How to tie a girl. What is shibari, and will your sexual partner like it?


For tying hands with your back you can use a belt, regular rope, tie and other available materials.

To link hands thief with a trouser belt, use a double non-stretch loop. To do this, fold the belt in half so that the rough surfaces of the belt touch, and insert it from above into the hole in the buckle. Then widen the resulting loop, drape it over your hands and tighten it by pulling the end of the belt and at the same time rotating it to the side so that the belt does not cover the hole in the buckle.

To remove a tightened loop, grasp it tightly over the top layer with the fingers of both hands, make several movements in the opposite direction of tightening the loop and loosen it. To determine which direction to unwind the loop, make sure that the free end overlaps the buckle hole. Turn in that direction.

In this way, tie not only with a belt, but also with other objects that have a hole: a dog leash, belts from bags, cameras, etc.

Another way is to tie it with a tie. Quickly remove your tie, pull the existing loop over both hands thief, which are located in parallel. Tighten the loop, move the ends of the tie in opposite directions and tie them in a figure eight from the bottom.

And another way is tying with ordinary rope. For this, use a cast stitch. Fold the rope in half, then take it from the ends with your right hand, and open the closed end and put it on your fingers. Place the open end on the rope in your right hand. Thumb and right index finger hands fold, pinch the rope and move your left hand to the left along the rope.

Place the resulting loop on the thief's hands, tighten it tightly, while disconnecting the ends of the rope. Then wrap them around hands two or three times and tie the ends with a regular knot.

Another version of such a loop is to wrap the rope tightly around your hands several times, and thread its ends into a pre-prepared loop. Then spread the ends of the rope in opposite directions, wrap it around it and tie a knot between your hands.

Helpful advice

When tying your hands, it is better if you have an assistant who will help restrain the thief until the called police arrive.


  • how to tie up a girl

You will need

  • - rope


To tie your hands, at the beginning you need to tie a knot in such a way as if we had a single rope, and not. What is important here is accuracy and the absence of double overlaps. We put the loop on the partner’s hands joined by palms. We place the coils on the wrists and inspect them for overlaps. We pull on the free ends of the ropes, thereby adjusting the tension of the loop.

We secure the knot by making several simple knots around the long end with the free short end of the rope. And that's it, the node is ready. All that remains is to check the correctness and accuracy of the work. The node should look like . If the harness is ugly, the knot is of poor quality. After all, an ugly harness has overlaps, different turns and knots that are tied incorrectly. In addition, the partner should be comfortable and comfortable.

The coils that cover the wrists should not be too loose so that nothing dangles. If your little finger can hardly fit under them, the tension is just right. But don’t tighten them too much either. The coils should press the hands one to the other gently, but also tightly, without causing unpleasant, painful sensations.

There are many ways to tie your hands together. And each is good and individual in its own way. The one below is not even a way to tie hands, but rather just an example of a good and strong knot that can be used for many purposes, including tying hands.

This method of tying is based on a knot called a “stirrup”. What is good about this node? You can easily tie it with at least two hands, at least with one. Depending on the location of the ropes, this knot can be either non-tightening or tightening, which will allow you to quickly adjust it in tension and diameter. “Stirrup” is widely used in mountaineering and rock climbing to create support loops for securing ropes. This means that the node is tested and reliable. If the ropes run from the knot parallel to each other, then the loop will not stretch under load, and the ropes spread to the sides will make it possible to adjust the size of the loop.

You will need

  • - rope

How to tie up an opponent (continued)

Connection methods are determined in the process of solving specific problems. For example, during escort, hands are tied; to prevent violent behavior, other, more stringent measures of restraint, including tying hands, legs and torso, can be used. As a rule, the hands behind the back are tied (when a suspect is transported, the hands are tied in the front position).

To more reliably restrict movement, the following hand positions are used when tying:

  • hands behind your back, hands crossed (photo 1)
  • arms behind your back, hands one above the other (photo 2)
  • hands behind your back, hands pressed against each other with their backs (photo 3)
  • hands behind your back, one on top, the other below (photo 4)
  • hands behind the head, hands crossed, the free end of the rope is tied to the waist or trouser belt (photo 5)
  • arms crossed on the chest, hands behind the back (photo 6)

When tying, you must be on the side of the opponent, out of reach of your legs.
Tying is usually used after painful holds and throws. To carry out tying, it is advisable to force the suspect to take an uncomfortable position for him - stand facing the wall, lean on it with his hands or lie on his stomach with his hands behind his back.

Bondage with a trouser belt

To tie an opponent with a trouser belt, a double non-stretching loop is used (photo 9).
To prepare a loop for tying with a belt, you need to fold the belt in half (at the same time, to increase the reliability of tying, the rough surfaces of the belt should touch) insert it into the hole of the buckle from above, expand the resulting loop, throw it over your hands and tighten it by pulling the end of the belt and rotating it in that direction so that the belt does not block the buckle hole (photo 7,8,9,10,11) (the clockwise rule does not work here).

To remove a tightened loop, you need to tightly clasp it with the fingers of both hands on top of the top layer, make several movements in the opposite direction to tightening the loop and loosen it.
To determine which direction to untwist the loop, you need to make sure that the free end of the belt covers the hole in the belt buckle (photo 10, 12), and twist it there.

When tying in this way, instead of a belt, you can use any available means similar to a belt, having a buckle in the form of an “eye” (dog leash, belts from radio stations, bags, cameras, briefcases).

Tying with a tie

Remove the tie, pull the tie loop over the opponent’s two hands, parallel to each other. After tightening the loop, move the ends of the tie in different directions and tie them at the bottom in a figure eight (photo 13,14,15,16,17,18).

Bondage with rope

1 Option

Let's look at one of the more reliable methods of tying your hands from behind with a rope. For this method, the rope should be approximately 2-2.5 meters long, depending on the height and flexibility of the person being tied.

Under the threat of a weapon or when performing combat techniques, force the enemy to lie on the ground, and you yourself sit astride him performing a painful hold on both hands. Make sure that, while sitting on your opponent, you tightly press the forearms of his arms bent behind his back with your thighs (photos 19,20,21). If your opponent resists, kneel slightly. This will lift both of your opponent's forearms away from his back and cause him severe pain in both shoulder joints.

Take out the rope and make a tightening loop. To do this, take the end of the rope with your right hand and wrap it once around your left hand (photo 22,23,24). With your left hand, grab the free end of the rope and tighten the loop (Photo 25).

The loop will be made correctly if, by pulling the long end, it tightens. Another condition when making a loop is that the short end should be 30-40 centimeters. Another option is a throw loop (photo 32,33,34), but it eats up more than 20 cm of rope.

Place the loop around your opponent's right wrist (Pic 26). Throw the rope over his right shoulder and pass it under his chest, slip it from below into the elbow crook of his left arm (photo 27). Then pass the rope through the bottom of the resulting loop (Photo 28), place your left hand on the rope and wrap it around your opponent's wrist. Next, wrap the wrists of your right and left hands alternately one more time and twist at least two turns of the rope between the opponent’s hands (the more turns, the tighter the knot). Take the short end of the rope and twist it between your hands in the opposite direction and secure it with a regular knot (photo 28,29,30,31).

This method can also be tied in a standing position, bending the arm behind the back, pressing the offender against the wall, but it is much more difficult to control his actions.

Option 2

For quick tying, a cast loop is used. To make a loop, fold the rope in half, take it from the ends with your right hand, open the closed end and put it on your fingers; place the open closed end on the rope near your right hand. With the index and thumb of your right hand, fold and pinch the rope and move your left hand along the rope to the left (photo 32,33).

Place the resulting loop on your arms or legs. A “throw” loop can be made by placing a rope over your hands and inserting both ends into the open closed end.

To tie, put the loop over your hands, tighten it tightly, separating the ends of the rope, wrap them around your hands 2-3 times and tie the ends with a regular knot (photo 34,35,36,37,38,39).

Option 3

Let's show another tying option where a “throw” loop is used. As in the previous version, the rope is folded in half and put on the hands with a noose (photo 40). Wrap the rope tightly around your hands several times. Thread the ends of the rope into a pre-prepared loop (photo 41,42,43,44). Spread the ends of the rope in different directions and wrap them between your hands and tie a knot (photo 45,46,47,48,49).

Option 5

The principle of regular handcuffs and rope handcuffs is the same - they both fix the hands in the shortest possible time.

Throw the rope over your thumb and index finger (Pic 60). Wrap the rope around your index finger clockwise several times, repeat the same with your thumb, only counterclockwise (Photo 61). Carefully remove the rope from your thumb and index finger, so that you are left with coils of rope with holes in the places where the fingers were (photo 62,63). Now take the free ends of the rope and thread them through these holes, each on its own side (photo 64,65).

Pull the ends carefully so that the turns do not get tangled (photo 66).
By tightening the knot more tightly, you should get a loose structure (photo 67,68). The resulting mini handcuffs are easy to use and can be tied in advance - they won't unravel from storage. Insert your hand into any of the loops, place your other hand in the opposite loop (photo 69,70).

Pull one of the free ends of the rope - the loop on the opposite side should tighten.
Pull the second end of the rope - the second loop will tighten (photo 71). Twist the tassels so that the rope knot is tightened more tightly and you can further pull it by the free ends of the rope.

Option 6

Let's consider a simpler method of handcuffing from rope.
Taking the rope with both hands (photo 72), tie a simple knot in the middle (photo 73,74). The resulting two loops should not be very large, and the knot should be tied as tightly as possible, so that when tightening the loops, the hands are more firmly secured.
Place the loops around your wrists and pull the ends of the rope (photo 75,76), wrap the rope around your hands in a figure eight and tie a knot between your hands (photo 77,78). If the rope is short, you can not twist the figure eight, but after making several turns between your hands, tie the free ends of the rope in opposite directions in a knot.

Want to learn the technique of tying your hands behind your back? To do this you need to be able to tie a strong knot.

After all, the main thing in high-quality tying of hands behind the back is to deprive a person of any opportunity to move, while fixing the position of the arms and hands near the forearm.

What do you need to securely tie your hands?

The main attribute that is required in this matter is a long and strong rope.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Take a strong rope, the length of which will depend entirely on the height, width of the skeleton and body weight of your opponent. A rope that is too long or too short will make tying much more difficult.
  2. To tie hands, the person being tied must be in a lying position, face down. In this position of the enemy it is much easier to carry out the binding process. If this option is not possible for one reason or another, then carry out the process of tying the person in a standing position.
  3. Place your opponent's hands behind his back and press them as hard as possible against the forearm area. If your opponent is in a prone position, then secure your forearm with your thighs pressed against it as much as possible.
  4. Take a pre-prepared rope. You need to make a tightening loop from one end of the rope.

The process of tying a tightening loop

  1. Take the rope. Make one loop around your left wrist.
  2. Now take the other end of the rope and pull it into the created loop on your hand. Tighten the resulting loop. If the actions are performed correctly, you will get a loop that, even with a slight tension on a long rope, begins to tighten. Make sure that the secondary (short) end of the rope is at least 30 cm in length.
  3. Remove the resulting loop from your hand. Place this loop around your opponent's right hand.
  4. Now you need to throw the main (long) end of the rope over the right shoulder of the person being tied.
  5. Having thrown the rope, pull it over the person’s chest, then place it under the crook of the person being tied up’s left elbow.
  6. If you perform the steps correctly, you should end up with a loop through which you pass the main end of the rope.
  7. Now wrap the opponent's left wrist, placing it on the rope.
  8. Now alternately wrap your right and then your left wrist. Remember there must be at least two turns of rope on each wrist. The more turns on the wrists, the stronger the knot will be, which will limit your opponent's ability to move as much as possible.
  9. Take the short end of the rope and wrap it around your wrists in the opposite direction, i.e. first the left hand, and then the right hand.
  10. Now secure the ends of the ropes with a regular knot.

To tie your hands correctly and securely, it is recommended to practice well, for example, ask your friends or acquaintances to help you with this. Preliminary training and established skills will allow you to feel confident if the need arises in the current emergency situation.

» the idea was raised that in our modern times stupid study, how to tie up your opponent correctly. Previously - yes, in battle, in reconnaissance, it was necessary to tie up the enemy so that he would not run away - and so that later he could be interrogated or a ransom demanded for him. But in our time, only maniacs and kidnappers suffer from this - and why do ordinary people need this? To escort bandits to the police? Well, yes, well, yes... However, we digress and return to the topic.

How to properly tie up an enemy - the question, as it turned out, has by no means lost its relevance. So, the other day there was a meeting with an old acquaintance who told an instructive story about the fact that it would still be nice to be able to tie up the enemy. The story actually goes like this:

My friend is an artist. And loves to draw nature. He once went to Trukhanov Island (this is an island on the Dnieper, in Kyiv), to sunbathe and draw in silence and solitude, away from people, closer to nature. He’s sitting, which means he’s not bothering anyone, he’ll carry out his plans - he sunbathes and draws alone. There's no one around.

Suddenly a voice comes from behind: “Boy, do you know that there is a nudist beach nearby? Everybody there … … … . Shall we go and have a look?” Moreover, my friend notices out of the corner of his eye that the voice belongs to a naked man who is squatting behind him, holding something in his hands and, it seems, is going to not only look at ..., but also participate. Fortunately, the situation was resolved without problems, the psycho sat, chatted and went about his business. But the question remains!

And, accordingly, my friend asked this question to me, as a more or less specialist: “Well, what should have been done in this case? Even to think that this maniac would have to be beaten if he starts pestering is disgusting. Let alone actually hit.” Well, to the question “What to do?” an answer needed to be given.

Initial data for thought:

  1. The potential attacker is an obvious psycho (well, or not obvious - it doesn’t matter).
  2. Doesn't do anything aggressive, just gets on your nerves.
  3. But he might do it - who knows, the crazy guy?
  4. At the same time, the law is on the side of this... - after all, it does not act, it simply suggests.
  5. There is no one around for about a kilometer - help will not come (or maybe it will, just not to the one who needs it).
  6. I don’t want to run away (or call for help) - male pride suffers.
  7. And to beat a psycho is at least uncivilized, and even more so to beat him until he loses consciousness. Well, plus it's disgusting.
  8. If he is beaten to the point of losing consciousness or losing the ability to move, then there is a chance that he will drag along behind him and scream “look what they did to me, the minority.”

Questions: what to do? And how to protect yourself if this... does move from words to active actions? How to stop and not allow yourself to be persecuted?

Well, there is always the option of “punching in the eye,” or a surprise attack. Also relevant. still rules. A pre-formed intention to win will help greatly (which is what we are doing in this article). It would be important to carefully observe and be in the present tense so that the maniac does not take him by surprise.

But the essence of the question remains - how to protect yourself and not allow yourself to be persecuted?

Here we remember the topic of the article and look at the tip: how to properly tie up an opponent?

So, one option would be to “tie up the maniac.” Especially if there is no desire to beat him until he loses consciousness. And now, actually, about how to tie correctly.

First of all, you need a goal - why bind? Options:

  • so that the enemy is immobilized,
  • so that the enemy cannot walk quickly,
  • to take the enemy to the police (also an option),
  • so that the enemy cannot harm you,
  • so as not to hit the enemy

And so on, you can come up with many options yourself. Since our task is specific, we choose a clear goal: the enemy must be tied up so that he cannot walk quickly and cannot cause harm - and so that we do not have to beat him.

We don’t want the enemy to be unable to get out of the forest and die there from hunger. We don't want to take anyone to the police. We don't want to hit him.

By the way, don't think that a naked psycho in the forest is the only option when tying up might come in handy. So, a good field for activity is active drunks. For example, another friend of the author found himself in a situation:

Some drunk idiot tried to call him a journalist and do something bad. It is useless to beat him, since he will not feel pain. But who, nevertheless, more or less stands on his feet and can chase, grab hands, etc. In that situation (if a police officer had not come to help), the skill of dropping a drunk on the floor and tying him up would have been very useful. For public safety, so to speak.

So, tying is a skill that has not lost its relevance. Let's get down to practice, so to speak.

Immediately upsetting news: binding works ONLY after the enemy is pinned.

That is, if you are not Jackie Chan, then you have will not work tie up an enemy who is actively resisting it. That's why first the enemy must be pinned down. It is useless to describe in text how to fixate an enemy—realistic training is needed over some time. A good place to study enemy locking is in the section aikido. Possibly jiu-jitsu. There might be something else. But about Aikido, this is 100%.

Let's move on. The opponent is fixed and lies comfortably in pain control, weakly kicking his legs. You will need at least one hand to tie. That is, methods of fixing an opponent with both hands occupied will not be useful to us. Yes, and teaching them is useless - after all, the person who is fixed may have friends who will also need to be fought off. This is where a free hand comes in handy :)

So, there is a fixed opponent and a free hand. With our free hand, we take out the following items from a bag or backpack (or anywhere else):

  1. Electric puffs
  2. Reinforced tape
  3. Belt
  4. Handcuffs
  5. Rope.

Maybe there are some other effective items for tying - don’t hold back your knowledge, write in the comments!

Before we go through the list, let's decide on basics of binding:

  • the binding must ensure relative immobility of the limb or limbs
  • the binding must limit the freedom of movement of the limbs
  • binding should not lead to stopping the blood flow (we are not maniacs and do not want the enemy’s arms to fall off)
  • binding must be fast
  • binding must be reliable- so that the enemy cannot unravel on his own, at least while you are performing the “retreat” tactical maneuver.

Therefore, the ideal option for tying up the enemy would be handcuffs. It is almost impossible to remove, they limit freedom, do not stop the blood flow, and are quickly fixed. Everything you need is on the list. Except that it’s a shame to leave handcuffs on your opponent. Yes, and purchasing them can be problematic.

Therefore, we still have available means of self-defense at our disposal - a belt, rope, tape, electric tighteners. However, the appearance of the handcuffs gives an idea of ​​how these improvised items should look on the hands:

Let's go through the list. Tying with a belt that does not have a good buckle does not work. If the belt has a good buckle, then tying is done as in the picture:

It is necessary to take into account that it will be a pity to leave your own belt - just like handcuffs. To remove an opponent’s belt smacks of debauchery. So tying with a belt is proposed only for general development and for use in extreme cases.

Let's move on to modern methods - reinforced tape and electrical ties. They weigh little and are fixed securely. An important tip with tape is to be sure to leave a clearly visible edge of the tape (otherwise it will be funny to watch you frantically try to find the beginning of the tape while your opponent is gradually getting out of the painful hold). Both tape and electrical tightening can be used in two ways - simple and complex.

A simple way is that you simply wrap both arms (or arm and leg, arm and post/tree) together.

This method has the advantage that it is done quickly. And the disadvantage is that it is not very reliable, since if you tighten the loop in the wrong way to block the blood flow, then there is always the possibility of freeing yourself. Especially for people with small flexible hands.

A complicated method is to use tape or puffs to make something like handcuffs:

The difficult method is difficult because it takes a little more time. But release becomes an order of magnitude more impossible due to the smaller diameter of the connecting loops around the hands.

And finally we left the most ancient method for binding - tying with rope. In the same way, there is a simple way - to wrap your hands, and there is a difficult way - to tie a special knot. By the way, a great knot for tying is the Tom the Fool knot.

So, you see that in order to successfully tie up an opponent, you need to have a number of important skills. This is probably why it is considered stupid to bind an opponent correctly - since you still have to live to bind. But if there is a task - safely fixing the enemy for some time, then this task can be solved with the help of binding.

Here is an example of how it is used Japanese bondage technique Hojo-jutsu to immobilize the enemy:

And this option will be more complicated. Most likely, it is a continuation of the first video. True, it is not very clear how to transport so bound enemy. But nevertheless, if you have time and inspiration, then why not?

It is natural and self-evident that if you decide to add tying up your opponent to your arsenal of intentions to win, then without long and realistic training you will get nowhere.

This is the answer to a question asked to me by an artist friend. Perhaps there are other types of reliable and safe neutralization of mentally disabled people. If you know anything, write in the comments! But for now, the answer is binding. Well, or “don’t hang around where such crazy people live.”

Thus, the answer to the question of how to properly tie up the enemy has been received - and lies in the successful use of a number of improvised means.

Let me make it clear right away: we are not talking about the professional art of shibari tying or bondage; for this you need to study a lot and for a long time and have a patient partner at hand. The conversation is about playing with the girl a little, lightly, without causing her any discomfort. Many people have tried these games. Some moved on if they liked it. I’ll try to tell you about the simplest ways to try this from my own experience.
What tying a girl gives to a man: complete control over his partner, and an interesting experience.
What does tying up give to a girl (and here it’s more interesting):
1. Complete subordination to the partner, a feeling of defenselessness and, as a result, complete trust.
2. Stimulation of fantasy, because the unknown and almost impossible to influence what is happening (some girls experience this very acutely).
3. Focusing receptors and nerve endings specifically on the actions of the partner.
4. Someone else will get an injection of adrenaline as a bonus to the brightness of the orgasm.
The first question is - what to knit with?
I'll tell you from experience:
1. I tried fake handcuffs - it wasn’t always convenient, sometimes there were marks on the girls’ delicate hands, there weren’t very good reviews.
2. I tried ordinary ropes (unfastening the clothespins... bgggg) - the same garbage, and you can’t tie them with ropes without causing pain.
3. I tried all sorts of ribbons and silk scarves and all sorts of other fabrics - they tighten too tightly after movements and also leave marks, but the truth is that it suited very well for romantic people.
But the simplest and most effective was masking tape (as a builder, I tried what was at hand))). This is not stationery tape at all, after tearing it off, eyebrows, lips and other parts remain on it... This is ordinary PAPER tape with a sticky side. It can be removed very easily (simply torn by hand), holds quite tightly, and comes off without consequences for the body and hair)). Since I tried using it for bondage, I have had no desire to look for anything else from sex shops and other sources.
How can you do this (one of a great many options):
after preliminary warm-up games (a la foreplay), when the girl gets turned on and her eyes are already sparkling, you can say “do you trust me?” If the answer you receive is not extremely negative, you can proceed. First of all, tie her hands (from experience, it is better from behind, behind her back, than from the front, although the front is more convenient). Tie tightly, but do not squeeze (girls are usually gentle). It is imperative (I strongly advise) to tape her mouth, this will give her the opportunity to accumulate excitement and not “vent” it verbally. You can also blindfold your eyes (with a cloth bandage) to give free rein to the fantasies in the girl’s head. Sometimes it is useful to tie her legs, but the truth is that after this the girl turns into a kind of “carcass” that needs to be bent into all positions with her own hands. Although for variety it’s possible.
To maintain adrenaline and fantasies, you can tease her with something that she does not practice...
It has been noticed that orgasm in a bound form occurs in girls faster, brighter and generally brings a new wave to boring ordinary sex. Although tying up becomes boring over time, if every day.
You usually need to untie after the first adequate persistent request (otherwise, to the next question “do you trust me?”, you can get the answer “Go to...”).