Is it possible to purify water? Methods and methods of water purification. Boiling and settling

Water purity is not only a global problem for our planet, but also an everyday problem that every person solves (or doesn’t solve) for himself every day. We drink water every day (in its pure form or with food).

Therefore, whether it is necessary to purify tap water is not an idle question. And although now in any hardware store you can see a huge assortment of different types of household filters from dozens of brands, which one is good is difficult to understand by appearance.

In fact, it is much easier to choose a smartphone or a car. First, both smartphones and cars have clearly measurable technical characteristics by which one model can be easily compared with another. With filters everything is more complicated - how to compare jugs? By what parameters besides volume? Secondly, the Internet is full of car reviews and selections of gadgets.

But there are practically no studies and tests that allow you to compare household types of filters or distinguish one brand from another. Either because we previously did not attach such importance to the purity of water, or for some other reason. But now, for the most part, when choosing water filters, people rely not on facts, figures and research, but on their own instinct (often deceiving), on advertising and brand promotion.

At the same time, they are often in captivity of the illusion: “Foreign means the best.” But practice, nevertheless, destroys harmonious advertising appeals and promises. Moreover, many of the advertised filters do not completely purify the water.

A little theory about clean water

The thing is that “municipal” water not only runs through old, worn-out pipes. There could be a long description of the technologies that are used to purify water in municipal water supplies, but it is quite boring. Therefore, briefly: the water utility removes large particles of dirt from the water, kills bacteria with chlorine or ozone (in Russia in 99% of cases it is chlorine).

Toxic organic matter passes through all these filters without problems and does not go anywhere. In addition, moving through municipal pipes, water picks up rust, heavy metals and other dirt from them - and often ends up in our sinks tough and tasteless. And, sometimes, not very useful, since, for example, in the process of passing through pipes, chlorine forms organochlorine substances. Remains of aluminum also do not make life better. But these are forced measures of municipal water purification, and it is impossible to do without them.

Therefore, many conscious people further purify their water. Some people buy bottled water, which is not bad, but there is still no absolute confidence in the purity of this water (who knows - is it actually collected from a well or from a tap in a garage?). And some people buy and install home filters based on their needs and budget.

Filters: what is on the market and what you need

There are three most common types of household water filters.

The first, most common type is jug filters: a regular jug ​​for 2-4 liters of water, which can be used at home or in the country, and the removable cartridge in it can be changed every 2-3 months. The simplest and most budget option: a jug costs 500-1,000 rubles.

Often, when purchasing, the first cartridge comes with a jug. And then about once every 1.5 -2 months you need to buy a new cartridge - that’s another 200-300 rubles.

But a filter jug, for the most part, cannot “change” the hardness of the water and certainly does not remove viruses and bacteria - it is still recommended to boil the water. However, it certainly must purify the water from dirt, rust, heavy metal ions, pesticides and toxins.

The second type is stationary flow filters: these are systems that are installed under the sink and connected to the water supply. Clean water is discharged through a separate tap. A flow-through sorption filter will not filter water from viruses, but will do a good job of removing rust and most organic pollutants.

Some flow filters (but not all!) soften the water. But there are also disadvantages: if you have very hard water, the softening module of such filters will have to be changed quite often. The specific frequency depends on the hardness of the water, and can range from 3 months to 1 year or 200-300 liters of water spilled through them.

The third type - reverse osmosis filters - are the most advanced because they purify the water 100% of rust, toxins, bacteria, heavy metals, pesticides and even viruses! It is clear that this is the most expensive, but also the most effective type of filter. The system is also installed under the sink, but has decent dimensions because it works difficult. Water flows into the system under pressure: it is taken from the water supply, where there must be a pressure of at least 3 atmospheres.

When entering pre-treatment, the water is first “cleaned” from the largest fractions of dirt, such as rust. Then - filtration in the following modules, each of which cleans at an increasingly fine level. The decisive module is a reverse osmosis membrane rolled into a roll. Passing through it under pressure, the water is purified of any contaminants (even small viruses) and drained into a storage tank.

As is clear from the process, water purification here is quite lengthy, which is why you need a storage tank for clean water (and this is extra space in your kitchen).

Comparison of dimensions of reverse osmosis systems

And there is one more important technical “trick” that is worth remembering when choosing a specific filter. That same special membrane is cleaned of any dirt remaining on it - also with water from the water supply, which is called drainage. This drainage water then goes into the sewer, and its consumption for the production of 1 liter of clean water is the money that you will pay according to the tariff.

Therefore, if you choose a reverse osmosis filter, be sure to look at the drainage water flow rate. In a good filter, 1 liter of clean water requires up to 4 liters of drainage water. In not very good conditions - up to 8-10 liters.

Let's move on to testing

If in appearance all the devices look almost the same, then how can you understand which is really good and purifies water in the best way? How do you understand that you spent 500-1,000 rubles on a jug (and every 1-2 months you spend another 200-300 rubles on replacement filter cartridges) that will not actually pour incompletely purified water into your kettle?

You can order a water examination. You can use special devices to measure water quality. You can read a review on the Internet - but there are practically none there. What to do then?

There are several simple and absolutely “homemade” methods that allow you to clearly see the capabilities of the same filter jugs. We will describe a couple of such tests that you can quickly do at home. The experiment involves filter jugs from three of the most popular brands in our country.

Test for filtering water from methylene blue, which is similar in structure to pesticides and toxins

The first test is the simplest. It will require a Methylene Blue solution, which costs a maximum of 50 rubles and is sold at any pet store. Typically, fish lovers use it to disinfect aquariums. Methylene blue is very similar in structure to some pesticides and toxins - only it has a distinct blue color.

And if the water that passes through the filter is blue or cyan, it is clear that such a jug does not completely remove those same pesticides and toxins from the water, or removes them only weakly.

Such a simple “blue” test of water in jugs shows: only “Aquaphor”, ONE OF THREE jugs, fully copes with the task of purifying water from pesticides and toxins - in its case the water is colorless. The other two show a radical blue color. It is not difficult to draw conclusions: in fact, water from two “blue” filters may not be healthy at all.

The second test is a little more complicated, because it will require making a solution with 300 times the maximum permissible concentration of iron in water. Purpose of the test: to see how jugs can pass or not pass rusty water. Accordingly, the more yellow the water we get at the output, the less faith in the effectiveness of a particular jug. And no amount of cheerful advertising will save you.

Rust water filtration test

The results, again, are obvious: the cleaning of the same Aquaphor jug, which showed better results with methylene blue, is also obvious here in comparison with its competitor. Of course, ordinary tap water still does not contain 300 times the iron content norm. But it is difficult to dispute the fact that Aquaphor cleanses better.

By the way, these and other simple and uncomplicated experiments that allow you to evaluate the quality of home filters can be read in great detail at this link.
Thanks to the enthusiastic chemist who decided to test all the filters for their real capabilities, and posted his experiments and methods for carrying them out online. In principle, this is the first full-fledged review of water filters on the RuNet - certainly no worse than any detailed review of a smartphone.

So, why is Aquaphor more effective?

To be completely honest, the technology of most manufacturers of household water filtration systems has not progressed much over the past 30 years. Jug filters, as a rule, use the same classic sorbent: activated carbon and ion exchange resin.

Their combination is capable of removing organic matter, petroleum products, chlorine, and heavy metals. But there is a nuance. Water tends to form channels. Passing through the sorbent, it quite quickly forms “loopholes”, channels between the coal and resin granules. And it flies through such channels, practically unrefined, whistling straight into our mug.

And so Russian chemists from Aquaphor really became concerned about this problem - and finally solved it! They developed and patented a special fiber, Aqualen-2. Firstly, it removes heavy metal ions from water well and prevents active silver ions, which kill many (but not all) bacteria, from being washed out of the sorbent.

Secondly, and even more importantly, Aqualen-2 binds granules with coconut charcoal and ion-exchange resin into a single composite - so that the sorbent itself maintains its structure and shape. And water cannot break through channels in it. It is simply forced to be cleaned thanks to the “Aqualene coupling” of sorbent granules. Which, by the way, are 1.5-2 times smaller than those of competitors. Which is also good, because the finer and more uniform the composition of the sorbent, the higher its cleaning properties.

So that all this does not look unfounded, you can simply look at the results of a real opening of cleaning cartridges made of the same material on Habr. The insides of filters that did not perform very well in the methylene blue and rust tests literally look like piles. And the Aquaphor sorbent looks like a nice Easter cake (it holds its shape), and the Aqualen-2 fibers are clearly visible in the photo.

And it’s also clearly visible where Aquaphor retained the “blue” - at the very top of the filter (this is the top part of the filter cartridge), i.e. at the farthest approaches to cleanliness. And therefore, we can almost boldly (with a slight fear that one of the mentioned manufacturers will want to hit us on the head) declare: in experiments, filters with the letter “B” have shown their inability to make absolutely clean and harmless water out of dirty and actually toxic water.

This means that buying such a filter for your home means only one thing: before the filter, you drank chlorinated, untreated water, and with such filters you will continue to drink it. Although with a lower concentration of rubbish. Just spend money on an advertised brand.

Replaceable modules after opening

"Aquaphor" and other types of filters

If Aquaphor uses revolutionary cleaning solutions in a simple filter jug, then what about the capabilities of more expensive and complex filters?

In the case of the Russian manufacturer Aquaphor, there are unique developments, of course, and more complex water filtration systems. Thanks to its own research institute (by the way, the largest of its kind in Europe!), the company has been one of the world leaders in innovation and development of water purification systems for 26 years.

This domestic research institute employs more than 100 chemists, engineers, technologists and developers. Over the entire period of the company’s operation, tens of millions of dollars have been invested in research and development, and Aquaphor supplies its filters to 44 countries around the world. Aquaphor also supplies filters to bottled water producers and produces filters for sale in retail under other brands: for example, the METRO Cash&Carry chain sells Aro filters (the chain’s own brand) produced by Aquaphor.

There is, for example, the Aquaphor Morion reverse osmosis filter, which not only 100% purifies water from all pollutants, including viruses. In the story with reverse osmosis, it is not so much the coolness of the filter that is important - reverse osmosis filters of almost all brands are really very good. Consumer properties are also extremely important, as discussed above.

  • Dimensions. Aquaphor Morion has significantly less than its competitors. Because the developers figured out how to place a 5-liter tank inside the system itself (and not outside, like other brands), thereby making the filter almost twice as compact.
  • Economical. The drainage water consumption of Aquaphor is 1.5-2 times lower than that of its competitors: 2-3 liters versus 4-5.
  • Performance. Aquaphor Morion cleans approximately 8 liters per hour, while its competitors purify 5-7. At the same time, for normal operation, Aquaphor needs a pressure of 2 atmospheres. Analogs require 3 atmospheres, which is not always achievable in typical old houses.

All this became possible thanks to another unique development of Aquaphor - a water-water storage tank. The fact is that usually in a reverse osmosis filter, when the tank is completely filled with water, 1/3 of its capacity remains empty (there is air there). Therefore, a regular tank is quite large.

Tap water contains a number of harmful chemical compounds and elements. Drinking such water worsens the taste of drinks and dishes, can worsen well-being and health, and also lead to various kinds of diseases.

To disinfect tap water, it is chlorinated, which kills viruses and bacteria, but as a side effect of its use, the protein structures of the body are destroyed, the condition of the mucous membranes worsens and the intestinal microbiota suffers.

Bleach often contributes to the development of allergies. To eliminate the above problems, water must be rid of chlorine and other substances dissolved in it, for which there are a number of methods. And, of course, all problems with drinking water are solved by water delivery.

Water purification filters

The most common way to purify tap water is to purchase and use household filters. These can be stationary filters built into plumbing fixtures or filter jugs.

Water is poured into the filter jug; after settling in it, it can be drunk or used to purchase food. The filter must be changed at least once a month.

But there are cheaper and easier cleaning methods.

Boiling and settling

To clean, boil the water in a saucepan with the lid removed for 15 minutes. Boiling removes all harmful elements except bleach. But the bleach will evaporate if the water sits for 8 hours. In a container with settled water, heavy metal compounds accumulate in the lower third of the container; to obtain clean water, 2/3 of the contents should be carefully drained from above for further use.

Freezing water

Melt water contains significantly fewer harmful impurities than tap water. You should not freeze water in glass containers or plastic bottles; containers made from food-safe plastic are most suitable.

Wait until the water exposed to the frost or in the freezer freezes halfway, and drain the unfrozen part. Melt the ice and use it as drinking water.

Water purification with activated carbon

Wrap activated carbon tablets purchased at the pharmacy in gauze and place in a vessel with tap water at the rate of 1 tablet of carbon per 1 liter of water. It takes 8 hours to completely purify the water.

Water purification with silicon and silver

Buy silicon in the form of pebbles at the pharmacy, rinse them with warm water, place them in a glass jar at the rate of 3 g of silicon per 1 liter of water. The jar should be placed in a shaded place, and after 3 days you should drink the water carefully drained from above; the lower layers of water should not be consumed.

Metallic silver disinfects water well, for which a silver coin or spoon should be placed in a vessel with water for 10-12 hours.

Other methods of water purification

There are other methods of water purification, but they are ineffective or are not suitable for everyone. The effectiveness of water purification with magnets has not been proven, and the strength of the influence of magnets of different designs varies tens of times, and water purified by shungite is contraindicated for people with a number of diseases, acute and chronic.

We didn’t even mention purifying water with table salt, since drinking this water exceeds the recommended daily intake of table salt, and dry white wine (although this method was widely used in antiquity and the Middle Ages).

In camping conditions, you can purify water by adding 1-2 teaspoons of 6% table or apple cider vinegar per liter of water, or 3 drops of pharmaceutical 5% alcohol tincture of iodine; complete purification by these methods requires 6 hours of time.

Rowan purifies water even faster - place a bunch of rowan in a container for 3 hours. If rowan does not grow nearby, you can use bird cherry leaves, willow bark, juniper branches or onion peels. Such cleaning requires 12 hours of time.


You cannot argue with the statement that water is the basis of life and the guarantee of our health. Therefore, water purification is the most important household process that needs to be given due attention.

We bring to your attention an overview of the most popular water purification filters, which you can make yourself at home without significant material costs.

1. Water purification by boiling

However, a similar effect can be obtained by observing two conditions:

  • Boil water for at least 15 minutes.
  • The container in which water is boiled must not be covered with a lid.

Despite its simplicity and popularity,this method has significant disadvantages:

  • Fresh water contains oxygen, hydrogen sulfide, calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium ions. Boiling displaces oxygen from water. The ions react with each other under the influence of high temperatures, resulting in the formation of calcium salts and other elements, which are deposited in the form of scale on the walls of dishes for boiling water. As a result, we get not just “dead” water, but also harmful to health: for example, calcium salts over time can become one of the triggers for the formation of kidney stones, the development of arthrosis and arthritis.
  • Boiling cannot remove salts of iron, lead, mercury and other heavy metals that are hazardous to health from water.
  • Finally, chlorine and its compounds, when heated, react with organic compounds to form trihalomethanes and dioxin - carcinogenic substances that, when accumulated in the body, can lead to the development of serious diseases, including oncology.

2. Water settling

This method of water purification involves settling of tap water for 8 – 12 hours(this is exactly the time needed for chlorine and other volatile impurities to evaporate).

To speed up the process of evaporation of harmful substances It is recommended to stir the water periodically.

But keep in mind that settled water retains heavy metal salts that settle at the bottom, so it is not recommended to stir the water an hour to an hour and a half before the end of purification.

In order to obtain water purified from heavy metals at the outlet, it is recommended to carefully pour 2/3 of the liquid into another container: this must be done so that the sediment remains at the bottom.

3. Freezing water

Freezing is a simple and effective method that allows you not only to purify water from salts and other harmful compounds, but also to improve its quality by saturating it with oxygen.

The benefits of melt water are undeniable:

  • Removing cholesterol and salts from the body.
  • Strengthening the immune system and increasing the body's resistance to various diseases.
  • Reducing the risk of developing allergies.
  • Rejuvenation of the body.

How to get melt water? Very simple:

  • Do not fill a plastic container (not a plastic bottle) or a special plastic freezer bag with water to the brim, remembering that water expands when freezing. For the same reason, you should not use glass containers, which can burst under the pressure of frozen water.
  • Place a container of water in the freezer until 2/3 of it is frozen.
  • Drain any water that has not frozen from the container, as it contains salts that inhibit the freezing process.
  • Thaw the remaining ice - this is healthy melt water.

4. Water purification with activated carbon

Activated carbon is a budget-friendly but effective water purification product that absorbs various harmful impurities and unpleasant odors.

By the way, household filters for water purification are equipped with carbon filters.

We suggest making such a reliable filter yourself.For this you will need:

  • Activated carbon (50 tablets).
  • Gauze (or wide bandage).
  • Cotton wool.
  • Liter glass jar.
  • One and a half liter plastic water bottle.

Let's start making a three-layer filter:

  1. Cut off the bottom of the plastic bottle and insert it, neck down, into the jar.
  2. We cut off a piece of gauze (20*20 cm) in which we wrap cotton wool - this is the first layer of the filter.
  3. The second layer consists of crushed activated carbon tablets, which we wrap in cotton wool.
  4. The third layer is identical to the first.

Our filter is ready! It is important that the filter layers fit tightly to each other, then the water will be purified not only from harmful impurities and odors, but also from mechanical particles and rust.

If you have neither the time nor the desire to make a carbon filter, we suggestlightweight water purification option:

  • Activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per liter of water is placed in a gauze bag.
  • The tied bag is placed in a container of water for 6 – 8 hours.
  • Enjoy purified water!

5. Water purification with silver

This method of purifying water from microbes, viruses, bleach and other harmful substances was practiced by many generations of our ancestors.

Purifying water with silver is as easy as shelling pears – just enough place any silver item in a container of water for 8 – 10 hours.

Silver not only disinfects water. This metal has a beneficial effect on the immune system, improves the condition of the skin and hair, accelerates metabolic processes, and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Important! Do not use colloidal (or liquid) silver to purify water! It accumulates in the body, provokes poisoning and can lead to the development of a serious disease called argyrosis, which is characterized by darkening of the skin, which acquires a darkish gray tint.

6. Water purification with silicon

The procedure for purifying water with silicon is simple, but at the same time effective.

To carry it out, you will need a stone weighing 5–10 g, which can be purchased at a pharmacy.

Procedure for purifying water with silicon:

  1. Rinse the silicon under warm running water.
  2. Place the stone in a glass container with cold running water (use 5 g of silicon to purify 1 liter of water).
  3. Cover the container with gauze folded in two layers.
  4. Leave the water to infuse for 3 days: it is important that direct sunlight does not fall on the container with water, but it is not recommended to infuse the liquid in a dark place.
  5. After three days, carefully pour the water into another container, leaving a third of the settled water at the bottom, since this sediment contains salts and heavy metal impurities.
  6. The stone itself must be thoroughly washed and brushed regularly after each use.

Water purified with silicon has a beneficial effect on the immune and circulatory systems, and also has a rejuvenating effect.

7. Water purification with shungite

Another stone used for water purification is shungite, which, like silicon, can be purchased at a pharmacy.

This mineral attracts and absorbs chlorine, phenol and acetone compounds, removes harmful bacteria and microorganisms from water, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the entire body.

To purify a liter of water you will need 100 g of shungite.

Procedure for purifying water with shungite:

  1. Rinse the stone thoroughly.
  2. Place the shungite in a container with water at room temperature and leave to infuse for 3 days: there is no need to close the container (you can cover it with gauze).
  3. At first the water will take on a black tint, but gradually become transparent, and black mineral dust will settle to the bottom.
  4. After just an hour of infusion, the water will be cleared of bacteria and nitrates, and after three days it will acquire healing properties, at least that’s what traditional healers say.
  5. Drain the infused water, leaving about 3 cm of water at the bottom.

After each use, the stone should be washed thoroughly, cleaned with a brush once a month, and replaced with a new one every six months.

Unlike silicon water, water purified using shungite hascontraindications:

  • Tendency to thrombosis.
  • Oncological diseases and the tendency to their development.
  • Increased acidity.
  • Diseases in the acute stage.

Therefore, before using this stone as a cleaning filter, it is better to consult with your doctor.

8. Folk remedies for water purification

Traditional medicine offers a lot of water purification methods, but we will look at the most popular and effective ones.

And let's begin with apple cider vinegar, a teaspoon of which is diluted in a liter of water, after which the liquid is allowed to brew for 2 - 3 hours so that the microbes die.

Instead of vinegar you can use 5% iodine, which is added to water at the rate of 3 drops of iodine per liter of water. Let the water sit for 2 hours, after which you can consume it.

Let’s immediately make a reservation that water purified using vinegar or iodine (and some recommend using these components simultaneously for purification) has a rather unpleasant odor and unusual taste.

In addition, you should remember that excess iodine in the body can lead to malfunctions:

  • Muscle weakness.
  • Persistent low-grade fever in the absence of signs of any disease.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Mood swings.

Therefore, you should be careful when purifying drinking water with iodine.

Purified water has a pleasant smell and taste. bunches of rowan. By the way, some experts put the use of rowan on par with water purification with silver or activated carbon in terms of effectiveness.

To purify water, simply place a thoroughly washed bunch of ripe rowan berries in a container of water. Natural antibiotics, which this plant is rich in, will destroy bacteria in 3 hours no worse than chlorine.

Instead of rowan bunches, you can use onion peels, bird cherry leaves and juniper branches to purify water, but then, in order to purify, the water must be infused for at least 12 hours.

Important! To enhance the cleansing effect, it is recommended to filter the water after infusion.

Despite their simplicity, traditional methods are not able to completely purify water from chlorine compounds and microbes, so you should not place much hope on them.

In any case, from the proposed list, you can choose the most suitable purification option for yourself, thanks to which the water will become not only healthy, but also tastier!

Water comes to our tap through the water supply system, passing a long way from underground water sources or reservoirs through a network of pipes, pumps, filters, iron removal and disinfection installations. On the inner walls of the pipes, throughout its entire length, various living organic matter can live and actively reproduce:

  • bacteria;
  • viruses;
  • fungal colonies;
  • small insects.

You can easily verify this by running your finger along the inner surface of the kitchen faucet - it is often slimy, such mucus consists of the bodies of microscopic organisms. Most of them are dead, but some that are particularly resistant to the disinfection process survive and can cause serious health problems.

The longer and more dilapidated the pipelines, the more microbiological contaminants are concentrated at the outlet to the consumer. The concentration of this type of contaminant in drinking water from the tap depends on seasonality, initial characteristics, and water temperature. To prevent such a situation, it is necessary to use disinfection technologies.

Disinfection (or disinfection) of drinking water is the neutralization of living organic matter that can harm the human body.

The essence of disinfection is the use of disinfectant reagents of various qualities and characteristics.

What harm does tap water cause to your health?

Traditionally, chlorine (or less toxic sodium hypochlorite) is used to disinfect drinking water. Such substances in their pure form have a negative effect on all living things and destroy most microorganisms. However, as a result of this interaction, by-products are formed - various types of organochlorine compounds. They have a detrimental effect on human health, due to the fact that they also have increased toxicity.

For example, chloroform and trihalomethane negatively affect the functions of the respiratory system, digestive tract, and genitourinary function. The larger the chlorocarbon particles, the more carcinogenic it is. Specially conducted scientific research has revealed the extreme danger of such mutagenic connections. Every person out of ten thousand who regularly consume chlorinated water suffers from cancer of the bladder and intestines.

Chlorine-related toxins may be “major environmental carcinogens that cause cancer.”

In addition, contact of the surfaces of internal organs, mucous membranes, and skin with chlorine often causes allergic reactions and painful irritations. Experiments on rodents conducted in the seventies by the National Cancer Institute in the USA showed that chloroform and chlorination by-products cause cancer and a radical decline in reproductive rates.

In general, we can say that humanity in the twentieth century was faced with a choice of two evils: either regular epidemics from living microbes, or the carcinogenic effect of chlorine compounds on people. Then the choice was made in favor of chlorination of drinking water, but inquisitive minds were constantly in search of alternative, harmless water treatment technologies.

Modern methods of drinking water purification

Progress does not stand still and today the problem of clean and healthy water is solved by using a natural disinfectant - ozone. Ozonation is increasingly used directly in apartments and private houses as a method of additional purification of tap water from organochlorines. Compact ozonation units saturate water with ozone, which binds hazardous components dissolved in it and converts them into a suspended insoluble form. After a few minutes, the active ozone on the filter media is converted into ordinary harmless oxygen.

At the final stage, the resulting harmful precipitate is captured by the surface of the activated carbon poured into the filter container. To further remove deposited substances, such a filter is periodically washed without replacing any consumables. This method of drinking water purification is called “ozone filtration”. It stands out for its simplicity, efficiency and cost-free operation.

Ozone is a natural substance, its oxidizing power is four times more powerful than chlorine and fifteen times more effective.

Unfortunately, conventional flow-type mechanical filters only remove suspended, visually visible particles. Whereas the hidden danger of poor-quality drinking water lurks in dissolved compounds invisible to the eye. Water can be crystal clear, but at the same time contain unacceptable levels of chlorine, organics, heavy metals, nitrogen, fluorine, petroleum products, etc.

Ozone installations for purifying tap water of the OZON-M brand with various capacities can be purchased by contacting the OZON-MONTAZH manufacturing company. In areas of multi-storey residential buildings, water treatment is carried out at centralized water intake units. Therefore, in most cases, for apartment-type installations with one spout tap, a preliminary water analysis is not required. Drink water purified by natural technology and be healthy!

Alternatives to ozone technology for:

- efficiency

- environmental friendliness

- no further costs


Photos of our works

Clean and high-quality drinking water is the key to health and well-being. Therefore, today almost every home has a water filter. But you don't have to buy this important item. It is quite possible to make the filter yourself.

Water is the basis of all living things. A person can survive without water for no more than three days (while he can survive without food for two weeks). Water is the beginning of life. But it can also bring health problems. We are talking about untreated (unfiltered) water containing harmful chemical elements, compounds, and impurities. The problem of clean drinking water is not new. And cleaning it is a serious household procedure.

How to purify drinking water at home

If we had the opportunity to examine a drop of water that we are about to drink, we would perhaps seriously think about the issue of filtering this product, which we cannot do without. In this case, household filters come to the rescue. There are a great many of them on sale now. But what if you don’t have a factory filter at hand? Do you need to purify water from harmful components? It turns out that it is quite possible to make an improvised and effective water filter using improvised means and certain materials. There are even simple folk methods that have been used for centuries, and which you may not have heard of at all.

Here is a list of the most common water purification filters or methods just for you.

1. Boiling

But all this can be achieved under the following conditions:

  • Boil water for at least 15 minutes.
  • Do not cover the container in which the water is boiled.

This method has serious drawbacks:

  • Fresh water contains oxygen, hydrogen sulfide, calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium ions. The boiling process helps displace oxygen from the water. The ions react with each other under the influence of elevated temperatures, resulting in the formation of calcium salts and other elements that accumulate as scale on the inner walls of the boiling vessel. And what we end up with is not only “dead” water, but also one that is detrimental to health: for example, calcium salts over time can trigger the process of forming kidney stones and the development of diseases such as arthritis.
  • It is impossible to remove salts of iron, lead, mercury and other heavy metals from water by boiling.
  • Chlorine and its compounds, when heated, react with org. compounds form so-called trihalomethanes and dioxin - carcinogenic substances that in significant quantities can provoke the formation of malignant tumors in the body.

2. Water settling

The essence of the method is to settle the most ordinary tap water for 8 - 12 hours (exactly the same amount of time is required for the evaporation of chlorine and other volatile impurities).

To stimulate the evaporation of substances we do not need, it is advisable to stir the water from time to time.
However, heavy metal salts do not disappear from the settled water, calmly settling at the bottom, so there is no need to stir the water approximately an hour and a half before drinking.

To achieve the maximum purification of heavy metals in water, it is advisable to pour 2/3 of the volume of the resulting liquid into another container so that the harmful sediment remains at the bottom.

3. Freezing water

Freezing allows you not only to purify water from salts and other impurities, but also to saturate it with oxygen.
What are the benefits of melt water:

  • Removing cholesterol and salts from the body.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Reducing the likelihood of allergies.
  • Rejuvenation.

How do you get melt water?

  • Do not fill a plastic container (but do not use a bottle made of plastic material) or a special plastic freezer bag with water completely: when frozen, water expands in volume. That is why it is not recommended to take glass containers.
  • Place the container of water in the freezer and leave it for exactly as long as 2/3 of it turns into a solid state.
  • Drain the water that remains unfrozen because it contains salts that stop the freezing process.
  • Defrost the existing ice - your melt water is ready.

It is advisable to consume up to 1.5 - 2 liters of melt water per day.

4. Water purification with activated carbon

Activated carbon is an affordable and at the same time effective remedy in this regard. It successfully absorbs unnecessary impurities and unpleasant “odors”.

Classic household filters for water purification “work” on carbon filters.

How to make such a filter yourself?


  • Activated carbon (50 tablets).
  • Gauze (a bandage of sufficient width will do).
  • Vatu.
  • 1 liter glass jar.
  • A 1.5 liter water bottle (plastic).

The filter manufacturing technology consists of three layers:

1. Cut off the bottom of a plastic bottle and insert it with the neck into the jar.

2. Cut a piece of gauze (20x20 cm in size) in which to wrap the cotton wool (this is the first layer of our filter).

3. The second layer will consist of carefully crushed activated carbon tablets, which should be wrapped in cotton wool.

4. The third layer is prepared exactly like the first.

Make sure that the filter layers fit one another tightly enough.

A faster water purification method:

  • Place activated carbon in a ratio of 1 tablet per 1 liter of water into a gauze bag.
  • Tie the bag and place it in a bowl of water for 6 – 8 hours.

5. Silver cleaning

A long-known method of purifying water from microbes, viruses, bleach and other unnecessary substances. How can you purify water with silver? It is necessary to place any silver item in a bowl with water for approximately 8 – 10 hours.

Silver can disinfect drinking water. In addition, this metal has a healing effect on the immune system, has a beneficial effect on the appearance of skin and hair, and starts the gastrointestinal tract.

Attention! Colloidal (liquid) silver cannot be used for these purposes. The latter, accumulating in the body, causes poisoning and provokes the development of a disease such as argyrosis, the symptoms of which are darkening of the skin to a darkish gray tone.

6. Silicon cleaning

To purify water with silicon, you need a stone weighing 5–10 g (you can buy one at a regular pharmacy).
Silicon water purification technology:

1. Rinse the silicon under running water.

2. Place it in a glass container with cold water (5 g of silicon is enough to purify 1 liter of water).

3. Cover the container with two layers of gauze.

4. Let the water stand for 3 days: make sure that the container with water is not exposed to direct sunlight, however, there is no need to place the water in a dark room.

5. After 3 days, pour the water into the prepared container, leaving 1/3 of the settled water with a sediment of traces of heavy metal salts at the bottom.

6. After each cleansing, the stone should be thoroughly rinsed and systematically brushed.
Water purified in this way has a good effect on the immune system and blood circulation, and has a rejuvenating effect.

Attention! Silicon water has no contraindications.

7. Cleaning with shungite

Another stone that is suitable for water purification is called shungite (you can also actually buy it at the pharmacy).

This mineral can absorb compounds of chlorine, phenol and acetone that are unusually harmful to humans, and removes pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms from water.

To purify 1 liter of water, you need to take 100 g of shungite.

Shungite water purification technology:

1. Rinse this stone thoroughly.

2. Place the shungite in a bowl of water at room temperature and leave for 3 days: the bowl of water should not be covered (it is enough to cover it with gauze).

3. At the first stage of purification, the water will acquire a black tone, but after a while it will become transparent again, and the resulting dust from mineral particles will settle to the bottom.

4. After 1 hour of the process, the water will be cleared of bacteria and nitrates, and after 3 days it will have healing properties (according to healers).

5. Drain the water, leaving about 3 cm of water at the bottom.

After use, shungite must be washed thoroughly, cleaned with a brush approximately once every 30 days, and replaced with a new stone twice a year.

Attention! Water purified with shungite has a number of contraindications:

  • Tendency to thrombus formation.
  • Promotes the emergence and development of oncology.
  • Increased acidity.
  • Diseases during exacerbation.

Before using the stone to purify water, it is advisable to consult your family doctor.

8. Folk remedies

Apple vinegar. Dilute 1 teaspoon in 1 liter of water, then leave the mixture for 2 - 3 hours in order to destroy microbes.
Vinegar can be replaced with 5% iodine, which should be added to water in a ratio of 3 drops of iodine per 1 liter of water. Leave for 2 hours.
Disadvantage of the method: water purified with vinegar or iodine does not have a pleasant smell and a specific taste, to put it mildly.

Do not forget that an excessive amount of iodine can lead to the following manifestations in the body:

  • Muscle weakness.
  • Persistent low-grade fever in the absence of signs of a specific disease.
  • Sweating.
  • Diarrhea.

Cleansing with rowan bunches. This water is aromatic and has a very pleasant taste. In terms of results, a number of experts equate the use of rowan with water purification with silver or coal.

To purify drinking water, you will only need to place a thoroughly washed bunch of ripe rowan berries in a bowl of water. This plant is extremely rich in natural antibiotics, so within 3 hours the pathogenic bacteria present in the water will be destroyed.

Rowan berry clusters can be replaced with onion peels, bird cherry leaves and juniper branches, but in this case, the water will have to infuse for up to 12 hours.

Remember! To strengthen the cleansing effect, it is advisable to always filter the water after infusion.
Folk remedies cannot completely purify water from chlorine compounds and microbes, so one should not attribute non-existent universal qualities to them.

Purifying water without a household filter

The drinking water we consume daily can be a healing agent, or it can be a source of acquired diseases. Therefore, you should not be careless with the water you drink. For example, tap water contains a lot of components harmful to humans. It is enough to imagine that mucus accumulates on the inner perimeter of water pipes from year to year, microorganisms multiply, which can easily penetrate our body. If the water pipes are old or made of metals that can corrode, then rust is added to the wide range of compounds and substances harmful to health.

Clean drinking water becomes a real treasure. Could people who lived 100 years ago imagine that drinking water would be sold for money? You may know that the shortage of drinking water is on the list of global problems for humanity. After all, despite all the achievements of science, people have not yet figured out what can replace water. published.

* articles are intended for informational and educational purposes only and do not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult your physician with any questions you may have about a medical condition.

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet