How to color eggs with natural dyes. How to paint eggs for Easter with your own hands - traditional and original painting methods

  • powder dyes,
  • table vinegar,
  • hard-boiled hot chicken eggs,
  • glass jars, half liter capacity,
  • paper towels,
  • tablespoons,
  • boiling water.

Cooking process:

Step-by-step instruction

First step. Carefully pour one packet of powdered food coloring into clean, dry half-liter glass jars. We do this carefully so that the powder does not get on your hands or the table; it is quite difficult to wash it off later. Instead of cans, you can also use ordinary plastic bottles, but to do this, you first need to cut them in half to get containers of the required size. Next, pour boiling water over the egg dyes and add one tablespoon of vinegar to each jar as a dye fixer.

Second step. Then take a hard-boiled hot chicken egg, place it on a tablespoon and carefully immerse it in a jar with one of the dyes.

Third step. After seven to ten minutes, carefully remove the egg from the paint can and place it on a plate previously covered with three layers of paper towels or regular table napkins. Important! To color eggs, use a separate tablespoon for each color of paint, and do not put colored eggs of different colors on the same plate.

Fourth step. Let the egg dry completely, after which the painted eggs can be additionally rubbed with vegetable oil to make it shiny.

We hope you find our tips on how to color Easter eggs with dry dyes useful.

If just multi-colored eggs do not seem interesting to you, then you can additionally decorate them using regular gel pens.

Another method, perhaps the most common, which was used by the majority of our grandmothers (and many housewives still paint eggs this way to this day), is painting using onion peels. The recipe is simple: put more onion peels into boiling water along with the eggs, wait until the eggs change color and take them out. The color is very rich, from golden yellow to deep red. We bring to your attention a step-by-step photo recipe from one of our authors, Svetlana Kislovskaya.

How to color eggs in onion skins

For the wonderful holiday of Easter, I always paint eggs in onion skins. I don’t like dyes - that’s all! My mom always does this and she taught us and her daughters this. Everything is very simple, the result is wonderful, and most importantly, without chemicals, everything is natural. Even if the eggs burst during cooking, there is nothing to worry about; they can be crumbled into a salad. I offer a very simple recipe for coloring eggs. The most important thing is that you must accumulate this husk in advance, and the more of it there is, the brighter and more saturated the color of the painted eggs will be.
We will need:
  • Eggs 8-15 pieces,
  • Onion peel - a few handfuls,
  • Water,
  • Salt.

How to prepare onion broth

Rinse the onion skins under water. You don't have to do this if yours is clean. Next, put it in a saucepan and fill it with water. For such purposes, it is better to take an old saucepan, since then it will be “colored” for some time. Over time the color will wash off.

We put it on the stove and wait for everything to boil. The water has boiled, reduce the heat, and cook the husks for several minutes. Previously, I painted eggs along with the husks. But I noticed that when you put eggs with the husks in cold water, they turn out spotty. If this doesn’t bother you, then you can cook like this. It's much faster this way. But now I cook exactly in the way that is presented today. First, prepare the onion broth, and then (even the next day, this can be done when the water has completely cooled), you can boil the eggs in it.

So, when the water has boiled for about ten minutes, turn off the stove and let the water cool completely. Let cool, as it is not recommended to put eggs in hot water to prevent them from cracking. When the dyed water has cooled, we catch the feathers of the husk and throw them away; they will no longer be needed. I usually prepare onion broth the night before, and in the morning or during the day I paint eggs in it for Easter.

Place eggs in cold natural dye and cook them as usual on the stove, after boiling, for about five to seven minutes. Place the boiled colored eggs in another cup and fill with cold water so that they can be cleaned well in the future. Many housewives do not do this at all, but while the eggs are hot, lubricate them with vegetable oil using a cotton pad or napkin.

If desired, Easter colors can be decorated with different stickers, which children love to do. This is how we prepared for the glorious Easter holiday!

Eggs can be boiled not only in onion skins, you can use an infusion of various herbs. Painted marble eggs using onion peels and brilliant green are very beautiful. Or you can boil them in one of the decoctions, having previously wrapped them in colored threads.

All of these methods are very easy to put into practice, but they may seem a little boring to some. In this case, try coloring the eggs with paints. Nowadays there are different food colors on the market that you can use for painting. This option is especially suitable for families with children. They will definitely enjoy it and can also help them develop their creativity.

But with the help of acrylic paints, beads, decoupage you can create masterpieces. Put all your imagination into action. To complete the effect, you can add rhinestones or sparkles. These eggs can be given to friends and acquaintances, or distributed on the street in honor of Easter.

Beliefs and signs associated with Easter eggs

There were many rituals and beliefs associated with the Easter egg. For example, it was unforgivable to eat an egg and throw the shell out the window or over the fence. Christ himself with the apostles walks the streets, and one could accidentally get into them.

The peasants believed that the Easter egg had the power to make it easier for the souls of the deceased to remain in the next world. To do this, it was necessary to christen the deceased three times, and give the egg to the “free” bird to taste, and as a sign of gratitude it would remember the dead and ask God for them. The Easter egg also helps the living and alleviates their illnesses and ailments. An egg received by a person from a priest must be kept on the shrine for 3 years, and it will relieve the illness of the patient.

But with particular trepidation, the peasants believed that the egg helps in farming. It was necessary to bury the Easter egg in the grains and go out to sow, and then a good harvest would be ensured. It was also believed that rolling eggs on plowed land contributed to its fertility.

Many of these customs and beliefs have survived to this day. Like many centuries ago, people to this day paint eggs on the eve of Easter, and on the day of Christ’s Resurrection they give them to each other, saying the phrase “Christ is risen!”

Easter cakes, eggs, cottage cheese - this is the main attribute of Bright Resurrection.

Choose recipes on our website in the appropriate section and get ready for Easter with our Notebook!

Best regards, Anyuta.

Have a nice time on Easter Eve!

The symbol of the holiday is given the main place on the Bright Resurrection of Christ! A painted egg is a symbol of the birth of a new life! At the Easter table it is eaten first and treated to guests. According to church tradition, eggs are painted on Maundy Thursday.

I will talk about ways to color Easter eggs. Be sure to involve your people in this serious matter. This is a great additional opportunity for them and for you to spend time with your children! The previous post was about . So, let's begin!

The most important thing: You can only eat eggs that are colored. natural or food coloring!

Useful tips on how to best paint eggs for Easter:

1. The smoother the egg, the better the color will lie on it.

2. Before dyeing, it is better to wipe the eggs with white vinegar; this will not only better clean the egg shell, but also improve the absorption of dyes.

3. You need to paint eggs with clean hands, without cream, so as not to accidentally leave fingerprints.

4. To make the eggs shine, wipe them dry and grease them with sunflower oil.

5. If, after coloring, you leave the eggs in the same broth overnight in the refrigerator, the color will be brighter.

6. To prevent eggs from bursting during cooking, remove them from the refrigerator in advance (about two hours). Let them just lie on the table for an hour, and an hour in water at room temperature. Before boiling eggs, add a decent amount of salt to the water - a couple of heaped teaspoons.

7. When painting with synthetic dyes, do not use metal utensils and add vinegar to ensure that the paint applies evenly.

Ways to color Easter eggs!

I) Natural food colors.

1. The oldest recipe for coloring Easter eggs in onion skins.

You will need:

eggs - as many as you like

onion peel - the more the better


Place the husks in a saucepan, add water and bring to a boil. Leave to steep overnight. Boil the eggs in the resulting infusion until tender.

2. In birch leaves.

First, you need to prepare a decoction of birch leaves (if the birch trees have not yet sprouted young leaves, then leaves from a birch broom stored for the winter are quite suitable), let it brew a little. Place raw, clean eggs into a warm leaf broth and cook for 8-10 minutes after boiling. Then remove and cool. The eggs will be yellow.

3. Colored eggs in turmeric decoction

The golden yellow color can be obtained using turmeric decoction.

Add 2-3 tablespoons of turmeric to hot water. To make the color more saturated, you need to boil the water. During boiling, you need to be careful: if the water runs away, there will be serious problems with cleaning the stove, because... Turmeric is a fairly strong dye.

In the resulting broth you can either boil eggs (you will get a richer color) or simply soak the boiled ones.

4. Eggs dyed in beet juice

To obtain a beautiful pink color, already boiled eggs are soaked in beet juice.

Many natural ingredients have a coloring effect. Due to this, you can get a variety of colors and shades. Pink color comes from beet juice, pale yellow from lemon, orange, carrots, yellow from birch leaves and calendula flowers. Green color can be achieved with spinach or nettles, blue with red cabbage. Coffee gives the beige color to the eggs, and violet flowers give the purple color. Some dyes are not very intense, for example, violet or spinach, so eggs can be left in such decoctions overnight.

Boil the eggs hard. Dilute the dyes with water - each color in a separate bowl. There should be enough water to cover the eggs. Add vinegar (1 tbsp). Keep the eggs in bowls until they reach the desired color.

III) Other ideas for coloring Easter eggs.

1. Decoration with beads

2. Decorate with cereal

3. We use thermal stickers

4. We make snow-white patterns with powdered sugar.

5. Use different scraps

6.Patterns with permanent marker

7. Using stencils to color eggs

We cut out any stencil image from paper (tracing paper) (Easter theme, images of saints, and even your favorite brand). We moisten the made stencil base with water until plastic paper is formed, capable of taking on the shape of a shell. We firmly attach the moistened stencil to the surface. If the design is small in format, it can be duplicated along the entire perimeter, rather than being limited to one side. We fix it with a stencil, wrapping it with nylon or gauze. Boil eggs using any types of dyes (natural, food) for coloring. After cooking them, take them out and let them cool. We remove the material fixing the stencil and the stencil base only after they have cooled completely. The design you chose is visible on the eggshell.

8. Marble eggs

9.Painting eggs with silk.

Yesterday, we figured it out for you as much as possible. In the comments, regular reader Larisa shared various ways to decorate eggs for Easter. To make the colored eggs bright and the cooking process to be as hassle-free as possible, you can color the eggs with food dyes, which are widely sold on Easter Eve. I chose a pack of dyes called “Krashenka”, produced in Moscow; I think this kind of paint can be bought in many regions of Russia. Let's go directly to the process.

Ingredients for Easter eggs painted with food coloring:

food colorings

table vinegar (9%)

Coloring Easter eggs with food coloring:

The concentrations and amounts of dye vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, so read how much water you need to dilute the contents of the sachets. In my case, one sachet holds 200 ml of water. Before coloring eggs with food coloring, they need to be boiled, cooled and dried.

To color eggs, take small containers that can easily hold one egg. Dissolve the contents of one sachet in 50 ml of warm water, add two tablespoons of table vinegar and mix thoroughly. Add water to 200 ml or desired color saturation. Dip the egg into the food coloring solution. It is highly desirable that the solution completely covers the egg. Do not let the egg lie, constantly turn it over to ensure uniform coloring. The time for painting eggs is about 3-4 minutes.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the color saturation of the egg does not always coincide with the color saturation of the paint, look at this photo and then compare. Place the colored eggs on a paper napkin or towel. The dye often comes with Easter-themed labels. When the eggs are dry, you can stick these labels on them. You can entrust this event to children. At the same time, eggs dyed with food coloring should not be wiped with vegetable oil.

Tomorrow I will post another popular and affordable way to decorate Easter eggs and give my comparison. And you can choose which eggs you like best. Bon appetit!!!


Positive psychology 28.03.2018

Dear readers, very soon we will celebrate the bright holiday of Easter. Let me remind you that in 2018 we will celebrate Orthodox Easter on April 8th. We will bake Easter cakes, Easter cakes and, of course, paint eggs.

The tradition of coloring eggs dates back to ancient times. And if earlier eggs were painted mainly red, symbolizing the blood of Jesus Christ, now the creativity and creative approach of people around the world are simply amazing. Find out how beautifully you can paint eggs for Easter, from the simplest to the most unusual!

Where did the custom come from?

When to dye eggs for Easter

What day should you dye eggs? According to church canons, eggs should begin to be colored on the eve of Easter on Maundy Thursday. On this day, it is customary to clean the house, wash and prepare Easter eggs and dyes. If you didn’t have time to color the eggs on Maundy Thursday, you can do it on Saturday. Thursday and Saturday are the best days for coloring Easter eggs.

On what day should you not dye eggs?

It is believed that on the day of Jesus' death, that is, on Friday, one should not do household chores, including painting eggs. However, many priests say that even on Good Friday you can start preparing the dyes. When is the best time to do this? - only after 15.00 hours.

Easter eggs have long ceased to be just a ritual food. They are given to friends and relatives and decorate the holiday table. Therefore, every year they try to decorate them as interesting as possible. This process is especially popular with young children, who happily join in this creative game.

  • Chicken eggs will not burst during cooking if you add a tablespoon of table salt to the pan. In addition, eggs should be removed 1-2 hours before cooking. This step will also protect the shell from damage;
  • in order for the paint to evenly cover the shell, you need to wipe the boiled egg with alcohol;
  • if you like the mirror shine of Easter paints and Easter eggs, rub the eggs with a drop of vegetable oil;
  • to fix the shade, place the eggs in a 9% vinegar solution based on the proportions of 1 tablespoon per 1.5 liters of water;
  • the brightness of the shade depends on the concentration of the dye and the time the egg is in the liquid;
  • You can dye not only chicken eggs. Try coloring quail eggs and you will see how beautiful it is!

If you have small children, then when dyeing it is better to avoid chemical dyes. The risk of dye penetrating into the egg is minimal, but still present, especially if the egg bursts during cooking.

Therefore, it is better to give preference to traditional natural components for coloring, which will definitely not provoke allergies in our children. There are several ways to color eggs for Easter without store-bought dyes. The choice of dyeing tactics depends on the desired shade.

Educational shade chart

Dear readers, I offer you a list of products that will help you achieve the desired shade when coloring Easter eggs. This chart can be printed and used as a guide.

How to color eggs in onion skins. Classic way

Many people know how to paint eggs in onion skins, but let's remind you again about this method for beginners. This recipe is quite easy to make. You just need to stock up on onion peels in advance.

In order to get a purplish-red hue, take the peels from 8 onions and add 400 ml of water. Bring the mixture to a boil and continue to cook over medium heat for 30 minutes. As soon as the coloring solution has cooled, it needs to be filtered.

Now you can start coloring - immerse the eggs in water until they are completely covered and cook them for 10 minutes. If at the end of cooking the color is not sufficiently saturated, you can place them back into the strained coloring broth and leave for another 10 minutes.

How to paint marbled eggs in onion skins

There is another way to paint eggs in onion skins with a pattern. This recipe produces marbled eggs. To do this, in addition to onion peels, you will need:

  • a jar of pharmaceutical greens;
  • gauze or nylon stockings;
  • gloves.

To begin, grind the onion skins into fine crumbs. Moisten the eggs with water and roll them in the shells. Now you need to wrap each egg with gauze or nylon so that the husk is fixed, and dip it in water for cooking.

You need to add brilliant green to the container with eggs at the rate of 10 ml per 1.5 liters of water. Now all that remains is to boil the eggs in this coloring solution for 15 minutes. At the end of this simple manipulation, you need to cool the eggs by dousing them with cold water and freeing them from the onion skins.

I would like to emphasize that the use of food products when coloring eggs does not give such an intense color as chemical dyes. The final result also depends on the natural color of the shell. Therefore, to obtain a deep shade it will take more time, up to 12 hours.

Turmeric for a golden hue

Did you know that you can get a yellow-golden color using spices? To do this, add 3 tablespoons of aromatic turmeric to a container of boiling water. Give the solution time to cool and brew, then dip the eggs into it and boil. If the shade is too weak, then you can leave the eggs in the broth overnight.

Beetroot for crimson shade

How to color eggs with beets? Sugar beets give eggs an interesting purple hue when dyed. To do this, grate a medium-sized vegetable and squeeze out the juice. Add beet juice to a container of water, bring to a boil and leave the liquid to steep for half an hour.

Strain the coloring solution and add the eggs to it. Cook them over medium heat for 15 minutes to obtain a light brown color. Adjust the dyeing time depending on the intensity of the desired color.

Red cabbage for a purple hue

There are many ways to beautifully paint eggs for Easter. One popular method is using red cabbage, which gives the eggs a purple tint. To color this recipe you need:

  1. Chop the cabbage and pour 1.5 liters of water into it.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil and leave to simmer over low heat for 60 minutes.
  3. After the solution has cooled, it must be strained and allowed to brew for another 10-15 minutes.
  4. Add eggs to the container with the broth and cook them for 10 minutes. During this time they will acquire a light pink tint. To obtain a rich purple color, leave the eggs in a container with natural dye for 4 hours.

Food colors for coloring eggs

Using store-bought dyes is very simple and many people resort to this method as the fastest. Before purchasing food coloring, pay attention to the instructions on how to color eggs for Easter. The thing is that different paint manufacturers present different methods of applying it. Sometimes you need to boil eggs in water with dye, and in other cases you need to place boiled eggs in the solution.

Most often in stores you can find bags of water-soluble paint. To color in this way, you need to first boil the eggs. Pour cold water, 1 teaspoon of vinegar and food coloring into a metal container. The mixture must be thoroughly stirred and wait until the dye grains are completely dissolved.

Then you need to put the eggs in the container and leave for 30-60 minutes. The finished dyes are blotted with napkins and decorated with them on the festive table.

I suggest watching a video on how to color eggs for Easter using food coloring in rainbow colors.

How to make a pattern on an Easter egg

Many families have maintained the tradition of painting eggs using twigs of homemade flowers, leaves, and grass. If you want to make your Easter eggs original, you definitely need to try this coloring method.

Choose any dye that will give you the base shade of the eggs. This could be the usual onion skins, beet juice or store-bought dyes. The choice is yours.

Pour water into a metal container, dilute the dye and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat and simmer the solution for 10 minutes. During this time you will have time to prepare the eggs for coloring.

To obtain a picture, leaves of trees, plants, and parsley are suitable. Moisten an egg with water and attach a piece of paper. Now wrap the shell in gauze or nylon stocking, securing the ends.

Add a tablespoon of salt to the slightly cooled coloring solution and carefully lower the eggs into it. You need to cook them for 10-12 minutes, then fill them with cold water and free them from the nylon. The result is original Easter eggs with a floral pattern.

Coloring eggs for Easter using the “speckled” technique

In Ukrainian villages, the tradition of making rags, kraponkas or shkrabanks for Easter is still preserved. These are ordinary painted eggs, on which ornaments are then made.

If you want to try to make these Easter eggs, then color them using natural dyes, because store-bought ones smudge a lot when drawing the pattern. Experienced housewives share advice that for this method of decoration it is better to use dark eggs, since they have a thicker shell.

I suggest watching a master class on this technique from Olga Proyda, who participated in the competition along with her 6-year-old son Dima.

We will need:

  • boiled eggs;
  • candle;
  • dyes;
  • rags.

Boil the eggs and dilute the dyes in a convenient container. It is better to make the solution sufficiently saturated.

When everything is ready, lay out the rags, light a candle and drip melted wax onto the testicle. After each drop, you can lightly blow on the wax to make it harden faster. After drying the egg with a cloth, then apply wax to the egg in other places. This can be repeated several times.

When all the necessary drops are already in place, dip the egg into the paint. It is convenient to do this with a spoon.

You can see everything in more detail

Easter engraving

For a floral or geometric design, use a thick gypsy needle and a sharpened orange stick. Sometimes in stores you can find a ready-made Easter engraving set, which contains all the necessary tools.

Decoupage Easter eggs

Experienced craftswomen recommend trying to decorate Easter eggs using an interesting decoupage technique. Using this method you can translate any pattern. Painting this way is more labor-intensive, but the end result is worth the effort.

You will need beautiful napkins with a design that you would like to transfer to the shell. You can first color the eggs in any way convenient for you, or simply boil them in water, leaving a natural shade.

You will also need gelatin glue, which is very easy to make yourself. To do this, soak purchased gelatin according to the instructions on the package, drain off excess liquid. The resulting mixture must be heated in a saucepan, without bringing to a boil, until the small particles are completely dissolved.

Now cut out a pattern or fragment from the napkin and separate the top layer, which you will use. Place the design on the boiled egg and cover it with glue on top. Movements with the brush should be smooth from the center to the edges. Let the drawing dry and enjoy the beauty of Easter paints.

Master class “Decorating an Easter egg”

To begin, take multi-layer paper napkins with a pattern and cut out patterns, in this case they are flowers.

Never coat the first layer with plain water, otherwise the water will dry out and the design will fall off.

We attach our flowers to the eggs in any order you like. This is what happened in the end.

The master class is taken from the competition work “Easter Miracle” from Nina Kuzmenko

Stickers – thermal films

It is not always possible to devote enough time to coloring Easter eggs. In this case, purchased thermal stickers come to the rescue. Perhaps this is the fastest and easiest way. Such stickers are made with a wide variety of patterns: Khokhloma or Gzhel, biblical motifs, butterflies, rabbits, cartoon characters, geometric patterns, holiday inscriptions.

Boil the eggs first, put a thermal base on them and place them in boiling water for a few seconds. The sticker will instantly wrap around the shell and the Easter egg is ready!

How to color eggs with little kids in a simple and fun way

All children love to participate in coloring eggs. Give them free rein to be creative. Children's fingers, whatman paper and dyes or paint - that's all you need.

Read more about this master class in the competition article from Anastasia and her wonderful sons.

As you can see, there are a huge number of ways to paint eggs for Easter. You can choose any option you like or try each one as an experiment.

I would like to add at the end that Easter is a family holiday. Color the paints with your little children and family. It's not only easy to do, but also fun. Touch a piece of beauty with the whole family!

How do you paint Easter eggs: the old fashioned way with onion skins or in unusual ways? Be sure to share your experience.

I suggest you read other articles on this topic:

And for all of us a musical gift. Beautiful sunny music Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart .

see also

Well, dear and beloved, are you already preparing for the holiday of the Resurrection of Christ? Are you looking for recipes for Easter cakes, are you dreaming of cottage cheese Easter cakes? Would you like to try something new and unusual this year? If there are no resources for global reforms, make some personal discoveries in the field of coloring Easter eggs. Surely, from year to year you resort to the same method of decorating paints - so maybe the time has come for interesting achievements and interesting experiments? Let's figure out how you can paint eggs for Easter, and once you figure it out, you will automatically find the right solution for yourself. Just - mind you! – new!

How to dye eggs for Easter:

Coloring eggs with natural dyes

In the modern world, few people think about why it is worth giving preference to natural dyes, if it is much easier to go to the store, buy, pay, mix and get the result. The Pepsi generation, we grew up on the idea of ​​“I want everything at once” and are not ready to spend even a little time if there is an opportunity to get almost the same thing, but without wasting precious minutes. However, if you approach the issue of coloring eggs for Easter from the other side, you can find a lot of advantages in using natural dyes.

First and foremost, this is your health: it is clear that when decorating Easter eggs, the shells are colored, and if food dyes get into the food, then in minimal quantities, but they do get in! Agree, if possible, it is worth making a choice in favor of health, neglecting issues of minor savings.

Secondly, natural dyes are always a miracle, magic, a mystery. Doing something with your own hands, watching with bated breath, waiting for the result and wondering what it will be like - isn’t this something miraculous? Don’t forget that by calling your children for help, you will automatically increase the magic factor: of course, sometimes little hands create unnecessary problems and troubles in the kitchen, but the happy laughter of children is worth it!

Third, natural dyes are sometimes cheaper than store-bought synthetic ones - what could be, for example, cheaper than onion peels or a couple of spoons of black tea, free birch leaves or unnecessary walnut shells?

Let's instill in children a taste for another concept: natural, natural, healthy - it's fashionable, beautiful and modern. Leading by example is the best science, so this Easter we're painting eggs with something you can find in any kitchen!

Onion peel

Perhaps onion peels are the most popular, simple and affordable means for coloring Easter eggs. Thanks to this simple old-fashioned “life hack” you can get a completely diverse range of color shades - from light red to deep brown.

To work, you will need wax, a candle and a special tool - a pissator, which can be replaced with any small diameter metal tube. Draw a design on the egg with a simple pencil, then, having filled the scribbler with wax, heat it over a candle and trace the ornament of your choice with the melted mass. After this, lower the egg into a glass with dye, wait the required time, then remove the wax with a napkin, if necessary, holding the pysanka over a candle - in those places that were closed, the shell will remain with its natural color, but the rest of the surface of the egg will be colored.

Using the same technology you can make multi-colored Easter eggs. To do this, after the first layer of wax design, dip the egg in the lightest paint (for example, yellow), wait the required amount of time, remove it, carefully dry the egg, apply the design again, dip it in the next most saturated color (for example, red). Repeat the operation as many times as you want to get flowers. Remove wax only after the last coat of paint.

Don't immediately look at very complex patterns. This, of course, is incredibly beautiful and inspiring, but it’s better to start with primitive drawings, and then, once you get the hang of it, move on to more complex patterns.

Decorative polyethylene films and thermal stickers

The modern industry, with the motto “quick and easy,” offers a lot of “high-speed” options for decorating Easter eggs. At Easter fairs, supermarket displays and market stalls you can find a wide selection of stickers and thermal films for decoration.

With the first ones, everything is simple to the point of primitivism: I took it off the base, stuck it on an egg, put it on a plate and began to admire the result. It would not be amiss to mention that it is still better to color the egg first - small stickers on a white background look bare and dull.

With thermal films, you will have to make several extra movements: wrap the egg in the proposed “bag”, put it in boiling water, take it out after a minute - under the influence of temperature, the special polyethylene contracts, tightly wrapping the egg. Ready. A huge disadvantage of this method of preparing Easter eggs is the difficulty in cleaning: the film is very durable, and in order to remove the contents of the shell, you have to use a knife or scissors.

Options, of course, are of dubious attractiveness and sincerity, however, they cannot be ignored, because they exist and, probably, still have the right to life - for working mothers and women who almost never have days off, this is a good way out of the situation. However, if you have at least 10 extra minutes, it is better to give preference to some “warmer” and “live” option.

Decoupage and other handmade ways to decorate Easter eggs

With minimal skills and a love of crafts, Easter eggs can be decorated in a completely unusual way, using, for example, the decoupage technique. To do this, the surface of hard-boiled eggs must be degreased, then, if desired, painted with any suitable paints (for example, gouache). After this, dilute PVA glue and water in a 1:1 ratio, cut out suitable motifs from napkins, remove the top layer and glue it onto the egg. After drying, the eggs can be additionally coated with a layer of glue. If you are making decorative jewelry, you should work with an empty shell and coat the finished egg with acrylic varnish.

For those who know how to hold a hook in their hands, we can advise you to tie the eggs with openwork “cases” - it turns out incredibly tender and cute.

However, even if you take various beads, pieces of lace, sequins, colored ribbons, beautiful ropes and decorate Easter eggs with all this goodness, it will be very vintage, festive, soulful and stylish.

Christ is Risen, dears! Have a beautiful Easter, bright colors and good mood!