye on a person always manifests itself in troubles and poor health. However, there are several seemingly insignificant signs that indicate the presence of a curse.

Often we can hear that someone has been a victim of the evil eye or damage. Psychics and practitioners say that only a quarter of cases actually turn out to be a directed negative influence: people often tend to exaggerate the danger that threatens them.

But, unfortunately, the possibility of a curse has been proven by bioenergetics, and there are several signs that unmistakably indicate a directed destructive effect.

How can you curse a person?

Destructive energy directed at a person’s biofield is popularly called the evil eye, damage or curse. They all have the same origin and differ only in the strength of their impact. The curse is considered the most powerful directed negativity: in some cases it can even lead to fatal disease or cause sudden tragic death.

The manifestation of negativity can occur in different ways, but the beginning is always the same: strong negative emotions, such as anger, hatred and envy. It is no coincidence that these emotions are considered the “main” of the 7 passions that destroy energy and lead to illnesses and illnesses.

If you cross the path of a person who has strong energy or innately gifted but unaware of his or her power, he or she may curse without realizing the full horror of his or her actions. In this case, it will be easiest to get rid of the curse or damage.

But, according to practicing psychics, serious curses are often made quite deliberately: there are several ways to direct a powerful wave of negative energy at another person.

Verbal curse. This method seems to be the simplest, but requires the most magical power. The words of a curse are spoken into the wind or into the back of an ill-wisher. Signs of such an impact are a sudden strong headache, insomnia and causeless tears.

Curse with volt. According to psychics, this method is the most labor-intensive and requires not only certain knowledge in the field of esotericism, but also a clearly formed intention. The negative is put into a doll made from wax and hair of the “victim”.

This effect is most easily defined: a sharp exacerbation of chronic diseases, nightmares and bad feelings come at once, and suicidal thoughts settle somewhere on the edge of consciousness, gradually taking up more and more space.

Curse by photo. This type of destructive influence may not be inferior in power to a curse using a volt, but does not manifest itself immediately. This method also requires preparation, and on a subtle level it looks like a gray veil entangling a person’s aura, like a cobweb.

Psychics include apathy, a feeling of disorientation in time and space, refusal to eat, and sudden fear or disgust of one’s own reflection in the mirror as “symptoms” of such an influence.

These signs may intensify or disappear: it all depends on the strength of the intention and the depth of the negative message. Moreover, unlike simple evil eye, casting a curse is not easy: to do this, a person must have certain magical abilities.

There are no hopeless situations: if you are afraid of negative influences, you should strengthen your natural defenses with the help of special techniques. We wish you to be happy and never fall under a curse. Good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

20.04.2017 04:04

Damage is one of the most common ways of negatively affecting a person. She carries...

A person who is about to impose a curse should think about the consequences of such a step. After all, a curse is a conscious negative impact, committed with the help of special magic phrases, which can lead to illness, collapse of material well-being, and even death of the one to whom it is addressed.

The history of curses goes back to the ancient world, when there were many Gods, each ancient tribe lived according to its own way of life and turned to shamans and sorcerers on all life issues. To maintain their power, the priests and wise men cursed those who disobeyed on behalf of the Gods, expelled them from the tribe and deprived them of all communication. Naturally, it was almost impossible for the exile himself to survive, and the death that befell him was considered confirmation of the effect of the curse.

Later, with the advent of Christianity, the church also continued to use the tool of curses in order to assert its supremacy over the world. Anathema was imposed on all non-believers. The heretic faced excommunication from the church and denial of the salvation of his soul after death.

Parallel, folk beliefs, preserved from the times of paganism, spread knowledge about the power of witchcraft, tribal and curses of individual nationalities (for example, gypsies).

Natural sciences, which discovered the concept of the materiality of thought, confirmed the theory about the action of curses as thoughts and word forms energetically enhanced by negativity, which can affect the life of a guilty person and accelerate his death.

Types of curses, characteristics

Interested in how to curse a person, an inexperienced person is faced with many options for magical effects. This diversity made it possible to build a certain classification of curses according to the subject (the one who applies them):

  • Witchcraft curse. This type done by practicing magicians and sorcerers.
  • Ancestral curse. It is also called parental, when the effect of magic extends to the entire family or a specific branch (a direct relative curses - mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, etc.)
  • Religious curse. The fate prepared for non-believers and those who do not comply with the tenets of religion (in different beliefs).
  • The curse of the "evil ones". When a person is cursed by an offended beggar or wretched person. This also includes gypsy curses.
  • Household curses. Voiced in conflicts and quarrels between people connected by everyday life (relatives, spouses, neighbors).
  • Self-curses. Constant negative self-talk that triggers a program of self-destruction. Only help here Full time job over oneself and seeking help from a specialist (psychologist, psychotherapist).

In a fit of strong negative emotions, apply effective curse everyone can do it: a wife to her unlucky husband: “You ruined my whole life, so you should die!”, a mother to her disobedient daughter: “It would be better if you weren’t born!” “I don’t have a daughter anymore, damn you!”, to friends in the heat of a quarrel, “May you be empty!” Angry, cursing phrases fly out of the mouth unconsciously, but the threat from the words is great.

Much stronger magic spells, specially prepared and used consciously, as do black magicians, witches, and gypsies who are aware of the consequences. Equal to them in power are perhaps curses expressed by a person on his deathbed.

Curses also include such forms of negativity as damage, evil eye, conspiracy, love spell. They all use words charged with dark energy, enhanced by specially selected magical attributes (photos, candles, needles, pieces of clothing, hair, blood of the victim).

How to avoid a boomerang when casting a curse

Interfering with energetically charged words in someone else's fate often entails a backlash when the negative wish intensifies and returns to its sender (boomerang effect). Then a carelessly expressed curse turns against the person who gave birth to it. You can avoid “return” (a term in occultism) if you control your emotions and prevent an outburst of negativity towards other people.

There is no protection against the return of negativity as such, even among magicians. But they are protected from someone else’s negative energy when casting a curse on someone if they themselves do not seek revenge against the recipient (they are simply doing the job). Indeed, often deceived wives, angry at their husband for cheating, take his photograph and take it to the sorcerers, asking to punish the infidel and his passion.

If you really regret the curse and have no malicious intent, get rid of reverse effect Forgiveness of the person against whom curse words were spoken will help.

You just have to apologize sincerely and clarify what exactly you are asking for forgiveness for.

Finally, I would like to help those who suffer from the effects of the curse or may suffer in the future. Words spoken with anger towards you will have no effect if in response you do not support the quarrel. Smile at the person and wish him happiness and health - you will see how all the negativity will immediately dry up, or the one spewing curses will fall silent mid-sentence.

To protect against gypsy damage, a strong swear word is well suited: swearing prevents the introduction into a state of trance, which is often practiced by people of this nationality, and gives strength to resist the onslaught of a verbal stream in an incomprehensible language.

If the conflict has already taken place, and you are very worried about the words you heard, do not even think about contacting your opponent in the coming days, much less letting him into the house and giving him any of your things - this way you will only consolidate the curse placed on you and help the enemy avoid the “return”. It’s better to go to church, temple, light candles for this person’s health, confess and pray.

A curse can target a person, a place, or even an object. Whether the curse will be successful depends on how protected the target is currently.

The curse can last for years and even after death, pursuing the goal of its next incarnations.
A curse is an active attempt to "break" someone else's free will. This is a violation of the highest spiritual law instantly lowers our spiritual vibrations.
Signs that may indicate you are cursed:

1. You found scary/strange stuff in your house.

Witches who target a victim must make contact in order to effectively curse you. To do this, they need to use several methods. The most common tool of Dark Witches is Fear. Fear binds people. If you are cursed, it will most likely happen as a self-fulfilling prophecy. Psychologically speaking, we will be convinced that we are acting like damned people, losing our minds and submitting to someone else's will...

2. Strange symbols in your home

Likewise, witches may need to "mark" your territory with a sign or demonic talisman. Finding "magical" talismans or a symbol of unknown origin on your property means that a witch or someone who represents a "witch" has been there. This symbol may have been inscribed with a knife (ritual dagger) or paint with magical ink.
In fact, it could be vandalism. Call the police if you feel you should report vandalism on your property, as it could mean someone may be trying to intimidate you.

3. “Missing” photos

It is believed that photographs (especially old or non-digital ones) contain a piece of your energy. They can actually act as a reference to the person or place being photographed. They are used as a focal point for many rituals, both good and evil. Therefore, missing photos from your room or home means that someone might be stealing them to use them for dark rituals or again, just trying to scare you.

4. No underwear or VERY personal items.

Underwear or clothing (especially worn-out ones) have a strong auric imprint; they are saturated with it. The same applies to your personal items (such as your watch). This powerful energy can be used as a reference in rituals for both good and bad purposes.
5. Unidentified Liquids on Your Doorstep or Elsewhere on Your Property Once upon a time, a witch might have used enchanted potions to strike you or your home. To do this, the liquid must be spilled around the house, inside it or on the threshold. Finding such liquids along with iron nails or scattered glasses may mean that someone is trying to curse or intimidate you.
What to do:
If you don't know the origin of the liquid, call a professional to clean up the substance from your area. Pour Holy Water over the area AFTER everything is cleaned.

6. Random pain

Psychic Attack - The curse interacts with your energy matrix, which you likely feel as pain. Therefore, this pain is actually a warning from your aura that something bad has happened. Especially if this pain is no different than anything you have ever felt or affected a part of your body that is 100% healthy.
What to do:
Call your doctor. Any pain should be examined by a doctor first. Watch out for pain.

7. Houseplants get sick

If houseplants getting sick for no reason, you need to test the ground first.
Typically, witches prefer to bury enchanted objects in indoor plants.
Houseplants get sick easily because they do not have effective way cleanse your aura. They will be the first to suffer.
What to do: Examine the soil and pot. If a mystical or unidentified object or liquid is discovered, prepare to cleanse. Get rid of the item.
Go to church, pray, light a candle for your health.

8. Pets or local animals are acting strangely

Typically, a curse attracts low vibrational entities who lurk around the cursed target. Consequently, animals that are more sensitive to poisoning spirits and/or energies behave strangely. Consider the following examples:
Birds - usually crows - fly around your home or property. Dogs bark for no reason. By at least, so you think...Cats are looking into nowhere. At least that's what you think...Cats adopt a defensive posture. Ants (especially red ones) migrate to a new location. What to do:
Watch the animals' behavior carefully. Try using prayers for cleaning or rinsing your home with Holy water. Do animals behave differently now?

9. Seeing someone cursing you in their dreams

Usually, witches who curse and anger people tend to make mistakes. Therefore, they do not hide their “psychic traces”. Hence, an intuitive but cursed target may persistently see the target in his/her dreams. This could be a warning sign.
What to do:
Ask yourself: is there a reason why this person is cursing me? If you think you might do something bad to this person, try to make things right.

10. Dark omens

The appearance of a blue butterfly is an omen that Magic is present here.
Crows and owls also attract magic, both good and evil. If an owl hoots before dawn or a raven accidentally crosses your path, try to see what's going on.
What to do:
Watch the signs patiently. Write them down. Consult healers, go to church.

11. You see will-o'-the-wisps

Will-o'-the-wisps are bad omens of Dark Magic or even Death. They are also known as "cadaver candles". It is an atmospheric ghostly yellow, greenish or pale white orb that appears to follow someone.
What to do:
Don't follow them, cross yourself and go another way.

12. Protective amulets do not work or disappear

Amulets are worn so that they take on all damage instead of protecting a person or home. Therefore, when an amulet is destroyed or disappeared, it means that its energy has been absorbed.
What to do:
Replace the Amulet with a new one! Don't use broken one.