Personal life of the scandalous Sergei Stillavin. Stillavin, Sergei Valerievich Radio presenter Sergei Stillavin

Bachinsky and Stillavin. They were like Lelek and Bolek, Beavis and Budhead, the party and Lenin. Twin brothers. Almost Siamese. Inseparable from each other, water cannot be spilled. On air and in life.

Interviewed by Dmitry Tulchinsky

The unexpected death of Gennady Bachinsky turned everything upside down. Stillavin will then have to go through life alone. Is he ready for this?

- Sergey, you know, after Bachinsky’s death, many were sure that your career was over.
- No, I didn’t have that feeling. And from the management I didn’t even hear a hint of my uselessness... Of course, when you work as a couple for 11 years, you can’t even imagine that the situation will turn out like this. Because it was more than a partnership, more than a business project, like many of our pop performers. Let’s say, when they ask me how Genka and I met, I honestly answer that I don’t remember and don’t even know the date when we started working together. This happened by chance, thanks to the sloppiness that reigned at Radio Modern in St. Petersburg, when Genka and I, a newsman and line presenter, were accidentally put on the grid together. This happened in '97. In the summer of 1999 we were invited to our first tour. And in 2000, when it was already clear that the couple had formed, to be honest, some friction arose between us...

- Related to what?
- We had a very large wave of tours, sometimes it turned out that we went somewhere together for five weekends in a row. And we just started to get tired of each other. There was even a period when we didn’t really talk outside of work. This is not a star fever, by no means, just accumulated irritation. Here, fortunately for us (as I now understand), Radio Modern was sold. And then we suddenly realized that the lafa was over. When you live and don’t know that everything will end tomorrow, sometimes you don’t even value today, but then it became clear that there is some hour when all this will stop. The quarrels immediately disappeared. By themselves, no one agreed on anything. We immediately realized that we needed each other - just as a couple. And then we were invited by Russian Radio, we went to Moscow. And I will tell you what the situation was. We hosted the show on weekends and made $400 a month. We went constantly to St. Petersburg. Sometimes by car, when the money ran out and there was no longer enough for the train. And in principle, all our earnings were spent on renting a 2-room apartment together and eating something. We worked like this for four months. And it was in the worst sense of the word - “swamp”. When you earn only so as not to die of hunger...

“I still remember that day”

The rest of the story is well known - you switched to “Maximum”, then television appeared and became wildly popular. I wanted to ask about something else: when the duo broke up for obvious reasons, did you have any doubts about what to do next?
- The fact of the matter is that I cannot call the duet broken up. The duo breaks up when people go their separate ways. A man died here. Yes, I stayed... You know, in the fall of 2007, for some reason, I developed another passion for Viktor Tsoi. I re-read several books about him and kept trying to understand: how people felt when they learned about his death - friends, relatives, group members. How did they then complete the Black Album? In general, what were you thinking of doing next? Just when I finished reading the last book, this happened to Genka. And I still remember that day, I remember very well my feelings when the phone rang and I heard a crying voice: “Gena crashed...” “My lips” into the phone “asked”: where is he, in which hospital ? And the brain already clearly understood that this was all, there was no person...

- Some kind of mysticism. Fate, one might say, has prepared you.
- It’s impossible to prepare for this... And I remember that weather, that city, when I was driving by car to Genya’s wife. I remember that the only feeling I had was emptiness... If I myself had decided what to do next, it’s very possible that the idea of ​​​​continuing work on the radio would not have come to me in the first place. But the authorities tried very quickly to pull me out of this world of mine, which had turned into emptiness.

- But was it some kind of depression?
- You know, no. The day after Genka’s funeral, my superiors called me and said: come back on air. And the second thing that pulled me out of the situation was that a week after the funeral, Yulia Merkulova, a passenger on the bus into which Genin’s car crashed, died in the hospital. When this happened, I didn’t hesitate for a minute; I immediately realized that I needed to create a fund to help victims of the accident. And throughout the two weeks of vacation that I took after Genya’s death, I was very busy with this. That is, there was no time to be depressed. But then the day came for me to return to the air. I remember coming to the studio. After the news, a song that Gena loved was played. The musical lining has begun. I felt that I couldn’t speak to the music and asked with signs to turn it off. And he began to talk about what happened. It was very important for me to tell the truth that I knew. Also because there was a lot of talk about the fact that Gena allegedly drove into oncoming traffic, that he was drunk while driving... Well, and then other broadcasts went on. To be honest, I don’t remember how I did it. I don't even remember what I was talking about. I can imagine my mood then - and what could I say at all, and what should I do?.. By the way, I can tell you this thing. Less than nine days had passed after Gena’s death, and I received emails from several Moscow presenters offering to take them on as my partner. Everyone wrote something like this: Sergey, my condolences, but have you thought about who you will work with next?.. I admit, I was very surprised about some of these people.

“Gena was embarrassed by his lifestyle”

- Has Gena’s death changed you, internally, as a person?
- As a person - no. The only thing is that there was a certain milestone in life. Let's just say that the carelessness that lasted for quite a long time is over. Agree, at 34 years old being carefree is an achievement in some sense. But if you want to hear that I began to value life more, no. That I have become more serious - also not. I’ve always been such a goofball on air, but in life I’m a fairly calm and pessimistic person who enjoys solitude and doesn’t need company. That is, in this sense, I did not become different... Yes, the carelessness is gone. A burden of responsibility appeared. Which is probably not very good for a radio host, because when you feel responsible, you start choosing your expressions.

- Yes, you could afford a lot before. Now you don’t allow obscene language on air?
- In this sense, it’s just a small problem. Because when we switched to Mayak, the question that you can afford something unlimited disappeared by itself. Of course, there is no deliberate obscenity. In addition, serious people come on air - today, for example, Mikhalkov was there. But the mood on air, I think, remained the same - friendly and warm.

After Bachinsky’s death they said that he was very upset by what he had to do, that he was a pious person...
- Let's be honest. Gena has only been a devout person for the last few years. And when we started, he loved what he was doing. Then, when Gena began to change, to come to faith more deeply than people who simply call themselves believers do, of course, he became less interested...

- You also had a corresponding image - a kind of Beavis and Budhead.
- His image didn’t really frighten him...

- But foul language is also a sin.
- Not the worst. What confused him more was the way of life itself; there was severe dissonance. Because on the one hand there is strong religiosity. On the other hand, the work is not the most pleasing to God. But the fact is that it was she who brought the money. And Genka was a man who could come to work and say: yesterday I was in a restaurant and ate lobster for 13 thousand rubles. Now you can probably fantasize and say: he was a man who foresaw a quick end, wanted to have time to try everything in this life. He really was a person who tried a lot and captured the sensations of life. Probably, a lobster for 13 thousand brings some sensations. At least at the time of paying the bill. And he sincerely liked the life of a person who can afford some pleasures. But! This is in no way compatible with modesty, which religion makes a duty. Wealth is denied by Orthodoxy. And this conflict between faith, lifestyle and how money is earned for such a life - at some moments led him to despair.

“I don’t want to talk to anyone after the broadcast”

-Have you had any similar discomfort? They themselves said that in life they are not like their ethereal mask.
- You know, no. Listeners never perceived me and Gena as hooligans, Beavis and Badhead. They perceived us as their homies, people of their circle, company. Or, at least, those whom I would like to see in this company.

- Come on, you were openly rude to them.
Everything was fine with this. In fact, the people who were most offended by us were those who were offended for others. That is, it seemed to them that the listeners were offended when, for example, on the air we told them directly into the receiver: fuck you! But the “sent” themselves were not offended - in any case, after a couple of months of the show’s existence, only those who called this game called - using the words “fuck you!” - they were perceived no worse than on other radio stations they perceive “goodbye, all the best to you.”

- Would you say that you have never crossed a certain line?
- I think no. For example, I never allowed myself to laugh on air either at the dead, or at the terminally ill, or at the crippled. There was no such thing: ha-ha-ha, he walks without a leg, what a joke! We could laugh at people's vices. For example, a 17-year-old girl calls and says: I study at the conservatory, went to Turkey and slept without a condom with a Turk who looks like Tarkan - is this very bad, Sergey and Gennady? Well, naturally, it will be crap - but how else?..

Everything can be explained. But you have relatives, parents. Mom didn’t say: “Seryozha, isn’t it a shame?” Or a wife, if you have one.
-No, after all, my relatives are not so primitive as to see only the wrapper. Dad once said: “Seryoga, be careful, because you can get stuck in this image.” And my mother’s only complaint was: “Why does Gena offend you?” This is a natural mother's reaction to the fact that her son is being sent.

Now you have serious conversations on the show, not a trace remains of your previous image. What, the former bully is now a respectable man? Father of the family, husband?
- Well, how can I say... I'm a dad, yes. At the same time, he did not lose interest in women. But I can say, hand on heart, that I have long ceased to be interested in meaningless relationships. I returned, so to speak, to the ideology of my youth, when I really wanted to meet my man, the one I really needed. The big problem is that today we can live without needing anyone. Everyone is very independent. And given my rhythm of life... Just understand: I get up at half past five in the morning, every day. No, I'm not complaining. But, roughly speaking, at 9 o’clock I have approximately the same state as a normal person at 12. That is, my whole life is shifted by three hours. And so in the evening I imagine myself as a person who definitely doesn’t need anything. By and large, after the broadcast I have no need to talk to anyone - because in four hours of broadcast I have already talked enough...

"I'm ready to be happy"

- So I understand that you are not married now...
- I was married. Not now. Probably not ready.

- Do you feel like an adult?
- For adults? Not old - for sure... Yes, probably, just after Gena’s death, this growing up accelerated. After all, what is adulthood? I think the point is not to evade the answers, not to evade. And also, it seems to me, in understanding the finitude of life. When you clearly understand that you need to live every day with dignity, at least try to be kinder to people... Probably someone will perceive my words with horror - a person who makes you laugh has no right to lecture. But I don’t lecture, I just express my attitude. And in this, too, I think there is a manifestation of a certain growing up - when you think about such things... Yes, I did not turn into the father of a family. Unfortunately, I guess. And even more unfortunately, he did not reach the level that Gena had in terms of family relationships. And he simply made a strong-willed decision - to stop hanging out and become a family man. Many people say: if I meet a person, then I’ll hook up. No, he did this: first he decided to “give up” - today, now. And then he began to make attempts to find a person and change his life.

-Are you not yet mature enough for this?
- We are still different people. I cannot set a bar for myself - like athletes, you know, who go for a record - 5.50, for example, and are ready to make countless attempts. No, let it be 5.20 - but I will take this height at least on the second attempt at the opening. That is, I am a realist. On the other hand, I probably still believe in fairy tales...You know, they often say to me: Seryoga, you seem like some kind of youth who believes in some other ideals, they don’t really exist, but you you continue to suffer from bullshit. And I want to say that yes, I believe. Unfortunately or fortunately. I remember the sensations of real feelings. Do you know how you can identify them? You don’t give a damn about everything that was valuable in life just a moment ago. Because you met a person who is a million times cooler than everything you tried to live with before. And if Gena said that he was happy because he had finally lived a life that he never had and for which he aspired, then I will probably say that I am ready to be happy. To be happy, you need to understand what you need. I think I already understand...

A year ago, Sergei Stillavin lost his friend and colleague, permanent co-host Gennady Bachinsky, in a car accident. Then it was difficult to imagine that one could exist on the air without the other. But Sergei managed and stayed: both on radio and on television. He told Ksenia PADERINA about life, work and newspaper ducks.
Sergey Stillavin
When and where was born: March 17, 1973 in Leningrad
Zodiac sign: Pisces
Education: studied at the Faculty of Philology
Leningrad Pedagogical Institute, but did not graduate from the university
Family: divorced; father - Valery Georgievich, analyst; mother - Vera Alexandrovna, pensioner; daughter - Masha (6 years old)
Career: started at the newspaper “Real Estate of St. Petersburg” in 1993. In 1995-1997 - correspondent for Radio Modern. In 1997, together with Gennady Bachinsky, he began hosting the Morning Show. From February 2002 to June 2007 they worked at Radio Maximum. From September 2007 to January 2008 they worked together at the Mayak radio station. He was a co-host of the programs: “Rules of Filming” (TNT), “Bare Walls” (TNT), “King of the Ring” (Channel One), “Wall to Wall” (Channel One), etc. Author and host of the program “Golden Duck” ( NTV). Together with Victoria Kolosova, he hosts the radio show “Sergei Stillavin and His Friends” on the Mayak radio station.
Tastes: food - mushroom soup with sour cream, beef stroganoff with mashed potatoes and pickles; drink - whiskey; film - “Lost in Translation” (2003)

About impunity and lies

I first encountered yellow news about twenty years ago. People then read serious publications - “Moscow News”, “Teacher’s Newspaper”, “Literature”. And suddenly, on the cover of the American magazine News of the World, I saw a photograph of a man covered with terrible bubbles. It looked like a McDonald's patty - as if it had been deep-fried. I was shocked: why doesn’t anyone else know about this? Knowledgeable people told me that such ducks are launched abroad every day. That person was simply made up, like in a movie - there was no Photoshop yet (a computer program for processing illustrations. - TN note). The magazine was generally full of “sensations”: “Man ate an alien!” - etc.
Our newspapers are not afraid to lie about very specific people known to the public. There is a feeling of impunity. The “fearlessness” on the part of the press should, in theory, be stopped by the court. But in Russia this is not accepted; the concept of moral harm does not seem to exist. And if the court punishes a publication, the amount of the fine is quite small. Is this a punishment? Even if the newspaper is sentenced to a fine of 100 thousand rubles, it’s not scary - the profit from the hype will be much greater. But if the compensation is 10 million rubles, such publications will quickly collapse...
On the days of farewell to Gena, my friends who were flying business class received a newspaper with the headline “Stillavin: Bachinsky regularly drank while driving.” This is not just untrue, but a blatant lie put into my mouth. Disgusting! Such things should not go unpunished. Journalists who write this have no understanding of what is good and what is bad. They are not aware of what they are doing. In fact, the yellow press forms a whole layer of people for whom there is no moral standard. That is, you can sleep with a man - if for the sake of business. Publish a lie. And then sincerely declare: “What’s wrong with that?”

About the desire to remain silent

Here is another example of a shift in concepts. Near the first entrance of Ostankino there is a treasured bench where fans watch over the stars. Last weekend there was a joke: I was returning from filming the Golden Duck program and saw a girl. She apparently considered herself seductive: white boots, short skirt, red lipstick. The girl hesitated: “Excuse me, please, can I have an autograph?” "What for?" - my traditional question. “I don’t know who you are, but I see that you are a celebrity, and I really need your autograph!” - she made me laugh.
For some reason, in people’s minds, a person who was shown on the box is immediately endowed with simply cosmic qualities! He is not like everyone else, unique. This is especially strange for Moscow, where most of the stars live. It seems like it's time to get used to it.
But even when I’m in a store near my house, I hear behind me: “Oh, it’s him! Look!" Why watch? What is it about me?
For me, publicity is a consequence of work. And some consider it a goal. People who strive for fame do not understand what they are getting into. The “promotion” of a physiognomy has nothing to do with pleasure. It is unpleasant for a normal person to catch other people's gazes on himself every 2-3 minutes. This is probably why public people prefer to dine in special restaurants.
Our people think that popularity means unrealistic money, a bunch of lovers or, depending on preferences, mistresses. But people see a person who has already achieved something. What efforts did he make?
Working on air is a constant waste of energy. You are always on edge, on edge. It seems to people: a dude sat in front of a microphone, talked a lot, got “bangs” and respect - and I can do that too! Two years ago, Genka and I held the event “Children of Bachinsky and Stillavin.” We went on vacation for two weeks and, so that work would not be idle, radio listeners were allowed on the air who had filled out applications in advance. And so the ordinary guys sat on the air. An acquaintance of mine, who was among these “lucky ones,” then said: “Seryoga, I didn’t want to talk to anyone after the broadcast! Now I understand how difficult it is for you.” So after the show, I don’t want to communicate with anyone for three or four hours, I’m drained of energy.
This affects your personal life. Women love to be talked to. When they don't receive enough attention, they get offended. So it’s very difficult to live with me! Actually, men are usually not eloquent. They write essays poorly and cannot convey ideas without discrepancies. But with me it’s the other way around - I can say it, but I don’t want to... And the girl asks: you can do it! Yes, I can, but now I want to be silent.
I absolutely do not need to be perceived in my personal life as “Stillavina from Mayak Radio.” I'm just Sergey. Without surname and regalia. No better and no worse than others. What does my profession have to do with it? But, on the other hand, I want the girl to understand that it can be hard for me at work.

About Kirkorov and his grievance

Sometimes we have to face the other side of the coin. Some stars are offended by... the truth. Once I quarreled in absentia with Philip Kirkorov. At the Olympics in China, the Russian delegation lived in a luxury hotel. Kirkorov had an amazing performance - Anita Tsoi told me about this on air. Luxurious suite consisting of several rooms. But there was not a single window in the bedroom! This is the first time I have encountered this: the room is like a storage room. This made me laugh, and the association immediately worked in my head: like in a hollow. I said on air: “Kirkorov is sleeping in a hollow.” Philip Bedrosovich started a scandal and said that I should apologize. It’s strange that a person was offended by direct associations. I didn’t intend to hint at anything bad, I didn’t try to offend him, so I’m not ashamed!
If you are a normal person, there is no need to show off, show pride and complexes.
The people who come to me on Radio Mayak come in several types. But this can only be understood live. It's impossible to predict! Some are doing a favor - well, they say, come on, ask! Others begin to play along and hide themselves behind this game. The most pleasant thing is to meet a soulful star. This is, for example, Zhenya Grishkovets. If in a public person you discover a personality close to your worldview, this is real luck.
For example, Kostya Tszyu admitted to me that he perceives interviews as part of the job. He is a public person, so he wants both the press and fans to be happy.
But more often you still see a mask. The microphone is on - we're working. Turned off - you don’t have to strain.

About the nickname

I read the most amazing stupidity about myself in Wikipedia, the “authoritative” American Internet encyclopedia. It says that my real name is Alexandrov. It's a bullshit! And when I find such a mess in a resource that claims to provide knowledge, I get angry. What is the price of information then? It’s like opening Ozhegov’s dictionary and seeing that cow is spelled with the letter “A”, and four is spelled with “I”. Has everything really changed that much in the world? Today the media has arrogated to itself the right to change reality, and this makes it scary. What then can we expect from the yellow press? After all, she doesn’t even hide the fact that she’s lying!
My real name is not Alexandrov, believe me! And Stillavin is a pseudonym that is already 16 years old. I grew up like a pro with him. In theory, you could change your last name to Stillavin a thousand times, but you’re too lazy to go to the passport office or reissue your driver’s license. I just can't get my hands on it.
“Stillavin” was born by accident: I was sending a telegram to the girl I loved. And since the Soviet post office did not accept telegrams with words in English, Sergey Stillavin signed (still loving translated from English - “still loving.” - Note “TN”). And six months later, when I went to work at a newspaper to deal with crime news, my colleagues advised me to come up with a pseudonym. At least formally take care of security. I remembered that telegram. And now for almost half my life I have been Stillavin. By the way, that girl, unfortunately, did not understand the signature in the telegram.

About the principles

My parents divorced when I was seven years old. I grew up with my mother and was raised by my grandparents. But I tried to maintain a relationship with my father. By the way, in the late 1980s, dad was Gorbachev’s personal assistant. He reported to him about the state of affairs in Leningrad. Then the Soviet Union collapsed, and everything changed at once... I even joined a paracriminal group - this was my first job. The year was 1990-1991. It wasn't scary at all, it was even fun. We didn’t steal anything and didn’t kill anyone, but were engaged in gold: we bought coupons that were given to newlyweds at the registry office. The scheme was simple: a registry office employee sold coupons to the group, and we used them to buy gold items. You could earn 100 rubles a day. Decent money for those times!
With my first salary, I bought blank audio cassettes to record music on - then each cost 9 rubles.
I learned the profession of a journalist in practice. The first place of work was the St. Petersburg city newspaper “Slavic Bazaar”. We published from May to September exactly until the publisher went bankrupt. All this time I was interviewing, writing articles, making promotional materials - working in different genres, running all over the city from morning to night. I learned from my own mistakes: I brought texts and watched how experienced journalists edited them. Since then, I’ve learned a rule: before submitting an interview to the editor, show the text to the person you spoke with. And I still follow this principle. After all, even a reservation can change the meaning, especially if the material concerns a narrow area. You misunderstood something, and as a result the person looks like an idiot. Representatives of the yellow press not only do not show the text, they sometimes even do not meet with the interviewee! The material is simply invented. I attack the yellow press, although I admit that I myself have not often been a victim of it. Genka Bachinsky and I made tough programs in which we honestly talked about our lives: we got drunk in a bar, groped some girl... In the eyes of the public, we were already hooligans. It would be an insult to me if they wrote that I spent the whole evening at home playing chess.
In fact, let them tell you whatever they want about me! Even if they write that I slept with a man, it doesn’t bother me at all. I'll take this as a sign of popularity.
I think that the yellow press is designed for ordinary people who hate artists. There are characters among the stars that I don't find likable. But I don’t spend money to find out something bad about them - I already have my own opinion about them.
One thing makes me happy - that the yellow press can be used. I myself sometimes feed news to the paparazzi when I know it is in my interests. But my news is not a lie created for the sake of advertising. This is just throwing out information that might help someone. Here is the unity and struggle of opposites!

About the peace of loved ones and the singing cat

I don't show my private life because I want to keep it for myself. Genka took his wife Yulia to a photo shoot and showed her around. But after his death, Yulia faced the yellow press head-on. She was under terrible stress! I’m used to all these tricks, when the formal reason for an interview is one, but they want to know something completely different. Some things still pissed me off. It was wild when, on the ninth day after Bachinsky’s death, I received a call from a second-rate TV channel: “We’ve been here at the cemetery since 10 in the morning, and where are you?” There was a wake that day, and we didn’t go to the grave. And there, probably, there was a journalist hiding behind each tombstone.
The only creature close to me that I could show to the press is Kolya the cat. In fact, I am a dog person by nature. I had a French bulldog, he died on his birthday, having lived exactly seven years. And when I decided to have someone again, I saw a cool British cat at Bocharik’s (Andrey Bocharov. - TN note). They live together with a dog and get along wonderfully with each other, primarily because the cat turned out to be a psychologically stable type. The dog constantly torments the cat, but he endures it. After looking at this creature, I decided to also adopt a British cat. Kolya’s favorite place in the apartment is the sink in the bathroom. Kolya waits for the water to drain and falls asleep there. He also loves to sing - when he is bored, he produces something very similar to jazz.

About complexes and fears

I overcame my main complex thanks to divorce. I got married at 20, then went to work in radio and caught myself thinking that I spoke more openly and honestly into the microphone than in my family. And at home I have the same standards of shyness. Maybe the whole point is that I got married in difficult circumstances - no, my future wife was not pregnant! We just met, and she set a condition: either we get married or we separate. We formalized the relationship, and then it turned out that there was no spiritual closeness between us. It was difficult for me to admit that I was not being honest with myself. Outwardly it was very comfortable - we had a new apartment and car. But I gave up comfort and left.
The way I am on radio is a role. Of course, I have the traits of a bully - but it all begins and ends on the air. Together with Gena, everything was generally exaggerated - we turned each other on. I played the eccentric dunce with all my might, Gen - the sensible cynic. Although in life everything was completely different...
Never trust the characters you see on television. This is a role, it has nothing to do with what is inside. Do not fall in love with those you know only from the screen - most often in front of you is an image that was created in order to make money.
Before, I felt very uncomfortable on TV, but since I got my teeth fixed, I have put an end to my inhibitions. They used to say to me: “Stillavin, why are you having problems with your teeth?” And now I’ve solved them, and I don’t care anymore. Honestly! It changed my life a lot. Guys, if you want to invest in something, get your teeth done! Because it's a feature! Thanks to her, they probably took me to NTV.
Although before participating in “Golden Duck,” television was an absolute hack for me - Gena and I did something there just for the sake of fees. The producers, unfortunately, simply did not understand how to physically use our abilities: quick reactions and humor. Because modern television is made “according to the format” - everything is thought out in advance in the script, all the moves are planned, and even reality shows are directed. Our improvisation was simply not needed. But what's there to complain about? Thanks to our work on television, Gena and I bought ourselves an apartment.

About the most important conclusion

This morning I was driving to work and thinking about Gene. I have my own version of his death, I think it is close to what actually happened.
I know that Genka drove the car without pleasure, he hardly felt it. When Yulia became pregnant, he hired a driver. If you have little driving experience and only drive on weekends, then you lose your skills. Gena had exactly this problem. Plus he drove aggressively. But at the same time he was a very responsible person. I never let anyone down on the road, never cut anyone off, and never swore at the wheel. Unlike me, for example.
...An interesting fact: Gena had a habit of calling Yulia every half hour. He died at five o'clock in the evening - and since one o'clock in the afternoon he had never spoken on the phone with his wife. This doesn't look like him. I found out that that day there was one incoming call to Gena’s number. I can even guess from whom, but I won’t say the name. I think the conversation was extremely unpleasant. On this day, Gena bought an apartment in Kashin for his mother. I completed the deal and went home. He got behind the wheel, and after that call, I think everything was boiling and seething inside him. Everyone began to overtake this truck, and he, lost in his thoughts, mechanically did the same. And here comes the Volkswagen Transporter. Gena slammed on the brakes and pulled into his lane, but on ice it is forbidden to jerk the car!.. The car rocked and was thrown into the oncoming lane...
This is how you live and don’t think that everything can change at any moment. Of course, Yulia didn’t think about it either. After Gena’s death, his relatives began to spread information that the apartment in Moscow where Yulia lives was bought for Bachinsky’s mother. But I was always close to Gena and knew about his plans. He saved, borrowed, took out a loan and even managed to pay it off - he did all this to live with his beloved wife and little daughter Lisa. And I bought my mother a house in Kashin. The problem is that Gena has many relatives who want to move to Moscow and are cheating on her mother.
I keep in touch with the Baczynski family. Lisa turned one year old on October 29th. Yulia is the president of the Gennady Bachinsky Foundation. She collects stories of people who suffered in road accidents, posts them on, and negotiates with sponsors offering help. After all, the victim of an accident is not necessarily the driver: for example, this year the son of Alexander Domogarov tragically died... Anyone could have been in the place of this guy. A man is walking down the street, and suddenly a car flies towards him, which did not fit into the turn. And it doesn't matter whether you drive a car or not!..
I often remember Gena. We worked together for 11 years and knew everything about each other. We were different in small things, but united in the main thing - we had common moral values. Gena was friends with very different people, from different spheres, but in each of them there was a grain of decency. Bachinsky himself was like that - a real Man.
After his death, I made an important conclusion for myself: we must pay as much attention as possible to our family and friends. Even if it’s to the detriment of your own rest. And whoever reads this material should immediately call his loved ones...

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Sergey Stillavin is a television and radio presenter, a member of the famous radio duet together with Gennady Bachinsky. The surname Stillavin is a creative pseudonym; Sergei’s real surname is Mikhailov.
Sergei was born on March 17, 1973 in Leningrad. Sergei Stillavin is the grandson of the Lenin Prize laureate, who headed the design bureau of the Leningrad Arsenal plant. After finishing his studies at school, he entered the philological faculty of Leningrad State University, but never graduated.
In 1995, Stillavin's career as a radio host began. He was invited to the St. Petersburg radio station “Modern” to host a program about real estate. In the summer of 1996, he met Gennady Bachinsky, with whom they together created the radio program “Two in One.” The star radio duo gained real popularity in August 1999, when their first “Suptitra” was recorded - a kind of “translation” from English of Stevie Wonder’s song I Just Called To Say I Love You (“I just called to say that I love you”) "). Bachinsky and Stillavin began touring, released a disc with their songs, and in 2000 their radio show was recognized as the best morning show.
In 2001, Bachinsky and Stillavin were invited to Moscow for Russian Radio. In 2002, they were lured into the morning show on Radio Maximum. "Larks" have gained great popularity. They also worked together at Radio Mayak. The creative union of Bachinsky and Stillavin lasted until January 12, 2008, when Gennady Bachinsky died in a car accident in the Tver region. In 2012, Sergei Stillavin worked at the Mayak radio station and, together with Victoria Kolosova, Vladimir Pastukhov, Rustam Vakhidov, was the host of the radio show “Sergei Stillavin and his friends.” On February 3, 2012, the last broadcast of the project was released.
In 2013, Sergey Stillavin, together with Rustam Vakhidov and DJ Vitus (Vladislav Viktorov), hosts the morning show “Chronic” on the Mayak radio station, collaborates with the 123 SHOW company, and is invited to host holidays and corporate events.
Stillavin is the author and host of the “Golden Duck” program on NTV, took part in such projects as “Bare Walls” and “Rules Scheme” on TNT, as well as “King of the Ring” on Channel One. Sergei is divorced and has a 6-year-old daughter Masha.

You can invite Sergei Stillavin to a holiday, order a performance by Sergei Stillavin for a corporate party, wedding, anniversary or birthday with the help of our concert and holiday agency 123 SHOW. Entrust the organization and holding of your celebration to our agency! The cost of Sergei Stillavin's performance at a holiday, corporate event, wedding - see is correct for Moscow and the region (except for the pre-New Year period and New Year's Eve). Check the artist’s availability using the feedback form or by phone. 8-495-760-78-76

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Sergey Stillavin is a Russian journalist, television and radio presenter, who became famous in a duet with Gennady Bachinsky, star of Mayak radio. The man's professional interests ranged from cars to ideas for his first business. Sergei is known for his sexist and homophobic views, for which he received the “Sexist of the Year 2017” award from Russian feminists.

Childhood and youth

Sergei's real name is Mikhailov. Stillavin is a creative pseudonym that the young man acquired at the beginning of his journalistic career, in 1993. There is even a whole story connected with this. Sergei sent a telegram to his beloved. I was embarrassed to admit my feelings directly and in Russian, but it was impossible to write in English.

Therefore, “Stillavin” appeared in the telegram, a derivative of still loving, which means “I still love.” However, the new word became a pseudonym later, when it was necessary to hide the real name when writing articles on criminal topics.

Seryozha was born in Leningrad, and since childhood he spent a lot of time in the company of his grandfather, inventor, designer of the Arsenal plant, Lenin Prize laureate. With his encouragement, I also started making crafts. I wanted to tell the whole world about my inventions, so I decided to tell the Young Technician magazine about them. However, the editors did not appreciate the work of the novice designer.

Another hobby in his early biography was cinema. The grandfather gave the teenager a movie camera, with which the future presenter experimented a lot.

In high school, Sergei went to a school with a mathematical bias, where he studied poorly, because complex science was not easy for him. I had to go back to regular school. After receiving a matriculation certificate, he joined the ranks of a humanitarian university at the philology department, but never received a higher education - he dropped out of the university.


Stillavin began earning a living through journalism. Sergei was accepted as a correspondent by the Slavic Bazaar publication, which was not spared by perestroika. After the newspaper closed, he worked part-time as a salesman in a store, and then picked up his pen again. This time I wrote about real estate in St. Petersburg. Good knowledge of housing topics led the journalist to the Modern radio station.

It was already 1996. Among Sergei’s colleagues were radio and television stars -,. At the same time, fate brought him together with his future partner and faithful friend Gennady Bachinsky.

Together with Gena, Sergei came up with the radio program “Two in One”. The morning show was gaining popularity, and in 1998 the whole country fell in love with the guys. The duo performed their debut “Subtitle,” which was a parody of the song I Just Called To Say I Love You. Russian translation - “I just called to say that I love you.”

The radio presenters who sang were warmly received in the cities of Russia, where they went on tour. Soon the first album with humorous songs was released.

After Modern changed hands, Sergei and Gennady ended up in Moscow. There, the guys were received with open arms by Russian Radio, where, however, they did not stay long. More tempting conditions were offered by the Maximum radio station, to which Stillavin and Bachinsky eventually gave five years. Later they entertained listeners on Radio Mayak.

The cheerful couple managed to take root on television. Stillavin, together with his friend, hosted many entertainment programs. The guys raised the ratings of the TNT channel with the programs “Rules of Filming” and “Bare Walls,” and MTV fans met with their favorite radio operators thanks to the project “The Bachinsky and Stillavin Show.”

The duet also appeared on the main channel of the country. The exciting project “King of the Ring”, during which star men fought for the boxing title, took place on Channel One. Other famous personalities also appeared on the show.

The bright duo broke up in the winter of 2008 - Gennady Bachinsky died in an accident. A favorite of radio listeners, he crashed on a highway in the Tver region while trying to overtake a truck in his own car in the oncoming lane.

Sergei became the author of the show on NTV “Golden Duck”, which exposed rumors about celebrities. However, the project did not last long; due to the financial crisis, the channel closed it. But the journalist did not lose heart - there was a lot of work at Mayak. “Positive Morning,” which he hosted with Bachinsky, was renamed “Sergei Stillavin and his friends,” where, together with Victoria Kolosova, Vladimir Pastukhov and Rustam Vakhidov, they did not let Russians get bored in the morning.

Sergey Stillavin runs the column “Woman: Operating Manual”

And yet television did not let go. In 2012, Sergei appeared on the Rossiya-2 TV channel, where he hosted the car show “Big Test Drive” with Vakhidov and Pastukhov.

Meanwhile, at Mayak, Sergei continued to meet new days with the show “In the Morning”, Rustam was his constant partner. As part of the project, the “Woman: Operation Guide” section was launched, in which gender issues were discussed.

Personal life

Sergei's personal life is shrouded in secrecy. Stillavin is a prominent guy (he is 186 cm tall and weighs 110 cm), acquired the image of a heartthrob and ladies' man, which he purposefully cultivated on the radio for years. The press only knows that the journalist first tried to start a family at the age of 20, but the marriage soon broke up. There are rumors that he had several wives throughout his life. The number of children is also unknown. Sergei introduces only his daughter Masha to the public.

Russian TV and radio presenter.

Biography of Sergei Stillavin

Sergey Valerievich Mikhailov born in Leningrad in 1973. Stillavin is not Sergei’s real surname, but his creative pseudonym, the origin of which he explains as follows.

“I had to send a telegram to the girl, but writing that I loved her was awkward for me in Russian, and they wouldn’t accept it in English. That’s why I wrote Stillavin, and when I left the post office I thought: that’s a cool name!”

The grandfather of the future presenter was an inventor and Lenin Prize laureate, and a designer of the Leningrad Arsenal plant. Sergei followed in his footsteps and from early childhood began creating small crafts and even offered his inventions to the Young Technician magazine. At the age of 11, the boy received a movie camera as a gift from his grandfather. He is also interested in cinema and at the age of 11 he received a gift from his grandfather - a movie camera.

After graduating from school, Stillavin entered the philological faculty of Leningrad State University.

“My biography is a chain of events, the reality of some of which I personally find difficult to believe. “It would be better if they didn’t exist!” – sometimes you might think, but without many unpleasant episodes there would not be the current state of affairs.”

Personal life of Sergei Stillavin

Sergei was married several times. It is known that he has a daughter, Masha.

Sergey maintains popular blogs on LiveJournal, social networks VKontakte and Instagram. In the latter, more than 200 thousand people have subscribed to it.

Career of Sergei Stillavin on radio and TV

In 1995, Stillavin's career as a radio host began. He is invited to the St. Petersburg radio station " Modern» conduct a program about real estate. The program was broadcast 4 times a week at 11.00, 3 episodes of the program were recorded, and one with a review of the latest issue " Real estate in St. Petersburg"Stillavin broadcast live. Later, he hosts various information programs on topical topics. In the summer of 1996, he met Gennady Bachinsky, with whom they created the radio program “ Two in one" The star radio duo gained real popularity in August 1999, when their first “Suptitra” was recorded. a kind of “translation” from English of Stevie Wonder’s song I Just Called To Say I Love You (“I just called to say that I love you”). Bachinsky and Stillavin begin to tour, release a disc with their songs, and in 2000 their radio show was recognized as the best morning show.

In 2001, Radio Modern was sold, and Bachinsky and Stillavin were invited to Moscow for “ Russian radio" In 2002, they were lured into a morning radio show " Maximum" The duo's style was initially received skeptically and even negatively by the audience, but by the summer of next year the low ratings " Larks"have gained great popularity. They also worked together on the radio." Lighthouse».

In 2007-2008, Bachinsky and Stillavin hosted the sports show “King of the Ring” on Channel One, whose participants fought in boxing matches. At different times, the singer was a participant in the program Sergey Chelobanov, actors Andrei Chernyshov, Evgeny Dyatlov, Alexander Nosik, Igor Livanov and Mikhail Politsemako, TV presenter Valdis Pelsh, showman Otar Kushanashvili and others.

The creative union of Bachinsky and Stillavin lasted until January 12, 2008, when Gennady Bachinsky died in a car accident in the Tver region.

Currently, Sergey Stillavin works at the radio station " Lighthouse"and together with Victoria Kolosova, Vladimir Pastukhov, Rustam Vakhidov is the host of a radio show " Sergey Stillavin and his friends».

In 2017, Sergey became a member of the jury of the reality show about startups “A Million Dollar Idea” about cutting-edge developments and startups that are presented to potential investors. In addition to Stillavin, Russian show business stars Sergei Zhukov, Timur Rodriguez, Oscar Kuchera, and the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation worked on the program Maxim Oreshkin, representatives of Vnesheconombank and investment funds of the Russian Federation.