New evidence of a possible global catastrophe. Global disasters that befell the earth in the past

In the last few years, there has been hope that the global barbarian and robber of the United States will finally completely disappear from the world map, which cannot but rejoice. The earthquake and tsunami in Japan once again confirm this guess. This is exactly what the blind prophetess Vanga was talking about when she warned about the terrible future that awaits the world, and that Russia will become a new Noah’s Ark.

Seismic activity in the world has intensified in the 21st century and frequent bandit raids of the ocean on the shores of the United States are taking the classic form of an exponential phenomenon. If we add to this the faults of the earth’s crust, where again the US territory is in the lead after the Philippines, Google statistics for the query “sinkhole” (dips)

1. Tampa, Florida, USA

2. Makati, Philippines

3. Orlando, Florida, USA

4. Austin, Texas, USA

5. Houston, Texas, USA

6. Atlanta, Georgia, USA

7. San Diego, California, USA

8. Richardson, Texas, USA

9. Los Angeles, California, USA

California is located above the New Madrid fault, the possibility of its split has already been played out in one of the disaster films. Cases of mass bird deaths have also been recorded there. But special attention should be paid to Florida, Georgia, Missouri and Texas - this is precisely the area that is currently experiencing the largest number of mass deaths. This is not surprising - these places are rich in oil and gas deposits, with several hundred gas wells operating in the state of Arkansas alone.

It is worth mentioning separately the accident on the oil production platform of the BP company that occurred in the Gulf of Mexico in the spring of 2010. The consequences and details of this disaster are carefully hidden, as is the real cause of the death of the birds. Several important points are known:

1. the platform was drilling at the junction of tectonic plates;

2. the accident occurred due to the fact that the bottom valves, designed for repeated overloads, could not withstand the pressure;

3. Oil oozed not only from the well, but also from cracks in the seabed, some of which are located 11 km from the accident site.

From this we can conclude that the accident on the BP platform occurred due to a catastrophic increase in pressure in the well as a result of stretching* of the earth’s crust.

Quote from Western media about the increase in earthquakes in Arkansas:

"...The number of earthquakes that have shaken Guy, Arkansas, has increased from about 179 earthquakes per year to more than 600 in 2010, according to AGS. About 500 of them occurred in the last four months. During the same period in 2009, only 38 were recorded tremors. It is theoretically possible that there is a correlation between the surge of earthquakes and the New Year's rain of dead birds and the massive death of fish in the Arkansas River..."

From the work of V.L. Syvorotkin:

“Seismicity and degassing. Important results were obtained during the Dagestan earthquake on May 14, 1970. It was found that during earthquakes, gas-hydrodynamic excitation covers areas of tens and a few hundred thousand square kilometers, and the content of the main gas of interest to us, hydrogen, can increase by 5-6 orders of magnitude.

As a result of long-term monitoring, 2 types of helium behavior in connection with seismic events were identified. The first (test site in the Pamirs) is characterized by a sharp decrease in helium concentration after a seismic event. The second (Armenia) has the opposite picture, i.e. a sharp positive jump in this concentration. Both types, however, are characterized by a noticeable increase in helium concentration before the seismic event, and in the first type, this increase is more significant and occurs on average 12 days, and in the second type, the increase is less strong, but is observed several months before the earthquake.”

It makes sense to comment on what has been written here. Why hydrogen and helium? But because inside the Earth there is exactly the same synthesis of hydrogen nuclei into helium that occurs inside the core of the Sun. There is no iron heavy core, but an internal sun of hydrogen fusion. And that is why the bottom of the oceans is of volcanic origin. The solar system was formed due to the compression of cosmic hydrogen under high pressure, which means that the sun and planets are based on the original hydrogen. And from hydrogen in the process of synthesis, all other elements of the periodic table are obtained and are thrown out as excess synthesis onto the surface of the earth through holes in the earth's crust, which work like safety valves in steam boilers. This can also explain the decline in global freshwater supplies and climate change. The planet is increasing in size and there is less and less water on the surface. The Karakum desert was once a seabed. From the north, from the North Pole, it was possible to freely sail to the South Pole by boat, but today it is no longer possible, and somewhere more than 4.5 thousand years ago, Antarctica was covered with an ice shell. In the place where the state of France is located today there was once a sea.

Unusual radar readings

During the bird die-off in Arkansas, weather radar picked up what looked like a gas release nearby, although a weather worker says it may have been a flock of birds.

Why are gas emissions not regularly visible on radar if they occur everywhere? The fact is that radars detect reflections, but gases do not form them and, as a rule, remain invisible to radars. In order to be noticeable to radar, it must be a gas either at the appropriate temperature causing condensation, or containing water, or the reaction of hydrogen with atmospheric oxygen, in which case vacuumization and condensation of water vapor is formed. Vacuumization itself, theoretically, can cause the rapid, immediate death of a flock of birds with similar symptoms.


Based on the above facts, there is every reason to believe that the unexplained mass death of animals, climate change and growing natural disasters throughout the planet have common roots, and in general should draw public attention to the alarmingly growing processes in the earth’s crust, which are fraught with serious cataclysms in the near future. foreseeable future, and perhaps even are signs of an impending lithospheric catastrophe.

This is stated, in particular, in an appeal to the UN by the independent organization “Scientists Without Borders”:

“...Alarming facts about the sharp acceleration (by more than 500%) of the drift of the Earth’s north magnetic pole since 1990 have not only catastrophic consequences for global climate change, but also indicate significant changes in energy processes in the inner and outer core of the Earth , responsible for the formation of the geomagnetic field and endogenous activity of our planet.

The role of the magnetosphere in shaping the Earth's climate has been scientifically proven. Changes in the parameters of the geomagnetic field and magnetosphere can lead to a redistribution of areas where cyclones and anticyclones originate and, therefore, affect global climate change.

Natural disasters, in a short time, can lead to catastrophic consequences for entire regions of our planet, claim the lives of many people, leave the population of large areas without shelter and livelihood, destroy the economies of entire states and cause large-scale epidemics and severe infectious diseases. At present, the international community is not prepared for such a possible development of the situation. Meanwhile, in the geological life of our planet, periods of significant increases in endogenous activity have been repeatedly observed, and the next such period, as many geological indicators show, has already arrived...”

Well, that’s already enough interesting material, to which we should add the possible eruption of the giant Yellowstone volcano

Yellowstone National Park, known for its forests, grizzly bears and hot springs, is actually a bomb that will explode in the coming years. If this happens, the entire North American continent may perish. And the rest of the world will not find it enough.

And it all started with joy. In 2002, several new geysers with healing hot water appeared simultaneously in the Yellowstone Nature Reserve. Local tourism companies immediately began promoting this phenomenon, and the number of visitors to the park, which usually amounts to about three million people a year, increased even more.

However, strange things soon began to happen. In 2004, the US government tightened the regime for visiting the reserve. The number of security guards on its territory has sharply increased, and some areas have been declared closed to visitors. But seismologists and volcanologists frequented them.

Scientists became worried. One after another, commissions to study volcanic activity began to visit the park. What they dug up there was not reported to the general public, but it is known that in 2007, a Scientific Council with emergency powers was created under the Office of the President of the United States. It included several of the country's leading geophysicists and seismologists, as well as members of the National Security Council, including the secretary of defense and intelligence officials. George W. Bush personally chaired the monthly meetings of this body.

That same year, Yellowstone National Park moved from departmental subordination to the Department of the Interior under the direct control of the Scientific Council. Why would the American authorities pay so much attention to a simple resort?

And the whole point is that the ancient and, as it was believed, safe supervolcano, on which the Paradise Valley is located, suddenly showed signs of activity. The miraculously clogged springs became its first manifestation.

Further more. Seismologists discovered a sharp rise in soil under the reserve. Over the past four years, she has swollen by 178 centimeters. This is despite the fact that over the previous twenty years the ground rise was no more than 10 centimeters.

Seismologists were joined by mathematicians. Based on information about previous eruptions of the Yellowstone volcano, they developed an algorithm for its life activity. The result was shocking.

The Geological Society of America expected his awakening no earlier than 20 thousand years later. But based on new data, computers produced an unexpected result. The next catastrophe should be expected in 2075. However, after some time it became clear that events were developing much faster. The result had to be corrected again. The terrible date has approached. Now it looms between 2012 and 2016

What do these explosions look like? From below, the pressure of magma on the thin surface of the earth gradually increases. A hump is formed with a height of several hundred meters and a diameter of 15-20 kilometers. Numerous vents and cracks appear along the perimeter of the hump, and then its entire central part collapses down into the fiery abyss. The collapsed rocks, like a piston, sharply squeeze out gigantic fountains of lava and ash from the depths.

The force of this explosion exceeds the charge of the most powerful nuclear bomb. According to geophysicists, if the Yellowstone mine explodes, the effect will exceed a hundred Hiroshimas. The calculations, of course, are purely theoretical. During its existence, homo sapiens has never encountered such a phenomenon. The last time it boomed was during the time of the dinosaurs. Perhaps this is why they became extinct.

As it will be

A few days before the explosion, the earth's crust above the supervolcano will rise several meters. At the same time, the soil will heat up to 60-70 degrees. The concentration of hydrogen sulfide and helium in the atmosphere will increase sharply.

The first thing we will see is a cloud of volcanic ash, which will rise into the atmosphere to a height of 40-50 kilometers.

The pieces will be thrown to great heights. As they fall, they will cover a gigantic area. In the first hours of a new eruption in Yellowstone, an area within a radius of 1000 kilometers around the epicenter will be destroyed. Here, residents of almost the entire American northwest (Seattle) and parts of Canada (Calgary, Vancouver) are in immediate danger.

Streams of hot mud will rage over an area of ​​10 thousand square kilometers, the so-called pyroclastic wave - the most deadly product of the eruption. They will arise when the pressure of lava shooting high into the atmosphere weakens and part of the column collapses on the surrounding area in a huge avalanche, burning everything in its path. It will be impossible to survive in pyroclastic flows of such magnitude. At temperatures above 400 degrees, human bodies will simply cook, the flesh will separate from the bones.

The hot liquid will kill about 200 thousand people in the first minutes after the eruption begins.

But these are very minor losses compared to those that America will suffer as a result of a series of earthquakes and tsunamis that the explosion will provoke. They will already claim tens of millions of lives. This is provided that the North American continent does not go under water at all, like Atlantis.

Soviet scientists once predicted that the most terrible consequence of a global nuclear conflict would be the so-called “nuclear winter.” The same thing will happen as a result of the explosion of a supervolcano.

Two weeks after the sun disappears into dust clouds, the air temperature on the earth's surface will drop in various parts of the globe from -15 degrees to -50 degrees or more. The average temperature on the Earth's surface will be about -25 degrees.

Winter will last for at least a year and a half. This is enough to forever change the natural balance on the planet. Due to long frosts and lack of light, vegetation will die. Since plants are involved in the production of oxygen, very soon it will become difficult for everyone living on the planet to breathe. The fauna of the Earth will die painfully from cold, hunger and epidemics. The human race will have to move from the surface of the earth underground for at least three years, and then who knows...

As for notifying the population, the authorities recognized such actions as inappropriate. Well, in fact, it is possible to escape from a sinking ship, and even then not always. Where to run from the broken and burning continent?

In any case, this is the conclusion reached by the Scientific Council under the President of the United States. According to its members, there is only one way out - to abandon the majority of the population to the will of fate and take care of preserving capital, military potential and the elite of American society. So, a few months before the explosion, the best scientists, military, high-tech specialists, and, of course, the rich will be taken out of the country. There is no doubt that every billionaire has a place reserved on the future ark. But you can no longer guarantee the fate of ordinary millionaires. They will save themselves.

Actually, the above information became known thanks to the efforts of the American scientist and journalist Howard Huxley, who has been working on the problems of the Yellowstone volcano since the 80s, has established connections in geophysics circles, like many famous journalists was associated with the CIA and is a recognized authority in scientific circles.

Realizing what the country was heading for, Howard and his like-minded people created the Foundation for Saving Civilization. Their goal is to warn humanity about the impending disaster and give everyone a chance to survive, not just members of the elite.

Over the course of several years, the Foundation's employees have accumulated a lot of information. In particular, they calculated exactly where the cream of American society would go after the disaster.

Liberia, a small state in West Africa, traditionally following in the wake of American politics, will become an island of salvation for them. Massive cash injections have been going into this country for several years now. There is a network of excellent roads, airports and, as they say, an extensive system of deep, very well-maintained bunkers. The American elite will be able to sit in this hole for several years, and then, when the situation stabilizes, begin to restore the destroyed state and its influence in the world.

Therefore, since 2003, preemptive strikes have been carried out on a number of Muslim countries with the aim of destroying their military potential. Whether the American military machine will have time to neutralize these threats before 2012, God knows.

A vicious circle has formed. Due to its aggressive policy, the United States has more and more ill-wishers, and less and less time remains to neutralize them.

There is no doubt that before a global catastrophe, the United States will launch a preemptive atomic strike on Russia, based on its military doctrine. From the outside it will look like a global natural disaster in Russia. But the Americans, first of all, need to take Vavilov’s collection of plants and seeds out of St. Petersburg, so that after the nuclear winter they will have something to restore the nature of the earth. This collection has no price at all, so today we need to carefully observe how those who expect to hide from the nuclear winter in the bunkers of Liberia and Antarctica will try to take Vavilov’s collection out of the country. It would also be nice to take a look at the place where Abramovich is digging deep pits and underground bunkers. Abram is not the guy who would easily allow himself to be buried under the rubble of some building in London. Moreover, their friendly relationship with Putin indicates that Abram will dig the bunker not only for himself, but also for his friend, and with his help and support.

The first question is where are the rats from all over the world, that is, the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Bushes, Warburgs, Abramovichs, Berezovskys, etc. from all over the world, and first of all the Rothschilds, and on our side the Abramovichs are tearing out deep cellars?

The second question is how will Vavilov’s collection be exported from the country, under what pretext, in which direction, by whom and with which of the accompanying persons?

Question three: when will all this riffraff start moving? Japan rings first, rings second, like in a theater before a performance - a wave of orange revolutions in Arab countries. What will be the third bell when the whole pack of rats takes off, and we should expect an atomic bomb on our heads?

And the most important thing is our national leader of the country, he is our Russian, national leader!

). These bodies fell noisily into the ocean and onto the Earth. Their fall was accompanied by dazzlingly bright flashes, “the fire of the mountains,” “flames to the skies,” and at the same time a thunderous roar and earthquakes that swept across the globe. After some time (about a month), a “great darkness” set in, and at the same time or almost simultaneously (here legends vary) huge masses of water fell from the sky onto the earth, and a catastrophic rise in sea level occurred. The disaster ended with unprecedented frosts, as a result of which the surviving people “died from cold and hunger.”
In 1978-1979 and 1983 American scientists K. Sagan and P. Crutzen and Soviet academician N.N. Moiseev independently calculated on computers a possible scenario for the consequences of a medium-scale nuclear war.“A nuclear conflict will not lead to local cold and darkness under the canopy of individual clouds, but to a global nuclear night,” a “nuclear winter,” which “will last about a year,”- they wrote. Calculations have shown that the Earth will be enveloped in darkness. Hundreds of millions of tons of soil raised into the atmosphere, smoke from continental fires, ash and soot from burning cities and forests will make our sky impenetrable to sunlight. As a result, there will be a sharp cooling, and subsequently a complete restructuring of atmospheric circulation. In about six months, powerful floods of continental proportions will occur.

Read the work of academician A.M. Tarko "Nuclear winter - history and forecasts", who took part in the calculations of the nuclear war scenario together with academician N.N. Moiseev

Isn't it true that the description given by scientists of the consequences of a nuclear conflict is strikingly reminiscent of the scenario of the great catastrophe preserved in oral traditions? It should be borne in mind that it was made on the basis of data relating to a medium-scale (5000 Mt) nuclear war. This means that in the event of a larger-scale nuclear conflict, with the inclusion of the entire accumulated arsenal of nuclear weapons, as well as in the event of a collision with the Earth of a large asteroid, which in its consequences will be not much different from a nuclear war, the duration of the events described (primarily darkness and cold associated with the non-penetration of solar rays onto the Earth’s surface) could be much longer (lasting tens to hundreds of years, perhaps even the first millennia).

Read my job "...Nuclear weapons are a direct threat to the existence of humanity "

It is logical to assume that in this case photosynthesis could be significantly weakened (or completely stopped), a significant part (or all) of vegetation could die (depending on the intensity and duration of the event), as well as most of the animals and people (except for those that adapted live or hide underground).
In the geological layers associated with the catastrophe, one would expect the accumulation of specific deposits enriched with soot (from fires), isotopes of radioactive elements (in the event of a nuclear conflict), or some cosmic elements unusual for terrestrial rocks (in the event of a collision with the Earth of asteroids), and in deep-sea sediments they are also saturated with organic matter (from the rotting of unicellular algae and plankton, which must die in large quantities in the absence of light).

Read my work “Oil and coals with a high content of uranium, vanadium, nickel, iridium and other metals - deposits from the eras of “nuclear wars”

There have been many disasters on Earth

How are things really going? Is there evidence of the catastrophe described in oral traditions in the Earth's geological record?
Yes, they have survived, and not just one, but many! I will tell you about the last catastrophe that happened on Earth - at the turn of the Pleistocene and Holocene (12-10 thousand years ago), which played a crucial role in the fate of humanity (this is what myths and legends tell about) in the following publications.

Readmy work "The last days of the Great Northern Civilization - the descendants of the white gods. What happened in Northeast Asia, Alaska and the Arctic Ocean shelf 12 thousand years ago? (reconstructions at the intersection of geology and history)"

In this article I will focus on two other grandiose catastrophes that occurred at an earlier time: at the boundaries of the Permian and Triassic (251.2 million years ago) and the Cretaceous and Paleogene (65 million years ago)**. In terms of their impact on the evolution of life (the disappearance of 75% - 90% of all existing species of animals and plants), they had no equal in the history of the Earth. With the exception, perhaps, of another catastrophe that occurred 3.9 billion years ago at the boundary of the Catarchean and Archean and which, according to experts from the universities of Arizona and Tennessee (USA), led to the emergence of life. However, we still know very little about this catastrophe due to the extreme metamorphic (secondary) processing of rocks and the impossibility of restoring the primary appearance and composition of the boundary deposits.

Catastrophe at the Permian-Triassic boundary (251.2 ± 3.4 million years ago)

So, what events occurred on Earth at the boundary of the Permian and Triassic?

Outbreak of volcanism
At the Permian-Triassic boundary, the largest (with an area of ​​about 1.5 million km2) Tunguska trap formation was formed on the Siberian platform, represented by thick strata of sheet intrusions, lava covers and tuffs of basaltic composition (thickness up to 2-3 km and volume of about 2.5 million km3), which were confined to rift zones of meridional strike.
The main part of the traps was formed at the very boundary of the Permian and Triassic (the so-called Putorana horizon; some researchers attribute it to the very top of the Jurassic, others to the very bottom of the Triassic). According to I. Campbell (Campbell et al., 1992), P. Canagham (Canagham et al., 1994) and other researchers, the outpouring of the Siberian traps coincided in time with the updated dating of the Permian-Triassic boundary (251.2 ± 3.4 million years).

Accumulation of boundary clays

One of the main arguments in favor of global catastrophes is the presence in thin boundary layers of clays of the so-called “iridium anomaly”, first discovered by the American geologist L. Alvarez in 1977 in the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary clays near the city of Gubbio, 150 km from Rome . Most researchers attribute it to cosmic origin, considering the fall of a large celestial body to be the main source of iridium (the iridium content in meteorites ranges from 500 to 5000 ng/g; in the earth’s crust it is only about 0.03 ng/g).

The iridium anomaly is most well developed in the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary deposits. At the Permian-Triassic boundary, it has a more local distribution (best studied in southern China and Texas) and is much less clearly expressed. However, the similarity of the iridium-containing layers in both cases is beyond doubt.
Near the Permo-Triassic boundary there are characteristic layers of boundary clays with microspherical nodules enriched in siderophile (Fe, Ni, Co, Au), chalcophile (Cu, Zn, S), deep lithophile (Ti, Cr, V, Sc) elements, platinoids and , primarily iridium. According to Yang and other Chinese geologists (Yang et al., 1995), in China this layer is bentonite - hydrolyzed tuffite. It can be traced over a large area within several Chinese provinces. Currently, its stratigraphic analogues have been found in the reference sections of Elburz, the Caucasus, the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and other places.

In the boundary marine sediments of the Permian and Triassic there is a sharp decline in values d 13C (degree of enrichment with the heavy carbon isotope), which, according to Yu.D. Zakharova, N.G. Boriskina and A.M. Popova (2001) is associated with a reduction in the accumulation of organic carbon (mainly phytoplankton). At the same time, high values d 13C in Permian organogenic carbonates indicates the abundance of organic carbon in the ocean during accumulation of the underlying strata.

It has been established that the maxima of carbon isotope anomalies occur during periods of maximum solar activity and photosynthesis and, conversely, the minimum and negative values ​​of these anomalies are associated with minimal solar activity (or its absence) and a sharp slowdown (or cessation) of photosynthesis.

At the Permian-Triassic boundary, coal accumulation, usual for the Permian period, ceased almost everywhere. Above the boundary clays lie widespread black shale strata in the Lower Jurassic, which formed under conditions of oxygen deficiency, and red rocks.

Climate change
Palynological (study of pollen and plant spores) studies in the Asian region showed that at the Permian-Triassic boundary there was a significant cooling and aridization (increase in dryness) of the climate. Border floras are characterized by monotony, a depleted species composition, and a reduction in fern forms. According to V.A. Krasilova (2001) and Li (Li, 1997), the Catasian (Sino-Indochinese) flora is preserved only in Southern China. However, already in the Olenekian Age of the Early Triassic (about 245 million years ago), warming and a significant equalization of climatic conditions occurred.

Reducing oxygen content in the atmosphere
The existence of oxygen-free conditions at the Permian-Triassic boundary, according to a number of Russian and foreign researchers, is proven by the existence of a negative cerium anomaly, the presence of platinum group metals, syngenetic (formed simultaneously with sediments) pyrite, the absence of reef formations, and the almost complete cessation of carbonate and silicon accumulation. According to Yu.D. Zakharova (2001) and others, oxygen deficiency could arise due to a global reduction (or cessation) of photosynthesis as a result of a sharp decrease in the productivity of photosynthetic organisms in the ocean (recorded by a negative value of d 13C), which apparently coincided with a reduction in photosynthesis on land due to aridization (desertification) of the climate.

Extinction of fauna and flora
Organic remains in boundary clays are extremely rare and are represented, according to V.A. Krasilova (2001), conodonts (microscopic, 0.1 - 1 mm, remains of the jaw apparatus of an extinct group of planktonic marine animals) of the Permian appearance. Black shale strata usually occur above the boundary clays. The invertebrate complexes here are mixed, consisting of Permian and Triassic components. Although the question of the position of the Permian-Triassic boundary within the interval with mixed fauna still remains controversial.
The dominant forms of Permian plants disappear from the geological record below the Permian-Triassic boundary. In marine sections, the mass extinction of Permian invertebrates was noted several meters below the boundary clays, in which only Permian conodonts remained (V.A. Krasilov, 2001). At the same time, relict Permian forms of both fauna and flora are still found at the base of the Triassic.
Somewhat different data are provided by American and Chinese researchers led by S. Bowring from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA), who studied the “classical” Permian-Triassic boundary deposits in southern China and Texas (Bowring S.A., et al., 1998). In their opinion, the episode of the extinction of life lasted in the interval from 251.4 ± 0.3 million years to 252.3 ± 0.3 million years, that is, no more than 1 million years. Moreover, modern methods of dating absolute age do not allow obtaining greater accuracy for rocks aged 251 million years. That is, the duration of the environmental catastrophe could be much shorter and, according to some estimates, ranged from 10 to 150 thousand years.

One of the incomprehensible events that occurred at the Permian-Triassic boundary was the massive spread and outbreak of morphogenesis in saprophytic fungi (the so-called “fungal episode”, according to Vischer et al., 1996)

Other important events that occurred at the Permian-Triassic boundary are the massive release of volcanic ash and aerosols, acid rain (as evidenced, in particular, by the increased sulfur content in the Permo-Triassic boundary sediments of Southern China), significant breaks in sedimentation (some researchers explain their by the retreat of the sea, and others by the rise of the continents), as well as the extensive rise in sea level noted in different regions of the globe.

In 2001, a group of American researchers led by L.E. Becker, who studied the boundary Permian-Triassic deposits of Southern China and Japan, identified molecules of inert gases that are part of the complex hydrocarbon polymers present in these deposits, fullerons. According to L.E. Becker, they may be the remnants of a comet.

Catastrophe at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary (65 million years ago)

What happened at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary?

Outbreak of volcanism
At the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary, the formation of the largest (with an area of ​​about 1.5 million km2 and a volume of about 2.5 million km3) Deccan trap formation on the Indian Platform, which has a similar composition to the Siberian traps and is also confined to rift zones of meridional strike, took place. The Deccan Traps are usually dated to the beginning of the Paleocene, although the main outbreak of volcanism appears to have been short-lived and occurred at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary.
In South India, traps lie on marine layers with Danish fauna. Most radiometric dating of the lower traps falls within the range of 60-65 million years.
Active volcanism at the same time also occurred in East Asia, as evidenced by the abundance of lava covers, tuffs and admixtures of pyroclastic (tuffaceous) material in the sedimentary rocks of the East Asian volcanic belt, although its nature was already different (the subduction of oceanic lithosphere under the continental one).

Accumulation of boundary clays
As mentioned above, in the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary deposits the iridium anomaly is much better manifested than at the Permian-Triassic boundary. Typically, boundary deposits are thin (from several mm to several cm thick, rarely more than 10 cm) layers of clays or pelites (sometimes with an admixture of tuffaceous material) with microspherical nodules enriched in siderophile (Fe, Ni, Co, Au), chalcophile (Cu , Zn, S), deep lithophile (Ti, Cr, V, Sc) elements, platinoids, primarily iridium (iridium concentration in boundary clays varies from 2 to 80 ng/g), and stand out sharply against the background of underlying and overlying their strata have a different, most often carbonate, composition.
Boundary Cretaceous-Paleogene deposits with a high content of iridium were first established by L. Alvarez in a section near the Italian city of Gubbio (Alwarez et al., 1980), where they are represented by a centimeter layer of calcareous montmorillonite pelite, probably with an admixture of pyroclastic material, separating the two various limestone formations. Subsequently, they were tracked in more than 150 sections around the world (Denmark, Spain, Tunisia, USA, Canada, New Zealand, Turkmenistan). For example, in Tunisia, the boundary Cretaceous-Paleogene deposits represent a 1-3 mm layer of rusty ferruginous clays, underlain by grayish-white marls and overlain by dark clays; on the Mangyshlak Peninsula - a 1-2 cm layer of brown clays among different limestones composition, in Kopet-Dag - an uneven thickness (from 6 to 15 cm) layer of brown and red-gray ferruginous clays, enriched in gypsum, lying with erosion on marls and overlain by gray clays, etc. In the west of North America they are represented by hydrolyzed tuff with microspheres.

Soot accumulation
According to A.B. Weimarn (1998), Wolbach et al., 1990 and other Russian and foreign researchers, increased carbon contents, including soot (spherical carbon particles with a diameter of less than 0.1 μm), are noted in the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary deposits. Moreover, if the maximum contents of iridium and shock-metamorphosed quartz are confined to the base of the boundary clay, then soot and total elemental carbon in the Sumbar section of Kopet-Dag reach a peak 7 cm higher. According to scientists, this indicates that the fires began after the deposition of the basal layer of clay, that is, after the collision of an asteroid with the Earth.

Change in sedimentation regime
In the boundary marine sediments of the Cretaceous and Paleogene there is also a sharp decline in d values 13С (against the background of high values d 13C in Upper Cretaceous organogenic carbonates), which serves as evidence of a reduction in the accumulation of organic carbon at this time due to a noticeable weakening or cessation of photosynthesis.

Climate change
The selective extinction of heat-loving forms of invertebrates and terrestrial plants at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary indicates a significant cooling that began in the late Maastrichtian, which was replaced by a sharp change in climatic trends towards global warming already in the late Paleocene.
Conducted by scientists from the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University under the leadership of A.B. Weinmara (1998) study of oxygen isotope ratios d18O in the boundary Cretaceous-Paleogene deposits of the Koshak and Kyzylsay sections on the Mangyshlak Peninsula made it possible to tentatively calculate that the surface water temperature of the Mangyshlak Sea during the accumulation of “border clays” was approximately 4°C lower than the end temperatures chalk. However, soon (in the Paleocene) the sea temperature increased by 7°C and even exceeded the Upper Cretaceous values ​​by 3°C. A. Sarkar and other researchers (Sarcar et al., 1992) reconstructed the onset of a very rapid (within 1000 years) cooling for the “boundary clays” of the Koshak section.

Reduced oxygen content
The existence of oxygen-free conditions at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary is proven by data on sulfur isotopes, the development of platinum group metals, the absence of reef formations, and the almost complete cessation of carbonate and silicon accumulation. Oxygen deficiency has also been associated with a global reduction (or cessation) of photosynthesis.

Extinction of fauna and flora
In the section near the city of Gubbio in Italy, there was a mass extinction of Cretaceous foraminifera and coccoliths (small unicellular algae), according to V.A. Krasilova (2001), occurred 0.5 m below the iridium anomaly, and the extinction of the dominant forms of macrofauna was even lower in the section. However, in other sections (Caravaca, Spain; Mangyshlak, Turkmenistan) many Cretaceous forms occur up to the inter-era boundary, and some even above the boundary clays with the iridium peak.
G. Keller from Princeton University (USA), who studied the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary deposits in the El Kef section in Tunisia and the river. Brazos (Texas, USA), came to the conclusion that the extinction of planktonic foraminifera began 300 thousand years before accumulation and ended 200-300 thousand years after the accumulation of Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary deposits, i.e. lasted about 500 thousand years (Keller, 1989). However, the bulk of foraminifera died immediately before the deposition of the boundary sediments and within 50 thousand years after that. This means that the period of mass extinction of microfauna hardly exceeded 50-100 thousand years. In addition, large heat-loving species were the first to die out, and small, primitive and cold-loving species were the last to die out.
In non-marine sections directly above the iridium layer, according to V.A. Krasilov, the content of fern spores increases sharply, and sometimes the leaves of these plants are also preserved. At this level, Paleogene forms of flora give way to Cretaceous ones.

Other important events related to the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary are the massive release of volcanic ash and aerosols, acid rain (as evidenced by elevated sulfur content in the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary sediments of the Kopet Dag), significant hiatuses in sedimentation, and extensive sea transgression, dated to the very beginning of the Paleogene.

Scientists from the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University under the leadership of A.B. Weinmar noted such important features of the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary deposits as cosmic ratios of siderophile elements in them, the presence of impact-metamorphosed quartz and feldspar, stishovite, as well as impact melting glasses (tektites). All this serves as additional evidence that they were formed as a result of a collision of a large asteroid with the Earth.

According to J. Burgeois and other researchers (Bourgeois et al., 1988), the boundary Cretaceous-Paleogene deposits of the river. The Brazos in Texas are represented by a layer of irregular thickness and extent of chaotically mixed sandstones, siltstones and clays, which lie on eroded gray Maastrichtian marls (Upper Cretaceous). They interpret them as deposits from a tsunami generated by the collision of the Earth with an asteroid.

Other disasters

Catastrophes similar to those that occurred at the Permian-Triassic and Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary occurred at many other moments in the history of the Earth. Despite the fact that their description is not within the scope of this article, I still want to note some of the most important features of these catastrophes, which bring them closer to the catastrophes of the Permian-Triassic and Cretaceous-Paleogene. This is the formation of the largest basalt (trap) provinces:
- at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary (about 200 million years ago; 200 ± 4 million years according to K-Ar and U-Pb dating) on ​​both coasts and the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean from France and West Africa to eastern North America and Southern Brazil ( total area is about 7 million km2);
- on the border of the Lower and Middle Jurassic (183.6 ± 1 million years according to K-Ar dating) on ​​the Karoo plateau in South Africa (area about 50 thousand km2) and in Antarctica;
- on the boundary of the Jurassic and Cretaceous on the Parana plateau in Brazil (area about 750 thousand km2) and within the Asian basalt province, covering, according to V.A. Krasilova, Transbaikalia, Mongolia and Northern China;
- at the very end of the Late Eocene (Chukotka, Western Kamchatka, Sakhalin).
These are also the iridium anomalies discovered by Montanari and others (Montanari, 1993) at several locations along the Eocene-Oligocene boundary.
Finally, this is the existence of oxygen-free conditions (anoxia) approximately 183 million years ago, established by the oceanographer from the University of Oxford H. Jenkins (Great Britain) from two-meter layers rich in organic matter in Antarctica and other regions, a sharp cooling at the boundary of the Eocene and Oligocene, Miocene and Pliocene.

Updated disaster scenario

As can be seen from the above, catastrophes at the boundary of the Permian and Triassic, the Cretaceous and Paleogene, and also, in all likelihood, at the boundaries of other eras are attested in the geological record of the Earth by practically the same formations and occurred according to approximately the same scenario. This scenario corresponds with amazing accuracy to the description of the disaster in oral traditions and developed by American scientists K. Sagan and P. Crutzen and Soviet academician N.N. Moiseev's nuclear war scenario.

Darkness, frost, low oxygen levels
The study of boundary deposits of the Permian and Triassic, Cretaceous and Paleogene and other geological epochs, as well as formations associated with catastrophic events at the boundaries of epochs (crustal faults, traps, distribution of volcanic ash and soot in sediments, etc.), carried out by different researchers in different parts of the globe. ), allows us to provide a more detailed description of the sequence of events during the global catastrophes that occurred on Earth. They were approximately as follows:

As a result of a collision with the Earth of a large asteroid, a comet or several asteroids or comets (then one could say “or as a result of a large-scale nuclear war,” but the last statement is so contrary to our current understanding of the history of the Earth that I am omitting it) a huge ejection occurred in atmosphere of rock debris and dust. Large fragments fell in the immediate vicinity of the collision site, and the smallest fragments and dust rose to great heights, mixed with clouds (or formed clouds as a result of condensation of water vapor around them) and were drawn into various air currents by the prevailing winds.
The colossal energy released during the collision of an asteroid (asteroids) or comet (comets) led to the ignition of vegetation in the disaster area (areas), and in addition to debris and dust, a huge amount of smoke, ash and soot from the fires entered the air. The energy from the collision led to the formation of numerous thousands of kilometers long faults in the earth's crust and upper mantle (rift zones and shifts), the formation of which was accompanied by earthquakes that swept across the globe and enormous volcanic activity (the formation of trap formations). The hot lava pouring out over vast areas set fire to forests over hundreds of thousands of square kilometers, and the pyroclastic material thrown into the air in gigantic quantities mixed with dust from the explosion and combustion products.
As a result, after some time, clouds consisting of dust, volcanic ash, ash, soot and other combustion products enveloped the entire surface of the Earth and tightly covered it from the sun's rays. Depending on the scale of the catastrophe, either a significantly weakened part of the sun’s rays reached the Earth’s surface (in this case, apparently, only part of the vegetation and animals died out), or the sun’s rays did not reach it at all. Then the Earth was covered in thick darkness, which, according to indirect estimates (the time of plankton death) could last from 10 to 100-150 thousand years.
Although such estimates of the time of absence of conditions for photosynthesis on Earth may be greatly overestimated due to the fact that modern science is simply not able to determine the age of Permian-Triassic and Cretaceous-Paleogene rocks with greater accuracy; it is possible that the noted period lasted only one thousand or even fewer years.In the event of a complete cessation of photosynthesis, the overwhelming majority of vegetation and animals died out, which happened, for example, at the boundaries of the Permian and Triassic, Cretaceous and Paleogene.
Further events, or rather their sequence, are reconstructed something like this. Dense clouds that greatly weakened or completely blocked the access of sunlight to the Earth’s surface led to a sharp cooling
(according to N.N. Moiseev’s calculations, the decrease in temperature in different places on the Earth could vary from- 20°C to -100°C). This event is recorded quite clearly in many boundary deposits of the Permian and Triassic, Cretaceous and Paleogene.As a result of this cooling, the extinction of organisms that were able to survive in the absence of light occurred.
In all likelihood, the cooling coincided in time with the period of “darkness that covered the Earth” and was quite long (according to available estimates, from 10 to 100-150 thousand years). This is evidenced, in particular, by oxygen-free conditions at the boundary of the Permian and Triassic, the Lower and Middle Jurassic and the Cretaceous and Paleogene, which were possible only in the complete absence of photosynthesis. The very absence of oxygen served as an additional accelerating factor in the extinction of surviving terrestrial (and possibly marine) animals.
So, darkness, severe frosts on land, a significant decrease in ocean water temperature, a very small amount of oxygen in the air or its complete absence, which probably lasted for tens or even hundreds of thousands of years (and perhaps much less), led to the fact that at different moments in the geological history of the Earth (by geological standards, almost overnight), up to 75-90% of all animals and plants living on it, which had previously flourished for many millions of years, disappeared from the Earth’s surface.
Some animals and plants were somehow preserved and after the consequences of the disasters ceased, they began their second life. The number of surviving species most likely depended on the scale of the disaster, which determined the level of transparency of the atmosphere and the duration of the period of “cold and darkness.” First of all, apparently, the deep-sea inhabitants of the ocean survived, as well as animals and plants underground, which fell into a long “lethargic” hibernation (like some representatives of today’s animal world) or used holes and caves as shelters. (If people or other intelligent beings existed in those distant times, some of their representatives could also survive the time of the catastrophe in artificial underground shelters and even take with them some representatives of the fauna and flora).

Rising sea levels = Great Flood

The listed troubles (darkness, frost, low oxygen levels, etc.) do not yet exhaust the whole variety of events associated with global catastrophes. As noted above,Permo-Triassic and Cretaceous-Paleogene catastrophes were accompanied by significant sea level rise, which occurred immediately after the catastrophe (most likely, after 10-100 thousand years, and possibly earlier; according to the available data, we cannot say this for sure).This sea level rise was very reminiscent of the Great Flood(And ) information about which was brought to us by the Bible and numerous oral traditions.

What caused the rise in sea level at the boundaries of different eras, noted by many researchers in different parts of the globe? It seems to me that there are two possible explanations for this event.
Firstly,sea ​​level rise could be associated with prolonged (figuratively speaking, "for 40 days and 40 nights"; in fact, for a much longer period of time) precipitation that poured from the sky in the form of incessant rain (and probably hail as well) or snow) after the heating of the cloud layer as a result of intense volcanic activity, fires and the release into the air of a huge amount of greenhouse gases (primarily water vapor and carbon dioxide), which retain the heat given off by the Earth.Remember that exactly such events were predicted by K. Sagan, P. Crutzen and N.N. Moiseev.
sea ​​level rise (and more catastrophic than in the first case) could occur if some asteroid or comet fell into the ocean. In this case, a huge (probably more than 1 km high) tsunami wave should have formed, which would have circled the globe more than once.This is exactly the event that was reconstructed at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary in Texas by J. Burgeiss and other American geologists.
It is likely that both of these events took place. In this case, they should have been separated in time by a period of several thousand - tens of thousands, perhaps the first hundreds of thousands of years. The catastrophic tsunami was most likely associated with the erosion of previously accumulated sediments and the accumulation of specific, unstable in thickness, boundary deposits in a number of regions of the Earth, and with the subsequent rise in sea level - black shale and other strata formed under transgression conditions.

Acid rain
Large-scale volcanic eruptions that occurred at the boundary of the Permian and Triassic, Cretaceous and Paleogene and other eras led to the release of huge amounts of volcanic gases: water vapor, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and sulfur dioxide, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, ammonia. These compounds entered the air, saturated it with toxic vapors and accumulated in large quantities in the dense layer of clouds that enveloped the Earth. As the cloud layer warmed, it fell as rain (or snow?), determining its acidic reaction.
Thus, we can confidently reconstruct that the “streams of water that fell from the sky” or rains (more precisely, downpours) were acidic. And the expected long period of time such rains fell throughout the Earth gives us reason to believe that they saturated rivers, lakes and even surface ocean waters with acid, which became unsuitable for life.

They were just as acidic"streams of water falling from the sky"during the disaster on Mars

All this (worldwide flooding, acid rain, toxic fogs and waters with a high acid content) led to the further extinction of animals and plants.

The disaster scenario presented above does not take into account the destruction associated with a change in the tilt of the earth's axis, which occurred repeatedly - during almost all disasters. Additional destruction and devastation on Earth are described in the work "Global catastrophes, changes in the position of the earth's axis and destruction on Earth. Causes and consequences"

Findings that raise new questions

The reconstructed scenario of all, or at least the main, great catastrophes in the history of the Earth allows us to draw three main conclusions.
Firstly (this has already been said, but I want to once again draw your attention to this circumstance due to its particular importance for understanding human evolution), it surprisingly accurately (except for the time of the flood) corresponds to the description of the catastrophe in oral traditions, which occurred, according to various estimates, 12-10 thousand years ago. This suggests that mentioned in the epics of most peoples of the world a catastrophe in which "one world perished" (many legends connect it with the “golden age”, when people lived 1000 years) and “another was created” (the world of ordinary people),really took place. All that remains is to find out what this “first world” was and why and how it was destroyed.

As I have established over the past few yearsafter writing thiswork based on a joint analysis of legends and geological data, most oral traditions of different peoples describe an earlier - early-middle Miocene catastrophe that occurred 15.9 million years ago, when the life expectancy of people decreased from 10,000 years to 1,000 years. Read about this in my work “The most important catastrophe in the history of the Earth, during which humanity appeared. When did it happen?” In Satya Yuga or the “golden age”, which ended at the turn of the Eocene and Oligocene (33.9 million years ago), the life expectancy of people was not 1000, but 100,000 years!

Secondly, the scenario of great catastrophes on Earth is not much different from the sequence of events that occurred during the last great catastrophe on Mars. Consequently, periodically shaking the Earth
disasters obey general cosmic rules and occur according togeneral laws of space development. It remains only to find out Who determines these Laws and when, where and under what circumstances they are enforced.

Readmy work "Disasters on Earth and Mars - united links of space disasters"

And finally, thirdly ( attention!), many (and perhaps all) disasters led to the formation of huge tsunami waves (and), which eroded previously accumulated sediments. This means that if at the time of the catastrophe there were some intelligent civilizations on Earth (as well as on other planets), then accumulated them cultural layers were most likely also eroded. And along with them all the material remains of “our distant ancestors” could disappear without a trace. the time of existence of which, by analogy with the development of our civilization, could be infinitely short compared to the previous rounds of the evolution of life on our (and other) planet(s).

Read my works "Why are there so few remains of intelligent civilizations preserved?" and "Oil and gas - products of processing of plants, animals and people who died during the disaster"

This assumption easily explains the strange circumstance (and perhaps a misconception) that over the course of almost 5 billion years, intelligent life on Earth developed only once. Perhaps, due to the above circumstances, geologists simply did not receive evidence of the existence of this reasonable life. That's all. It is only necessary to define new criteria for its search and study. In the meantime, hope that objects of conscious activity (nails, tools, chains, etc.) found in large quantities in the geological layers of the Earth of different ages (500 million years and younger), as well as traces of “humanoid creatures” are the much-desired remains these civilizations.

Read my works “Where did the material remains of the ancients disappear? They number in the thousands!”, “Traces of people and other intelligent beings in Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits”, “Wheel imprint in coal deposits in a coal mine in Donetsk (Rostov region)” and “ "

© A.V. Koltypin, 2009

I, the author of this work A.V. Koltypin, I authorize you to use it for any purposes not prohibited by current legislation, provided that my authorship and a hyperlink to the site are indicated Disaster at the turn Miocene and Pliocene (5.3 million years ago) ", "Disasters and climate change in the Pliocene", "The Neogene and Quaternary periods are a time of repeated changes in the position of the earth's axis and the speed of the earth's rotation", "Vibrations in the shape of the orbit and axis of the earth are the result of global disasters. About the cause of destruction, climate change and glaciation on Earth," "The most important catastrophe in the history of the Earth, during which humanity appeared. When did it happen? "

We can speculate about how things might have ended if some catastrophe had not occurred, but the variables are so small and there are so many of them that we will never know the right answer. Like a weather forecast (which, after all, looks into the future), we can only make a guess based on the information we receive, which is very limited. Let's take a look at 10 natural disasters from our past, and then imagine what the world would look like without them. You might be interested in the articles 10 Most Expensive Terrorist Attacks in Human History.

10. Lake Agassiz Outbreak, North America

Around 14,500 years ago, the planet's climate was beginning to emerge from the last Great Ice Age. And as temperatures began to rise, the Arctic ice sheet covering much of the Northern Hemisphere began to melt. Fast forward 1,600 years to the center of northern North America (what is now parts of North Dakota, Minnesota, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Ontario), which was under a huge proglacial lake formed by meltwater that was blocked by a wall of ice or other natural dam. Approximate area of ​​273,000 sq. km, Lake Agassiz was larger than any lake currently existing in the world, approximately the size of the Black Sea.

Then, for some reason, the dam broke and all the fresh water from the lake rushed into the Arctic Ocean through the Mackenzie River valley. And even if the flood itself was not severe enough, its consequences likely killed off the megafauna of North America, as well as the people of the Clovis culture. The insane amount of fresh water flooding the Arctic Ocean has significantly weakened the Atlantic “conveyor” by 30% or more. Along this conveyor, warm water reaches the Arctic, where, cooling, it sinks to the bottom and returns south along the ocean floor. With a new influx of fresh water from Lake Agassiz, the cycle slowed and the Northern Hemisphere returned to near-icy temperatures for 1,200 years, in a period known as the Younger Dryas. The end of this period, about 11,500 years ago, was even more abrupt than its beginning, when temperatures in Greenland rose 18 degrees Fahrenheit in just 10 years.

9. Eruptions of the Siberian Traps, Central Russia

Approximately 252 million years ago, planet Earth looked very different compared to today. Life was as alien as it gets, and all the continents were pushed together to form a single super-continent known as Pangea. Evolution followed the usual path, with life flourishing on land and in the sea. Then, as if out of nowhere, everything changed in one geological instant.

In the far north of Pangea, where Siberia is now located, a super-volcano of biblical proportions began to erupt. The eruption was incredibly strong and destructive, covering an area of ​​almost 2.7 million square meters. km (roughly equal to the continental United States) and was covered with a layer of lava 1.5 km thick. Just over 800,000 sq. km of this layer can still be seen in a region called Siberian traps.

The eruption itself and the subsequent destructive lava flows became only the catalyst for an irreversible chain of events that destroyed 75% of all life on earth and more than 95% of all sea creatures. This apocalyptic event, known as the Great Dying, marked the transition between the Permian and Triassic periods. The immediate effect of the super-volcano completely devastated the Northern Hemisphere, turning the air into veritable acidity and throwing the entire food chain into complete chaos. The eruption was followed by a centuries-long volcanic winter, killing 10% of all species on earth. After the dust settled, the planet's climate immediately entered a global warming phase, the overall temperature rose by 5 degrees Celsius, which led to the extinction of another 35% of all land creatures.

The oceans were nearby, and the water absorbed large amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, turning it into carbonic acid. As temperatures rose, oxygen-depleted water from the ocean floor began to expand and rise from the depths, leaving all marine life stranded. Huge amounts of methane hydrate, even found on the ocean floor today, rose to the surface due to warming waters, thereby increasing the planet's temperature by another 5 degrees Celsius. At that time, almost all marine species became extinct, and only the strongest living creatures managed to survive. This event is the largest mass extinction event on Earth. But by now our production is emitting four times more CO2 into the atmosphere than the supervolcano did many millions of years ago, and most of the above effects are already beginning to occur.

8. Sturegga landslide, Norwegian Sea

About 8,000 years ago, 100 km off the northern coast of modern Norway, a huge piece of land roughly the size of Iceland broke off from the European continental shelf and sank into the depths of the Norwegian Sea. This process was most likely caused by an earthquake, which destabilized methane hydrates located on the seabed, 1,350 cubic kilometers of sediment were distributed over more than 1,600 kilometers of the ocean floor, covering an area of ​​about 59,000 square meters. km. The ensuing tsunami caused a landslide that wreaked havoc on all nearby landmasses.

Since the planet was just emerging from the previous Ice Age, sea levels were 14 meters lower than today. Even so, deposits left by the Sturegga landslide were found as far as 80 km inland in some places and 6 meters above today's high tide. The territories of modern Scotland, England, Norway, Iceland, the Faroe, Orkney and Shetland Islands, Greenland, Ireland and the Netherlands were seriously damaged by waves 25 meters high.

The last piece of land that once connected the British Isles to mainland Europe, known as Doggerland, was completely submerged, creating the North Sea we know today. This was not the first or last time this happened; several other small landslides off the coast of modern Norway occurred between 50,000 and 6,000 years ago. Oil and gas companies take special precautions to avoid accidentally triggering such an event.

7.Eruption of Laki, Iceland

Iceland sits directly on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, where two large tectonic plates are moving away from each other. This makes the island nation one of the most volcanically active regions in the world. In 1783, a 29-kilometer fissure on the island's surface, known as Laki's Fissure, was ripped open by an eruption. Along the entire length of the volcano, 130 craters were formed, which erupted 5.4 cubic meters. km of basalt lava for 8 months. Incomparable in size and destruction to what occurred in Siberia 252 million years ago, the Laki eruption had very similar features, and was the largest volcanic eruption in the last 500 years. Thanks to a network of underground tunnels known as lava tubes, molten rock spread hundreds of kilometers from the fault and wiped out 20 villages.

However, Lucky's most destructive effect was not the lava itself, but the toxic gases released into the atmosphere. About 8 million tons of hydrogen fluoride and 120 million tons of sulfur dioxide were released, poisoning the air and creating acid rain. As a result, three quarters of the sheep and more than half of all cattle in Iceland died. Due to famine and disease, more than 20% of Iceland's population died over the next few months. In addition, sulfur dioxide spread across much of the Northern Hemisphere, blocking out the sun's rays and plunging the planet into a mini-volcanic winter. Europe suffered the most from this eruption, causing crop failures and famine, leading to the infamous French Revolution.

The rest of the world was also affected by the eruption. North America suffered its longest and harshest winter, one-sixth of Egypt's population died of starvation, and the monsoon season was disorganized, affecting even regions as far away as India and Southeast Asia.

6. Super tornado outbreak, 2011, central USA

In general, tornadoes have left few traces of their existence over a long period of time. Their effects can be devastating, but from an archaeological point of view, not much evidence of tornadoes can be found. However, the largest and most destructive tornado event in human history took place in 2011 in the area colloquially known as “ tornado alley” in the USA and Canada.

From April 25 to April 28, a total of 362 tornadoes were reported and confirmed by the National Weather Service in 15 States. Destructive tornadoes occurred every day, with the most active ones recorded since April 27, with 218 tornadoes recorded. Four of them were classified as EF5, the highest rating on the Fujita Tornado Scale. On average, one EF5 tornado is reported worldwide once a year or less.

A total of 348 people were killed in this outbreak, 324 of whom died directly from the tornado. The remaining 24 people were victims of flash floods, fist-sized hail or lightning strikes. Another 2,200 people were injured. The hardest hit state was Alabama, where 252 people died. The epicenter of the impact was the city of Tuscaloosa in Alabama, where an EF4 tornado with a diameter of almost 1.5 km and wind speeds of more than 200 km/h passed through residential areas of the city. Total property damage is estimated at about $11 billion, making the 2011 super tornado outbreak one of the costliest natural disasters to hit the United States.

5. Spanish flu, worldwide

At a time when the world was gripped by the horrors of the First World War, an even more merciless killer spread across the planet. The Spanish Flu, or Spanish Flu, became the deadliest pandemic in modern history, infecting 500 million people worldwide—about a third of the population—and killing between 20 and 50 million people in less than six months. As World War I gradually drew to a close in late 1918, the influenza virus was initially overlooked, especially on the battlefield, which quickly became an ideal breeding ground for the airborne disease.

For many years, scientists believed that the origins of influenza began in the trenches of France, and intensive research was carried out on this type of influenza in neutral Spain, giving it its name. spanish flu" The harsh conditions of battle were ideal for such a disease, with large numbers of people living together in squalor and often in close proximity to animals such as pigs. Moreover, the array of deadly chemicals used during World War I provided ample opportunity for the virus to mutate.

However, ten years after the war, Kansas was seriously considered as another possible breeding ground for the H1N1 influenza virus when it was discovered that 48 infantrymen had died in military camps. Later figures indicate a group of 96,000 Chinese workers who were sent to work behind British and French lines. Reports of a respiratory illness that struck northern China in November 1917 were identified a year later by Chinese health officials as identical to the Spanish flu. However, no direct connection has been found between the Chinese disease and the global Spanish flu epidemic.

The effects of the pandemic can still be felt today, 100 years later, as related strains of the virus caused epidemics in 1957, 1968, and again in 2009 and 2010 during “ swine flu crisis" None of these cases were as deadly as those at the end of the First World War, when only the isolated island of Marajó in the Brazilian Amazon delta had no outbreak reported.

4. The last breakthrough of Lake Agassiz and the flood of the Black Sea, Eastern Europe

Once again Lake Agassiz makes the list, this time due to its final drainage, which occurred about 8,200 years ago. After the last flood of this large lake mentioned above, the ice sheet formed again due to cooling caused by the entry of fresh water into the Arctic Ocean. But after 1,200 years, the planet warmed up again and the lake overflowed again. But this time Agassiz merged with another equally large lake Ojibwe. The union, however, did not last long, and this time their waters rushed into Hudson Bay. As before, the planet plunged into another period of global cooling (6200 BC). However, this time the cooling was much shorter than the Younger Dryas, lasting about 150 years. However, the sudden influx of water into the oceans has led to a rise in sea levels by as much as 4 meters.

Major floods occurred in all corners of the world: from America, Europe, Africa, Arabia, South Asia and to the Pacific Islands. A large number of submerged settlements have been found throughout the world, which can probably date back to this period. Perhaps it was during this period that myths about the global flood were born. But the biggest case of flooding occurred in Eastern Europe in the Black Sea region, which at that time was nothing more than a freshwater lake. Due to the rapid rise in sea level, the Bosporus Strait was partially destroyed and waters from the Mediterranean Sea poured into the lake, which eventually became the Black Sea. The speed at which water entered the lake, as well as its quantity, remain a matter of debate to this day.

Some believe that more than 16 cubic kilometers of water passed through the strait in a flow 200 times greater than the flow of Niagara Falls. This continued for three centuries and 96,500 square meters were flooded. km of land, the water level rose by 15 cm per day. Others believe that the flooding was gradual and only 1,240 square meters were flooded. km.

3. Zanklinsky flood and the Mediterranean Sea

Just like the Black Sea mentioned above, the Mediterranean Sea was once a lake. As the African and Eurasian tectonic plates moved closer and closer together over many millions of years, they eventually collided. About 5.6 million years ago, their initial point of contact was between the Iberian Peninsula and the northern coast of West Africa. Isolated from the Atlantic Ocean, the modern Mediterranean lake began to evaporate due to arid conditions over several hundred thousand years. In most places, the seabed was covered with a layer of salt more than a kilometer thick. This salt was blown about by the winds, wreaking havoc on the surrounding landscape.

Fortunately, after 300,000 years, the Mediterranean Sea became full again. The likely cause is considered to be the ongoing shift of the earth's crustal plates, which in turn caused the subsidence of the land around the Strait of Gibraltar. Over the course of several thousand years, an instant in geological terms, the Atlantic Ocean dug its way through a 200-kilometer channel. The flow of water reaching the Mediterranean basin was slow at first, but even then it was three times the flow of the Amazon River today. However, it is believed that once the channel became wide enough, the flow of water became enormous, filling the remaining 90% of the Mediterranean basin in a period of several months to two years. The rise in water level could reach 10 meters per day. This event is known as the Zanklin Flood. And even today, more than 5 million years later, the Mediterranean Sea is much saltier than the ocean due to the narrow strait that connects the two.

2. Drought in northern China, 1876-79

Between 1876 and 1879, a severe drought occurred in China, killing approximately 13 million people out of a total population of 108 million. As the world emerged from its last cooling period known as the “Little Ice Age,” drought in the Yellow River basin began in early 1876, worsening the following year's harvest with almost no rain. It was the worst drought to hit the region in 300 years, and certainly resulted in the largest number of casualties. Shanxi province suffered the most from the famine, killing approximately 5.5 million people out of a total population of 15 million.

This was not the first time China had faced a serious drought, and well into the 18th century the country invested heavily in storing and distributing grain to deal with such dire situations. In fact, the government has, on a number of occasions, taken effective measures to prevent severe droughts that could have led to widespread famine.

But this time the Qing state was significantly weakened by the middle of the century due to rebellions and strong British imperialism, and was completely unprepared for a crisis of this magnitude. And although both international and local aid was provided, much of rural China was left depopulated by famine, disease and migration.

1. Collision between Earth and Theia

Although this list was not compiled in any particular order, we decided to end it with a huge cataclysmic event of astronomical proportions that made our planet what it is today. And even if scientists are not 100% sure that this happened, there is good reason to believe that this is exactly what happened. About 100 million years after the planet formed due to the gradual collection of asteroids and other space debris, the young planet Earth collided with the planet Theia, a hypothetical planet in our young solar system. This planet is believed to have been about the size of Mars, or slightly smaller, and which 4.31 billion years ago flew towards Earth and crashed into pieces.

The force of the collision brought the two planets together, forming the Earth we know and love today. The pieces ejected from the collision were captured by the planet's gravitational field and then formed the Moon. The large size of the natural satellite relative to Earth strengthens the collision hypothesis. In addition, scientists analyzed lunar rocks from the three Apollo missions and compared them with volcanic rocks found in Hawaii and Arizona and found no difference in oxygen isotopes. Further evidence of the collision is that our planet's core and shell are unusually large compared to other rocky worlds in the solar system, like Theia's core and shell mixed with Earth's.

Video about possible natural disasters in the future. Life in the 21st century seems comfortable and safe, but man can control the power of nature within very modest limits. Scientists make their predictions based on research.

Over the billions of years of our planet’s existence, certain mechanisms by which nature works have formed. Many of these mechanisms are subtle and harmless, while others are large-scale and cause enormous destruction. In this rating, we will talk about the 11 most destructive natural disasters on our planet, some of which can destroy thousands of people and an entire city in a few minutes.


A mudflow is a mud or mud-stone flow that suddenly forms in the beds of mountain rivers as a result of rainfall, rapid melting of glaciers or seasonal snow cover. The decisive factor in the occurrence may be deforestation in mountainous areas - tree roots hold the top of the soil, which prevents the occurrence of a mudflow. This phenomenon is short-term and usually lasts from 1 to 3 hours, typical for small watercourses up to 25-30 kilometers long. Along their path, streams carve deep channels that are usually dry or contain small streams. The consequences of mudflows can be catastrophic.

Imagine that a mass of earth, silt, stones, snow, sand, driven by a strong flow of water, fell on the city from the mountains. This stream will demolish the dacha buildings located at the foot of the city along with people and orchards. This entire stream will rush into the city, turning its streets into raging rivers with steep banks of destroyed houses. Houses will be torn off their foundations and, along with their people, will be carried away by a stormy stream.


Landslide is the sliding of masses of rocks down a slope under the influence of gravity, often while maintaining their coherence and solidity. Landslides occur on the slopes of valleys or river banks, in the mountains, on the shores of the seas, and the largest ones occur at the bottom of the seas. The displacement of large masses of earth or rock along a slope is caused in most cases by wetting the soil with rainwater so that the soil mass becomes heavier and more mobile. Such large landslides damage agricultural lands, enterprises, and populated areas. To combat landslides, bank protection structures and planting of vegetation are used.

Only rapid landslides, the speed of which is several tens of kilometers, can cause real natural disasters with hundreds of casualties when there is no time for evacuation. Imagine that huge pieces of soil are quickly moving from a mountain directly onto a village or city, and under tons of this earth, buildings are destroyed and people who did not have time to leave the landslide site die.


A sandstorm is an atmospheric phenomenon in which large quantities of dust, soil particles and grains of sand are transported by the wind several meters from the ground with a noticeable deterioration in horizontal visibility. In this case, dust and sand rise into the air and at the same time dust settles over a large area. Depending on the color of the soil in a given region, distant objects take on a grayish, yellowish or reddish tint. It usually occurs when the soil surface is dry and the wind speed is 10 m/s or more.

Most often, these catastrophic phenomena occur in the desert. A sure sign that a sandstorm is starting is sudden silence. Rustles and sounds disappear with the wind. The desert literally freezes. A small cloud appears on the horizon, which quickly grows and turns into a black and purple cloud. The missing wind rises and very quickly reaches speeds of up to 150-200 km/h. A sandstorm can cover streets within a radius of several kilometers with sand and dust, but the main danger of sandstorms is the wind and poor visibility, which causes car accidents in which dozens of people are injured and some even die.


An avalanche is a mass of snow falling or sliding down the slopes of mountains. Snow avalanches pose a considerable danger, causing casualties among climbers, skiers and snowboarders and causing significant damage to property. Sometimes avalanches have catastrophic consequences, destroying entire villages and causing the death of dozens of people. Snow avalanches, to one degree or another, are common in all mountainous regions. In winter, they are the main natural danger of the mountains.

Tones of snow are held on top of mountains due to the force of friction. Large avalanches occur at the moment when the pressure force of the snow mass begins to exceed the force of friction. A snow avalanche is usually triggered by climatic reasons: sudden changes in weather, rain, heavy snowfalls, as well as mechanical effects on the snow mass, including the effects of rockfalls, earthquakes, etc. Sometimes an avalanche can begin due to a minor shock such as a weapon shot or pressure on the snow of a person. The volume of snow in an avalanche can reach several million cubic meters. However, even avalanches with a volume of about 5 m³ can be life-threatening.


A volcanic eruption is the process of a volcano throwing hot debris, ash, and magma onto the earth’s surface, which, when poured onto the surface, becomes lava. A major volcanic eruption can last from a few hours to many years. Hot clouds of ash and gases, capable of moving at speeds of hundreds of kilometers per hour and rising hundreds of meters into the air. The volcano emits gases, liquids and solids with high temperatures. This often causes the destruction of buildings and loss of life. Lava and other hot erupted substances flow down the slopes of the mountain and burn out everything they meet on their way, causing innumerable casualties and staggering material losses. The only protection against volcanoes is general evacuation, so the population must be familiar with the evacuation plan and unquestioningly obey the authorities if necessary.

It is worth noting that the danger from a volcanic eruption exists not only for the region around the mountain. Potentially, volcanoes threaten the lives of all life on Earth, so you shouldn’t be lenient towards these hot guys. Almost all manifestations of volcanic activity are dangerous. The danger of boiling lava goes without saying. But no less terrible is the ash, which penetrates literally everywhere in the form of continuous gray-black snowfall, which covers streets, ponds, and entire cities. Geophysicists say they are capable of eruptions hundreds of times more powerful than those ever observed. Major volcanic eruptions, however, have already occurred on Earth - long before the advent of civilization.


A tornado or tornado is an atmospheric vortex that arises in a thundercloud and spreads down, often to the very surface of the earth, in the form of a cloud arm or trunk with a diameter of tens and hundreds of meters. Typically, the diameter of a tornado funnel on land is 300-400 meters, but if a tornado occurs on the surface of water, this value can be only 20-30 meters, and when the funnel passes over land it can reach 1-3 kilometers. The largest number of tornadoes is recorded on the North American continent, especially in the central states of the United States. About a thousand tornadoes occur in the United States every year. The strongest tornadoes can last up to an hour or more. But most of them last no more than ten minutes.

On average, about 60 people die from tornadoes each year, mostly from flying or falling debris. However, it happens that huge tornadoes rush at a speed of about 100 kilometers per hour, destroying all buildings in their path. The maximum recorded wind speed in the largest tornado is about 500 kilometers per hour. During such tornadoes, the death toll can number in the hundreds and the number of injured in the thousands, not to mention the material damage. The reasons for the formation of tornadoes have not yet been fully studied.


A hurricane or tropical cyclone is a type of low-pressure weather system that occurs over a warm sea surface and is accompanied by severe thunderstorms, heavy rainfall and gale-force winds. The term “tropical” refers to both the geographic area and the formation of these cyclones in tropical air masses. It is generally accepted, according to the Beaufort scale, that a storm becomes a hurricane when wind speeds exceed 117 km/h. The strongest hurricanes can cause not only extreme downpours, but also large waves on the sea surface, storm surges and tornadoes. Tropical cyclones can arise and maintain their strength only over the surface of large bodies of water, while over land they quickly lose strength.

A hurricane can cause heavy rain, tornadoes, small tsunamis and floods. The direct effect of tropical cyclones on land is stormy winds that can destroy buildings, bridges and other man-made structures. The strongest sustained winds within the cyclone exceed 70 meters per second. The worst effect of tropical cyclones in terms of death toll has historically been storm surge, the rise in sea level caused by the cyclone, which on average accounts for about 90% of the casualties. Over the past two centuries, tropical cyclones have killed 1.9 million people worldwide. In addition to the direct effect on residential buildings and economic facilities, tropical cyclones destroy infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and power lines, causing enormous economic damage to the affected areas.

The most destructive and terrible hurricane in US history, Katrina, occurred at the end of August 2005. The heaviest damage was caused to New Orleans in Louisiana, where about 80% of the city's area was under water. The disaster killed 1,836 residents and caused economic losses of $125 billion.


Flood - flooding of an area as a result of rising water levels in rivers, lakes, seas due to rain, rapid snow melting, wind surge of water to the coast and other reasons, which damages people's health and even leads to their death, and also causes material damage . For example, in mid-January 2009, the largest flood in Brazil occurred. More than 60 cities were affected then. About 13 thousand people fled their homes, more than 800 people died. Floods and numerous landslides are caused by heavy rains.

Heavy monsoon rains have continued in Southeast Asia since mid-July 2001, causing landslides and flooding in the Mekong River region. As a result, Thailand experienced its worst floods in half a century. Streams of water flooded villages, ancient temples, farms and factories. At least 280 people died in Thailand, and another 200 in neighboring Cambodia. Some 8.2 million people in 60 of Thailand's 77 provinces have been affected by the floods, and economic losses so far are estimated to exceed $2 billion.

Drought is a long period of stable weather with high air temperatures and low precipitation, as a result of which the soil moisture reserves decrease and the suppression and death of crops occurs. The onset of severe drought is usually associated with the establishment of a sedentary high anticyclone. The abundance of solar heat and gradually decreasing air humidity create increased evaporation, and therefore the reserves of soil moisture are depleted without replenishment by rain. Gradually, as soil drought intensifies, ponds, rivers, lakes, and springs dry up—a hydrological drought begins.

For example, in Thailand, almost every year, severe floods alternate with severe droughts, when a state of emergency is declared in dozens of provinces, and several million people feel the effects of the drought in one way or another. As for the victims of this natural phenomenon, in Africa alone, from 1970 to 2010, the death toll from droughts is 1 million people.


Tsunamis are long waves generated by a powerful impact on the entire thickness of water in the ocean or other body of water. Most tsunamis are caused by underwater earthquakes, during which a portion of the seabed suddenly shifts. Tsunamis are formed during an earthquake of any strength, but those that arise due to strong earthquakes with a magnitude of more than 7 on the Richter scale reach great strength. As a result of an earthquake, several waves are propagated. More than 80% of tsunamis occur on the periphery of the Pacific Ocean. The first scientific description of the phenomenon was given by José de Acosta in 1586 in Lima, Peru, after a powerful earthquake, then a strong tsunami 25 meters high burst onto land at a distance of 10 km.

The largest tsunamis in the world occurred in 2004 and 2011. So, on December 26, 2004 at 00:58, a powerful earthquake of magnitude 9.3 occurred - the second most powerful of all recorded, which caused the deadliest tsunami of all known. Asian countries and African Somalia were hit by the tsunami. The total number of deaths exceeded 235 thousand people. The second tsunami occurred on March 11, 2011 in Japan after a strong earthquake of magnitude 9.0 with an epicenter caused a tsunami with a wave height exceeding 40 meters. In addition, the earthquake and subsequent tsunami caused the accident at the Fukushima I nuclear power plant. As of July 2, 2011, the official death toll from the earthquake and tsunami in Japan is 15,524 people, 7,130 people are missing, 5,393 people wounded.


An earthquake is an underground tremors and vibrations of the Earth's surface caused by natural causes. Small tremors can also be caused by the rise of lava during volcanic eruptions. About a million earthquakes occur throughout the Earth each year, but most are so small that they go unnoticed. The strongest earthquakes, capable of causing widespread destruction, occur on the planet approximately once every two weeks. Most of them fall on the bottom of the oceans, and therefore are not accompanied by catastrophic consequences if an earthquake occurs without a tsunami.

Earthquakes are best known for the devastation they can cause. Destructions of buildings and structures are caused by soil vibrations or giant tidal waves (tsunamis) that occur during seismic displacements on the seabed. A powerful earthquake begins with the rupture and movement of rocks somewhere deep within the Earth. This location is called the earthquake focus or hypocenter. Its depth is usually no more than 100 km, but sometimes it reaches 700 km. Sometimes the source of an earthquake can be near the surface of the Earth. In such cases, if the earthquake is strong, bridges, roads, houses and other structures are torn and destroyed.

The largest natural disaster is considered to be an earthquake of magnitude 8.2 on July 28, 1976 in the Chinese city of Tangshan, Hebei Province. According to official data from the PRC authorities, the death toll was 242,419 people, however, according to some estimates, the death toll reaches 800 thousand people. At 3:42 local time the city was destroyed by a strong earthquake. There was also destruction in Tianjin and Beijing, just 140 km to the west. As a result of the earthquake, about 5.3 million houses were destroyed or damaged so much that they were uninhabitable. Several aftershocks, the strongest of which had a magnitude of 7.1, led to even greater casualties. The Tangshan earthquake is the second-largest in history after the most destructive earthquake in Shaanxi in 1556. About 830 thousand people died then.

Numerous prophets warn us about future global tectonic cataclysms that will begin in the near future. And there are Hundreds of such prophecies!!! But no one pays attention to them. I will give just a few predictions about a global earthquake. If at least one of them comes true, we will all have to go through terrible times. Quotes from the book “Prophets about the Future of the World.” Eksmo, 2010

The book of the American clairvoyant David Wilkerson, “Vision,” describes a terrible tectonic in the United States, which will begin after an earthquake in Japan: “In the not very distant future, the most powerful earthquake in history will occur in the United States. The day is approaching when the media in this country will report terrible news - the most powerful and destructive earthquake in history. This message will cause widespread panic and fear. All television broadcasts will be interrupted, day after day they will talk only about this catastrophe.
It will be preceded by a very strong earthquake in Japan...”

Mother Shipton (1488-1561), who was given the name Ursula Sautel at birth and later nicknamed the “Witch of Yorkshire” for her witchcraft, warned future descendants of impending disasters.

Which will survive the 20th century,
They will live in fear and trembling.
Run away into the mountains and into the fog,
In swamps, forests and wild swamps.
Storms rage and oceans roar.
When Gabriel stands at sea and on the shore.
Humanity will tremble and be afraid.
The shores are bitten off, and then
The mountains will begin to roar
And earthquakes split the plain towards the shore.
And the flood waters rushing in,
Flood the countries with such noise,
That humanity will end up in a dirty swamp.
They bare their teeth, fight and kill.
And secretly hide food in secret mountains,
And angry with fear, they lie, kill, rob and steal.
A man runs in horror from the floods.
And he kills, and rapes, and is covered in blood.
And the blood shed by the hand of humanity
It will color and embitter many countries.
And man must flee, king, lord and slave.
The oceans rise to flood the shores.
You think this is strange, it will come true.
Not every soul on earth will die,
Not every land on earth will sink (sink),
But they will wallow in the stench and they will stink,
From rotting organs (bodies) of animals and humans,
From the vegetation there is a stench on the earth.

Balthasar Mas's vision (1630) of the flood in England: “I saw a country swallowed up by the sea and covered with water. Little by little the sea receded and I saw the upper parts of the towers and turrets of the cities, which became even more beautiful than before the flood. Someone told me: "This is England."

Bavarian dowser Alois Irlmayer, originally from Freilasing (Bavaria), about the fate of England: “There will be an earthquake and the southern part of England will drown. Three cities will be destroyed: the first by water, in the second, located above sea level, only the church tower will be visible, and the third will be completely destroyed. Everything will happen very quickly."

Prediction of the Lyon clairvoyant Marie Terreault (19th century) about a tectonic cataclysm: “The sea will flood the western parts of the United States. Open waters will appear in northern Greenland. Eastern and Southern Canada will remain, while Western Canada will disappear. Then a new land will appear in the Mediterranean Sea, in the area of ​​Mount Etna. The top of Europe will change in the blink of an eye. Marcel will be swallowed up. Paris will be destroyed like Sodom and Gomorrah."
Earthquakes and rising water levels will occur along the entire Mediterranean coast - Malta, Nice, Monaco, Pisa, Siena, Capua, Monaco, Sicily, Savona, Antibes. There will be significant changes to the coastlines of the English Channel, North and Baltic Seas. Le Havre will disappear, the sea will come to London. Denmark will be cut off from the continent. Scandinavia, Great Britain and Ireland will be shaken by a massive earthquake that will change their shores.
Geologically calm areas (despite earthquakes) are France, Belgium, Germany, Northern Italy and Switzerland.
Greece, Türkiye, and Southern Italy are likely to be very badly shaken. Australia won't budge. The coasts of Russia and India will be flooded."

In 1919, a German woman known as the Dresden Pythia predicted a future tectonic cataclysm and its consequences: “Parts of the French, Belgian and German coasts will be flooded. All of England will drown in the sea during a terrible earthquake... At the same time, the revival of the great continent will begin in the area of ​​​​the Azores (ancient Atlantis). Traces of ancient culture will be found there. Also, new lands will emerge from the sea in other places.”
“The world will be destroyed, as happened in Atlantis 11,000 years ago... Instead of Atlantis, all of England and part of the coast of Northwestern Europe will drown in the sea. And unlike the sunken regions, the Azores and the island of Poseidonis will rise again from the depths of the sea.”

American clairvoyant Dr. Lindsay on the global earthquake: “Australia will experience the largest earthquake. The volcano will erupt in the Mediterranean Sea, resulting in a huge tsunami wave. A minor earthquake will occur in California, causing only minor damage and wall cracks in homes in Los Angeles and San Francisco.
Exactly one year after these three events take place, a colossal convulsion will shake the entire earth. In California, the San Andreas Fault will move apart, and the lands to the west of it will begin to sink into the ocean. This global earthquake will cause tsunami waves of 150 feet worldwide that will flood most coastal cities. Huge cracks will appear in the ground. Many volcanoes will erupt. The whole earth will tremble."

Andrzej Czeslaw Klimiszko (1906-1980), Polish monk, psychic and healer about the destructive tsunami: “Huge waves move and swell like mountains. I saw that the transatlantic wall was swept away like a husk... Mountains of water were moving towards Europe. New wave! People are drowning and suffocating in Gibraltar, Spain! The Sahara, the valley of the Italian peninsula, on the Po River is flooded. Rome disappears under water with all the museums, with all the beautiful buildings...
Our country (Poland) should come out of this not too bad. Maybe five, maybe ten percent are doomed. I know that this is a lot, it is millions, but France and Germany will lose more. Italy will suffer the most. This applies to all of Europe. Poverty is approaching..."

The young Georgian stigmatist Tornike Jgernai, he claims, is visited by saints and informed of impending disasters. The seer warns: “Three tests await our planet: the poles will change places, then the darkness of Egypt will come, although the sun will shine, and, finally, a tsunami will pass through the Earth and destroy all life, so that we can all face the Last Judgment that will take place on earth Georgia". The General Apocalypse will occur in our time and during the lifetime of the Patriarch of Georgia Ilya II.

American clairvoyant Michael Gordon Scullion, in his book “Messages from Space,” describes the terrible consequences of a tectonic cataclysm, as a result of which vast areas of land on all continents will go under water. In the near future, he predicts an earthquake in San Francisco, which should mark the beginning of global tectonic cataclysms. “The former Soviet Union will be separated from Europe by a huge sea - the result of the confluence of the Caspian, Black, Kara and Baltic seas. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (except for the southernmost part) will drown in it. Divided almost in the middle by an island-ridge of the Ural Mountains, it will cover the entire European territory of Russia and Siberia up to the Yenisei. The following will be under the water column: Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan (except for one third in the southeast); Uzbekistan (except for the southeastern quarter); western Kazakhstan (only islands of the northern and part of the eastern territories will remain). A small eastern section will remain from Belarus, and part of the northeastern tip from Ukraine. Lake Balkhash will increase to the size of the state of Colorado, and Lake Baikal - to the size of Great Britain. The east of Russia will remain almost untouched, but a huge body of water will appear here - spilling deep into the continent near the Laptev Sea; Vast areas of the northern coast will also go under water.
Despite the catastrophic changes in Russian territory, Gordon Michael Scullion promises that the climate in the remaining lands will become more moderate, and this will allow Russia to become the breadbasket of Europe.

Amerikan clairvoyant Chuck Jungbrandt: “For many years since 1973, the Lord, by His Holy Spirit, has continued to give us a deeper understanding of this natural disaster. Today we know that Chicago will be at the center of an earthquake that will have an approximate radius of destruction of 300 miles. We believe this will be the worst earthquake in human history. Cities that will be destroyed after this earthquake: Chicago, Illinois, St. Paul, Minnesota, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, St. Louis, Missouri, Louisville, Kentucky, Indianapolis, Indiana, Detroit, Michigan, Toledo, Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati, Ohio, and Kansas City, Missouri - southwest. Southern Ontario and parts of Quebec (Canada), they will sink in the waters of the Great Lakes."

Appearance of Jesus Christ and Madonna Nancy Fowler (Conyers, Georgia): “Your country (USA) is in great danger, and you cannot survive as a great people if you are truly one nation under God...
Be prepared... These events have already begun... The Great Earthquake is coming. Repent... if you don't want these events to happen... the time is near... People don't hear, they see, these natural disasters are coming. Great destruction, great destruction will occur in the United States...”

Clairvoyant Vision Faro de Paz (Argentina): “I see that certain events will inevitably happen. This is what “happened.” Something is happening. It's hard to explain in words. Something that has already begun and there is no return...
I see everything we have created as human beings turning against us. So I see high-rise buildings, as well as houses, they shake and fall on our heads. Streets in cracks and open crevices, gas in pipes and underground cracks catches fire. Power lines are falling on us. Hydroelectric power stations break through like stale bread, all the water falls on the surrounding cities. Nuclear power plants are falling apart and contaminating everything in their surroundings. Highways are destroyed. The streets are blocked.
I see that I seem to be flying over the various disasters that I describe, and I shudder. And again I feel like this is an endless earthquake. The floor and all the buildings are moving in one direction, then in the other, again and again - to collapse. It seems like it will never end. Everything is collapsing, everything is burning. Everyone runs, not knowing where.
The sky is crazy and so are the people. The sun is at its zenith, as if it were noon, and after a while, twilight again. And again the Sun runs to the right, then to the left. It comes and goes. Comes at night and day again.
No electricity, no running water, no gas, nothing. I can’t say “time”... but I would say after a week the shaking of the earth subsides. The shaking of the earth subsided. But black smoke with the smell of rubber burning is still everywhere, grayish ash and dust are falling all the time. Fury of the winds. Eyes, nose, throat burns. Cough all the time. People are still confused... I've never seen so many people crying at the same time.
This is madness. Everyone is looking for what is left in houses and supermarkets, to find water, to drink, to eat, at least something. There are no hospitals, they have collapsed. I don't see doctors or nurses at all. There are no ambulances either. All streets are blocked by obstacles.
I don't see any beaches, shores or other surroundings that are out to sea for at least 5 km. There is almost nothing left in my city. I see Montevideo and Buenos Aires. There is only the sea, many other cities are also in the sea. I oversaturate over South America and the coast from the Atlantic Ocean to the interior 5 to 10 km.

In the collection of prophecies of the spiritualists of Argentina - “The Third Millennium”, edition of 1956, there are the following predictions about the future of our planet and all of humanity: “The days of a great catastrophe will come, hurricanes will destroy entire cities, a hell of fire will rise and the waters will become red with blood. The air stinks of deadly gases and germs will fall from above. Thus, many settlements will be destroyed, entire nations will disappear. Cataclysms will physically complete the deadly drama.
Europe will be a huge cemetery, Asia and Africa will become real deserts. America is terribly disfigured, Brazil and the republics of South America are vast ruins. Many countries will disappear during disasters. France, Italy, Germany are in smoke, England will disappear under water. No European state will escape the bloodbath. Asia, the islands of Japan, Australia and many other countries will be flooded.
South America will suffer from cataclysms, and its center will be flooded with water. A small part of Brazil will suffer from this, but its territory will be preserved.
The Earth's rotation axis will shift dramatically, causing large areas of land to be flooded. Water will flood vast areas and the surface of the continents will be reduced to one third. The seas will expand their water areas, and the lands will shrink due to the global flood.

Edgar Cayce (1877 - 1945) - famous American clairvoyant and healer: “The following changes in the physical appearance of the planet will occur: the territory of the western part of America will be split; most of Japan will go under water; the northern part of Europe will change in the blink of an eye; land will appear off the east coast of America.
In the Arctic and Antarctic there will be shifts in the earth's crust, which will lead to volcanic eruptions in the tropical zone. Then a shift in the [position of] the poles will follow, and as a result, the polar or subtropical zones may become the tropics...”
Geographical conditions in this country and throughout the world will gradually change. Many areas on both the East and West coasts, as well as the central part of the United States, will be destroyed.
In the coming years, new lands will appear in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, and many coastal areas will become the bottom of the ocean. Even many modern (1941) battlefields will be covered by the waters of oceans, seas and bays; New lands will arise with a new world order and a new course of events.
Many areas of the east coast near modern New York, or even most of New York itself, will disappear. However, this is the lot of future generations. Much earlier, the southern parts of the states of Carolina and Georgia will cease to exist.
The waters of the lakes (Great Lakes) will most likely flow into the gulf (Gulf of Mexico) rather than into the waters (Gulf of St. Lawrence) as has been recently discussed. The area (Virginia Beach) where the entity is now located will be among the safe ones, as will areas in the modern states of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, as well as most of southern and eastern Canada. At the same time, most of the western lands will be subject to destruction, which, of course, will also occur in other countries.”
“Fractures in the earth’s crust will occur in many places. First - on the west coast of America; then the northern part of Greenland will go under water; new lands will appear in the Caribbean. Destructive earthquakes will shake the entire territory of South America right up to Tierra del Fuego, where a new land and a new strait will be formed.”

Visions of American clairvoyant Raymond Aguilera (1991) (from The Book of Prophecy).
Vision of July 4, 1992 In this vision I saw planet earth from outer space. The planet's axis has shifted, it is tilted more than before.
July 16, 1992 “...what happened to the cities in the Bible with earthquakes will happen to California. The earth will open and it will eat everything that is dirty, until the stench of bodies makes your nose hide from the smell of everything dead.”
A vision of a map of the world, then a bloody knife cut this map. Planet earth, but the surface of the earth looked like the surface of a human brain. Parts of the geological plates of the Pacific Coast, the area between Washington State, Oregon and Northern California, they looked as if they were being torn apart or separated. Then I saw a river of lava, and above the river of lava I saw Three Ringing Golden Bells.
Vision of March 29, 1999 “Everything that was, everything that will be, will change at 5 o’clock. All the power in the world will move to the right - then move to the left - then move to the right - then move to the left. Then everything will change at 5 o'clock. Because Our time has come to cleanse out all the dirt and sin. The blast sound will sound at 5 pm on the day of the big bang. When the moon is full."
Considering the time difference between these geographical points, in Moscow a series of terrible tectonic disasters will begin in the morning at 6 o’clock - Note by S.V.

American clairvoyant Veronica Luken “I repeat, the number of earthquakes will increase. California should be amazed. New York must be amazed. As I said before, there will be earthquakes in places that have never known earthquakes…. They will not have time to repair the damage done” (1985).
Vision of October 2, 1974: “A catastrophe of enormous proportions is approaching your country! Are you prepared for this? Then there will be great earthquakes in your country. The earth will tremble, houses will fall and many people will be sent into oblivion! Many of them will be unprepared and will go to Satan! Pray, pray, my children! Send this warning to everyone. A great disaster is approaching humanity! Your country will not escape this punishment. My child, punishment will overtake you in the near future. This is a warning for all humanity!