Methods for learning English words. An effective technique for memorizing English words

The human brain tends to save effort (some would call it laziness): if there is a chance to somehow simplify the process, it will definitely take advantage of this chance. Our cunning “processor” does not immediately allow new foreign words into the palace of long-term memory; First, they have to serve out their sentence in a kind of waiting room - in short-term memory. If a new word is not used or repeated, it will be forgotten quite quickly: the brain mercilessly gets rid of unnecessary information. If you repeat a memorized word - and this must be done at strictly defined moments - you will remember it forever. What is the secret to correctly remembering new information?

How we remember information: types of memory and the Ebbinghaus curve

So, human memory is divided into two types:

  1. Short-term or operational
  2. Long-term

Information entering the brain is first stored in working memory. Over time, depending on the frequency of use, this information passes into long-term, long-term memory. At the end of the 19th century, the German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus experimentally proved the well-known postulate about the direct relationship between learning and repetition. During the experiment, Ebbinghaus determined exactly when it is necessary to repeat new words in order to remember them for a long time, if not forever.

The sad fact is that the most valuable discovery of Hermann Ebbinghaus is almost never used these days. School analysts and developersSkyeng hopes to change this: a mobile app for learning new words using Ebbinghaus's discovery is currently in development. The application is planned to be released soon - stay tuned for company news.

Many methods suggest learning 100 words in an hour or 1000 words in 3 days - and this is possible. But the problem is that, once in short-term memory, new words do not transfer to long-term memory: easy come - easy go (what comes easily, goes easily).

7 + 1 effective way to memorize foreign words

So, the very first, even zero tip: to remember a new word forever, adhere to the following repetition schedule:

The traditional approach to learning new words, tested by generations of schoolchildren, is as follows: foreign words are given in lists by topic, for example, “Getting to know each other,” “Letter to a friend,” “My day.” The set of topics is standard and universal, which is not always effective: if the topic does not arouse interest, it is much more difficult to learn new vocabulary. The experience of our school shows: if the choice of words to be studied is approached in strict accordance with the specific goals and interests of each student, at the intersection of useful and pleasant, the result is optimal!

For example, if you like the series “Game of Thrones,” you will be much more interested in learning words, generating images and concepts that are related to the plot of the film, for example: queen, northern, wall, castle.

Law of Comprehension: According to Ebbinghaus, meaningful material is remembered 9 times faster. What is imprinted in memory is not so much the words and sentences themselves that make up the text, but rather the thoughts contained in them. They are the first to come to mind when you need to remember the content of a text.

However, learning to properly organize information at the time of memorization is not an easy task. You can use reference words, diagrams, diagrams and tables. The technique of forecasting is also effective: when you start reading a paragraph, try, after the author puts forward several arguments, to independently draw a conclusion and explain to yourself what you read, even if it seems obvious to you. By formulating information in your own words, you will remember it for a long time.

To better remember a new word, use 5 senses plus imagination: feel the situation, imagine a picture, try to smell and taste, say the word - or sing.

Visualize, imagine: in a distant northern country, behind a high fortress wall, rises a majestic castle, in which a powerful queen lives... How high the wall is, how gloomy and impregnable the castle is, how beautiful the ruler sitting on the throne is ! Create a picture in your imagination, live the situation and the new vocabulary will be remembered easily and for a long time.

Law of context: information is more easily remembered and reproduced if it is correlated with other simultaneous impressions. The context in which an event occurs is sometimes more important for remembering than the event itself.

Our memory is associative. Therefore, try to change the place of preparation, for example, teach different topics in different rooms (kitchen, bedroom), on the road (subway, car) and even at work (office, “meeting room”). Information is associatively associated with the situation, the recollection of which will help to remember the content of the topic.

In learning, it’s like in nutrition: it’s better to absorb information in small parts, taking short breaks. It is better to learn a maximum of 10 objects (words or components of a rule) in one session. After this, you must take a 15-minute break, otherwise subsequent training will not be complete. Learn words in line, on the subway - impulse learning is much more effective than continuous learning.

The law of edge, known to us from the film “Seventeen Moments of Spring”: information presented at the beginning and at the end is best remembered. It is more effective to learn especially difficult and intractable words at the beginning and end of a ten-minute session - this way they are better stored in memory.

When studying a word, it is useful to choose an associative image-anchor, for example: clever (smart) - a smart cow eats clover. The image should be bright, understandable, perhaps absurd - unexpected associations fix the word well in memory.

There are many ready-made mnemonic dictionaries, for example, // An effective and favorite technique for many is memorizing words using cards, when an English word is written on one side and its translation on the other.

But whatever the method of memorization, alas, there is no method yet that allows you to learn a foreign language overnight. This is a big and complex job, and it is important to choose the optimal approach in order to achieve greater results with less effort. What we sincerely wish for you!


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If you want to master a language in a short time, but don’t know, How, this article is for you. Here we will pay attention to an unusual way of memorizing the first phrases, which are attractive because when they are memorized, 2-3 words are immediately stored in memory instead of one. This is very convenient, and with this approach English begins to seem like an interesting and quite logical language.

How to quickly learn a lot of English words with minimal effort

Let's move on to a list of words that will show you How Can learn a lot of English words quickly in a fairly short time frame. Please note that this is not the entire list of such words. There are more than a hundred of them on the social networks of our online school, but I will give you the most interesting and easy-to-remember examples.

1) cup(cup) + cake(cake) = cupcake(cake)

2) master(master) + piece(piece) = masterpiece(masterpiece)

3) tea(tea) + spoon(spoon) = teaspoon(tea spoon)

4)lip(lip) + stick(stick) = lipstick(lipstick)

5) sun(sun) + glasses(points) = sunglasses(sunglasses)

6) traffic(movement) + jam(jam) = traffic jam(traffic jam)

7) fire(fire) + place(place) = fireplace(fireplace)

8) honey(honey) + moon(moon) = honeymoon(Honeymoon)

9) book(book) + case(suitcase) = bookcase(bookshelf)

10) super(super) + market(market) = supermarket(supermarket)

11) pan(frying pan) + cake(cake) = pancake(Crap)

12) key(key) + board(board) = keyboard(keyboard)

13) cottage(country house) + cheese(cheese) = cottage cheese(cottage cheese)

14)head(head) + phone(phone) = headphones(headphones)

15) head(head) + master(master) = headmaster(head teacher)

16) ear(ear) + ring(ring) = ear-ring(earring)

17) bell(bell) + tower(tower) = belltower(Bell tower)

18) water(water) + melon(melon) = water melon(watermelon)

19) arm(hand) + chair(chair) = arm-chair(armchair)

20) pig(pig) + tails(tails) = pigtails(braids)

How Can learn a lot of English words quickly using a list like this? Just try not to memorize a lexical unit, but pay attention to the composition of the word. Very soon, this practice will develop into a habit, and learning a foreign language will turn into a pleasant pastime, and not a boring process.

How to learn English words in 15 minutes?

If you want to know how to learn English words in 15 minutes, then you should remember about frequency and repetition. You can really remember a lot in 15 minutes, but there's no point in trying if you don't plan to do it every day. Repetition plays a key role in remembering words and rules. Therefore, you should not forget about it.

How to learn English words in 1 hour?

For those who are serious, I can give some recommendations: how to learn English words in 1 hour.

1) Repeat a new word or list of words out loud several times

2) Check if it is a compound word that can be divided into 2 parts. If yes, then find out the translation of all components.

3) Make sure the word does not play multiple roles in the sentence. For example: "paint" can be translated "dye", And "paint".

4) Try to come up with an association for a new word that you want to remember. For example: "clever" very similar to the name of the tree - "clover", but actually translated "smart".

5) Come up with your own sentences with new words that you want to remember. This will help you quickly reproduce the appropriate phrase at the right time.

Need lessons to practice? Contact us on Skype - fluentenglish24

We will not only tell you how to quickly learn a lot of English words, but we will also help you speak a foreign language!

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To communicate freely in English, you need a large vocabulary, then your speech will be beautiful and rich. But for some reason, only the learned words fly out of your head as soon as you want to use them? The thing is that only about 20% of new information is absorbed and stored in long-term memory. So even constant “cramming” and frequent repetition does not always bring the expected result.

And now I will provide you with a list of the most popular methods that cope with this task, because they connect the senses and thinking in order to be sure to remember not only new words for a long time, but also their correct pronunciation.


A very simple way to use your imagination is to come up with associations for a difficult-to-remember word. For example, short- is translated as short, shortened. You can come up with a sound association for it - shorts, short shorts. Let your imagination create a vivid image, and the more ridiculous it is, the better it will be digested.


This method captures your involuntary attention, helping you store information into long-term memory without much effort. All you have to do is get stickers and a marker. Label all household or work items, that is, stick stickers with translations on them. This way, you will expand your vocabulary without straining yourself at all.

3.Technique of synonymous series

To do this, keep a notebook in which you will write down the necessary words, indicating their synonyms next to them. This will help make your speech richer and more literate, and will also speed up the process of learning a new language. For example, ugly frightful - unpleasant.

Thus, you will “kill two birds with one stone”, and even three, because in addition to learning a new word, you will be able to hear from native speakers how it should sound correctly, and also see exactly how it is used in a sentence and in what cases. I would recommend starting with Friends, it's easy for beginners and yet uses phrases that will be useful to you.

5.Independent translation

Only the material that interests you. Take an article from social networks, or a post if you have native speakers of the language you are learning among your friends. The best way is to translate your favorite song yourself. Then, in addition to the fact that you will begin to understand what exactly it is about, you will also be able to sing along, each time repeating not only the words, but also the figures of speech.

6.Download a program to your gadget that will help you complete your glossary

For example, Lingualeo, in addition to teaching new words, it will also reveal the secrets of faster memorization. Among other things, you will be able to repeat the material you have covered or get acquainted with new material on the road, in a traffic jam, in a queue, and in general, if possible.

7.Technique using antonyms

That is, words that are completely opposite in meaning. Our brain, if we learn in pairs, creates a connection between them, and you learn new material faster.

8.Create a smart map

Do you know what a family tree looks like? When this very tree is drawn on a sheet of paper, and on each branch there are photographs with the names of all relatives. Just like that, take a sheet of paper and write in the center, for example, “Future”, and now write everything that you associate with your immediate future on the branches.

Then move on to the next topic, you get a kind of brainstorming, only in English, which helps you realize yourself and advance in development.

There are now a lot of online services for smart maps, for example mindmeister.

9. Cards provide quick learning of a foreign language

You just have to work hard first by cutting the cardboard into small pieces. Write a phrase or word on one side and the translation on the other. These cards can be divided by topic, or by similarity of sound, in order to understand the differences and not confuse their meaning. Once you have mastered a certain stack, set it aside for a while to repeat to strengthen it.

10. Parse the word according to its composition

That is, use the prefix, suffix and find the root. In the future, you will be able to guess its meaning.

11.For advanced

If you already have a certain reserve and knowledge of grammar, try writing a story, including in it the complex phrases that you decided to study. This way you will remember them for sure, because you will include thinking and imagination in your work, using various logical connections and associations. Let this story be ridiculous, it will lift your spirits and enhance the effect of the work.

  1. Our brain processes the information received during the day during sleep, so for better assimilation of the material, you should repeat it before going to bed.
  2. Our emotions are a powerful mechanism for remembering, especially for those people who have high emotional intelligence, that is, there is an awareness of their feelings and the ability to recognize them. If you belong to this group of people, then try to associate a word that is difficult for you with some kind of emotion.
  3. Use all of the above methods in combination, since the more parts of our brain are involved, the more effective the learning process. Play, make faces, using different facial expressions, intonation and gestures.
  4. Change the language in the settings of your computer, phone, tablet and other gadgets. You already know from memory where to go, and this way you will learn the English commands and folder names.
  5. Be sure to turn on the timer so as not to be distracted and set yourself boundaries that are not allowed to be violated. I described such limiting techniques, for example, “pomodoro”, in the article.
  6. A good way is to repeat at certain time intervals - speak new material 10 minutes after studying, then after an hour, a day and a week.
  7. The most important thing in memorization is constant repetition, that is, practice. If possible, communicate on social networks with native speakers of the required language. The program is very popular Hello Talk, it has registered users from all over the world, and each of them has the opportunity to help each other, find friends and interesting interlocutors. For example, someone living in America wants to learn Russian, and you, accordingly, do the opposite. And then, when corresponding, you will be able to point out to each other mistakes and incorrect speech patterns.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! Good luck in your study, because continuous development significantly improves the quality of our lives. And if you also need to master grammar, I recommend watching it with a ready-made plan for learning English. Subscribe to site updates, once every couple of weeks, I send selections of the best blog articles and sometimes some very important news on self-development. See you soon on the blog pages.

When learning a foreign language, it is very important to constantly replenish your vocabulary - to remember new and new words in English. However, not everyone is able to do this successfully. We offer you seven tips to help you remember new words in English more effectively.

Create associative networks

Our brains take what we read and transform it into images, ideas and feelings, and then form connections between the new information and what we already know. This is how memorization occurs - the new is united with the old.

Imagine a tree. Isn’t it easier to see a large spreading tree with many branches and leaves than a small tree with a few branches? The same is true for the brain. When you connect a new word or concept with something you already know, it is easier for your brain to find it and remember it at the right time.

How to do it? Very simple. Draw a network of concepts. Take what you want to remember (a word, an idea, a sentence) and write it in the center of the paper. Then draw lines from it in all directions, like a web.

At the end of each line, write down any English words or even draw pictures that come to mind when you think of the word written in the center. It doesn't matter what the associations are, just write down everything you come up with.

It only takes a couple of minutes and now all the words or concepts will be interconnected in your brain. If you see or hear one of them, it will be easier for you to remember the others.

To make this work even better, pronounce how this or that word in English is connected to others. The more often you do this, the more connections are formed. And the more connections, the easier it is for your brain to “see” the word you want to remember.

Remember phrases (word combinations)

Memorizing a word is important, but English, like any other language, is not just a set of concepts, it is a tool that people use to communicate and express their thoughts. Find examples of how this or that word is used in the text.

Write down not only the word itself, but also the neighboring ones. For example, if you need to remember the English word “arrogant,” you could write “the tall, arrogant man.”

This will help you remember that "arrogant" is an adjective used to describe people. Then try writing three complete sentences to practice using it.

Use pictures

Draw little pictures to remember the meaning of a word. Don't know how to draw? It's not scary, it's even better. Our brain receives so much monotonous information that a strange picture is a kind of surprise, and we always remember surprises.

Our brain reads visual information better. Draw a funny picture to illustrate the meaning of a word and you will remember it much faster.

Make up stories

English learners often complain that there are too many new words and it is difficult to remember them. There is one trick you can use to learn words quickly. Compose any story, even a ridiculous one, that uses all the words in English. Imagine it in detail.

We remember stories easily, especially strange ones, if we can recreate them in our imagination. Feel free to combine words in funny and awkward ways. Let's say you need to remember the following 20 English words:

shoes, piano, tree, pencil, bird, bus, books, driver, dog, pizza, flower, door, TV set, spoons, chair, jump, dance, throw, computer, stone

(shoes, piano, tree, pencil, bird, bus, books, driver, dog, pizza, flower, door, TV, spoons, chair, jump, dance, throw, computer, stone)

You can make up this incredible story from them:

There is a piano wearing shoes and sitting in a tree. The tree is strange because someone has stuck a giant pencil through it. On the pencil a bird is sitting and watching a bus full of people reading books.

Even the driver is reading a book which is bad because he isn’t paying attention to driving. So, he hits a dog that is eating a pizza in the middle of the road and kills it. The driver digs a hole and buries the dog in it and then puts a flower on it.

He notices that there is a door in the dog’s grave and opens it. Inside he can see a TV set with 2 spoons for antennas on top of it. No-one is watching the TV set because they are all watching the chair. Why? - Because the chair is jumping and dancing and throwing stones at the computer.

A piano sits on a tree with shoes on. The tree looks strange because someone pierced it with a huge pencil. A bird sits on a pencil and looks at a bus full of people reading books.

Even the driver is reading a book, which is bad because he is not paying attention to the road. So he hits and kills a dog that was eating pizza in the middle of the road. The driver digs a hole and buries the dog, and then places a flower on top.

He notices that there is a door in the dog's grave and opens it. Inside he sees a TV with two spoons on top that act as antennas. Nobody watches TV because everyone is looking at the chair. Why? Because the chair jumps, dances and throws stones at the computer.

Give it a try. You will surprise yourself!

Remember opposites

Memorize words with opposite meanings (antonyms) and words with similar meanings (synonyms) in pairs. For example, memorize the pairs angry/happy and angry/cross at the same time. We remember similar and opposite things faster because the brain creates connections between them.

Parse the word according to its composition

Use roots, prefixes and suffixes to guess what a word means.

For example: even if you don't know the word "microbiology", you can guess what it means. First, take a look at the prefix "micro". Micro means something very small. You may know that the "-logy" part means science, the study of something.

So, we can already say that we are talking about learning something small. You may also remember that "bio" means life, living things. Thus, we can come to the conclusion that “microbiology” is the science of microscopic living organisms.

If you make a list of common prefixes (un-, dis-, con-, micro-, etc.) and suffixes (-able, -ly, -ent, -tion, -ive, etc.) and remember what they mean, you will be able to guess the meaning of new words in English.

The main thing is time

Psychologists who study memory processes say there is a good way to remember things quickly and for a long time. Use a new word as soon as you learn it. Then use it after 10 minutes. Then an hour later. Then the next day. Then a week later.

After this, you are unlikely to have to make an effort to remember it - the new vocabulary will remain with you forever.


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It would seem a simple math problem from the fourth grade: if you learn 30-35 English words a day every day, How many words of English can you learn in a month and a year?

Of course, you can easily calculate: you can learn about a thousand English words in a month and, accordingly, 12,000 words in a year. I wonder what experience and practice say?

As vocabulary is reduced, so are the number of feelings you can express, the number of events you can describe, the number of the things you can identify! Not only understanding is limited, but also experience. Man grows by language. Whenever he limits language he retrogresses!

As your vocabulary decreases, the number of feelings you can express, the number of events you can describe, the number of objects you can name, decreases. Not only is understanding limited, but also experience. Man grows through language. Whenever he restricts language, it declines.

~ Sheri S. Tepper

As practice shows, it is possible to learn something, but it will not be possible to keep it in active reserve and regularly use it in speech. Words without practice and associative connections are quickly forgotten, which is something the creators are silent about.

The truth is you always have a chance remember a large number of English words- it all depends on the characteristics of memory and techniques for memorizing English words, which we will talk about today.

How to learn a lot of English words quickly

Learning English words is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Signing the names of unfamiliar words is one of the effective methods for memorizing.

Want to learn a lot of English words in a short time? The German scientist Ebinhaus found that with mechanical memorization, that is, when a person does not understand the meaning of the material and does not use mnemonics, after an hour only 44% of the information remains in the memory, and after a week - less than 25%. Fortunately, with conscious memorization, information is forgotten much more slowly.

First of all, you need to determine how it is easier for you to assimilate new information: by hearing, seeing or writing it down?

This won’t take much time, but it will make it much easier to learn and select effective techniques for you in the future. One test that will help you determine how easier it is for you to remember new information is presented on this site. By answering 30 questions, you can know exactly what type you are.

Let us briefly recall that visual learners easily remember new words by seeing or reading, auditory learners by hearing, and kinesthetic learners need to be on the move, for example, writing down information on paper.

In the modern world, most people have a predominant visual type of perception of new information. Remember how long the annoying commercials seen on TV, or the posters and banners that litter the streets of the city are stored in our memory for a long time.

You also need to know that there is no such thing as 100% visual or auditory. But some channel is still dominant, and it is this one that should be used if your goal is learn a lot of English words quickly.

Visual method for memorizing English words

Characteristics and scheme of information perception by visual people.

If you read the novel “Martin Eden” by Jack London, then most likely you remember that the main character learned a huge number of academic words by posting leaflets with new words in his home.

Visual method to remember English words is to paste stickers with new words on all the objects that surround you. How does the visual method work? You constantly come across an abundance of English words, read, memorize and, of course, use English words.

Buy cards in the store or make them yourself with new words, translations, transcriptions, and even examples of use. These cards are convenient to take with you if you have a long commute to work or constantly get lost in queues. They can be classically made on paper or downloaded to your phone.

On a note:

On the Internet you can find download applications for mobile phones, which use a visual method to expand vocabulary. The most popular are Words, Easy Ten and Duolingo: Learn languages ​​for free.

Bright pictures with captions, memorization simulators, screening tests that use these mobile applications will help you learn a lot of English words in a short time. And most importantly, they are always at hand!

If your level is not beginner (Pre-Intermediate and above), you can watch films, shows and videos with and without subtitles, writing down not only new words, but also useful colloquial phrases.

Educational audio materials in English and podcasts

Characteristics and scheme of information perception by auditory learners.

If you belong to the rare category of people (about 10%) who love and remember with their ears, then this is the method for you.

The main conditions for vocabulary expansion– constantly listen to English spoken, whether at home in the kitchen or in a car in a traffic jam. New words and expressions can be written down and repeated periodically.

With this method, you will not be afraid to perceive speech by ear, and your listening skills will improve.

TPR Method for Vocabulary Expansion

Characteristics and scheme of information perception by kinesthetics.

The third type of information perception, which includes kinesthetics, prefers movement to static learning. If you are a kinesthetic learner, don't forget to write down new words on paper. It is better if you have a diary dictionary that you can refer to from time to time.

Often used in teaching children TPR (Total Physical Response) method. But, believe me, if you are a kinesthetic learner, this method is also for you: with its help you can easily learn English words and phrases.

The essence of the method is to memorize new words, phrases and lexical structures using gestures, commands, pantomime and games. For example, for the word ball, you need to perform an action associated with this object, for example, playing with a ball.

Simple and effective ways to memorize English words

Mnemonics and memorization of English words

A clear example of how mnemonics works.

One of the most effective ways to memorize English, and foreign words in general, is mnemonics. The method of mnemonics (or mnemonics) is based on creating images in your mind. You take information that needs to be remembered and turn it into an image through association.

First you need to understand that the brain remembers not the images themselves that arise in the head, but connections between several images. This is very important to remember, because immediately during memorization you need to focus on this.

Mnemonics actively develops memory and thinking. The main task is to create images that are combined in the imagination in various ways. The images must be colored, large And detailed.

Learning English words using mnemonics is incredibly easy! We select the most consonant word (or several words) from the native language for the foreign word.

Let's look at how mnemonics work when memorizing English words with an example:

puddle ["pʌdl] puddle

Approximate pronunciation (phonetic association) - "badl"

Mnemonic model: “I kept falling and falling into a puddle” .

Examples of using mnemonics in teaching English:

If you are using mnemonics for expanding vocabulary, it is important to remember that you need not just to connect words with each other and express them in the form of a sentence, but also to imagine a specific situation in which this happens or is said.

For example, it’s not easy to say: “A nervous man is walking down a narrow alley,” but to imagine a nervous man, perhaps an acquaintance, who is walking, looking around and flinching at every sound, along a narrow dark alley. In this case, you will definitely not forget this foreign word.

On a note:

The association or combination of words that has arisen is necessary only for 2-3 repetitions from memory in order to remember a foreign word and its translation. Then it disappears as unnecessary, so you don’t have to worry about all sorts of nonsense being stored in your memory.

There is no doubt that in order to memorize foreign words quickly and efficiently, you need to practice, find your own approach, learn to create your own associations, and quickly at that. At first, the process of creating associations will be slow, but be patient and continue training. As a rule, the speed and quality of creating associations improves after the first thousands of memorized words.

It remains to add that with the help of this technique it is possible memorize words of any foreign language .

Mind Palace for Expanding English Vocabulary

Many people use cards with text and pictures (flashcards) to remember new words, but these cards are not always at hand, especially at the right time.

There is a great way to remember new words and expressions - the power of your mind. It is called Method of location (geometric location method).

You may also come across names such as “mind palaces”, “memory palaces”, “method of loci”, “spatial mnemonics”, “Cicero’s method”.

When Sherlock Holmes, the world-famous detective, wanted to remember something important, he closed his eyes and plunged into the palace of his mind ( 'mind palace'). Just like Sherlock Holmes, you can also use this Method of loci to memorize new words and expressions. You can clearly see how this looks in the video.

Video “The Hound of the Baskervilles” - “Palaces of the Mind” of Sherlock Holmes.

How does the locus method work?

We are building an imaginary place ( imaginary place) in our mind and place objects and people there that will help us remember new words. You can store images both on shelves and chaotically. The main thing is that you yourself know where everything is and can quickly remember. The best activators are either completely ridiculous or very logical. And it’s even better to combine them correctly.

Remember simple rules that should never be violated in the process of creating a connection:

  • Imagine images large(even if the objects you need to remember are of different sizes, make them one: be it a ship, a coconut or a bee. Small images should not be imagined. The connections between such images will be recorded very poorly.
  • The images must be voluminous. For example, holographic images or images created using three-dimensional graphics programs. Such images can be rotated and viewed from different angles.
  • Images must be presented colored. If these are tree leaves, then they must be green, the tree itself must be brown, etc.
  • The images presented must be detailed. If you imagine the image of a “phone,” you need to mentally examine it and clearly see what parts the phone you are imagining consists of. If this is a cell phone, then you can identify the following images in it: antenna, display, buttons, cover, strap, leather case, battery.

Then we apply the main mental operation in mnemonics - this "connection of images". Let's look at how this is applied in practice in learning English words.

Let's say we need to remember the words associated with the word run, as well as its forms, so we will come up with the following story in our minds: the imaginary setting of the city is the imaginary place is a city .

This is just a small example of how to memorize english words, Related run, and its forms. Of course, I can add other phrases with this word, of which there are actually many, and as my imaginary city grows, I can use more and more words, and thereby expand my vocabulary.

More details about memorization technique “memory palace” you can learn more from the video:

The imaginary place can be anywhere, even a room in your house, but try to come up with a situation that will be close to you, and the words will be remembered much easier.

In this manner easy to learn words on different topics, for example “food”, “kitchen”, “clothing”, etc. Arrange the items as you like, and then it will be easier for you to remember the name of the item based on its location in your “memory” palace.

And of course, develop deduction, attention to detail and creativity. Develop associative thinking.

Another piece of advice applies to all “memory palaces”, regardless of the purpose of their “construction”. If you want to remember something for a long time (and not in the “pass and forget” mode), you will have to periodically “walk” around the “palace”.

Audiolingual method in English

Automation of skills occurs during training through repeated repetition of speech patterns.

Audiolingual method is one of the methods of language teaching in which it is necessary to repeatedly listen and pronounce words, phrases and sentences, which leads to their automation.

This method has its pros and cons, but is suitable mainly for auditory learners, since there is no visual support. The main focus here is on oral speech.

When using the audiolingual method, no explanations are given, since all the proposed material is simply practiced and memorized in the form of set expressions so that students can use them in the future without thinking.

In this case, training is based on practicing certain static models that students cannot change at all or almost at all. In this regard, this teaching method is the direct opposite of the communicative method.

let's consider positive and negative sides audiolingual method.

Positive sides Negative sides
When developing this method, attention was focused not only on the content of the material offered to the student, but also on the very process of the student memorizing this material.

The very system of presenting new information and repeated repetitions lead to inevitable memorization of what has been learned. In the process of repetition, not only the material is memorized, but also pronunciation is practiced, as well as the language barrier is removed.

Memorizing stable expressions leads to the fact that, if necessary, they come to mind automatically, as when communicating in your native language.

The main disadvantage of the audiolingual method (not without reason) is that it does not pay due attention to independent study of grammar.

Students, especially at the initial stage of learning, are deprived of the opportunity to understand why a phrase is constructed in one way and not another, or why a word is used in one form and not another. As they learn, students have to independently construct certain grammatical structures for themselves based on the material they have learned.

This undoubtedly contributes to a more solid assimilation of such structures, but only if the student is able to construct them. And this is not always possible, since there are exceptions to the rules that can confuse a person who is not familiar with the basics of the grammar of the language being studied.

Tips on how to improve your English vocabulary?

Knowing many words will allow you to express yourself in many different ways.

First of all, you need to replenish your vocabulary systematically and regularly, preferably every day. There are many ways and they all work.

Choose the one that suits you best and you can easily expand your English vocabulary. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Expand your English vocabulary with lists

Words surround us. Simply looking up words in a dictionary may not be as interesting or exciting. Pay attention to English words around you - during TV series and programs in English, reading the news - everywhere, at any time.


Regardless of whether you do this or not, we recommend writing down what part of speech a particular word is (verb, noun, adjective), as well as its derivatives. For example, “fish” - fishing, fishy, ​​fisherman, etc. It will also be helpful if you add sentences with examples of these words.

You can also use the notepad on your mobile phone. As soon as you hear an unfamiliar word, write it down. Make sure you have enough space around it to make notes accordingly.

When you have some free time, write down its meaning or translation and perhaps the context in which it can be used.

Learn English words in practice

As you make lists of words, it is very easy to forget the words that were there at the very beginning. All words are required use in your speech. The more we use them, the better we remember them.

Re-read your lists, for example, at the end of each week. How well do you remember old words?

If any words are hard to remember, but they are very common, then there is a high probability that you will encounter them in the future. So add them again to new lists and over time you will remember them.

Games will help you remember English words

Scrabble is an effective way to learn English words and have fun with family and friends.

Who said learning new words is not fun?! Games like Scrabble or Vocabador offer great ways to learn new words .

Games are a great way to learn, not only because they're fun, but also because they give you context for new words. Believe me, you will very quickly remember the word your friend laughed at.

We would also like to draw your attention to the free game Free Rice. This game gives you a word, and you need to find the right definition for it. If you answer incorrectly, the next word will become easier. If it's correct, it's more complicated.

By playing this game, you not only improve your vocabulary, but also help the world in the fight against hunger. How? Try playing it!

Increase your English vocabulary with context

As mentioned earlier, it's better (and easier) remember new words in context. One way is to write a sentence with this word. Not only will you remember this word, but you will also be able to easily use it in conversation.

Another way - memorize words in groups. If you want to remember a word humongous (very large), it will be easier for you to remember it from a chain of words: getting bigger and bigger-large, huge, humongous. This also makes it possible to memorize more words at one time.

For example, large, humongous, gargantuan. What do you think the word means? gargantuan?

Dictionaries and social networks for memorizing words

Of course, you can look up an unfamiliar word in the dictionary! Moreover, modern online dictionaries offer many additional features.

Many online dictionaries have interesting articles, games, and a “word of the day” section.

And if you feel confident that you can read literature in the original language, read the article.

Websites for learning English words

Below you will find the best sites to increase and practice vocabulary, which can be most useful for you.


BusinessEnglishSite - site for learning business vocabulary

This is one of the best and most popular sites to study. Here you can enrich your vocabulary with useful phrases, expressions and even business jargon.

All words are divided into topics, for example, "Accounting", "Project Management", "IT" etc.

For each topic there are consolidation exercises that train not only vocabulary, but also grammar.

Blair English

With Blair English you can learn English words from scratch

All exercises and lessons on this site have been specially designed to increase and enrich your English vocabulary .

Here you will find over 190 free interactive exercises on various topics such as IT technology, Business, Communication and many others.

The site also has a base of exercises to improve listening and pronunciation skills.


Lingualeo - a resource for practicing words

A very famous interactive resource that is interesting not only for children. It helps make language learning fun and visual, and also contains unlimited words for different levels.

To feed the lion cub and get a new portion of words, you will need to register.

British Council

British Council - the most British way to learn words

The British Council website has not left us without practicing truly British phrases, idioms and expressions. You can also learn several new words a day there.

Words filtered by topic and level, which makes navigation extremely convenient, and the process of cramming English words an exciting experience.

For teachers, there are lesson plans for various levels with handouts.

Test Your Vocabulary

On this site you can, not with 100% probability, but at least approximately understand what vocabulary you have and what you need to improve.

The test interface in English is simple. The site is designed for users who are learning English or even native speakers.

By ticking the words whose translation you know and answering a few questions about yourself, you will very likely find out how many english words is in your active supply.

Instead of a conclusion

As you can see, there are plenty of methods and resources for enriching your vocabulary in various areas. The most important thing is to constantly work on it, and here everything depends on you. Your daily work will then pay off in full when you can communicate with English speakers without any problems.

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