Prayers and conspiracies: good luck at work and attracting money in a short time. How to attract luck and luck into your life

Some people suffer from chronic bad luck. Someone gets fired from their job, a new car gets stolen. For others, on the contrary, everything goes like clockwork. Management constantly praises me at work, gives bonuses and promotions. But you can always make positive changes in life. At the same time, the inner spirit and a strong desire to live in prosperity and luxury are important.

Why are people unlucky in life?

Some people believe that bad luck is God's punishment. A person may stumble out of the blue and decide for himself that he will not be able to achieve anything in life. He sincerely begins to believe that he is unlucky. And every event finds confirmation of this. This is how you program yourself for a certain role in society and will continue to trail at the end of the line-up.

The predisposition to bad luck begins in early childhood. Some people are not used to putting effort into achieving a goal themselves; their parents brought everything to them on a plate. Such spoiled sissies usually face the truth of life much earlier.

An unlucky person, looking at himself in the mirror, suffers from low self-esteem. It seems to him that he only attracts problems. You should stop relying on the authority of others and start acting on your own. The first step on the path to harmony is to gain faith in your own strength. Every person has potential, hidden opportunities will allow you to move mountains and remove the stigma of a loser.

Principles of Lucky People

Every self-confident person does not go ahead, but carefully weighs his steps and plans for the future. Life experience helps you assess the situation and choose the best course of events for yourself.

Try to gather your will into a fist and direct all your strength to achieve your goal. Don't wait and rely on chance. Start solving problems immediately, and don’t think about whether you will be lucky or not.

Our every action finds a response. Therefore, be one hundred percent sure that if you put effort into something, it will definitely pay off. There is no need to constantly think about whether you are lucky or unlucky. This way you are distracted from more important problems.

Main factors of luck

1. Perseverance in achieving goals. This quality will help you realize your plans in a short time. You will continue to move forward and never stop, even if others are already exhausted. In this matter, it is important to educate yourself. Improving your professional skills will strengthen your position in society.

2. Honesty. If you are open in communicating with people, then they will definitely notice and trust you. To become honest with yourself, you need to do a lot of spiritual work. Only as a result of understanding life experience can one gain recognition from colleagues.

3. Optimism. First of all, it is important to develop the best qualities of character and look at life with optimism. If you let light and goodness into your inner world, then you will attract positivity and joy. Try to communicate more with people, do not be afraid of new acquaintances. This is an opportunity to get advice during a difficult time.

4. Increased energy. Only energetic people achieve success. If you are prone to laziness, then do not expect fate to shower you with laurels. Rich and successful people usually work harder than others and have enormous responsibilities on their shoulders. Strong-willed people are able to bear any load, so they are immediately visible.

5. The desire for activity. Try to take on many tasks yourself. Any action you take leads to specific results. The more actions you take, the more experience you gain.

6. Clarity. Every person needs to know clearly what he wants to achieve in life. If he paints a clear picture for himself, then the likelihood that he will achieve something in life increases.

You need to soberly assess your strengths, and then you will know exactly what is a priority on the path to achieving your goal. Luck loves self-confident people who have their own opinions on all the phenomena of reality. Try not to be passive, be overreactive to what life offers, and remember to push buttons and

17.07.2015 10:00

Accidents are not accidental - the laws of luck actually exist. Luck depends on certain factors...

It was often possible to notice that old people, before some important matter, whispered something or uttered some words. Why did they do this? Yes, they just wished good luck and goodness. And now, even from a scientific point of view, this can be explained quite simply by saying kind words, a person programs his actions.

A variety of conspiracies and whispers can be read not only by healers, but also by you yourself. Often short conspiracies were pronounced so that there would be money in the house, there would be prosperity, to attract good luck, and there would be success and prosperity in work. A person can come up with these conspiracies himself to adapt to any life situation.

When getting out of bed and touching the floor with your foot, you can say the following whisper:

“I get up and go towards my happiness!”

You can remember the grandmothers’ reminder that when leaving home, and especially if you have to return from the road, you need to look in the mirror.

Mirrors are generally credited with great magical powers. There are a lot of fortune telling and beliefs associated with them. And there is no need to be skeptical about this. Just try not to brush aside the age-old tradition and say, looking at your reflection in the mirror:

“Let my reflection be a good luck reflection!”

And be sure to smile sincerely.

Almost every person starts their day by washing or taking a shower. These mandatory actions can be used to attract good luck and good mood. Try saying a simple whisper while washing your face:

“I wash my face with clean water and gain strength!”

Get in a good mood and say what you want to wish for yourself on this day. As experts explain, it doesn’t matter what words you say, the important thing is that they bring light and goodness, so that they don’t bring trouble to anyone. Then such wishes, spoken with hope and confidence, will definitely come true and will bring you good luck.

The main thing is to be sure of this. Let many now call it self-hypnosis. What difference does it make what you call your actions, the main purpose of these words is luck!

Evening whispers

In the evening, before going to bed, many also wash or take a shower. You can accumulate a lot of negativity in a day, pick up a bad influence, someone’s negative influence, so it will be good if you say the following whisper:

“I wash away the negativity, I erase the grievances, I wash away the melancholy.”

Grandmothers often advised their granddaughters to say the following words when they went to bed:

“The blanket and sheet are my protection, and the pillow is my girlfriend! Everything I plant for her will come true in reality!”

Closing your eyes, it’s good to wish yourself the following sleep:

“Let it be as I want in my dreams and in reality!”

Whispers for different occasions in life

When you leave home, and a very important matter or meeting awaits you ahead, on which a lot depends, you can read various conspiracies, among which there is a simple but effective one:

“The Lord gave me the way, but the evil spirit filled me with anxiety. The Lord will defeat evil and free us from evil. God is holy and God is strong. Amen".

Often, before an important matter, old people, in order to attract luck to their side, said that they needed to call their Guardian Angel. You can do this with these words:

“My angel, Guardian, come to me and never leave me, no matter where I go (went). Amen".

Try to have time to pronounce these same words when a crucial and anxious moment in life comes and trouble will not happen to you.

If things aren’t going well at work and your boss is often angry and angry with you, then, looking at his door, quietly whisper:

“I’m on this side, you’re on that side, you shouldn’t shout in front of me, keep quiet. Everyone is equal before the Lord. Amen".

Such words help a person gain honor and respect at work, especially if said before entering the boss’s office:

“I’m going to court, the coffin is being carried ahead of me. Just like that dead man is silent, he won’t say a word against me, God’s servant (name), so that (name of the boss) is silent and doesn’t say a word against me. There are angels in front of me, angels behind me, angels on top, angels on the sides. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

How to keep unwanted people away from your home?

Some people notice that after some people visit their home, everything starts to go wrong, things don’t go well, quarrels and disagreements begin in the family, in order to discourage such people from home and attract good luck again, after they leave, you should sweep the threshold of the house with a broom and read whisper:

“I sent you away, got you out of trouble. Truly."

Conspiracies to have money and luck in the house

To ensure that money is always in the house and not transferred, it is recommended that when you have a fairly large amount with you, you say the following words:

“I bring wealth, I go with money. I hold it tightly with my hands. I carry it not for strangers, but for my own. Amen!".

If you are in need and do not have enough funds, then you should drink holy water and say the following whisper:

“The water is holy, and I, Thy servant, Lord, am rich. Help in need, amen!” To increase your income on the day of the new moon, you need to pour water into a bucket (its size does not matter), throw a coin in it and splash a little water on the threshold, saying: “Water as water, money as a river.” Amen!".

As you can see, any conspiracies to have money are a wish for prosperity for yourself. Will attract money and prosperity to you, and such a whisper:

“Just as there are many stars in the sky, just as there is enough water in the sea, so should my wallet have a lot of money and always have enough. Amen".

To ensure that you have money for your intended purchase, you should say to your wallet when you leave the house:

“Everything bad is forgotten, everything planned is bought. Amen. Amen. Amen".

This must be repeated 7 times. And in order to attract money into the house, there are words that are spoken on a broom. You need to get up before the first rays of the sun appear, take a new broom, which has not been used before, and, sweeping a pedestrian intersection, say:

Wallet spell

“Like dust follows a broom, So let big money follow me. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

There are special whispers, conspiracies that are pronounced near the temple so that there is money. After the service, when people leave their church, they need to cross themselves and quietly say:

"God! How many people here prayed to you, So much money would stick to me (name). Amen".

It is clear that it is advisable to do conspiracies on major holidays, when there are especially many people in the temple.

For whispers to work, you must follow the following rules:

Conspiracy in the temple

  • pronounce words clearly and distinctly, although you can do it very quietly;
  • truly believe what you say;
  • put your energy and strength into words.

Only in this case will you be helped by the words that you pronounce, wishing yourself happiness, health, good luck, family warmth and all the best. When reading conspiracies to attract good luck and money, think about the good, don’t wish harm on anyone, don’t compare, don’t envy. It is important that you are neutral. Just say the words.

And remember that conspiracies and whispers are effective when you don’t tell everyone about them and boast about them.

This is all done quietly, unnoticeably, while pronouncing these words, try not to attract unnecessary attention, do not boast later that you have attracted money or something else good to yourself in this way. It was not for nothing that old people pronounced conspiracies in public quietly or in private when no one was around. Then money, love, prosperity, and luck will be in the house.

Hello, dear readers! Skeptics do not believe in folk omens, and they do it completely in vain, because it is not for nothing that they were preserved and collected generation after generation. This is the knowledge that our ancestors saved for us. So how to attract good luck and luck at home?

Our ancestors, psychologists and parapsychologists offer different schemes on how to attract money yourself. Of course, this is more based on auto-trainings that tune in positive lifestyle and positive thinking. That is, it is possible to attract money and good luck with the right attitude.

Psychologists say that the main problem people have is the fear of being rich. Many simply cannot imagine themselves as a rich person and prefer to be content with little. You shouldn’t do this, because independence from money opens up completely new horizons for people.

❗️ So, are you ready to learn all the secrets of attracting luck and money into your life? Then now we will tell you how to quickly attract money with minimal time investment.?

1. How to attract money and luck into life - an overview of methods: conspiracies, signs, mantras, prayers, talismans...

How to attract money and luck to yourself? There are actually a lot of ways: various conspiracies, feng shui, prayers, mantras and much more can help you in this matter.

According to experts in the field of psychology, successful individuals have qualities such as calmness, confidence, and poise.

There are several rules for luck and attracting money , which we will tell you about below.

First rule is to change your attitude towards money. You must understand that money is a certain energy that is fueled by a positive attitude.

? To To attract money and luck to yourself, you don’t have to complain about your fate and lack of money. You have to tell yourself what you can do achieve success , and you deserve to earn more. Thank fate for what you have.

Change negative thoughts and emotions to positive ones! It's not that simple, but it will allow you to become happier and attract more wealth in the very near future!🙂

Second rule states that you must completely remove from your mind the phrases that you will never be able to earn or buy this or that thing. Talk about what you must get what you want .

Third rule, which helps to attract money on your own, is to establish communication with successful people . You cannot envy other people's successes, because this will lead to your personal failures. Try to draw positive moments from such friendships, setting yourself up in a positive way.

⭐️ And be sure to respect love yourself, try to do good deeds to support your karma!

All the good you do will definitely come back to you in greater quantities!

To attract money yourself, you must not sit idle. If you believe in the metaphysics of money, then they will trust you. Read prayers and conspiracies for the day.

The right words create a special energy message that will help you gain wealth. Also, make money amulets for yourself. For example, a red thread lying with a coin in your wallet protects you from the evil eye and helps attract money.

But we will tell you below about specific conspiracies, folk signs, prayers, amulets, as well as other time-tested methods!👇

2. How to attract good luck and money to your home: conspiracy is the most effective method - TOP 10 famous conspiracies

After this, the comb must be taken outside and burned to ashes on a fire. This is one of the oldest conspiracies that has a powerful effect. The result will be visible in a couple of weeks.

Plot No. 2: For nutmeg

Nutmeg it is not only a seasoning or ingredient for perfume, but also a special plant with magical properties. The nutmeg spell is quite popular in Japan. To do this, just take a nut and cut it in half.

Then you need to gently press on it, and with the oil that appears on the cut nut, touch a large bill, which should be carried in a purse or purse, while saying:

And this is how it should be done 3 times, preferably on a waxing moon in accordance with Japanese traditions.

Conspiracy No. 3: Conspiracy to attract big money

This plot must be done on a cloudless night. It's best to go outside after midnight. Pay attention to the starry sky - it should be clear and clean.

Nothing should interfere with you during the ritual, including street lighting.

Then count to 333 and say:

Conspiracy No. 4: An effective plot from Vanga to attract money and good luck

Vanga was not only a soothsayer. Many conspiracies that remained after her are still used today. For this you will need a spoonful of plain milk rice porridge.

You need to pick it up and slowly say the following words to it:

Vanga's money plot

The ritual can be repeated repeatedly. After 7-14 days, you will most likely already notice clear changes in your financial situation.

Spell No. 5: Spell for shower lovers

An interesting plot that is aimed at luck and money. Do you like to take a shower after a hard day at work? In this case, you can close your eyes in your heart and just imagine how a golden stream is pouring down on you.

In this case, you need to say to yourself phrase 5 times :

Then slowly count down from one hundred to one. Then open your eyes and quickly count from one to ten. And remember that water cleanses not only the body, but also the spirit.

Be sure to say to yourself: “Just as water washes away dirt from the body, let the bad things leave me.”

Conspiracy No. 6: A strong conspiracy aimed at attracting money

To carry out the ritual you will need natural honey and a couple of coins. Apply honey to your hands and begin moving coins from hand to hand.

After this, raise your hands and say:

After this, take the coins, but do not wash the honey off them. Wash your hands thoroughly, and bury the coins themselves under the threshold of the house during the full moon.

Conspiracy No. 7: Conspiracy to make more money

This plot works great if you already have at least a small initial capital. And it doesn't matter what size it is. You need to put all the money you have in front of you. The conspiracy itself is done during the new moon.

After you have broken down the amount, you must clearly say the following phrase three times:

They say that this is a very effective conspiracy that begins to work within a couple of weeks.

Conspiracy No. 8: Conspiracy to find money

Many people are happy when they find money. It’s especially nice if it’s a significant amount that can be spent on necessary expenses.

In order for luck to always smile on you in your search for money, you need to go out to the crossroads while the moon is growing and say clearly out loud:

The conspiracy must be spoken 3 times, and then go home. You need to make a conspiracy three times for three months during new moon periods.

Conspiracy No. 9: Money plot for water

Water has a special power that is noted by people. For example, it is useful to drink the so-called charged water , which must be played while listening to pleasant classical music.

Prayers and conspiracies for money on water almost always bring benefits. How to do them? One of the conspiracies is very simple and accessible. It is necessary to pour a glass of clean water in the morning.

Then you need to take the glass in your right hand and say three times:

Then you need to drink the water to the bottom and cross yourself three times.

Plot No. 10: Full Moon Plot

Moon- This is one of the most unusual objects in the sky. And it has a special magical power that allows it to influence a person.

Most often, conspiracies and prayers are made only for the growing moon, because the growth of a celestial object also symbolizes material well-being.

On the waxing moon at midnight, you need to say the following words:

The moon itself has a powerful magical effect not only on natural forces, but also on the human subconscious.

Usually love rituals are carried out on the full moon, but for money rituals one must turn exclusively to the growing luminary.

3. Attracting money and luck into your life - 12 folk signs

Saint Spyridon will definitely hear your sincere prayer and help you in your affairs. One must always turn to God and the Saints not with self-interest, but with pure soul .

Then help from higher powers will definitely come, because prayer is a special energy message that has miraculous powers.

No. 2 – Prayer to attract money to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Holy Mother of God is the patroness and intercessor of all disadvantaged people. You can pray to her at any time. The main thing is to do it sincerely and with an open soul.

❗️ You can ask for well-being both at home and in church. Always mentally turn to the Mother of God. Remember that she is helping people who are truly in need.

If you ask for money without really needing it, will that be fair to your conscience?

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Most Holy Theotokos will definitely help those who need her. Remember that faith is, first of all, our thoughts, actions, and feelings.

No. 3 – Prayer to Matrona of Moscow for money

Matrona of Moscow- one of the most revered saints to whom people turn for help. Sincere prayer coming from a pure heart will allow you to improve your situation and find peace of mind.

Prayer is not suitable for people greedy for enrichment. If a difficult moment has come in your life, then Holy Matrona will definitely help you.

❗️ Before turning to Matrona, it is advisable to fast for a short time and not eat animal food, even if it is only for 1 day.

Daily prayer can help you in attracting money and good luck

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow for money

Saint Matrona was born into a simple, ordinary family. Her entire holy life was filled with amazing miracles.

Matrona was born blind, but the Lord gave her a special power that allowed her to help people in their troubles.

Prayer to Matrona is one of the most effective!

No. 4 – Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for money

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of the main saints in Orthodoxy. The miracles that were associated with his name are still heard today.

⭐️ Lots of people have success healed, got rid of their troubles , improved their financial situation , making sincere requests to the saint.

You can pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker after a short fast in order to cleanse your spirit by abstaining from animal food. When addressing a saint, always mentally imagine his image and say the following words:

From an early age, Nicholas the Wonderworker surprised people. During his baptism, he stood on his feet for three hours, not yet being able to walk properly.

His parents could not have children for a long time, and they literally prayed to the Lord to give them a child. And so it happened.

In adulthood, Nicholas the Wonderworker left worldly life and spent his life in poverty and prayer. He suffered many difficult trials, but despite this he helped people, healing their illnesses and relieving them of grief and sadness.


Vanga is a famous Bulgarian soothsayer, who at one time was known throughout the world. Her predictions always came true and during her lifetime people from all over the world sought her for help or advice.

It is not for nothing that they call her a modern Nostradamus, because her words have come true and are still coming true.

When praying to Vanga, you need to mentally turn to the saint and say:

This simple prayer can be said every time before going to bed, and it will really help you.

Vanga's life was far from cloudless. However, she always withstood all the blows of fate! Her gift, which she received from above, allowed her to do good deeds and help thousands of suffering people around the world.

She glorified her country Bulgaria throughout the world, and now pilgrims from all over the world often visit her modest house.

6. A powerful mantra for good luck, wealth, health...

I want to share with you another effective mantra that will help you direct your life for the better:

Every hour I get richer

Every day I get richer
Every month I become even richer,
Every year I become even richer!

Word " richer" here you can replace with " luckier«, « healthier«, « more successful" etc. - in general, everything that you lack in life.

A very important word in this mantra is “ more “since it subconsciously sets you up for success, wealth, health...

Repeat this mantra as often as possible! As soon as you have a minute of free time, don’t be lazy to say it several times. Also, for example, when you take the bus or walk to work!

This mantra works very powerfully on a subconscious level!

7. Amulets and talismans to attract money and good luck

Probably everyone has had one in their life amulet or mascot. Things like this have a special magical power which allows you to attract good things in life. Many people dream of getting a good salary or winning the lottery. And this is possible if you make yourself a talisman.

One of the most popular money talismans is irredeemable bill , which is placed in the wallet. It can be either large or small. The larger the bill, the more income you will receive. You can use runic amulets made by yourself.

For example it could be leather tag, sewn yourself and put in your wallet. But an image of a rune must be applied to it, which denotes wealth. Runes are worn around the neck, on the arm as a bracelet, or simply put in a wallet. This amulet has the strongest positive magical effect.

They will also be beneficial in attracting money Chinese amulets and amulets handmade according to Feng Shui.

This is interesting!
Wealth is attracted by pink or red clothes, or household items and accessories of similar colors, goldfish living in an aquarium, a Bonsai tree, popularly called the money tree.

It could also be fountain with constantly circulating water, three-legged toad with a coin in his mouth, Chinese coin , with a hole threaded through it.

You don’t have to buy a talisman with money and good luck; you can always make it yourself from scrap materials and give it your own positive energy.

Remember that you should not accept any talismans or amulets from strangers or people you do not know, as they may be made out of malice or envy of you.

8. Conclusion

So, we have a rather unusual and interesting article. Of course, amulets, conspiracies, customs and signs have their place. But you yourself must strive for a good financial situation.

Watch also a short video in which psychic Mehdi gives wise and valuable advice on attracting money and wealth into your life!👇

Higher powers can help and guide you to the right path only if you already have a goal in life. They don't help lazy, greedy, evil people.

Always be on the positive , look at life with joy and everything will definitely come, including the material well-being that you dream of!

Understand prayers, conspiracies... they work mainly because you sincerely believe in them! If you truly believe in something, then you will succeed!

Final tips:
1. Do good and selflessly help people - it will definitely come back to you in a much larger volume!

2. And don’t forget that you don’t need to look for happiness somewhere else - it already exists inside you!

We sincerely wish you happiness, good luck, wealth and love!!!👍😀👍

If you want to succeed in business, to become more successful at work, you will definitely have to try. Do not deviate from your goals, no matter what difficulties you encounter along the way. But, if you are lucky, then everything will work out at the highest level.

Luck is a happy, not always predictable, positive event that has a beneficial effect on your life. Luck loves those who are easy-going, positive, open to everything new, and who grab every opportunity given.

Everyone dreams of luck coming into their life more often. There are many ways to attract fortune to yourself. It is not necessary to run to the sorcerers for this. You yourself can ward off bad luck. For this you can use:

  • talismans
  • conspiracies
  • rituals
  • prayers

Talismans that help attract good luck at work

A person who has his own talisman, charmed for good luck, seems to feel significant support from above, and all undertakings in any work are carried out without problems. Any thing that reminds you of something good can become such a magical item. Gold or silver jewelry, precious stones, coins are also very suitable for this role - it will be easier to carry them with you.

Animal figurines that represent wealth, wisdom, and fortitude in your workplace will help you improve relationships with colleagues. Overcome laziness and fatigue and focus entirely on your activities.

If you want to receive a bonus or increase your company’s income, then place a large beautiful vase in your office. Just not for flowers, you should put a few shiny coins at the bottom. Hang a portrait of a famous successful person on the wall to attract a piece of his luck.

Yes, sure, superstition plays an important role in this. Believing in the action of your amulet and constantly feeding it with your energy is necessary for it to start working.

How to make a spell for good luck in business

Conspiracy to find a good job

Finding a good job is not so easy. If your long search is not crowned with success, you should use this conspiracy:

For this you will need new white handkerchief. We pronounce these words over him three times:

“I whisper good luck into a handkerchief. I want wherever I go to find a job right away. If I didn’t know the answer in the negative, I don’t want to hear the word “no”.

Afterwards, carry the scarf with you at all times, it is endowed with special energy. And it will definitely bring positive results in the near future.

Conspiracy for success at work

In order for everything to go well at work, it is important to establish relationships with colleagues and superiors. Show your good side. To help, you can use whispering spells such as:

“Everything will work out the way I want! Luck is with me, success is with me.”

“I do my work with courage. Angels protect, they guide my hand.”

Say these words before important matters, and you will certainly be lucky.

Pen spell for excellent studies

We dream so that our child grows up successful and achieved great heights in his life. To do this, he will have to study diligently. But not every child finds learning so easy. If something is not going well in your training, a simple ritual will help. At the beginning of the school week, early in the morning, pick up the pen your child uses to write. Say these words over her three times:

“Lord, help, reward (name) with patience. Lord, let him (her) study calmly, work joyfully, complete assignments, not shirk, not be afraid, and cope with all difficulties! Amen!".

Prayer to help my husband in business

Do not forget that you can ask for help from the Lord God and patron saints. Prayers have miraculous results for those who firmly believe. A praying wife must believe not only in the power of God, but also in the strength of her husband, respect and appreciate him. The prayer can come from you even in your own words. The main thing is that it is from the heart. They often turn to Saint Matrona of Moscow for this. And she really always helps those in need.

« Our Holy Blessed Matrona, with your holy prayers help the servant of God (name) to find a job convenient for salvation and spiritual growth, so that he may grow rich in God and not waste his soul on the worldly - vain and sinful. Protect Matronushka the servant of God (name) in the place of his labors from all evil and temptation, so that this work will be his salvation. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen».

Attention, TODAY only!

Every person can bring luck into life. You can become lucky with the help of sincere belief in success and effective methods for achieving well-being.

Lucky people are happier, achieve success quickly and avoid troubles. Among the many ways to attract good luck, you can choose your own. Website experts recommend leaving doubts and attracting success to yourself every day with the power of thought. Remember that success in business awaits those who are able to think positively, not give in to difficulties and go towards their goal without a shadow of doubt.

Whispers for good luck

The effectiveness of whispers for good luck has been proven by more than one generation of people. They help us believe that everyone can achieve well-being. The right attitude and desire to work for your success is already half of the journey you have taken to personal happiness.

Whispers for good luck can be said at any time when needed: at work, at home, when communicating with clients or lovers. If you need luck, use proven whispers that will help you cope with any difficulty.

  • I open the doors to luck and let you into my heart.
  • The matter is going well, my hands are burning. It will come true as planned.
  • I go towards my happiness, attract good luck, nothing else.
  • I leave, I change, I come, I bring happiness with me.
  • Where I go, so does luck. He wakes up with me, spends his day, leads me to success.
  • Everything will work out the way I want. My luck and success are with me.
  • I see failures out of life and close the door behind them.
  • For good luck, I’ll smile at the sun in the morning and bow to him at the waist. As the matter is conceived, so it will come true.

Spells to attract good luck

Effective conspiracies will not require much of your time. Believe in your strength and don’t tell anyone what you’re up to, so as not to scare away your luck.

1. Get up at sunrise, go outside and say:

“The sun is rising from behind the forest, illuminating my path. Wherever the rays fall, that’s where I’ll go, and I’ll find my luck. Everything that is planned will come true, my life will be filled with happiness.”

2. Speak for good luck to the threads that will serve you as a talisman. Take wool of green, yellow and red colors. Weave them into a braid, saying:

“I intertwine threads and attract good luck. I weave prosperity and happiness into my life. Luck will return to me with the early rays of the sun; attracted by the moonlight, it will remain with me. After the first rain, adversity will be erased and will not return to me.”

3. Place three coins of different denominations under the threshold of your house. Say the words of the spell for good luck:

“I put in the first coin, I close the house against failures. I use the second coin to attract happiness. The third coin will serve me, it will attract wealth, it will call for monetary luck from all over the world.”

4. Cast a spell on a magic bag that will attract good luck to your home. To do this, sew a small handbag from linen or cotton with your own hands. Add your favorite aromatic herbs, such as mint or lemon balm. Add a few grains of rice, three coins, dried citrus peel (orange, tangerine or grapefruit). Say:

“I hang a bag of happiness over the door, say goodbye to adversity, and attract happiness. As many grains as there are in it, so much good luck in the house.”

5. In the morning, wash your face with cold water and, without drying yourself with a towel, say:

“Drop by drop I wash away failure, I erase troubles. How many drops fall from my face, so much luck will come into my life.”

Rituals and rituals for good luck

You can attract good luck with the help of an effective ritual that our ancestors used. To do this, you need to get up at dawn, change into simple clothes in light colors that will not hinder your movements. In the summer, you need to collect flowers or plant branches and weave a wreath from them, saying:

“I call on the power of all the elements to help, I attract good luck into life. I will ask the earth to pave a path to happiness, the Sun to illuminate the path, key water to wash away resentment and adversity, I will ask the wind to bring abundance from all over the world.”

In winter, take snow, bring it home and wait for it to melt. Pour melted water into a glass and say:

“Failures have no place in the home or in life. I’ll wash the floors and open the way for luck. I’ll pour the rest of the water over the threshold so that luck will find me and bring spring, so that my life will blossom.”

Wash the floors with the addition of melt water, and then carefully pour the water away from the threshold.

In spring and fall, use last year's leaves. Light a small fire and say:

“I put each leaf into the purifying fire and say goodbye to adversity. As the fire burns out, so will luck come to me.”

Throw the leaves into the fire one at a time and say what you would like to get rid of in life.

You can attract good luck with a simple daily ritual. Every morning before washing your face, look in the mirror and say:

“Don’t drink water from your face, don’t plow the earth with your face. A smile will turn into a weapon, it will destroy grief and misfortune. I wash myself, I am reborn, I attract good luck to myself, to my home and to my loved ones.”

You can time rituals for good luck and fortune to coincide with the phases of the moon. The energy of the night luminary will help you get rid of adversity, protect yourself and loved ones from failures, and bring prosperity into your life. We wish you all the best and don't forget to press the buttons and