How to enter a university after college. Second education: why college is better than university

From the article you will learn how to enter a higher education institution after college: whether you need to take the Unified State Exam, why to apply and all the features of this process

Students who have graduated from specialized colleges have the right to enroll in a university under an accelerated study program for full-time, part-time, and part-time study. You can enroll in any of the currently existing areas of study at universities. Moreover, the admission process after college is much easier than after 11th grade. Entrance tests are based on the Unified State Exam and are similar in terms of complexity.

Whether to continue studying at a higher educational institution after college or not is up to the graduate of the secondary vocational education to decide. However, when making a decision, you need to take into account a number of features of the current labor market.

Do I need to go to university after college?

In order to make a decision about continuing your studies at a higher level, you must weigh the pros and cons, taking into account the specifics of your situation. It is important! You can read on the Internet that you must do so. However, take into account the current situation. Are you going to work in your specialty? Does getting a college degree have a big impact on your future salary? Do you want to proceed further?

That is, as a rule, you need to do so, since in most areas of the labor market, higher education leads to an increase in your salary. However, this does not apply to all areas. If we talk about a number of non-standard ones, then, for example, your success in the IT field will not depend on the number of diplomas. Here everything is decided by your skills, which can be acquired in many places: by getting a job as an intern in a web studio, taking paid courses, using tons of information on the Internet. And if you have finished honey. college and want to become a good, highly paid specialist, then you can’t do without a university. Think. And don’t forget that, of course, the depth of knowledge gained at a university is much higher than at a college.

Do I need to take the Unified State Exam after college when applying to a university in 2018?

Article 70 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” states that admission of graduates of secondary vocational education entering bachelor’s and specialty degrees at a university is carried out based on the results of entrance examinations. The university has the right to independently establish the form and list of these tests.

In short, it is not necessary to take the Unified State Exam. You can go to college after graduation without the Unified State Exam. However, you can pass the Unified State Exam on the same basis as 11th grade graduates, there is no ban on this. And perhaps taking the Unified State Exam is not the worst idea.

Yes, entrance tests are convenient, but there are also disadvantages. If you take entrance exams, you are unlikely to have more than 2 attempts (that is, 2 different universities) to pass them. Considering that graduates of secondary vocational education can also take the Unified State Exam and apply to 5 universities for 3 directions in each based on its results. Everything is individual. If you are targeting a specific university and don’t want to go anywhere else, then admissions tests are a priority.

The deadline for submitting documents is determined between June 20 and July 10, since you must have time to submit documents before the start of the entrance exams. The entrance exams themselves begin on July 11 and end on July 26.

Universities conduct preparatory courses for graduates of secondary vocational education. You can sign up for them and prepare for the entrance test at the university.

Choose a university after college

We have a huge number of higher educational institutions on our website. Come in and choose.

Despite the fact that the Unified State Examination system today covers all Russian schools and almost no applicant will avoid the need to officially demonstrate their knowledge in at least two subjects, still a small number of those seeking to get into a university have the opportunity to take advantage of loopholes and exceptions for applicants. We'll talk about them today.

Apply for training

Admission to correspondence courses without the Unified State Exam

Why are we considering it as an “absentee”? Because neither full-time nor even part-time education is practically possible for those who are going to enter a higher educational institution without the results of state exams. The competition for these branches is so high that those coveted points often play a decisive role here. But it is quite possible to enroll in distance learning without the Unified State Exam if you thoroughly know the admission procedure. This procedure can be established either by the university itself or by the state. In addition, if you are particularly resourceful, it is also possible to enroll in distance learning without the Unified State Exam.

Naturally, in most cases you will have to pay for “no Unified State Exam”, that is, in this case only the commercial department is usually available. And it is clear that any additional or subsequent education (i.e., except for the first higher education) will also not require passing state exams.

Options for entering a university

So, the right to enroll in undergraduate programs at universities in the Russian Federation without the need to pass state exams can be legally exercised by:

  • winners and prize-winners of All-Russian Olympiads, who are required to be accepted out of competition;
  • applicants from foreign countries who graduated from schools in their homeland;
  • applicants who have certain health restrictions that do not allow them to participate in tests in the Unified State Exam format.

In these three cases, a special internal test is assigned, which is established by the university itself. Most often this is a traditional exam in a core subject.

Another option to get into a university on easier terms is to first enroll in the college you are interested in immediately after finishing the 9th grade, providing the college with only a document about your school education. Here, when enrolling, the average score of the certificate is usually taken into account. And since bachelor's degree programs usually continue with secondary vocational education programs, a college graduate applying for admission to a university for a similar specialty simply takes the university entrance exam. By the way, with this option of admission, one often enrolls immediately in the second or even third year, because the future student, who has just graduated from college, already has some reserve of professional knowledge.

In addition, the USE result will not be needed for those students who expect to transfer from their university to a more desirable one: the standard internal test scheme is applicable here. But this option can only be considered if there is a successful practice of transfers to a given university: not all educational institutions are favorable towards student defectors.

Part-time study programs

You can gain knowledge through correspondence at any convenient time - after work or on weekends, in any convenient place - at home, in the office or while traveling, but while adhering to a specific curriculum. It is wrong to think that only the full-time format provides a high professional level: the quality of training depends on the efforts of the student himself, on how determined he is to learn, and also on whether he used the opportunity to find a job in his specialty during the period of study.

The correspondence department trains specialists in the field of entrepreneurship, psychology, information technology, law, design, economics and other equally relevant and interesting areas. Leave your email address to receive the full educational catalog of Synergy University and find out which of the programs you have chosen has the most accessible format - correspondence or distance learning.

Admission to the University

As we have seen, it is still possible to get into a university by bypassing the Unified State Exam. However, the above methods are still not available to the majority of applicants. Modern school graduates are already mentally more prepared to take exams in the new format - the Unified State Exam format - than those who graduated from school several years ago, so perhaps today it is much easier to get the coveted certificate and try to enter an institute or university with everyone equally, adequately withstanding the competition in the struggle for a state diploma.

Apply for training

This is not the first year, as we all know, that graduates of 11th grade take an exam such as the “Unified State Exam” - the Unified State Exam. From the first days of their existence, these three letters immediately began to instill fear and horror in schoolchildren who fear for their future. Fortunately, taking the Unified State Exam has now become commonplace. After all, everyone rents it out.

However, in life there are still cases when a school graduate still does not have Unified State Exam results. Does this really mean that the child studied at school for 11 years in vain? Of course not. Even in such cases, it is possible to study at a secondary/higher educational institution. The main thing would be desire.

Then questions arise: where can I apply without the Unified State Exam, how can I apply without the Unified State Exam for correspondence? It’s possible to enter college without the Unified State Exam! Just like going to college without the Unified State Exam. Is it possible to enroll in absentia without the Unified State Exam? And here the answer is yes! Let's take a closer look.

In what cases is it possible to continue education after school without USE results?

At the end of 11 grades, every graduate of a Russian school takes the mandatory Unified State Examination (USE). As the teachers at school say, without it it is impossible to go anywhere after school. But is it? Not really. Yes, without the results of the Unified State Exam, the school cannot issue a certificate to the graduate, and he leaves the school only with a certificate stating that he attended the expected course of lectures for 11 grades. But this is not the end. There are several cases when a child can go on to study.

Go to college without the Unified State Exam

Is it possible to go to college without the Unified State Exam? You don’t have to wait to pass the Unified State Exam after 11th grade and leave school after completing 9 years of study. This option is good for those who do not intend to study at a higher educational institution, but want to receive secondary vocational education. Such institutions accept students on the basis of not only 11th grade, but also 9th grade.

Go to college without the Unified State Exam

With the institute, things are a little more complicated. It’s not enough to just finish 9th grade. Something else is needed. Let's look at what exactly it is now.

So, firstly, you can try to pass the Unified State Exam next year with other graduates. On the one hand, this is the simplest option: you don’t need to invent anything, look for some paths that lead to universities without Unified State Exam results. You have at least 360 days left to thoroughly prepare for the next time you take such a serious exam. On the other hand, what to do this whole year? Cramming biology and solving equations all day long? No, this option will not suit anyone. Or go to work? In this case, if a good job comes along, you can completely give up on further education. In general, there are some advantages and some disadvantages in this option, but still this option exists.

You can enter the institute without the Unified State Exam if the graduate wins the All-Russian school Olympiad or an Olympiad held at the university itself, which the former student of the school wants to enroll in. Based on your victory in the All-Russian School Olympiad, you have the opportunity to enter absolutely any university without the results of the Unified State Exam or any other exams. The University Olympiad, in turn, provides an opportunity to freely enter the relevant university. An excellent option for talented guys.

Thirdly, it should be noted that each graduate has the opportunity to choose not only between educational institutions in their own country, but also to try to enroll abroad, where it is not at all necessary to have Unified State Examination results. It will be necessary to pass the “local” exams and then - welcome. But in order to get a budget place, you will need to pass everything “excellent”. Which is not so simple at first glance, although quite feasible for some. By the way, this option is suitable for both high school and college.

The fourth option for admission without the Unified State Exam may be to graduate from college. If, as already mentioned, you entered college on the basis of 9th grade, then it is quite possible to enter a university without the Unified State Exam after college, continue your studies and get a “higher education” without the hated Unified State Exam results. So, quite a good option.

And, of course, I would like to say about children with disabilities, as well as “beneficiaries” who have absolutely no hindrance in the opportunity to study at any university without passing the Unified State Exam. In some cases, you will only need to pass university exams. Still, whatever the results, the educational institution does not have the right to refuse a school graduate, but must “meet the graduate halfway.”

Apply in absentia without the Unified State Exam

How to enter a university without the Unified State Exam in absentia? In general, we can say that all educational institutions accept applicants for evening and distance learning without presenting Unified State Examination results. To enroll in distance learning without the Unified State Exam, you will only need to pass the entrance exams for your chosen specialty at the appropriate educational institution. True, you should not count on a budget place - almost always such training takes place on a paid basis.

Where can you apply without the Unified State Exam?

Despite all the listed methods of admission after school, without passing the Unified State Exam it will still not be so easy. Which universities can you enroll in without the Unified State Exam? You need to choose a suitable educational institution.

If you are a creative person who has a clearly expressed talent in any field (drawing, singing, etc.), then it will not be difficult for you to enter the desired university. Basically, universities with creative specialties do not pay attention to the presence of the Unified State Exam, because For them, the talent of a potential student is much more important.

You can try to enter a humanitarian university, even on a budget place. To do this you will need to pass entrance exams.

And if you have already graduated from college, won the All-Russian Olympiad, or have the right to “preferential” admission, then it will not be difficult for you to enter a university, because in these cases many doors open for you.

Entering a technical school or college after the 9th grade is an excellent solution for many high school students who feel that two more years at school will take away all desire for further studies. After graduating from one of these secondary specialized educational institutions, a student can completely go to work, since he will not only master the full school course, but also receive a profession of his own choosing.

But the main advantage of a technical school or college is not even this - the opportunity to enter a university with relative ease after graduation. What features does this type of entry have? This is exactly what will be discussed below.

What does it mean to enter a university after a secondary specialized educational institution?

Firstly, the transition after college to a university is an opportunity to continue studying and improve the qualifications already obtained in the chosen profession. At the same time, you should know one important detail - if you intend to continue your studies at an institute or university in the same specialty that you acquired at a secondary specialized institution, then you have the opportunity to enroll even without the need to pass the Unified State Exam. Otherwise, you will have to go through exactly the same thorny path as school graduates - prepare for a unified exam and successfully pass it, gaining the required number of points.

Secondly, moving to a university will open up completely new opportunities for you. For example, you will be able to choose a full-time or part-time course of study, study according to a personally designed schedule, and freely combine work (at least part-time) with study and improvement of your professional skills. Of course, all such benefits will be available to you if you have certain abilities and the appropriate rules of a particular educational institution.

Finally, thirdly, for students who decide to enroll in a university after college, it is much easier to study at a higher educational institution than for yesterday’s schoolchild. Especially if they continue their studies in the same profile. Having certain knowledge and practical skills will make immersion in your chosen field as comfortable as possible.

In addition, unlike a school student who will regard an unsuccessful attempt to enter college as the ruin of all dreams and plans for life, a college graduate will be able to remain completely calm. He already has a profession, so until next year he will have something to do besides preparing for the next attempt.

Who can go to college after college without the Unified State Exam in 2018-2019

Until 2019, college graduates entering colleges or universities had some advantage over those who took the step into student life from school. But the new law today has confronted absolutely all applicants with the need to prove their right to enter a university with their own knowledge and pass tests or exams. According to the newly adopted rules, only certain categories of people can get into college without the Unified State Exam:

  • college graduates who completed their secondary education in 2009 or earlier;
  • applicants with disabilities;
  • graduates who would like to continue their studies at a higher educational institution in a specialized specialty. It should be noted that this preference is temporary. It has been abolished since 2017, so this year is the best time to enroll in a university.

How to enter a university after a specialized secondary institution: step-by-step instructions

As we have already determined above, if you intend to continue your studies in the same specialty that you received in college, you will not have to take the Unified State Exam. Otherwise, for successful admission, we suggest using the following recommendations:

  • carefully prepare for the unified exam, find out in advance about the places and dates of the Unified State Examination, as well as the subjects that are required to be taken in order to guarantee yourself admission to a specific institution;
  • After successfully passing the exam, you can submit documents. To increase your chances of success, it is advisable to send them to three different universities for five specialties. Be sure to make copies of your college diploma - they will need to be presented to the admissions committee along with the Unified State Exam results;
  • wait for that exciting moment when universities announce the results of their enrollment of potential students. Don’t forget that even if your name is not on the list right away, there are still chances to get in after the end of the first wave, when institutions distribute the remaining places.