Musical piece Time heals?

Affirmations you will be able to forget the person you really loved, who told you such things sincere words . We forget only those to whom we never belonged. To whom there was ordinary affection, some kind of communication and no friendship. And in general, now we call everyone “friends”. There are never too many friends, only a select few, chosen by life, not by us, friends. They stay with you forever. And all the rest are acquaintances, comrades, but not friends. Many of our lives are gone forever, perhaps we won’t even meet someone again. Learn to appreciate every moment with the person you care about. After all, at any moment he may be gone. And no amount of “time” will help you forget it. Forget those feelings, those facial features embedded in your heart. Habits that have passed on to you over time. Don't forget, you know? Yes, you will think less about them, but that’s all Dear people

, will never just “walk out” of us, from our hearts. Love with every cell. Talk about your feelings. After all, someday it may become too late.

Time cures? Maybe stop talking about this nonsense already? You can never forget the person you really loved, who spoke such sincere words to you. We forget only those to whom we never belonged. To whom there was ordinary affection, some kind of communication and no friendship. And in general, now we call everyone “friends”. There are never too many friends, only a select few, chosen by life, not by us, friends. They stay with you forever. And all the rest are acquaintances, comrades, but not friends. Many of our lives are gone forever, perhaps we won’t even meet someone again. Learn to appreciate every moment with the person you care about. After all, at any moment he may be gone. And no amount of “time” will help you forget it. Forget those feelings, those facial features embedded in your heart. Habits that have passed on to you over time. Don't forget, you know? Yes, you will think less about them, but all dear people will never just “leave” from us, from our hearts. Love with every cell. Talk about your feelings. After all, someday it may become too late.


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, will never just “walk out” of us, from our hearts. Love with every cell. Talk about your feelings. After all, someday it may become too late.


her hook-nosed profile, a man's chin.
Let's hear her contralto with notes of devilry:
the hoarse aria of the effect is louder than the squeak of the cause.
Hello, tragedy! Haven't seen you for a long time.
Hello, the other side of the coin.
Let's look at your details in detail.

Let's look into her eyes! Dilated with pain
pupils induced brown by an effort of will
like a lens on us - either in the stalls, or
giving, on the contrary, touring in someone’s destiny.
Good evening, tragedy with heroes and gods,
with legs poorly covered by a curtain,
With own name, drowning in the general din.

Let's put our fingers in her mouth with loose scurvy
keys, inflamed by a voltaic arc
a sky spattered with the ashes of relatives and snowstorm.
Let's pull up her hem and see her naked.
Well, if you want a tragedy, surprise us!
Depict the betrayal of the body, take out
bodies, evon minus, insulted innocence.

Snuggle up to the cheek of tragedy! To the black curls of the Gorgon,
to the rough board on the other side of the icon,
with rolling along the cheekbone, like carriages to the East,
a star who has taken a liking to bands and shoulder straps.
Hello, tragedy, dressed out of fashion,
with time getting punched in the face by the judge.
You feel good in nature, but better in the morgue.

Let us collapse into the arms of tragedy with the readiness of a ladies' man!
Let's dive into her middle-aged meat.
We pierce it all the way through to the springs of the mattress.
Maybe she'll bear it. This is how the race survives.
What's new in the repertoire, tragedy, in the wardrobe?
And - speaking of the goods in your womb -
Why is the role of a large creature better than the role of a nondescript shot?

Inhale its stinking smell! Armpit and sewage
multiply by the sum of the fifth angles and their quints.
Squeal in hysterics: “Who are you for?
accept me!” Feel an attack of vomiting.
Thank you, tragedy, for being irreparable,
that there is no abortion without a cherub,
that you don’t pass by, you taste the udder with a pimple.

Her face is ugly! It is not covered with a mask,
duckweed, putty, shy paint,
hands busy untying,
a stormy ovation, a nervous shake.
Thank you, tragedy, for being frank
like a cleaver on the crown, like a vein opened with a razor,
for the fact that you do not require time, that it is instantaneous.

Who are we, non-statues, non-canvases,
so as not to let your life be irrevocably disfigured?
Which can also be considered as offspring; But
what is even more interesting if the thing is incorporeal.
Don’t disdain it, tragedy, the genre of the outcome.
How do you like, for example, the death of all that is holy?
No wonder both a jacket and a toga suit you.

Look: she's smiling! She says: "Now I
I'll begin. In this matter it is more important to start,
how to end. Remove the watch from your wrist.
Give me a man and I’ll start with misfortune.”
Come on, tragedy, act. From vowels coming from the throat,
choose “y”, invented by the Mongol.
Make it a noun, make it a verb

adverb and interjection. “Y” - general inhalation and exhalation!
“Y” we wheeze, vomiting from losses and gains
or - rushing to the door with the “exit” sign.
But you’re standing there, with your head in your mouth, your eyes bulging.
Hit it in your own way, tragedy. Crush us, knead us like dough.
We are tied to you, even though we are not the bride.
Spit in our souls while there is room

and when he is not there! Turn this thing into a quagmire
which the Holy Spirit, Father and Son
don't rake. Thicken it into rubber
roll her a cube of aminazine, stick an aspen here and there:
give, tragedy, the similarity of the soul with nature!
A hybrid of archangels with a golden company!
Come on, as Michurin said to the fruit, mutilate it.

Before, my friend, you had power.
You came at midnight, waved the pine tree,
quoted Racine, she was beautiful.
Now your face is a cross between a dead end and perspective.
This is how the herd finds its address and the tree finds its soil.
Your outline looms everywhere - to the right or to the left.
Go ahead, open the barn gate.