Draw a person's nose with a pencil step by step for beginners. How to draw a nose step by step with a pencil. How to draw a person's nose. Final step

When people learn to draw, they initially try to reproduce the contours of an object, instead of its volume. This tendency is especially evident in portraits. But in drawing such parts of the face as the nose, it is very important to understand that this shape is three-dimensional, it is not just a contour. Of course, there are different types of drawing - linear, tonal... Therefore, an artist can draw a portrait with one line, without shading and without volume. However, at the learning stage, beginners need to learn that the nose, eyes, and lips are not a contour line, but a volumetric shape with chiaroscuro.

To do this, I drew a diagram that will help you understand the shape of the nose. If you simplify the drawing to geometric shapes, the nose will look like a triangle. And this shape is convex, voluminous. That is, the nose will consist of three faces - two lateral and one central, which is called the dorsum of the nose. Depending on the direction of the light, one of these faces will be in the light, and the other two will be in shadow or partial shade. Keeping this in mind, you can quite easily “blind” the voluminous shape of your nose. After the three edges are outlined, you need to draw the tip and wings of the nose (see what these names mean at the end of the article). To do this, you can outline three circles, since both the wings of the nose and the tip of the nose look like “balls”. After this, you can refine the drawing, moving away from geometry to real outlines.

In addition to the schematic image, I also completed a full step-by-step classic drawing of the nose. The illustration shows three main stages. On the first stage, construction is carried out. On the second, light shading of shadows is laid. At the third stage of drawing the nose, all the halftones and details are worked out. But whatever the stage of the drawing, the shading in the portrait needs to be “laid out” as if in brush strokes. Those. the strokes should form planes. In the second stage of my drawing, it is clear that these planes or faces are quite large and generalized. At the third stage, these planes become smaller, due to which the details are drawn in more detail. That is, the drawing is, as it were, “molded” with small planes or edges. It is similar to the work of a sculptor who uses his fingers to shape the clay into the desired shape. If you hatch too smoothly, the drawing will be less realistic and look like a plastic mask. Therefore, novice artists need to pay special attention to this advice, since this is rarely discussed, especially in drawing tutorials on the Internet.

To learn how to draw a portrait, of course, it is not enough just to correctly convey the shape, sculpt the volume, etc. In a portrait you need to be able to reflect the character of a person. And character is reflected, among other things, in the individual shape of the nose. Yes Yes. Each person has their own unique nose. But this “variety of noses” can be divided into types. For example, a nose can be straight, hump-shaped, curved, etc. To visualize these features, I drew ten different types of noses. This drawing will help in conveying the individual characteristics of a person in a portrait.

Well, at the end of this lesson, I will also list the main names in the plastic anatomy of the nose, which can be traced according to the given diagram:

  • bridge of the nose;
  • bridge of the nose;
  • tip of the nose;
  • wings of the nose;
  • nostrils;
  • partition.

It's step-by-step lesson on drawing a nose from the front. Below is a diagram of the nose, which is represented as the sum of the bridge, nostrils and tip. This division makes drawing the nose easier! First, we will limit ourselves to simple shapes as a constructor for constructing the shape of the nose and creating symmetry.

In this tutorial I will use the following materials:

— mechanical pencil (0.5 HB leads);
- kneaded eraser;
- growth;
- Bristol paper (for example, Canson), its smooth side.

How to draw a person's nose

Step 1:

Draw a ball (this will be the tip of the nose) and two adjacent curved lines on each side (the bridge of the nose). Draw with barely noticeable strokes so that they can be erased unnoticeably later.

Step 2:

Draw a horizontal line through the center of the circle and draw a diamond-like shape around it to draw the wings of the nose.

Step 3:

Darken the outer part of the bridge of the nose and around the inner part of the circle; you will get an elongated letter U. You see that at the top of the bridge of the nose the shadow is wider - there the bridge of the nose goes into the protrusion of the skull where the eyebrows are. Don't despair if the previously marked lines are still visible - they will disappear with further darkening.

Step 4:

Draw the nostrils based on the outline of the “diamond”. Now it looks like the real thing!

Step 5:

Darken the nostrils and be sure to leave areas exposed to light unpainted.

Step 6:

Outline the bridge of the nose and the tip of the nose. You can put shadows around the top of the circle to make the nose appear pointed, or darken the center if you want to create a flattened nose. Using an eraser, correct the overly dark areas and those lines that you want to highlight with light.

Step 7 (final):

Next, you will need a feathering brush to create soft transitions between the shading of the skin. Add adjustments and go over the highlighted areas with the kneaded eraser again. You can experiment with the shapes and sizes of the circle and diamonds when drawing different noses. Also practice your shading skills to draw longer, flatter, and more expressive noses. you can see how to draw a nose from other angles.

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The article was translated from the site rapidfireart.com.

To correctly draw a person’s head, you need to know its proportions.

The head has an oval shape, which is divided by the eye line into two approximately equal parts, that is, the eye line is located approximately in the middle of the face.

Drawing a face is quite difficult. Conventionally, it can be divided into three parts: from the beginning of the hair to the eyebrow line, from the eyebrow line to the end of the nose and from the end of the nose to the chin.

The upper edge of the ear is located at the level of the eyebrows, the lower - at the level of the base of the nose. The eye line can be divided into five identical parts, of which the second and fourth are occupied by the eyes.

The width of the nose is equal to the length of the eyes, and the mouth is slightly wider than the nose.

The distance between the eyes is equal to the width of the eyes or the width of the base of the nose. The ears are located from the line of the eyebrows to the line of the base of the nose, the cut of the mouth is one third of the distance from the base of the nose to the end of the chin.

The head is symmetrical, and you can draw it on the basis of a conventional line that starts at the back of the head, runs in the middle of the forehead between the eyes, along the nose, in the middle of the mouth and chin. This line is called median and serves to construct paired symmetrical forms.

Knowing these proportions will help a novice artist in working on a portrait.

Head shapes come in different types.

Now look at how to sketch different facial expressions on a person.

Drawing of the head begins with the construction of its ovoid shape, while it must be remembered that the shape of the head must be outlined so that its horizontal middle passes just above the middle of the sheet and so that the head is not too shifted to the right or left. Only after this the parts of the face are outlined. They need to be studied very carefully: the similarity of the portrait to nature depends on this.

The main parts of the face include the eyes, nose, lips and ears. Of course, each person has their own unique eyes, nose and lips. But this only seems, in fact they can be generalized and their form simplified.

The human head is drawn in full face(when he looks straight)

in profile (with the head turned sideways),

and half a turn.

Drawing the eyes

Eyes play a very important role in the resemblance of a portrait to life. You can start drawing an eye with its generalized shape - a ball inserted into a horizontally located oval (eye socket). Therefore, when starting to draw the eyes, you need to outline the eye sockets, while remembering that they are not located very close to the nose. The distance between the eyes is equal to the length of the eye itself. Next, having outlined the pupil, we begin to draw the eyelids.

R When drawing the profile, you need to remember that the upper eyelid is pushed forward a little more than the lower one. And the pupil turns from round into a flattened oval.

When drawing the face in half a turn, notice how the upper eyelid of the eye rises.

The authenticity of the portrait depends on the greater or lesser intensification of the shadows, and not on the direction of the strokes, so first of all you need to try to place the shadows correctly and engage in shading only when the skills have already been acquired.

Draw a line passing through the eye, carefully observing its direction. Find the length of the eye, which is indicated by two vertical lines. Draw the contours of the eye, remembering that the front convexity or roundness of the eye is visible in eyes drawn in profile or half-turn.

Drawing lips

Before you start drawing the lips, you need to mark the midline of the mouth (this is the line where the upper lip meets the lower), then determine the length and thickness of the lips on this line (usually the lower lip is thicker than the upper, but sometimes they are equal in thickness ). You also need to remember that the mouth is below the base of the nose. Next, you need to start outlining the outlines of the lips, trying to convey their characteristic shape (thin, thick, medium, even along the contour or with a curve on the upper lip).

When drawing lips in profile or in half a turn, you need to outline the size of the mouth section, its slope, as well as the degree of thickness (that is, protrusion of one of the lips).

The mouth opening is located one third of the distance from the base of the nose to the end of the chin.

We draw mouths from the front and in profile. First, draw a line crossing the mouth, then determine the length of this line with two lines,

Then we find the middle of the mouth and mark it with a line parallel to the lines indicating the length of the mouth.

Then we will designate the thickness of the lips and designate the teeth if the mouth is slightly open.

Drawing the nose

When drawing a nose, you must first carefully study its characteristic features: noses can be straight (1), snub (2) and with a hump (3).

Also, noses can be long, short, narrow and wide. The base of the nose is equal to the width of the eye. When outlining the nose, you need to remember that the middle of the facial line of the nose passes through the middle of its base and tip.

When drawing a profile or half-turn, we must not forget that the stronger the turn of the head, the further the tip of the nose is from the midline.

Now let's try to draw the mouth and nose together.

Now we draw the nose and eye.

Drawing ears

The ears are usually located at a level from the eyebrows to the base of the nose. In order to correctly outline the ears, you need to draw an imaginary axis of the ear, which runs parallel to the line of the nose. Next, outline the general shape of the ear and draw the details.

Draw an oblong quadrilateral and divide it crosswise into two equal parts. Trace the outer circumference of the ear, then outline its thickness and draw the middle (ear cavity).

Drawing hair

The hair beautifully frames the head and starts midway from the eye line to the crown (the top point of the head). All hairstyles can be reduced to the most typical.

Drawing the neck

The neck is a support for the head and is firmly supported by the shoulders. Before you start drawing, you need to determine the height of the neck and its relationship to the height and width of the head. First, mark the midline of the neck, running from the lower part of the jaw to the cervical cavity. The neck itself consists of three conventional figures: a rectangle and two triangles.

Drawing tutorials went pretty easy this weekend and for today I have prepared for you a new part in drawing a person - nose. We will look at the task of drawing noses in a very simple form. These tips and steps are very easy to follow. It's as easy as getting a ready-made result. Here you will see very different noses, looking at which you can even choose the shapes in general and the nostrils in particular. If you've ever struggled with drawing a nose, you'll find this tutorial very helpful. That's all for the introduction and now I still have time to think about some other parts of the face and body to learn how to draw a person completely. There will be something new soon, but for now let’s draw the nose and remember. and even we have already learned. Let's start digging deeper.

Step 1.

There are a huge variety of nose types and each one creates a unique effect. Note that each nose is different from each other except in the main angles. Again, when looking at women's noses, notice that they are much softer than a man's.

Step 2.

First we will start drawing the nose from the front (straight view). Start by making a circle for the tip of the nose. You can outline the tip of the nose, then draw the sides that will be the nostrils and then add the bridge of the nose. Paint over the nostril holes.

Step 3.

Now try drawing a circle for the nose again, draw a slightly different shape for the tip, nostrils and bridge of the nose and add shadow lines for the openings of the nostrils.

Step 4.

A little more experimentation. Let's make a circle, the tip of the nose, the nostrils and the bridge for the bridge of the nose, then add details and shade.

Step 5.

Now let's draw the nose from the side (side view). Draw an angle for the nose shape you want and then sketch out the nostrils or one visible nostril, then add detailing on and around the tip of each nose.

If you have a desire to draw a human face, then you need to know that not only the eyes and lips, but also the nose should be drawn beautifully and correctly. When drawing a face, you need to take into account that there are no parts where imperfections are invisible - everything must be drawn correctly and clearly. To draw a nose correctly and accurately, you need to know how to do it correctly. This time we will talk about how to draw a person's nose with a pencil step by step.

1. Start drawing with a simple diagram

All people have an individual nose structure, which is why it is impossible to give a specific answer on how to correctly draw a nose with a pencil. It is only possible to create an academic (also called abstract style) nose drawing. This lesson will present exactly this method of drawing a nose. I believe no explanation is required on how to create a diagram in the form of intersecting lines.

2. Outlines of the bridge of the nose and “wings”

The structure of the human nose consists of the bridge and “wings”. These contours need to be transferred to paper in the first stages. The segment of the “wing” latitude in the attached figure is equal to almost half of the vertical line. You should create a drawing of the nose carefully, observing proportions.

3. Acquiring the real shape of the human nose

Once the correct and accurate markings have been created, drawing the nose will seem like a simple matter. You've probably noticed that creating a drawing has now become much easier. It is necessary to draw fuzzy figures of the wings of the nose. Mark two lines next to the bridge of the nose, then draw the top of the nose.

4. The drawing is almost finished

At this stage, you should use an eraser to get rid of the additional unnecessary lines drawn. Now you are observing the shape of a real human nose. There is very little left to do - add a few additional small details that can convey the reality of the drawing. Creating a nose drawing is not a difficult process, however, if you make minor mistakes, the caricatured distortions will become quite noticeable. Such inaccuracies lead to the fact that a beautiful nose turns into too thick, like Santa Claus, or, conversely, very thin, like Baba Yaga.

5. Creating a voluminous nose

This stage of drawing, together with the next one, will pursue only one goal. All we will achieve is to make a drawing similar to those that real great artists draw. To bring this goal into reality, you need to carefully and correctly apply shadows with a soft pencil.