How to clear a room of bad people. Necessary items for the ritual. Clear the space after the visit

How to cleanse your home of negative energy? There are a great many ways to clean energy. Let's look at the most common and effective of them.

Living in the world of social relations, at a very close distance from each other, intersecting with other people in transport, at work, in places of recreation and entertainment, in apartment buildings, a person, willy-nilly, is exposed to alien influences from the outside. How to understand this? The human body is not limited to physical dimensions, it is much larger, many times larger. For example, an ordinary person can have a subtle body size of up to several meters (6-8), and an advanced person in spiritual knowledge can have up to several tens of meters. The energetic body of Jesus was up to 15 km in diameter.

For some reasons, modern society cannot afford to live at a great distance from each other. The only thing that remains is to learn how to remove the results of energetic influence from yourself and from your home or office. No matter what kind of people surround a person - good or bad, this must be done, since when we get into each other’s biofields, we exchange thoughts, emotions, moods, etc. From some we take a little anger and hatred, from others - envy and greed, from others - gluttony and lust, and this happens all the way to the house. And the house does not always limit foreign influence, because the majority live “on top of each other” - in apartment buildings where energy is involuntarily exchanged.

At the same time, the resident begins to feel a foreign influence on himself. The main signs of this influence:

  1. Insects appear (cockroaches, ants, moths);
  2. Suddenly the windows and doors slam shut;
  3. Extraneous rustling, tapping, and noises appear;
  4. Domestic plants and (or) animals get sick or die;
  5. The rooms are filled with a stench from an unknown source;
  6. Things disappear or break;
  7. Problems arise with household appliances, plumbing and sewerage (pipes and taps are leaking);
  8. Lighting fixtures burn more often than usual;
  9. All residents of the apartment feel drowsiness, fatigue and apathy;
  10. Night sleep does not restore strength, nightmares occur;
  11. Households quarrel endlessly;
  12. One of the apartment's residents died.

As a rule, these signs appear sequentially one after another and can be diagnosed without much difficulty. But cleaning will require some effort. In severe cases, you may even need the intervention of a specialist (priest, bio-energy specialist, healer or magician).

Cleansing your home of negative energy must begin with yourself and your clothes. First of all, you need to take a salty shower - wet your body and gently rub the salt in a circular motion over the entire surface counterclockwise. You don't need to salt your head. Salt is a powerful magical tool and is most suitable for cleansing fine-material dirt. Such a shower can wash away not only fresh negativity, but also that which has been accumulated over many years of life. Next, when washing off the salt, you need to ask the water sister to remove all the dirt from herself and for her to take it back to where it came from. The text is selected independently according to its meaning, the main thing is that the request comes from the heart and is sincere. Immediately after taking a shower, your mood will noticeably improve, your whole body will feel clean and light, and you may even get a feeling of getting rid of some burden.

Then you can begin to cleanse your home of negativity. Let's look at the most common and effective methods.

Method No. 1. You should dress simpler, for example, a T-shirt, shorts or a robe. All jewelry must be removed and placed in a container of salted water, then washed with a brush and soap. The emotional mood should be focused and neutral, that is, no extraneous thoughts. All windows, vents and doors need to be opened so that the draft can blow out the bulk of the negative. Remove all strangers from the premises.

If possible, repair or have broken appliances repaired. Clean up the cabinets and mezzanines and wipe away dust with a damp cloth soaked in salt water. Next, wipe all mirror surfaces. You need to wash the dust in a circular motion and always counterclockwise (only by using such movements will the fine dirt be washed away). There should be as many circles as the mirror is years old, or thirteen if you don’t remember.

Method No. 2. This method requires St. John's wort, thistle or heather. You need to prepare a container with holy or melt water in advance (tap water is excluded). Next, you should sprinkle it without exception on every corner of your home, and only after that you can wet your hands and face without wiping, allowing the water to dry naturally. After all these procedures, light the branches of magical plants and fumigate the entire home, especially the corners counterclockwise in a circle, starting from the entrance. At this time, visualize the image of dark negative energy leaving the house.

Method No. 3. To perform the ritual, you will need a sheet of white paper and a wax candle (paraffin candles are excluded). A hole is made in the center of the sheet and a candle is inserted into it (this way, melted wax with negative energy will not be able to get on the skin). You need to close the windows and, starting from the threshold, walk around the entire house from left to right and carefully examine the corners and places where the candle will smoke and crackle. Hand movements should follow a sinusoid - up and down. All furniture, windows, mirrors, hangers, paintings, electrical appliances, clothes and shoes should also be treated with a candle. Pay special attention to the front door and threshold, as it is through them that negativity usually enters the apartment. The entrance from the outside must be processed from left to right along the perimeter. After cleaning the candle stub, immediately throw it in the trash.

After you clean your home, you need to wash off the remaining negativity from your hands using soap and salt. While your hands are drying, you can stretch them by arching your fingers. Then rub the palms of your hands clockwise and shake your hands at the end, discharging the remaining negative energy. To maintain energetic purity, do not be lazy to perform cleansing rituals at least three times a year. Your well-being, both physical and emotional, depends on it!

In this article you will learn:

Quarrels, resentments, disagreements, envy, visits from unwanted guests - many factors sooner or later lead to the accumulation of energy dirt in the home. To get rid of negativity, improve the atmosphere, and return peace and harmony to your home, you can clean the apartment with a church candle.

Signs of accumulation of negativity in a room

In any home, the negativity that gradually accumulates due to various troubles makes living uncomfortable.

Relations between residents become more tense, and friction, misunderstandings, and resentments often arise. You don’t want to return to an apartment like this in the evening after work. The intimate life between spouses deteriorates.

Preparation is an important step

According to Feng Shui, candles should only be blessed in church; ordinary ones will not do.. They need to be purchased in sufficient quantities, especially if the apartment has several rooms.

Many experts believe that The ritual of cleansing the house must be performed by the hostess- this way cleaning will bring maximum benefit. A woman needs to learn a prayer in advance - most often, when cleaning an apartment, the Lord’s Prayer is read with candles, but all church hymns have a sanctifying effect.

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During the ceremony, there should be no relatives in the home, including pets, including birds and reptiles.

Before energy cleansing, it is important to carry out a general cleaning of the apartment, get rid of broken, old, unnecessary things, wipe down household appliances, clean the plumbing, wash the windows and floors. It is important to ensure an influx of fresh air into the house during the ceremony.

Some experts recommend that the person carrying out the cleaning get rid of all jewelry and wear light-colored clothing made from natural fabrics - cotton or linen. It is recommended to take a shower with salt before the ritual, which will remove negative energy and set the mood for a positive wave.

Necessary items for the ritual

In order not to be distracted during the ceremony, you need to prepare candles, matches, and a saucer in advance where the cinders will be placed.

To prevent wax from dripping onto your hands while walking, you need to cut out small circles from cardboard and place them on the candles before lighting. Many experts recommend sprinkling the apartment with holy water after cleaning, so it should also be at hand along with a small soft brush.

Does the color of candles matter?

You can clean your apartments from negative energy only with church candles. All of them are equally consecrated in the established order, so it is believed that color does not play a special role, i.e. white, yellow or red candle – it doesn’t matter.

What day is best to clean the apartment?

It is recommended to clean your home or premises during the waning moon; this ritual is considered the most effective. However, in some cases, for example, after the death and funeral of a relative, a major quarrel, or the departure of an unwanted guest, it is possible to urgently rid the home of negativity without focusing on the day, time or phases of the Moon.

The procedure for carrying out the cleansing ritual

To clean the house with a candle, experts advise starting the ritual from the outside of the front door. You need to leave the apartment, light a candle and, with prayer, circle the outside of the door, first around the perimeter, then crosswise and in a zigzag motion.

Where the candle crackles and smokes the most, the flame sways, and the wax flows down in black streams, you need to hold the fire until it becomes calm - this means that there is a clot of negative energy that needs to be literally burned out. Most often this is a peephole, a door handle and places near the bell and threshold.

After cleaning the outside of the door, you need to open it and treat the inside surface. It is recommended to cross the eye 3 times.

Then you need to enter the apartment, close the door behind you and begin walk around the house clockwise, not forgetting to read prayers.

You need to be prepared for the fact that the ceremony may take a long time, especially if the apartment is large. It is important, slowly, with prayer and faith, to process literally every centimeter of the surface of the walls, reaching to all corners, carefully processing jambs, recesses, niches and protruding surfaces.

In suspicious places where the candle cracks especially strongly, you need to stop and burn this place until the fire calms down.

The cinders from burnt candles along with the mugs should be placed on a prepared saucer or in a paper bag. Then light a new one and continue cleaning, not forgetting to read prayers and think only about good things.

It is recommended to pay special attention to the toilet and bathroom, because this is where the body is cleansed of physical dirt. Plumbing fixtures, the space under the bathtub, mirrors, and toiletries storage areas should be carefully treated.

Negative energy can also accumulate in the kitchen, since this is where the family spends a lot of time. In addition, there are many household appliances with strong electromagnetic radiation, so you need to devote enough time to the room.

Sleeping places must not only be treated with candle flame, but also crossed several times with prayer.

Negative energy can accumulate near donated items, near clothes that are often worn on the street, near books, baseboards, and electrical outlets. All these places must be processed.

You need to burn the windows quite diligently, because both positive and negative energy enters the house through them. The same applies to mirrors throughout the house, especially if they are not new or were inherited by the owners.

The balcony should also be treated, especially if it is glazed.

You need to finish cleaning the room at the front door, finally crossing it 3 times.

Strengthening positive energy in the home

To cleanse the apartment of negativity on your own, one round with candles and prayers is often not enough. Some experts believe that several of these cleanses may be necessary.

In addition, after burning with a candle flame, you can supplement the process of getting rid of negativity by sprinkling your home with holy water. You can take it from church, even a small amount is enough. At home, it can be diluted to the volume needed to sprinkle large surfaces. According to the holy elders, a drop of holy water can sanctify the sea.

You need to sprinkle in the same sequence - starting from the front door and moving clockwise. It is advisable that droplets of consecrated water fall on all surfaces, especially in corners, on baseboards, and in remote places. Remaining moisture should not be poured down the drain; it is better to wash your hands or water flowers with it.

Restoring your strength

After cleansing the house, those performing the ceremony may feel unwell, headache, and tired. This occurs because the physical body is affected by negative vibrations.

To get rid of this negativity, you need to take a shower after the ritual, you can use a contrast shower, dry yourself with a clean towel, and wash the clothes used for cleaning.

A few sips of holy water will help restore strength and peace of mind.

Proper disposal of candles after use

After the cleaning ritual, several dozen candle stubs may remain. They should never be thrown into a garbage chute or outdoor container. It is better to pour the cinders into a paper bag and bury them under any tree or, if possible, throw them into running water.

For every person, his own home is a special place. And we are not even talking about square meters, but about more subtle, intangible things.

After all, many have probably noticed more than once that in one house you feel comfortable, but in another you get the feeling that there is a oppressive atmosphere and from there I want to leave quickly.

It’s one thing when the apartment is not yours, but when such feelings arise in the house itself, you have to quickly take action to cleanse the apartment of negative energy and protect it so that negativity does not penetrate your own space.

Read also:

How to recognize bad energy

The most famous way to check for negativity in the house is do your own diagnostics using a candle purchased from the church.

With a lit candle, you need to walk through the entire room, including the bathroom and utility room; if it begins to smoke, and the flame continuously sways and crackles, it means that there are negative currents in the house, which cause a negative state of the household.

You can also watch pet behavior, they are the first indicators that sense negativity. At the same time, they become nervous, try to sit at the front door and try to jump out into the street to leave the house.

Bad energy appears if the people living in the house are in a state of bad thoughts, quarrels and swearing, tears often occur, and as a result, constant showdowns, and also if a person enters the house who is angry or wishes harm to the residents. There may also be an accumulation of negativity if a person in the house was sick and died.

How to clean the house?

You can protect yourself from bad energy. The very first and simplest thing is to invite the priest to the house so that he would consecrate the house.

Cleaning, oddly enough, also helps. Conduct an analysis of the things that are in your home. Throw away everything that you consider unnecessary, unnecessary gifts, broken things, chipped dishes and cracked mirrors. After you get rid of unnecessary junk, clean the house.

Buy aroma lamp and essential oils, you can also buy incense sticks. Choose the oil according to your inner impulse, which is right for you and, of course, provided that none of the inhabitants of the house have allergies.

Tea tree oil, thyme, rosemary and lemon balm help well. Tea tree oil should be used if there is no cat in the house, because they have a persistent intolerance to this oil.

Buy houseplants. Ficus, cactus, aloe, geranium, these plants will help harmonize the atmosphere in the apartment and protect it from negativity.

If a negative person comes into the house, but it is impossible to refuse to communicate with him for good reasons, reduce communication with him to neutral territory and do not let him into the house, because as you know, the house is our fortress, the place where we relax and we gain strength, and then quarrels, disappointments, and the oppressive atmosphere will go away and peace and love will settle in him again.

Prayer for cleansing the apartment

An old prayer, for example, an appeal to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, will help clear the space. Here is her text:

“Truly, Saint Nicholas. You are known to the world and to us for your miracles. Help me cleanse my home of filth - sent and my own. Cleanse my house from vicious deeds, from demonic malice, from envy and black thoughts. Candle and holy water, cleanse my house. May there be peace and love in my world. Amen."

It is better to perform the ritual with the help of a church candle and an icon, turning towards the entrance. Hold the candle with your right hand. You need to start the process by praying, with good thoughts and sinless thoughts. Some priests advise fasting for three days.

If after several rituals the candle stops crackling and its flame stops jumping restlessly, your apartment has been cleansed of negativity.

You can also “treat” a house with ordinary salt - an easily accessible remedy for getting rid of negativity.

Salt for cleaning space

Salt is considered the strongest magical crystal, any esotericist is aware of this. It's time to put this common product at the service of man. Today salt will become our amulet and protection.

By the way, do you know that it should never end in the house? Otherwise you will be in trouble, so buy it for future use.

The ritual of cleansing with salt is simple to perform. Take a frying pan and heat it on the stove. Sprinkle with salt (natural, sea, coarsely ground salt is best). Keep on fire for an hour to three - it is during this period that the energy of the living space is cleansed.

It is advisable to perform this ritual until 12 noon. If dark spots are visible on the salt film, the negative was really present in your walls. At the end of the process, the salt should turn white again.

Church bells

Cleansing the aura of a home and a person with the help of blissful sounds has been used since ancient times. The ringing of bells is of particular importance for the Russian-speaking population.

During its sound, there is a transition to high vibrations, the strongest positive energy begins to be released, which has a healing effect not only on people, but also on the space around them.

A bright mood, a joyful perception of the world, excellent physical well-being - this is what can give regular listening the ringing of church bells. This works especially powerfully during live performance (visiting a temple), but you can turn on music at home.

Restore a person’s energy aura and perform an apartment cleansing ritual by simply listening to one of these videos:

As you can see, it is quite possible to clean your apartment of negativity on your own. It is especially important to do this if you have just moved, or someone in the apartment was sick for a long time and died, or you are being haunted by a whole series of troubles. All the best to you!

Everything around us is energy, we are also made of energy. What energy surrounds and fills you depends on how you feel and what results you achieve in life.

There is a constant exchange: you radiate energies into the world and the world fills you with its energies.

This applies not only to your loved ones, but also to everything that surrounds you. A place that is very important in every person’s life is his home.

How often do you clean your home? Just physically? Do you put things away, wipe off dust, wash floors and windows? I think regularly. Otherwise, it will be uncomfortable and unpleasant to be in the apartment.

How often do you clean your apartment energetically? Are you cleaning it? Do you do this regularly? The energetic cleanliness of the apartment has a stronger effect on your condition than the physical cleanliness of the apartment.

In the energy of the apartment, everything that happened in it is collected and stored. This is not visible to the physical eye, but is very well felt at the level of energy and subtle bodies. The very energy of scandal, tears, resentment, illness, envy will not go anywhere if you have not energetically removed it from the house.

Every day, returning home from work, from the street, you bring with you more negative energies. If you work energetically with yourself, engage in spiritual practices or turn to a healer, but every day you plunge into the energetic dirt that fills your home, then the result will be minimal. Wouldn't it be easier to clean your home and enjoy it?

To be healthy, active and achieve results in life, you need to not only keep yourself energetically clean, but also your home.

10 signs that there is negative energy in the apartment:

1 ANDThe children go home full of energy and plans for the evening. Come home - and... your strength suddenly leaves you. You cannot do anything, the desire has suddenly disappeared.

2. You don't want to go home.

3. It’s not comfortable at home, it seems that the apartment is dark, the walls and ceiling are pressing, the mood is spoiled.

4. You moved to a new apartment and your family relationships deteriorated sharply, they began to swear, quarrel, and misunderstandings appeared. Or your health has deteriorated, your money has become worse.

5. You don’t get enough sleep during the night and get up unrested, provided that you sleep the usual number of hours. Sleep was disturbed. I dream about horror movies.

6. It’s hard to keep the apartment in order. If the apartment is energetically dirty, then it is difficult to clean it.

7. Someone in the apartment was seriously ill or died.

8. Unable to make repairs. We constantly have to redo it, everything slows down. The wallpaper peels off and everything falls apart.

9. Flowers grow poorly. They are dying, frail ones.

You can monitor the energy status of your home:

To be completely sure, you can check the energy status of the apartment with a candle. Take a church candle (you can use a regular paraffin candle). Light it and walk around the apartment, especially paying attention to all corners. See how the candle flame behaves. If the flame is even and does not crackle, then everything is in order. If the flame “dances,” smokes, or goes out, this is an indicator of negative energy in the apartment. It's time to cleanse the energy of the apartment!

Top 15: reasons the appearance of negative energy in the apartment:

    the apartment is in a negative place (energy rift, black hole - we talk about this in more detail in class. Now it’s purely informational what it could be)

    presence of negative people in the apartment (angry, envious, constantly pouring out negativity)

    quarrels and scandals in the apartment

    someone else's envy of you

    energy of old residents

    staying in the apartment of a seriously ill person or if there was a deceased person in the apartment

    negative emotions of the owners

    introduced negativity (emotions, evil eyes, bad wishes), other people's energies, what we brought with us from the street, work

    old things


    old mirrors that outlived their owners, witnessed tragedies and misfortunes

    unpleasant and negative guests

    paintings or objects depicting scenes of violence, blood, dark forces

    presence of stuffed animals and fish in the apartment

    constantly working TV, radio with negative news and information

Let's start changing the energy of the apartment:

Apartment analysis.

Inspect the apartment carefully, you are used to many things and do not notice them, but they continue to work in a negative direction for you. Look around the apartment through someone else's eyes.

Highlight the things you need inherited, bought in an antique store or by advertisements, what is shown on your paintings and photos(if they are hanging on the walls or standing in plain sight), if there are photographs of deceased people standing or hanging, put them in albums, they should not be visible and there are several reasons for this), do you have old mirrors, bought a long time ago and you are not their first owners.

All things contain the energy of their owners. Things that are passed down by inheritance contain the energy of all owners; those bought secondhand also contain information about everyone… Highlight these things now.

The influence of paintings and photographs on the energy of the apartment.

The same applies to photographs, sculptures, figurines.

It is absolutely contraindicated to keep paintings of demonic content in the house, depicting freaks, devils and monsters. They themselves have an extremely negative effect on a person, and they also attract all kinds of dirt into the house. Don't forget - like attracts like. Every object in the apartment is constantly involved in its internal energy exchange. This participation must be positive. Therefore, keep in your sight only such works of art that generate bright and joyful or neutral, peaceful feelings and thoughts. (G. Kapitsa “Bioenergetics of an apartment”)

Energy of old things in the apartment

If your house is filled with old things, furniture left over from grandparents, previous owners. Each thing at the energy level remembers everything that happened in the house and continues to radiate these energies into the apartment, and therefore to you.

The easiest way is to get rid of old things. If this is not possible, for some reason, then put them in order, repair them, wash everything, clean it, and then you can clean the objects themselves on an energetic level.

Cleansing the energy of old things.

For a method of cleaning furniture and old things (the same applies to second-hand items), see the addendum to the article.

Case from practice: After the client managed to convince her to throw away unnecessary things from the house, old pillows, grandmother's things, furniture, the attacks of allergic cough stopped. My grandmother had asthma.

The influence of mirrors on the energy of an apartment

If you have an antique or antique mirror, think about it. Do you need this energy and information in your apartment?

Cleansing the energy of mirrors.

1 way

Dilute salt in water, any concentration, salt is a powerful way of cleansing. And wash the mirror with this water. Then rinse with plain clean water.

Method 2

Light a candle in front of the mirror and give the information: “The flame of this candle cleanses the energy of the mirror from negativity.”

Perhaps one candle is not enough here. Watch the candle flame. It will tell you when the mirror is clean.

Popular experience says that mirrors should at least be wiped with a damp cloth after guests visit.

Learn more about the correct use of mirrors in an apartment and how to make an apartment a source of well-being in the seminar How to cleanse the energy of a home and make it a place of power

Cleansing the energy of the apartment from negativity. 10 ways.

After analysis, we move on to the cleansing itself. I suggest you try all the methods one by one and choose what is closest and works best for you.

1. General cleaning of the apartment

The results of cleaning depend on the mood in which you do it. You need to prepare yourself in advance for what you will be producing now. the act of cleansing one's home, and not just tidy it up. Then your every movement will acquire some hidden meaning, you will feel it immediately. You need to mentally imagine that with every wave of the broom, with every movement of the mop you sweep and wash out of your home everything that is dark, unkind and unclean, what could and did accumulate in it. Think about the bright, the joyful; every touch you make to things in your apartment should be affectionate and kind. The most important thing is that every minute while you are cleaning, remember why you are doing all this, and mentally remove the “dirt” from the space,surrounding you.(G. Kapitsa “Bioenergetics of an apartment”)

Be sure to clean all corners, deposits, and cabinets. Any things that are not used begin to bring stagnant energy into the house. Any cracked plates or cups are vampires in your home. Don't feel sorry for them. Clean and throw away everything unnecessary, wash all corners.

2. Cleansing your energy before entering the house

Mentally imagine that you have a shower head hanging above the front door. You all know perfectly well what a shower looks like and it’s easy to imagine. When you come home, open the door, the energy shower automatically turns on, which washes away everything you have collected during the day, emotions, other people's energies, etc., and then you come home clean. You have already washed away all the negativity from yourself.

In order for the shower to start working in automatic mode, you need to make sure that it turns on three or four times.

The setup goes like this: Open the door and at the same time give the command: “The shower turns on and all the dirt is washed off.” Everything goes straight into the ground, no matter what floor you are on. You tracked it three, four, five times so that you consciously turned it on, felt it. Then you give the command that this shower automatically turns on every time someone opens the front door.

3. Cleansing the energy of the apartment with rain

The simplest cleansing that does not require any skills. You can clean any room from a distance. Everyone has seen summer rain and sun. It is strong, torrential, and then the sun is shining and the mood is immediately so upbeat and cheerful. You do the same.

You snap your fingers and turn on the rain and sun. As soon as this has washed away everything, the sun becomes even brighter. The rain stops on its own, no need to turn it off. Everything immediately goes into the ground. A rainbow may appear and fill your room with the full spectrum of energies.

R works great. On the way to work, click - they cleaned the workplace. When you enter a room cleansed by this rain and sun, your soul begins to rejoice.

We learn to analyze the apartment and its energy state more deeply and thoroughly, including energy faults, geopathogenic zones, biopathogenic and man-made zones, and do cleansing at a more professional level on 1st stage of the Author's School VEGAS Magical improvements in life in the new reality. Until April 20, you can buy the “Correspondence Student” option

4. Cleansing the energy of the apartment with a church candle

Light a church candle (you can also use an ordinary paraffin candle, but not a decorative one), walk from the front door counterclockwise to the apartment, reciting the Lord’s Prayer and crossing the walls and especially the corners.

In those places where the candle flame begins to dance, smoke or go out, stop and read and make the sign of the cross longer until the flame becomes even. Walk through the entire apartment like this, ending where you started. Be sure to go through the bathroom, toilet, and closets. Leave the candle to burn out.

5. Cleansing the energy of the apartment with sound

The bell has a high sound. Sound is vibration and the bell has a very high vibration.

When you ring a bell along the walls, corners in the apartment, due to the vibrations of the sound Negative energy blocks are broken down.

By the sound of the bell, you can determine where you need to stop and ring these places even more carefully. Where there are negative energies, you will feel that the bell seems to be slipping and the sound is breaking. Stop at these places and ring them until the sound becomes even.

Mantras and prayers heard in the house and recordings of bells are also cleaned.

6. Cleansing the energy of the apartment with candles

For this pleasant cleansing, any candles are suitable, you can use decorative ones.

Place candles (the number according to your taste and desire), light them and at the same time think or say out loud: “I cleanse the apartment from the fire of these candles.... and then list why, what bothers you in the apartment - from the evil eye, damage, scandals, emotions, poverty, illness.”

You can do this cleansing at least every day.

7. Cleansing the energy of the apartment with salt.

For such cleansing, you can use coarse table salt or sea salt.

2 options:

  1. Dissolve salt in a bucket of water. Concentration is up to you. Wash the floor with salt water.
  2. Sprinkle salt in the corners overnight. Sweep it away in the morning. Pour it into the toilet and say “Where there is water, there is trouble.”

8. Cleansing with objects of power and symbols

Power items are items with high vibrations. These could be icons, energy paintings, objects from holy places, crystals, or any objects that carry power for you personally. Make a place for yourself and your family so that it not only brings purification, but also becomes a source of strength for everyone.

9. Cleansing with crystals and stones

In the master class "How to cleanse energy at homeand make it a place of power"

Anastasia talks and shows for 1.5 hours how to cleanse and harmonize the energy of your home with the help of minerals. Amethyst druse does a good job of cleansing space, but then it needs to be cleaned itself under running water.

Create fountains from minerals and stones anywhere in your apartment. They will also work to harmonize housing. Anastasia tells more about how to assemble a fountain in the master class.

How to protect your apartment from negativity

1. Protective screen

Take holy water (or charge it yourself for protection). Tell her why you want to protect your home.

Open the front door and pour water along the threshold, drawing a line with water. Then mentally raise a protective screen from this trait, saying what you are protecting it from. Imagine this transparent protective screen and how all the negativity remains behind it and immediately burns out there.

2. Protection for the apartment using holy water.

You can use holy water, or you can charge it yourself with water for protection.

Pour holy water into a bowl, take a sprig of a plant (this is the best option), walk through the entire apartment clockwise and sprinkle water with the sprig, making the sign of the cross and read the prayer (Our Father). Before you start walking around the apartment, think about what you are protecting it from.

The water will dry, but the protection information will remain.

You don’t need to be too zealous with protection, don’t use a lot of them. Remember that any defense provokes an attack. 1 is enough, maximum two. You also have your own methods of protection in your arsenal, so choose what you like best.

For complete comfort and order in the house, I advise you to make friends with Domovoy! I described how to do this in the article.

How often should you clean your apartment?

The apartment is cleaned 1-2 times a year. After the work of a professional and installation of professional protection, you can only do maintenance cleaning (with candles, cleaning, etc.)

It is necessary to additionally clean the apartment in the following cases:

    big outbursts of emotions

    after a visit from unpleasant people

    a large number of people

    if you suddenly feel uncomfortable in it

Remember, it’s not clean where they sweep, but where they don’t litter!

P.S. if you feel that the energy of the apartment requires more serious cleansing and you can’t cope with it yourself or you simply don’t have the desire to do it yourself, then you can turn to me for help. Find out how it is

It is generally accepted that home is our fortress. “Houses and walls help.” But, probably, everyone noticed that when you walk into one house, the atmosphere is modest, but it is comfortable and cozy. And in another house there is beautiful furniture, good repairs have been made, but the feeling of discomfort does not leave you, you want to leave this room as quickly as possible. To avoid such a feeling of discomfort in your home or apartment, you need to get rid of accumulated fatigue, irritation, and anger by following simple steps to cleanse your home of negative energy.
What is the problem?

Clear answers to this question are found in the ancient teachings of Buddhism. It is believed that things cannot carry the karma of their owners; only we can endow them with any qualities. Our past experience, attitude towards the world around us moves us at the moment of perception of a thing. The darker the paint tone, the more negative these objects have.

Many things come into our home, some of which are gifts or borrowed for a while. Along with these things comes an attitude towards them: negative or positive.

It's no secret that most of the things standing on shelves, lying in closets and on mezzanines only clutter the apartment. By keeping items in the apartment that we do not use for a long time, we do not allow new ideas to be born and block the path to success. Things need to be released, thanking them for their service.

If, for example, you review your books, you will find that many have not even been opened. Keep only the minimum number of books that will help you reveal all your talents tomorrow. But this applies not only to books, but to all objects in the apartment. Items given by friends and strangers deserve special attention.

What should you pay attention to before cleansing your home of negative energy?

Review the whole family's wardrobe. If you haven't worn something for more than a year, get rid of it. During the time spent in the closet, she collected all the negativity that had accumulated in the house.

Review the contents of shelves, kitchen cabinets, and walls. Chipped or cracked dishes have exhausted their service life. It is not recommended to store it at home, even if it is an antique.

Furniture absorbs energy well, especially soft furniture, on which we relax after a hard day at work.

Start by clearing things of negative energy and then move on to cleansing the room.

1. Place stacks of salt in the corners of the sideboard or cabinet. Salt perfectly absorbs negative energy. For the first time, do not keep the salt for more than three days. Throw the used salt into the toilet, saying the following words: “Where there is salt, there are problems.”

2. With a damp cloth soaked in a solution of salt water, wipe all furniture, including upholstered furniture, including new things donated or given away by someone.

3. Once a year it is recommended to rearrange the furniture. Such work should be carried out so that renewal occurs in places where negative energy accumulates. If you don’t do this, then you need to at least move out the upholstered furniture for a while, at least once a year. The energy of fatigue and irritability will be replaced by positive energy, and the joy of being on your favorite sofa will bring much more pleasant moments.

Now let's start cleaning the room. It is recommended to do energy purification of a bioenergy room when moving to a new home.

4. Wash the ceiling, walls and floor with a solution of salt water. Before you soak the rag in the salt solution again, rinse it under running water.

5. Light a church candle and walk around the entire apartment with it clockwise, starting from the threshold. Above furniture and in corners, stop for a few seconds, especially if the flame begins to fluctuate.

The accumulation of clots of negative energy will be indicated by the crackling of a lit candle. In such places it is necessary to stop and stand until the flame begins to burn evenly.

Fumigating the room with incense will have the same effect when cleansing the house of negative energy. Sandalwood and incense are considered the most effective aromas. The method is the same as with a candle. Fumigating the room from the threshold, go around the entire apartment clockwise.

6. After the guests leave, bioenergy specialists recommend performing the “Holy Arch” exercise, especially after the visit of unfriendly people.

Sit down, relax, mentally imagine: you are facing the door. Raise your hands with your palms towards the door above the level of the platband and spread them to the sides. By performing this exercise regularly, you can prevent the accumulation of negative energy in corners, on furniture, on things and direct it to flow down to the floor.

The “Holy Arch” exercise should be performed once every three months or if a series of troubles has begun.

Please note that the same principle is used to create church domes. This allows the accumulated negative energy of the parishioners not to stagnate.

You need to clean your house as often as possible so that you can live in it more comfortably and cozily.

In Europe, the Christmas tradition of throwing away old furniture has taken root. Perhaps we should also pay attention to the things that interfere with building tomorrow.

Cleansing the house with a candle.

It’s bad when there is no energy in the house, but when it’s filled with negative energy it’s even worse. This brings not only fatigue and irritability, quarrels and loss of money, but also illness and even the destruction of the family. This is why the house needs to be cleaned from time to time. The energy of water will best help with this. Remember our ancestors who consecrated the house by sprinkling it with holy water. As a result, black negative energy left the house. You can get rid of bad energy at home using simple rules. This energy cleaning should be done 3-4 times a year, similar to regular general cleaning of an apartment.

A complete set of rules for energetic house cleaning.

Cleansing your own negative energy.

Step one.

Before you start cleaning the house, you need to remove negative energy from yourself. To do this, you need to take a shower, but not a simple one, but with salt. The fact is that salt is a conductor of energy. It can accumulate both positive and negative energy. And salt dissolved in water can wash away the negative energy that has accumulated not only in a day, but over many years, that is, destroy all the energy dirt from which you, perhaps without suspecting it, have suffered for so long.

So, first we rub the body with regular table salt. Try to cover all surfaces except the hair, but do not rub the salt very hard, do it gently so as not to feel discomfort.

After this, get in the shower and rinse off the salt with water. When you stand in the shower, mentally ask the water to wash away all the bad things from you.

Choose your words at your own discretion, address water as a living being, the main thing is that it is sincere and your words come from the heart. You will immediately feel good and light in your soul, and your body will become light and unusually clean. Water with salt will cleanse your body and your soul. It will seem to you that you have gotten rid of some heavy burden. And this will be correct, because the energetic dirt that was washed away by the water is indeed very difficult for people.

Preparing for energy cleansing at home.

Step two.

And now it’s time to start energetically cleaning your home. Dress as simply as possible, preferably a dressing gown or tracksuit. You should not be wearing any jewelry - neither metal, nor leather, nor plastic.

You must be completely energetically neutral. In the entire house or apartment where you live, open the windows, and, if possible, both the windows and the entrance doors. Don’t be afraid of a draft, all negative energy will go away through it. Let people who are not involved in cleaning leave the house. Send your household members to the cinema or for a walk so that they don’t interfere with your cleaning.

Now wipe all the mirrors in the house. To do this, take a damp cloth and make clockwise circular movements with your hand. This is the only way to remove the energetic dirt along with the visible dust.

Try to remember how many years you have had this mirror - and make circles with a wet rag for that many years. Then you will completely destroy all the negative information that has accumulated over the years. If you don't remember how old the mirror is, do thirteen circles.

Throw away old things mercilessly or give them away to the poor. Remember: everything you haven’t used for more than a year collects negative energy.

Never keep broken dishes at home, even those with a small crack. Positive energy flows through it, and with it family and home well-being. A chipped vessel is especially dangerous; it creates a strong leakage of positive charge.

Energetic cleaning of the apartment.

Step three.

You will need several thin church candles and several branches of St. John's wort, thistle or heather. Also prepare a bowl of water. It can be structured (preferably thawed) or holy, but in no case tap water.

First, spray every corner of the house with this water, then wet your face and hands with it and, without wiping, let it dry. After this, set fire to the plant branches and fumigate the entire apartment with them, carrying the smoldering branches to all corners, going clockwise. When cleaning, mentally imagine how the energetic dirt disappears.

Then take a candle and place a small circle cut out of white paper on it. It is necessary to protect your hands from negative energy that the melted wax will absorb. Remember that wax should never get on your hands. Therefore, the candle must be held by the protected end and only then lit.

If you did everything correctly, the candle will burn evenly without leaving soot. Stand at the front door from the outside and draw a candle along its perimeter from left to right.

Pay special attention to the peephole on the door and fumigate it with a candle in a cross-shaped motion clockwise.

Treat the entire surface of the door with a candle, not forgetting the handles and the bell. Then proceed to processing the inside of the door, doing the same thing. Burning the peephole with a candle, make a triple cross with it. Doors take the most time, but they are the most important gateway of negative energy.

You need to understand that by properly treating the doors, you can be sure that negative information will not penetrate your home.

Now start processing the apartment itself from left to right. Do not forget about small details - switches and sockets, of course turning off the electricity.

Carry out all candle treatment clockwise. We process not only walls, but also furniture, especially in the hallway. Also pay special attention to hangers, because a lot of energy dirt accumulates on them. Clean all shoes and outerwear well (just don't burn them!).

Treat the walls by running a candle along the sinusoid - sometimes lifting it up, sometimes lowering it down. Your instincts will tell you where to make the climbs and descents. In general, listen more to your inner voice and follow its prompts. Give your bathroom a good cleaning. This is a place that absorbs a lot of negative information, especially the bathroom mirror. After all, it is in the bathroom that you wash off the dirt from yourself, and the energetic dirt settles on the surfaces. Don't forget to treat doors and switches that are touched most often by your hands.

Go around each room from left to right, stopping near the furniture and carefully processing it.

Circle the candle in a cross-shaped motion around each furniture door and each handle.

Moreover, open cabinets and bedside tables and treat the interior surfaces. Also treat the chairs in a crosswise motion.

The largest energy storage devices are household electrical appliances, that is, a computer, refrigerator, TV, etc. They carry a huge charge of negative energy from the outside, especially the computer and TV.

Stay on them longer and treat them especially carefully.

Be sure to cross the bed and bedding three times, starting from the head. When walking around the apartment, do not forget about the toilet and utility rooms. Treat the toilet bowl especially carefully, where a lot of negative information goes. To prevent it from coming back, it must be “burned” thoroughly.

As you clean your apartment, you will have to change the candles, so carry them with you. As soon as the candle begins to burn out, place it on the saucer without touching the soot, otherwise you will get dirty. Now carry it on a saucer, having prepared a new candle, which you first hold in your hands, and at the end also place on the saucer.

During one cleaning, you can burn more than four candles, depending on what kind of apartment you have and how serious you are about cleaning it. Just in case, it is better to stock up on five candles. All candles must be covered with paper circles. Finally, return to the front door and process in the same way as at the beginning.

When you finish energetic cleaning, you will have several burnt candles on your saucer. Throw them away immediately, scrape off the carbon deposits with a match and also throw them into a trash can, the contents of which should be immediately sent to the garbage chute (take it to the trash).

Take the time to cleanse your apartment of negative energy. You will find clean and healthy housing in which every person will be healthy and successful.

Cleaning hands after cleaning.

Step four.

When the cleaning is finished, it is necessary to remove the remaining energy dirt from your hands, where it will inevitably fall.

To do this, wash your hands with soap under the tap. Then wash your hands with salt and wait until they dry. After this, clench your hands and remember them, stretching your fingers. First, massage each finger of your left hand with your right hand, then massage the fingers of your right hand with your left hand. Then rub the palms of both hands clockwise. And finally, shake your hands to release any remaining negative energy. In total, it will take you about ten minutes to clean your hands.

Re-cleaning the house.

Step five.

It is recommended to re-clean after six months. However, if this is your first time cleaning your apartment from energy dirt, then you will have to do it in two stages, that is, repeat the cleaning after three days. To check if you need to re-clean, light a candle and wait until half of it burns out. At this time, mentally read, without ceasing, the prayer “Our Father.” When melted wax appears on the saucer and candle, look at its shape. If it is ugly, and the wax itself is dark, then the dirt still remains, and if the wax turns out to be light and flows in smooth, beautiful streams, then your apartment is completely cleared of negative energy.