How to make chocolate cognac at home. Chocolate cognac: homemade recipe Chocolate moonshine

Moonshine made from candy can surprise a lot of people. But there are many good recipes according to which you can prepare surprisingly tasty alcohol at home from improvised products - candies left over from the holidays.

Many years ago, villagers came up with a new way to make moonshine - based on marmalade, sucking or chocolate candies. Such delicacies could be purchased in stores at a discount due to the expiration date. The fact is that even dried and weathered candies will not affect the taste of the final product. The main necessary component in them is sugar, which is quite enough in sweets. The undoubted advantage of this process at home is that during the preparation of this type of moonshine there will be no unpleasant odor. And the resulting drink will delight people with a delightful aroma and pleasant taste. In addition, the more varieties of candies used for such alcohol, the more interesting its taste will be.

Surely, many people often have caramels left at home that have not been eaten. It is not necessary to throw away these products at all - rather, on the contrary, if you collect about a kilogram of such sweets, you can prepare strong and unusual-tasting alcohol.

A kilogram of caramel candies should be thoroughly dissolved in 4 liters of warm water. This process should take several hours to ensure that all harmful aromatic substances are removed from the candies. Then you should add about 40 grams of pressed yeast to this mass. All ingredients are mixed well and then sent to a warm place to ferment for several days. The resulting mash, which will then undergo the distillation process, will yield about a liter of strong aromatic drink. This moonshine will definitely appeal to all lovers of unusual alcohol.

Moonshine made from chocolate candies was popular back in Soviet times. Such alcohol was especially common among the rural population. They knew the special secrets of preparing such a mash, which in its taste characteristics was no worse than the alcohol presented on domestic shelves.

  1. To prepare chocolate moonshine you will need about three kilograms of chocolates (of any variety).
  2. The candies should be poured with 10 liters of water so that they dissolve well. The water should have a temperature of about 85 degrees. Later you need to add 290 grams of yeast there and thoroughly dissolve them in the infusion.
  3. Next, the liquid is sent to a warm place so that the fermentation process begins. After a week, when fermentation has already taken effect, distillation can begin. Distillation is best done several times.
  4. The output is approximately 5 liters of very tasty, pure and aromatic alcohol, which will have an incredible candy smell, and therefore will not require any additional flavoring.
  5. This moonshine requires filtration: the product is passed through a dense layer of gauze with cotton wool using ordinary charcoal. To make the filtration process better, you can add a tablespoon of sugar and about 50 grams of soda for every 3 sheets of cotton wool.
  6. When these components flow through the tube, they will dissolve well and give the homemade drink a softness and delicate flavor.

Homemade moonshine made from sweets allows you to conduct any experiments. You can add and dissolve caramels or chewing marmalade to chocolate candies. Alcohol with the addition of halva and even marshmallows will be no less tasty. This combination of sweets in future alcohol will create a truly delicate taste and delicious aroma, which has many shades.

Moonshine made from candy is a unique and rather sweet homemade drink that probably won’t be to everyone’s taste. However, this alcohol is absolutely not bitter, does not require added sugar, and also has an amazing aftertaste. In addition, this is an ideal opportunity to use candies that you didn’t like to taste for something really worthwhile.

Homemade chocolate liqueur is prepared very simply and quickly - it will take you no more than 5 minutes to prepare the ingredients.

Place the dark chocolate bar in the freezer for a few minutes, then grate it on a medium grater. Place chocolate chips in a glass jar, fill with vodka and add vanilla sugar. The mixture must be mixed well, covered with a lid and left at room temperature for 7 days. To ensure a richer taste of the liqueur, shake the contents of the jar daily.

About a week after infusion, you will need to add sugar syrup to the chocolate mixture. Pour milk into a saucepan, add sugar and add milk. Mix the mixture well and heat over low heat. When the syrup is cooked - approximately 6-7 minutes after boiling, remove the pan from the heat and cool to room temperature. Pour the cooled syrup into the chocolate mixture, close the jar with a lid and put the drink in a cool place for 5 weeks.

Chocolate liqueur at home is no worse than drinks from well-known manufacturers. The finished liquor should be strained and poured into convenient bottles. Before drinking, give it a little rest, pour into glasses with ice and enjoy the soft taste of milk chocolate.

Homemade dark chocolate liqueur

If you like these drinks, you can prepare a large quantity at once. According to this recipe, the chocolate liqueur is infused for no more than a week, and you can store it for several years and its taste only gets better.

To prepare it you will need:
  • Sugar - 3 cups
  • Dark chocolate - 300 g
  • Water - 300 ml
  • Vodka - 1.2 liters

Grind the chocolate, put it in a glass jar and fill it with vodka. Place the jar in a dark, cool place for 7 days - the drink will need to be shaken well every day.

Make syrup from sugar and water. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and bring to a boil over low heat. Boil the syrup for 6-7 minutes until strong foam stops appearing.

Pour the cooled syrup into the chocolate tincture, mix well again and strain through several layers of gauze.

Pour the finished liqueur into convenient bottles and place in the refrigerator.

Homemade chocolate liqueur made from cocoa powder

A simple way to make chocolate liqueur from cocoa powder will appeal to lovers of drinks with natural flavors. Unlike other recipes, a drink made from cocoa has a richer taste. If you love hot chocolate, then you will definitely appreciate this simple recipe - the drinks have a similar taste and go well together.

Prepare the necessary ingredients:

  • Water - 500 ml
  • Vodka - 250 ml
  • Sugar - 125 g
  • Cocoa powder - 40 g

Pour half the amount of water into a small saucepan and add sugar. Place the pan on the heat, add cocoa powder and bring to a boil.

Mix the syrup well so that not a single lump remains, continue cooking for another 3-4 minutes, then remove from heat. Pour the second part of the water into the syrup so that it cools faster to room temperature, stir and pour the liqueur into a large glass jar. Pour in the vodka, close the jar with a lid and leave the liqueur to steep in a dark, cool place for a week.

Before drinking, the finished drink can be strained through several layers of gauze and poured into a more convenient container - a bottle or decanter.

Since the liqueur contains no perishable products, it can be stored for quite a long time.

How to make homemade chocolate liqueur

Before making chocolate liqueur according to this recipe, prepare all the necessary ingredients:

  • Vodka - 1 l
  • Chocolate - 500 g
  • Water - 1 glass
  • Sugar - 3 cups

Chop the chocolate - break it into small pieces or grate it and pour vodka. Close the jar with the drink tightly with a lid, shake the contents well and leave to infuse in a cool place for 5-7 days.

When the chocolate is well dissolved, boil the sugar syrup in a separate bowl. You can replace sugar with natural honey or fructose. Pour the syrup into the chocolate mixture, mix well, strain and pour into small containers - bottles or jars.

Before drinking, let the finished liqueur rest for another 1-2 days.

Alcohol-based chocolate liqueur recipe

Alcohol-based liqueur is prepared quickly and turns out incredibly tasty. Take 2-3 tbsp. l cocoa powder, 1 glass of sugar, 1 liter of milk and 1 glass of edible alcohol.

In a deep bowl, mix all the ingredients except alcohol - you can use a whisk or mixer. Once the mixture is smooth, place the bowl over medium heat and bring to a boil. Boil the syrup for a few minutes, remove from heat and cool to room temperature. Pour the cooled syrup into a jar or bottle, add alcohol, close the lid and place in a cool place. The liqueur will be ready in 7-8 days. Before use, you will need to strain it and keep it in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

There are no strict requirements for what chocolate liqueur should be drunk with. You can add it to hot chocolate or use it to add to cold desserts - creams or ice cream. The chocolate flavor goes perfectly with milk and cream, so you can prepare a wide variety of cocktails.

The most common drink with which this liqueur can be served is coffee. The most popular snacks are fresh fruit and dairy desserts.

Chocolate tincture is one of the simplest and fastest (ready in 12 hours) options for dessert alcohol. The drink is very popular in the West, where it is drunk neat or added to cocktails. This tincture also goes well with coffee.

For making chocolate vodka, pure sweet or bitter dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 50-80% is ideal. It is advisable that the composition does not contain fillings or nuts, which make the taste unpredictable.

The only additives allowed are the presence of caramel; for example, Mars bars provide an interesting flavor. It is better not to use milk chocolate, otherwise you will end up with sweet vodka with milk.

The ideal alcoholic base for chocolate tincture is light (white) rum. At home, vodka, ethyl alcohol diluted with water to 40-45%, or well-purified moonshine (preferably fruit or double-distilled sugar distillate) are often used.


  • chocolate – 150-200 grams (2 bars);
  • vodka (alcohol, moonshine, rum) – 0.5 liters;
  • sugar - to taste (optional);
  • vanilla, cinnamon, cloves - to taste (optional).

The amount of sugar depends on individual preferences and the initial sweetness of the chocolate. You can enrich the taste of the tincture with cloves, cinnamon or vanilla, but the main thing is not to overdo it and not to use these additives all together in one drink.

Chocolate liqueur recipe

1. Cut or break the chocolate into small pieces.

2. Prepare a water bath: fill a medium-sized saucepan halfway with water, boil, reduce the heating power to below medium, then place a clean bowl or another saucepan of a smaller diameter over the steaming saucepan.

3. Melt the chocolate in a water bath until liquid, stirring occasionally. The heating time depends on the cocoa content of the chocolate - the harder the chocolate, the longer it will take. Usually the whole process takes up to 5-6 minutes. Caramel takes the longest to melt.

To speed up the process, you can add 50-100 ml of vodka to the heated chocolate, but do not allow it to boil.

4. Pour the alcohol base into the infusion container (a liter jar with a metal lid is suitable) and add hot chocolate. Stir until the mixture becomes homogeneous. Cover with a lid and cool to room temperature.

5. Taste the chocolate tincture. Add vanilla, cinnamon or cloves if desired. Sweeten with sugar to taste. Mix. Close tightly.

6. Leave in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours to improve the taste (better for 2-3 days). Remove cinnamon and cloves (if added) from the drink.

Cognac with chocolate flavor is a wonderful drink that is suitable not only for a romantic evening for two, but also for serving on a festive table. It's very easy and quick to prepare.

Place the chocolate in a saucepan and heat over low heat or a double boiler.

When the chocolate melts, pour vodka into it and add a bag of vanilla sugar. Mix the mixture well, remove from heat, cool slightly and pour into a jar. Cover with a nylon lid and place in the refrigerator or other cool place.

Infuse the chocolate mass for several days, stirring the contents daily and shaking the jar.

According to this recipe, chocolate cognac will be ready in a week. Boil syrup from sugar and water and cool it to room temperature.

Strain the drink through a fine strainer and several layers of gauze, mix with sugar syrup and refrigerate for another 1-2 days.

You can try the cognac right away, but it is best to leave it to mature for 3-4 weeks.

The longer it sits, the tastier and more aromatic it will be. Despite the fact that the drink is quite strong, it can be drunk in its pure form.

How to make chocolate flavored cognac at home

Chocolate cognac can be prepared at home in another way.

If you have unexpected guests, you can prepare a wonderful soft drink within a few minutes. To do this you will need to take: 50 ml of cognac, half a lemon, 20 ml of chocolate liqueur or a chocolate bar.

Squeeze 1 tbsp from lemon. spoon of juice and pour it into a shaker. You can use ready-made lemon juice.

Add cognac and chocolate liqueur to lemon juice.

If you are using a chocolate bar, you will need to melt it. The way to make chocolate flavored cognac is very simple - place a chocolate bar in a bowl or saucepan and heat it in a water bath.

Mix the resulting cocktail well and pour into a glass. You can decorate the edge of the glass with a slice of lemon or sugar frost.”

Now you know how to make chocolate cognac from the simplest and most affordable ingredients.

Depending on your taste preferences, you can drink the finished drink in its pure form or prepare a delicious alcoholic cocktail.

If you prefer warm drinks, you can add hot tea or coffee to your chocolate cognac. The original flavor is chocolate punch. Before making chocolate cognac, heat a bottle of red table wine in a saucepan. Pour all the necessary ingredients for cognac into the heated wine, mix them and carefully pour into another container. Beat an egg with 50 ml of water and add it to a mixture of cognac, chocolate and wine. Mix the drink well, pour into cups and add a little ground cinnamon or vanilla sugar.

The drink made according to this original recipe will especially appeal to those who like to drink cognac with lemon and chocolate. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1.5 liters of vodka (3 bottles);

  • 100 g dark chocolate;

  • 3 cups sugar;

  • 0.5 glasses of water;

  • 0.5 packets of vanilla sugar.

To prepare cognac in, you need to prepare the chocolate: break it into small pieces or grate it on a coarse grater, then melt it in a water bath. Once all the pieces have melted, carefully pour in the vodka and add the vanilla sugar. Mix the ingredients well, remove from heat and let cool slightly, then pour into a glass jar or bottle, close with a lid and put in the refrigerator.

Shake the jar every day, and after 7 days prepare a syrup from sugar and water and add it to the chocolate drink. Leave the cognac in the refrigerator for 4 weeks, then strain through a sieve and bottle.

Homemade cognac with prunes and oak bark

This homemade noble drink is not inferior in taste to expensive store-bought ones. The most important thing when preparing it is to prevent the liquid from boiling. To do it, you will need:

  • 3 liters of vodka;

  • 1 tsp oak bark;

  • 1 tsp Sahara;

  • 1 tsp instant coffee;

  • 1 tsp tea leaves;

  • 0.5 tsp soda;

  • 3 black peppercorns;

  • 5 pieces. raisins;

  • 2 bay leaves;

  • 1 PC. prunes;

  • 4 coriander seeds;

  • 2 buds of cloves.

Put all the ingredients into a saucepan, crush the coriander first, and pour in vodka. Place the pan on the fire and cover tightly with a lid and wait until the liquid is close to boiling, immediately turn off the heat. To prepare delicious cognac, it is important to ensure that the liquid does not boil under any circumstances. When the drink has cooled, strain it through cheesecloth folded in two layers, then pour into bottles.

Homemade cognac with orange zest

To enjoy the unique taste of homemade cognac prepared according to this recipe, it must be aged for at least 14 days. To produce the drink you will need:

  • 3 liters of vodka;

  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;

  • 1 tbsp. ground cinnamon;

  • 1 orange (you only need the zest);

  • 4 buds of cloves;

  • 0.5 coffee spoon of vanillin;

  • 1 tbsp. black leaf tea without additives;

  • 10 black peppercorns.

The orange needs to be washed well, cut off the zest and grate it on a fine grater. Place orange zest, tea, cinnamon, cloves, black pepper and vanillin on the bottom of a glass jar. Fill the container with vodka and mix thoroughly with a wooden spoon, seal with a lid and place in a dark place. After 3 weeks, strain the mixture through two layers of cheesecloth and bottle the noble drink.