Summary of a lesson on developing communication culture skills in children and adolescents with disabilities “We live among people. Culture of communication Conversation for high school students Svetlana Nikolaevna Pecherkina, primary school teacher, Municipal Educational Institution of Secondary School, Novo-Gurievskoye

Extra-curricular activity for younger schoolchildren “How not to be considered an unpleasant person”

Target: develop the ability to look at yourself from the outside.

Progress of the event

Look at yourself from the outside. What impression do you make? Do you have any bad habits that annoy others?

Do you bite your nails? Are you sniffling?

Are you talking too loudly?

Do you wave your arms so that your interlocutors have difficulty dodging to avoid being hit?

Do you rock in your chair?

Do you clean your shoes on your trouser legs?

Do you slam the door?

If you do this, then you have quite a few bad habits. And people will definitely say after you: “What an unpleasant person!”

If you have already formed bad habits, try to get rid of them. Otherwise, no matter how good you are, they will dislike you a little.

Bad advice from Elena Ismailova

1. If you come to visit,

You don't have to be shy there.

We need to shout loudly to you,

Run, jump and grimace.

2. If you are traveling on a tram,

Don't give up your place there!

All the old ladies will stand there,

They don't always have to sit.

And let’s sit in the apartment

Taking a break from worries.

They don't ride trams,

Let them take care of their health.

3. If a friend is visiting you

Suddenly one day he invited

Don't give up, brothers,

Put everything aside

And fall down boldly,

Until mom came.

Drop your bags anywhere

Scatter everything.

If you break something,

Don't be afraid, you will be forgiven.

Find out in the meantime

Where are all the candies?

Didn't like the candy -

Wrap it up, put it back.

Well, if you've played enough,

Everyone get ready to go home.

Don't worry about order -

The hostess will clean everything.

An unpleasant person is a person not only with bad habits, but also with a bad character. For example, someone who is always in a bad mood and demonstrates to everyone how “poor, unhappy” he is. It is better to try to overcome despondency. How? It depends on what caused the bad mood. For example, if you think that your grade in Russian or mathematics was unfairly lowered, promise yourself that by the next lesson you will definitely repeat all the rules and do your homework perfectly. When you do this, you will immediately feel that your mood has become noticeably better. And if you are sad “just like that,” then perhaps this comes from a lack of fresh air and limited movement. Turn on your favorite music and dance or jump, take your dog and run outside. If you don’t have a dog, take your bag and run to the store to do some shopping. The mood will improve not only for you, but also for your family if you start cleaning and put things in order in your room: wipe off the dust, wash the floor, put toys and books in their places and throw away unnecessary pieces of paper.

An excellent cure for despondency is sports. Hurry up to the sports section for training or just with friends on the sports ground, but not at the expense of homework.

Creativity is another remedy for a bad mood. If you know how to draw, craft, sew or knit, do what you love. Sit in a chair and read a good book. It would also be nice to help someone. It is no coincidence that there is a saying. Which? Try to decipher it.

(There will be no boredom if your hands are busy.)

An unpleasant feeling is caused by a person who is always late. A person who is late is very unnecessary. This means that he cannot be entrusted with a serious, responsible matter. And it’s just not nice when everyone is waiting for you.

"... - the politeness of kings." (Accuracy.) - From the qualities listed below, choose those that characterize a pleasant and unpleasant person:

Accuracy, aggressiveness, frugality, indifference, attentiveness, lies, pride, kindness, cheerfulness, greed, caring, envy, sincerity, hysteria, capriciousness, laziness, mercy, vindictiveness, gluttony, hard work, tolerance, servility, boasting, honesty, buffoonery, generosity, energy, passivity, selfishness, sense of humor, sneaking.

The left column will be a program for working on your character.

Lyudmila Novikova
Conversations with children of senior preschool age on developing cultural behavior skills


"Rules table manners» .

Program content. Teach children to answer questions, ask questions to friends. Pin skills. Introduce children to the correct use of a fork.

Preliminary work. Over a period of time, children were introduced to the rules cultural behavior at the table, taught how to use a spoon and napkin correctly, and paid attention to the fact that the plate should not be tilted.

Material: dinnerware.

Methodological techniques. Invite children to remember the rules table manners, will ask:

1. What should you do before you sit down at the table? (wash your hands with soap, comb your hair).

2. How to do it right sit at the table during meals? (lean slightly over the plate, do not put your elbows on the table, keep your feet under the table without disturbing your friend).

3. What service can you provide to a friend? (you can serve salt, napkin, bread).

4. How to eat and drink correctly? (eat and drink calmly and silently, chew food with your mouth closed, take food little by little).

5. How should you behave at the table so as not to crumble or spill?

The children, Tanya and Olya, will show us how to use the devices. Introduce children to the rules of using a fork.

Speech communication between children and each other to reinforce the rules cultural behavior at the table. Having finished "dinner", the children place the plates on the edge of the table, wipe their lips and fingers with a napkin, and thank them for lunch.

Vocabulary work. Activation of words - actions: eat, chew, thank.


"Be polite".

Program content. Bring up Children have a sense of respect for people. Reveal before children essence of the concept"politeness" (polite is someone who is attentive to people).

Preparation. Reading works about being kind to people. Conversations about good and bad deeds, looking at pictures-situations, etc.

Methodological techniques. Questions for children:

1. What kind of people are called polite? Invite children to give examples of polite actions.

2. Which of our children can be called polite and why? Offer the children a few situations: "A guest has entered the room" etc.

3. How do you feel when someone addresses you politely? (you want to smile). Always be polite and bring joy to people.

Conversation on the topic"Always help people".

Program content. Learn to analyze works of art, express your attitude to the actions of the characters. Bring up desire to help others.

Preliminary work. Reading works by V. Axial: "Just old lady» , "Sons", "Three Comrades", "Help is coming".

Methodological techniques. What works do you know about good people who help each other?

Recall works with the help of illustrations. Find out children's attitude to the actions of the heroes using questions. For example. Which of the sons did you like? Why didn't you like the first and second boy? What would Kolya, Sasha, etc. do?

Children, be attentive to people, offer help to adults and friends.

Aesthetic conversations may be individual.

For example:

Let's study the rules of politeness. The teacher selects 2-3 children. One of them learned the rules well behavior.

Tell Vova, what do you do when you meet familiar adults or children?

I'm talking "Hello".

When greeting, we wish the person health and all the best.

Show me how to greet.

Well done. You have to bow your head.

What other polite words can you use to greet? (Vova is silent. Lena helps Vova).

Good afternoon. Good evening. Good morning.

And saying goodbye?

Say "Goodbye" And "all the best".

Vova, do you know any help words?

Lena helps Vova:

- "Please", "Thank you", "Sorry".

Vova, repeat.

Now Vova will also use helper words.

Conversation for younger schoolchildren “If you are polite”

Goals: expand knowledge about the rules of cultural behavior; deepen understanding of the moral meaning of these rules; to form a positive attitude towards the rules of a culture of behavior and stimulate self-education and self-control of students.

Progress of the conversation

I. Organizational moment.

Teacher. Guys, today we will talk to you about culture of behavior, good manners, and politeness. You should always remember that you do not live alone in the world. You are surrounded by other people, your loved ones, your comrades. You must behave in such a way that it is easy and pleasant for them to live next to you. You especially need to be attentive to adults. After all, they work to provide you with everything you need, they treat you when you get sick, they teach you to prepare you for an independent life. You need to cultivate the best character traits in yourself from early childhood. Many books and poems by various writers and poets have been written about politeness. Let's listen to what they teach.

Reading a poem by S. Marshak:


If you are polite

And they are not deaf to conscience,

You are the place without protest

Give in to the old woman

If you are polite

In the soul, and not for show,

In the trolleybus you will help

Climb for a disabled person.

And if you are polite,

Then, sitting in class,

You won't be with a friend

Chatter like two magpies.


And if you are polite,

Then in a conversation with my aunt,

And with grandma and grandpa

You won't kill them.

And if you are polite,

That's what you need, comrade

Always on time

Go to a squad meeting.

Don't waste it on your comrades

Arriving early

Minutes for the meeting.

Hours to wait!

And if you are polite,

Then you are in the library

Nekrasov and Gogol

You won't take it forever.

And if you are polite,

Will you return the booklet?

In a neat, not smeared

And the whole binding.

And if you are polite, -

To the one who is weaker

You will be the protector

I don’t shy away from the strong.

Teacher. Guys, you all know the proverb: “A guest in the house brings joy to the house.” Have you ever wondered why, in fact, people go to visit? There are many reasons for this. Firstly, when someone sees you, they will be happy and smile warmly. Secondly, different people gather at a party; they will talk about this and that - and everyone will benefit: they learned the news, discussed events, exchanged information - and everyone became a little richer, smarter. And one more thing: people are used to sharing good things with each other. And if there is grief, there is no need to call. Those who came in days of joy will come to share sorrow. That is why people have been visiting since ancient times and to this day. It goes without saying that over such a long time very clear and definite ideas have been developed about how to behave as a host and a guest.

Now I will tell you how one boy came to visit another. He turned out to be not a very tactful guest. Find and count errors in his behavior, just be careful: there are many errors, at least 10, and maybe more.


One day Igor said to Victor:

You know, come to me today at six o'clock. I'll show you my stamps and a new construction set. Let's listen to the tape recorder.

Okay,” Victor answered. - I'll come.

At about seven o'clock Igor stopped waiting for his comrade. He was about to go about his business, but at that time the bell rang sharply and loudly. While Igor was walking to the door, someone did not let go for a long time, pressing the bell button.

“Hello,” said Victor, “it’s me.”

He walked into the room, threw his wet raincoat and cap on the chair and looked around.

And you have nothing. Suitable. What's this?

And he grabbed the sailboat model from the desk.

This was given to my father.

Nicely done! Are the masts made of wood, or what? - Victor pressed harder, and the mast faintly crunched.

Igor looked scared, but said nothing. And at this time the guest was already twirling a multi-colored ballpoint pen in his hands, pressing the bright buttons one by one and trying each color on a half-written sheet of paper that lay on the table. Then Victor went to wander around the rooms.

How much does it cost? Where did you buy this? - he asked every minute, touching the crystal vase, the picture on the wall, the clay cheerful ram with golden horns. He didn't like the ram.

Why do you keep all sorts of junk at home? - Victor’s face clearly expressed contempt for the tastes of the owners. But the dressing table aroused his particular interest. He opened the bottle of perfume, turned it upside down and shook it over his head until he had poured out almost half of it. Then Victor poked his dirty finger into the box of cream, sniffed it and, saying that it smelled like strawberries, licked it. Then he

blew into the powder, and a fragrant cloud scattered across the room, slowly settling on the carpet and a small polished table.

At this time, Igor boiled tea and invited the guest to the table. He critically examined the glasses of tea, the bowl of jam, the sugar bowl and pulled the handle of the refrigerator towards him.

You cut the sausages, Igor. And this is a herring, or what? And give me some herring. I know how much I love salty things.

Having eaten and drunk plenty of tea, Victor took up his cap.

Yeah, I'll go, bye. I'll come again tomorrow. I took your penknife. I need to plan a stick. I'll give it back someday! -

And, his boots rattling, he rushed up the stairs.

Teacher. Guys, what mistakes did you notice? (Children name mistakes.) From this story you learned how not to behave when visiting. You can draw your own conclusions about how to behave when visiting. Now let's talk about how to behave in the theater, at a play, at a concert, in a cinema. Now the guys will tell you a few rules, and you tell me whether it’s right or wrong.

"Lessons in Politeness":

1. When presenting your clothes to the cloakroom attendant, do not throw your coat over the barrier under any circumstances. Let him do the work himself. If everyone does this, beautiful muscles will develop in their arms.

2. It is best to hang the number on your finger, so it will be convenient to rotate it in the foyer and during the concert. It is for this purpose that a hole is made on the numbers or a rope is tied.

3. If your seats are in the middle of the row, do not rush to take them. Let the others sit down first. But then, when you pass, they will have to stand up, it’s like exercise, it’s good for health.

4. Don’t forget: you and your friend don’t often have to sit next to each other for 1.5-2 hours. Use this opportunity to share all the news and discuss difficult issues. One bad thing: sometimes you have to strain your vocal cords, as the music and the actors’ lines get in the way.

5. Remember that remaining motionless for a long time is very harmful to the health of the body. Therefore, move more: turn, bend, lean against the back of the front chair and push the hands of your neighbors off the armrests.

Teacher. Guys, from these episodes you learned how not to behave in a movie theater or at a performance.

Guys, now I will read you a few rules, and you answer why this is so.

1. Why don’t we touch the edges of the cup when stirring tea? (So ​​as not to disturb the people around you.)

2. Guests came to the birthday boy, they presented gifts, among which there were things that the hero of the occasion did not really need. The birthday boy thanks, assuring that he is very happy with the gift. Why? (The guests wanted to please him. We must make sure that the guests are pleased too.)

3. A passerby dropped an object, you should pick it up and give it to the passerby. This is done by the one who is closest to the subject. Why is this a rule? (Because it is unknown whether he himself will be able to bend down to pick up the object, whether it will be easy for him to do this, and whether he will even notice the fallen object.)

4. A boy is sitting in public transport. A girl comes in. What should the boy do? 1) The boy gives way to her. "Sit down please". - "Thank you". 2) The boy, seeing the girl, gets up and moves aside. What's better? (The second option is more correct. You need to act in such a way that politeness is not burdensome, does not bother the person, and is unnoticeable.)

IV. Final part.

Guys, today we talked about politeness, good manners, and a culture of behavior. I think that you have remembered the rules of behavior and understood what a schoolchild should be like.

And at the end of our conversation, I want to say a few words about greeting, about the polite word “hello.” What great meaning is contained in this word: “I see you”, “Today we see each other for the first time”, “I am glad that I see you.”

A careless, gloomy, indifferent, condescending, hasty “hello” can ruin your whole day.

But a sincere, friendly, welcoming “hello”, decorated with a smile and a slight bow of the head, can work miracles. "Hello". What special things did we say to each other? Just “hello”, we didn’t say anything else. Why is there a drop of sunshine in the world? Why has there been a drop of happiness in the world? Why has life become a little more joyful? (V. Soloukhin).

Conversation about culture of behavior, about politeness.

Every day you say and hear polite words: “hello”, “thank you”, “sorry”, “please”, “goodbye” and others. But there are also people who do not use these words and consider them not very important. There are such guys among you too. Therefore, our class hour is devoted to the rules of behavior and polite words.

Now let's mentally count how many people you meet and communicate with every day. At home you communicate with your parents, brothers, sisters, neighbors; at school - with teachers, classmates, cooks, technical employees; on the street, in a store, in a library, in various circles with many other people. It is difficult to count how many people you will see and communicate in one day? You are in constant communication with familiar and unfamiliar people. You need to behave in such a way as not to offend anyone with a rude word. Often a person’s good mood depends on this. You guys need to think about your mistakes in behavior. A kind word, attention to each other, and mutual support strengthen your relationship. And vice versa, unceremonious or rude treatment, tactlessness, offensive nicknames, nicknames hurt painfully and sharply worsen your well-being. Some people think that all these are trifles, trifles. However, harsh words are not harmless. It is not for nothing that people have composed wise sayings about the role of words in human relationships.

One word can lead to a quarrel forever.

The razor scrapes, but the word hurts.

A kind word is a spring day.

How do you understand the meaning of these sayings?

Life in society requires that all people follow rules that are binding on everyone. Your polite, kind attitude towards other people is manifested in both your actions and words, as well as in the tone of your conversation with them.

Now let's get acquainted with some rules of conduct.

Rule 1: how to behave on the street.

Rule 2: how to behave when visiting.

Rule 3: how to behave at the table.

Rule 4: how to behave in public places.

Rule 5: how to behave during a conversation.

You must remember these rules.

Poem by Agnia Barto “A Polite Deed.”

It was summer,

The birds were singing...

Pavlik was driving

On the train.

Suddenly at Fili station

Two girls suddenly came in.

Girls don't push

They stood modestly in the corner.

And they talk on the sidelines

In English.

Pavlik understood: “Foreign women!”

This can be seen from your posture.

Maybe they are tourists

For the first time in our country.

And with difficulty he speaks English

Said: "Let me

Invite you to the bench.

Well, I’ll stand there myself!”

It was summer,

The birds were singing...

Two girls on the train

We sat down near the window.

By the way,

We are Muscovites, -

Smiling alone.

Pavlik shouted:

How so!

So, am I in trouble?!

And now he doesn’t drink or eat.

Let's sympathize with him:

Gave way to the girls

Nobody knows why!

What would you do if you were this boy?

Now the guys will tell us about Lyubochka.

Blue skirt

Ribbon in a braid.

Who doesn't know Lyubochka?

Everyone knows Lyuba.

The skirt also spins,

And a ribbon in my braid,

Everyone is looking at Lyubochka,

Everyone is happy.

She still screams from the doorway,

Announcing on the go:

I have a lot of lessons

I won't go for bread.

She says pushing:

Ugh! What cramped conditions! -

She says to the old woman:

These are children's places.

Well, sit down! - she sighs.

Girls at the holiday

Gather around

How Lyubochka dances!

Best of all friends.

But if to this Lyubochka

You will come to the house

So you this girl

It's hard to find out.

Lyubochka is riding on a tram -

She doesn't take a ticket.

Pushing everyone apart with your elbows,

He makes his way forward.

Blue skirt

Ribbon in braid

That's what Lyubochka is like

In all its glory.

It happens that girls

They can be very rude

Although not necessary

They are called Lyubs.

Thank you for your attention!

Lysenko Irina Yurievna

MBOU Secondary School No. 18, Stavropol

Social teacher

Conversation with students in grades 9-11:

"Culture of Communication"


“The word is a commander leading into battle. This is a musician who touches the dormant strings of the human soul; know which string to touch, and it will sound wonderful music. In moments of such conversations about the innermost and lofty, I touch the strings that are called: Citizenship, Humanity, Honor, Dignity. I appeal directly to the living soul of every person...” (VL. Sukhomlinsky).

What is our speech? (students' answers)

Speech is not just a series of sounds that we mechanically pronounce. Language - This is a system of conventional signs with the help of which combinations of sounds are transmitted that have a certain meaning and significance for people. Speech is the person himself. This is the result of our thinking. This is the character of a person, which defines him as a person. This is the indispensable means by which people interact, collaborate and find mutual understanding. Communication - exchange of information, and language is a system of signs. Communication between people is carried out not only through language, but also with the help of many other signs: scientific symbols (in mathematics, physics, etc.), artistic signs (notes in music, symbols of fine art), marine signaling, traffic signs. For you, students, this is also the reproduction of the knowledge you have acquired in verbal communication. This is a very important moment in their assimilation. Your speech is a reflection of the level of your intellectual and cultural development. If a person knows how to use words correctly, then this has a huge impact on the growth of his authority. The spoken word often has a stronger impact than the written word. A person’s speech should be clear and intelligible, figurative, emotional and convincing.

What do you think are the norms and rules of speech related to the concept of “cultural speech”? Let's discuss your options and write them on the board. (students' answers)

The culture of speech obliges a person to adhere to certain mandatory norms and rules, among which the most important are:

1)meaningfulness- thoughtfulness and maximum informativeness of expressions; true eloquence consists in saying everything that needs to be said, but no more;

2)logic- validity and consistency of presentation, in which all leading provisions are interconnected and subordinated to a single thought.

3)evidence- reliability, clarity and validity of the arguments, which should clearly show the interlocutor that everything that is said exists in reality and is objective in nature;

4)persuasiveness- the ability to convince the interlocutor and ensure that this conviction is firmly rooted in his mind; for these purposes, you should take into account the psychological characteristics of your interlocutor and illustrate your points with vivid examples;

5)clarity- every expression must be clear and precise; speech that is too fast is difficult to perceive, speech that is too slow causes irritation; dull and inexpressive speech can destroy the deepest thoughts;

6)clarity- use of words and terms that are understandable to the interlocutor; you should not abuse foreign and rarely used words and expressions; The use of slang expressions is unacceptable.

7)tact - this is an ethical norm that requires the speaker to understand the interlocutor, avoid inappropriate questions and discussions of topics that may be unpleasant for him.

8) courtesy lies in the ability to anticipate possible questions and wishes of the interlocutor, willingness to inform him in detail on all topics relevant to the conversation.

9) tolerance consists of being calm about possible differences of opinion and avoiding harsh criticism of the views of the interlocutor. You should respect the opinions of other people and try to understand why they have this or that point of view. Closely related to such a character quality as tolerance is self-control - the ability to calmly respond to unexpected or tactless questions and statements from an interlocutor.

10) d benevolence is necessary both in relation to the interlocutor and in the entire structure of the conversation: in its content and form, in intonation and choice of words.

High culture of speech is the ability to correctly, accurately and expressively convey one’s thoughts using language. It also lies in the ability to find the most intelligible and most appropriate means for expressing one’s thoughts, suitable for each specific case.

Every day and many times we use expressions of speech etiquette: we address people, greet them, say goodbye, thank them, apologize, congratulate them on a holiday, wish them success. We sympathize, approve and give compliments, we advise something, invite someone, ask for something - and all this is true, we choose our own roles relative to the roles of the interlocutor, and the specific communication situation, and national habits and customs.

Let's discuss the main points that we pay attention to when communicating with each other, with teachers, with parents. (students' answers)

The main points of our speech that you should pay attention to.

1. Vocabulary. If you don't read much, you will soon notice that it becomes difficult to find the right word. Weed words begin to appear, repetitions of what has been said. What's the way out of here? Read more and communicate in person, rather than on the Internet.

2. Emphasis. Sometimes there are words that can be pronounced differently. For example: “catalogue”, “will call”, “blinds”, etc. It’s impossible to figure out the correct pronunciation without a dictionary, so if you doubt these words, it’s better to skip them.

3. Extra words. For example: “I, like, well, kind of meant answer A,” “Like a working transistor,” “In short, the device works, and all that.” The most frequently repeated words are “in short,” “like,” “how to put it,” “in general,” “something like that.” It's not difficult to get rid of this. One or two weeks of training is enough to give your sentences real literary beauty.

4. Tone. Record your speech on a voice recorder. Then listen to it yourself and let others listen to it. Ask your comrades what they don’t like about your speech and correct it.

5. Difficult speech. You can put it more simply - speak up. Everything seems clear and correct, but the impression is not at all the same. Keep an eye on this. If you speak Russian, then use only Russian words.

6. Listening skills– an indispensable component of the culture of communication. If you show genuine attention to the thoughts and feelings of the person you are talking to, if you sincerely respect the opinion of your counterpart, you can be sure that you are a good conversationalist and people enjoy communicating with you. The ability to listen is the key to your success in any life situation and in any society. But what if you adhere to the rules of communication culture and follow speech etiquette, and your interlocutor, neglecting the rules of good manners, tries to pull you “to his side”? If you do not like the manner of communication of your interlocutor or you do not agree with what he is trying to convince you of, express your point of view by starting your speech with the address: “Don’t you think that...”. If during a conversation you and your interlocutor have an argument, as a result of which you realize that you were wrong, according to the rules of the culture of communication, you must admit your mistake. Don't bring the situation to a conflict.

Since we have already decided on the concepts of the topic under discussion, its principles and fundamental points, I think it’s time to discuss the basic rules of effective communication (student responses):

    Manifest sincere interest to other people. “The man who takes no interest in his fellow human beings experiences the greatest difficulties in life and causes the greatest injustices to others.”

    Try understand the advantages another person and sincerely recognize and praise these virtues. Make people feel important and unique.

    Instead of judging people, try to understand the motives of their actions . This is more effective than criticizing or judging, since criticism puts a person on the defensive and encourages him to make excuses for himself, rather than making him think.

    Be friendly, friendly, smile.

    Address the person by name , patronymic, remember that for a person the sound of his name is the most important and pleasant sound in human speech.

    Talk about what's interesting to your interlocutor.

    Be a good listener thereby encouraging a person to talk about himself.

    Show respect and tolerance for others' opinions . Do not use expressions like: “You don’t understand anything!”, “Your views are hopelessly outdated!”, “It’s stupid to think like that!” By speaking disapprovingly of the opinions, tastes, and habits of another person, you offend him, his personality. In addition, most often we measure by ourselves, so remember that you are not a standard for everyone, not an object to follow, another person has different views on life, he is even called that way - OTHER.

    Listen more than you talk .

And at the end of our meeting, I offer you several exercises to improve and improve the culture of your speech. They will help you learn how to correctly construct sentences and develop your imagination. (2-3 exercises are performed in the classroom to choose from).

1. Close your eyes. Think about one of the objects in the room and focus on it. Without opening your eyes, list as many features of this object as possible. After 3 minutes, open your eyes and write down everything you remember, still without looking at the object.

2. Choose a poem that you like. Use its last line as the first line of your own poem.

3. Where do you go when you want to take a little break from family, work, etc.? Write about this place.

4. In 400 words, describe the ideal place where you would like to live. (to count words, use the “Statistics” item in the Word “Tools” menu)

5. Write what you would say to an uninvited guest who stopped by at three in the morning.

6. Write a story that begins: “I once had an opportunity...but I missed it.”

7. Letter to the past. Write a letter to your 10-year-old self.

8. In 200 words, describe your first toy.

9. Write about the hardest decision you've ever made.

10. Write about the easiest decision you have ever made.

11. Write a story about an empty glass.

12. Think about the most boring day of your life. Describe it, but remember that your story should not be so boring.

13. Start a 500 word article with: “If I could change anything, I would change...”

14. Write an explanation why you do not improve your writing skills every day.

15. Write a story about a blue object.

16. Imagine that you are in a room full of people, but you are the only blind person in it. Write down how you see the room and people in your imagination.

17. Make a list of everything you are afraid of. Choose one fear and write about it.

18. Describe a hot day in 200 words.

19. What do you do in bad weather? Write 250 words about it.

20. Write about what kind of dishes you would treat your worst enemy.

21. Think about a person who might be considered too proud. Describe this person's behavior.

22. Using 150 words, describe the appearance, occupation, habits of a person named...say, Evgeny Kalachikov.

23. List 50 things you will never do.

24. Write a monologue from the perspective of a freshly cut flower.

25. Write a story using keywords: dog trainer, law, beach, bun.

26. Write a monologue about a clean sock that accidentally ended up in a refrigerator full of food.

27. List 15 reasons to learn a foreign language.

28. Why is the teacher considering a career change? Give at least 10 reasons.

29. List the 7 worst things you can say to someone who has just been fired.

30. Write a short 7-paragraph rant, starting each one with the common expression “grows like a weed.”

31. Write a short story using the words: preacher, coin, comb, ladder, well.

32. Write a short story with the following plot: Elvis Presley clones conquered the world.

I hope that our meeting helped you in introducing cultural speech. Thank you for your attention.

List of literature:

    Dunev A.I. edited by Chernyak V.D. Russian language and culture of speech. –M., 2002

    Irina Oni. Thank you, please, hello. Lenizdat, "Man" company, 1991.

    A. Goldnikova. Good manners in pictures and examples. Translation from Polish, Moscow, Young Guard, 1979

    Formanovskaya N.I. Speech etiquette and communication culture. – M.: Higher School, 1989.

    Encyclopedia for children. I explore the world, Moscow, 2000.