Unfair competition Oblivion. Completing additional quests. Goblin Trouble

1. Through a nightmare

In the building of the Bravil mages, you will meet the Argonian Kud-ai, who will ask you to return her friend, Henantier, from the so-called Dream World. Follow her to a nearby house, take the amulet from her, put it on and go to bed.
You find yourself in a dream where you meet Henantier himself. He will tell you that he lost 4 things, which you need to find after passing 4 tests.

  • A test of patience
In it you just have to reach the end by solving three puzzles. They are solved like this:
  1. straight, straight, left, straight, straight, straight.
  2. straight, straight, left, left, straight, straight, right, straight, right, right, straight, straight.
  3. straight, straight, straight, right, right, right, right, straight, straight, right, straight, straight, left, left, left, back, left, left, left, left, straight, straight. Go and pick it up Element of Patience.
(with a good jump range - that is, with a high level of acrobatics, you can simply “jump over” these puzzles - note NETRAT)
  • Test of Determination
In it you must fight two far from weak minotaurs. Despite the fact that before the battle you will be able to take the necessary equipment, the battle will be difficult, and as a result of the battle you will pick up Element of Determination.
  • Perception test
In it you need to walk along a narrow path over an abyss, avoiding traps: rockfalls, pendulums, poisonous gas from the floor and falling tiles. Eventually - Element of perception.
  • Test of Courage
The final test involves swimming through a long tunnel underwater. The potion of the sea will help you. You will find one at the very beginning of the test, the other during its process. Having reached the end, you will find yourself in the grotto of courage and pick up Element of Courage.

Give all the elements to Henantier, and you will return back, receiving as a reward Scroll(the spell contained in the scroll depends on the hero’s level).

2. Anvil's Phantom Ship

The ship "Waking the Serpent" is located in the port of Anvil. On its deck stands a woman, Varula, in fact, the mistress of the ship. She needs the crystal ball located in the hold. She herself cannot get it, because... someone killed all the sailors, and now the ship is inhabited by their ghosts. She will ask you to get it. There is nothing difficult in this quest, we go onto the ship, kill all the ghosts and get the ball we need, which is in the chest. Then we return to Varula and receive a sword as a reward - "Red Wave", enchanted to drain health.

Note: Don't forget that ghosts are invulnerable to normal weapons. Be prepared to cast magic or use enchanted items.

3. Paranoia

While walking down the street in the southern part of Skingrad, you will meet an elf named Glantyr. He will be the first to approach you and ask you to meet behind the chapel at midnight. Having arrived there, the elf will tell you about his suspicions. He believes that everyone is watching him and will ask you to make sure of this. The first one you should watch is Bernadette Penelis, the second is Tutius Sectius, and the third is David Surili. You can honestly observe suspects from morning to night, or you can simply answer at random. If you deny the guilt of all three suspects, Glantyr will attack you and you will have to kill him. If you refuse to help him, he will deal with all the suspects himself. If you accuse any of them, the accused will face reprisals. After each successful surveillance you will receive gold as a reward.
(You can also say that he was right about one of the suspects, then he will ask you to kill him, after which you can tell the victim or the guards about everything, then they themselves will carry out the reprisal. In the basement of the Glantir house you can find his notes, in which he has high hopes for his “new agent” and how he reacts to your reports - NETRAT)

4. Recessed

Northeast of Kvatch you will find the abandoned Shetcombe Farm. After searching it, in a plate on the table you will find a note that says that its author, Slit Seninji, worships a deity called “The Drowned One” and in order to bring gifts he goes to the “Sandstone” cave. Destroying all living things along the way, you will find the body of Slith and the Drowned Atronach himself who came from nowhere. You will not receive a reward Nothing.

5. Zero visibility

North of the Imperial City is the village of Elswell. When you get there, you won't find anyone. Enter the inn and the owner, Diram Sereti, will approach you, completely invisible! He will tell you that all the villagers became invisible because of the magician Ankotar, who did not want to live in Elswell and moved to Fort Caractacus. Diram will ask you to find him and help the residents. Head south to the fort. You can meet the magician either outside or inside. In the first case, follow the arrow and wait for Ankotar to find you himself. In the second, enter the fort and, while destroying invisible animals, look for the invisible magician. Having found you, Ankotar will tell you that he wanted to turn invisible, not knowing that the spell affected everyone. He will give you a scroll of visibility, which you will need to use in the center of the village. Grateful Diram Sereti will allow you as a reward sleep for free in his inn.

6. The Lone Guardian

In Braville, go to the Silver House on the Water and talk to Gilgondorin. He will tell you that in the evenings in the area of ​​the Bowwatch camp, every midnight a ghost appears and looks into the distance. Gilgondorin himself will be happy to mark the location of this camp on your map. Arriving there at night, you will see a ghost. At first he will stand in the camp for a long time, and then slowly walk along the shore. You need to follow him. You won't be able to talk to him. When it stops, contact can be made. The ghost will tell you that he was a sailor and died next to a rapid called “Panther’s Grin.” Returning to the Silver House on the Water, talk to Gilgondorin, and he will mark this place on the map. Having reached the threshold, you will see the broken ship "Emma May" standing aground. Go inside. It turns out that the entire ship is infested with ghosts. After killing them, make your way to the lower deck and pick up the key from the last one. Open the door and you will see the skeleton of our guard. Free him and as a reward you will receive a map with treasures marked on it. Go to the Black Dog camp. Go into the water and dive. At the depths between the rocks there will be a chest. There is your reward.

7. Deadly field

In Chorrol, at the Gray Mare Inn, you will meet Valus Odiel. He's too worried - his sons went to defend the family farm from goblins and never returned. You are asked to find them. Head south from Chorrol and meet both of them. At first they will be surprised by you, and then they will agree to accept your help. Follow your brothers to the farm and repel goblin attacks. After defending the farm, return to Valus. The old man will be very happy and give you an enchanted sword - "Cooler".
(If the brothers are killed, then instead of macha you will receive some money - approx. NETRAT)

8. Order of Virtuous Blood

In the Temple District, Ralsa Norvalo will run up to you and offer to go to Seridur's house. Upon entering, you learn that the house serves as a gathering place for members of the Order of Virtuous Blood. The founder of the order, Seridur, gives you a task: find and kill the vampire Roland Jenseric. Looking into his house, we find a note on the table that talks about a certain hut that we need to visit. It is located east of the Imperial City. Inside we find Roland himself, who assures you that he is not a vampire, and claims that the founder of the Order is a vampire. To verify this, Roland sends you to the bookseller Fintias. From him you learn that Seridur often visits him, and once mentioned the Memorial Cave. That's where we'll head. The cave is located southeast of the Imperial City on the shore of the lake. The cave turns out to be a vampire lair! Fighting your way through, at the end of the cave you find Seridur, who must be finished off. Having done this, we return to Roland, tell him this good news and head to Seridur’s house and receive a reward - Sunfire Ring.

9. Siren Deception

While in Anvil, talk to Manlorn at the Full Cup. He will tell you that a gang of women is operating in the city, robbing married men. You can meet them here in the evening. You will be advised to talk to the married couple Gogan and Maelona. Maelona will tell you that the gang fooled her husband and robbed him, stealing the ring. Gaughan confirms this. When meeting gang member Faustina, there are 2 options:

  • Your character is a man. Then they will lure you to Gweden's farm, south of Anvil, and attack you. You'll have to kill everyone.
  • Your character is a woman. Then you will be asked to go to the same farm and join the gang. There is only one option - refuse. Again, they will attack you, and you will have to kill everyone.

After the battle, Maelona and Gogan, who turn out to be hidden guard agents, will burst into the house. They will give you gold+ you can take everything that is bad on the farm.

10. Hunting

In Bravil, scratch around the people, and they will tell you that Ursanna Losch, a resident of Bravil, has lost her husband. For more detailed information, we need to visit her. She lives in Alerona Losha. From her you will learn that Aleron, her husband, was a gambler and owed one orc a tidy sum. At the Lone Petitioner Inn you will meet an orc named Kurdan gro-Dragol. To find Aleron, you will need to find the family axe, to do this, go to the pier, get on the boat and sail to Fort Grif. There you meet the missing one. We are informed that this is a trap and no ax exists. To get out, you need to go into the Fort itself and, fighting through traps and rats, kill three hunters. The latter will have the key we need. Leave the Fort and you will see Kurdan gro-Dragol killing Aleron. After talking to him, you will have to kill him. Having picked up the key, return to the Fort. Remember the lattice door, locked with a key? Let's go there. Having turned the lever, we go free. Return to Urasnna and tell her the sad news. As a reward you will receive book - Biography of the She-Wolf Queen, and Increased eloquence.

11. Lift the Veil

Talk to Countess Narina Carvane in Broome. It turns out that she is a collector, and only one item is needed to complete her collection. This is the Dragonstone of Madness. Presumably it is located in the ruins of the White Passage. You will be given a map with a passage and landmarks marked on it, and a diary with the messenger's notes. First, go northeast and you will find the first landmark. This is the Dragon's Claw rock. If you go west from it and a little north, you will find the second landmark - Chavsovoy. After going north from it, destroying the demons, you will see the entrance to the “Trace of the Earth” cave. Go inside. Bypassing the traps and killing animals (rats, wolves), you will find the skeleton of the messenger and his last notes, which say that the cave is inhabited by wolves (we already understood this) and humanoid creatures (ogres). Killing the comrades described above, we make our way to the exit. You find yourself outside again. Walk along the road, greeting the ogres, and as a result you will find the entrance to the “Maw of the Serpent”.
This is where the tedious part begins. Go, destroying the skeletons, first to "Snake Scales", then to "Fangs of the Serpent", and finally to "Earth Poison". When you see the ghost of the Fort Commander, tell him that you brought him orders. He will go through the wall, and a secret room will open in front of you, where our artifact will lie. We take it, empty the chests of their contents and return to the countess. She will either be happy or surprised, but she will still reward you Viper eye ring.

12. Devoted brotherhood

There are rumors in Bruma that a real vampire hunter named Reynil Dralas has appeared in the city. And he has already started work. The first victim of his activities was Bradon Lirrian. You need to investigate this matter. Go to Bradon's house and talk to the guard, then to the wife of the murdered man. She will say that she still does not believe that her husband was a vampire. Ask around the tavern owners and you will find out that Reynil was staying at Olav's tavern. Olav himself turned out to be taciturn, but a couple of coins - and we already have the key to the vampire hunter's room. Behind the chest of drawers we find Gelenbur's diary and show it to the captain of the guard, Carius Runellus. He will make an appointment for you in the evening, in the tavern of the same Olav. There he will tell you that Reinil Dralas is supposedly located in the Northern Stone cave. We go there, kill the hunter, find the flooded chest and take the Earthen Amulet. It must be taken to the wife of the deceased. It turns out that the amulet is not simple, but enchanted. Having uttered the magic word, Erlin (Bradon’s wife) gives you the amulet in its true form - Amulet of Speed.

13. Shadow over Hakdirt

Once you're in Corolla, you'll meet an Argonian named Dar-Ma. She will ask you to stop by the Northern Goods store, which is owned by her mother, Sid-Nius. A few days later, when you find yourself in Corolla, talk to Sid-Nius, and she will tell you that her daughter went to Hakdirt, a town south of Chorrol, to deliver goods to a certain Ethira Moslin and disappeared. You need to find Dar-Ma. Sid-Nius will tell you that if you find Flower (Dar-Ma’s horse), then the missing one herself should be nearby. There is a hatch in the ruins under the bush. Let's get there. We go and see that Dar-Ma is locked behind bars. We take the key that is lying and open the door, and then, together with the prisoner, we go out. They will immediately attack you. After killing everyone, follow Dar-Ma, who will find her horse. Now feel free to return to Chorrol and go to Sid-Nius. A happy mother won't be able to pay you, but will improve your trading skills.
(Personally, I managed to first visit Hardkirth and explore its underground, killing all its inhabitants, the only bad thing is that they had nothing, and they respawned when I took this quest, and attacked immediately as soon as I climbed into the underground - approx. NETRAT )

14. Two sides of a coin

There are rumors in Bruma that someone stole money from Arnora Auria. After talking with her, you will find out that she helped her husband Jorund engage in banditry. One day, having received a considerable amount of money, they both buried it. After Jorund was imprisoned, she wanted to dig them up, but they were not there. Your goal is to visit the prison and find out from Jorund where he hid the money. Once there, tell the guard that you want to visit the prisoner, and then start a conversation with Jorund. He will not talk to you, thinking that you are on the side of the guards. Punch the guard who is watching you intently. And what a coincidence! We find ourselves in just the right cell. Jorund will tell a completely different story. His wife was the leader, and one day she set him up. He wants revenge. If you bring his wife's amulet as proof, he will tell you where he buried the gold. Serve your time and return to Arnone. The best option is to say that you are on her husband's side. Kill her and pick up the key. Go down the stairs and open the chest next to the bed with the key. There will be a real amulet. Take it to Jorund and you will find out that the gold is located north of Bruma, namely in the chest next to the stones. Everything that is there is your reward.

15. Corruption and conscience

Chat with the residents of Cheydinal and you will find out that the head of the guard, Ulrich Leland, comes up with new laws just to fine people, and takes the money for himself. For more information, please contact Llevana. That's where we'll head. She will tell you that the new boss is completely insolent, fines him for trifles, and even confiscated the house of Llevana’s friend Aldous Otran. The only one who cares about this problem is the assistant chief of the guard, Garrus Darelliun. He lives in the castle, and that’s where we’ll head. Talk to him. Garrus would agree to press charges, but without witnesses, he will not agree to do so. And he will ask you to persuade the above-described Aldous Otran to testify. Talk to him. He will be determined to reclaim his home. Aldous begins to threaten the guard guarding the house. As a result, a battle begins and Aldous is killed. This will be sad news for Llevana. He will ask you to lure Ulrich to her house in order to kill him. But it is better to choose a different path. Talk to Garrus, who will give you the key to Ulrich's room. Go to the tower, where this room is actually located, and pick up a note in the room from the book. Report her to Garrus, and you will be given an appointment at the Cheydinall Bridge tavern. After 2 hours, come there and find out that Ulrich was put in prison, and Garrus was appointed the new chief of the guard. Reward - gold.

16. Unfair competition

In the Imperial City shopping district, talk to Jensin, the owner of Jensin's Nearly New Items. She will tell you that there is one merchant in the city, Thoronir, who will sell goods at very low prices. We need to know where? We go to the Bottomless Purse and talk to Toronir. He will refuse to tell you where he gets his goods from, but will hint that he has connections. After the store closes, keep an eye on him. First he will go to the tavern, then he will turn behind his store, where he will meet with a certain Agamir, who is the supplier of goods. After the conversation, start spying on Agamir. He will lead you to his home. Wait for the moment when he comes out and climb into the house. Go to the basement. Skulls and shovels are scattered everywhere, but we need more substantial evidence. These could serve as a list of recently deceased people. It turns out that Agamir tears up graves and sells clothes from the dead to Thoronir. Take the list to Jensin, then to Thoronir. He will get scared and ask you to stop Agamir from further desecration of the graves. We go to the imperial palace and carefully examine the graves. You will soon notice that the plaque from the Trentius Family Mausoleum has been torn off. We go inside and see that Agamir and his comrade are calmly digging up a grave. Kill them both and pick up the door key. We need proof of Agamir's death. Pick up the shovel and bring it to Thoronir. He will be glad to finish his goods and join the community of merchants with pleasure. And grateful Jensin will reward you gold.

17. Unforeseen trip

The quest starts automatically if you want to sleep on the Floating Inn in Waterfront. After waking up, you will find that the ship has entered the open sea. You need to figure out why? As you leave your room, you will run into Lynch, a member of the Black Water Bandits gang. It turns out that they were the ones who captured the ship. Wish him good night and pick up the key. You will learn that the bouncer (who is also the helmsman of the ship) is locked in the hold, and the captain is locked in his cabin. Head up to the deck and meet the second robber named Minkh. Do with it the same as with the previous one. Pick up the key. Go up the small stairs and go outside. There is a blue sea around, the sun is shining, the landscape is spoiled by a pirate named Fury. This is not a problem, get rid of it and pick up another key, this time for the captain's cabin. Inform the bouncer that the way to the steering wheel is clear and he will take you back. At this time, go into the captain's cabin and you will see the gang leader Selena. Well, we'll have to finish her off. Captain Ormil will send you to sleep. And after sleep, start a conversation with him again and get your reward - gold.

18. Canvases in the castle

In Chorrol, talk to Countess Valga. She will ask you to find the stolen painting. You will receive a list of all the inhabitants of the castle. And you need to talk to each of them. I will not describe this process, because... nothing difficult here. Let's start looking for evidence. From the words of one of the inhabitants, namely the captain of the guard, you will learn that Chanel often visits the western tower. That's where we'll head. Go down the hatch located behind the boxes and you will see the first clue. This is a picture. Talk to Overcoat herself. In the conversation, she will mention that she went into the dining room. We go there and find the second piece of evidence - footprints on the carpet near the table. Now look into Chanel's room and examine the music stand. You will find that Overcoat is hiding brushes and a palette there. Now you have enough evidence to accuse the Overcoat. Show evidence to Overcoat, and she will admit that it was she who stole the painting, because... I loved the Count very much. Go to the Countess. You have two options: blame the Overcoat or report that no one is guilty. In the first case, your reward will be greater, and in the second, the Overcoat will draw you picture, for which you will have to come in three weeks. A painting can decorate your home.

19. Tears of the savior

In Leyawiin, at the Mages Guild, talk to the Khajiit S-Drass. This is a collector. He will ask you to find him 5 rare crystals called "Garridon's Tears". Go to the Imperial City Mystery University and talk to Julienne. She will tell you a story about a knight and send you to the shopping area to buy the book “The Decline of Chivalry.” In it you will learn that for your journey you need purified frost salt. You can buy it from the same Julien. I advise you to go to S-Drass again and get 5 “Potions of Frost Protection” from him. It's time to go on a journey. We need to get to the Glade of Frostfire. The entrance to it is in the "Cave of Frostfire". The cave itself is located northeast of the Imperial City and southeast of Bruma. After destroying several animals inhabiting the cave, you will reach the entrance to the "Glade". Go forward a little and destroy the Ice Atronach. It's time to start looking for tears. They are very small and difficult to notice. Their locations are indicated in the figure:

Having collected everything, we return to St. Drass and give back the stones. As a reward we receive gold.

20. Imperial corruption

There are rumors in the Imperial City about a corrupt guard who is extorting money from merchants. Go to Jensin, already known to us, and she will tell you the name of the guard. This is Audens Avidius. To solve the problem, contact any guard, and they will point you to the captain of the guard, Hieronymus Lex. But he will be too busy looking for the Gray Fox, which will redirect you to another commander named Itius Gain. Talk to him. He's happy to help, but he needs two witnesses. Contact Jensin. She will completely refuse to testify. But there are two more witnesses: Ruslan and Luronk gro-Grurzog. They will have to be thoroughly broken, and as a result they will agree to testify. Thanks to Itius Gain, Audens will be sent to prison.

21. Problems with goblins.

If you head northeast along the Corbel River, you will come across Crestbridge Camp. Talk to Barthel Gernand and he will tell you about his trouble. It turns out that the peasants have long wanted to found a settlement and have already chosen a place (Cropsford), but they are prevented by the war of two goblin tribes. Their battles take place in the center of Cropsford. You will be asked to help. Talk to the archer Mirisa, and she will offer you two ways to solve the problem: either you steal the totem from the Wooded Cliff lair, or kill the shaman from the Broken Tree cave. The choice is yours. If you chose the first option, then go to the cave and either steal or kill the leader and take the totem. If the second option is to find and kill the leader in the cave. In both cases, there should not be much resistance (though I once came across a squad of goblins) and you will easily complete the task. Return to Mirisa and tell her about the feat. Report to Bartel that the peasants can now calmly rebuild the settlement, and you will be invited to visit him in a few weeks. The reward itself can be totem, the cost of which is several thousand gold!

22. Ancient wine

To the west of the Imperial City is the Waunet Tavern. Its owner, Nerussa, collects wines. Her request is to find six bottles of shadow banishing wine. They are located in various forts. Here are some of them:

  • Fort Vlastarus
  • Fort Aurus
  • Fort Grif
  • Fort Irony
  • Fort Karmala
After you bring six bottles, you will receive 1000 gold, and for subsequent ones - 100 gold per bottle.

23. Mazoga Orc

At Leyawiin Castle, talk to Count Marius Caro. He will tell you that an orc, or rather an orc named Mazoga, appeared in the castle. But no one knows what she needs. This is what we need to find out. Start a conversation with the orc and she will say that she needs to talk to the Argonian Vibam-Na. Go to his house and, through persuasion or bribery, force him to go to Mazoga. It turns out that Mazoga needs to get to the "Fisherman's Rock", and Vibam-Na did not agree to guide her. Offer your services to her and follow north from the city along the right bank of the river. "Fisherman's Rock" will be the camp of bandits with whom Mazoga will begin the battle. Help her. Once everyone is dead, pick up what you need and return back to the Count.

24. Knights of the White Stallion

This task follows directly from the previous one. Marius Caro will ask you to kill the leader of the Black Bows gang, an orc named Black Brugo. Go to a place called "Telepe", which is northwest of the city, and wait until midnight. Then go inside. Deal with all the gang members, while taking away useful things and picking up black bows (why, I’ll tell you below). Pick up the key from the leader's body and press the button on the wall. The door will lower, and in the container you will pick up 300 gold. Return to the Count and receive your reward - shield with the coat of arms of Leyawiin, and key to the White Stallion Inn. But that is not all. Remember collected bows? Give them to the Count and get them for each 100 gold.
(After completing this task, you and Mazoga, of course, if she remains alive, will be initiated into the Knights of the White Stallion, sort of like a guild - NETRAT note)

25. Fishing

To the west of the Imperial City is Veye's cabin. Fisherman Alvin Merowald lives there. Talk to him and you will learn that he has entered into a contract with the alchemist. His duty is to obtain scales. But here's the problem: he was bitten by a killer fish and he can't do the job. Let's help him! Dive into the lake and start destroying killer fish by collecting scales. Once you have collected 12, return to Alvin and give him the scales. The delighted fisherman will give you enchanted amulet.

26. When an oath is broken

North of Anvil you will find Whitmond Farm. Maeva the Full-breasted, her owner, asks you to find and return a family heirloom - the Rockbreaker mace, which was stolen by her husband, Bzhalfi the Scorned. He is now hiding in Forth Strand, southeast of the farm. Let's go there. We make our way, killing bandits, to the entrance to the interior. There, having killed another bandit, we see Bzhalfi peacefully talking with the vampire sorcerer. Let's interrupt this conversation, and pick up the "Rock Crusher" from the body. Return to Maeve, who will thank you and give you the above-mentioned mace and will give some gold.

27. Separated at birth

While in Chorrol, talk to the drunkard Reynold Jeman at the Gray Mare. He will give you 50 gold and tell you that many people pester him with the question: “Didn’t I see you in Cheydinall?” Who is there that looks like Reynold? We go to Cheydinal and ask people. No one knows about Reynolds, but they will tell you about a certain Gilbert Jeman. Namesake? Hardly. We are looking for him. It turns out that this is a twin cousin. They had been separated since childhood, and each of them did not know that the other was alive. After a few hours, go to Chorrola, to the house of Reynold Jeman. They will thank you again and, as if by chance, mention Weserlech.

28. Lost Legacy

Weserlech is the estate of the Jeman brothers. But ogres captured it long ago, and the brothers cannot get there. Of course we must help them. Ask the citizens and they will tell you that the Fighters Guild blacksmith Sabine Laul must know about Weserlech. We go to the guild and find out that the house is located exactly south of Chorrol. When Judas arrives, we kill several ogres and return to the brothers. They will ask you to accompany them. It's not a problem. Gilbert Jeman will be very happy and will ask to visit them after a while.

29. Father's sins

Some time after the events of the previous quest, rumors will spread around the city about a certain Dark Elf looking for the Jeman brothers. Soon he will reach you too. This is Fatis Ules. He will tell you that Dzhemanov’s father was a professional thief and worked for him. One day, on behalf of Ules himself, Albert Jeman stole the sword of Chorrol, and instead of selling it to Fatis, he hid it on his estate. As we know, the estate was plundered by ogres, and the sword was stolen and hidden in a cave called "Valley of the Redguards." We need to get the sword. At the entrance to the cave you need to kill the goblin guards and go inside. The cave itself is inhabited by ogres. They are very slow creatures, so they are excellent on the bow. Having gone to the end, destroy the leader of the ogres and pick up the sword from his body. Now you have 2 options:

  • You take the sword to Fatis Ules, and as a reward you receive 1500 gold.
  • You take the sword to the castle and receive enchanted shield, and Gilbert will give you several soul stones. But in this case, Fatis Ules, who is a buyer of stolen goods, will become inaccessible to you. What you need is your choice.

30. Who annoys the gods

There are rumors in Leyawiin that something strange happened to a certain Rosentia Lallenus. The house stinks from her, and she herself has stopped appearing on the street. Go to her house and you will see an interesting picture. The hostess herself walks around the house with a staff on her back, and four friendly scamps run after her. Talk to Rosentia. It turns out that she bought the staff of eternal scamps from a traveling merchant, but cannot get rid of them. The only one who can help solve this problem is Alves Uvenim, the sorceress of the Mages Guild. By asking her, you will learn that there is only one way to get rid of the staff - take it to the Black Fathom cave (to the west of the city), and then throw it somewhere near the Shigorat shrine located there. We go to the cave and go inside. After fighting your way through the scamps, you will reach the sanctuary. Throw the staff and return to Rosentia. She will give you enchanted ring.
(Personally, at level 20 I had to fight my way through the Daedroths - approx. NETRAT)

31. Potato Thief

South of the Imperial City is the Faregill Tavern. If you look there, be sure to talk to the Khajiit S-Zhirra. She grows potatoes, and the potatoes are huge. But one day someone stole all the potatoes, and they were needed for her signature bread. The only thing that Hajitaka remembers is that the kidnapper was huge. She promises to reward you generously. Go west and you will see a lone ogre calmly walking along the rocks. Oddly enough, he is the kidnapper. Kill him and pick up the stolen potatoes from his body. Take it to S-Zhirre and instead of a reward you will receive... bread! Yes, but no matter how it’s a reward.

32. Turn over all the stones

The elf Letnilian lives in the Imperial Bridge tavern on the banks of the Silver Fish River. Talk to him. He will tell you that he is studying the Welkynd stones. And one day, in the Blackberry Glade cave, animals attacked him, and he was forced to flee. But along the way I dropped my notes. We need to get them. Go to that very cave. It is inhabited only by animals and demons, but this is compensated by the fact that the cave itself is large and consists of three levels. While calmly destroying living creatures, you will see Welkynd stones. Next to them you will find a box, and in it are Letnilian's notes. Give the recordings to their owner and you will receive as a reward several potions.

33. Finding your roots

If you are interested in alchemy and often collect herbs for potions, then you have probably come across this flower:

This is the root of Nirn. As soon as you pick it up for the first time, the task “Finding your roots” will immediately become available. You will need to talk to the ahlimik to learn more about the flower. Talk to any alchemist. You will be advised to visit Sinderion, an alchemist who lives in the basement of the Western Forest tavern. He will tell you that this ingredient is necessary to create the research elixir. The first place to head is the Shady Foliage Grove. Collect some flowers growing there. This plant is very rare. It always grows near water. I advise you not to make this task active. It is better to collect plants during your other adventures in Cyrodiil. There is another cunning way to obtain Nirn roots. After completely completing the Mages Guild at the University of Mysteries, a magic chest will become available to you. The former archmage was an alchemist, and he was always in need of ingredients. Therefore, by putting a few roots in a chest, after a while you will be able to take more of them from there. Once you have collected 10 roots, return to Sinderion. He will give you a weak research potion. For medium, strong and great research potions you will need 20, 30 and 40 Nirnroots respectively. But that is not all. For each subsequent flower you bring, you will receive gold.

34. The Grave Digger's Peace

North of the Imperial City is the Roxy Tavern. Her owner, Malena, asks you to kill a necromancer named Raelin Gravedigger. The necromancer herself lives in the Mossy Rock cave north of the tavern. Let's go there and go inside. On the way to the necromancer, you will encounter virtually no resistance. After breaking the door, we kill Raelin and go back to the tavern. Reward - gold.

35. Bear hunting season

To the west of Skingrad there is a farm called "Rock Shards". Its owner, farmer Thorley Ethelred, has suffered misfortune - a group of bears has visited his farm and is stealing his sheep. There are six bears in total, they are located around the farm. You need to destroy them all. Walk clockwise and say “I have nothing to do with this!” kill one by one. Don't forget to pick up fangs from their carcasses. This will serve as proof. Return to the farmer and give him the fangs. As a reward you will receive an enchanted book - "The Story of Master Zoaraim."

36. Raid on Grayland.

On the road near Leyawiin's Five Horsemen stable, you will meet guard Lerexus Callidus. He wants to take down the skooma trading gang in the area. They are hiding nearby, in a small house called Grayland. You must go there, kill the leader, Dunmer Kulius Lonavo, and deliver his ring to Lerexus. Let's do so. It is not difficult to kill the leader and his gang members. Therefore, having picked up the ring, take it to the guard with a proud smile and receive it as a reward gold.

37. Revenge is served cold

If you go northeast from the Imperial City, you will find the Kharma's Caprice farm. Farmer Corrick Northword lives there. He will tell you that while he was shopping, a gang of goblins attacked the farm, killed his wife Kaylin and hid in the Mined Mine cave southwest of the farm. Find her, destroy all the goblins and find Amulet Kaylin. Go to the cave. It has three levels, there are a lot of goblins in it, but its only advantage is that you won’t get lost in it. Continue killing goblins to the end and meet the gang leader. Kill him, whiten the stolen amulet from his body and return it to Corrick Northward. As a reward you will receive 6 flawless topazes.

38. Expulsion of the spirit

Surely you came across the Benirus mansion in Anvil and noticed that the door could not be broken down. Hence the opportunity to buy it. Go to the Count's Crest tavern and talk to Velvin Benirus there. It turns out that the house is for sale, and is being sold for only 5,000 gold. Buy it. Having sold the mansion, Velvin quickly leaves the city. And we are going to look at the structure of the mansion. Let's go inside. Yes, a European-quality renovation would be nice here. Sleep on the second floor. After waking up shouting "Hello!" Several ghosts will attack you. Kill them. Hearing the noise, go down to the first floor and pick up the “Excerpt from Lorgren’s Diary” and the skeleton’s hand (we will need it later). You urgently need to talk to Velvin. Find out from Wilbur, the owner of the "Coat of Arms", that Velvin has left for the Imperial City. We are heading to the Elven Gardens area, namely to the King and Queen tavern. After talking with Velvin, you will learn that the house belonged to his relative, Lorgren Benirus, and that it (the house) is cursed. One day Lorgren became interested in black magic and gradually became a necromancer. A detachment of the Mages Guild, led by the magician Karahil, broke into the mansion and killed him. And during the battle, the body of the dead man disappeared. Velvin will make an appointment for you in a few hours at the Count's Coat of Arms. Having met, he will decisively go to the mansion. Follow him. In the house, he will tell you that somewhere in the basement there is a secret room. And only purebred Benirus, who is Velvin, can open it. Escort him to the basement, destroying ghosts along the way. Finally you will reach a wall with runes on it. Velvin will feel for something for a long time, and then run away from the house, opening the room. Wow! And the room is a kind of office of a real necromagus. On the altar in the center lies the skeleton of Lorgren. Lorgren's voice will speak here. He will ask you to reunite the previously picked up hand with the entire skeleton to finally find peace. Do it. We were deceived! No one was going to find peace. Thus Lorgren rose from the dead. We need to finish him off, which we will do. Go to Velvin at the Count's Coat of Arms and talk to him. The curse on the house was lifted, and Velvin is happy, and we are happy.
(After picking up the note, the spirits may appear again - be prepared - approx. NETRAT)

39. Dangerous arts

There are rumors in Ceidinal that the famous artist Rit Lithandas has disappeared. Talk to his wife, Tivella Lythandas, at the missing man's house. She will tell you that her husband worked in his workshop every day, and one day he disappeared. Taking the key to the workshop, we go there and follow. It is not difficult to find that we will be able to interact with one of the Painted World paintings. Wow! We were transported to the painted Great Forest! Rit will come up to us and tell us that an unknown thief stole his magic brush and painted several trolls. But the brush could not only bring what was drawn to life, but also had side effects. Because of which, in fact, the thief died. You need to find the stolen brush. From Rith you will receive six bottles of turpentine to increase damage to drawn trolls. After walking a little, you will meet the first one. It is easy to notice that the drawn trolls differ from ordinary ones in strength and speed. After going all the way using turpentine and killing six trolls, you will see the body of the thief. Pick up the brush from him and return to Ritu. By the way, you can return straight through the rocks to save time. The artist will draw a portal, and you will again find yourself in the workshop. Talk to Rit again and receive your reward - Apron of agility.

40. Origin of the Gray Prince

If you have ever been to the Arena of the Imperial City, you have probably noticed a gray-skinned orc named Agronak gro-Malog. He trains tirelessly in the arena fighters' room. Talk to him. You will learn that people call him the “Gray Prince”. Agronak knows that he is not a purebred orc, but a half-breed. Of course, he has orc blood flowing through his mother, but who he is through his father is something you need to find out. The orc will give you the key, thinking it will be useful. Go to Raven's Haven. It's a long way to go there, because... it is located at the edge of the map, northeast of Anvil. The entrance is guarded by several skeleton archers. Enter the fort and make your way through animals and evil spirits until you meet Count Lovidicus. Having killed him, we begin the search for evidence. On the table lies the Count's personal diary. Take it and read it for fun. You will learn that the Gray Prince is half-orc and half-vampire! Take the diary to Agronak. He will greet you joyfully and welcome you, increasing some characteristics. Then he will read the diary and his face will change dramatically. Having learned that he is half a vampire, Agronak will not survive this and wants to die. If you become the Arena champion, then you can help him by challenging him to a duel. The orc will not fight, and you can easily kill him and earn yourself the title of Grand Champion of the Arena.
(Naturally, if you do not complete this quest, then in order to become a Grand Champion, you will have to kill him in a fair fight; after killing him, the quest will be canceled - note NETRAT)

41. Collector

If you are an adventurer and enjoy looting ruins, then this is the quest for you. When you left the prison at the very beginning of the game, you probably noticed the ruins opposite you. These are Ayleid ruins, and they contain much of value. But to start this mission we need only one item - an Ayleid figurine. To make it easier for you to find this item, I will show you what it looks like. Take a look at the picture:

Coming out of the mansion, you will meet another seeker of this panel - Claude Malich. Talk to him at the Tiber Septim Hotel and you will learn that the cathedral is now called Malada. These ruins are located deep in the Valus Mountains, southeast of the source of the Silverfish River. Go there and go inside. Killing animals and various evil spirits, you will finally reach the Ayleid wall, where you can pick up a socket. Coming out of the ruins, a surprise awaits you. Claude Maric will "politely" ask you to give him the panel. Of course you will refuse. Then the robbers will attack you. True, if you bribe them before entering the ruins, they will not attack you. Having dealt with them, return to Umbacano and receive a reward in the form gold.

43. Secrets of the Ayleids.

The last task is still with the same Umbakano. It turns out that he is not the only lover of Ayleid antiquities. Herminia Kinna lives in the Elven Gardens area. She has a copy that Umbacano is interested in. This is the Ayleid Crown of Nenalata. She will not want to sell it for any money. She will also warn that the crown is magical, and the nature of its magic is unknown. Not wanting to part with her, Herminia will offer you to replace Nenalata's crown with Lindai's crown. Now you have two options: go in search of Lindai’s crown or steal the desired Nenalata crown from Herminia’s house. It is located on the second floor in an Ayleid chest. In any case, after taking the crown to Umbacano, he will ask you to accompany him to the throne room in the ruins of Nenalata in three days. A day later you will meet Claude Maric, already familiar to us, who will also accompany you. In two more days Umbacano himself will come, and you can go. There are a lot of evil spirits in the ruins. Having reached a strange wall, Umbacano will put a carved panel into it, and you will see the throne room. Umbacano will sit on the throne. If you gave him the Lindai crown, he will die. If it’s real, then he will turn into the king of Nenalata, and the undead will surround you and begin to attack. The fight will be very difficult. But after defeating and killing Umbacano, you will be able to pick up strong artifacts from his body and get out of the ruins. Mission complete.

Well, that seems to be all. If I forgot to write about something, write - the information will be supplemented.

P.S. All titles and names are from the licensed version. If you have a pirate, then you are looking for something similar.

I like +0 - 0

[In total, there are 3 quests associated with Umbacano, a collector living in Talos Plaza. They can be obtained in the following order: The Collector, Nothing You Can Possess and Secrets of the Ayleids.]

The figurines are found in the following Ayleid ruins: Culotte, Fanacas, Macamentain, Moranda, Ninendava, Vilverin, Welke, Wendelbek, Wendir ), Wenyandawik. None of these ruins are connected to any other quest, so they can be explored safely at any time. The interactive map of Cyrodiil will help you find them; select the Ayleid Statues Locations set (see our cartography section).

While exploring one of the ruins mentioned above, you can find an Ayleid Statue. You can sell it to any of the merchants, then after a while Jollring will find you. He will introduce himself as the servant of the high elf Umbacano, an antiquities collector from the Imperial City, and will give the hero a note from his master asking for a meeting. Umbacano lives in his own house in the Talos Plaza area.

Go to a meeting with the collector, the same Jolring will meet you in the mansion, he will accompany the hero to the chambers of Umbacano on the floor above.

Note that you don’t have to sell the figurine to merchants, but go straight to Umbacano’s house, talk with Jolring, and the latter will arrange a meeting for you with the owner.

The Collector will tell you that he is an admirer of Ayleid history. While studying a lost civilization, he came across a mention of ten figurines - the so-called Ten Ancestors. They were once kept in the Temple of the Ancestors, located in the White Gold Tower, the capital of the Ayleids. The figurines were subsequently moved to various Ayled cities. The high elf will ask the hero to find all 10 “ancestors” and bring them to him, of course, for a reward - 500 coins for each figurine found and another 5000 after all ten are in his hands. Thus, the player only has 9 figurines left to collect. Alas, Umbacano does not know which ruins the figurines were delivered to, and so far cannot help the hero in his search. However, the collector promises to conduct research and try to find out the names of these cities. But at first the player will have to search blindly.

You can explore these ruins in any order. A brief description of each is given below:

Culotte: Level 1, straight and uninhabited. After the hero picks up the figurine, several leveled zombies will rise from the crypts in the ruins.

Fanacas: level 1, flooded. Many passages are covered with bars, the position of which is controlled by switches. Inhabited by vampires.

Mackamentain: 3 levels, from the last level you can return to the first, bypassing the second. Inhabited by necromancers and undead: skeletons and zombies. The Hero's Path: Mackamentain > Tombs of the Undead (Crypts of the Undead) > Necromancer's Asylum (Necromancer's Refuge) - figurine! > Mackamentain

Moranda: 3 levels, entrances to both lower "ring" levels are located on the first level, the structure is confusing. Inhabited by mythical animals, you will find ogres, minotaurs, will-o-the-wisps, spriggans, dreugs. The Hero's Path: Moranda > Moranda Aratasel > Moranda > Moranda Abaspania - figurine! >Moranda

Ninendava: Level 1, confused. Inhabited by undead (liches, skeletons, ghosts, spirits, zombies) and vampires.

Vilverin: 4 levels, from the last level you can return to the first, bypassing the intermediate ones. The first level is inhabited by bandits, the lower levels are inhabited by the undead, and the last level is also inhabited by a necromancer. The Hero's Path: Vilverin > Vilverin Canosel > Vilverin Wendesel > Vilverin Sel Sancremathi - figurine! > Vilverin.

Welke: 3 levels, from the last level you can return to the first without passing the second. Inhabited by the undead. The Hero's Path: Welke > Welke Ceyede > Welke Edesel - figurine! >Welke

Wendelbek: 4 levels, from the last level you can return to the first without passing through the intermediate ones. Inhabited by necromancers. The hero's path: Wendelbek > Wendelbek Aldmerisel > Wendelbek Sel Aram Mathmedli (Wendelbek Sel Aran Mathmedli) - figurine! > Wendelbek Silaseli > Wendelbek

Wendir: 2 levels. The population is undead.

Wenyandawik: 2 levels. The population is undead.

After the hero delivers the second figurine to the elf, the collector will report that he recognized the five names of the ruins to which the five figurines were delivered: Moranda, Mackamentain, Wenyandawik, Ninendava, Fanacas. The names of these cities have remained unchanged since ancient times. He could not find out which Ayleid cities the remaining “ancestors” ended up in.

After delivering the 3rd figurine, Umbacano will ask you to complete another task, also related to the Ayleid ruins: it will be possible to take the quest Nothing You Can Possess.

As promised, Umbacano will pay 500 coins for each figurine, and 5500 for the last one: 500 for the figurine and 5000 for the complete collection.

To receive this quest, you must progress with the quest The Collector: bring at least 3 figurines to Umbacano (the collector of Ayleid art lives in the Talos Plaza area of ​​the Imperial City, in order to get to the second floor, you need to talk to his servant Jollring - he will lead the hero to his master).

In the conversation, Umbacano will ask the hero to find for him an Ayleid slab with carvings and give its description. The collector will also give the hero a carved stone - the key to the palace where the artifact is kept. This time, Umbacano knows only the ancient name of the ruins - the Great Cathedral (High Fane), the high elf does not know what the ruins are called at the moment.

First of all, the hero needs to find out the name of these ruins:

If during his travels through Cyrodiil, the hero found the ruins of Malada, then during a conversation with Umbacano he will recognize this place from his oral description.

[There are a total of 3 quests associated with Umbacano, which can be obtained in the following order: The Collector, Nothing You Can Possess and Secrets of the Ayleids.]

Upon completion of the quest "Nothing You Can Possess", the collector of Ayleid artifacts Umbacano will offer the hero to help him one last time.

Umbacano wants to get the Crown of the Ayleids, and this time he knows exactly the location of the artifact: it belongs to another collector, Herminia Cinna, who also lives in the Imperial City, but in a different area - in the Elven Gardens. Umbacano himself has long had a bad relationship with Herminia, so she refuses his offers to sell the crown. You must persuade her or obtain the artifact in any other way.

Please note that you may refuse to complete this order. Then Umbacano will hire someone else to do the job, but you can still complete the second part of the same quest.

Herminia often walks in the area of ​​the Imperial Palace. She will confirm that she has the Crown of Nenalata. As one would expect, she will refuse the offer to buy the crown. Ask her why she doesn't want to sell the Umbacano artifact. It turns out that, according to Herminia, the high elf is not at all such a harmless collector as he wants to seem. Her research led her to the conclusion that the crown was the key to very dangerous magical powers that were best left undisturbed. She is afraid that Umbacano might cause trouble if she possesses this crown. Continue the conversation with her. Herminia will offer to make a substitution: because. Umbacano has never seen her crown, she will offer to give him another crown - the crown of the Ayleid city of Lindai, which has always been at enmity with Nenalata. If the hero agrees to this, Herminia Cinna will indicate the location of the ruins of Lindai and give out the key to the palaces where the crown is kept.

By the way, it would be harmless to read the book “The Last King of the Ayleids” by the same Herminia - it mentions Nenalath as the resting place of the last monarch of the wild elves.

Now the choice is up to the player:

The Crown of Nenalata is kept in Herminia Cinna's House on the second floor. The researcher locked it in an Ayleid chest, the key to which she unwisely left in the same room in the desk. By stealing Nenalata's crown, you can give it to the customer.

Attention, bug: after taking the crown from Herminia's chest, you discover a very weak thing in terms of enchantment. In fact, this “headdress” is level, but in her chest, alas, there is always the weakest “first-level” copy - you don’t want to look, unless your first-level hero. Only after being in the hands of Umbacano will the crown “acquire” a level corresponding to the level of your hero.

The Crown of Lindai is located in the ruins of Lindai. The ruins are two-level, inhabited by undead. The Hero's Path: Lindai > Lindai Inner Tombs. Having found the crown, you can give it to the customer; the collector will not notice the substitution.

You can get both crowns and give Umbacano any of them, keeping the second one for yourself. Please note that crowns are leveled; the best copy is awarded if the hero has reached level 25 or higher.

Having received one of the crowns, Umbacano will ask to carry out one more, this time really the last, assignment: to escort him into the depths of Nenalata, and will make an appointment before their entrance, asking to arrive at the place in three days. Umbacano will make the same request to you if you initially refused to take the crown from Herminia. In this case, the bandit he sent will kill Herminia and steal her artifact.

Having gone to the said ruins and waited for the customer, the hero will be a little surprised: the high elf will come accompanied by Claude Maric (if he survived the quest “Nothing You Can Possess”). Claude will assure that now he and the hero are in the same boat - old grievances are forgotten.

Now you need to lead Umbacano through the tunnels to the throne room of the Ayleid city, protecting him from possible dangers along the way (it is worth noting that when he comes to Nenalata, Umbacano will lose his “VIP” badges and become an ordinary mortal, like his companion Claude). It is most convenient to “clear” the premises in advance; fortunately, Umbacano can always be asked to wait.

The ruins of Nenalata consist of three levels, the throne room, as you would expect, is on the farthest. The ruins are inhabited by all kinds of undead. Your path: Nenalata > Nenalata Wendesel > Nenalata Sel Aran Arpena. Upon reaching the gate to the throne room, Umbacano will open it using a carved slab, which he keeps with him, not trusting the player.

If the corridors of the ruins are teeming with enemies, then the throne room will be empty. Herminia was not worried in vain - Umbacano was up to no good. After entering the throne room and taking the throne, Umbacano will put on the crown received from the player:

If the hero gives Umbacano the “correct” Crown of Nenalata, then the peaceful lover of antiquity will turn into the “king of the Ayleids” (having acquired the abilities of a vampire and remarkable talents in the field of magic) and attacks the hero along with a whole horde of undead who have joined him.

If Umbacano received the "wrong" Crown of Lindai, the coronation process will kill him, and the crown will be hopelessly damaged and devoid of magical properties.

Regardless of what happened to Umbacano, secret doors will open along the perimeter of the hall and the undead will climb out. The hero will have to defend himself. Claude Marik will enter the battle, note that he is unlikely to survive it, but he will distract some of the undead from the hero for a while. Now the choice is up to the player: you can kill all the undead, and at the same time the newly-minted Ayleid king, or you can quickly escape from the ruins: although the staircase leading back will be removed, in one of the opened secret rooms (on the left, if you look at the throne from the entrance into the hall) there is a passage leading directly to the upper level of the ruins. It is worth noting that the Crown of Nenalata, taken from the corpse of the "king", is no longer stolen.

As soon as the hero leaves Nenalata, the quest will be closed, and this will mean the end of the Umbacano epic.

It should be emphasized that the most advantageous line of behavior is: (a) agree to Umbacano’s proposal, (b) get the key to the Lindai palace from Herminia and steal Nenalata’s crown from her, (c) give Umbacano the crown of Nenalata. Then, at the end of the quest, you will have two crowns that have very nice properties. If you decide to give the customer the crown of Lindai, not only will it be broken after the events in the ruins, but also the crown of Nenalata, which you can steal from Herminia, due to the already mentioned bug, is not of particular value.

Another minor bug. Coming out of the ruins with the crown of Nenalata, taken from the corpse of the “Ayleid king,” when you try to put it on, you receive a message that this is impossible. It can be treated like this: either repair the crown, increasing its strength to 125%, or throw it to the ground and pick it up again.

If, after everything you have experienced, it seems to you that Umbacano has not repaid you in full, you can rob his house. Please note that you can send the guard of the Umbacano mansion, Umog gra-Marad, for a drink at the Tiber Septim Hotel: raise her attitude towards you and talk to her, offer her 100 septims in a conversation so that she can drink a glass.

In the Temple Quarter of the Imperial City, the Dunmer woman Ralsa Norvalo will approach the hero and ask to meet her husband, Gilen Norvalo. If you refuse, she will be waiting for you in her house and will offer the quest again when you meet. If she agrees, she will say that the reason her husband wants to meet the hero has to do with the safety of the citizens of the entire city. Her husband is waiting for you at Seridur's House, which is located in the Imperial City Temple District.

In fact, you will have to talk to Seridur. The high elf will tell you that he and his comrades are members of the Order of the Virtuous Blood, whose task is to protect the city residents from creatures of the night - vampires. Further questions reveal that Seridur's neighbor, Roland Jenseric, is a vampire who must be killed. Roland probably left town. In order to find out where he is hiding now, Seridur will advise you to search his house.

Residents of the Imperial City, Luronk gro-Glurzog and Ruslan, complain that one of the captains of the city guard is an extortionist. It happened in Jensine's "Good as New" Merchandise store, in the Commercial District of the Imperial City, where Luronk and Ruslan went shopping. The guard accused them of theft and "released" them under pain of arrest. from cash. Even the merchant told the peace officer that the buyers were innocent, but he did not pay any attention to her words.

Jensin will confirm the information and report that the captain's name is Audens Avidius. The hero should find someone from the guard leadership who could help solve the problem.

From a conversation with ordinary guards, it turns out that complaints about captains should only be addressed to those of equal rank. Captains are patrolling the city, and the hero will have to run after them. Captain Hieronymus Lex will refuse to deal with the problem - he is too preoccupied with capturing the Gray Fox, Lex will advise turning to another captain - Itius Hayn. Captain Servatius Quintilius will also refuse to deal with the issue, citing the fact that he was only recently appointed, and a newcomer cannot go against an old-timer.

Itius Hein will say that he can arrest Avidius only if two witnesses testify against him.

Jensin is so intimidated by the extortionist that she will never agree to testify. That leaves Luronk and Ruslan, who will agree to confirm the accusations. We inform Itius Hein that witnesses have been found. They will give their testimony the next morning. After waiting until the morning, we will receive a message that Audens Avidius has been arrested.

The quest is formally completed, but it has an unexpected, but quite logical continuation. In a few weeks, Audens Avidius, having escaped from prison, will attack the hero somewhere in the vastness of Cyrodiil, perhaps while resting - he will have to kill him (he is a very weak enemy, armed only with a rusty dagger and no armor at all). The quest is finally closed.

One of the merchants in the Imperial City Market District will report that a new store has recently opened in their district, the prices of which are significantly lower than in all other stores. For details, I recommend contacting Jensine, the owner of Jensine's "Good as New" Merchandise store in the same block.

Jensin, on behalf of the Merchant Society, will ask to investigate and find out why the Bottomless Coinpurse store, owned by Thoronir, has such low prices, and whether there is anything illegal behind it.

A conversation with Toronir will not yield anything, but the merchant is clearly acting suspiciously. Follow him at night and eavesdrop on his conversation with a certain Agarmir. Follow Agamir, find out where he lives - in his own house on Talos Plaza. Agamir is not at home during the day, take advantage of this to search his home. Traces of the owner's activities will be found in the apartment - he is a grave digger. The things Thoronir sells are taken from recently deceased people - that's why the prices are low! In Agamir's home you will also find a list of the recently deceased - direct evidence that should be taken and shown to Thoronir.

After reviewing the list, Thoronir will say that his supplier mentioned that he will be busy during the day. Apparently, Agamir is digging up another fresh grave. Your path lies in the cemetery in the Imperial City Palace. Having arrived there, you will notice that the door to the Trentius Family Mausoleum is open; most likely, the grave digger is working there. Inside the tomb, as one would expect, Agarmir and his friend will appear, they will attack the hero. The opponents are quite difficult - you will have to suffer with them. After the criminals have been given what they deserve, one should pick up another piece of evidence of Agamir’s guilt - a shovel with traces of earth - and show it to Thoronir.

Repentant Thoronir will promise to donate everything he has acquired through dishonest labor to the temple, and will give the hero a ring as a sign of gratitude and friendship.

Having reported on the investigation to Jensin, we will receive a monetary reward, and we will learn that Thoronir has joined their Society, and the problem of unfair competition has been completely resolved.

In the Imperial City Waterfront there is a ship - a tavern on the water (The Bloated Float), after talking with its owner Ormil, you can rent a cabin for the night. If you spend the night in it for more than 8 hours, the hero will be awakened by unexpected rocking and it will be discovered that the ship, which was laid up, is far from the shore - it was captured by pirates!

Leaving his cabin, the hero will encounter the pirate thief Lynch. Although Lynch will talk to the hero, he will not be able to deceive him and in the end he will attack. There is a note in the dead man's pocket, it contains information regarding the pirates - the Blackwater Brigands - it will be useful in the future if you want to capture the chieftain without a fight.

On the same deck, in a locked cabin, there is a captive tavern bouncer - the orc Graman gro-Marad. The key to his cabin-cell can also be found on Lynch's carcass. The orc will confirm the guess that the ship was hijacked and report that the owner of the tavern, Ormil, is locked in his cabin. Graman will say that he can lead the ship back to the harbor if he is escorted to the upper deck to the helm (and, of course, ensured his safety).

Having climbed onto the deck of the tavern, the hero will meet the second pirate Minx; it will not be possible to convince her to peacefully lay down her arms, but in the conversation she will give out some information about the secrets of the gang. No matter how the player tries to fool her, she won’t believe it and attacks.

The third pirate, Wrath, is located on the upper deck of the Floating Tavern. He will also have to be killed, but he will reveal a few more secrets in the conversation. In his pocket you will find the key to the cabin where Ormil is locked. Ormila is guarded by the gang leader, Selene.

Although the path to the helm is clear, the orc will refuse to steer the ship to shore while Ormil languishes in prison. We'll have to go to his cabin. There are two options to free it:

1. It’s trivial to kill the chieftain. After talking to Ormil, tell him that all the bandits have been killed and he is free.

2. By constructing the dialogue correctly, you can convince Selena to lay down her arms without a fight. In this case, in a conversation with her, answering her questions, you need to use information about the gang received from previously killed chatterbox accomplices. Here is the sequence of answers to her questions that will lead to voluntary surrender: The key was taken from the Furious. (I took the key from Wrath.) > I want to join your gang. (I"m here to join the gang.) > ...three months ago? (...three months ago?) > To find the Golden Galleon > You mean in Braville? ( You mean in Bravil?). When, in response to her last question, you tell her that all her friends were killed by you, she will get scared and give you her enchanted blade Ormil will refuse to leave her cabin until you escort her. Selena in the hold and not locking her in the cell, the door to which cannot be opened, return to Ormil and report that the task is completed - he will calm down.

Regardless of how the problem with Selene was resolved, after his release, Ormil will advise the player to lie down to rest while he and the orc return the ship to the harbor.

By the way, do you know why the bandits decided to “steal” the ship? To attract visitors, Ormil spread rumors that the famous “Golden Galleon” was hidden on the schooner - and he paid for it.

After sleeping in your cabin for another 8 hours, you will find that the ship has arrived in the Imperial City and is moored in the same place. After talking with Ormil, you will receive the due monetary reward.

Note. Do not start this quest if the Thieves Guild quest The Elven Maiden is active, you may encounter an insurmountable bug. Official patches did not cure this bug. If you are playing the PC version of the game, then the bug can be overcome using the console. The method is described.

8. Origin of the Gray Prince / Origin of the Gray Prince