Who has Russian aviation lost in the Middle East? A Russian helicopter was shot down in Syria A Russian helicopter was shot down in Syria on August 1

A Russian military Mi-8 helicopter was shot down in Syria, the Ministry of Defense said. The fate of the pilots is unknown. The helicopter was returning after delivering humanitarian aid to Aleppo, where Russia launched a humanitarian operation last week

Mi-8 helicopter in Syria, October 2015 (Photo: Dmitry Vinogradov/RIA Novosti)

As stated in a statement by the press service of the Russian Ministry of Defense, a Russian military Mi-8 helicopter was shot down on Monday, August 1, in the Syrian province of Idlib. On board were three crew members and two officers from the Russian Center for Reconciliation. Nothing is known yet about their fate.

The report clarifies that the helicopter crashed “as a result of shelling from the ground” when it was returning to the Khmeimim airbase “after delivering humanitarian aid in the city of Aleppo” (quotes from RIA Novosti). Last week, Russia announced the start of a humanitarian operation in Aleppo, opening three corridors for civilians and another for those leaving the city with weapons.

The fate of Russian military personnel is being clarified through all available channels, the Ministry of Defense emphasizes.

In images posted by users social networks , shows the body of a dead man and Russian documents allegedly taken from the helicopter, writes Reuters.

​Earlier on Monday, Reuters, citing the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, reported that. Human rights activists were unable to clarify the ownership of the aircraft. At the same time, Orient News, which Reuters calls opposition, reported that rebels shot down a Syrian helicopter and that its pilot was captured.

During the Syrian operation, the Russian Aerospace Forces group lost a Su-24 aircraft shot down by a Turkish fighter, a Mi-8 helicopter shot down by a Turkoman group during a rescue operation, and a Mi-28 helicopter that crashed as a result of a crew error. The American intelligence and analytical company Stratfor also published in May photographs of four burnt-out Mi-24 helicopters, presumably belonging to the Russian army. The Russian Ministry of Defense denied this information.

During Russia's military operation in Syria, which began on September 30, 2015, 14 Russian servicemen were killed. The military department reported the last victim on July 22. Then in the province of Aleppo, accompanying a convoy of cars with food for local residents. An improvised explosive device exploded next to the car where he was.

The Russian coordination center for reconciliation of conflicting parties in Syria began work at the Khmeimim airbase in February this year. Its tasks include facilitating the negotiation process on reconciliation between the Syrian authorities and the opposition, with the exception of organizations recognized as terrorist by the UN Security Council.

A Russian helicopter was shot down in Syria. Creepy photographs appeared on the Internet, presumably from the scene of the incident and information about the pilots. The Kremlin confirmed that all passengers on the helicopter were killed.

On August 1, in the province of Idlib, as a result of shelling from the ground, a Russian military transport helicopter Mi-8, returning to the Khmeimim airbase after delivering humanitarian aid to the city of Aleppo, was shot down, RIA Novosti quotes a statement from the Russian Ministry of Defense.

The agency reported that there were three crew members and two officers from the Russian Center for Reconciliation of Warring Parties in Syria on board the helicopter.

A little later, presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov said that everyone on board had died.

Those who were in the helicopter, as far as we know from the information received from the Ministry of Defense, died. They died heroically because they tried to drive away the car in order to minimize casualties on the ground, TASS quotes Peskov.

Photos allegedly from the scene of the incident appeared on the Internet. Some of them are published on Twitter by the journalist of the German newspaper Bild Bjorn Stritzel.

A Russian helicopter was reportedly shot down in Seraqab. The pilots were killed on the spot.

Reportedly one of the pilots of the downed Russian helicopter.

Another photo of a reportedly downed Russian helicopter.

There seems to be confirmation that it was indeed a Russian pilot.

Another document found on the Russian pilot whose helicopter was shot down in Seraqab.

One Twitter account, apparently belonging to a Syrian militia, posted a photo of a passport, presumably that of the pilot.

I think this is a pilot's passport.

The photo shows the passport of Oleg Shelamov, a native of the city of Torzhok, born on April 1. The year of birth is not visible in the photo. Considering that the passport was issued in 2007, it can be assumed that the pilot was 29 years old.

A video also appeared on the Internet showing several bodies lying on the ground next to a burning helicopter. People around take pictures of bloody bodies, someone stands on them and jumps. The photo was posted on Twitter Syria Today. The video is captioned as follows: “Jaish al-Fatah” (a coalition fighting against the Syrian government, operating in the area of ​​the city of Idlib, banned in Russia - note by Medialeaks) mocks the bodies of Russian pilots who crashed in Tell Sultan.”

A photograph has also been circulated online showing missiles next to a fallen helicopter. There is no confirmation that the photographs were taken specifically from the site of the Russian helicopter crash on Monday.


On Monday, August 1, a Russian Mi-8 helicopter was shot down in the Syrian province of Idlib. There were five military personnel on board: three crew members and two officers, the press service and information department of the Russian Ministry of Defense told Interfax. They all died. The head of the Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Sergei Rudskoy, said that the crash area is under the control of the terrorist group Jabhat al-Nusra (banned in the Russian Federation).

“On August 1, in the province of Idlib, as a result of shelling from the ground, a Russian military transport helicopter Mi-8, returning to the Khmeimim airbase after delivering humanitarian aid to the city of Aleppo, was shot down,” the Russian Ministry of Defense reported.

“On board the helicopter were three crew members and two officers from the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Warring Parties in Syria,” the Russian Defense Ministry said.

The Ministry of Defense said that they were clarifying the fate of the military. Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that everyone in the helicopter died.

“Unfortunately, you already know the tragic news that came from Syria. A helicopter crashed there and was shot down from the ground,” Peskov said. “Everyone who was in the helicopter, as far as we know, died. They died heroically because they tried to take the car away in order to minimize casualties on the ground,” Peskov said.

He added that the Kremlin deeply sympathizes with the loved ones of the fallen servicemen, RBC reports.

Meanwhile, the Shahba Press agency, close to the opposition, reports only four deaths, writes The Wall Street Journal.

Later, the Syria Today Twitter account published a video of the burning wreckage of the helicopter and local residents gathered around it.

August 1, 2016

One of the photographs shows militants dragging a body along the ground - presumably one of the military men in the helicopter; according to the militants, the pilot.

According to information not yet confirmed by the Russian military, the pilot’s name is Oleg Shelamov, judging by his passport data, he is a native of the city of Torzhok, Tver Region.

According to CIT, the place of work of the deceased pilot is Klin, near Moscow.

“Either you return the bodies, or we launch large-scale airstrikes on the territory.”

On Monday, August 1, a Russian helicopter was shot down in Syria in the province of Idlib. The Russian Ministry of Defense reported that the Mi-8 came under fire while returning from a humanitarian mission. Five were killed - three crew members and two officers from the Center for Reconciliation of Warring Parties. According to some reports, one of the dead is a girl. This is the largest loss of the Russian army since the beginning of the operation in Syria...

The military department officially reported that the helicopter was fired upon when, after delivering humanitarian cargo to Aleppo, it was returning to the Russian Khmeimim air base (80 km away). The emergency occurred in the area of ​​Idlib province. The helicopter fell engulfed in flames.

According to foreign media reports, militants from the so-called “Free Syrian Army” took responsibility for the attack on the helicopter. This group controls part of the territory of Idlib province.

Photos of the downed helicopter and the bodies of the dead have already appeared online. To prove that they were Russians, the militants posted their documents - a burnt driver's license with a photo of a young girl, a driver's license and a passport of a young man.

There are, of course, a lot of questions. - says MK military expert Viktor Murakhovsky. - And the main thing is why the helicopter was flying over the territory that is occupied by gangs. It is also surprising why the Mi-8 flew without escort of cover helicopters, why was the flight altitude chosen, which is within the reach of the anti-aircraft guns available to the militants? After all, our military knows that such weapons have been supplied en masse to Syria in recent years.

According to the expert, almost the entire province of Idlib is occupied by militants from the Free Syrian Army and Jabhat al-Nusra (banned in Russia). The question is why the “pinwheel” flew near their positions, and not around the desert.

According to Murakhovsky, judging by the materials that the militants posted online, the helicopter was shot down from an anti-aircraft gun, most likely a ZU-23. A massive purchase of anti-aircraft guns from Eastern European countries was carried out by Saudi Arabia and Qatar for Syrian militants.

Obviously, great difficulties will arise when delivering the bodies of the victims to the Russian Khmeimim base. In order for Russian search and rescue services to land on the territory now occupied by militants, it is necessary to clear the area, suppress all pockets of air defense with attack aircraft, and drive militant detachments to a safe distance. Only after this will it be possible to land rescue forces.

Burning wreckage of a Russian helicopter. Photo: syria today twitter.

Judging by the footage, the bodies of Russian citizens are no longer at the site of the helicopter crash,” Murakhovsky noted. “We may have to issue an ultimatum: either you return the bodies, or we begin large-scale airstrikes on the territory.”

It so happens that the losses of Russian military personnel in Syria mainly occur just after the so-called humanitarian missions - the delivery of food to liberated areas, trips of Russian officers for negotiations on reconciliation of the warring parties.

The tail boom of the Mi-8, shot down by militants. Photo: syria today twitter.

Dropping food from airplanes and distributing it from the back of trucks, of course, has an effect both for the local population and for Western countries, but I think that this should be abandoned, says Murakhovsky. - The work of delivering humanitarian aid to combat areas can be entrusted to the Syrian government forces and their allies. It is enough for us to ensure logistics and delivery of goods to the bases of the Syrian army, from which food will be transferred to the required areas.