Which actor died on set? Soviet actors who tragically died during filming (14 photos). Brandon Lee - "The Raven" (1994)

Actors often die for fun, but it happens that death on the set turns out to be real.

Evgeny Urbansky

Evgeny Urbansky

The star and sex symbol of Soviet cinema, actor Yevgeny Urbansky, died on the set of the film “Director,” which was directed by Viktor Saltykov. The actor wanted to play an important but technically difficult episode himself, without the help of a stuntman. In the shot, the car driven by the main character, as if on a springboard, flew over the dune (filming took place in the sand) and fell to the ground. The first take was shot successfully, but the actor didn’t like it - he insisted on a second take, during which the car jumped and fell on the roof. Urbansky was let down by the lack of necessary experience and stunt skills: where a professional would have grouped himself, shrank and remained alive, the actor, on the contrary, tensed up, straightened up and broke a cervical vertebra. He died a few hours later in hospital. The last words the actor said in his life were: “Lord, how it hurts!” Evgeniy Urbansky was only 33 years old, two and a half months later his wife, actress Dzidra Ritenberg, gave birth to a daughter, who was named Evgenia.

They say that the actor did not want to play this role - on the eve of filming he was overcome by bad feelings. His wife recalled that one day, upon returning home, she found him in a depressed state. “You know,” Urbansky admitted to her, “I was so lonely, and everything around me was so empty that for a moment it seemed to me as if I had died.” The feeling of disaster did not leave him on the set. The day before his death, he and his friend, actor and stuntman Vladimir Ballon, were allowed to look at the filming location from a helicopter. Looking at the sand springboard from which his car was supposed to jump, Urbanski said: “Look, they are digging my grave.” And he turned out to be right.

Inna Burduchenko

Inna Burduchenko

The day when a second-year student at the Kyiv Theater Institute named after I.K. Karpenko-Kary was offered to play the main role in a movie, the girl, who had dreamed of becoming an actress since childhood, probably considered it one of the happiest in her life. The first film with Burduchenko’s participation, “Ivanna” directed by Viktor Ivchenko, made her famous both in the Soviet Union, where the film received Second Prize at the All-Union Film Festival in Kyiv in 1960, and abroad, where the anti-clerical film (in one of the scenes the heroine renounces from God and tears off his cross) caused a sharply negative reaction - they said that the Roman Catholic Church, led by its then Pope John XXIII, cursed everyone who had anything to do with it.

Soon, seven people who were part of the film crew actually died, among them was the young actress. Inna died on the set of a film with the working title “Nobody Loved Like That,” which was later renamed “Flower on a Stone.” In one of the scenes, the actress playing a Komsomol member had to save a banner from a burning house. The director forced Burduchenko to run into the barracks that were doused with gasoline and caught fire like a match again and again, and during the third take the building collapsed. Inna, whose heel was stuck in a crack in the floor, did not have time to run out. At the last moment, like a true woman and actress, she covered her face with her hands. Burduchenko was brought out of the fire by the famous Grasshopper - actor Sergei Ivanov, who, being at that time an unknown extra, starred in the film as an extra. Inna found that 78 percent of her body was burned (only her face remained unharmed); in the middle of the last century, this was a death sentence. Despite the fact that viewers donated blood and even pieces of skin for her, it was not possible to save the actress. Inna, who was only 22 years old, was buried at the Baikovo cemetery, leaving behind a small child.

Vasily Shukshin

Vasily Shukshin

Vasily Shukshin died on the set of the film “They Fought for the Motherland” in September 1974. The night before, while working on the script for the next film, “Stepan Razin,” Vasily Makarovich became ill with his heart. Those who were still awake rushed to look for at least some medicine, but found only Zelenin drops. At three o’clock in the morning, Shukshin told his friend, actor Georgy Burkov, who starred in his film: “I feel so bad that I won’t even smoke - I’ll go and lie down.” At night, those who lived in the next cabin (the film crew was located on the ship) heard a sharp knock on the wall, but did not pay attention to it.

The next morning, Burkov, without waiting for Vasily Makarovich to arrive (according to the ritual developed during filming, Shukshin always woke him up, and then they drank coffee together), went to his cabin. When no one responded to the knock, he opened the door and saw Shukshin lying on the bed in an unnatural position - nothing could be done to help Vasily Makarovich. His role in the film was completed by an understudy, who was filmed only in medium and long shots, and was voiced by actor Igor Efimov.

Brandon Lee

Brandon Lee

Bruce Lee's son, Brandon, began acting in films in 1991. For a long time, he dreamed in vain of a dramatic role, while directors offered him bloody action films in which he had to show only one of his skills - to fight. When Brandon read the script for the film "The Raven", he realized that his dream had finally come true: the main character of the film, a rock star, turns into a raven after death and takes revenge on his offenders. Brandon plunged into work with pleasure, not suspecting that he and his hero would have one day of death between them.

On April 1, 1993, eight hours before the shooting, Lee picked up the ill-fated Magnum-44, brought it to his temple and pulled the trigger - the gun was not loaded and instead of a shot there was a click. Seeing the fear on the faces of those around him, Brandon laughed: “Whoever is destined to be hanged will not drown. I will die differently, I should not be afraid of a pistol.” But when in the evening - already during the shooting - he pulled the trigger again, a shot suddenly rang out. Brandon fell, all around him - not according to the script! – A puddle of blood immediately spread. It turned out that they forgot to remove the so-called “plug” from the pistol, which was loaded with blank cartridges; it flew out and got stuck in Lee’s spine. Most likely, the cause of the tragedy was the negligence of the props, who did not keep track of the weapons, but this does not stop Brandon’s fans from assuring that their idol was killed - allegedly he was too close to solving the death of his father, Bruce Lee. A few hours later, the actor died in the hospital without regaining consciousness, a little more than two weeks remained before his wedding with his beloved girlfriend Eliza Hutton... Brandon Lee was buried at Lake View Cemetery in Seattle - next to his father. The remaining episodes of “The Crow” featured a stunt double, who had Lee’s face “painted on” using computer graphics.

Steve Irwin

Steve Irwin

Famous Australian TV presenter Steve Irwin, often called the “crocodile hunter” (he specialized in programs about dangerous animals), died while reporting live. On September 4, 2006, while filming underwater in the Great Barrier Reef, he was struck in the chest by a stingray. Steve's death was watched by millions of viewers around the world. Irwin was 44 years old and left behind two children, Bindi Sue and Bob Clarence.

John Elroy Sanford

John Elroy Sanford

The American actor-comedian, whom viewers knew under the pseudonym Redd Foxx, died during a rehearsal for the television show “The Royal Family.” The heart attack scene was Sanford's signature number, and the actor often played it to amuse the audience. Therefore, when he grabbed his heart and then fell, no one understood what really happened. However, even if those around him had realized it in time, they still would have been unable to help Sanford - he died instantly, and their laughter may have been the best reward in the last seconds for an actor who had made people laugh all his life.

John-Eric Hexam

Jon-Erik Hexam

Actor and model Jon-Erik Hexam passed away in the same way as Brandon Lee - even his weapon of death is exactly the same, the same Magnum 44, loaded with blank cartridges. During a break on the set, handsome John-Erik, deciding to joke, put the gun to his temple and pulled the trigger. A shot rang out and Hexam fell dead. The actor did not know that even blank cartridges are covered with a metal shell - it is needed so that the sound of the shot is loud and resonant, and human bones are very fragile.

Andrey Rostotsky

Andrey Rostotsky

Andrei Rostotsky, the son of director Stanislav Rostotsky and actress Nina Menshikova, died on May 5, 2002 on the set of the series “My Border” - he fell from a 30-meter cliff near the Maiden’s Tears waterfall in the vicinity of Sochi. Those close to him believe that Andrei was let down by those qualities that always allowed him to achieve success - he was used to always and in everything counting not on luck and “maybe”, but on work, professionalism and careful preparation. So that day he himself wanted to check the mountain path along which the actors were supposed to walk tomorrow. They say that Rostotsky lost his temper while reaching for a beautiful flower, but his widow Marianna is sure that this is nothing more than a beautiful legend. “Most likely,” she reflects, “Andrei stepped on one of the so-called moving stones - it seems that it lies firmly on the ground, but in fact it hangs in the air. There are many such stones around the waterfall, it’s not for nothing that it is called Maiden’s Tears “People often die there.”

That year Easter fell on May 5, so both his wife and the second director asked Andrei not to go to the mountains and to postpone all matters until tomorrow, but he did not listen. Rostotsky was unemployed for a long time, so he treasured every day spent on the set. Having fallen, Andrei fought for his life until the last minute - he fell, spreading his arms wide and trying to grab onto some branch or bush, so that, if not to save himself, then at least soften the blow, but he failed.

Sergey Bodrov-Jr

Sergei Bodrov Jr.

“Brother” Sergei Bodrov Jr. died on September 20, 2002 while filming his film “Svyaznoy” in the Karmadon Gorge. Together with him, more than a hundred people died, including members of the film crew and residents of the village of Nizhny Karmadon. Due to the large number of victims, this disaster is compared to the death of the Kursk submarine. Then a block of ice fell high from Mount Dzhimara, which, falling on the Kolka glacier, moved it from its place. Sliding down, the avalanche, capturing huge stones along the way, covered the Karmadon Gorge, in which the group of the film “Svyaznoy” was located. The day before, it was as if nature itself was warning people about danger: a dark cloud stood over the Karmadon Gorge all day, although it was a clear sunny day throughout the entire area, sheep huddled together in fear, and the dog participating in the filming howled so hard that the blood ran cold. But no one heeded these warnings, in the morning the film crew went to the mountains again, and in the evening, literally in a few minutes, people were covered by a glacier - most likely, many did not even have time to understand what was happening.

Trying to somehow explain the reasons for the terrible tragedy, they say and write a lot that the script for “Svyaznoy,” which Sergei wrote himself, was full of mystical events. They remember that even during the filming of “Prisoner of the Caucasus,” Bodrov was fascinated by the mountains and often said that he would like to stay in this area forever. According to local residents, the reason for what happened could be that the film crew disturbed the peace of spirits - not far from the filming site there was an ancient cemetery, considered the kingdom of the dead.

More than a hundred people have been considered missing for ten years, they have no graves, no one has discovered their remains - according to scientists, Kolka will melt for twelve years. Therefore, many believe that Bodrov and those who were with him did not die, but live somewhere in a parallel reality - they say such cases happen in the mountains.

Andrey Krasko

Andrey Krasko

One of the most successful Russian actors of the post-perestroika era, Andrei Krasko, died on July 4, 2006 in Odessa on the set of the series “Liquidation.” That summer it was so hot on the sea coast that fish were boiled alive in the shallow estuaries. It is not surprising that the actor’s heart, exhausted by exhausted work (at one time Krasko was unemployed for a very long time, so he grabbed at any offer) and many years of alcohol abuse, could not stand it. That day the actor had a day off; he and his friends and girlfriend went to Odessa for a picnic. There he became ill. Perhaps, if he had received timely medical attention, everything would have worked out, but the ambulance refused to go out of town. The actor’s friends do not absolve the producers of “Liquidation” from responsibility: shortly before filming, Krasko was supposed to go to the clinic for an examination, but the producers did not let him go, citing a busy filming schedule.

Before his death, Krasko had only two full days of filming; he managed to play several episodes, including the scene in which his character is found dead. The director of “Liquidation” Sergei Ursulyak still thanks God for the fact that the decision about whether to continue filming or wind down and leave for Moscow was not made by him – it was made by the producers. Despite the tragedy, work on “Liquidation” continued - the role of Fima was played by Sergei Makovetsky instead of Krasko.

Taisiya Kondratyeva

On July 20, 1973, while working on the film Game of Death in Hong Kong, the actor suddenly fell in the pavilion of the Golden Harvest film studio. He was immediately taken to the hospital, where he was given a disappointing diagnosis of cerebral edema. According to one version, Bruce took a headache pill containing aspirin and meprobamate, which led to death. However, no tests or examinations were carried out, which raised doubts whether the actor really died from the pill. Rumors spread that he had been killed. However, this version has not been confirmed.

2. Brandon Lee (28 years old)

Alas, the same sad fate befell Bruce Lee's son, Brandon Lee. On March 31, 1993, while filming one of the final scenes of the film The Crow, where the main character is shot with a pistol, Brandon was shot in the stomach. Actor Michael Massey, who played one of the villains, fired a .44 caliber revolver. The plug stuck in the barrel was not noticed by members of the film crew and flew out when fired with a blank cartridge. As a result, the foreign body pierced Brandon's abdomen and became lodged in his spine, causing extensive blood loss. Brandon died in hospital from persistent hemorrhage. After the actor's death, filming continued with the participation of a stunt double. He is buried next to his father in Seattle at Lake View Cemetery on the shores of Lake Washington in the spot that Linda, his mother, had originally reserved for herself.

3. Steve Irwin (44 years old)

During his regular filming, on September 4, 2006, the famous wildlife expert went underwater with scuba gear to film large stingrays off the Great Barrier Reef. One of the fish attacked the leader while he was above it. The stingray raised its tail with a poisonous sting at the end and slammed it straight into Steve's chest. Unfortunately, the sting hit the heart directly, causing extensive blood loss. A couple of minutes later, Irwin died. The irony of fate is that this predator is rarely truly dangerous to humans: only two cases of deaths of tourists stung by stingrays have been recorded off the coast of Australia.

4. John Eric Hexum (27 years old)

An aspiring American actor who died a stupid death at the age of 26. It was so stupid that the case was nominated for a Darwin Award (an award given annually to people who die in the most stupid way). On October 2, 1984, during the filming of The Hidden Fact, Hexam's character was required to fire a .44 Magnum. During breaks, the actor played with a revolver and suddenly, deciding that the Magnum was loaded with blanks, he put it to his temple and pulled the trigger. The shot destroyed part of the actor's skull, causing extensive bleeding. After 6 days, the actor died without ever regaining consciousness.

5. Sergei Bodrov Jr. (31 years old)

A terrible tragedy that claimed the lives of a large number of people occurred during the filming of the film “The Messenger”. On that day, September 20, 2002, the Kolka glacier collapsed in the Karmadon Gorge, causing a rock avalanche that killed 130 people, 23 of whom were members of the film crew. Sergei Bodrov was among them. The actor’s body was never found, which is why many for a long time thought that he had survived.

6. Evgeny Urbansky (33 years old)

The actor died in 1965 while filming the film “The Director.” According to the script, Urbansky’s hero’s car was supposed to make a jump from one of the dunes. The first take was shot successfully, but the director decided to complicate the shot so that the car would jump higher. While filming the second take, the car overturned. As a result of his injuries, Urbanski died on the way to the hospital.

7. Vic Morrow (53 years old), Mick Dean Lee (7 years old), Rene Chen (6 years old)

One of the worst tragedies in the history of cinema occurred in 1983 on the set of the film “The Twilight Zone.” In one scene, Vic Morrow had to run across a lake with his children, Mick Dean Lee and Renee Chen. Explosions thundered in the background and a helicopter circled over the lake. According to the scenario, the helicopter was supposed to fly at an altitude of eight meters, which, as it turned out, was too low to dodge pyrotechnic explosions. As a result of one of the explosions, the tail rotor blades were damaged, and the car crashed to the ground, taking the lives of Vic and two children. Everyone who was in the helicopter itself at that time survived, receiving only minor injuries.

8. Roy Kinnear (54 years old)

On September 20, 1988, while filming The Return of the Musketeers in Madrid, actor Roy Kinnear fell from his horse. As a result of the fall, he broke his pelvis, which led to profuse bleeding and death.

9. Inna Burduchenko (22 years old)

The actress died during the filming of the film “Nobody Loved Like That” (or “Flower on the Stone”) during a fire. According to the script, the girl had to save the banner from a burning house. At the director's request, Inna entered the burning house again and again. And while filming the third take, the house collapsed. The actress did not have time to run out. 78% of her body was burned, and, unfortunately, the actress could not be saved.

10. Andrey Rostotsky (45 years old)

In 2002, the filming of the film “My Border” was supposed to take place in the mountainous part of the outskirts of the city of Sochi. When Andrei Rostotsky was choosing locations for filming, he fell from a 30-meter height from a cliff at the Maiden's Tears waterfall.

During filming, unforeseen situations happen that lead to sad consequences. Carelessness or a stupid mistake, and the celebrity is no longer alive.

Martha Mansfield (07/14/1899 – 11/30/1923)

The death of 24-year-old American actress Martha Mansfield (real name Ehrlich) was due to carelessness. As required by the script, the girl was sitting in the car when a random passerby walked by, who unfortunately turned out to be a smoker. He threw a half-burnt match into the open window of the car, and the fluffy dress instantly burst into flames.

Martha Mansfield suffered life-threatening burns to her entire body and died in hospital several hours later. The film The Warrens of Virginia, which became fatal for the young actress, was finally released a year later, since most of the scenes with her participation had already been filmed.

Jean Harlow (03/03/1911 – 06/07/1937)

An American sex symbol of the 30s, actress Jean Harlow starred in fourteen films, including “Reckless,” “Red Dust” and “Susie.” The last film in her career was the film “Saratoga” (1937), where she played the main role along with the charming Clark Gable.

She became ill during filming. Jean felt weak, nauseous and a sharp pain in her lower abdomen, twisting her to the point of unconsciousness. The actress was taken to the hospital, where after an examination it was determined that, having had the flu several months ago, the 26-year-old girl developed complications in her kidneys, which began to fail and stopped removing harmful substances from the body. The star fell into a coma and died on June 7, 1937 from cerebral edema.

Tyrone Power (05/05/1914 - 11/15/1958)

The “King” of American cinema during the Golden Age of Hollywood, Tyrone Power was born into a famous acting dynasty. Dramas and musicals, westerns and comedies - he regularly shone on the big screens, captivating American women with his beauty. The actor's career ended suddenly.

The reason for this is the heart attack that happened to Tyrone Power on the set of the film Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. The actor became ill while working on one of the first scenes (the duel scene). Power was buried with honors, and USSR native Yul Brynner was appointed in his place.

Inna Burduchenko (03/31/1939 – 08/15/1960)

The tragic death of the star of the film “Ivanna” occurred on the set of the film “Flower on the Stone.” In one scene, she had to carry a banner out of a burning barn. The walls of the barracks collapsed while Inna was inside. Extra miner Sergei Ivanov rushed to the rescue and carried out the half-dead, burned actress in his arms, while he himself suffered serious skin damage.

The actress was taken to the hospital, where it turned out that two-thirds of her body was covered with burns. Only her face, which Inna protected with her hands, was not damaged. Many people donated blood and skin for their beloved actress, but it did not help - 2 weeks later Burduchenko died. The girl was 21 years old and had been expecting a child for three months.

Evgeny Urbansky (02/27/1932 – 11/5/1965)

The actor, who loudly declared himself throughout the Union and beyond after the premiere of the film “Communist,” tragically died on the set of the film “Director” due to his own perfectionism.

The actor did all the stunts himself, without the help of stuntmen. In one of the scenes, he was supposed to, sitting behind the wheel of a car, use a sand dune as a springboard, take off and land. The first take was shot successfully, but Evgeniy Urbansky was dissatisfied. He demanded that the scene be re-shot. For the second time, the actor broke a cervical vertebra and died on the way to the hospital.

The poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko dedicated a poem to the actor’s death. It's called "The Ballad of Perfection."

Eric Fleming (07/04/1925 – 09/28/1966)

In September 1966, while filming the adventure film High Jungle, Eric Fleming was canoeing down the Juliacana River (Peru). The craft spun in a whirlpool and was carried away by the current. The actor's body was found four days later, mutilated by piranhas. Eric did not live only two days before his wedding.

Vic Morrow (02/14/1929 – 07/23/1982)

Actor Vic Morrow, a native of the United States, gained popularity among viewers thanks to his participation in the films “Horrible Bears,” “The Fight,” and “Tom Sawyer.” He died while filming Steven Spielberg's The Twilight Zone.

We were filming a scene with a helicopter that was supposed to explode in the frame. At an altitude of 7 meters, the helicopter lost control due to problems with pyrotechnics and began to fall. Morrow and two children, 6 and 7 years old, playing Vietnamese fleeing American aircraft, were decapitated by the rotating blades at full speed. The scene of the helicopter crash and the actor’s death was caught on video.

Death of actor Vic Morrow on the set of The Twilight Zone

John-Erik Hexam (11/05/1957 – 10/18/1984)

The magnificent actor, model and simply handsome man Jon-Erik Hexam died in the seventh episode of the series “The Hidden Fact” from his own innocent joke. Entering the role, he put a pistol loaded with blank cartridges to his temple and pulled the trigger. But the first cartridge in the 44-caliber Magnum turned out to be live. Death occurred instantly: a fragment of a crushed skull pierced the brain and caused profuse bleeding.

Roy Kinnear (01/08/1934 – 09/20/1988)

British actor Roy Kinnear, who became popular thanks to the films “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” and “The Three Musketeers,” was injured while filming the latter’s sequel, “Return of the Musketeers.” The already middle-aged and obese actor fell from his horse and broke his hip joint. The fracture caused internal bleeding, which could not be recognized in time. He was hospitalized, but died the next day from a heart attack caused by the injury.

Redd Foxx (12/09/1922 – 10/11/1991)

The real name of the famous American comic actor Redd Foxx is John Elroy Sanford. He was one of the first black comedians to gain popularity among white audiences in Las Vegas.

The television shows “Sanford and Son” and “The Royal Family” made him popular with a wide audience. While rehearsing for an episode of The Royal Family, he suddenly grabbed his heart and fell. Before this, the comedian had amused his colleagues more than once with scenes involving a heart attack, so this time everyone decided that Redd was just playing too hard. When he was taken to the hospital, he was still alive. Perhaps, if not for the delay, he would have been saved.

Brandon Lee (02/01/1965 - 03/31/1993)

Brandon Lee, son of the famous Bruce Lee, died on the set of the gothic drama The Crow. In the episode, when the hero enters a house and sees two rapists mocking his girlfriend, one of the criminals fires a shot.

This was the last scene involving the use of firearms. And just that day, Brandon Lee refused to wear a bulletproof vest. The scene was filmed using a proven method, perfected hundreds of times: the “criminal” fires blank cartridges, and the “hero” detonates an explosive device hidden in his hand, simulating a shot.

And so the actor shoots from a 44-caliber revolver. Brandon Lee falls and... doesn't get up. Colleagues were sure that he was faking or had gone too deep into the role until they saw streams of blood gushing from his stomach. The actor was rushed to the hospital, where he fought for life for 12.5 hours. His fiancée Eliza Hutson urgently flew out to see him. She barely had time to say goodbye to Brandon - a couple of minutes after her appearance, he died.

The investigation established two causes of the accident. It turned out that due to negligence, instead of blank cartridges in the revolver magazine, there were converted live ones from which gunpowder was poured out. And due to the fact that earlier one of the bullets got stuck in the barrel, it was knocked out with terrible force, and the shot turned out to be slightly less powerful than when firing live ammunition. The actor was pierced in the stomach, damaging internal organs and the spine.

Due to the fact that the actor died during the filming of the final scenes, the film was completed and released. The last minutes of Brandon Lee’s “stage” life were played by an understudy.

Oliver Reed (02/13/1938 – 05/02/1999)

Oliver Reed in real life was, as they say, a real macho, so in films he played only courageous and fearless heroes. “Devils”, “Les Miserable”, “Women in Love”, “The Three Musketeers” - this is not a complete list of his roles. Oksana Akinshina - shot his second film under the working title “Svyaznoy”. Work on the film began in September 2002. One of the first scenes (the return of the main character from the army) was filmed in the Karmadon Gorge, in North Ossetia.

On the evening of the 20th, the film crew, numbering more than a hundred people, headed towards the camp. The sudden collapse of the Kolka glacier buried them all under a 60-meter thick layer of ice and stones. The search for bodies continued until 2004, but most of the dead, including Sergei Bodrov, were never found.

Steve Irwin (02/22/1962 – 09/04/2006)

Australian Steve Irwin's parents bred crocodiles. It is not surprising that their son also had close contact with these reptiles. Specifically, he filmed a series of documentaries “The Crocodile Hunter,” repeatedly putting his life in mortal danger.

But it was not crocodiles that killed him. On the set of the film Ocean's Deadliest Killers, the Discovery Channel star talked on camera about stingrays, whose bite can be lethal to humans. Irwin became the third Australian in history to die from the poisonous sting of a stingray - it struck him straight in the heart. His death was caught on film, but the TV presenter's wife decided to destroy it.

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In the history of cinema, there are many tragic cases involving the death of actors. Next, we suggest taking a look at the latest footage of famous domestic and foreign actors who died on film sets.

Bruce Lee. On July 20, 1973, the actor was working in Hong Kong on the film Game of Death when he suddenly fell on the pavilion of the Golden Harvest film studio.

Bruce was immediately taken to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with cerebral edema.

According to one version, Bruce Lee took a headache pill containing aspirin and meprobamate, which led to fatal consequences.

No tests were taken, casting doubt on whether he died from the pill. After his death, rumors began to spread that another master had killed him, but they were not confirmed.

Bruce Lee's funeral turned into citywide mourning. Friends and thousands of fans came to pay their last respects to him. Bruce Lee's body was then flown to Seattle, where his family said goodbye and where he was buried.

Brandon Lee. Hong Kong and American actor, martial artist, and son of Bruce Lee, who died on the set at the age of 28.

Finally, the actor's star status was to be cemented by the film "The Raven" - an adaptation of comic books on the themes of honor and retribution, immersed in a gloomy, "Gothic" atmosphere.

On March 31, at one o'clock in the morning, while filming one of the final scenes, where the main character is shot with a pistol, Brandon was wounded in the stomach. Actor Michael Massey, who played one of the villains, fired from a .44 caliber revolver.

The plug stuck in the barrel was not noticed by members of the film crew and flew out when fired with a blank cartridge. As a result, the foreign body pierced Brandon's abdomen and became lodged in his spine, causing extensive blood loss.

He died 12 hours later at a hospital in Wilmington, North Carolina. Doctors pronounced Brandon Lee dead on March 31, 1993, at 1:30 p.m., from persistent hemorrhage.

Brandon died seventeen days before his own wedding. He and Eliza Hutton were already engaged and were due to marry immediately after filming ended.

The footage of the murder was not included in the film; this film was destroyed, and the scene was re-shot with the participation of a double. A private funeral took place on April 3, 1993. Brandon Lee was buried next to his father in Seattle at Lake View Cemetery on the shores of Lake Washington in the place that Linda, his mother, had originally reserved for herself.

John-Erik Hexam. John-Erik was a famous actor, a sought-after model and the dream of many women.

The tragedy occurred in 1984, on the set of the series “The Hidden Fact,” when he carelessly put a 44-caliber Magnum loaded with blank cartridges to his temple and pulled the trigger.

Such cartridges are covered with a metal shell - this is necessary so that the sound of the shot is loud and resonant, and human bones, naturally, are very fragile.

As a result, the bullet destroyed part of the actor's skull, causing extensive bleeding.

Tyrone Power. The American actor, best known for his romantic roles in classic Hollywood films from the 1930s to the 1950s, starred in Solomon and the Queen of Sheba.

Power, 44, was acting in a duel scene when he suffered a heart attack. The actor died before arriving at the hospital.

Martha Mansfield is both a vaudeville actress and an American silent film star.

In November 1923, while filming The Warrens of Virginia, Mansfield was sitting in her car when a passerby, lighting a cigarette, carelessly threw a match into the car.

Mansfield's dress immediately caught fire, and the actress suffered severe burns all over her body. She was immediately taken to the hospital, but she died from her burns a day later.

John Ritter. The actor is best known for his role as Jack Tripper in the film Three's Company. He also played bit parts in such TV series and films as “The Bob Newhart Show,” “The Cosby Show,” “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and “Scrubs.”

While performing a scene for the series on September 11, 2003, Ritter suddenly complained of nausea and chest pain. He was taken to the hospital and diagnosed with a heart attack and died during surgery.

Vic Morrow. The actor is widely known for his roles in such films as “Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry,” “Horrible Bears,” and the television series “Charlie’s Angels.”

During the filming of The Twilight Zone in 1982, Morrow and two other actors portrayed Vietnamese fleeing an American helicopter during the war. Suddenly the helicopter exploded and all three died on the spot.

Roy Kinnear. The British comedian played Veruca Salt's father in 1971's Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, followed by Richard Lester's The Three Musketeers and two sequels, The Four Musketeers and Return of the Musketeers.

During the filming of The Return of the Musketeers, Kinnear fell from his horse, resulting in a fractured pelvis and heavy internal bleeding. He was hospitalized, but died of a heart attack the next day.

Jean Harlow. One of the sexiest actresses of the 1930s felt unwell during the filming of the film Saratoga in 1937.

Jean began to complain of fatigue, nausea and abdominal pain. When filming the scene where her character suffered from a fever, she herself felt much worse than the heroine.

A few days later it became known that her kidneys were failing, she was urgently hospitalized, but the actress fell into a coma and died on June 7, 1937.

Eric Fleming. While filming a TV movie about the jungle in 1966, the actor sailed in a canoe with his colleague Nico Minardos.

The canoe capsized and both actors fell into the Huallaga River. Minardos managed to get out, but Fleming was carried away by the current and drowned. His body was torn to pieces by piranhas.

Steve Irwin. A well-known Australian television presenter known as the "crocodile hunter" because he specialized in programs about dangerous animals, died while reporting live.

On September 4, 2006, while filming underwater in the Great Barrier Reef, he was hit in the chest by a spiny-tailed stingray.

Steve's death was watched by millions of viewers around the world. Irwin was 44 years old and left behind two children, Bindi Sue and Bob Clarence.

Redd Foxx. The American actor-comedian died during rehearsals for the television show “The Royal Family.”

The heart attack scene was Sanford's signature number, and the actor often played it to amuse the audience.

Therefore, when he grabbed his heart and then fell, no one understood what really happened. When those around him got their bearings, they could do nothing to help Sanford; he died instantly.

Evgeny Urbansky. The star and sex symbol of Soviet cinema, actor Yevgeny Urbansky, died on the set of the film "Director". The actor wanted to act himself, without resorting to the help of a stuntman, in an important but dangerous episode.

In the shot, the car driven by the main character, as if on a springboard, was supposed to fly over the dune and fall to the ground. The first take was shot successfully, but the actor didn’t like it - he insisted on a second take.

The car fell on the roof. Urbansky was let down by the lack of necessary experience - he broke a cervical vertebra and died a few hours later in the hospital.

The last words the actor said in his life were: “Lord, how painful it is!” Evgeniy Urbansky was only 33 years old, two and a half months later his wife, actress Dzidra Ritenberg, gave birth to a daughter, who was named Evgenia.

Inna Burduchenko. A student at the Kyiv Theater Institute named after I.K. Karpenko-Kary died on the set of a film with the working title “Nobody Loved Like That,” later renamed “Flower on a Stone.”

In one of the scenes, the actress playing a Komsomol member had to save a banner from a burning house. The director forced Burduchenko to run into the gasoline-drenched and blazing barracks again and again, and during the third take the building collapsed.

Inna, whose heel was stuck in a crack in the floor, did not have time to run out. At the last moment, like a true woman and actress, she covered her face with her hands.

Burduchenko was brought out of the fire by actor Sergei Ivanov, who, at that time an unknown extra, starred in the film as an extra.

Inna found that 78 percent of her body was burned (only her face remained unharmed); in the middle of the last century, this was a death sentence.

While watching films, audiences are often amazed by the masterful stunts that actors perform. In the most dangerous moments, the main actors are often replaced by professional stuntmen, but sometimes the actors insist on working independently in all scenes without exception. But sometimes actors have to pay the highest price for the opportunity to film without stunt doubles. In our review, domestic actors who died on the set.

Andrey Rostotsky

The son of Stanislav Rostotsky and Nina Menshikova was not only an actor, but also a stuntman and stunt director. He was very talented and always worked carefully, calculated possible dangers in advance, and was collected and focused while working. And he died during the filming of the film “My Border,” in which he acted as a director.

Andrei Rostotsky, when choosing a location for filming the next scene of the film, fell off a cliff at the “Maiden Tears” waterfall in the area of ​​the Krasnaya Polyana ski resort. The 30-meter cliff left no chance of survival. The actor and director received many injuries, including a traumatic brain injury. Andrei Rostotsky died on the operating table.

Evgeny Urbansky

The actor's creative biography was very bright. Evgeny Urbansky, after graduating from the Moscow Art Theater School, was accepted into the troupe of the Stanislavsky Theater. On the theater stage he sometimes played 28 performances a month. The actor’s film debut was also successful. He made his debut in Yuri Raizman's film "Communist" and instantly became one of the most popular and recognizable actors in the country. Later, Evgeny Urbansky starred with Grigory Chukhrai, Andrei Konchalovsky, Vasily Ordynsky and other directors.

While working on Alexey Saltykov’s film “Director,” Evgeny Urbansky had to rush through the dunes and overtake a convoy in the frame. The first take seemed not entirely effective to the second director, and he suggested reshooting the scene. Evgeny Urbansky supported the director and got behind the wheel of the car again. This time, the peculiar “flight” by car through the dunes was unsuccessful. The car overturned, the actor received many injuries. He was not taken to the hospital. He was only 33 years old.

Alexander Chekaevsky

Alexander Chekaevsky was one of the most sought-after actors at the Leningrad Pushkin Theater. In addition to serving in the theater, the actor acted in films and, according to the recollections of his colleagues, was very talented. In 1963, during the filming of the film “Hamlet,” directed by Grigory Kozintsev, he was hit by a train and died instantly.

Inna Burduchenko

Filming in the film “Flower on a Stone” was supposed to be the second film job for the young talented actress Inna Burduchenko. Inna's heroine had to carry the banner out of the burning building. But at some point, a wooden burning barracks collapsed on the young actress. She was pulled out of the fire by a simple miner Sergei Ivanov, who himself received multiple burns.

Inna was brought to the burn center in Donetsk (filming took place in the mining region). For 15 days, doctors fought for the life of the young actress, and numerous donors donated blood and skin for the girl free of charge. It was not possible to save Inna Burduchenko, who was also in her third month of pregnancy. The director of the film “Flower on a Stone” was sentenced to two years for the death of the actress.

Mikaela Drozdovskaya

The actress, who starred in “Mimino” and “Volunteers”, “Running” and “Seven Nannies”, was popular and loved by viewers and directors. She could have played many more bright roles, but an accident on the set in Ordzhonikidze claimed the life of a talented actress.

When the entire film crew left for the city, the actress was left alone in the house where the filmmakers lived. It was November, it was already quite cold, and the house was not heated. Michaela hoped to keep warm with the help of lighting fixtures, but did not think about the fact that the high temperature from the lamps could cause a fire. The actress woke up when a blanket caught fire and slid onto one of the spotlights, but she could no longer get out of the fire on her own due to carbon monoxide poisoning. When the door was opened, the fire began to spread even faster due to the draft. The actress, who received severe burns, was urgently sent to Moscow, but even the best specialists in the country were unable to save the life of Mikaela Drozdovskaya.

Yuri Gusev

The wonderful actor did not immediately find his calling. He managed to graduate from an electromechanical technical school, serve in the army and work in his specialty at various research institutes. During his student years and during his work, Yuri Gusev was an active participant in amateur performances. And then he decided to change his profession and become an actor. He has about 90 films to his credit; he starred in the films “Eternal Call” and “Long Road in the Dunes”, “Winter Evening in Gagra” and “Return of the Resident”.

An absurd accident caused the death of Yuri Gusev in 1991 while filming in Tashkent. The actor simply tripped and fell, but so unsuccessfully that he received an open head injury, from which he died on the spot.

Sergei Bodrov Jr.

The talented actor and director died in 2002 while working on the film “The Messenger” in the Karmadon Gorge. After the end of the shooting day, the whole group was heading to the city when the rapid descent of the glacier began. Ice and stones, moving at a speed of about 180 kilometers per hour, covered the entire gorge for a short time. 125 people remained buried under a 60-meter layer. Together with Sergei Bodrov, more than 40 people from his film crew died. All of them are listed as missing, the bodies of the victims have never been found.

Cinema is a small life that an actor lives on camera. It would seem that there is nothing wrong with playing a tragic role. But when this role turns out to be not played, but already lived in real life, it becomes clear