Natalya name and character. Name days according to the church calendar. Natalia's intimate life

Natalya's character is not easy. Since childhood, Natasha has been very cheerful. She is a big dreamer. Takes an active part in all matters and strives to be a leader. She loves to be praised. He loves noisy companies and happily welcomes guests into his home. At the same time, Natasha is moderately modest and shy. A girl named Natalya knows her worth and rarely tolerates unfounded criticism of herself.

If something doesn’t work out or doesn’t go the way she would like, the cheerful and friendly Nata turns into a prickly hedgehog. He rarely forgives insults and does not give all people a second chance. She will never follow anyone's lead. It's difficult to convince her of anything. She is very self-confident and in almost all matters she trusts only herself and her intuition, which Natalia has very highly developed. Much becomes clear to her from small details and signs.

Work and career

One of the important goals in Natalya’s life is to find her own business, into which she will invest all her strength. Since childhood, she has been attending a variety of clubs and sports clubs in search of the very activity to which she will devote her life. Most often, Natalya gives preference to work that provides the opportunity to make new acquaintances and use organizational skills. As a rule, this is a social activity that does not require heavy workload. For example, politics, journalism, painting, acting, museum studies, etc. Whatever type of activity Natasha chooses, she will do everything in it perfectly and strive to become one of the best in her field.

Love and personal life

By her nature, Natalya is very amorous. However, he doesn’t let everyone get close to him. She carefully chooses her life partner. And she will trust only those whom she considers ideal in all respects. Natalia's husband must be a kind, gentle, tolerant, understanding, faithful person. Able to provide for his family and at the same time pay enough attention to it. In return, Natalya will give all the best she has, surround her with attention, care and affection. But he will not forgive betrayal for anything. Natalia's family will never go hungry. She will prepare dishes of any complexity with great pleasure, and will not let guests leave her house until they try her signature aromatic pie or casserole.

Since time immemorial, the name Natalya has been considered one of the most common in Russia and the countries of the former CIS. There are also quite a few Natashas in Europe, better known as Natalie or Natalina.

The mystery of the name

Natalia- native (Latin).
The feminine form of the ancient rare name Natalia, derived from the Latin word "natalis" - native.
Natalya is a Russian colloquial form. The soft, pleasant sound of this name has become the reason for its ever-present popularity.
Zodiac name: Virgo.
Planet: Mercury.
Name color: scarlet.
Talisman stone: bloody
Auspicious plant: azalea, valerian.
Patron name: swimming beetle.
Happy day: Wednesday.
Happy time of year: summer.
Diminutive forms: Natalya, Natalka, Natasha, Natakha, Tasha, Natulya, Natusya, Tusya, Nala, Tata.
Main features: will, activity, goodwill.


Natalia Nicomedia, martyr, September 8 (August 26). The holy martyrs Adrian and Natalia lived in Nicomedia under the emperor Maximian (305-311). Adrian, a pagan and the head of the judicial chamber, turned to Christianity, seeing the suffering of the martyrs for the faith. He declared himself a Christian, was imprisoned and subjected to severe torture. His wife Saint Natalia, a secret Christian, rejoicing at her husband’s conversion, did not cease to strengthen Adrian in his torment. After the painful death of her husband, she soon also reposed in the Lord and is revered by the Church as a bloodless martyr, exhausted by suffering.
See more details about the male name Adrian.


September 8 - Natalya the fescue.
On this day, oat harvesting begins in some places and ends in others.
Oatmeal jelly is boiled and oat pancakes are baked.
On this day, a cold morning foretells an early and cold winter.


In the children's group, Natasha is the initiator of many games, the ringleader and the naughty one. Even in long-known games, it brings something new, exciting and exciting.

She has an amazing imagination and excellent figurative memory. At school, Natasha is an active social activist, succeeds everywhere, loves to be visible, and redoubles her efforts when she hears praise addressed to her. She has a cheerful and lively character, decisive manners, and active kindness.

Adult Natalia, as in childhood, remains very impressionable. She is charming and charming and knows how to use these qualities to her advantage. Very sensitive to failures, she perceives any remark, let alone a direct insult, as a personal insult. She does not forget insults, although she forgives over time. She behaves independently, she can say a barb about someone, this is her external reaction to criticism Natalia has a lot of difficulties at work and in family life, but she keeps everything to herself, she wears the mask of a cheerful or balanced, calm person.

At work, Natalia always achieves success. She cannot be influenced, always relies on herself, and will do what she sets her mind to. Natalia has an amazingly strong intuition; many things often become clear to her based on the most subtle signs. It is difficult to predict her reaction; it is known that she is not afraid, quick-witted, and will not leave a person in trouble.

Natalia has a wide field of activity. She can become an actress or artist, teacher or scientist, restorer or museum employee, engineer, historian, archaeologist. Natalia achieves success wherever feminine tact, caution and determination are needed.

Natalia is a highly moral person; she is pleased with both her own and others’ successes. But in some cases, her morality leads to puritanism, sometimes even aggressive. Natalya takes a selfless part in the fate of an unfortunate friend or relative. She gives her all her strength and asks nothing in return except recognition of her dedication. Outwardly calm, Natalia feels like a martyr in everything - love, hate, career, she even gets sick somehow like a martyr. Any of her victories, from minor to significant, is a feat. She is happiest when she sees, hears, or feels genuine appreciation or admiration.

Natalia accepts sex only with the man of her dreams. If such a person does not meet, she may be left alone. But usually she gets married early, and in family life she concentrates all her energy on raising children. Her relationship with her husband is not always cloudless. Natalia has a practical mind, she is calculating, but all her self-interest is aimed at the well-being of her family. She manages to run the house perfectly, receive guests, and maintain a conversation. He likes to go outdoors, travel, loves the theater, attends concerts, and loves the company of friends. She adapts well in any company, feels light and free. But behind this sociability and external ease, a strong will is often hidden. Natalia is sympathetic, calm and friendly, but if something goes wrong, then, like her animal hedgehog, she curls up into a ball and stabs. Natalia's most successful marriage will be with Alexander, Andrey, Boris, Vladimir, Oleg, Yuri.


Natalya Aleksandrovna Zubova (1775-1844), née Suvorova, daughter of Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov, the great Russian commander. Natalia was born when her famous father was about forty-five years old, and her mother Varvara Ivanovna, née Prozorovskaya, was twenty-four years old.

Suvorov treated his daughter with touching tenderness. He believed that his daughter was growing with his strength. Suvorov wrote about his daughter when she was only two years old: “My daughter is just like me, and in the cold she runs barefoot through the mud.” He expressed his feelings for his daughter as follows: “My death is for the fatherland, my life is for Natasha.”

Suvorov's family life was unsuccessful. He separated from his wife nine years after marriage. He took full responsibility for raising his daughter. Son Arkady was left with his mother.

Natasha studied at the Smolny Institute. The father wrote to her: “My dear Suvorochka!” - this is how he affectionately called his daughter. “Your letter... received: you consoled me so much that, as is my custom, I began to cry from joy. Someone, my friend, is teaching you such a red word that I envy... Hey, Suvorochka. Hello, my soul, in a white dress, wear it to your health, grow big!”

After graduating from the institute, Natalya was enrolled as a maid of honor for Catherine II.

Suvorov very meticulously chose the daughter of a worthy husband among eminent contenders for her hand - princes Trubetskoy, Shcherbatov, Count Saltykov... He chose Count Nikolai Zubov. Suvorov knew him from his participation in the battle of Rymnik. Having won the victory over the Turks, Suvorov then sent Lieutenant Colonel Nikolai Zubov as a courier to the capital with the news of the victory. The groom was prominent. His younger brother Platon Alexandrovich Zubov, a powerful favorite of the empress, was at the helm of government.

Suvorochka became Countess Natalya Alexandrovna Zubova. But at the same time, she was titled by her father as “nee Princess of Italy, Countess Suvorova-Rymninskaya.”

At the beginning of the reign of Paul I, Suvorov fell into disgrace. Natalya Alexandrovna, having taken her youngest son, visited him in the village of Konchapskoye, Novgorod province, where his father was serving exile. The arrival of his daughter and grandson greatly touched and encouraged the old man. He finally perked up when he went back to the army.

Having completed the historical Italian campaign and the unprecedented Swiss campaign, Suvorov returned home with the rank of Generalissimo. He was seriously ill and died in 1800. And in 1805, Natalya Alexandrovna buried her husband, in 1806 - her mother, in 1811 her brother died tragically, drowned in the fast-moving Rymna River, rushing into it to save the coachman of his carriage, who could not swim, who had capsized at the crossing. Natalya Alexandrovna wrote to her uncle I.I. Prozorovsky: “Always feeling your love for us, I place myself in a contrite heart to inform you about the unfortunate death of my brother. My grief and sadness are natural, especially since I, having the misfortune of losing my father, mother and husband, had the only one in him with whom I could share everything..."

In 1812, when Napoleon’s army approached Moscow, Natalya Alexandrovna was planning to leave for St. Petersburg, but, burdened with children, she did not have time to do so. Her convoy and she herself were detained by the French. Having learned that the daughter of the great Suvorov was in front of them, the French let her and her children through the front. At the same time, the French patrol gave her military honors.

Natalya Alexandrovna honored the memory of her father. She moved Suvorov’s one-story wooden house in Undol, in which he wrote his famous book “The Science of Victory,” to her Fetinino estate.

The daughter of the great Suvorov, Natalya Alexandrovna, died at the age of 69, leaving a large offspring.

The female name Natalya is a derivative of the male name Natalia. It, in turn, comes from the word “Natalis”, which means “native” in Latin. If you believe another version, then Natalya comes from the male name Nathan. Translated, this name means “gifted.”

Character of the name Natalya

The meaning of the name is closely intertwined with the time of year in which Natalya was born. If her birthday is in the winter months, then she is characterized by prudence, restraint and self-confidence. She is very tactful and will never insult a person. She hates traitors and always tries to take revenge on her offender. Natalya, who was born in the spring, has wonderful taste and always attracts the attention of others. She is characterized by emotionality, artistry and eccentricity. Usually her intuition works great. Spring Natalya understands people very well and easily establishes contact with them. Thanks to this, she has a lot of loyal friends. Summer Natalya is usually always in a good mood and tries to look informal. Many people around her consider her wonderful. However, she doesn't care at all about their opinions. She is characterized by activity, energy, temperament and incredible optimism. She tries to find positive aspects in any situation. Natalya, whose birthday is in the fall, is characterized by practicality, prudence, ambition and self-confidence. She always achieves her goals. No obstacles on the way can stop her. She is ready to sacrifice even her moral principles. Praise and recognition of her merits play a big role for autumn Natalia.

Natalia is an independent, determined and narcissistic woman. She always has her own point of view, which is almost impossible to influence. She always relies only on herself. At the same time, Natalya does not try to convince others and force them to agree with her opinion. She is sure that any person must take responsibility for his own actions. Natalia is characterized by impressionability. She knows how to charm and has wonderful charm. Outwardly, she always looks cheerful and positive. However, in reality, Natalya simply does not like to blame her problems on others. She can only trust her loved ones.

Natalya is a very honest person. Even if she tries to deceive someone, such an attempt will result in failure, since she simply does not know how to lie. Natalya hates two-faced people who weave intrigues behind the backs of others. It's hard to offend her. The only thing she can never forgive is deception and betrayal. She forever erases the people who treated her this way from her life.

Natasha is very sensitive and attentive. She will never leave a person in trouble. Natalya does not envy people and is not a hypocrite. She loves that there is always justice in everything. Natalia tries in any case to control her emotions and not give in to them. Thanks to this, she is always able to soberly assess a given situation.

Thanks to the fact that Natalya is constantly on the move, it will be easy for her to realize herself in any specialty. She never gives up halfway. For this, she is loved and respected by her colleagues, and is also highly appreciated by her management. Natalya does not like to be feared or hated, so she does not strive to become a boss. The main thing for her is that the manager notices all her merits. For Natalya, income level plays a big role. For this reason, she often opens her own business and achieves success. This will be facilitated by Natalia’s ability to control herself even in the most difficult situations. She always conducts business alone, as she does not tolerate criticism of her address. Even if the remark is correct and to the point, it hurts Natalya, since she does not like it when her dignity is humiliated.

Name Natalya for a girl

A girl named Natasha is characterized by cheerfulness and activity. She often fantasizes with her friends. Games with Natasha are always interesting and colorful. To an outsider it may seem that Natasha is characterized by frivolity and carelessness. In fact, she is very serious and shows responsibility from early childhood. Natasha usually studies well and also takes an active part in school life. Part of the reason for her activity is her love of praise.

Natalya calculates many situations in advance, thanks to which she rarely gets into unpleasant situations. She loves a stable and measured life. Even the smallest changes can unsettle her. Natasha is a very responsible child. Parents can easily count on her. The most important thing is the right motivation and praise. If Natasha is criticized, she will be very upset and may even withdraw.

With age, Natasha begins to find herself in unpleasant situations more often, as she always directly expresses her opinion and fights for justice. She always stands up for the weak. Young Natalya is not afraid of difficulties. She shows determination and difficult situations only strengthen her character. Natalya is an undoubted leader. Self-love makes her move forward. It is important for her to earn respect and authority among others. If her successes at school or college are not noticed, then she may stop showing desire.

Natalya is a very modest girl who is often offended, can easily flare up and is constantly stubborn. She is quite patient, but when the boiling point comes, Natalya silently turns around and leaves. She never forgives insults. With friends, Natalya reveals a different side. She is open and sociable. Also, young Natalya is characterized by pragmatism and prudence. Material well-being is very important to her, so she calculates all her actions in advance.

Marriage and compatibility of the name Natalya

By nature, Natalya is monogamous. She strives not to have short-term relationships. For her, the result of any romance should be the creation of a strong family. Natalya chooses her life partner with all responsibility. However, she can easily fall in love and become completely immersed in her emotions. Natalya, who is in love, ceases to be careful and is often disappointed in her partners. Natalya will connect her destiny only with a man who will show care towards her and have a strong character. An important criterion for Natasha is the material well-being of her chosen one.

Since, due to her amorousness, Natalya is often disappointed in men, she usually casts her lot in with a man who does not meet her requirements. She is getting married simply because it is time. She is often unhappy in her marriage, but will not get a divorce, especially if their spouse has children. Even if Natalya does not love her husband, she will never cheat on him.

Natalya tries to be a leader in her family. Her opinion should always be decisive. Natalya is also a wonderful hostess. The doors of her house are always open for guests. Natalya is a very caring and sensitive wife and mother. However, it is important for her that household members reciprocate her feelings. Natalya tries to leave all her troubles outside the house and never takes her anger out on her loved ones. She is a very wise woman, thanks to which her marriage is always strong and reliable.

For a more successful union, Natalya should choose a companion named Sasha, Yura, Andrey, Boris, Oleg or Vladimir. But relationships with Vlad, Grisha, Zakhar, Nikita and Styopa will most likely end in failure.

Famous personalities

  • Natalya Andreichenko is a Russian theater and film actress. She is the holder of the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. She gained popularity after the film “Siberiada”, in which she played the role of Anastasia Solomina.
  • Natalya Bessmertnova is a famous Soviet ballerina. In 1976 she received the title of People's Artist of the Soviet Union. After finishing her career as a ballerina, she began teaching, and from 2001 to 2003 she was also an assistant choreographer at the Bolshoi Theater.
  • Natalya Durova is a Russian trainer. She performed in the circus for the first time at the age of 4. From the age of 18 she was already a trainer at the Main Directorate of Circuses. She trained walruses, sea lions, and various predators.
  • Natalya Podolskaya is a Russian pop singer. She is the wife of Vladimir Presnyakov Sr. She became a popular singer after participating in the show “Star Factory-5”. In 2005, the performer represented Russia at Eurovision, where she took 15th place.
  • Natalya Varley is a Russian actress. She became popular after her role as Nina in the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus.” Her song about bears is still heard by many people in the country.

The characteristics of the bearers of this name are passion, impulsiveness and impetuosity; they are temperamental and stubborn.

Translated from Latin, Natalia means “native”.

Origin of the name Natalya:

The name Natalya has Latin roots, it comes from the word “natalis” - “related”, “native”.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Natalya:

As a child, Natasha is active, playful and theatrical. Among their peers they are the ringleaders, they know how to captivate and interest. He often takes weak and unsociable peers under his wing and stands up for justice. They study well and diligently, try to get good grades, strive for success and begin to choose their future profession early.

Natalya is always drawn to social work and takes an active part in the life of the team. She is rarely content with simply doing the job; it is important for her to understand all aspects of the profession. She is equally successful both in the field of art and in work that requires accuracy and pedantry. In her career, she is driven by ambition, her pride does not tolerate criticism.

Caution in them is successfully combined with determination, fearlessness and business sense. Their greatest drawback is dangerous self-confidence. For Natalya it is important to be the first; she does not hesitate to intrigue, sort things out, provoke in order to get her way. It’s easy to offend her; in anger, she flares up like a match, and tries to inject more painfully in response - and more than once. Natalya takes revenge for every insult and forgets nothing. She has few close friends, and this does not bother her - Natalya does not like to reveal the secrets of her personal life to anyone. She hides her emotional experiences behind a “mask”. Friendship with her requires patience and generosity, but Natalya rewards her close people a hundredfold with devotion and care.

Natalyas are artistic and can be charming when necessary. Dangerous and calculating rivals. They defend the norms of morality and morality aggressively, and in adulthood they can be hypocrites or puritans.

Natalia's sex life is rarely stormy. Her natural distrust forces her to look closely at her partner for a long time, and can cause tightness and stiffness in bed. Stormy passions in her are completely subordinated to a cold and strict mind. However, Natalias usually get married in their youth and rarely postpone marriage until adulthood. They approach marriage calmly and without any special expectations, they do not like noisy and frivolous men, they require solidity and reliability. The husband should take into account that Natalya is no less proud in the family than at work, and she needs to be delicate and patient with her. In family quarrels, Natalya prefers to win in order to maintain peace; it is easier for them to give in, especially since they themselves prefer to avoid serious conflicts with Natalya’s husband.

Happily married, Natalya is cheerful and often the center of the family. Her affection and care are enough for everyone, be it her husband, children or mother-in-law. They love to receive guests and consider it their duty not only to set the table, but also to have a conversation and communicate with everyone.

Natalia, born in the cold months, has a vengeful and unkind character, they are emotional, insidious, and calculating. “Summer” Natalias are suggestible, subject to passions and exalted, “spring” ones are indifferent and superficial.

Natalia’s marriages with those named Boris, Alexander, Vladimir, Yuri and Oleg are going well; alliances with Grigory, Stepan, Vladislav are not strong.

The female name Natalya is known to everyone; it is loved by many and even somewhat familiar. And it’s not surprising, because the meaning of the name Natalya sounds like “native”.

But this is not a direct translation of the name. The name dates back to the early days of the Christian religion, and its origins come from the word for "nativity" or "birth", from the Latin language. And “native” is a later interpretation of the name.

Natalya or Natalia - it doesn’t matter, these are synonyms, and the only difference is how one and the other name is spelled. Other variants of the name, besides Natalya and Natalia, are Natalie, Natalie, Natale, Natalia. The meaning of the name Natalie, which is very common in Europe and other countries, is not different from Natalia and Natalia.

In some European countries there is an independent name Natasha, which is common in our country as a short form of the name Natalia (and also the name Natalya). According to the Orthodox church calendar, this name is correctly written as Natalia, but Natalia is also mentioned in the calendar.

The name is full, but the diminutive and affectionate names are Natasha, Nata, Natik, Natalie, Tata, Tasha, Tesh, Nat, Natusya, Tusya, Tashenka, Natusik, Natashenka, Natochka. Male names Nathaniel, Nataliy, Noel, Nathan would also be correctly considered related, derived from the name Natalya, they have the same origin and translation.

The characteristics of the name Natalya are quite simple - she is a stubborn, independent and straightforward person. But at the same time, the girl has the kindest heart and an amazingly rich inner world, she is the first dreamer and inventor. And although all Natashas are different, they are united by the main features in childhood - activity, cheerfulness and courage.

The girl has a rich imagination, she is never bored alone. She is creative, loves to draw, sing, write poetry or fairy tales, dance and act out skits. Natasha is talented, creative, highly trainable, grasps everything on the fly and is an excellent student.

The girl is stubborn, she loves to do things not the right way, but the way her restless heart and wild imagination tell her. At the same time, Natasha obeys her parents and very rarely contradicts them, and in principle she does not know how to be capricious.

This is a cheerful, cheerful child who never loses heart and enjoys every day. From an early age, even before school, she strives to learn to write, read, count and even learn a foreign language, she wants to know everything, absorbs any information like a sponge.

She likes numbers, riddles, puzzles, puzzles, she is interested in the history of the world, nature, everything in the world. True, over the years, a penchant for the humanities appears. In literature, writing compositions and essays, and learning languages, Natasha has no equal in the entire school.

The girl has many girlfriends and friends. She makes friends easily, loves to play with boys, climbs trees, but with the same enthusiasm plays with dolls, draws or makes something with her friends. When the girl is left alone, she either reads or makes up something, but she certainly doesn’t get bored alone.

Further future

Growing up, cheerful Natasha experiences transformations, changes, Natalya is born - a feminine, strong personality, combining many different traits in her character. The girl is not afraid of change and rarely gets truly attached to anything.

On the contrary, changes and everything new attract her; she loves to change her place of residence, start everything from scratch, easily says goodbye to the past, and is not afraid of difficulties. Her destiny is rich and varied; a variety of events occur in her life. After graduating from school, a girl may not immediately go to college if she does not have time to make a clear, conscious decision about what she wants to become.

Natalya takes her future very seriously and thinks deeply about how she wants to live, what to do, what activity will help her realize herself and bring her joy. For this young woman, it is of great importance whether work brings pleasure, and she simply cannot work in an uninteresting, unloved job.

Like little Natasha, adult Natalya loves creativity and adventure.. She may choose a creative profession, but most likely one related to management and organization. For example, he can become a director, photographer, art teacher. He can open his own gallery or theater, make films, or organize events.

She is also close to various professions related to communication, travel and new acquaintances. In her work, Natalya shows great resourcefulness; with her arrival, any business comes to life, begins to develop with renewed vigor, she is able to breathe new life even into an unpromising or dying project.

For this woman, making money is not in the first place. When she grows up, she, of course, needs a means of subsistence, but she is more inclined to do what she loves, which she can do even for minimal pay.

Sometimes it’s a mystery to others how Natasha manages to be beautiful, well-groomed and have dinner in a cafe at her salary level. But she manages to do everything, and like no one else she knows how to “spin”, never getting discouraged or complaining about life.

Relationships and family

Remember what the name Natalia means. This woman is truly “native” to the one she gets close to. She is prone to serious, long-term relationships, and is not at all frivolous. The mystery of love, romance - this occupies her mind from an early age, and from childhood Natasha dreams of becoming loved.

He falls in love for the first time early, during his school years, begins to write poetry, fantasizes and is completely immersed in this tender, immature feeling. When Natalya grows up and meets her chosen one, she gives herself to him with all her soul. Relationships come first for her, and everything else comes second.

Loyalty, romance and declarations of love are what matter to her, so Natalya is looking for a romantic and sensual guy. But his income, origin, social status - this plays not the first role for her when choosing a partner.

It is not for nothing that the translation of the name sounds like “dear”; this woman is really looking for a person with whom she will have a soul mate, who will always treat her kindly, carefully, and with understanding. In her youth, she may have different relationships until she meets a worthy partner for life.

She’s in no hurry to get married, she’s afraid of making the wrong choice, she wants to do the right thing so as not to regret it later. Therefore, after getting married, she is always happy, giving all of herself to her family. A happy fate awaits her, filled with love, surrounded by children, family and close friends.

The name Natalia, Natalie and Natalya have different compatibility with male names. It’s no secret that names influence fate and character, and sometimes it is compatibility that determines relationships and shows how the fate of this woman will turn out with this or that chosen one.

1. The best male names for Natalia: , Gleb, Igor, Anton, Nikita, Boris, Nikolay, Artem, Maxim, Evgeniy, . Natasha's fate will be happy in union with these men.

Maxim, Alexander or Andrey will become wonderful partners for her in life, Evgeny will feel a kinship of souls from the first meeting, and there will also be harmony with the rest of the names listed. But all this is only on condition that the feeling is strong and mutual.

2. Good compatibility: Kirill, Rostislav, Valery, Oleg, Demyan, Vladimir, Konstantin, Vasily, Eduard, Leonid. These men are so different, but they have one thing in common - they can become wonderful friends with Natalya, and, if desired, even build a strong family. It would be correct to say that there are chances, but happiness will not come immediately, but after some effort.

3. Low compatibility: Alexey, Yuri, Timur, Veniamin, Rostislav, Semyon, Georgy, Arkady, Ivan, Fedor, Valentin. The description of these male names shows us completely opposite characters, so building a relationship will not be easy.

However, this is not a guarantee of failure. It would be correct to assume that if Natalya and her chosen one, even if his name is Sergei or Yuri, want to be together, then they will become a strong couple, having gone through all the difficulties.

A girl named Natalya can celebrate her name day several times a year, both according to the Orthodox and Catholic church calendars. It is believed that the main day of the angel Natalia is September 8, before the canonization of the saints named by this name. But there are other name days for Natalia, on the following dates:

  • January 11.
  • March 22 and 31.
  • September 8 and 14.

Natalya, Natasha, Natalie - these names are so dear, pleasant, kind. And the decoding of this name and its origin are not so important as the energy. After all, a girl named Natalya will never be lonely, and even if fate confronts her with difficulties, they will not be terrible and short-lived, because this beautiful name forms a wonderful character, a lot of rare strong-willed qualities and protects its bearer from troubles. Natalya will live a rich, interesting life, become a wonderful wife and mother, realize all her talents and will always be happy!