What is the real name of the Christmas tree singer? Singer Elka: biography of an extraordinary artist

Childhood and youth

Elka (the singer’s real name is Elizaveta Valdemarovna Ivantsiv) was born on July 2, 1982 in Uzhgorod (Ukrainian SSR, USSR, now Ukraine) into a creative family.

Lisa’s dad, Valdemar Mironovich Ivantsiv, collected music records, mainly jazz, and her mother, Marina Eduardovna Lyashenko, played music herself on various instruments.

The girl discovered a craving for creativity early on; already in childhood, her parents enrolled her in a choir, and a little later, in a vocal club.

Christmas tree in childhood with dad

Lisa grew up, her musical preferences changed, which often happens among teenagers looking for themselves and their place in the sun, and at some point the girl became interested in soul.

At the same time, young Lisa tried herself on stage and in another capacity - as an actress, she played in the school KVN team.

After graduating from secondary school, the girl decided to continue studying creativity at a local music school, but left six months later - the teachers did not accept the artist’s passion for fashion trends, they also did not like Lisa’s bright appearance.

By the way, it was because of him that a girl in her teens began to be called Elka. The nickname stuck, and after her friends, Lisa’s parents began calling her that name.

Early life and first steps in music

The girl took her first steps on the professional music scene in the mid-1990s, when she got a job as a backing vocalist in the B&B group, which performed music in rap and R’n’B styles.

Christmas tree in youth

In 2001, the team decided that the time had come to conquer Moscow, and Elka went to the Russian capital together with her stage colleagues. That same year, the guys won a prize at a rap music festival, where they were noticed by producer Vladislav Valov.

However, according to data from open sources, for some reason Valov contacted Elka only a few years later, when she no longer sang in this group. Moreover, by that time the girl had left Moscow and had nothing to do with music at all.

Later, Elka recalled that she decided that this call was a prank, but the girl was sent a ticket to the capital, and now she was already standing on the Moscow stage and performing Micah’s song at a concert dedicated to his memory.

Soon after this, Valov, also known as Sheff, signed a contract with the aspiring singer. Not without long disputes, but they still agree that Lisa will be engaged in creativity under the pseudonym “Yelka”.

In 2005, the singer’s debut album “City of Deception” was released, many of the songs from which became hits. The craving for experimentation from childhood is still evident here, and Valov fully supports this passion of Elka. It was he who wrote the music for the diverse tracks of her first album.

The Moscow public and critics were favorable to the creative endeavors of the young artist; she was called the discovery of the year and the hope of pop music.

In the same year, the girl presented several singles, and in 2006, a new album, “Shadows.” This does not always happen with beginning musicians, but this is exactly what happened to Elka: the singer’s second album, in general, repeated the success of her debut disc and even brought her her first Golden Gramophone. By the way, Valov wrote the songs again.

Christmas tree in the image

Vlad also authored compositions from the artist’s third album, “This Magnificent World” (2008). There were experiments on this record, but it was still clear that Elka was growing up and changes were coming in her world. The assumptions were confirmed - soon the singer decided to change her style and ended her collaboration with Valov.

New label and blossoming career

The singer began to expand her musical horizons together with the Velvet Music company. In 2011, her fourth album was released with the self-explanatory title “The Dots Are Placed.” Listeners got to know Elka from a new side - still more as a performer of popular rather than modern music.

The most famous compositions of that time were the songs “Provence” and “About You”, which brought the girl prestigious awards - Golden Gramophone and Sound Track statuettes and an award from the RU TV channel.

On the wave of success, Elka goes on her first large and long tour to the cities and villages of Russia, and almost everywhere a sell-out awaits her.

However, Elka does not forget about direct creativity, but since there is so far too little time for it, instead of recording a new album, the singer limits herself to releasing the collection “Fake Love” (2014), which includes old, but previously unreleased songs.

In addition, during the tour and immediately after it, Elka records several successful singles that have received various awards, including a duet with “Burito”.

In 2015, the singer released the long-awaited fifth album “#Heaven”. The artist explains this name by the fact that she likes to publish pictures of the sky on social networks, accompanying them with the appropriate hashtag.

The songs from the record were popular with listeners and brought Elka various awards. So, in 2015, the artist won the “Song of the Year”, “Golden Gramophone”, Big Love Show, Tophit Awards and RU TV awards.

Recognition and the present

In 2016, the singer presented the song “Warming Happiness” to the public and received the next Golden Gramophone and the RU TV award.

Christmas tree now

In 2017, in order to consolidate her success and reach a new level, Elka gives a big solo concert, one might say that it is significant for her and her work. The performance took place at a large and popular venue - Crocus City Hall in Moscow.

Elka is not just one singer, but a whole group of musicians. Her band includes, inter alia, a keyboard player, a drummer, guitarists, a percussionist, a saxophonist and a DJ.

In addition to the awards that we have already written about, at various times Elka became the winner of such awards as “Red Star”, Europa Plus Live, Russian Music Awards and Glamor Awards.

Film and television

The singer's songs are often soundtracks to various film projects - both feature films and television series.

For example, in 2012, the composition “I Want” became the soundtrack to the film “Love with an Accent,” and in 2015, the song “The Sea Inside” was chosen as the title song of the film “Without Borders.”

Moreover, Elka herself plays in scenes of films or voices characters in cartoons. So, in 2005, the singer dubbed the main character of the cartoon “The True Story of Red Cap” for Russian distribution.

In 2012, Elka played in an episode of the comedy “Gentlemen, Good Luck!”, and in 2013 she appeared on television in the popular project “SASHATANYA” and in the TV series “The Process.”

In 2014, the artist played herself in the film “A Gift with Character”; she could also be seen in an episode in the mini-series “Heat”. In 2015, Elka again made a cameo appearance in the film “About Love.”

However, Lisa can be seen not only in these projects, but she is also a frequent guest on television and participates in programs both as a performer and as a mentor.

For example, in 2010, Elka became one of the jury members of the Ukrainian version of the popular vocal show “X-Factor”, and at various times appeared, in particular, in such shows as “Big Difference”, “Evening Urgant”, “Ural Dumplings” and “ Spotlightperishilton” and “Knocking on the star.”

Personal life What little is known about is the personal life of the singer Yolka. The fact is that the girl prefers not to advertise it. Sometimes rumors about this side of Lisa’s life get into the press, but in most cases the girl does not comment on them.

However, according to journalists from a number of publications, the artist is married, and her chosen one has nothing to do with the social scene. The media also mention the name of Elka's husband - Sergei Astakhov. Let us repeat, the singer does not react to such statements, although she is very active on social networks. Speaking of which, Elka often writes about creativity, publishes her thoughts about literally everything in the world, shares photographs of what surrounds her, but very rarely writes about personal things.

One of these posts was memories of dad. Lisa literally said the following: “Two weeks before my thirtieth birthday, I left the stage and found out that my dad had died. I remember this day and the next two every minute. I very often catch his traits in the people I love. I know for sure that he is proud of me.”

In addition, Lisa loves animals and periodically encourages her Instagram followers to take care of a dog or cat. The fact is that the singer supports funds that help homeless animals find owners.

Christmas tree with kittens

In one of her posts, Elka admitted: “As a child, I dreamed that when I grew up, my dad would build me a big house where I could bring all the stray animals.”

Singer Elka has gained universal recognition thanks to her beautiful voice and ability to combine different styles of music. The girl sang from the cradle. At first she performed in the choir at school. Her father's parents also sang in a folk choir at one time.

The girl entered the school in the vocal department, choosing a career as a singer. However, from the very first day of school, she had a conflict with the teachers because of her manner of dressing and makeup. Without waiting for her expulsion, Lisa herself left the educational institution.

You can find out how Elka managed to achieve her goal and become a popular singer by reading the article.

Height, weight, age. How old is Elka (singer)?

Always energetic on stage, with a sincere smile on her face - this is the kind of girl who always appears before her audience. It is not surprising that many people think about what height, weight, age, how old is Elka the singer? The favorite of a large public makes no secret of this. The TV presenter is one meter sixty-two centimeters tall and weighs fifty kilograms. This year Elka will turn thirty-six years old.

The singer tries to maintain a daily routine and leads an active lifestyle. She completely gave up smoking. He believes that a public person should adhere to a healthy lifestyle, because he is in everyone’s sight, and someone can follow his example. She regrets that at the dawn of her popularity she allowed herself to appear on camera with a cigarette.

Christmas tree photos in his youth and now differ significantly; in fact, these are two different people: hairstyle, makeup, clothes - everything is completely different. But that’s probably how it should be. There is even a saying: “The person who does not change throughout his life is stupid.”

Singer Elka real name, surname and nationality

Anyone who gets acquainted with the artist’s work for the first time almost invariably asks the question: Is Singer Elka the real name, surname and nationality of this girl? There is no mystery here either. According to the passport, Elka is Elizaveta Valdemarovna Ivantsiv. This nickname was given to her in early childhood, and since then even her own mother affectionately calls her “Herringbone.” Dad is not particularly enthusiastic about this and always pulls his daughter’s friends back when they address her like that in his presence.

The singer herself is also used to everyone calling her Yolka - sometimes they won’t even turn around if they call her by name.

The girl is originally from the Ukrainian town of Uzhgorod. The singer’s repertoire includes a composition that she performed in her native language.

Biography of Elka (singer)

The biography of Elka the singer begins, like all the heroes of our reviews, from birth. The girl was born in 1982, in the middle of summer, into a family that loved music. His father, Valdemar Mironovich Ivantsiv, listened to jazz, his mother, Marina Eduardovna Lyashenko, worked as a musician. Elizabeth was the only child in the family; her family supported her daughter’s every endeavor.

After an unsuccessful attempt to obtain a specialized secondary specialized education - to graduate from a music school - the girl begins to try herself as a backing vocalist in the Uzhgorod musical ensemble.

In 2001, the group took part in an international festival, but soon broke up. Subsequently, this fact will play a huge role in the life of the future star.

Elka worked as a waitress, losing hope of singing on stage. However, three years later, luck smiled on the girl - Vlad Valov contacted her and offered her a contract. Lisa arrived in Moscow and from that moment her dreams begin to turn into reality.

In 2004, Elka recorded her first successful song, “City of Deception,” which stayed on the radio station’s chart for about three months.

In 2005, the singer released her first music collection. The girl was jokingly called the “universal soldier”; she easily managed to combine different styles of music: classic rock, reggae, chanson, hip-hop. She retained this role later, even after she began performing more “pop” songs - she managed to retain her listener.

The next album was called “Shadows”. As in the first one, most of the songs were written by her producer Vlad.

A couple of years later, Elka released her only (so far) video album. Currently, there are more than thirty-five videos of the singer.

In 2008, Elka released her last album, which included songs written by Vlad Valov.

After the end of the contract, the singer happily decided to try her hand at other areas of music. She signs a new one, with different producers.

2011 was a turning point in the artist’s career; the album “The Dots Are Placed” was released. He revealed Lisa as an excellent pop music performer.

The songs “Provence” and “About You” became real hits; they were heard in many summer cafes, the melody could be heard through the window of passing cars.

At the same time, Elka was a member of the popular television show “The X Factor” for a long time. Due to her growing fame and busy concert schedule, she had to step back from further participation in the project.

In 2015, another album was released, which included such hits as “I Want”, “Fly, Lisa” and “Draw the Sky for Me”.

Elka's songs have repeatedly become soundtracks for famous films, and the singer herself has worked with many colleagues more than once. A real gift for her was the joint performance of the song with Ilya Lagutenko, whose work the singer has long admired.

The singer won the Golden Gramophone award many times and became a nominee for various Muz-TV awards. She was also awarded the titles: “Best Performer”, “Best Singer”.

Last year, the universally recognized singer gave a solo concert at Crocus City Hall in Moscow.

Personal life of Elka (singer)

The singer's personal life is a closed topic for interviews. However, some details did receive some publicity. While studying at a comprehensive school, in the last grades, Lisa began to take an active part in KVN. Later, the KVN team of their hometown gained fame in the region. During this period, a romantic relationship began between the girl and the team captain, Vasily Krainy. Their love lasted for seven long years, but, unfortunately, it never grew into something more. After the future star moved to the Russian capital, they completely disappeared.

Then there was an unsuccessful marriage with Sergei Astakhov, which lasted no less than six years, but in the end the couple divorced.

Currently, the singer is immersed in work. She not only records new videos and songs, and performs at concerts. Elka takes an active part in various talk shows and works as a TV presenter.

Since 2005, Lisa has acted in films. She starred in such films as “The True Story of Red Cap”, “Gentlemen of Fortune”, “Gift with Character”.

Of course, people pay attention to an extravagant girl. Young people are trying in every possible way to capture Yolka’s heart, but so far her evenings are only brightened up by a black cat at home. The singer loves these animals and is ready to shelter all the homeless, it’s a pity her profession doesn’t allow it.

Elka's ex-husband (singer) - Sergei Astakhov

Elka's ex-husband, singer Sergei Astakhov, is in no way connected with the song world. They have known each other since their youth, they even began an affair, but without continuation. Many years passed, Elka and Sergei met by chance and realized that they had made a mistake. Feelings flared up with renewed vigor and in 2010, the lovers, secretly from everyone, formalized their relationship.

The singer does not like to talk about her family; she is unpleasant when journalists try to find out juicy details. And yet, some grains of information leak into the media.

At the beginning, the couple were said to be happily married; they purchased a plot outside the city in order to later build a country house on it. The singer’s friends said that matriarchy reigned in their union: Elka resolved all financial issues, planned large purchases, as well as joint vacations.

Sergei really earned little, and his wife registered him as her administrator. As time later showed, this did not help save the family.

Six years after the wedding, the artist fired Astakhov from his position and confirmed the long-circulated rumors about their divorce.

The former couple refuses to comment on the decision. Close friends suggest that Sergei was satisfied with the position of gigolo; he did not strive to achieve anything more in life. As a result, Elka got tired of quarrels and conflicts on this basis, and she filed for divorce.

Children of the Christmas tree. Is the singer pregnant? From whom? When to give birth?

"Children of the Christmas tree." “Is the singer pregnant?” "From whom?" “When to give birth?” Such correspondence between fans could be seen immediately after the release of the TV show “You’re Super,” in which Lisa was directly involved. Afterwards, she invited the children to her concert, she was very worried about them, and said that she wanted all the children to find new families.

Maybe this attention from the singer, or maybe her loose-fitting concert outfit prompted her many fans to think about the pregnancy of their idol.

Be that as it may, the singer knows that she will have a large family and many pets. The artist herself says that she is not yet ready to become a mother. To begin with, she wants to meet a person with whom she will be ready to give birth and raise heirs.

Photo of Elka (singer) before and after plastic surgery

If we compare the images of the pop diva at the beginning of her career and later ones, we can come to the conclusion that this is a photo of the singer Yolka - before and after plastic surgery. However, it is not. Since childhood, Lisa has been distinguished by her extraordinary appearance: at the age of fifteen she got her first tattoo, dyed her hair pink, and then completely shaved her head. This was not a rebellion against her parents - by the way, they were not against her experiments, it was just that the girl asserted herself that way.

Indeed, Elka began to gain fame by performing on stage in shorts, sneakers and facial piercings. As she grew older, she began to look at the world differently, and the genre in which the girl performed began to change. An important role in the artist’s transformation was played by her interview with Alla Pugacheva. After their communication, Lisa became more feminine, she was even called a style icon among Russian singers.

Instagram and Wikipedia Elki (singer)

Instagram and Wikipedia Elki singer are not the only social networks where you can find a biography and career details. The artist is a cheerful and very sociable person. Even though she doesn’t share anything secret with her fans, fans still love her for her beautiful voice and songs that become hits every second.

The tree is officially registered on Twitter, Facebook and VKontakte. On her pages, the artist gladly posts photos from tours, concerts and vacations. Lisa admits that she loves her job, but also tries to find time for rest, because it is vital. She believes that the ability to properly manage your day is the key to a positive attitude.

Fans, in turn, wish their idol creative inspiration and expect many more new songs, albums and videos from her.

Singer Yolka is one of the most popular performers today, her songs are sung by young people and adults, and many fans know her good lyrics by heart.

When Yolka began her solo career and first appeared on screens, and her songs began to be heard on Russian radio stations, many thought that the girl, with her eccentric appearance and interesting costumes, was clumsily parodying the Soviet singer Zhanna Aguzarova. However, it quickly became clear that the girl was not laying claim to the throne of the “goddess of outrageousness,” but was simply expressing her “I.”

Height, weight, age Yolka (singer)

With her songs, Yolka stands out noticeably from the rest of the Russian stage. In her texts there is no thirst for wealth, cars, stardom or even love drama; she, like a real workaholic, knows that “everything depends on ourselves” and this is exactly what conveys to us. She “flies in a tangerine-colored balloon” and, perhaps, it was precisely with her bright images and positive songs that the listener fell in love with her. After the girl began to appear on screens more often and released her own videos, fans began to be interested not only in the new hits of their favorite, but also in Yolka’s height, weight, and age.

The singer is a very fragile girl, her height is 162 cm and her weight is about 50 kg. As a child, the girl was very complex because of her short stature, but as she grew up, she realized that people are different, and she can be who she is, and even chose a pseudonym for herself that best suited her mood - Yolka. Photos of the singer in her youth and now show that the performer has hardly changed in appearance during her career. This is not surprising, because Yolka turned 35 in July, and she still has many plans and ideas.

Biography of Yolka (singer)

Yolka’s biography began in 1982 in the city of Uzhgorod, which is located in Ukraine. The performer's real name is Elizaveta Ivantsev, however, even among her family and friends, no one calls her Liza for a long time.

The girl was very artistic from childhood and already at a young age she showed herself like a real star - she loved to recite poetry, clumsily played her mother’s musical instruments, and said that she would definitely sing. Actually, such a desire of the child is not surprising, because the father, Valdemar Mironovich, loved jazz very much and collected all the records that he could buy or find through acquaintances and friends, and the mother, Marina Eduardovna, played three musical instruments excellently, and from childhood she taught her daughter to play music .

After graduating from school, Lisa entered a music school, where she studied vocals, but never graduated. As the star herself admitted, she did not have a good relationship with her classmates and teachers, and her youthful maximalism did not allow her to sit still.

In the mid-90s, Yolka first joined a musical group. It was the Uzhgorod group “B&B”, in which Lisa sang as a backing vocalist. It was as part of this small group, when the guys performed at an international festival, that Yolka’s voice was heard by the founder of one of the Russian groups and musician SHEFF, who later became its producer. True, Yolka did not immediately become a famous singer.

For several more years she was part of the B&B group, and after its collapse she got a job as a waitress. When the girl was completely desperate to become a singer, the long-awaited bell rang, and Lisa left to conquer Moscow.

The first album “City of Deception” brought the girl popularity almost instantly. Interesting motives and the singer’s bewitching voice sounded from all radio stations, and Yolka very quickly began working on her second album. Since 2001, the artist has managed to present different styles of music in her albums, and her lyrics have changed, just like herself.

From heavy songs with tragic lyrics, Yolka found her way into the world of Paris and Provence, and she even quit smoking, so inspired by the attention and love of her fans. The singer’s hit “Provence” became one of the most popular tracks on the Russian stage in 2011, and received the Golden Gramophone award in the “Best of the Decade” category.

This is not the only award that Yolka has received during her pop activities. The performer already has six Golden Gramophone awards, the MUZ.TV and RU.TV awards, as well as the Russian Music Awards, Tophit Awards 2015, and several other significant prizes. In addition, today Yolka is not only a singer and musician, she is a producer, actress and TV presenter.

After stunning creative success, Elizabeth began to be invited to films and television. She starred in episodes in six films, in two of which she played herself, and took part in the youth series “SashaTanya”.

Personal life of Yolka (singer)

Yolka’s personal life, unlike many Russian pop stars, is not so stormy. The girl cannot boast of multiple novels, never had an affair at work and generally tried not to give rise to public discussions around her person.
At many events, the girl appeared alone or surrounded by her colleagues, and photographs from her vacation, which appear on the Internet every now and then, also do not clarify the topic of the performer’s admirers.

Today it is known that while still very young, the girl met a young man, Sergei Astakhov, with whom she was friends for six years. The young people did not think of taking their relationship to a new level, but at some point they realized that they were so used to being together that they were probably a good match for each other.

In 2010, fans finally rejoiced - their favorite married her friend, and now she has a real family. True, the happiness of the young people, alas, did not last forever and in 2016 they started talking about the couple breaking up. Yolka herself did not comment on this information in any way until it became known that the young people had divorced.
Yolki family (singer)

The Yolka family played an important role in Lisa’s development as a performer. The singer went to different clubs from early childhood, her parents tried to comprehensively develop the girl and never limited her in her choices. Already while at school, Lisa enjoyed playing KVN as part of the school team “Ward No. 6”. This practice allowed the girl in the future not to be afraid of the stage, and to always follow her star.

Lisa’s parents also supported her at the start of her solo career, when the girl decided to take her favorite pseudonym. As the singer herself said, at home her mother affectionately calls her “Yelochka.” This name stuck to the girl back in school, when at one of the holidays classmates dubbed Lisa “Christmas tree,” meaning that she dressed up as a New Year’s symbol.

Children of Yolki (singer)

As soon as Liza Ivantsev entered the world of show business, she immediately received the attention of fans; numerous questions rained down on the star from journalists who wanted to know not only about her creative plans and new works, but also, of course, about her personal life , and plans for the future.

For a long time, the singer managed to laugh off her secluded and closed life with ten cats and not answer directly about her personal life, but the ubiquitous tabloids were still able to find out something about the singer’s closed life. For example, the fact that Yolka would really like to have children, but so far she does not have such an opportunity, since last year the girl divorced her husband. Why young people never had children is a separate question, but the singer does not like to talk about this either.

So far, Yolka’s children are her five albums that she has released during her career.

Yolka's ex-husband (singer) - Sergei Astakhov

Yolka’s ex-husband, Sergei Astakhov, is not at all a famous Russian actor, as many readers might think. The young man and Lisa met in their youth, and six years later they got married. The marriage was short-lived due to the fact that the performer spent almost the entire family budget on her own. After the marriage, the young family decided to build a house, but Yolka herself mainly had to invest money in the construction.

In order to somehow improve the family’s financial situation, Lisa hired her husband to work as an administrator on her team. However, constantly spending time together at work and at home played a cruel joke on the couple, and they, unable to bear it, broke up in 2016.

Photo of Yolka in Maxim magazine

Singer Yolka is a rather private person. Therefore, despite the desire of fans to see Yolka’s photo in Maxim or Playboy magazine, the artist does not give in to persuasion about photographs in men’s magazines. Honestly, it would be strange if an artist who doesn’t even want to talk about her personal life in public appeared naked in the pictures.

The only candid photos that the star agreed to completely hid her body with a white duvet, and for the eyes of fans, the singer revealed her long legs and a tattoo on her shoulder. Such photos appeared on the Internet in March 2017 before the release of the song “Let the Music In,” and before that, fans had not even seen photos of the singer in a swimsuit.

Instagram and Wikipedia Yolki (singer)

After the divorce, the artist devotes more and more time to herself: she practices vocals, gives concerts, participates as an invited guest on many television shows, and, of course, travels, which Yolki’s Instagram and Wikipedia can tell us about.

The singer enjoys communicating with fans on her page, showing off her new outfits and talking about her future concerts and projects. In November, the artist became a participant in the immersive show of the play “Faceless”; this type of art is rapidly developing in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Article found on alabanza.ru

Which will be the topic of discussion in this article, she began to show an aptitude for music as a child. However, fate played with her, and for some time it seemed to Elka that her dream of becoming a singer was unrealistic. Now she is a successful artist, touring not only in the CIS countries, but also abroad. Millions love her, hundreds criticize her, but no one is indifferent to her work.

Christmas tree: biography of the artist. Stage name

The singer's real name is Ivantsiv Elizaveta Valdemarovna. In her youth, her best friend once called her Christmas tree, and the new name stuck so well that some girls I knew didn’t even know what her real name was. And even the future singer’s father was offended when relatives sometimes forgot his daughter’s name. Elka was born on July 2, 1982 in Uzhgorod (a city in western Ukraine). The girl's family was musical - her father collected jazz music, her mother played three instruments, and her grandparents sang in a folk choir. Elka followed in their footsteps - first she sang in the school choir, then she developed her talents by attending a vocal club. For some time she played in the KVN team and performed backing vocals for the rap group “V&V”. And in 2001, she tried her hand at being a solo artist in rap music. Her performance at the festival was noted for himself (already a successful producer at that time), and three years later he remembered the talented girl and offered cooperation. Elka was very surprised by the offer, since she had already lost hope that her dream would ever come true, and got a job as a waitress in a restaurant.

Christmas tree: biography. On the way to glory

Intense but fruitful work began. The first song performed by Elka in collaboration with Valov was “The words were spoken by you.” In 2004, she performed the song “Bitch-Love” at an evening in memory of Micah, after which the singer gained her first fans and critics. Then one of her most successful songs, “City of Deception,” was released, which became the beginning of an album released in the fall of 2005. All subsequent compositions and albums of the singer increased the number of her fans. The Christmas tree has been repeatedly awarded the Muz-TV and Golden Gramophone awards.

Christmas tree: biography. Turning point

One day, the singer was invited by Alla Pugacheva herself to a program broadcast on Radio Alla. Elka said that she occupies her own small niche and does not particularly strive for more. Pugacheva gave an incentive to the young performer by asking where she would invite her if she wanted to come to her concert or come for a visit. Elka was very hurt by this, and the interview with the Diva herself pushed her to new victories.

Christmas tree: biography. Personal life

The singer prefers not to let anyone in on her life behind the scenes, especially journalists. She believes that the personal should always remain behind the scenes, otherwise it ceases to be so. However, journalists know their business. Despite the fact that the singer carefully hid her life partner, they managed to find out his name. When the information was made public, many were surprised, because no one even knew that she was married.

Married Tree: biography

The singer’s husband is Sergei Astakhov, who is now the singer’s administrator. They say that they have a great relationship and Elka is very happy in her personal life.

Popular Russian singer of Ukrainian origin. Christmas tree is the owner of unusual vocals, and her songs combine several musical genres - from rap to r'n'b, soul and reggae.

Singer Yolka. Biography

Christmas tree (Elizaveta Ivantsiv) was born in the summer of 1982 in the city of Uzhgorod in Transcarpathia. From a young age, she took part in KVN, played for the school teams “1+1” and “Ward No. 6”, and, thanks to her father, was interested in jazz music. She attended the school choir and vocal club at the Palace of Pioneers.

In her youth, Yolka devoted herself to such musical styles as soul and rap. In the early 1990s, the group " B&B", Where Christmas tree invited as a backing vocalist. As part of this team in 2001, the singer appeared at the international Rap Music festival.

Your original stage name Lisa received it as a child, at the age of eleven. Her friends came up with this nickname. Since then, even her parents call her that.

Yolka’s performance at the festival was noticed by a music producer Vlad Valov. He appreciated the talent and eccentricity of the young singer, offering her cooperation. At that time, virtually all the members of the B&B group were already engaged in their own solo projects, and Yolka herself worked part-time as a waitress in a local cafe.

Solo career Yolki / Elizaveta Ivantsiv

The singer signed a contract with producer Vlad Valov in 2004 and moved to Moscow. She joined the new group along with two guitarists and a DJ Lenar.

“I was afraid to go to Moscow. Isn’t it scary to radically change the situation, leave everything that surrounded you before, meet people you don’t know?! But then I thought: are you stupid or not? This happens once in a lifetime! So I packed my things and went. I decided - then we’ll be afraid! And, of course, I didn’t believe it until the very end.”

In the same year, their first solo concert took place at the Moscow club Ballantine’s Bar, and the composition “City of Deception” took the top line in the domestic charts. Your debut album "City of Deception" singer Yolka presented in the summer of 2005 at the Orange club.

Later, such popular tracks appeared as “Student Girl”, “Good Mood”, “Girl in a Little Peugeot” . An animated video was shot for the latter. Same year Christmas tree participated in dubbing the role of Little Red Riding Hood in the animated film "The True Story of Red Cap".

In 2006, a very successful album was released "Shadows" which included the compositions “Bus”, “I’m Walking Alone”. Its presentation took place in November in Moscow.

In 2008, another album was presented Christmas trees“This Magnificent World” and a collection of the best remixes was published. Christmas tree received the Golden Gramophone award for the song “Handsome Boy”.

In 2010 Christmas tree invited as a judge to the filming of a famous Ukrainian musical show "X Factor".

The singer's contract ended in 2010. Christmas trees and producer Vlad Valov. She believes that a conversation with Alla Pugacheva pushed her to make serious changes in her creative life.

“A year before the birth of the song “Provence,” Pugacheva herself invited me to her Alla radio program. And the conversation with her, along with several other important conversations, stimulated me greatly. Alla Borisovna and I had a very emotional conversation! I left with such an impression! I told her that I have my own little niche and I don’t need more. She asks - if I want to come to your concert, where will you invite me? Or would I like to come and visit where you invite me? And it hurt me."

In September Christmas tree presented a single "Provence"- his first work in pop style. The crazy success of the composition brought the artist three nominations for the Muz-TV channel award in the categories “Best Singer”, “Best Song” and “Best Video”. Summer 2011 Christmas tree took tenth place in the list of the most successful show business figures in Ukraine for the last season according to Focus magazine.

In 2011 Christmas tree recorded further hits - "On a Big Balloon" And "Near you", and also performed a joint song “ Boy"with Pavel Volya.

The fourth studio album was released in the fall of 2011. “The dots have been placed.”

“The dots are in place” - this is the state in which I live now. I live with an understanding of who I am, what I am and where I will go next. I know – even more interesting developments are coming! I am very glad that my path has never been quick and easy - and I want to note that I am now only at the very beginning! I like that everything that happens to me happens progressively, I move in small steps and the smaller they are, the more confident and firm my gait.”

Yolka is a four-time winner of the Golden Gramophone Award (for the songs “Handsome Boy”, “Provence”, “Near You” and “Fly, Lisa”) and an RMA Award nominee for the MTV channel. In 2011, she became singer of the year according to Glamor magazine. In 2012 about she was also presented in four nominations for the Muz-TV award and won in the “Best Performer” category. At the end of 2012, Yolka was recognized as the most rotated performer on Russian radio stations.

Due to a busy touring schedule, Yolka refused to participate in the continuation of the television project “ X factor"and Irina Dubtsova took her place on the jury.

In 2012, Yolka presented new compositions: “ Higher" And " Want"(the single was included in the soundtrack to the film "Love with an Accent"). At the RU.TV awards in 2012, the singer was awarded for the composition “ Near you" in the nomination "Best Song". On December 4, 2012, the digital release of Yolka’s new mini-album “ Quiet concert", which was recorded at the singer’s Moscow concerts in the Mir concert hall. "A Quiet Concert" was also released on the iTunes Store.

In the summer of 2013, Yolka presented a new composition “ The body went nuts", a little later a video was shot for this song. Soon the singer together with the rapper Noise MC sang the song " We don't understand”, released in October 2013 as part of his album “Confusion”. In August 2013, Yolka and rapper Heat recorded the song “New World” and shot a video for it. On February 18, 2014, the Velvet Music label released a single by singer Yolka and the group “ Burrito» « You know».

On April 23, 2014, Yolka released a video and song “Everything Depends on Us,” which became the soundtrack to the film “A Gift with Character” directed by