How to use sushi chopsticks correctly. Eastern traditions: how to hold sushi chopsticks correctly How to eat with sushi chopsticks correctly

Chinese chopsticks are a traditional cutlery used in East Asia. Now that exotic Asian cuisine has gained immense popularity and many sushi bars have opened throughout Europe, many people have become interested in how to hold Chinese chopsticks correctly?

Most restaurants serve disposable chopsticks made of wood or plastic, most often unsplitted. How to use them? First they need to be split. The lower part of the device is non-working - it does not move while eating. All manipulations are carried out by the upper – working one.

We place the base of the lower stick in the recess between the hand and the index finger, and press the thin end with the thumb to the nail phalanx of the ring finger. We hold the top (working) one like a handle. For more details on how to hold chopsticks, watch the video:

In fact, eating this way is quite simple, the main thing is dexterity. Do you know who first started eating with their help?

History of Chinese chopsticks

Sticks are made from various materials - wood, bone. In ancient times, silver utensils were also used to avoid poisoned food, because... Arsenic darkens silver. They were often decorated - painted, applied with all kinds of patterns, covered with enamel.

Chinese chopsticks first appeared in Ancient China. According to legend, they were invented by the Chinese ancestor Yu, when he was trying to get a piece of meat from a hot cauldron. In China they are called "kuaizi".

Kuaizi came to Japan during the Yayoi period, where they began to be called “Hashi”. For the Japanese, hashi is a sacred, purely personal item - they are not shared with other people for use, so it is unacceptable to serve these cutlery made from durable materials in restaurants: metal, ceramics, etc. That's why sushi bars and restaurants serve their disposable equivalent, waribashi.

As you can see, these exotic cutlery are many years old! During this time, of course, stable rules for using them have developed. So, how to eat with chopsticks to comply with the rules of table etiquette?

How to eat with chopsticks according to etiquette

When using hashi, it is important not only to be able to hold them correctly! It is also necessary to follow the basic rules of etiquette:

  • do not stick hashi into food (they stick it into rice only at funerals);
  • licking cutlery is bad form (in fact, as in all other cultures);
  • if you touch a piece, you need to eat it. Putting it back on the plate is unacceptable;
  • you cannot pass food to your tablemates (this rule only applies in Japan);
  • You cannot play and wave hashi, hold them in your fist (a gesture of hostility), move dishes with them, or call the waiter.

As you can see, the rules are quite simple and in many ways similar to European ones. The main principle is not to attract the attention of your table neighbors.

Some interesting facts about Chinese chopsticks

In Japan, there are special stands for hashi - hasioki (oki - from the verb to put). They are made from wood, bamboo and ceramics; they often have artistic value and are often collector's items.

In China, in order to protect the environment, a tax on the use of this traditional cutlery was introduced in 2006 due to the fact that too much wood was wasted in its production. Due to the introduction of this tax, many hotels have completely abandoned the usual wooden varibashi.

Many eastern manufacturers, when hiring employees, conduct tests for coordination of movements using the same hashi! In order to pass the test, you need to quickly collect beads with them.

Nowadays, these exotic cutlery are used by about two billion people on the planet: residents of Japan, China, and Korea. In addition, they have become very popular in Europe and America, so knowing how to use Chinese chopsticks will help you not seem ignorant in polite society!

Eat more often using this unusual cutlery - it trains fine motor skills, which, in turn, develops thinking well. So, while sitting at the sushi bar, remember: you not only enjoy the food, but also develop! Enjoy your meal!

Sushi chopsticks are an integral part of traditional cuisine not only in Japan, but also in China, Korea, and Vietnam. The process of eating in these countries is of particular importance. And what seems harmless and natural for a Russian person, for a real Chinese will serve as an act of disrespect or aggression. Therefore, it is very important not only to know how to hold Chinese sushi chopsticks correctly, but also to master the basics of sushi etiquette.

The population of the entire planet can be divided into three categories: about one third eat with forks and spoons, about the same number use chopsticks, the rest prefer to eat with their hands. In Japan, more than one and a half thousand years ago, chopsticks came into use as a tool for eating. For a couple of centuries, they were made from bamboo in the form of tongs, then they were divided and in this form have survived to this day. Skillful use of chopsticks has a significant impact on the development of fine motor skills. Thanks to this, Japanese children begin to learn from the age of one. Some sources report that children who know how to use chopsticks develop faster than their peers who use spoons and forks. Chinese chopsticks are a popular and pleasant gift in eastern countries; according to legend, they can bring prosperity and longevity.

How to hold and use Chinese sushi chopsticks?

Step-by-step instructions that will help you correctly grasp chopsticks, hold them and easily grab food:

  1. Bring your little finger and ring finger together to create a base to support the first stick. Extend your middle finger slightly forward;
  2. Take a stick and place it in the hole under your thumb so that the thick edge protrudes about a quarter beyond the hand. The other end of the stick should rest on the middle or ring finger - the choice depends on your own convenience. This stick must remain motionless;
  3. The second working stick must be placed on the index finger at a distance of one third from the thick end and pressed with the thumb. Holding a pencil is roughly the same way. The index and middle fingers are responsible for regulating the movements of the second stick. By straightening them, the distance between the chopsticks increases, which allows you to grab food. By bending it slightly, you can squeeze the food between the chopsticks and bring it to your mouth. The main thing is not to strain your hand, the movements should be smooth and natural.

Video - how to hold Chinese chopsticks:

Basics of sushi etiquette

Different eastern nations have their own unique rules that apply during meals, but there are a number of general mandatory principles. And in order to prove yourself to be a well-mannered person, you should follow them.

  • Before eating, a warm towel is usually used to wipe your hands and face;
  • Rolls or sushi should be taken whole and dipped on the side in soy sauce. You cannot dip them completely and bite off only part;
  • Men are allowed to eat sushi with their hands, women are not;
  • It is indecent to gesture with chopsticks during a conversation or point at someone;
  • You should not clench your hand with a stick into a fist - this is an act of aggression or threat;

Sticking a chopstick into food and leaving it, out of boredom or for any other reason, can be an act of blatant disrespect and recklessness for a Japanese or Chinese person. In the East, this is how incense sticks are placed to honor the dead. Not every person can immediately handle chopsticks. This requires regular training, which is best done at home, using them instead of a fork. Many restaurants and sushi bars offer training chopsticks as an alternative to the usual ones; they are connected to each other by a kind of spring. Their use does not cause any inconvenience. And, despite the fact that the company may not have a representative of the East, and the restaurant is actually European, you should not neglect the generally accepted rules of sushi etiquette.

The ability to use chopsticks is easily learned in childhood, as is the ability to learn a foreign language and the skill of riding a bicycle. But if you show a little persistence, the Chinese national cutlery will quickly yield to the hands of an adult.

How to properly hold chopsticks in your hand

The secret to the hashi's stability is that one of them should be held tightly in the right hand. Even left-handed people usually use their right hand, because in this case the stationary stick will be on the back side, and the pressing stick will be on the inside. It makes it easier to grab food.

Take one stick in your right hand and secure it between the bases of your thumb and index fingers. The fold of skin that forms when folded will help the hashi not slip if your hand gets sweaty. The opposite tapering side should be kept on the ring finger.

Grasp the fixed hashi with your thumb. Its phalanx lies on a stick, while the upper joint should move freely up and down. Using the tip of your middle finger, you can adjust the position of the cutlery on your ring finger.

Hold the second stick between the tips of your index finger and thumb. If you hold the first stationary hashi correctly, you can get it right the first time. To pick up a piece of food, you need to squeeze it between a stationary and bending hashi.

Now you can safely order sushi at home inexpensively in Moscow with free delivery and savor your favorite dish in an authentic way - with chopsticks.

Useful tips for those who want to learn how to eat using Chinese cutlery

Your palm should be free, there is no need to make any extra effort. Initially, you will instinctively grip the sticks firmly, but with practice you will learn to barely feel them. A little life hack: if your palms sweat during the warm season, use wooden chopsticks rather than plastic ones. They slip less.

Etiquette rules state that you cannot tear or pierce food with chopsticks. To do this, use a knife and fork. Speaking of rules, in Japan and China you can eat sushi with your hands without a twinge of conscience. Traditionally, chopsticks were only used for eating rice. Therefore, if you do not learn how to drive a hashi, you have a way out.

Today, Japanese cuisine is especially popular all over the world. Japanese restaurants are “islands” of culture in the Land of the Rising Sun, spread everywhere, from large cities to small provincial towns. Therefore, the question is: “How to use chopsticks correctly?” quite relevant.

Excursion into history

Even before our era, chopsticks began to be used as cutlery in China. Later they gained popularity in other Asian countries, including Japan.

Originally, chopsticks, or “hashi” as they say in Japan, were made from bamboo. The narrow trunk was split and folded transversely. The resulting structure was used as tweezers. Only after some time they began to make separate sticks, which were mainly made from different types of wood. Today you can find plastic or metal hashi.

In Japan, hashi have long been considered an attribute of the rich and nobility. Ordinary people ate with their hands. That is why it was customary to decorate hashi with various patterns and open it with varnish.

But the Japanese use chopsticks not only as cutlery. Longer specimens, 35 cm long, are used during the cooking process, for mixing or whipping ingredients. Hashi 25 cm long are intended for food. The shape of hashi can also be different: square, round.

For Japanese residents, chopsticks are a purely personal item and cannot be shared with other people, so restaurants always serve disposable utensils - “waribashi”.

Using chopsticks is not difficult, the main thing is training and knowledge of a few simple rules:

  • Take one stick and place it between your thumb and index finger. The upper end of the stick should be located one third above the base of the thumb, support the remaining part of the stick with the ring finger, while the hand should be as relaxed as possible.
  • We place the other stick exactly the same as the first, but at the base of the index finger. We hold it with three fingers: thumb, middle, index. Do not place the sticks too close to each other; the distance between them should be about one and a half centimeters.
  • If you did everything correctly, then by extending your middle finger you will move the sticks apart, and by bending your index finger, on the contrary, you will bring them closer to each other. The chopsticks must be used like tongs. The lower stick remains motionless, only the upper one moves, the grip force is regulated by flexion and extension of the middle and index fingers.

It is important to know

In Japanese culture, eating is of great importance, which is why this process is associated with many conventions.

  • Under no circumstances should you lick the chopsticks;
  • You cannot spear food on Khasi;
  • The piece you touched with a chopstick needs to be eaten. You cannot return a piece that has already been bitten off back to the plate;
  • Food must be taken from a common dish with the opposite end of the hashi;
  • Clutching chopsticks in a fist is a sign of hostility and aggression;
  • Khasi are placed on a special stand with the pointed edge up. If such a stand is not available, the chopsticks can be carefully placed on the table. Do not place them across the plate under any circumstances;
  • You cannot pass food with your chopsticks to your neighbor at the table;
  • Sticks should not be waved or pointed at anything. Moving dishes with chopsticks is also unacceptable;
  • When using disposable sticks, you should disconnect them and then roll them around each other a little, so you definitely won’t get a splinter in yourself.

Remember these simple tips, and you will feel comfortable and confident in Japanese restaurants, or even in Japan.

The Japanese-themed celebration is about to begin. The tables are laden with exquisite oriental dishes. But instead of traditional forks, the table is set with wonderful chopsticks. This is an integral oriental utensil for eating, which the Japanese call hashi, and the Chinese call kuaizi.

Its centuries-old history, delicate etiquette and amazing design require certain skills to use. To feel comfortable in restaurants serving Japanese cuisine or visiting friends who are fond of sushi, you should learn how to use this cutlery correctly.

Khasi: history and traditions

Historical chronicles and archaeological research have established that China is considered the birthplace of chopsticks. According to legend, such cutlery appeared during the reign of the Shang approximately 3 thousand years ago. This method of eating food was invented by the historical ancestor Yu, who showed considerable ingenuity and pulled out a piece of meat from a boiling cauldron with two broken branches. Since this prevented him from scalding his fingers with boiling water, his experience was quickly passed on to other people.

The Hashi entered Japanese culture during the Bronze Age. At first they were used only at the imperial court, but after centuries the Khasis became available to the lower strata of society.

They are so ingrained in the Japanese mentality that over time they turned from cutlery into a sacred symbol.

What types of sushi chopsticks are there?

Sushi sticks in their original form were made of wood and looked like a split bamboo trunk, which on one side had two points, and on the other remained solid. The cross section of the hashi could be round or square, and the sharp end could be conical or pyramidal.

In the catering industry, disposable chopsticks (waribashi) are mainly used. They resemble a half-sawn cylindrical piece of wood or plastic that needs to be broken before eating. This is considered a sign that no one has ever eaten with chopsticks. They are served in restaurants and packaged in sterile bags with the establishment's logo.

The modern variety of reusable chopsticks (nuribashi) allows you to choose chopsticks for every taste and color. They are made in different shapes and sizes, with colorful designs or hieroglyphs, and sometimes they are even encrusted with precious stones. This device is served on a hasioki stand.

  • Chopsticks are made from the following materials:
  • Wood species (bamboo, maple, sandalwood, cypress, plum).
  • Precious metals (silver, gold, steel).
  • Exotic raw materials (ivory, deer antlers, crystal).


How should you hold sushi chopsticks?

  • To learn how to deftly manipulate sushi chopsticks, you need to hold them correctly between your fingers:

  • It is necessary to make a basis for fixing the sticks. To do this, you need to press your little finger and ring finger and bend them towards the middle of your palm. The middle finger paired with the index finger should lean forward a little.

  • Now the thick end of the upper hisi needs to be placed on the index finger, and its position should be fixed with the bun of the thumb.

A pencil holds about the same way.

During the meal, the lower stick should remain fixed, and all manipulations should be carried out with the upper stick. To grab food, you need to straighten your little finger and ring finger, spread your chopsticks, grab a piece of food, and then bend your fingers again and bring the food to your mouth. Advice!

If you use special sticks with a holder (baby sticks or clothespin sticks), you need to manipulate them like tweezers, adjusting the clamping process with your middle finger.

It will take some time to achieve positive results, so you can practice a little at home by catching small objects with chopsticks, such as beans or corn. Over time, your fingers will become dexterous and the hashi control process will become automatic.

A few etiquette rules

Over the course of a couple of thousand years, the ritual of eating with chopsticks has acquired many traditions, rules and prohibitions.

Of course, different nationalities have their own ethnic customs, but in general they have many similarities.

  1. The main principle of using hashi is unquestioning respect for this sacred instrument.
  2. Chopsticks are only allowed to pick up, place or stir food, and all other manipulations are considered notes of bad taste. Therefore, if you are planning to visit eastern countries or often visit elite Japanese restaurants, you need to know some features of the culture of using hashi chopsticks:
  3. It is forbidden to prick food on the tip of chopsticks or stick them into a plate with a dish.
  4. It is unacceptable to fiddle with chopsticks in the dishes in search of a more appetizing piece.
  5. To attract the attention of service personnel, it is prohibited to knock on the dishes with chopsticks.
  6. If you take a portioned piece with chopsticks, it must definitely get into your mouth. It is indecent to put food back on the plate.
  7. Don't wave your hashi, lick it, or point it in anyone's direction.
  8. Do not place chopsticks in a vertical position. This is reminiscent of the ritual of placing scented candles for the deceased.

  • The strictest taboo is considered to be transferring food from one plate to another with chopsticks. In Japan, there is a ritual of placing the bones of a cremated body with chopsticks into a funeral urn.
  • In Japan, hashi is considered the best gift for any celebration. They are given to newlyweds as a symbol of longevity, health and good luck.
  • On the hundredth day after birth, babies are presented with their first chopsticks, which they begin to eat from the age of one.
  • Chopsticks are considered a purely personal item, so no Japanese person who respects tradition will allow himself to eat with someone else’s chopsticks.
  • The unique mental abilities of the Japanese and Chinese are attributed to highly developed hand motor skills, which are improved through the use of hashi from an early age.
  • For eating food, only sushi chopsticks are used in four countries of the world: China, Japan, as well as Korea and Vietnam.
  • The Chinese use about 40 billion pairs of Waribashi every year.
  • In the 17th century, silver sticks were made to detect poison in food. At that time, arsenic was used as a poison, upon contact with which the silver changed color.
  • In Korea, they use metal chopsticks for sushi.

Even if you are not a fan of sushi, learning to eat with sushi chopsticks will still be a good idea. This is quite easy to do, you just need to get the hang of it a little. After all, you can be invited to a Japanese-style dinner at any time. In addition, in the process of learning a new culture, you will learn a lot of interesting things and have fun.